HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-08-03, Page 7' t By A,.
liecent exeurribme In WeStern Q4- •Slieep neiliatitrhed, -within _thy ,perlee-
aiefe *ale dealled fOrth on MY partt "ftil *Urine,
os' ii 'IMpreSsion$ t'Serne of f 701 Ankt"..1$' Wa,Ice ftwe .witit Such nOte$
wilivh may be found, here:
Lambton county after a
`0,10 trirndS. Qne gOOtt men who, .liad
rt gbOWn Old in the many yearif we, had
not met took time off /rem his imsY
.- day. •have a reel ViSit with "me, raid
, much' appreciated Togethev ,-we
• bed ,worked in church life over.,thirty
yearm age. *.He had only one fault, and.
ithat was \ unpunettudity. Always add
Onsiderable absence I Met many geoll- One . -evening in --retrOlitt--44, 4-4141te-r.
teifeh,erS And elergY, •ftinotig minty
storieS thirr Was told by a 4o1109f.
teacher.. Welched for it truth'
*and..Said it WaS by a young min
who,teught in our northland, end: was
hit; oiwn. experience. . In that 0011001
secthei, so tar httek in:Northern 'Ontario
cri4tein-tO.1,arrange for the
teacher to board arounit'.---FtUnong
pecte(1 there, and tben you',might have
tO Wait a' little for his coming. • Ilik;
erharaeter. 64eer integrity, And 144, t s. yoking man was eli,hanghlg from ()Ale there until they- :rine
fatuities,. say two. weeks here and two
weeks there, through the. Vrin, -when,
off cattle
Storleif, Are
to tbli*. day. ',Once
hOrned heitat, *Mad : h
had mede a petted ries to keep it
While' the' bidding 3Ivae on, he coeld
hardily -refrain trete „Deirkkg fnu at --a.
bewhiskered •man in the, crowd, Who
Wak3 tar trout being the victim of. hie
Yarn. He Said thatInte tinielie vvent
to a meeting house ef a certain evan4
&Mt -permaelen - where they were
keen 4)11 making praying rings 'round
StrangerS, and particularly if they Were
Marked iiinner$: Curly said there was
one old Mau. with a long' beard there,
who looked like the One et the auction
sale, who hii(t. Come to the Meeting
and eertainly• needed • praying ' for,
though he WOuldnt. own up to that:
formed a ring arolind-laiiii-nt one
simeirrus, end of the harilding and even
•exceilencies of were a Merry good:nature, , hi • claimed hands that be should 'remain
•••foreard-leader in every good, cause in -1J)+,24iirterl" to , Anethe e l'elVellea te` beWhiskered shiner objected •and t ed.
.he'eopiiimeity. rie was 00 closely as- t-----,ts, Otie„Of these hospitable homes -
,. to 'get free; lint the. more he tried the
, ..„.,
. •-+-
"Atoeigt,sti :With the rural Church by iiis 4t- hntigteciV4-01% tix•e• _ 4.ve'lLhing more 'they Heem' ea determined, . `to keep
heme that when his name was mem, w,,,,iit,s,,lit-cenfupion, for Vadat the good- mui there '.i.uitil Pelatenee 1.arld 'tears'
, , .., , but aNired that he "-W.-ere' forthemning:u lie tried this 'pert
40nou'Yon thought' of the Cluireha • Ile ''''".4'.° 401°01Zed
*Atte lin OrceedinglY clear, • resonant ,illight-,Intlkes the bOst of it illtil tit" a the ring to Storm parif the ciaSlied
got Iliings right; and that vvoulduet bands, end then -that part and. again
seeiee That was a -pleasure to liear, be hong, i'or the' first night they had ,
at another ,,,,Possilde ',„ 'Opening as he,
taughti..it to ask that he sleep In the seine room thought. ,Ruf each rime he was re
In the Bible class which' lie-
401111,nated all ether velce$ of teachers as two two, hteecy, *ten -age hoy$ who la!di: pulsed with
who taught, itnyvvhere near. I noticed extra Closing in. of the
the a
provided for -the time being will.' militant : praying'. :people, Curly - said,
;.lrie tvoice_ was Just Ole- same after t4e a ,hed in the the guest ram, re tolomg
"'"--- "I laughed and laughed. I never saw
-passing of the •yeark-e• He makes MQ
' think'. of an `epitaph in a. churchrard heti also wail placed. At bedtime the such a pea example of #le 0110004
- f boys went off to bed but evidently not game we used to play, We called it
inmy-eld-home-count-in --finglant,,--4rto sleep.* They talked qind-tteoled- and 'bull in the: ring '4' -and .'tlie Oiti" win
,where the parish clerk lies buried- On as the Will."
