The Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-06-29, Page 2THE GODERICH SIG
'itahliebed. by IiignaOtar .Pres, tilmite+3, , WHAT LIES %MST AIIRAtOt
By Ram- V: B`olitf
" *oot Alt feet. Ooderieh„ Orkterto . .. By Vriday morning, June 9, it waS
`116,1i.) .a.NO ' STORE!' ,
.., . tun'. it*takes 'very little to -spur child- the inyasion had' been coMplef.ed. We
. „ Teiepu6ite 11... $0me.. possible to say that tile firat.phase of
' Olhabliceiption flat itiadi ind Great Britain tioo iv rear' tit, isilt:ed Iinagination is a great thing.
Mivertising Batts Or .:request,„, • ten into Ouce YOU start them nre;new *entering tbe •see-ead l'll'ase, a
crITIMSPAT.JUNE "29thst 1.94i . Jug. Itt, fact, it's a great'ical easier
the wh4re thiUg'ean liee011le. embarrass- speart‘t.14. wvihtilichtillAce:iuTirsuY,11:*ahiflutlf eatme:
p.....-:-... . . . ' . '.........,,,-....,......4.---,4•-ttou,eirniolit;e.ton,p,avetirdet: ,,sAttte,iiitk,s:iLut it is to get petent forCeS as the TWenti-first Panzer
3)Qti,01'..011 ' DAT, iii4k dePartnient Of 'the civil service , that , 1,,natt°" 49 MOUtg010er must Iiilild PP the strength
DiVision..;, At the,:wsame time 'Oener
• s ...'..--.,-....- ' , will be 'required for the 'distribution ;the side of a hill On 4 :1$0t,t day, 43, . a 'battle ,with "the strategic reserves.
E4elaettling 1.11037a showpah. rolisug..40Wn
-t, of his,arinies for' a greater test. ti) ePule
ad1an: Ocinf,eitertition' eame Into 'exist4 In tpletation Marko' in tile seednd Patricia Attu .ancltwo, of the ,Ilig'g'ins: Tt„fie1451,,t8yIroutti5.4.,s°1erollz/ii,11001)we'titWeleinieliljtmeetiltrong
ow July 1.,st, 3,1867t 'svhens tbe' C4II.' of -fanillY nilownlices.,' _ .. . gets bigger'-and'bWger. , '
WO* theY a ,lioin,t, raised JA .support :Of..tamily
this article we -MentiOned Ci4ildvell were wolfing on the haeli:
kitelietipbreh. Vhey hail Veen playing von Itundstedt is gapable of' -Curbing
Once, itS prolitoterS could' hardly 'have
. Paragraph of
were. ft,icomplisiibig. . A . fe'ci 'selitteiecl' *allowances,. 't4at thq-weuld '"stiAniate 14gel$0411,111-a'tgttrt‘a4011:1401117"fotrilitlieniSe7SOe'd't'li-et; .t.ElatesIlIckesi:;thle.husillb:.turein:Ilii-14':1:.1;:iiprea'teY:tb:rt'
realized.'what, a good daeS.
othe afterneen ycki setae- 1,8_ti'6,e'',a,rultiluivea. toeti,f.104:46lie.rinnittelntler4:teego!.
'-nn'il 6Pa'rselY'att-1*-4 ' rrq":i4e° '.'S L1.. ' :from . 'toxins . 'rind . factories jitst sat down.. Going into the h 7
ouse -'
'United: in the Deniinion, 'whose flitiire thfOugliOut .the Donlinlen.'? : '-lie'., sale*'theia
au. thingcouldbe. VsnallY they're ,about R if they- Were able to draw a Cordon of
,' 1„.alleSicedf theta what 'the 'matte" But,. they . certainly ,,would, be satiSOCd.'
