The Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-08-03, Page 6TO V. By 01,*AWA° ltdy 31. The Ylife.rttin- Ute 'exiterieneeti of prinsaist' indestrieS in Ins years*following the last war are the reason for the efforts being mOsie • 'to Set tip bilfferS, againSt the efteetasof possible. depression, after this war. Tise bill to set a floor on agricultural ratleetS in. the transition period. is aks from Peat* Tower esses Crowd on Parliament Mil ..:' Snell a , istifeer. It Aims to! jive assui- Anee' to lite farmer $ that -they will net . PleasPres of •soelais sk,curity siesseis slew Ite.,1eft tt.irtey to dePressed Prkes when 41..12" PO ge4,041.1Y ,neeePted ,88 4:tomilig ,---ih_e_s_was.„, eras- . ,_. ss, . . -. NN!glu_,4the...Ir.espousibility of goVere.:. sare Cat off and the ,world econoniy is .nierliss-114&-Tiftst-vage•-s-slit-----spoeses: . -going " threngb, its period of adjuslinent !ween Site PominiOn, and the ri6V111C0S' to Mace- essaditions:: A board et three IS not, th,erefeSe perfeetlY . diStinct :on': , ,, van be appOlitted ittunediately. ' This euestionS Of the itied. '..There hae been hoard will-stUdy-conaitions•now exiss-no , differeece of opiniOn OP the-ini. •Ing When eeillug Priees are iiPetating iltortance -of raising, .the*.st4litlard ef, and will),Psas,a, ,position•When the end lite 411 the -poreinio,ii in„„se far Ali; W. 'the •vvaf 'cones' to study conditionS e'rhPluts are epPahle of 'doing 'it, A, eritteism, has beensadvanced that' the' rlmlly43.14WAnfOS There has not been a, great deal of serieus imposition in the • 'tense of Coeution$ to the fondly allowances bill. Soule doubt has beets advanced AS to whether the Federal Parliament has the pewer under the constitution to Pass Atelt an act. .The leatherss, oonfoetation clido,',It have ifl mita the- BELVAST BELPA.ST, Aug. are pleased' toef hileeairtatsht,tisl,*41).1Aelbeitto tslAtItvern,rorutt • whiles'every day, after, a few weeits in beds froin• heart, tretible- • , Mr s and Mrs. George Lane and .gOnt Clifford, SPent, 00 week -end ;at River - vies visiting 'Mrs. „Lane's sister, Mrs. jins Layburre and Mr. Layburn. Mrs, .1Stelt Iteed, Port Albert, spent ,Rtheey. 4Yvetcokn•-,ellIld m wilt,h.r4hiteeri'l,. sister, Mrs. 111r. and Mrs, Ebner Alton, Elmira, and 'It'usSell,s Mrs, anet Mrs. WIll Alten - 41tQu't Arnold and Frank, Mrs, Lillian Reid, Mrs.Wiltreds•hersvin„ Denttld and Douglas, 70tonte,7'SPent, Sunday &Menton with thett.parents, 'AU:* and Mrs. 'pttoti, neer LneknOte. and Mrs., ,CaMpbell; and the Misses Grace and Louise were at Kitchener on Sunday to . see • their daughter, Miss Aileen Campbell, R.N., wunloirshdaast. he.r, appendix •reeseved on T There WAS a good turnout of mothers 4Pd, -babies' on Tuesday .afternoon. at IlaCkett's United eliurch. The Wind- rbn put, ou the program. In the absenee 01: tic' preSident, MTS. 