HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-07-20, Page 1, ' • t GOPERICH, ONTARIO) THURSDAY, JUL'i .20th, 1944 OUL 1ST KEEP1TS Ritikee. LQ11041.0 • * g?rteRiA0n. oJ WittOr • SOPVIee TJIG•TOwn Cennell t itS,ineeting on;, ,Friday,night, all'inenat'Iers preseht, had •" before it A petition frOM, about a score otlesiclents o tilatpart of $t; David'S Ward' be/Indef.:1 by Iluron- road, Maple street, Wainnt' Sireet ,and Maitland road setting forth tliatthey were with- out town water and. sanitary : seryiee:. •Fifty ."childree, .it was said, were re- siding ,this • area and.were drinking ' water from wells; for „pure cliinking water they were dependent 'upon the, •, redid -01v,, had. to 'carry the 'water long distance$. saMple water,was 011bn:fitted And NF1J$tIC SCHEME? $rllr-OrtrOV'NT'Y IAIQ ,OrrICEll, ABOTAPRED A .Eourth Couit3 Constable AO Re Apleenited " :At a meeting held On Tnesday the pollee eeniniittee -Of .11tiron • OuW Ce,ur4en. voted tmanimetwly to a• belish the position of CountY truffle -officer*, and thdt, Noreacti Lever, who has held the PoSition since ..1929„h6 given ?lie month's pay in lieu of the costomary nOtice; the abolition to takeeffect iiiimediately. The. Coanty OA* VV#W authorized to as fry' applieations for a fourth County ,constable, to be stationed at Y look afteg the ti•allic iii•his own area: John Ferguson at Exeter, Imer_ Snell at_Sertforth, Charle.a ,Salt at Wing-, ham, and the one to be appointed iu the BIyth area: • •• The committee is composed of the following ,members; Reeves .Harold Moffatt_ of nr•—elittirtitr, 'George -ArniStreng, of Baker, Of CrOdericla, and Warden Fred Iyhtson, of Stanley. it was iSkeil-that the -matter be -t#01011- - up with the lecal Board of'Health. . Reeve W. j. Baker said he thought -all residents' ef the town shquld have ' ater•-et---a--Matr-rate,"- • "WP s haJ •, „ • -OV ivater--hfr-Vhlril - needed •is paere,-Wergy.--td--h-tin to the town level," He _could not see why residents 'on the outskirts ef the town should 'be taxed extra Tor water, any More than the . town phould. be -charged at higher rate for Hydro power. Coml. Fluekins said, he used to live in that part of the town and he knew the water sometlines Was not usable, an:(.IA to get in the town , water. would havecost him $g00 .Sfiread• Ovet term- ' of thirty years.' He asked, when the water' system was..,:introduced were all - property Owners assessed a pre- .portionate. share? • • ' Colin. Brown said he was in 'hearty wagreethent..-.with. J)e.eP: but the attitude of the waterworks, superintendent was that the town was • not *justified in incerringn the expense, of.•'laying . water mains, to • out-bf-the- •Way:places: The district anentioned.in the petition, however, - seethed .to be w&i_settled...and 'perhaps the , water ' .sYStera_Sbo_uldibe:.extended. to it. wasplenty,. of *Ater in but 'kenneone had to pay thecost_pf having_ It piped, 1104:knew an: entire over- • hauling of the town's " waterworks , system- contemplated. MaYor", Turner -said every part .-"of ' the town should have water and other serviees, such as. roads. The Matterwas referred to the •:harbor, water. and light committee. • • North -Harbor Read .Proposal , A. letter from R. K._.Wurtele (pub - ______ in another column) Jed. to .0 0oun. Brovpn said that 'though nor brief..., discussion with regard to the zif:_oposed. roadr. to the __north Side Of 4„ the harbor. ..,had. heard about industries' seeking a site at the waterfront no Atichlirro' position ..had wirer come before. the Council. Eke' thought if A,. Strong • deputation went -to Ottawa the project •'naiglit receive' better Consideration than'. it had Yet had. Other members took part in, the, • discussion, which tamed to reconstruc- tion projects in general. Deputy Reeve Mooney thelight there should be a Public meeting, at whieh citizens might. • advance their ideas. .• • • •• Mr. Wurtele's letter was referred to • the reconstruction 'committee and lt was decided to have a Special Meeting to discuss these niatters. County Mine. Scheme • The receipt of notice of the County tax levy, including.a for. the Comity- health 'scheme,' led to 'another - 'discussion. ' '• ,,„ • The Mayor held that if the Mown • :paid Tor its own ,public health nurse • it should not- be -levied On' to pay for • Couttty nurses., ,Beeve • Baker and Deputy Reeve Mooney, the Town's representatives on the County Council, said Some akree. ----ruentrsheuldl.)e-.reached._ If the ,Town, • disneesed„-with its own' ilurse .and depended upon the County scheme it• . would not have as good service • as it was getting from Miss Cleaver. . 'The. suggestion I was made that the Comity Might engage Miss Cleaver and assign :her to Gdclerich; Where there Is sufficient work to "keep. one Mars° -- bogy,' -• • The • sexton of Maitland C-entet-e-r.y •t..