HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-07-27, Page 2'PHIL ,OSIFER OF LAZY MEADOWS' (My J. 001/43 FARM 11[011aNG . r, mittes . ate beginning to sitioner again in this riding. There have been a •few speeehes on the air. and.*the ,•11theews.palr.IT: °Trne-gf,ititlY7SoNNuTleof-40-1°eumr Jeuehrer: eorreetlir or ille-Or-retlY, the -eem-to7-tbiathat-,the ,C.C.:ik.r.Peopte„..taaine,_ is &wed- ,upon,,a; clic& of , of-,' e taiit---,... Q,' 6-5-vediriwaiito: are just °e.'!(--lift/W;t thing lattitetY'1"---2•01r-ts.-t' hir tlilleereticer-rc,,-;9!ItQrnaluelh's.,_,* °Tionweersii,°"11P 4er6.„t111111; ' tut, parties,„ and sort a keeping B4Y World, knows the truth„ abont PIS, tat' jolig;tin„.euntas ,t,400.nie,ystleolfci. 0.1.041,te,13 Dttit,tig.autterile. , ruer,p,trstVoleiaan7salarea.,459',5:eraggi, *i,,o,tsx, est pack in polities. 'In. this riding ,a 1 1, .r ou D., e n4 We used to wake,' lip. at . ejection time: sulspicetesd. ' oSt '!diS' aGffeetionY. itoaectills:714'd-zri .80tue a. utk voted; and ,mog of ua for, „cause., ., This purge is ..alrearlY -under, got about the Whole thing as:soon...us ivaY.,.1t- Virill be'earried,:out With runt,. the eltecring.waS over. ‘, ," '„ ._ Tess and 'vindictive -ferecity. ASSaSehl-; 'This is' a roundabout way' of coming ation is often the' only recourse lett at what I started Out to ,say. 'I heard, to victims of einer .and irrespOnobi4 a political. speaker Make quite , a , talk. tyranny; hitt .. jug • as anger ' kindles on rural liMising.;;It seems, the Clov4 .aneer, so Aoes- murder ' beget., murder. eminent has .becothe 'Concerned about Tho sequel. to; reaSS. murder may he the toethouses ninny farmers are liv--' ithitifiy• and _.civil war; •• ,-.. 1)4. in. .' This 'fellow .-Said we shO144 . 'Der -Fuehrer -SpealtS of *it Clique of make this a point in' the next election.' "usurpers who 'Will be externiinated Some' farni homes are _a ' disgrace- I quite mercilessly ;" DoenitZ of "a small .- uess he's right • • • - - group of -generalS that 'has -nothing 0 Ile started Me thinking about farm in ',common. With our brave aritlY:' pDITORIAL NOT= &owe§ with his speech, and On ..the 'Goering. PL., "it - miserable clique of . way, hethe from the Meeting l'wa4 Just former generals who had te be chased together the thitigS I've seen. from their .posts for a leadership that -41M-.0'-gtone-T-own,1"--isalaniett-lia. 11.1.11thi.g.' 1,phalige iii: laWf, -hiiinear -jhst-tkire 1-4e-- Wks' Eta Owe:17(11T- txs.,*_ it. iiiitaS.,.:ineorapet- , . ....; old Leslie! When I was a little out." The very leaSt, that Can be made honor of the tovvn of St. Marys. We r hope it will float.' • . - shaver paddit* along on nir way to of this is that dissatisfaction With the British Wei able. at the ,last moment sic., . , . i , '. _ . 801.00 1 eau reinember the %old log management of the. war is widespread to use to salvage what wilaislvejltat tinseethm%,t . it would, almost forgotten spring house they had. It was neat end trimi titiOng, arra3' officers. '*- Thus. tf.S. trciops . are in, „Iiisa. A•nd it would- be inSt like -Bein-e of those Yanks ii. vta'nith Ivy and red .window boxes, appear tb.at the natural. cleavage be: . new earnest. another- war. The sun oveiltig up the drab back- tween array officers and the Nazi •that year shone over France Wit4 Such to Push Over the fannous, leaning tower. kitchen. - . political command has suddenlY wid- unbroken brightneas 'that" the lauft- --- ..* - .11. ,......,...e.._ , - Thin s „ icked, u during time first,' ened. -Thanks to infiltration of the Ware and Gentian ground•forces Were . ---- money, '-'- ,Poter deeided----tney-;--anould political--eommahd..1s-inr-uarcent aratitez It V...t. --111--0,1.4.,AciSI=rt. of 1940 trinstz,iii es ,.. iite,,, re. _war And . the , Lealiea- .