'Cyril Campbell, the- lst.;_vice-president, Mrs. John _ :Mul- lin, presided over the -devotional 'part of thenseeting: The Scripture' reading WAS given by 1.4tura Irwin, feitewed by greyer. by Mrs. ass -Gs Howse: MiSS Bernadi&-Alton, stutrintendent of the Little "Liglit.BearerS, Presided 'tiver the prdgram which included, a reading by Freda -Hackett and duet. by Donelcla sand-Fredasalacketi, byGeorges Wi risS, Wreadine.:Alten:and' het _mother, Mrs. Albert Alton, .kea(l stories to the children. The National Antheni and the benediction brought the meeting to a, close;..., Ow :which pinch end lemons. ade were served; (Intended for last -week) BELFASY.E;*-JUly and Mrs. Jim. Leonard and Mrs. Dynes,'Burlings then: *coming to* light, They -ill de- allowances will tend to.depress 'wages, cide what-'farnt, products will have te • be sapported bil having hoot prices st,t but ,thi$ argument has been . strongly • under them, by svnat methods.this can Trehpeti,dtitkirtieeNdyn, ibtese- s,l)rniees.esayiNisi,niv‘s,teerresitivnet ,.. best be done, and will set the Price sessss. intended as a.* s•ubstitute• for nigher leVels - Their decisions will, lie Mended to the Minister of Agrieulture, I‘ase-. s • -, . -• s The Government is 'attaelting pos,ts who in turn will place,the -recommends ' prOldems Son, three fronts, its haa ' ations before the Cabinet. The board wax who. the: cabinet awes. its dosisions, been, stated in the House. The hrst •and, sal relates to demobilization • "-and 're- , will have - authority to buy ' the products on the basts a the floor •e8ttitaishment of raembers of the aimed. force: the secopd•frent IS the extreme-. price levels. , -,, Erodnetten xianning. . ly wide. one of general reconStreetion, :rebuilding, of ' the -ceuntry's .- .It has already heAl ' Mefftiened at Mie tinies that the •benefits of production ecenenv, azd the thifd-tliniti hunsan well-being and welfare. Fa ily .a/lOw- planning will not be allowed to vaisieli awes come primarily, under he third after- the war. The decision to Ilute4.,,,.._,sthei,s4axineris_agninst..._sub,„ head and the measure Wit Amin- ".stlte•,,AeNs,kers_trtntessissofs-Nas. aorma.paCkii_folf leireproditT07glYies- ,. continue. It is -natural to suppose that if any particular product sinks for any ..:Prot.sactedsperiod below the door price, and there septa -likelittd-od" that --demand on -doinestie or world markets increaSe,',productien will - be: plannad'ad that farmers will switeli tb • products offerii4 better profits. This can- bearried,sent .only _tnrough • the constant study of world inarketS- and world Procinction and consumption.. ' Insurance .for Veterans The new VeteransP•ssfissurance Act iliffeiTi-frteirsordinarinstsrance-in--t .fact that it can: be taken out by, a re- turned man without. any 'medical ex- amination, It is also differen.t- from' the 'Returned- Soldiers!. Insurance • Act . 'which was brought in after the last • 'war in the total. amount which a man sn:ay. take.. out The previdim* limit was ..... $5000, NoW the maxiinum is $1.0,000, Thit sinstirance does -not apply nseir si-sehne_sinssservies. • It has only .post - *war appliaI4on. -, ttonal -.Health-- and Welfare„ hats it is further proof' that this :Planning held that the- money distributedin family allovvances throughont the country will be spent in the purchase etscommodities and will stimulakero- Plop:tient. In this way It meastue. of general reconstructidn„ Export - Vredits Export trade is - to Canadian economy. ' - The farming industry is .depend.enf-toSS, .Ydrst .larges degree on fereign markets. Similarly. the Pro -1 duets of mines, forests, 'fisheries and the -outptit • of maeufacturing plants must how abroad if the economy is to E-Ijeptlxeatthiva-nd-vigoron$,--On_o the problems facing the country in peace times is how to utilize to the' best advantage the technical knowledge and raamifactsiting ability that the -war has developed in this country. .s.EVery- one acknowledges -it Would be a -shame- ful Waste to allow this technical. ability. rnet.