•rted four"'Interments June: • •=r- poke Reports • 01110 of Police RoSs blade the fol-, lowing report ,for the three months ending June 30: Number of offenceS -known OP reported to police, 414 Truth- ' Icer of °proseeutions„ 32; convictions, 29;. cars stolen, 1;. cars recovered, if • bicieles stolen;. 1; bicycles •reeovered, 1; auto accid'ents, 10 ;, persons Injured in accidents, 6; 'complaints • in- --Veatigated, 82; lost children Lound, 3; • 'total amount of fines, $112. 'The chief Of pence als0 reported • his Endings On weighing loads of coal • Town -Company • •Scale • W'eight • Aaults Coal Co. .*--2385 lb. 2410 lb. • .1 C. C. Lee . •- '4480 1h. 748011i. 'Mustard Coal Co. '4070 lb. 4070 pa. Dean Coal Co. 5615 if); 5580 lb. .,. Building 40pheatitons. . • . . •A..large _number _of ApplipatiMis for " building permits were. received. George Glenn proposes to erect a two-story , frame building's, oh the Bayfield road at.a cost 001:400. McColl.-Froittenae, oil Co. propoSes au extension of its' storage facilities by the erection at Its • property on. Maitland .road of il frame • building oe goperete pier.• Other arf- plicatiorkk': for more, or less _extensive improvements, , were frOin jas, Afe., .,Adanif Raglan- street; AMs .nliza 'Fraser, Wellingten • RthCt L.„Foster, Britannia read; Williara Cook; ,Ettet street; Xenneth R. tell, Wolfe street; J. T. GreenWaY, flaSt street; •Cart• W. Worsen, Napier etreet; Rey Patterson, • Oanierou street; Mrs. Ethel Huron road; It. C. WhateleY, Nelson •street; Win. Mtigford, Newgitte. street:* • (), McManuS, Lighthouse 'street; Rich& Xt. jeWell, irafaigar street;! W. R. Pinder, St. • David's -•street:• Hiram Prindley, St. Patrick's street; Mils.' 0: Moore.,'Nevvgate street; Fred •04N. PIVREOrrET .0,0riiii-eneing--rteXt--Sundayr,Stily-f23r aiierVeatinaing. until SepteMber the • band Will 'play in the, 'balidstand from "8.60 p.m. to V • pact; .. Att. the bandttelea are not Seasoned 'players, to. eliminate • the.- feW ininnterie, interval. -between munbers Bandmaster WoOds, '#111XIOQS IQ ` hear 'trate, anyone who .eau emitribute itemif to make these 'progranis interesting both .to the per- formers and to •the public. Anyone •(no' age Milt) Who .cati play any Idtad of instrument — accordion, , guitar, harniOniea, piano, solo or who , can recite or sing will be a. welcome addition; or perhaps there Is a group or choir, who would be•Willing to, give night and ,sing, alternately. with theband plaYing. This is ,an. opportunity' .to give the Palle tlie bciiClltV-srour-tt,tienti-fuld the,' more you give the More At will increase.. -TiettlmieWhocan.help.corne_oitinft make theseprograms interesting and 'worth. while. See the bandmaster 'after Sunday's °concert, or Call' or writei,,stu_' nvenknthavpar- tienlarsdeniers at • Lander! drug store. . • . • • Blake street; William Birnie, East -street.. • , „7.A.' communication from Gee. •Mathie- sea with rega-rd...to insurance upen the building,. on Newgate street which-he-is- purehasing. from the Town was sent to the industrial, committee. A • communication from the Pro- vincial Department of Health 'with re- gard to regulations, for the. operation. of 'Maitland eemetery •was.sent ta the ceMetery and parks. committee.. A. notice of the, Cowart:0'i'. reVy,- $14;670,30, 'was received from• the County Clerk. The amOuneis divided' as .follows: General abinalgr fate, $9,621.13; for County 'highways; $5,05.17. ' • • • , • The Town -had ,Prepaid the 'Meaty tax on a' -four -mill rate,. before a halt. SitY' HARBOR. NOW IN HANDS OF HOLDING UNIT , • .Transfer Takes Place Without Any. Formality The, ehange-over at Sky Harbor last • Saturday Mariing, when the It.C.A.P. -Holding .114ft-took over -from- Ilaron- Cdunty Flyi!ag 'Trabaing School °Limited, was .,inade, without ado • or any formality to mark the 'occasion. A new camp conimanclant is expected to arrive , next . week and meanwhile .a-_ 'warrant officer is 'temperarliY charge. All. personnel .of the Holding 'Veit• :litig'i-idtl-Yet-iirfreed;-"rd-it-Weilr take -the staff of clerks now making an inventory stairelime to. complete their job'. Some twenty odd flying In- -structhrs who remained at the -Week., end received postings to Windsor grid Oshawa,- 'John Donglasr.maeager of the school. during its foair :Mill was added for _the Cmmty_ health years- of • oPeration, IS remaining: -111- 'scheme. . the'airport ' indefinitely in -the . interests na--ent done 'its duty=i-f-Y-Panada—iii its , • the Government prepared to Meet -the 1. EMPTY WATER TAPS United church would censider the con- . EMPIRE SERVICE CLUB' difficelt time of the, post war Period? 