__ _,., inad, _e, • fl lot -,-„n . nrinf: h$' agents- (XI . , , ported from gerniany last week, vias have a new house, So he hitched up One iy- strong' position: to meet this emerg- Hitler Was getting .01 tliFiirealt-a-ff unsuccessful. And --,we are net sorry. day and drove into town to hire a e911- eney. The effeet Of all this upon the the., weather, ftS 'he had the year before • , • , That -monster 'deserves something more tractor to. build it for him. Peter rank ' and file'l,of German soldiers is in Peland. That , was an unpre,eed.:. vanted a big house and the contractor not likely to beecitne apparent at Once. entecl autumn when everyone 'who than swift 'death.. . • • ' . - was getting paid for the job, according It will be strange; however, if the men eared for- freedom Prayed for rain in I. *, • 4.' f, .- . ., _to time, labor and Material, so he built who are , fighting the Common ,eneiny eastern Europe, and the- rhin failed Canada is under invasion :this him a big one. • • de not begirc soon. to wonder 'Why), they to corae:-Hitler's AMY ran roughshod, . • _ They put this house up ,om a knoll sheilid keep. on doing so while their Over a parehed. battlegroundl-undei Suremer; but there is nothing alarming - conditions lcleal,, for the •attackers. il r there were TM: trees and it, was. superiors 'are fighting one another. ' abmit it.. The invading hosts are holt. .7 -:e -e. - - like a' castle. It was square and white . With characteristic impudence Hitler . Take, General Eisenhower'ic expedi- briCk with a kit'aen, big ellen& for attributes his escape „from death- to 4catioare.4tOup,N4i%trthiale:_,e4fricae.m.y4Thebere_nwealtitehr day visitors from across the line. Caw- 1 adrans- tire -grad- to i,ii elcorae Item :and -the -Dionne. family: to live in: . -It an intervention- Tef;--Providenee,-..--Th erehed _up _on _it•'•eeinent :foundation, fact that' he was not. destroyed •by kt• .4S it has .1111 N6tnialidY, Throughout hope they- will continue te conie in, -P . „. - • , e•if-aCin- gut On the highway. 'There was bomb thrown:. by one 'of :hiS *fellow the •Wiiiter of 1042 and 1943-..xmia de - even' larger numbers. , ' a big Veranda on .,two shies of it big. eountryMeu . wili be attributed else- laYed even .4malkseale attacks end , • . . enough 16 make h bridge over the river. where to a different Ind .of fate. The hUndreds -Of vehicles had' to be- abAii; -4. • • • . -.. , .. • _ ThOse crowds you see around 'the :It had fancy carved Woodwork with Allies no- doubt hleve ideas of their dolled. Arnior, was confined to roada,' Selective SerYtee--, office (if Ydu have. , gargoyles and what-nots and deodads own regarding Hitler's ultimate • de- tliat 'were under constant Shelling. pla:Stere, d ..all Over -•it, There. Was ;.a Parture frOtn,, the.,e-n.Ohly,,..'seene.;** " . In , the .:Mediteritinean ' seetor . it., has a -good finagination) are not (Goderic•h' • • . turret in one corner that looked; Some- • .. 3 ''..-Tiieli‘,Tetcir. York Sun,i, been the same gory all along that ;citizens asking , to ,he :sent', to farina iti_ thing -like... a Nano . With •ItilldOWS". tacked' - . . 1. II ' - ' • ' . tedious mar& ; froth? Sicily to Berne the"-Ris rid"' to assistt . i r stmg„-Pii--to a•-harn-,---------- -7:2,7- ----. --- -•••-•.-- :,---,--,such_..,,an uprising., _prooleatatea --hy- and -:beyond. The weather has been operation. Ent apparently. Gederieh. ---Then there was the- inside. --Be- inner or by: -hisfoesln-the-wehilnacht had for the attackers and„goed for the is-, not ..the only -place whore the inen,.;31t NaTen 'Peter •dild the contractoi they might well mean *the eollaPse of the defenders: Drought hampered, ./the de' it- into -sort of. a .nightinare.- .It, Gellman-- war- machine But • -even . if Allies Iii Sicily, Where clouds . of ' dust _* . ore•-•-thiq--_-'first outbreak ia_suporessed,,even_ kicked up 'bi tank's. could be seen for couldn't -have _been _'built ..iii- a _ni • ' '' ' " • ' don't take to fallp work. ° Ba,rrie and',_ Orillia report .,feur 'farm recruits frem unhandy way'. 