„.4.r. ssin disuse when there are no indeen-lir at: leaSe feiser pilules, tanks, •**military tustrucients and so on to mannfacture. It is to make sure that the products „of these- hands and brains 'turned • to peacetime puiSuits will have in equal, chance With!, the "danstfactured products of other countries that the bill to incorporate the Export Credit 'instirance Corpor- ation haS been introduced in the 1 -louse. The. corporation will be in a positions to guarantee or. insure the payment of sales abroad 4 whore- the trasiSactions are _ diffieult for the ex- porter to handle. through- the ordinary channel without assistaece. •. After a debate which. has' lasted over two months, the banking and eoinmeree eominittee of the Reuse, of .Commons. his, approved the 'decennial* renewal Of bank charters: ' , RADIO TELEPHONE ON THE GREAT LAKES 1,3y John Murray. in The Detroit free „ Press . The• .most extensive, non-military radio'. telephone. syStem, in the veorld operates on the Great Lakes. .s TasentYifour .hoUra a, day througheut the entire Shipping season, the familiar miraeles, of radio, and telephone • oper- ate together to -maintain regular coin- mainieation among 580, lake svesaels, SeVenty•Sive -United- States -Coast Gard stationS, seiven cominereial Stations and a nuniber of Coast Guard cutters. , Until last 'moiith-, the system Was closely Superviged by, naval author- ities and only Messages approved. by preper antis:irides could be sent. ' The-ehip-shide, shore -ship arid ship - ship service ° already has -svidespread commercial use—for take freighters,- ' hshing..boats tugs 'tankers and ether craft. - In -enaergenciee the managers Of St en- Menday- to take spositionssat.sthe line can be reathed directly at, their kalton. airport. • homes for • acleice. This IS especially The missionary meeting of the Crewe irepsiriaat on 'fishing, expeditions be- ladies will be held at Mrs. Edna Mc-. Whinny's- -en Thursday, August, 3. • There-will,she-no _service. in.. Crewe, church Until September 3rd, as Rev. and Mrs, Vickerson and Charles are on Vaca;tion.--s •-•-• ." • eral, liome 18'14"*1*-411s. binfqs, see of wor314P • reititetue*, 'Of It (lolet .residence.. - PHONE 120 FLOYD M. 1401)6E, Pireet4r, • .You are . invited to 4144it • SO ‘"thaPel :Chirater program, •sse *MIX, Whastion, oath $ttisday afternoon -at 2110 e'cloilt. 1 " 110.111I FITNERAL BERViGE for the use of our,FuneralHoml,%Toronr • : Street Eioflipt .i.km,bulance "Servlee 'Phone IB,ds. .356 or 7 • In Time of Sorrow... You niity confidently rely .upon . us ,foe--irehnpt, esimpas , thetic fiervide, e6ipp1ete in every 0-14,P.t ielts...61141314„.1.!9#;.. • Our Funeral Home pxovides pa most,dern oititreT6N. FUNERAL- HOME .Maritreal St, rhone 399 • - • Jk GODERICH Bmido*,14,_ . • OHO . VON -650. DiDOWNS • „ „ With Or stAmmttai , Onaranteed, worknian.ShiP iit prime ekat wilt pleaseyon: AiLL AGENTS MIDS Vial at iitt:e Mee; Plionte MI 'Or drop. us a liitt to Re* 161, Gode- . • r1b- We will ha pleased to &1° ad he* eltoose a Iaillikbie Meta! oda fer-Yetits, family plot. r n General Charles *de Gatille, speaking to•some4Q,000 Canadianegathered beneath the mighty Peace , Tower on OttaWa,'s Parliament Hill, declared. -that ..Castacht:s aSiistank, had' done much to France f`stand uprignt• and • united again-" France had founa comfort•and support.18,Canada, General de Gaulle said, for she had trained Fighting French aviators, aimed French -Siinliers, _fed, an,d eldthed-Frefieh .pAsoners. 