'Editor, The SienakStar. ' cLarty Addresses Liberals [ itald AlaSbOildihnS - AT THE IVATERnONT sz.xxoTx.vg sERviorr , slrla woxittor:roxt MEN _, • . Vat:ienaf Selective Service 'irt Gode- t,,,, ,,,,,,,,. (,4,,,,,,,,..,00tor. rick* busy these dive fine-comhipt its ' WV -,7'''''''''''''”' aree-fig 'Th#U$4,7##40 fOt IgKeiitifil. It17- the Past 'week Were; Priceldoe„ VridaY!, duStrY, but it is ggn at'Y 1 ' r i 0 Y scraping . 277000 bus. wheat and. screenings; theliottoxii Of rtbe barrel, Manager , E. Winnipeg, )iiondaY,:- 70,000 ixos, Wheat, II. UM said in_ elickt Wednesday morn-. Alaosey today (T)attrSday)- 110,00(J bus g" -• . • . .. • • . Singe, t .e.closing of Sky R bOr air- wheat.and rye,- • - • - Pert rtuir the directing of civilians to And' Huron -Bruce.. (Provinciat), held' ,SOlmols Af mohstroes carp itaVe in- •essential necupations elsewhere chief 'At a 'foie'. t meeting- et -the Liberal' .6.ssociationS•of North riu1701A (Federal) in the Wingham TOWn. nail- On Friday vaded" 41* Maitland River` and' eatis he 13••2, out a town, an order for a certain, tho two Assoelatiouse ottioors wore sun:, 'Reeve Le,shhrook came all the rhreagh from the R.0- which has Way froin ROdneY with a'partY in quest taken- over the .sehool. ',Ole number elected.- as felloves,;• President, Alex. rg black bass, only to hook an eighteen Of civilians to be thus ' niployed was AleVnder,..'Grey toss ;.' first viee- Pound Carps much' to diSgust., The- Aalioit,..:4iti.ovu:Algxed.; tilLettioints. wutialii'restanotewtr:ebtheeatn: president, C. •MacLean, Winghami bass cateh.-was small' on this particular seeond i'rfee'tpresident, Frank Fleglaad daY last wee'il and tl.)°' anglers blamed ace°rdea tile-DttYlleg° °f en41°Ylng• iterchWawteetr.:0,blo)etruer eatuhaeht•ploork,L;atSe0Ma: usunraVeerY..w:onfy twheivaGaodevirieewit, to d• irecting Still mere Men engaged In Tuesday of this week, an unusualit date,.......,,Channel_catlisk_also4 are non-essential work into essential •.em- ittllt-to-742helleSseeieelletiVaPIP-He S;;;71relloeinfficie being caught in plentiful euantitiii-aVlialUm°13.ed the harbor; London party took' 4 hig catch of.these none too popular .fish, chairmen -ha the -various -municipalities, it was decided to ainalganlute Seem by.' tbe bundr,eds basking in the ntunber of civilian Workers has "come . P the eArp, which also are numerous -in certain percentage of civilians. Clinton; third Vice-president, Dr. • E. J. Weiler, Mildniar secretarY- „ • treasarer, W. Attridge, tirederich. It was left to - the exe-e-ative;-"LaTere operation . with the workers in the, several municipalities, /o arrange the .:141:a.xirt.ntinti.70•911r,tthelces3.v.e,niwngas. a naaP w° t sp:o:u emdrse, abnaiIcakweighing cookedwai iSt4.1leeer els *iasIP ratowrpeee,nrttl YY0 Stitherla.nd' of Gbderich acted as seCre- Psome fishermen,. a' real delicacy. The Norman Maraitk..• fr. is yea•r 1The special speaker 'cif- the eveellig d 35 pounds. State. in the Federal Cabinet. ••IrETRON' 'SHORTHoRN much 'water has gone under the was Hon. NormanMcLartyp, Secretary•_• • ' on :West street daily for interviews. .• A special order has ' just ,come throagh. affeeting „men- who have been rejected for military serviee and where it is fennd.- they are not employed in k--tlie-*-anstferls- This, tooi_is being done by Selective Servive, Heretofore men in this cate, gory have enjoyed impaunitY.,- • While everybody is working and .1: end" Windsor Castle Pifd. Teta of a W6401'11)1 Yisit to Uie Royal litarialor. .,- Mr. and,Mrs. 'Clifford Helfand-, fit; George's - 'Crewe,. ,lave remived the ;following letter,. dated • Ohne 18, Train their son, Pilot °Meer John Holland*, • everseas. IVO,' Holland, who, waSforaumiy tat.the 'Staff of the ReYal Bank here, enlieted in Novem- ber,,gvvillr.e:117tts'inISte.4.1;tepivrme:beoUrti,S`tu.wlitii143:::art.ndUwent I guess by. now you'll he wondering *hat has beeome of ine. We. didn't ,wo all egexertiacatn.e.dre;.LIstofarega,re,vc,ft :!egaog•Vtoe (teNyulir for 5. week to Some' place near LonclonT ..The lady at, the desk"said knevi Just the place, so with two other lads X,, left there: ....Tuesday afternoon. It , turned orit we were to be 'the guests of o'L,pord, Ceu.ertooladeTromPar at ..don)..;.---.His-.7.cliauffear- that Jet--.0-ed we were received by lordship. It's , SHippED TO _KENTUCKY there are a great many more jobs. than ahinegd'bereAirettifutaigsleuksb'leit arilloitoillitsee;"'sswitVtilea,1•31*Pstsuo'rer;'arbiloeciril";.- men., Meaner tEtin, said 'there, was still ately•Tfurnmied,..., .• - a surprising number 'of people who,had. The.hutler, Henri,- wakes As at 8 a.M. not Yet been directed to 'essential 40C.- with a. cap.