'A Woman W-Ould., get if Hitler aueceeds in purging "the:chief miles, robbing the Allies of any chance arnong the townspeople, and. probably r 'rise. , Again= in ',Italy, mUd; tired just Nyaildog from the pantry to of those 'who seek his .clow.nfall, Ili• the kitchen table. .Tlier e waS a long events GerinanY has been witnessing Poor o servation -. and° finallY: at . the many other tow an ,in the same hall runnink from , the kitchen „in to ninit ,leave -their mark'. deep , within Rapido„ floods and' bitter cOld4o •which the bulk- of .the British. Eighth Arun, class. Most of us wouldn't be of much'. 6,2 front, -hall where- the only stairway the neople . and the armed ___forees.:' A use on a farm; anyway. • ' - , was located. Then on each- side they putsch .toyorring a former chief of the .used to. the desert, were unacciistomed,' • • * ,. - had two pig . living. --:rooms. -.- Oh, yes, 'general staff and no- One knows how fianpered the northward _movement. - .there was a dining -room, but Vow had 111 1111 high officera . gives expert testi- But that ig till past history n97, Of recent, years seme newspapers ,: g 1 . . o molly to the o . . , and there Is good reason for expecting. to walk , in through thia long . hall t ' * 'h pelessness, of the Ger- liaye. taken th the cust0Di o'f spelling' get to it. , „ change for the better_ Ao,. far as 1. , . . man -military situation. It sows cor- a .‘negro". ivit:h. a capitarlf, ,we . have, Then they put up , a hack kitchen roding. mistrust :, no linit.''eoraniarider weather . is Concerned.. July is notoy-, never seen any good reason for doing d latellatt lousily • rainy in ISTOrmandy, but the T_ w0.11.1d on .any fron:t etihn.-nbUt be certain have11ndrwnoioacidsehead. beehaint'11 th"ot mere it rains 4n that month' the better agrieultural'exhibitioPn,' teut °aSha°1€1:fa.441 .:trerofr'rtshectil n 1. flall:cst'''71 ' g sO. The _word has no relation to any- the enroistisi ; turn mf , , are leas August.... • : . • the..chan,ce,s for a dry; satiny. Wind - ..we write ,home, --I'm very' deubtful. People used hattle, or --thitt.-%eis.-7.4ol'ups countrtraAP.k.nationality, , "Anierican negro" or "African negro" to drive .for Miles just ' to See' it and- -Upon hiiii,' The",-'sdidleirs----will : doubt , -The Ne* York Times. to d,enote origin Or nationality. . It they Would stand With. their. Mouth§ their -offieers and...the peeple behind Open and marvel: at . it, and many of them: the 'people will question, the ° BECOME OBSOLETE QUICKLY would .be quite ' as, Much in ' order. to ' . • thein went home ..and built moinstres- steadfastnes'S of time men at the front. ' ' * insist -von a capital letter- for, ``white , ities likejit. . - And ' all. 'Must wonder how long they . . , (Elmonton Journal?, • - ' • • maii"---ithuS: "Whitenicuv, me height • I think ' we should.,,,dor_ something will be cipectecl to suffer and die: fOZ1 How great - hoe been _Allied?. tech - 'of absurd* I's- reached,' however, lin nOlogical progress in this ' war is il- abOut Airftl housing. all right, but let's -the - little madman Who has brought NI THIS CIODICA/CIK S/ONAIi 411? Putillafied bat Signal -Star 'PM% TOWS. Weet 'Street. O•oderieh, 91ittigtio 00Etriptlajt Reteei-Clealtda ,11014 • Ari.taill* $0.00 year, „ Rate on requ'esit. • Telephone 71., TItZ,4 VOIVE Some a7nitario' newspapers, ' with political littera, attempt to mall:, muelr of .uttertinees reported frbin the Quebee election Canipaign,, which- do net Ound, niee :to the p.eople" of this* Prevhice, They; Simuld-remember,that those. who; '.'mfakg theie reinarka are under the ex-, eitement of a poiitical eanatiaign, °and, much mere inaportatit tlieY :do , not represent .all,,,,the"people of 'Quebee. In the, Senate 'last week a Viencle • Canadian, hon. Arthur Marcotth, in the course of a Spegeh on the teaChing Of history in tfie ,sclieols, Spoke thus : - In, a previcius address in this . Chamber, I, sfti,d that to me it luta miracle that France would be sit:led-15i* the toil, the courage and the Persemance ot her enemy a centuries --England. True, not of Etigiand ‘.0,oue, as au the, Allied Nations are joining..in the connnon - effort to -day. But we must re- . member that: in JUnc, 1940, Fng- the pominions '-and7ateiirearaindertheillispiration,.