'The 'Frenels-letider spoke in English and French, after being intrOciticed by Prime' Minister w. Mackeuzie King and Hens L. S. St Laurent' „ BENIVIILL'ER GODEItICH: TOVVNSIIIP *IlreiMILLEit•,--'72A-uv-11.--Mrs, Verne s. Gled'hill i8. spending a two weeks' vaca- tion with her sister; ,Mrs. J: Heddie, in Detroit. • Miss Ethel 'Vinton attended the Sufnmer Schoolsat Dunlop last*Week, • slCirs. aStraughan spent last;week- . with Mr. -and MTS. Howard Sturdy, Goderich township: , Mrs. Walters and 'Floyd •are spending a few. days with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie JerVIS at-Holmesville. " • The W.A. vvill meeetiliorrow at the home of Mrs:, Stanley' Varistone: • Mi. and Mrs. Russell Hill, of near Mitehells visited on Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs, S. Vanstone. • Miss Gloria Good spent last week, with' her unele and aunt,'Mr. and Mrs. Will Sterling, Goderich township. , Mr. C. -J. Waiters• -has received yvord that his son, Trooper Frank Walters, was in a hospital in Italy suffering from burCs of the second and third. degree. Latest word is that he is doing fine. - . Mr. and Mrs. Gray of Cleveland are holidaying 'with Mrs Joseph • Stewart at the Beniniller ,Nurseries. COME • • , • • cRgvvE, 31.--s-Mr. and- Mrs. Stanley Fines and. Suzanne returned to their bottle in' Tororitci_on Thursday after visiting,the'lady's brothers,. Har- old and Ceeil Blake, and Mrs.'0. Blake. Mrs.‘sl..aWrence Tremaine of Toronto two weeks', s Detroit. is -spending a. week with her parents, Mr. .Elwyn MeCtillough. •-.Tipperary, visited on 'Sunday with M. and- Mrs. Miss Madelsn' e Bogie of kile is visit- ing r with her -uncles and aunt, MT. and Mrs. Ilarvea , . . On-,-Thirsday evening the-Union:boys played the team fiom Benmiller -Softbit11,--theshome boys comiag .out.on_ • teps On Friday evening they journeyed •to Bayfields but the -team' there proved too much for them. —Keep at it, Union !' ! .! , - Her many friends..were porky to learn of the serious accident -suffered by . Wilda Wilson on Friday -last. - At time- ctf writing there seemed a slight improvement in her .condition. Mr. Chas. Woods of Goderich will occupy. the pulpit at Union church on Sunday, Service_as usual at 9A5, with Sunday school 'following. • Rev. L. H. Turner, I3.A., oceupied the pulpit Union last Sunday', de- livering . splendid .,sermon en "The, Moral Life, and. , Mr; and Mrs. Richard Oke received word this week from -their son Robert, telling, of his arrival ie Normandy. - Mr. and Mrs. Harry MCody, -and little .son Harvey, of ,Detroit, visited' recently, with. relatives in the cent' • 'Misses June' and Joyce SO -derby are spending thissweekholidaying with Mr. and" Mrs. Ben.