-of:tea and we have 'break- cupations. • - • feat on,,, a large partially enclosed:•Side4• _, TO tsoBittEnuaTittoANN.pDITDRAT.313,)I•N6,• JAP')rtchilej.14fititi4heg-rooamthiFer ies.tflu'at'torntheearwislathee • guests eat alone and at their leisure, • . The P rog res e • • C' onserv' atties' 'Of hri°su-irellss'is- Ta•et;3:61.-t7and ith C'•ciTtti:11'4e. rsat'itfi;tr.40' "a'ir°s, t. Hu on Perth riding meet a wafterii usbis..1/1"4811.titriP' ifutlast."4„tril°nIze:ce a ReliSaIV*on -FridaST; AllY 28th, at 8.30 : they are (1-1112411"1—tig'intX4eeiPir Ifisesetrisnra*ftglillas:'en°1-11)a*" .111°.'s -'1!f:(14-11"1:1137 wonths of ith 'Mr. Brace Matbesen, ,H7uron s (a,alliancluiad te for die next Federal election. agricultural representative, ,- inspected operations, so he does his best:to ,par •••••••, • • • weight' on us, You should . see the IBOY 'HERE Firom 'f:ettals> c.veFY c1:le cf.which'is fun- Of rich p013T CLINTON,931'•0 ni9e°as----,. crecearu'era,a7po't*athoire, 64vererraltigegare's• -L- . . could. wish for in this land of need, A party •of Boy* Scouts, Of. ':/11rierica not one thing lacking. weighed us • , Irom Pert,...Saintort, .Ohio, „travelling thenightwe pante in and each night by bicycle, 'is in town today.. There since, just before going to bed. There's - are nine boys -and 'three leaders. •Start-. plenty to do arinind the house,10,..be- ing ,from Port Clinton they.•kode•-seven- tween meals, which; I needn't teen tulles to Sandusky, where,' they saying are the highlights of, the day. 1. boarded the. steamer, Put -in -Bay for In one large games room there's a Detroit They "slept at Belle Isle two peol table and Siamese bagatelle tables nights, then pedalled over the .Ainbas: as. Well as numerous others, books Of . Sador Bridge to Windsor and took the ,any description, radio and • steamer Hamonic for- Sarnia. The There's table tennis board outside in trip from Sarnia to, Goderieh vvas made a shelter. Frona this end of the house .by Wide" dnyS. .„ • • * • I can look down on one of the loveliest The party is -headed for , Niagara gardens 'I've ever 'seen. • The air all , Falls, by may of Southampton, 'Owen around...the. house is scented, with: the Sound and TOronto.' At Buffalo they fragrance , of 'thousands of-"koses that will-talre-Ine-D.-&- 0; boat bileir-,16 Tie.; , blooralri-. gardens" on -airtides-7--There's•---:-- .troit and the steamer. put -in Bay to a nine -hole golf coarse just O.CPOSS the Put -in Bay, where they will transfer road and a putting green on one level - to the. -Islander , for Port Clinton' and lawn to the east of the -house *Spade& borne. ' ' . trees surround the place..in.inultitudes; • ' This is therirstwthne this trip has one large ' wood in partieular aerbss been Made in this fashion, for a great the geld to the north. • many years at • least. . We went for a walk yesterday; With • The leaders are R. w. Phippe, T. a-, his ' lordship through this forest • on- • , OP FLAT. Patterson and Al. Jofies. bridge, he said, in the last five long, . weary years Of War. The people Of Seventeen head.- of Shorthorn cattle, Canadawould not relax 3,e-the1r-effort particularly fine specimens, ten of theta until the war was won., 'Ina. the pro- from the farm of W. A'. Culbert, 41h gressof -the forces' of- the. United-. Na- -eoneession-, "7 ASIAOCI, two -frorct. -the tions Indicated that the -end might not Aeighboring farm of Orville; Free and be far off. The Mit:later Spoke of the five from the herd. of Aphraira Seell, viclotis attaek of Japan in the East whose farm Is- located on No, 4 high:: and said that. at that time aid vnien way, -near Lohdesborb, were shipped Etinopia waS ravaged,: by Italy the Wednesday from Clinton, Rice, other- nations were_a; -little. tee COM: a, big steckhr,eeder of near Parts,„ PliCent. ' • " tacky. Mr. Rice personally yisi truehing-..-tO -political --alteairsi•41r.. Mc Huren---een*ty..--k--few---weeki-age--n Laity said -that though' he Might be expected te give the date of the erec- tion he could not -1,10 so, other than; to say, it- would be prior -to. June 15th, 1;90- " • 'When:, the.. election domes, he said, there it -re three- thiirgs,thkipeople-,--wili haA to deti'd&-First; the•Govern- quite a number of Shorthorn herds and made his selections.; Mr.. Rice IS his' o n State and beyond. He spoke a sticlzssful breeder, widely known in In high terniS of the standard of Shorthorn Ste& now -"being raised in - • replY enquirY from the of the company. - •• • centribution :to the war'".--secend,litts- Council _as to whether Victoria street ' • • • - • ttruction of a curb in •front of the . Ahout 125 young people enjoyed a Third, whom de. they want, to represent Sir, --,,The' prize fatix• pas. �f' the church property, a' reply was received special'. dande at the „Empire Serviqe them at the pea e„ 7 . , 'e table civic arena in many a moon was made from the official...board of the church Club on 'Wednesday everiing, when :Appeals on .