wisince turn of the CentUrY, rind, ner: ite
7.- '
butthe t tends in aS Mesquite bomber1TheY
Views on the War
.for SOme .decadesseemed uncertain; tax. acts. in a directly Contrail': .111
smiled and thanked me and at on. t Within , the frainework Of thiS
guns ;Pd. •arnaor afiound the
and eonthie it to its preaent natroW
' the oPehiag 44•-f*fineStera revineeP places .0. handicap. on the business Of just didn't. have anY ideas. Being just
merchant' and Manufacturer in ad- a child at heart, I suppose, I offered,
'Canadians. from' Ocean 'to oe ir‘haVe
. , ' - the idea that they play store,. They
of living. Thus, if family alloWanees I went on into the halve, feeling just. StrategY MayShal Bommers tactics are
dition te increasing the all-round ceSt
are 4to Come into effect, we shall ha,ve a little disappointed. , Obvious. Ile must first Prevent' the
the ,Governinent, 'on one hand seeiciiig The idea secio.eP. to catch on, -hew- in a semi -circle: from TrouVille en the
cempletion , of . the Alliedfrontrunning
the OA -el- 'hand ' MainfaTanr-Iiii int- the barn again they Were in, the'inlast • Bale de
of-bailding• a store, in the lx-,Lex,yarci. and Carentart to a point. on the ,West
Seim through Claen, Bayeux
to : l;romote better conditions and on ever, beeause. when I went on out to
'quitous tax ;which is a direct obstacle .They were lugging boxes out of -the .°aat-Qttil'e Vlierb°1'irg PenhisuilL The
tO the, desired improvement. . woodshed and planks from the lumber- •
establishment of such a line Would net
only pen up aVumber of GerniaittiOops
, PS, Tat, 'I' "0 et . r. ik..f.4410-1--,,,qpit lag' :._•.-
ally_:result in the opening" of the port
in the peninsnla, but it would eventii-
. Pile in the orchard,. The sight Of the
three little_peeple tiigging away at the -
-- 'BDITOU&Ti NOTES- ig., oaritsixtcp-,7-.. ,---plifl
setitVii. far 4lant ..-r : -a-. just as I . At . resent the-Getnn Ordalatuler
stood back. to admire My handiwork
Startling thought: •Christnias, 1944, • . is. trying to prevent the linking up of
nearer than Christmas, 1943. . out the pantry window. 'She was laugh.- the Allied positions by inOunting • a,
large -Seale attack around Caen. Should
i caught a glimpse of Mrs. Phil looking
-,, • Miss Canada Will: be - seventy-sereir "children working away like -a caterer
- • ” he ' break through in this - area and
mg quite. heartily at the signt of the
* *. * . .
before' a . county lodge. picnic. . reach the sea on ..ithe wet usuldcleo-uobitecuthe
k ... • ,, . 4 . Canal de Caen, i wouldY
Years old on Saturday; but she 'is as .._.. 1 werit--on 'back to the hay -field rirove___to
fresh and bloominVas ever.- forgot about. the whole thing. At for the Aniest,
be 4 ()rave ' tactical reverse
* ...-,,:.. Snivel:time You can' imagine my ,iir- j'F'Or Marshal Romniel
prise to find an el sh et ;{=pread .oyer would then enjoy' a strong position,
. ..
."Not a s,ingle strawberry social this
.....„,_ .. ..._ _ _ d e with his right flank resting on the canal
' ,
been, 'conscious, of a rising' ationak
spirit and, the posseSsion Of a rich
WritagfttizttU today, in the midst
of a world-shaking war, Canada
standlt_ferth '• one of the great
nations of the earth in her 'Own right,
and. as an active and influential part
*ler .in the greatest Ilmpire_of tim.e.
national air but what i with-
out them? Canadavd11 have to work
Out the problems that accompany
greatieSs, and it one of these' is the
reconciling of the aspirations of dif-
• fering elements in her population it
• Avillle all thle greater triumph for her
people if. this ahd other i)roblems are
Met with tolerance and in, the spirit
_of national
With, the progress Made in seventy-
seven years, what May coming gener:•,
„fltiens -makeof the Canada of the
'future? ,
stunmer!"'coraplains the Sanford 'Sage.
"General Sherman was right:" • •
• ' * . • 4," • 4'
-,2Mr.. Sisley's fifth 14udget ' makes
things a bit' easier fo; the takpayer;
but there-unist be. no let-up in savings
for the purchase of war hands and
certifieates.,, The war is still going on;
Its intention to. introduce bill to
place along with my • best pipes. ifback.and away from the base • of the
•i-canopy--arrangeniept ove.the toll Of• and- his left4ank in a..position_te at -
the "store." That" looked like the tack the rear or the Allied front around
Work of a grown up and ?Arida Ann Bayeux. , .. • .