'curly' 11$, More---;cOndne.ta i auction
sales. His voice and activities, have
been stilled In death for some Utile
now. But .we shall always remember
Win'. for the---Sunsliine he put intoso:
many lives in and around that town -
hip. ' '' ' 1
laughed. 40.0 'made mueu noise; and
,even when the *young man ;teacher re. -
turned 'td'occupy his bed in the
room they kept uptheir hilarioustalk
and doings, much to the 'Chagrin of the
parents below: At:last-the-tether-got
Irate and said if. there WOS to be no
pipipg demi by _ the boys he 'would'
cone up there and Strap them, And:
risr rateia&vv§i
_ _ _
the- strati: l'or--!'dlSeiPline; There- was. a.
little lull after .this warning, but the
boys forgot about it 'and -still kept .1,4)
the noise 88(1 laughter which hindered
anyhaey from going to sleep. ' The
father, --true to his, word, in tlie dark-
ness secure.d,a good leather strop and
without getting a light entered the
room where the boys and teacher were,
with -a griiii deterininationto .put. 44
end to this fooling. Not knowing how
the women- had, placed the beds for, the
., housecleaning time. It never ncearrOct,
to hirktilat he might_get to the wrong
bed; and he turned in the gloom to the
peed to bethe teacher's. Turning
down' the clothes he .proceeded to lay
the 'Strap . heavily and repeatedly on
1‘nat'part of 'the -body that generally
thtn best niget with punishment.. The
boys were 'silent ntiw. They were hid-
den under- the „clothes in_the.ir bed'
.. .
.marvelled that the: teacher Was "tak;
•', ,ind there was nester _a Word
cirproteat or "holler." The father,
Seeminglyjmtisfied that fie.had reduced.
:all te silence. ',went out of the ,roorn
again unaware - of his Mistake. 'Talk
.about taking it!That teacher WaS a
king ie theestimation of those boys
and .of that father -if ever he found
out his 'ratlike. ,
' the tQrnl)stone it reads:
The vocal ,'powers let us mark
'Of Phial), Our late parish Clerk.
In church .none ever heard...a layman
With clearer voice say an- Amen, *
Who 114* with hallelujahs , sound
Like hint can make the roofs rebound.
Ate Choir lament ide -choral tones,
... . .... .
• :Muir e# iAriatia
TOE CANowlaN ralltliaNKSuMOkie
CO timitto'
*628 Frani-St: W. Toronto
ocyliaa'N4T-4.0.t, 011 11117-Tpurir-ole
vildts thig July, as -August -has- -a-
-Achedule when I expect to be there
for a- few days. Then I would like to
visit the grare of my old, friend Luther
there last.' -Luther, thirty- years 'ago,
had itwo great and wonderful gifts
that 1 thought he , did not
•ticielitlt. He had the 'faculty to nitrate
ethers and surprise yell -with•-'neises
of beasts and birds AM re'''cePtAduzd
them to perfection. Also, .11e had "a
most retentive ,meinory. I- am' told
large portions of it, aod also put.•in.
the"gestUres and. tones Of tbe.procher.
He was not iu the habit of 'doing 'this.
Nor, would he: e'er make light of any
pod tiring or cause. But in -a. party
he •had a way -with-hire thatwith the:
Aid and mimicry he was
an Al entertainer.: X often wished that
I dOUld borrow his:.tnenibry When tak-
ingor~:ztudfeb hi pond
ouS • volurnes of ,philoseram nndjpyscliol-
ogy. 'Ile_ certainly taught pAe ,and
many others the art of a .fine hospital-
ity and friendship. , '
Just now, while writing this; I hap-
pened to turn over an Old notebook and
found this about the great- MitcauleY,
.who wrote in his diary when crossing
to, Ireland from England at, one timne:
"I put On my great cootand sat on the
.deck •during the whole , of the voyage.
,As could not read used an excel-
-lent ,substitute for: --reacting. I .1went
throtigh 'Paradise'Lest' in my .:head.