-GoVernthent's Record la -S- the councillor who 'suggested „that that action .was 'being* taken in this sixty; LAC.'s of the navigators' course The present Government, he clahned, the P.U.C. give a free lawn andkiarden Matter. _ • , from No, 31 A.N.S., Port Albertvieited should be re-elected on its record. "We service,. now that the waterworks de - A letter from the Continentar Cam' the canteen. {roup 'Captain Bax, A.F..'have had, to establish Control, to stng pertinent is Making meney. ,He went alty Company 'with regard to liability M., and *.S/Ild. Heinbucii ,iiild .,Mrs. inflation, the effect of which 'will- be off half-cocked, failing to first inquire of the municipality iirease of accidents Heinbuck were. in rkil,tendance, .' The apparent after the war." He, told of- if there was .any water on 'MP to give Caused by gratings or other such open - senior •hostesses assisting were Mrs. the high prices during and after .-the away,'. which there Scores,- of citizens took the councillor's ill-timed. lugs on streets Was sent to the public suggestion- invitation te works committee. . A letter froth-. the. Aeronautical 'In- turn mi outdoor- taps and let water Chipman pour out indiscriminately without re- stittite of Canada,' suggesting• -that the' WeVin,becenie a meMber at a fee of gard to 'regulation hours. As a result sec $10 was sent to the 'special Committee. ond and third -story dwellers .are often A letter from It. KC.; without water with which. folAnve . • . .stated that Mrs Ada Reid had suffered and -wash, let alone drink. I would serious' injuries to her left arm on suggest that town fathers do a little July. 3rd Iast bkreason- of the bad -state- thinking before breakirig-140 print Of. repair. o, the sidecealk on the south side of East street. The matter had alread.ybeen referred to the' hisurance ' MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED . -Mr. and 'dis Jas U SOhnSton, Essex CommitteeReportsstreet, Goderikch; -Wish to announce the ' ' The.' finance .eommittee • passed a • marriage' of their eldeet- daughter largenumber of accounts, and recom- -141einia. JOY, to Pte. Marvin -Bo-Wiles, U.S.A.A.11„ Fort Worth, Texas, •only mended. that the aecount •tOr water rates, • $1,511.98, be referred ' back to son of Mrs. M. Bewles and the late Mr. 13oWles of Fort Worth; the „mar - the Public. Utilities Commission., 'The special committee recommended riage taking -place at Westminster Presbyterian church. 'Dayton, Ohio at that the bandmaster be instructed te •Arrange hand corieerts for- every' Sun, day evening until the second Week in September, . and thatAhe Mayor ,,get in touch. with Mr. Barker in regard to having a crest of the ToWn, made for •Goderich: ' , The' water, light and harbor 'cot:u- nfitted ()recommended that - addition' picnic tables be provided atthebathing ,beach. . -..-..-RePorts on__ routine_ matters • were submitted by the public works and fire committees. „.„•• •• • Inquiry alrut -Chopping Mill Coue. Butler' said. he had had -ah inquiry, as to whether the chopping mill on Brock Street was for Sae, and at what price. ,•ThiS and an' offer fer the,. building at the corner of 'Victoria and .Newgate-streets-:wererefqrred-to-- coeitaitthe of the Whele. last war, and. then, he Said; there was the great-"drop;---the--depre,ssion, It is true, he said, that farrit pi -educe, had hot been allowed to rise; but neither had other prices. • . "We have done 'certain •things that we would not do as Liberals, except under the stress of war. While this Government has not ane the 'popular thing it has ,done -the -proper -thing; and, What; we ineee done," .he said,. "would provide the prosperity'', and happiness of our people in. the future." Speaking .A of unemployment, the Minister said It -was- not goirig .to be an -easy task, but the Goternmeet with the plans it has formulated .has taltea every ' reasonable precaution' -to .see that Mallon' after the wo4fas Moderate as possible, se that the country_ will not have to face the troubles.which ;came after.the last war. •• !-!We will wish to. be represented at the peace table and our 'Pace will carry considerable weight When peaces is laid down: When we coine .to the period of reconstruction, /Whom do you want at the petee table? John Bracken has not the vision nor • the background. Colclweil is very able, but has he the vision to represent Canada? There is at present only one, Man for this mest•iniportant fob and that is Prime MinisterMacKenzieKing,' I have been Associated,. with him for five years and .have observed the working of his mind, his leadership, ancip have no °hesitation in saying that no higher qbality of Teadetship can be given' than he has' given. -* ' "We pave.made.raistakes,- but if any • wnent, has_triestie sarry_on_the thingsthat will win this -war and. pre - Pare for after the war the King_Gov- ernment has done It.. "I Ask you to ,bear in mind that thid Governthent'S record -will be aglittering page in history -and 1 believe that Hon. Maekenzie KingIsthe Mall to represent Canada when, the new world Is being Construeted Arid' reborn." u. R. C. Hays, president 'of the Empire Service Club, Mrs. p. McLaughlin Miss Josie Satinders, Mrs. D: J.. Pat-, tersen and Mrst, , L. 0.