tonfided. that her "nigniniy" had 001110 - 'MIS is, the most obvious move for
out • t6 play for a while. I discovered the Germans, 'and Marshal Rommel, as
also that they had qpite an arraY oT General Alexander once remarked; is
(oils , and , eiQtues. for _il 6 an. -"obvious" general. But Marshal
.. . ,..
merchandise on the shelf. .There were
- FAMILY; ALLOW4Siag'4 ' oi - . . . toys - .
of all clescriptien, . : and, raY inmander is,
carpet Ilundstedt, the Supreme' Cc ,
suppers, nci . Day - Sunday shoes. 'lily
, not. It may be that, he Will *Order An
- •The ,Ottawa „ . offensive against fhe, right of the Allied
- Governnieht announces,
for pertionS. -Sanity and 'faith marked
their language. In no instance - of which.
we have heard was "there a cry of
hatred for the enemy'. Iadeed, many
prayers included petitions for eneulletti
KverYwhere „the note that penitence is
prerequisite to a inSt Peace..- was
sounded. But r0.ost of the prayers were
for persons. Long lists of Alle sons of
the Clnirell were Tea -Chi Inaurplacers;
It war ii. their behalf .and in behalf
of peace that Araerica knelt on D-day.
. All of Boston's 600 churches were
open for .prayer on New
York people were awakened' by church
bells.. In the afterndon.
M1tyOr La-
Guardia and, 'outstanding 01Mehinen
led over 050,00d, people* in prayer
'Madistax-Square.- When -the- news of
tlie invaalon reached the,'-'weSt corkSt;
the 30,000 at the Kaiser Sh1P-
yardS,in,POrtland, Oregon, paused for
prayer. Betweeit these Citiee on the
the .Old. daya the cavalrY follOwed
to make a victOry deciaive, blit it did
net 'have to follow more than a feW
miles, nor was it up against demelitions
and- covered by inertatf) and
tattehitie guna.. When. Yen haVe few
'reads, which is 41WAYS the eaSe in
,Mountainous Country, it IS possible for
handfni of niell to ,h,Old back bat-
taltens and regiments for acertain
length. of time.
This is -what haS been happening all
along the line. The GerManSleava
few -tanks,. A lew„..M.OrtarS and a -fe.W.
,• e
Machine guna at, point after point, on.
ilighwayS, roads and path, where the
Wiles are advancing. Mines are sown
everywhere along the line Of retreat.
Every bridge is blown UP, and wherever
the contour Of the rood makes it
it is blown up, ,
..`So far in the past week, :(to June IT)
the front linea have .been bending like
air are rfrom .coast to Oast. 'In the
raountainbtf central sector progress haS/t
'been slow, 4 while on, the- coast it _has_
been: fast.. And new and then the Ger.
padite mimens, of mans thrown* in a counterattack, which
Atlantic and the delays biatterS Still further.
Americans spontaneously:entered their
churches* for prayer in -What was prOh:
'ably the greatest ,outpouring of re-
ligious ,feeling in our national historY..
The fact that the President led the•
nation in priblie ,prayer over the ' radio,
on the night afterthe first news of the
landing of Allied troops in France, is
perhaps more important than anything
,he said in that _prayer. It was, in fact,
nnoottea ovferhYugmoiolidt,i76.:Y.e.r-,-it-Itila-nekoted;atlisyo
tobacco, was 5)tting up in a prp41nent
line which would be aimed at rolling.
o system -et gering or -a smokei-1.-Itad--to-bpy -tireybourge-ptrainznia---and split the 'Al:
ances, tO ,come into etfect on July. ist,
. .
At-1E-iS weirMg the Itepublicait -con
Vention 6hicago laas not chosen a pipe and the tobaceo for it niekel.
lied .forces „in -half .with n drive to the.
1,94-5-__The.„„seale02 payntentS propaked the-X-resideatial-candidate..;,.....bat-e-ver.t..They wanted a • dime; but settled
for sea t Carentan Isigny.
for under did-acuin- fs that Dewey 1 be the
- =7'7'77- •
(:-4:140_1#11T.9Y:11:::„,..63,114„1!Pt.,vveellraap: sat 114)
sixand. ten; - $'r m°ntn- chilli
between ten and thirteen; $S -a month) .