I's -as Daivn -township,. on the
grpupd where: •"Curly?' -Brown, the
well-known auctieneer, conducted so
many farm sales. Ple-toId Stories to
the glee Of his rural `COmpitnies,gath-
ered iii -the lee side ,of • strawS(ack
or ii:harn,:Where. breezily -auctioned eoUld* still repeat half Of it and that
Win,gbara pruperty; ewner re to
vote .04 A.ugnet 21$t. uu 141441F to
grent $15,009 toWartie the erectiOn* of
an addition to the 1410141 In that
Own. - , ,
MrfeJonatifen Kyild, of Exeter, tiled
on- Friday last in her eightieth year.
Sife•- reirverr thlity:Six direct descend-
uts,, three .rons, two daughters, four-
teeu -.1rfindelfik1ren Seventeen
grea liandebildren: • -
nOttuces the marriage of her daughter,
Ruth Mildred, to „Harry' It. ConnOrk4,-
• Petty Officer 'U.S.' Navy,. October, 4443.
'Mrs. Connors. is 4 elerelierpf,•the etaft
Of AlhanY Hospital, Albany, N.Y., .and
her husband IS serving Witik. We tiavY •
'in the ,Atlantic theatre, •
-*Pete lying iestrtXtors from the
Centralia air training 'sehOol` were
seriously injured on Friday, last when
their Anson plane crashed when, lend.
hag at a relief geld at Grand
They; Were taken, by amleilunee to the
air - sel4oe1 -hospital at Centralia: The
Men were PO,'ThoMes J. Muleair, from'
•Outremorrt, -Que.,. PO. C. It: it. rririg,,
from Zoting, SaSir. _ ,
The -death occurred in Sta.111-ef.toWn.•
Ship, near-Biheefteld, on Saturday, of'
Annie F.-. Carter, Wife of John E.
Pepper, after ft Prolonged illness. Mrs.
PenPer,, who was In her SiXty'-eixth
year, was bore in- Clinton and spent
the early years of her life in Oaderich
township._ Since her marriage in 1991
her -home was:ln Stanley. • Surviving,
besides 'the- -husband, are _three._ Sena
chureh district, met with a . painful
accident in -Wingham .recently. Her
son, , had been changing :a 'tire at a
-garage and she Was, standing beside the
agp.inst the running board, commenced
to „roil and struck her at the back" of
the': knee, causing her to fall back-
wards. She tell* heavily on, her left
hand, :breaking-thelarge
wrist„-and_clislocating the other
:}Nriiplin,',and hand -were put ta aeast
at the .Wingluun hospital.-
Station at Bluevales ,
The-:(1.N.R. station at, Bluevale , is
being repaired, preparatory to its being
reopened and„ an agent pieced at the
IRY• Vdtut -da4Oe4 -
"Oneof the mein thhigs: we fellows
keep in. mind 'here in Normandy is, -the
knowledge that the, folks at- home are
backinguS„,,to the limit. ,It's a great
comitrt 15--06'." "
This - is what one bey Wrote home
to -his Mother, in one of th-e first letters
to corn e backf, to Canada from Prange.
•He went on.;:-,''Th,e; great' •,_,,„nes'" of
etinipinent• being brought lir' would
stagger your:,i,h4aghiation. C4•1.14S, tanks,
artillery, jeeps, handgreinideS; supplies
for total war,: food for thousands- of
men': The trucks -MoVe . up the roads
If th-VETifi-dfe-dTifr-gigliTctiTT
we hudn't faith 'in the ability of
the Allies to keep this rolling along,
:we'd be in bid :shape.We- keow that
the -horde frons of all. our Mlles ---e
steady and secure and they will -se to
it that we get our,supplies pronto': -We
also kuow that, there IS ,a let niorc
where these are, ceanifi''
- That is a priceless tliiig for fighting
raen to haVe-Lfaith. 111 -Ili -6, People at
'horiie: It .gives thenr coeficlence 1111(1 :11.
sense' of securitythat iiPthing cisc
,eduld. " - _
They- have faith :in their allies, arid
ther 'have faith in OW; another. With-
out this they couldn't have facecl the
blazing gnus of the beachhead, the
booby traps and machine guns They
. Last week, in an *red, isoment of our. own, we stated
"-there- never -Wats- d'ilJetter -tiMe than now .to ..pay slebts,!" -
So many apPro70c1ofthe-s-uggestiou"and _acted .on it, that.