• Novelty dances and the eyer popular' "Paul Jones". helped the young people to get •acquainted. Those winning prizes were Miss 'Marjorie, Hays and LAC. Jenner. The boys helped, serve 'irefreShnients of - diecoliite and doughnuts. • ! • company. •'JUST RUMORS 'A sizable class of students arrived in Goderich by train Tuesday,/ noon and proceeded by motor truck ,to Port Albert Navigation School. Rumors As to the • closing of. the :station 'Persist but are:little 'more than guesses., The• latest'guess is next February. One high -placed- oMcial' said it would be just as reasonable to ask when ',the war against brith Germany,tind japen. wasgoing. to encl..-- BIG MTh• STAFF TO /HOLIDAY Western 'Canada Flour Mills; elpSe its plant all .next week and some 150 employees•will be given their an,: nual vacation with pay. Maintenance men will remain at work mad with ex- perts from Montreal major repairs are to be undertaken • during the shut- down.°,The ,force at the Big is now about twenty .hands short. The high -nood, July 16th. The double ring '11. department has been rush- ing, at.; in _ximum capacity, but - the -ceremony Was attended .by. the groom's mother , , The .hap . is reside DeytenOhioere the groom feed mill has_ been operating enlY fear 111 slays. a week for want of more help. .: stationed.. • 4,1 BROKEN' BOTTLE CAUSESJIVITRY • 'While delivering milk at the Culbert bakery, West street, J. R._ Orr,' South street, suffered painful injuries when he slipped/ breaking a bottle, The glass, penetraWig his hand caused a deep gash which required - seVeral _stitches- - _Suffering alse.`-frona -the weakneSs caused by loss- of" blood, Mi. Orr was removed to the hospital, where the wound was given.' medical atteh- tien. Mr. Orr is convalescing at his ,home. --: The- Mayor was authorized 'to• issue a .proplamatioe• Of the civic libliclay, A -quilt 7th. • ' • ' ." • -A ,grttnt• of $5.0 to 11.111.o.S. ",Gede- rich" . Was .passed at the suggestion of Court. Brown, and -Coun. :•-•74,nekins 'stated:that the,,Salvage comthitthe .had mude'a grant of a Similar amount. Conn. Brown Coinplained • of articles iit the local and daily press reporting crowded conditions' at , eating- places in ktoderiCh -at• a -recent liolidaY,Week:f end. He Supposed sueli Conditions. pre- vailed iill over Ontario, but he'thought the puhlieity given ,Goderich in this C'esPect 'was „nefOrt_tnifite,.......i.__,' • The "'Mayor, said the road signs around.- town were In. need of a dont of ,paint, andthe publie • works eom- mitteewasauthorized' to have. them 'brightened up: , A Council endorsed a resolution from the City Council ef .Sault Ste. Marie' favaing , the Issue- of •Speeial gasoline coePoret.for4the use of ineMbers-of the armed forces on furlough. • ' Bylaw No. 20, for the sale of a lot on;-4,1rOn. rottd to Noah. Geromette, Was adopted, and 'bylaw No. 21, Viding for the'lleensing*and regal ng 02 restaurants, lunch reeiliS and dairy bars, was given its _first and 'seeded reallbigs_preperatory .to Submitting it to the 'Ontarle Muflicipal Board for approval, : ,7„ • ' In committee of the whole C• Ouricil it . wits deeided to 'give the Don:Onion Itoatit Machinery* Co., the opportunity' of purchasing the chopping mill iniild- ing, ‘'Vhich the Company Ints 'been using for ''storage purposes, it -a priee kf $1,000„ The pat.m. co. 'vim alf,fo be asked to make an offer for the• pur- elms° of the foundry on Victoria Street. The' post-war reconstruction 'com- mittee :ivkis enlarged to inelude all members of the Council and 'it. was decided to meet en. July QOth to con, 14turneY, Britannia road; Inek Graham, sider reconstruction' proposals., . •;,4 • RAT i8 THE MAwmr TTER cigars!" That is thea1utatioil With which smokers of Hai/aims down to the lowly ,Stogies' and, tivo-for's are being, greeted these days at. febaeco Stores, 'hotel eounters, grocery ' stores and . elsewhere 111 Gederieh; 'and the "famine,' which • has been on for two weeks, has, eaused sonic - thing bordering on coesternation among. Confirmed addicts' whose ..hap- piest -montents---Of the day are -spent duringthe after-dinner •cigar- period. One man.. canvassed eig.ht places of business In quest of anY"kind of eigar anLiyaUfld, at_package of cigarettes.. If there are any cigars' for sale in Goderich at this writing they. are Under the counter, in the cellar or up in the attie, arid it all depends upon • , • Resolutions , The following 'resolutions were in- dersed: ..