„., able-etfurthiltr-stood--L- to fightio. the„death a conqUering Germany. And hope that before , many months the same Churchill, who went to pprdeaux,in. 1940 to . Urge ,France to stand up, but was rebuffed by. certain politicians,-._ will be able to return to Paris-, with • de Gaulle at his side --the.: Mail We saluted here a few days age --the one French 'Genera .whd. did not quit, who said that France had lost the battle blit -not the and in -his own inimitable - words will. tell France: ,"I have - kept iny pledge. I -bring you liberty. France is again a free nation, free to 'take, her rightful • place beside the great natiens of • the World: free to eo-operate not' •en.ly --to-whr. the war but to win .:-.....„....,,,,,-ZatiCts‘rg,:neackfer the world," Honorable Senators, wlieici read V to VOW Current wog ivrvEivitie ON 1-11ITMR, " Hysteria and hatred, aed not a little fright mark. the statements of littler,. Doeultz and Goering on the most re- cent • attenapt to assassinate Der teoinmunieations eurtniled, :ialthough in this particular operation .brids,, rail centres and eupply der,,ots were so heavily blasted, ,before 1,:atay that the .germainceire oectipled with repairing them.,,:. ; There is, nothhig, new. or siirprisin in the fact that the weather has been unfavorable _ the _f'Allies their ost. important "operation. inke. they the_eftensive.„ It_would have been. so at tifulost7any e`ofiRt' elieserr, for the tides, and, IrtOein to be right in the .past' forty-five years. Tile %lementa-in this part of ' the world do not cothbine to support 'Seaborne attack,. which IS probably one reason. why 'Britain has been tAmtifulie in- vasion.Sinee-.1000.' , The ,oup, elassie.,occasiOn wiwit sea and wind 'and air .411.'Were favorable to Britain was in 1940, when an Armada of little ships,. under COM Of the Royal, Air Force, managed to escape the ciert man pincers from the beaches at Dunkerque, bringing with them almost Old- °)a. a gift. donated by Mrs. V n Mrs. Allen the whole British Expeditionary Force 'Betties -which was Iv°n''-bY nt.e.f being able- to use to' their ovvn some Betties. 'The `Augost meeting will e held at the home of Mrs, Will Cox. that had gone to France and ,French troops as well, ' But they Were just deriving the 'rather negative enabled the. enemy to ,drive them to a CARLOW aelVautage, weather.coinlitions" that had' brought in by tlie sales tax." If that is So, it cannot' afford to incur. the additional expenditure of a similar ameitutto pay children's anowanees.. ° e IlOn't See' that it "is, Any 'par- ticular favor heads of families te. give. them. a banns. for their children and then takk it awaY tufTem 'thein by ineansOf the sales 'Nor do` we see that it lean articular favor to the children to keep Pillitg up nation- al debt•which these children will have to Carry. when they grow to adult years and become taxpayerS, • the iiistery' of the 'MO mother conntries of •our Canada, England - and ,France-figliting all -over- the vvorid against eachothei for • • centuries, while • discovering, •'pioneering, developing new worlds to bring Um.civilization and • Christianity, and, then see. them . milted in a joint effort to save to • • the world that same civilization, that same Christianity; and this • for the second time in a quarter of a Century, wonder why -the sota.S and descendants of these two • great'Peoples in Canada cannot be, • more united.' Surely • there have been' hi the past, as there are in • 'present times, enough heroic deeds by these two nations.tte Make their sons proud' of their ancestry: • • We did not see this speech reported t .1101t. TER'S HILL .r-oxtrmir out?. *t:—Seaman Jim YOUng spent the weelF„-end" with Ills parents Mr. (Md./Are. reter Young. Lois .1towden' flohnesville belt', dayink with, her grandparentS. Sgt. S. Schoenhals, accompanied by his' Wife and little. son, from Long Branch, is visiting at Mr. and ,Lvis. Elliott's. : - Mr. and Mrs. John Mc'Pheraon.and Mr.