are citing Attention to i.t.again',
We beii.eve about 85- peii-cent, of the people are gen..
laiinely Anxious to 'Pay tiller debts; the other 15 per cent.
through indifference .for the rights Of others, or a liiistaken
idea .,of their own importance AO niit meet their iblancia4
-- rpsponsibilities, until pt:eSsed It is the latter class to whom.
tb.is advertisement is directed. . •
.We ask all .subscriber s to check the libel on their
paperif the 'date is not what it should be, please let us
know at once so the necessary correction can be rnade,
now :that-'theY-are-_.-lightbfg: ethe
-for- rt -great- toramoo- cause, • ..- -
And behihd the leaders, the com-
manders and generals; behind the fight-
ing:Soldiers of earth, air and Sett, there
is faith in us -the folks at home, the
workers, The. welders, the riveters, the
men and women who . Work on pittneS,
A 'paratrooper standing before the
• yawning darkness„,pf the quiur,...floors
.knowS that his ' paraclaute, bas been
packed right, He has faith in the pet -
son who packed it for 'him. -
They have faith that we, the lichne
root, are, stantlinsleid-
ly. With tools of war; Munitions, sup-
plies:- They See-'-iu their mind's, eye
rows of arinaments tailing Off
the assembly lines. They know nal
bullett aed shells are being -turned out
in a never-ending, supply, that .food is
being grown ' and shipped, mail- that
more is ever ou the WaY•
_ - It may seem a far :crY-,,frfmllvrir that
the •price "of sugar or bread_ is not
allowed to move . upward-. - But bow
about the price of steel, nickel,
powder, rubber,. lucite, plane's" coin -
pass . . . camouflage paint .Tor,in. in-
VaSion barge? '1 •
:Keeping the home front prices On
an evenkeel will keep all 'prices at
a steady ,fe'Vel. •ICS lip to • us '-'-every
'citizen of Canada -to .do his part.
station. Foe Ogre Sodrrio thion
Weir no fitatiOn alont, the expreee mod
freight Waitress being brindled limier
other arrangement*.
Rebertsereeereeeter 'y
.At the home of ildfr..,and 3Xri. Jams
Forster, West Wawatfosh, int SOW.
day, jUir 22udi-lthe3r-41aweir4ets, Jaan
laiZabetb, Wit4 44104 14 lastertage
Adam Alexander Robertoon, 1004 pi
.A.thuff Robert**, gest Waweareth. 'Ore
WIlson. After ft Wedding 'trip to
points :north- Jite young coup10,, wILL
make their home in V. est' WawanOtth.
wtughtua .Zsted, opt.* was Uto
scene'of, It pretty wedding 94 $sturdart
July 22nd, ;When _FratelAl. ktene
ter of Mrs. Felgar'aild-tlie:late fleOrge.•
Edgar of Aiorris tewnehip, bee4ine''the
bride of John It, Schnitz, son of Mr. •
and Mrs, GeOrge SebuitZ, 'Kitchener.
MeePonfild of Pict -
now, cousin of the -bride, 'officiated.
Mr. and Schultz will reside at
Kitchener, -
New 'Rector ."
at- Present rector!. of Christ • Church •
(Angliean),•Lendoni will become'reeter
of St. Thomas' Church,. Seaforth, when
Rev. Pr. It. P. 'I):,1-IfirfOrd, now of
Seaforth, :,goes to, London as rector.
of Christ• amen. The ._e=ttange
place this month. Rey...Mr. Gilbert is
ntitive,..of Sherbrooke; Que.,
Noted 'Bandsman ,
,i,Prederfek-- Wa:
citizen: of Clinton; .died on Whigs ay
last in ;his Seventy-second year. He
was a nittirle of Aniutru,but spent the --
greater part of his life in -Clieton as
tr,-hardware-sa-UMM---.,,,Ile---,-waS,•-a-- -
noted musician and in addition -to his •
membership' -in .the Clinton4 brasS, band
lie organized, the' Clinton pipe- -band,
of which he was leader and his ..sons
-1143:•11. 1i:tether;Williiufl, -Were Members: ••• „
He 1 avek besides hi,s wife; three sena; ,
Cob .