- Feagan, near Nile. • •Miss ,Maxine llister is'enjoying WESTFIELD • ,AvAsTy414p,„ Ape. Mate Bobby Horne of 'Windsor is Visiting ,Isis cousin, Mrs. Douglas Caropbell. Master Newton Icurschensiti of De- troit Is Visiting at the home' of Ids' uucle 'and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. portion Snell. . *' Miss Jean, Campbell:40ft Mend4Y for Malten, Where /die has 4 secretarial •position with Victory Aircraft. - • . Word wassreeeived last week, of the vies's* of an bid resident of this eten- salinity in the persons -of •Mr. John Picket, Who sdieds, eu.dcieely at .Maple Creek, Alberta.. ' and Mrs. Pat O'Malley, of onto are visiting Mr. Itaymond Red - Mond. . 7 Miss' Annie Clark of 'Icoronte is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Marvin McDowell. - _Mrs. - - JohnstonofWest NateeSsrshsand-s•Mrs-s----Tt4e.s. Barvey-scf- EXeter svisited recently- Witir,.-Mes„sunt Mrs, Howard Campbell. ' 'sul‘nldtar. yanwdi-MturSiirM. ,aRndo--S.mxay,t14.'*vxtisietre;',idot service. , h. 7°A.1111Vegb°eXlirvtiletistatttutwillie shhtlit' riPe'"t0Mate. 'kicked. in „these .parts this Years was gyi Mr. Bert Taylor's garden.' The farmers are busy cutting their . grails, Owing to the, cateltY weather last week it was Slew Works, so we e‘aietti.chhe,11)vilingt. sfeoer all.ngeowdelbtrteerfththise week,,,, visTellfet; Frintgel Thritibeultger:"s•TWIetnt2lAilleer00414,4" WAS held On Thersday afternoon, J.WY • 27th, at the family residence and was Conducted by her pester, Rev. •y; Snell, who took as his text, "Let not your :heart be troublecli"ght(Snte.p:whsn; f1111:11anc-I-T•whereetic°arriirlietdrl_bbuYr.e: were - Elwin' Taylor, Lloyd, Walden' Murray .111:1.1)ltels11÷-ietA.,"41-"antl -Hiviaerno°1dw_eilV;41tneenTassttss- „,s4 BeigraTe": VIM TaYlor--7Of7---klYthi„ _ - •:•trinod Stackhouse of London.- pallbearers were Marvin McDowell, J. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Speigleberg and the 'Leine .of „Itirss,Speigleiserg_astalrentess, szusurneemprit' Mr, and MTS. W.-A0*-Campbelis-- - ' L. MeDowell, Alva McDowell,' Ise4 children, of Kitchener, are guests at vi w -Alberti spentstheTWeek-end with West- cemetery. A large concourse of friend --Rilot Officer Ian Gardner, of Port field friends. ' ° • Relatives and friends were Present - gathered ' it? pay their. last srekipect • , Walter_ and Ess...1,-- Cook, • t1-1- d to. .freni Goderich, Blyth, Auburn., Lucks - id Cook,*brother' of Messrs. thesins, ,Mr.••and- Mrs, joins. Campbell t°41 'P-Q4t-Jast week-end with °Iel.: hill: Mr. David in the I'Ves-t-o-nziSatur Saturday 110WV Dungannon, pelgraVe, Guelph*, and Mr. and Mrs. Dynes Campbells after spending several weeks rinue-t-h-is -Terento; London and Brueefield. •,as brother, Wesley Stackhouse of- truce.' Reception ' Service. --A 'solemn • and field, was present; alSo a sister, Mrs, impressive sisserVice • was held in vi.scinitY.: - ' . ., • : Hackett's 'United church on Sunday Mrs. "(Rev.) MackintoSh.,Of Titch, Stanley Sibthorne of Blyth.-. One . bro. , fternooir,--wheirsRese. 0.-Gs-HowSesend-- nersis,-V1,sithig-herssisters-41rss-Mar-vi, wthaetix;,, uniVIllabito: to 1e of yafrIss71., ,.ticouver, • two elders, Messre. T. As Cameron an - , d MeilDrxowenettl.autests . at the horn' e of Mr. :Rey Alton', Welcomed into the church 'pathy of the community is extended te and friends, Mrs.. truchrlige.DB°siindVI :*.efr'e'V-Ir: the .s6rr6w.irig family eleven boys -and.: -girls,. by profession ane MO'r. and Mrss Bert Treleaven. , CAltLVy Mr. Homer Durgin,- Who is training in the navy at Ilamilton, spent the w,eek-end at the twine oThis -uncle, IVIT G. 0. Durnin. Mrs, L. Mellardy of • Goderich . also spent Saturday „ With -Mrs. S. js Kilpatrick visited most efslast Week with friends at Zion and Lucknove. Mr. and Mrs.,Andy Gaunt and' son Murray -and Mrs. Ss• -.Sherwood of -St Helena, visited on 'Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sherwood.. . s Misses Violet. and Annie Culbert left cense -the ship's. lirne at the*lishing- grOundfs need not be interfered with. • - Average 500 OAS 'Monthly • About 500 calls a Month are handled tlirmugh the -marine switchboard of :MichiganDell's.1 Detroit office. -Its ;service scorers a waet route of 4*, proxitialtely- 1.50 miles from the west- ern -end safsLake •-leriesthrotigh -Lake St, Clair ,7 and the _DetrOiVer tess the low,er end of 'Lake Huron% ' • • ix other stations cover the remain - in Great Lit ea area, -They are located at Duluth, Fort Washington, 'VVis„ Chicago, . Rogers City, • Mich.; Loraine ,• 0., and Buffalo, N.Y. R---sSkiPpers,in the 150-raile Water route .covered 1y Michigan, 13e1l's service csin talk, to any pOint in the United 9tates4 Their call is simply routed -through, regular loOg-distance channels. COn- versely a call can be made frens -any telephene ,the nation direet to the •ship: . , For • the reeOrd, ship -shore gang for 'the first three minutes-, cot $1 an4 efieh additiehal minutes:or fraetion costs 30 cents. In an area covered by an approximate radius of fifty Miles from -Detroit, there:is no additional lancEline rate. ; 'Other , calls, o1: course have a long- diStattee 'toll. , , • • • Although some of the other six private stations operate: 011 a short, - wave radio, Detioit's does not Neither 'aro messages "scrambled" on, the Great ,Lakes .as they .:are on ocean-going ' sT.- TIRLENS , .S.T. HELNS JuLy 31:•• -s -.Mss. Ron- • CARI...0Ws Aug. • 1. sss, 1Virs. Rtith -Thompson of Detroit is With her danghter, Mrs._ Harvey *Fisher. . . Douglas Webster of Goderich is visiting with john and Jim Clark. _Mr Robert • I35t Wan of Irina 'Al-. berta, is visitinglilS sister,*Mrs. Allan Wilson.• s' Mrs: Service. and MrS.• Ewing have returned to Wingham. Mr. Bert Varcoe _silent the Week -end at Wasitgas„Beach. • ..Hilton andsiRoSe Amos of Parkhill s,,pent Sunday with their sister, Mrss,;, T. Wilson. _Mrs.' Hugh Hill Of Benmiller, visited ititis,lbetsmather.„•Mrs.,,,11,..33.eans„,. • Mr. and Mrs:Dave Bean and .fiirtillY visited with Mr. and Mrs. Addison -at LondesheroS _ Because- the-sErenels us&L to . throw: their wooden shoes (sabots) into ma- rocks of' Nebraska that date back into Chinerys-thewerd•sebotage-watsecanect Prehistorf2teresittillieresyearosss •, of faith, and four .adults by certificate. -s e av on o an The adults :were Mr. and •Mrs. Russell 'cattier and Mr. and Mrs.- • Arthur Reid,. MI'S. Elliott Stiudy and Mr. Bill. •BrookS of Toronto. *", • , WArenlg;' girl,S, Misses -Laura and Mac Mrs. Jack jBosuian tnd JAI* halee Irwin,-Doneldtisilacketts -boys, Ilarol&returned_te their home. at _Leamington. Campbell, Harry Campbell, Arnold Next Sabbath .theserviges in' the Alton, Chester Hackett, IssAs_Hackett, 'Westfield *United.' church will be • eon ISenald,-and _Allen Hackett . ducted by Mr. Clolin:Finglind, of •ViTat,i annual Sunday. *tells:AOthe paitar, Rev; }I. -J neflf is school penic of Hackett's United on- hip holidays. The; follbwing, Suti- church was again a. highlight in: the day, August 