-- and Mrs. Clare IC0PPr of , Detroit, are spending a while,. ,with G,„Newtou.. „ Mr. And 3Yrii-C-L-rt*CSOn"eitilibeiret;ian4; Children, of iteyal Oak; Spent last week with.' the former'S parent,se Mr. and, MrS..alaS, .° Bed. Cross „Workers. -_,A Meeting of the Porter's. Hill. Bed Crosa unit was beiti .atthe home- of Mrs. 'Leslie , poi laa„Monday. Fourteen members and three- -visitors were present. *..,Tht, 'president,. Mrs. Alvin ,Bettles, nett the meeting,. With a hying,' fol by the Red OteSS prayer , in* uniSOn. TwO quilts ,were quilted. Tickets were , THURSDAY,.3UIX 2Ttb, 194 Jigr$1Ster1 Mrs. gellIWelh frOM the West.* 141S5 Nell Courtneywflb retanted thein to Spend a weelt, 'With -Ws; SallowS. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon YOUnt and Colin visited with Mr. and MrS. (Arvin Young in Goderich. • Master DonaldKing of Auburn is with My. and Mra. Lloyd XOtrag. Miss Thelma Veagan otVergus visited with Mr. and Mi'. . OheSter -• Feagthu-:- - • Mr. R. :Siddall of .Toronto .has, tamed home after a tvir.o, 'weeks' visit with Harvey•Brriegten. /.; - - Mr. ,Albert -.MO./11011C ' of • Iaicknow ErringtOn._ • Mias Nora MOPhee-,-WICO--'hair n Working in the- fruit belt, IS hen* for two weeks. • Mrs. Lily McDonald of wilt is spend., Jig a 'week with her brother., ..air-vey Errington: Miss ,Betty 'young, who MIS engaked•, at 'SI,FY Barber, has takenit•,p0SitiOn at London. • . , • Master Gordon :Baxter. of Gedericit is with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.' ,Wm. Sallows,, Ellen Wilkie of Cedaiville is Vi.sitfng, with Elaine Beau. ' • --clewsPheaTtweavitro jietmj:tyN,te_ather,,wmta,a, „te_ wanC.44BEJL_et)a.nWor' S;I•in:jyyth'e2"54.---J1Dig:as Ireaaciel' ilsort visited w1th10.13rOwn-Smythe- and plIrs. 'Stewart of Wawanosh. Mr. and Mrs, Amos Stal,r,and, Alien and Mrs. 11, Clark motored to Coiling - wood on Sunday to attend "the goldeif Bweedndiryst:u. ngelebra.tion of Mr,. and Mrs: Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Doak, of Gode- eh, and-Hiwyn-..--Neha4s--,o441,41A0 in"y Ataralifax_apd is home on two weeks' leave, visited with7k7S1WBean. lcobt. Hamilton of Trowbridge called on her aunt, Mrs. Bean, recently. janies MeManus; whose home is in Stratford but, who is in training, visited -with Mr, and Mrs. W. W. Walter. , • Mt. and Mrs. Wm. Sallows Motored to Kincardine_on Monday to visit Mrs. Sallows' mother, Mrs. .Courtney, and in a Single Ontario daily. Instead, the ° raviugs. - of partisan malcontents- are given publicity and are countered with intemperate statements by the Oh- tario:press, These, go. back .to Quelieg; adding fresh fuel 'to the -fire ; ' and so the game goes on, heaping •-up bitter- • ness betWeen the two Provinces„ How _much better if the,.'People of both Ontario' and Quebec would heed ---the cpeclUding wiirds of Senator Mareotte's , speech : • • ;11,et-,-n shed our prejudices, correct defects and rethedy injiistices, if there ' are any. Let us pi;eilarethe- history. • of the future byworking in' a .6ainraon •effort rto make of Canada •what it is • predeStined to be --a land of liberty; a land of peace." . - " " WI5X1IE IS,TiiX MONEY - eolviittp rxtcoli- We republish on , this page an editorial article friwa The London Free Presswhich expresses VigiVS- which tlus colt _been: .setti. ior years,. Governments no more than . a reh1ebsly-wxth , :out courting iliSaSter• • 1 •- This is not to saythat no new ex- penditures should be undertaken, Such new%expenditures, however, should be for *some definite :benefit and should not 'Place a further burden upon tax• - PaYers. Frequently a family will post- pone the' pirrehttae of , some anuch-de-' • . sired eorafort until the purchase .cah be financed without inei;tring tee heavy -i financial burden.