Centralia; PrOlaklin. C., of Clinton;
the best half. • I really never enjoyed,
it so' rauch.''. How , many of us tan
repeat- ten lines of this: -excellent yet
lengthy Poem of -the great Miltoo?
recall about seven lines Of it, com-
mencing • "Still evening came t and
twilight gray .had in- -her sober 'Itrery
all -things -clad." That.*•thefoory lesson
of forty-three years' ago aft .public
school .perhaps will never • leave me.
But a punctilious, astonishing memory
InY family say I have not, and espec-
ially when I lay My glassres down, or
ferget that I °was to be ,at -home for
supper, at a, certain- time.
LEEBURN • tt.ug Hugh
Chisholm is here from Sarnia- for two
weeks. "
Visitor's at Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Phis-
belueslionie on-SundaY were Mr. Atvin
Whaling-aod,,grandson. and Mrs. Mary
"Bowler, from Atwood. Miss Alma
Chisfielm returued__,-home with, -plena,
after ' spending- two weeks' ,holidays
there:.. • .
Church service' was held last Sunday.
Mrs: Grace McQearrie of Goderich and -
'Mrs..' sttod Young of Toronto were
among the.; congregation. There will
'PORT Ai4BERTbe no service 'hh
ere for the montet
August, • the pastor, Rev. Harold *Currie,
being on holiday. • '
PORT A.LBERT, Aug. 1. -Mrs. Dan Dan Congratulations :are due to 'Miss
Alton of Belfast spent the -.past two Maryhelle Chisholm, who lately .
ie -
weeks at the home of her -daughter, ceived•honors in her MUSIC examination
Mil. Percy Graham. • " • in grade 4, piano.
Private• Arnold' Hodge, .of the .Can- (Intended gor last week)
adian Reserve Army, 'stationed at, LEEBURN, ju1kz-4--S0me.... of our
Chatham, spent last weekend .at the .farthera-attended the sate Of the late.
home of his parents. Ed. Lawson's .Stock and implements*
Mrs. Richard -Reed 'spent th,e Week-! on Wednesday gjast week. ' •
.end, at. the home of her sister, Mrs, • Haying is netirV• over for another
Bay 'Altdiir at Belfast. ' • - , • Year. The crop Went in ifl fine shape,
There will be no service at the United there -•being no rain of any account . to
church during the month. of August, ,Spoil it. -The rain which came last
The minister„., Rev. IL L Vickerson, week was • much appreciated for -the
will beon his holidays: . Rev. 'Mr. grain, fruit and root ',crops. - •
•Ha.kleyvotid of 'Toro)* eonducted •the W.M.S.-7-T1(e • july meeting
service last Sunday and delivered "an of the •Wilg.S.. of Leeburn church was
interesting address. • held on Wednesday July at the
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Graham and home of MISS_ Helen_ Cam*, with seven.
family spent Suiaday Witli Mr. and Mrs. members land seven visitors ' present.
-Gordon Orr of Gocierich township. The devotional exercises Were eon-,
- Miss. Marjorie McKenzie vyas •home &Acted by Mrs. Elainilton Clutton. The
from aainiiton for the week -end.. -4q-program in the Missionary Monthly was
"-Miss--Kathleeir'--Crawtordr Reg:N., on followe,d. Miss Prlith _Horton . read .4
the staff of Goderich hospital, is ell. prayer. The temperance leaflet was
I feud hy the leader _ane Mrs. , (Rev.)
lier parents find has been -visiting Mrs, Currie reed from the study book. 'The
-Clifford .41Ipatrick and Mrs. :lames meeting,. closed with singing and the
WilSou -Of near • Dungannon for -a- few; benedietion • -Lunch-wag- - served- by
gy• the hostess.
Miss -Menthe Graham, nurse-in7.) • • , • - -
training ..at St. Joseph's Hospital, lon.-..".•• iREDUCTION IN BUTTER -RATION
don, Is spending three Nireeksa holiday FOR AUGUST
With her parents.A recent order ofthe„Wartime Prices
Mrs. Robt. Okeand Miss Kathleen and Trade' Board ha's announced the
Crawford spent -last week -end holiday- temporary suspension. of, the , butter
Jagat .PortElgin. ration. This has been done by qxteusl-
. . '
4. The Ashfield Patriotic Society will ink the die date .of the next butter
meet at the home et Mrs, Victor Green coupons until August 10. In this way
on Tuesday afternoon, the -8th. The there 10 a period of three weeks -during
ladies will be packing boxeS' for the vehich.no butter coupons. becothe
local boys overseas. All donations 'This saving, of one-half • 'mom& of
will he gladly receivedfor the boxes. 'butter per person :does* not appear to
All the ladles of the ceremunitr are bnietintilupciihe',d1:ribity7nennit'dtliait,.: .plioaplfatottiionn. dis
borgitilly invited .to 'attend. • ,.