13th, there will, be no social life of our emmunity. ' Mr Walter Alton , proved once, more s a -most capable master of .cereirionieti. Sports were ,the order of the day, but races held the most prominent places in the program. The following persons came out "on top:" ,Five years and under, JOyce-Haakett Douglas Sherwin, and Kathleen, Hackett; q and -.under, • 'Wendell Alton, Louis Haekett, Ross Irviin. and Barrie -Haekett, ties, 10 and under, Lorne .Hackett, *Freda Hackett ..Franks.Alton„ -Earl ;.11itritiss worth, Chester Ilackett;,. young ladies, Berna(1ene,Alten, Janie Alton ; Married womibiii;Itirs. Bill Wareing, MrS. -Wil- fred Sherwin, Mrs. Tpm-Eitteketts• mar- ried Men, Alex. listekett, Spence Irwin, Intl Wareing.; - girls, 14 and juicier,' Mae Irwin, L'auraIrwin, Betty Howse.; „hoYs, 14 and under, Harold Campbell, D. A: 2.Hackett and_Donald Hackett; young men, Blake Alton, AlvinAlton, Clayton ,Alton; older nien, T. 'A. Cain - troll; George Lane, Rev. G. G. Rowse; three-legged- race, Blake Alton and Clayton Alton, Alex, Hackett and .1). A. Hackett:- whehlbarrew race, Harry Campbellll _sand Donald Hackett Russe AltOn and Harold. Campbell,. Ds- As Fittekett an‘' Harry 'Wilkins; ladies' -kick-the-slipper. Contest Mrs. George Lane, Miss Janie .Altbre ,Miss Berna- dette Alton ; ladies throwing the ball, Mrs. N. Es Ileard;•Miss Mae Irwin and Mrs. Lillian Reid:, men . kicking -the - shoe, Spence Irwin, • Blake • Alton, Alex. -Hackett; -necktie°, race, Blake Alton: and Mrs. Bill 'Wareing, -Cliff. Hackett and Mrs s' .Will Alton, 1Will Alton and -Mrs. -Wilfred Sherwin, -The youngest child Present Was Marjorie Alton, little' ft:fighter- Of , Mr. and: Mr's. George Alton; oldest mensner, present, Mrs,. Gilbert Viet." " .& upon,- a_timp- _the, eantei4ive Nerth America r The Royal Ontario Museum has proof of it•ie•the posses-. Men of a well-preServed fossil site Tne specimen , represents • a : small ,YartetY:_, of camels,. „It vvas sloniuls ,in leofhiiiiTI- oriTdrvicoeid- was a viiiirdir. With her Pa -rents, Mr_ and Mrs. E. Thad:- Mr. and Mtg. Campbell Thomp- son, Donald- and Patsy lean, of Luck.; now, were week -end visitors aVo. Mrs. T. F. ,Wilson and Terr ys spent' the _week -end. with Mrs. Wilson and • Mi. and 'Mrif. James :Wilson at -White- church... .vessels. • iAg .0,0.)...-sCOOVa....100. .Attoi.H30.06011040tS, After triany severe. illnesses or serious operations etc. pt.i.lertt is Tory often left in an extremely weak istesdowit, tonditionS To all, thote iirnvateenta who nod some kinct".„ of 1i.1I18 t',.1.ttimulate arid build up the. %veakened Ike would teeerntnthd Mi11mrn' Ifrtltli and..Nerve them bnelcto health -happiness Theory, pills help) supply cletnents neeeseary to oialst#, the convalescent in bringing back bodily strength and vigour.. rrice Me a box, (4 pills, at all drug counters. Look for our registered trade mark 4qtc4 'Mate onthe'pakkag* Via T. Magna (lit; Liakite4; Tatouttii, Oat# 4158 WellWad will be the guest: Speaker at the W:M.S. thank offering meeting na the United church on Sunday, Atigest13th. .There be 116:Service next Stieday. '., • „ Mr. and Mrs, Cliff:Aitchison-of -Hes- peeler .Were recent viaithrs. with Mr- and Mrs. McKenzie' Webb. The Nursing Clits8.-.