-:Goar.erninents should, operate In tbe ,same tnunner It is not, Sufficietit to ask, Would it -be 4 good -thin -et- ttheid-is anomie question to be answered: Can: 'We affOrd it' t'A, ease 1m point is that, of. family. liitoWandes. We. "do not .opposelamily: "tillowarica in themselves: ." but we „ greatly qiiestion the wisdom of intodueing :them at a time...When the fin- azipiat resources of °the nation are strained to the utmost azi'd when the great 'need, After the winning of the war, is the reduction, of the huge lead of debt' and taxation Which the emintrY Is parrying. This paper ;has suggested tot an alternative the abolition of the ettles tax, Whieli la it taX Particubtriy burdensome to tbeads of Itimillea. _The propoeed family allowances,. it, 18 ,,estiniated; wilt eost $200,000,000 a 'Year. AbOlitiOn of the Sale S7 tax would re - 'neve( the texpayera (mainly the hekig fanitilles) of` a somewhat larger and in Addition *mid do itwaY ' With the cxpenae at collecting' the tat and also with the iietMiSity housing and. pAying the large ataff that will, be near Y to administer the family allowaitees Measure. Ottawa of eeurse woidd say: "But •••. , . • . this sentence published in, an • Ontario daily •pai)er a few days ago "There ia a Nigger in the woodpile; some- . :Where." " • • * •• • • it is reported from Ottawa that negotiations have been coinpleted with Britain' for the supplY :of -a iiiinlinura of 100,000,000 pounds of Canadian beef during • the ttvo-year period 1944. and. 1945. In _addition, said the Minister of 7Agr1culture,' all further surpluses of beef will -he taken as they become available. This is good new for Huron county. Huron is one of the -leading counties of' the Dominion.. in the production both of hogs:_uhd ef beef ehttle, and with tiSlartince.-of a Market for both these products our mak their plans with farmers' cap confidence. • * mister Agri.ordiner hasn't. nuch Use for niere-theerlits.: Poantizij, -out thay--lack--of-r,--fereign market,for the isurples. products of -Canadian farm's whi il iaige factor 111 the .dePressiiin of the '30's,. he was met with the argument, from, he 0:0.1%. and- Social. Credit Parties; that Can- adian products should be COnsuiiredl 1)3r Canadian people , which. Mr. Gardiner'S'reJoinder was: -"Yon! Can't shove .50,9,000,000 busliele ` 6f wheat and 80600g,009 Xdth3ds o2 linin mi Yeet down the throats of the Canadian people." Which. clinched 'his, state- ment rof time need of outside anarkets, Ter -Canadian: farm producte. ' • * * • * • not rush iu• and blind another -round. dieing:to this pass. Such thoughts can lustrated by 'Gen. otnerv,eil!s: revel- ed unhandy houses to wear our women- not be eradicated from the minds of ation' that not a single' piece of equiP- folka cut. Farm homes Should be a whole nation by the seething Syrup met the -Americans are using in .1:sTore- handy ahd comfortable, and not, monu- Of propaganda or by the exeeution of attandy, excePt. the Garatel ritle;•-was•in ments te-man's desire to have a bigger a few rebels. They will work agatuSt produption at the war's lguinmg 'castle than" ,his -neighbor. '• • Rifler untilthe day he is .brought law. • 4, -,Tow long that day, will be delayed , SCHOOL PROMOTION 'LISTS no one can tell. :Mr: TJull has warned (Orillia Packet and 'Tithes) 'against over-optimisM; and :it .4 true The Timnins ikciVanee - • protests that the effects of the Gernittwuprising, against the* practice of plating- the' as well as of the fall of Tejo-. in japan„ Christian 'name after the surriaine in will not produce- direct benefits to. school- promotion °lista We find that Allied fighting' men until they are, ap.". camparatively,.-$.imple, because all ,we -Parent on, the battle „fronts, But it is hicre, to do is to give instructions that equally important to ,be on .agetitc1 the names be reversed and put -in *against any tendenCy to_sileak_ofly proper •orile.r.,,„in printing theni, _What to Berlin and .;Tokyo as their, 'case we do digik-"e" IsAnaking use Of 'pet grows demonstrib1y-d6spertite, W111) names sueb-as-Ximmy, Tommy or Bill; -ever maybe forced by revolt or for mifrposes of „publication. -Wheri.