The W.M.S; or..theAlpited. church' aniounts to over half it million Pounds
Met last Thursday afternooh at the of Abeueottredring to- the ,D'emitkieh :Bureau
'home of. Mrs, • Itiehard• Reed, With
twenty ladies present. **Interestieg of ,Statisttes, butter supplies in *Ceti -
readings' were given by Mrs: lames ada on July 1, were cloven nearly 5
'McKenzie and Mrs, .1Iarry teenor, million pounds from the sttieka on
'The study book Was taken by Mrs. hand on julY 1 of 1943., In additien,
Bert Crawford and Was Inuch enjoyed, tsliehrprottiiilc,iyoenaretacsreatnicereraysehai slightly
hostess.. a
A 'dainty lunch was eerved .by time
omore than five PO CW1t.p while butter
, ,
consumption has increased about
teen tier eerit, for the saine period:.
The production of butter • cannot be
increased to meet this higher deinand
iVithout causing great hardship in soine
Aher'phases of the d'airy,AtidastrY; as,
:Por•extunple,--cheese,.. evaporated Milk,
?ream, milk pOwder and lee ereann
In. the hist few years; the produttioft
of milk has hit ,an ali.tipie
peak. But it 'is not expected
that the total milk preduetion
this, year will exeeed that Of -last year
very, Much., More butter is produeed,
during the 81111011er iremtlis than is
heeded. That extra butter isplaced 111
storage to meet. the Iemarals of the
'whiter 'When, More butter -Is eaten than
is produeed. This Situation • likeWiffe
influeneed the temporary 'eurtitilmetit
in the butter allovranee.
denghter, Mrs': E, Jacob,' ClintOM.
A. younger sim, Plt. Sgt Qbarles` a
Muteh, was ,killed aetien .maltar-
;in 1942. '
COMB 110NiE3: ,
AQQ0rdillg to -a.'reeent annointeerrient
by the prices and siiiippiy represent-
ative for Western Ontario, eoeab honey
has been removed from tlie list Of re-
ioned.--iireserves-i---When--it is offered.
fer-vile In standard,seetiOns 414 ieelres
be 4% filches>, or 4-itebes by 5 inches;
Out eeinb :hewever, end
trotted honey. are tll1 listed- as ra-
tioned eonimodities, on - the,- basis of,
two ,mounds per ' preserves eoupon.
Speeial vouchers for the ,purchase .01!
hOneY bY mall order eer: be, seeured
from 1oil . ration boards in exchange
for .preserves pOtipens. •One Ventlier
issuedin exchange for four preserves
eoupens, eacli-*voticher being good for
the anal order purchese .of . eight
pounds of 110110. -
' vvEEkt-‘1.0 NEvvAP,A,FERS, OF •cANADA
$W(FT GU 0114 ill .00,KATcb4
• OTTAWA, July .31„ -.-Details 'Of, the
Sixth* Victory Loan Are tow srevealed:
On .an.. objective -of• $1,200,900;000, -pup-
scriptions tota1le4.$1,407,547,650, with
3,77,0,000 indiVidual ariplications. The,
arnied.forcesbought .$47 millions,,those
overseas $13 milliOns. 'Finance Min-
ister Ilsley„ told,' the 'House a -904.
mons thatcost of the issue would not
exceed 88 cents fcir- each 1Q0.
Because of the exiatetiee of an ade-
quate pool of trained pilots; stispension
of recruiting., for Canada's nir",force
until Octoberl was alitibuneed'cAdmitly;
by Air Minister POwer. It was pointed
out that this will not 'affect the output
of aircrew for 'approximately' a year.