-Tfor child_ between.. thirteen, and
siiteen.. Where' the're Is a, large -f-ani-
ily the, rates will be -lower , by - one
dollar a month for the..fifth two
doliarS .a;Month lower for the Sixth.
and seventh ° ,children, , and ...threes dol-
lars month, 'lower for the :eighth. or
. any; additional children. Ineome tax-
..• .paYere, will, lose their exemption, for
. children up. to the .aniount 'received
• It is estimated that the total cost to
- the Fieder:al Treasury, will $200,909,.•
• 000 or more. '
This IS- announced as one of the -great-:
RSt advances ever,attemPted in Canada
in the IA social betterment. Nat
only, it is :claimed; Will it enable low
inconie • farailieS improit their
. MeGiier„M.P., say -s that Canada has
never suffered from inilVion; it wal
deflation 1 that brought hard times.
Irue enough. The topen_tbinks lie •1S.
having a grand time when he is on
a spree ; the headache comes When
he ig Sobering' up. A", bust ' is ' the
natural seilnence of a boom In the
expansive days of the late 20's people
thought. they ,had, captured. prosperity
for-keePs7, they - 'Nun& -out- that '-the
trouble with inflation w9s that it
wouldn t stay Infigta•
The Town Council, or, io ther, its
reconstrnction Committee, , is. asking
citizens 'Who have any ideits as -to
post-wzit' projects to tarn them hi to
the Committee,. in -order that :the. col-
.stanciard of living 'and .clothe and feed -
lective thought, of the counnutillY mar
. their • children better, but the money he made available.' This is an opper-.
.thus_put 1.11" .dieUlatip wili S,t1n1. 111°1° tunity for constructive ; thinking on
sales from '::-.`farnas and =donee
the part of private citizens. It is net
'throughout the Dominion." ,;" • to be supposed that -all- the schemes
ThiS js*allto the good'or wou1f„1,:he propose(1 can te.carried- out ;biit if the,
if . the $200;990,000 thus to be, di's- committed .:has it considerable number
• tiibuted,' were to 4be taken froie somet. rem which -to make a selection there
surplus in the hands Of the Govern- will be. a , better:chance of hitting
m6.e.'''Tlas,' Of coUrse; will not 'lie upon' the best.' Get your thinking cap
•the cae th Governraentlas 10 On, air. 'Citizen.
plus, and the amount 'will be added. to
sma. . Either-plan-wOrtiven Xf
to write prayev which shall be, at
onee'll I hilMble, and simple turning to:
orlif4r,friittiP.64:gte, at ',neat
address to Millions Of IfearetS to dem-
mend to them .the Ottase 111 whielt" their
ay,progress has not been .slow by,
------1-t----remainS-rte. he.. seen, -whether Ake
bulk a the German 'forces is going to
reaeh a fortified line in time to pull
sons and brothers are Offering their
P11 It iITTte,PxCPan,i.).1e'1--''*1„f'7:-thzyftrsuse of suppe
• inntrantagavf--herz-Anterst,• lik iithalttoV:i*$4C11rtikeS41l
the pantry .-.:Dishpans - of ---or' SMPCS against the Str te
seriously , e
ere lac -tout and .tilled. with concoctiod .°.
Of foreign nature. When the 7Itiggins
'1 ,manpower and
Pletedr, w • •
children departed,. Patricia Ann Pr°- Of the Allied 140.
tested :vigorqusly.because her eStahlish7. head ha,s been 'expa
ihent hacr feb-e-dismantled.- . to saY, sa.-@'6 tliaVi
. Toiling 'away at night' Rutting bae1. established at ra
the' hunber and the bex'eli and finding
one .of my good ties employed -as a
ribbon to tie up .a gift box. I wondered
to myself '1.2 it were such a good idea
.- .^•. . this .spurring of 'children's' ini-
agination. •
. ,
With. their
.. -
• ..
the ptibliic debt, :to a burden upon '. SMART -SEA GULLS IN RA.' ,
. ..
these' 'Same' children when they . grow (Maclean's MagaZine)
. ' Norman Lekaa, Essendale, B.C.,
up and become taxpayers. There may
timber, worker, says this happened net
' te soine _other . "ifs " -_if _. the. money long ago, While he, was . working on.' it
; Will be spent - as is, intended for the log boom on the west coast'. It was a,
d --
• benetfit oi.the children, rather than be a stermgy:dltaa:aacl lie noticed a one legged
Ing atop. log In
.stinaglant to the .prodiiction of larger sea all.