-s"The 'Bedroom in Health and Sickness" was, the topiC '-for the nursing emirse last week. The lecture was given by krs• lames. Wit' son and she and Mrs: iStuart demon- igtrated the making ;, of a bed, Some members of - the elass \ practised this Wider the suPerviSion of Mrs. Wilson anti other. practice -work was Alone with. Mrs. Stuart, Mrsfionald itoth- -well and Mrs. NVIWtt a14 - visors. , An array coolPhaci Just .whipped up ordeite,of scrambled eggs for a hungry' . 4 MO • :Of sOldiers.. . Wearied by, Herculean -efforts, he sat -in a -shadY- spot wider a nearby elm tree, yawned, • lit a bled _s--,0,gars:and- Wrotestifis-nistf, t,o_allDrsitgees!lrortt l:the pasfs-sisnses heuri' 'shells have been bursting all aro= me." • r s 7,-atituide Nine. ..Painfut, Put •-••, • the Ca Hit oI Much -Miser if"yOu suffer from iboils you know how sick and miserable theymade you feel,• , • ' co" eaoutward.*On' of impurities in the, system, and just when you think you are id of one another crops up to take its place and prolong Yourmisery. All thedmicing and poulticing yen' can do may not stop inorp coming. To:help overcome boils you should purify the blood, so why net give that old, reliable bleod•medicine,..Burdock Blood Bitters, a chance to sltow what it will d6 in helping you get rid Of them? Thousands have used it for . this purpose for the past 60 years. Why not you? ' The T. Milburn ited, Toronto, Ont. Philo 'fake HoildaYs Zu Augtqit This Is 'vectition.thim for MoSt aceording to ornithologists of the Itoyal • Orttarib Museum: 'Their family re- sponsibilities are over for the year and ;the hard work of food -hunting Is Made, easy by the annual peak .of the erop of insectS, seeds and berries. Even the business' otsinging 18 largely 'onSPendedt,„ Althotigh most birds ,hre 'obliged to grow, a new stilt of feathers lit August thisea11 be. aecompliShed 'while loafing. Ay Autumn they will be, dresSeMin. fresh new attire and forti- fied for the longtre,k soutlaw,ard by a reserve layer „pf .fat ben&fh the skin, Anything to sell or rent? Try a, eittsmited ti,d, in The Sipa-Star. 'Ai Farmers drive -await:so than city • -People low rates from I'llOt. • . , Hat, fanners . drive -pine mins'. oared' aCcideitt could 'wipe otit, • yourbonte or your - saVingi. Buy. the fall protection tif Pilot ,• 'Ipsaratice now. -J-W 1AIGIE-GEO G Jac1WAN exOPERICH • GOUDON'ilEVITELL, R.R No.'6i'-GODEV7t3n G. C..TRELEAVEN AGENCy, IDUNGANNON REPRESENTING PILOT INSURANCE COMPANY listaltate stkicoverselectad riatirlivitatorpohile,' Fire, Personally . Property Floater Burglary Phu" .Glass, alai:other general inanrainte« .* • SORRY, 4/4N4,,E44)01141. oarde 045. 40446084 At MET nig 14/e2RA1‘ /N4 itAte /VW 14494r iv we ofFew--- /r weieny /7f /7S teaPmeo 7#,6" 0/44 htei? mins' Aoue4/ AIR Am' A4/47, >WAW Nor/ Nam ph-Rocr-cr4Y -sr.4440/p/81/r/S. 11/4e71/ /7" ? •sfs.s.•••••• Tier scso POI wovAr You 54R/V ,c,44/r44Alek" P/CFERENCE 7Z, Yew • - sato it oars!, oar 4spivar pato mts Age NOW .4aw0. AND 4NY194),' / Par 4/144• 410.41/41a4" //i1V 49410 tif YO ;404stotif4P. aW/ .escr tio0 .etr >vat, iohowri WORK... SAVIE...-: LEND Many- patriotic hbusevvives are doing part.tinie work to help the man -power short- age. They -find, too, that this extra occupation makes it easier, to avoid unneceasary. Spending. By putting extra earnings into, War Savings they help defeat inflation now and provide for prosperity atter the war, 4JOHN LABAT-T LIMITED London Cana**