Because of this reserve; pilot training
-flying training
schools will be -lengthened by eight,
Weeks and only , those-, best qualified
Nowhere' ha§ ther'e. stich
• abeowa,Ibloaled t4-teo,fi.ecaorant:huo:poti:uinniin:
rked benefit -from the 'Ce*
as' pilots: • All eategories• a air crew
and dittribution -eontr I - '9111)?:t1 -
to earm-commisslops...It is likely that - , as with he :
hese regulations wl11: .result- in the
schools turning out the best ,Aralped
pilots in :hist97.;
atimis in France, were completed, ahd.
the reasoo..is, of coarse, obvionSt/ The
R.C.A..r. now has .a, two-way mali ker.-
vice-, linked • with postal notate hi,
Gibraltar, Italy. and the Near
The ' hens of Canada Are cackling
mightily for l3rititio. xels.astonighilig.
.to learn that the Special Products'
Board of the Dominion ,Department of
Agriculture bought forexport- to the .
British Ministry of. food 3,700 carloads -
of egg g *from Janilary 1 !to '.'Jtine 28
this year. That means ahont l-00,000
-cases or .72 tailliOn 11.0Zell. • Last year .
for this period -the . purehases were ,
1,700, carloads, ninlier or eases -par-
-chased from various Provinces were as •
follows: B.C., 155,000; Alberta 363,000;._
Saskatehewan 455,004; Manitbba 2714,-
.--000;---Ontario- 090091-f •Quebett- 143i0001:-*
Nr Brunswick 2;600;
To -build or not to bend, that is the
QueStion Which was discussed recently'.
hi the Ho,use of Commons by the -rar-
liamentary , assistant to the Minister
of Munitions and . Supply. Ile gave
severalreasons-for. deferring Constrec-
tion of -homes :except where it is es-
sential in order tp meet ' housing re.
qtdreinents. •" One advantage is that
postponethent ef-building will suPPlY 1
a backlog of construction -activity -: for 1_
employment..Purpeses . atter ,..the...,Y;Ar.1..,
Another is that inaterial available
at,- -present- are In _-rusuy : cases -tub-. .,
stitutes: or alternatirtAraterials. The
demand': for luniber.. for wiir bUrposeir'
does not slacken; ,Canada's increased
shell prOgram calls for more steel,.
while productipe of brick,,tile and.cbm-
crete 'blocks is well below normaltlind
supply of hot-air furnaces will not
begini-tO meet the flemand.• In most
areas, too- plumbing Supplies are in
short. supply. • • .
* * '* : ,
, fifty-three- million :poOnds . of the
100;000,000' pounds of beef Canada;,has
agreed to Ale to thd Un,ited•Kingdoin t,
In 1944.-45 hitS already gone there, even •
though* the contract Ints •' justbeen
signed; ..,13tit the British are going to
take all that. we can make available,
so- when the contract is 'over it may
he three or four times the reininnini
figure Stated. • This represents the
equivalent 01! 250,000 eattle ivained„up
to thirty. million dollars:, One of the
factors in, the coetract ,is reported to.
he that fresh-:Careidian.beef can be
landed tette Old Country in ten -daYs,.
While-tha.t shippad from the Argentine
takes three %timeslig loug.- in rlie.liast
the 'hilfi Shipped 1,25000
heed of cattle to the U.K. in a year.
This contract, accerding to Agrieultur.
al . Minister .Gardiner, assures floor
prieeS for beeCon a revised settle, and
further Will not -disrupt doniestie sup.;
plies to a 'point 'Where 'meat ,ratiiming
will be neeessitry again. -
• • 4. j. *,
jest -recently, three Plying' Fort-
resses landed at Iteeirliee airport, Ot-
tawe, tarrying eight tons of mail, about
750,000 -letters for the folks back home'
,froru our (Matiedian meti end women
oversea. 'Thebig load was the re-
sult Of' a hold-up by British tensors
Who were waiting while P.1)fty °per. 1
country general. store Ei-
total business increase -since 1939, ac-
cording to official •estunates -tabulated
at (ttaa s around sikty per .cent.• •
To fhow the Telatil-e position of.
VariffaS types ot_inerelunas, here are..
,fignres_ort sale§ volunie for the year
1943.: .Por department stores and mail
order houses there was a decrease of
onelyer cent.; chain, 'tore' also showed
a .decrease 2.3 per cent.: independent
storesg not Ancluding country geOeral
stiyes, increased 5S per centand the
eonnirr "e.tore__Inereased--.9.52--per---cent.-
If ocutfonoi vionesr i14 .needed
Possibly we can assist you
through.our Rmining.deptirtmeut'
. -
Attraetive,• terms. Alt inquiries
treated, confidentially.
.moprreAG.E.,cpcotAxioNLondon -. .