boom. .It lOoked raggeda , huthengry,- so
. families by", those 'least „able to take - - • he :. fed it part of 11.1.S lunch, For two
proper care of • them., ".1;eavnig these weeks, at noon, he Contintiecrto feed the
considerations aside, we 'would, ask if
.. it would not be. a More sensible ig
to . aboliSh. the sales' tax novr collected
--'-by.,-the-r-Governnient....This eollesfpc
Perhaps the least 'jnstiflable .itaposi
'alining . iiithe various' taxes imposed
by Ottawa. ,It .bears Most heavily
--u-upon the heads Atirge ,,fatmilis,, and .
' though. , the,. ,coll 'ffr.: of the tax iS. crverseaS duty -seems to be, a mutticipal.
* .never Seen by the person *hO' pays it, pi'oblem, . The spirit of the welcome
. 4:1:1 done see ,, .1 . ,
be questioned. but "list ho* it IS'
and he is ' hardly conscious that he Ins- to -be the. stIcider..
doei pay_it, it„adds greatly to the gest
Of 'supporting a family. The reduction
'. oithe east' from the abolition'
. ..,.
O the saleS tax wotild not; of coarse;
peta-so_ _direetlyto.: the head 0 f -- tk. ‘ . eitizens. for the eto:A.)1e of a returned
' faMily'ha would the rean
ceipt of monthly veter.'ff-roOks`Trauch More -ha-lip altard
. IV stmentd' in casi'h.' There is a Saying than our own idea. here..
: that a man, Would rather get an !ix -1 BOARD
crease of $5. in wages thanredaction_ Views of,farniera and primary pro-
of -$10.- in hiS . cest of living.. ..lhe ' ducers-of food are always ebtained and
(Toronto Saturday 'Night)...
There not much .1.1-ge blinking the
t'af teriithe b each-
the heart of Frsnck f4:•, -ilecessfar
boinbing Of *the Se11-0 bridgeg haS
inlifted but faot elin.*ated the, clanger of
a German attack On ,the. flank a the
'Allied arniies whieli4trO rtiOving inland.
The western pOterSrliaVe grown se
irecustomed--to superibrity in the; air
that the, peisibilltY44.4''•the Luftwaffe
may be able sup.e. SgfullY,,,, to dispute
eWeeks has not
this supremacy f
received -the aftenti 'f: warrants. Yet
,13esides, lots of Allied • troopS were
terribly tired by the .time they got
through Borne.After all; this OfCensiVe
started on May 11, and R033:1Q WAS not
taken Until June 4, which meant
twenty-five gruelling days of lighting
and marching. Those same troops Can-
not go on galloping blithely up the
peninsula. That is why we have not
at, this, writing -popped- up in Florence
or Pisa. At -the same time, grantiOg
the problems which fa.ce. the uAllied
Tutrustaz JUNE 20t11, 1
lives. But it was a• sound impulse_ that themselves together and Put up another
In prayer; to be the 'voice of their dom- fithgahtt,.thLe (!booko ta tofit IT aag ,riledacyhoeus rtsillnsa0re-
moved'the President to lead the PEI)*
mon thonght when the most erneial rowest 'stretch between Pisa on the
" l
and, ,rather than aPPelating a single Tyrrhenitin Seai and Riinini on the
effort of thewar was being aunched
Adriatic. MoreoVet, •as a• relief • map
co.11tiTnbir_ebrice ingt,PinnraYt ...!10414;.w.uu,-,,... a-,.. highest and steepest mountains of • all'
would Show, there are sem*. of the
day of prayer, to, summon ,thenrfo,
a.cli-g'0,'. firtaomly. eealoansgt_ttoh_a:041Inte.taiidistleily.:0Sbtyrieotcuh
. . 1 line of defense, and. the Germans might
intend to defend it.