- • • . • „ We the Liberals of 'North Huron meeting ,in Wingham -'•express our loyalty. 10 our King and the British and our feeling Of pride in the splendid rebord' laf• "courage and 'de- otion she has shown in the cause of freedom.- ' • • , • Resolved, that we express our con- fidence and °loyalty In the ,,leadership of qur.Premier,,Itt Ilon W. L. Mae- s ' W.C.T.I1J. PICNIC OHEIR—GRAINGER The' anneal picnic of the ' and Little White Ribboners was held .A quiet, wedding took place at St. - peter's church`ou Wednesday morning;• oh Tuesday at. Herber' Park. After when Evelyn Campbell, daughter of a, lovely sapper, the decolional. Mr:. and Mrs. John Grainger, Bruce- period waS taken by different' meii-. field, and LAO Thomas Jeseph, son Of hers, and the meeting waS elosed With Mrs. O'Heir „end the .late T J,•O'Heir Prayer by Rev. Jos:-.Tenes.---L,.... of Torontp, were united in marriage. The bridelooked charming In a *street- ° THE 'WEATHER " •length white silk jersey dress, with Temperatures of the past week •'in Small.flower hat and. shoulder -length ,Goderich, with those of the correspond - veil. - Iler -corsage was pink roses and lag week a year. ago, as officially re- bouvardia. The bridesmaid, Miss Rfta corded, Were as tellOWS : - two-piece 4944 1943 Dalton, —was-- teurquoise crepe with white aeeessories MaX.. Min.Max.Mw and cciesageTof- Talisman roSes. The best than • wass.Mr.-_,Frank„-Fox._, . Mars,. July 13 :..(1,8 .55 77,- 67 ,well known ,and.VaS quite elese tO the ,'1Fri July 4 , 52 Xing, ever: stayed withailin buffet -luncheon Was served afterwards sat., . .57 go oo Castle one night. He belongs- te the at the home of the briple.parents in Brucefield to 'thirty • guests. Mrs. Grainger received in •flowered blue erepe •with white accessories and cor- sage of red roses., and MrS.••• O'Heir wore beige crette with white.aecessories • and pink rods, tater LAC. and Mrs. O'lleir _left on a enitor trip, the bride travelling in a .brown linen two -Piece dress with white accesserlei. beaten paths :that )ie has trodden for years with his guestsand his dog. Xe must be close, to sixty but still gets, ariyand), very well and ,is really a jollr fellow to talk„.te. He had some 01! the most, interoting times .and once in, a while goes Off telling as hit here and there: Oliver Creinwell panted 'the eaks, in this forestfor hunting pur- • poSes., There are imillionskkofold va,lu- ables In this lioase, lots dating hack over a thonsand•years Sonlepietares and furniture were produced' over:live centuries ago. ' There are Oriental fana,fitid rugs eight hundred years old., ' Everywhere yen turn • there' are relics. Of at least Victorijua and sometinies ••• Esolimzaobdeethrna.n ages, ws...11.113:weiSha ymouus:111311y Pra' ighett be here to enjoy it I shall never for- get my visit at Dorney Weed. . An. Australian staying here withus has a •car, so -we've-been seeing the by--•-e-obntf'Ysivell. One inerning we went over to the town of, Windsor, of Which Windsor Castle ,is.., a• part, 'That' day We saw Princesses Elizabeth -and Margaret Rose leaving as they were on their "way for . the . morning ride; • We weee So aghast we: didn't saute as is proper. But that- _was,eoinpactit,11. littie_.as eomeared With today". LordThonapson is very ordtismaatnediyh..encsoe kntodoNavrs..a416.1. o1nl wTueeas..,, 11a8 6537.5 .8708 5672 tamde arrangement§ with the vice,.. iThn JtiJy i' 71 4595 " ‘iP8' uthetl'epet•I'L ti(Continted on page.8) Jtily • OLANGIL VIAID-SNEL ' A qiiiet „wedding ,took -place at the LorideSbore parsonage on -JUIY: when 'Marian 11., daughter of Mr: and Mrs; Win. Snell; was united in mar? riage to Barry B. Langautid,,aon of Dr. and Mrs: C.".A.--Langiamicl of Windsor.- . Alen,zies officiated at the 'Who you are and vvhether or not youKenzie tifl and our admiration of Rev , his statesmanship 1J1 the realm of .in- doubleriiig cereineny. The bride Wore, have been a good -steady custemer If yeir-get one or not.. Still theY seem to., ten:mai:mai Politics and else Our 'Con- an ensemble • of turquolSe :blue 'jersey be cominglike the buzz out offidenee in the leadership of Hon. Harry with white, aecessories and ; ` nowhere; No doubt there hasbeen Nixon, our 'Provincial leader,- ° sage of Briarcliff and Sweetheart roses. ''' .. some hoarding;' as fn. the eaSe of other or. A. R. Campbell of Bengali, pre-* commodities. , sident ,of the •Ilaron!Pertir Liberal As- It alio Is an affront to salesmen Socitttioe, gave -a shert address in whieli to adk the price of cigar •these days.. he stressed the need of proper. organ- , ization, ,They.,,liave trebled and qintdrupled lit • Klee. Your chances of getting a eigar at9111 are muchhetter,.if you Soft - Pedal the transaction. 