--it .-Oickery-to---the-surface in the Axis' comps to, formal documents like a pro- countries, to call lor peace, the peace motion- list Qthe child is surelyen- must be made secgre. No matter who titled tdj be dimmed with his proper negotiates the sarrender of the armed name, and in our . opinion shOuld be' forces of Germany and Tapan the sur given it in sehool listas an example render must be UneOnditionaL in -correct usage. •York Herald Tribune. Awe ' a ii.010.100 00.1Y! Cry for Help Most -people fail to. recognize #1s seriousness of , a bad back. Theatitclies,tyritches, and twinge's ere bad enoigh-eral eauscrgreat out- ' fering, but back of the backache end the cause of it.e.11 i the aim - 'ordered kidneys crying out a warn - through the' back. I pain nethrbacklelheirldneyeg-------7- Get.a. box of Doan ,e Iridney Pill. ,A. remedy for backache- and sick - kidneys. "Donuts" are put up in an oblong grey box with our trade ,, mark a "Maple I...eaf" on the •wrapper. Refuse substitutes, Get "'Doan 'a. ' Th* T. Milburn Co., Ltd., 'Toronto, Ont. INHERE IS THE ,MONEY COMING- THOM? ' m(XJp.Lsteondcii401.incfan Free .'.Preatia ss) It ti and. 11 ,part.t.wito. wetild-' Preach- a -re; turn to some of the old-tinie economic principles. In the past the chief plea, of a, party appealing -to the electorate was .eConem'y, :Extra vagtinee -on-- the part 'Of governments Was denounced, Dalai -teed budgets werethe aim; Of all "miniStries, lowered taxgtion was prondsed and*surtiluses were the boast Of governments , *-c.-Today.eaCh party is 4putbiddirig the other , 'in promises to ,-spencl-. ninney.. 111 war 'when WO 81'O fighting for our verY eilstenee, it is. a different story. There cannot be balanced bud- gets .arid, taxation,mustincrease: But looking forwardto the future we are making coiornifinints for days. ,aliea whirl make it difficult• to see how •The • Democratic • team for ;the nevernnient .cart ever „eirPeet ti INOvenaber electron is •Roosevelt and Truipaii. Mr. rtoosevelt,was ,renfeaniti- atial :Or a fourth term with praetidal nemilinity. 'The retttle;:"at, the balance its budget. „ •.4 • .,‘ We mak be old-fashioned in 'our ideas, but wesiatve a belief that govern- ntents are no different from. individu- als; An. individtut1,. who spends Imre Chicago- ton-Vention last week wasovvr tlifin he Makes, must la the end run THE PRO-NAZI*EATHEWMAN The 'Weather - oif-the wiioieTh s been favorable to the-Allied„plans sine the., vyar .began„ -and lease of -ill in the ,vitally---linportant,:eampalgh '4u- 'Nor; -The whnd'er ia that in 'Nor- , Mandy- the 9d success has ,bpen. Sce. .great,*-rtither than that our progresS thete, has not been faster. The ele- ments have fril Combilied to. help- the defenders and '*hattper the attackers. The Fitory has' already been told of-. how General Eisenhower postponed the inwisloil for 'tvVentit-four hours because of the weather, and then at the last ineinenthad to gamble 'everything on rising barometer . or Welt another month. • What 1 het fifilY aPpreciated- is the hard struggle the Allies, have had to overcome the natural advantage that corifirining bad weather gave to Field Vfarshi Tionimeh- TO begin wtth the heavy Channel seas on D=day and iniritediately- there- after cost us IlenVily itt laeding• craft and transport, not to Mention the lost effieiency of ,troops overcome with sea-, "siekness. A ,gretit' deal of equipMent 'Was 10:tit, lir 'the lauding in additiori.to. 'vvhat the enelny destroyed! Clouds. low visibility and' low, ceilings' hainit' ered the air forees to a polet.where It was as though half,the- huge air 'fleets the Alliesliktbeilt ur) to aiipport their ground forces had* been temporarily put out of netion Then, . for " days, the Channel Was' sWept* by gales and kicked up to su-eli tin extent that :on1y. superheman effort and .extrilordinary ingenuity and int,' provistition kept a steady flow of sup - Plies' going :to the beachhead.FIab orate plans Nut been mede for iittload- -ing heavy equipmeet" Without ft port. but these gales and heavy Seas-almoat wrecked them and'uoide the capture Of Cherbourg so vital that it had to be taken regardless of ita eost.. When the weather is as bad as it has beeh lately in N'ormandy it affecte ery arm ,tif 'servit*o, „from the 'old,: fashiOne.d foot slogger to' the' modern airman. Air/One spotting for artik lery is 'hampered: motoriZed taptip- 1110111 evee tata“.1eet bowled down in only tome out of taxation and , there quAgm fres, and :even :the strategic n limft to all faxetion. boMbing of rear fireets to interrupt . (VW of the primary functions of this Bank is to make loans ..to • . those requiring credit in the' opera., don of their business:. If your - business can be helped by the extensionof -credit we shall be glad to have you discuss your plans with us: lit-A-.-114'Manager .ortire GiideriCti Uranch; •glad -to -have -you call, and discuss any matter ' •iri which the .Dank can; help you Sub -Agencies at Auburn and Dungannon .into trouble and- the same j: true if tlie '1414Ing of tlieTiee*iwesidential goverfunents, 'The printiple is no dif- candidate. In 1940 Henry A. Wallace forent. Micawber Was right. %vas ejected 'Iricetrresident, hut De -has Years ago a Weil-ltnown backbencher not been aceeptable eleMenia in Ottawa advised parliaineot that'the way to win, eleCtions was; to "dash the liaft.Y the eollventioll dropped away and spend the money" That is him and, nitine(l Senator Henry S... what we are doing , todaY," We have, Truman oC Missouri in his stead. With heeeme so aeellato'lled to talking in the niain-candidates now inthe field+t, billions that we 'have seemed to have forgotten that money does not grow on there Will be several otht' beade� tre0,4, alaaey is opay the symbol of those of the Republicans Anrl )emohard work and iminstry by somebody'. &tits, but' they will. not "eut much We: have no objections to social ;teem - the campaign eau\ nqw ,,preeeed 8errie°8' 1" Are 'in fft"r of til°141* Ilut before we ruala late all, sorts of to a roaring 'finish oniNovembei Ttliu plans for handing , out money let um* . • Cautiously figere out 'where the Money he plumber Tang,1 the bell andas is coming front and can we afford it. It happened both ,..the master ,and A bankrupt country' etuniot long main-. mietreaa of the7hOtise came' to ,the doortofu lavish expenditures. As they atood in the halt the husband, A.state isnothing apart. It consists Who Wria very Methodleal. said: • of 011 the eitizenft of the eountrY. The "I wish before vve , go liPstaiiss t� citizens • must cotreribufe. tile Money aequaint you with, the trouble." for the serviees of the etate.,' 'This mil "rin vela? plerified tio nut am,, SaifX the plumber': -ever taiked over the bac fence? -, jfAYBE you have a :neighbour who doesn't know what' it's all about when it comes to raising cucumbers. Or perhaps he hasn't a knackwithroses. So, you tell _him_what-Spay_to little lesson in pruning. And nextthing you • m know he says: "I'm certainly sold' on that advice" you gave me." And ihat'i' flow progress comes about.. A ' fella"; conies along who knows more than ' you' do about life Insurance, for instance, and 4r.'2".first thing you know you see a. way ib protect Ourself and your wife and the kiddies, a plan " you Might never have thought of, , yet it seems easy once you start: , • • . d , if there were no salesmen,- hUndiedi,of -thousands of people now insured would be without the security they enjoy. So, many people put off • till tomorrow what they should do today — so many neglect provision ' for the &m.o.-That is why the helpful neighbours Who sill life insurance have sbe. come such great instruments In the promo- tion of thrift. It is good citizenship to' own . LIFE' id/woo fro tifo InsurAtoce COmPoM48$ i,s - Cittiiida CI.