'Sixteeii' and' eighteen eents eaeh is n. cheap Travellers coming to Goderieh say the manpower shortage is , chiefly to blame for the' cigar famine. Another reason given is the shortage Of•wrapper leaf, which heretofore -VillET brought front •Sumatra .and other Pacific islands. * • ' And there is to be a' shortage of ' Cigarettes; too, tobticeo travellers tinned 'eft some days ago: The reason ,is the sending to 'the bottom of the be'ean of many millions of the lags, bound for %var' theatres. 'These, will have to 'he replaced-I-alit:of the eivilian supply. • - 0 VALUED CITIaNSIEAVg GODERICH TO RESIDE IN CLINTON * ' ev: D. J.. And Mrs.' laiii the 'Airs. ' Lane,' also, has been closely, '..ReeiP.i9iits-tf-MattY, " • '- i entlited, iVitli social oli,a war. ac.tivi. 471 ties. ' For -eight years *she WaS, the : "-4'-------". 1V1;,c: of . gst!eni, - regent of Abineek Chapter; I:0,D.I.l., Re'v:D: ;I". Latie and Mrs/ Little moved ,noilt.p'svai•ais tthuereloyr 'esaerrsv,icacosac.,OpepVerenscortiftecdr,. tills we'ek to Clinton, Where Mr. Lane the Chanter .on the Wartithe eitizeria' is • the e mihistei of the Presbyterittu, Committee. .She was chairmanof the.,.: 4 "chureh. , ' ' - • ' '.- ,"' - overseas parcelcommittee and. superin- - Since comingto Goderieircts fainister tended, the sending of' limulteds of of Knox,,Presbyterian chureh, a eliarge boxes to „the OciderIcli boys overseas lIfiss „Ruth Snell, 'Slater' Of the bride, which he resioed two years ago, Mr. was a faitbful worker in tlie, Red 1eTipitil; MatChing'. hat _itifttirs• of the: town. During, the 40- asSisted ' at the 'blood (loners clinics at , Was, bridesmaid.,,,She Wore, a , rose Lane tOok an aeti.ve interest in the Cross rooms, and as. a graduate nurse Jersy silk iireSS 1-qu'l 4. 0O1- i( Of dream roses and pression years he serited on the local Goderich ,and Port AtIbert. She as a delphinitue, CPI.- G. "'R. Langmaid of, Welfare Board; he was a member 'and valued Member Of -tile Goderieh, Liter - the .i$Rit.001,1:‘.. Station; Olinto'n, brother chaplain of Menesetung 'calibre Club; ary Club., During. her ,reSidence ,in„ tioefethtei:)0g.,r,wo(a):;howidastttbtilset. •hmatliiiii6.,At Ittah: datumbe7ber .0t ti.ie Gbderieh„Liohs Club, ,Goderich, Mrs. Lane Was pregident of , following-'-. the --ceremony a and of, ille-- -Goderich . Lawil._ Bowling Ilitron_Pres,byterial ,Women's Xis- sionarY Seeletr. of the Presbyterial f bride's parents. Tile d,iiiing-room was Since the outbreak of war- both Mr. Charch in Canada'. - '' • ' • ' tastefully deeerated with seasonal and Airs. Lane have made a fine con-. fa recognition. of their services,- the' flowers atid the bride'S table wafi at- tribution of their time and talent, local branch of the • Canadian Legion traetive with,a three -tiered wedding apart froin their church duties, to tke presented Air. and Airs. Lane with a cage. Amid ,, showers of confetti and .war. effort. Whou No. 12 1,11emeutal,,y handsome table lamp, the presentation good' wishes, tile ' happy Couple left to Plying Training School was opened at being made last Tuesday night atitheir sPehd their honeymoon. at Biltaunius $'Sr ilarbor, Mr. Lane was appointed hOme ..by D., E. ,Clampbell and A. :U. Lake of Bays. , Por travelling the chaplain, which position le held until Sane. on behalf of the members, bride donned a -sblue cotton iftee dreSs the closing of tin' sehool this Month.. Mrs. Zane, prjor to her departuree . with White aeCessories. On ,their re- lie wao. a .vieetprosident of ,the local Wili4 the reeipient of a fremed "pieture.'"' turn they Will reside in Wind'Aor, out. braneh of the Red Crosse an, untiring from the Ahineek ('hapter, I.(),1).11., ' The hride has 'relatives in Gederielt worker,in' the Goderich braneh of' the and of A 1#10gbirdllY of Charles •0:`' D. aml is , a former student of Goderich Canadian 'Le ' I, and a representative Roberts from tilts (;(}fierieli I.iterary Colleliate institute. . • on the Wart tne Citizens' Committee, Club. . . OWLS. SCARE STARLINGS P1eietS1 a' tip -fo&-iiiiyone "who wants to let rid of starlings and' who may happen' to have a stuffed owl around the „premises.. -Harold 'Iitoolverton; Grimsby fruit -grower, by placing stuffed owl in thetop of sweet cherry trees believes he has found an unbeat- able way .,of lteei)ing starlings away from•his fruit. In a row of fifteen trees, he has piaee# four owls this year ,and lie reports "there's' not ":1 bird to be seiin anywhere near those cherries„n„ By means of .a string he fastened the owls to the end of poles In such a way that they swing around in the wind. •