There is a h#1,(1 seMnble • It •is 4186obVious that there will be
.1ta1y and, it. iS the er.erin*ng.,wh. o are --_,,,00d defensive position' long before the
- • •
fact 'that the 'enforeementof overseas this is 'what may pben.
conscription in the Province of .Quebec *"What is to come in',Franee must be
would lead to widespread and serious considered in. rela ion to events' on
violence and would probably produce other fronts. • - ' •
Very little in the way of additional P -The past :vyas marked 'ij'Y
reinforcements. There ,-is precisely further crumb in f4,the Italian 7front,
one way in which conscription 'could where Generri1 4.lexanders Fifth and
be bkolight 'into .effect 111 Canada, 0jLdI Eighth krmies, a, e.`nz.preeess of smash -
that is . by pitting the ifinal onus on ing two Gernia0 armies; the 9,2ent1i
the Provinces;' and that would ' be tant- and. Pourteentb, 12 Field Marshal Ses-
aniount to declaring Confederation, a setting, Was. in ajg ogr phiCalsituation
failure. •Quebec would vote . against like that of G #114ft,You. Arnim: in
it:. there would. not be time to Make *Tunisia 111Ara.V.,1" 94v,w`th 'the sea at
the people of that Province realize that hig back, General Alexander might ex.
they Were there1.87 yciting theniselveS pect to again., Ptu#e • over 200,000
of excitement. they ,might perfectly' ihe end proba lyitte onntfor over 100,,••
out of Confederation, and in a Moment, German soldits,V he will in
willing to do So _even, if they :realized 000., and by tii,&'end:of,ranlk Should have
it. It is even conceivable that -other driven the e1ie.0, ninth of the: River
PrOvinca- might vote against it, On. Poin the northern?' aqa.
the'grouncI that their people slanild not .111eapwhile /4,4131 Off, 0314Ve that in size
be Asked to 'eye what. they ,knew. will dwarf either the:',Itallan or French
Quebec would refuse:- The -general onslaughts is in the -making in Russia'.
result would be a state Of disunity It has taken longer to prepare than was
incomparably Worse than what now first believed, due to the necessity of
'exists.• • • • -• Moving a vast amount Of •• supplies
We nray deplore the state of dis.: Irandredg*Of mires 'over inadequate,bigh-
Julitr which no* • exists,- but it, Is ways and railroads through a devast;
lunacy ta ignore it, as most of the ated country.
ardent conscriptiOnists clo. *It has itsCritiesal days lie ahead on all three
;begins tat back in Our historyi. in 'the. ironts. But never befOre•has .so much
leventa which gave us a %population weight bee ' brought .to bear against'
not so, much of. two races as of two the Germ -ails. Never •before -have' the
eS, one of-which,:the-numerierdir Ihrfteif--Natio,AS. enjoyed .sitielr-a.- -bre-
predoniinant one, has insisted on eon- poriderance in manpower and (AveapOns.
lining the -other, within the. boundaries Never before hag leadershin reached
of *AA_ ."single previncei. It ,ILquite..uset sucli :-
less 'to ,exPece the members of the .The decisive,period of the war in
numerically weaker and confined -cul. Europe j 111. liand ,„ • ' `*.
tine to feel exaaly • the same about • "New -YorkTimes
. •
theircitizenship and 'its • obligations
ias the members of. the .predominant INVASION SEN, DS AMERICA TO ITS
one. They do not do so and they will . .KNEES ,
not,do so, and a Conscription Act wilt,
certainly not make them 'do so, as. we,
know perfe,ctly, well from 1918:- It is
equally 'useless to throw all the .re,
the' Nazis are falling back so, fast that •
Ylsa-Itimini 'line, is igeached. This is
doing the scraMbling. On both coasts
as often as not thy only lege con- Merely -another' WaY, of Saying that
Italy from topt� bottom has nending
tact with ‘ Us, but lose it with onean- possibilities, of defense, se nobody can
mountain chain Whfeh, rinis from the say . how : fait the Allies are going' to
Other. It 4g different in *that ghastly
fop. of,,,the boot to its*toe, but that is go, All We do know is that we haie
the • Germans on the rtin, and if we
rather. than the Germans. ' '-‘, . ' 1 ' • • ' -
can keep Mein running we will (10.80.
PritlarilY because of steinnother Nature
-The NewYork frimes:
*, permitted=the,„: -,- ... —____
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FifArmy fe-''S-W-e-eplift6.1.tome -on. June- .• 'VA° '40°P"Et'd-IIN4Inui°6--t***PPYR
411Vied-trtfe—cisfie"qualit-n-forit,destroyed recruit -from tfie.cond-rY and: 'Firas finwg
one...Whole Oerman...,artny, . mauled ' and in the mediea.form.
dangerously flanked anothert and. put "That's everything except the sputura
invalid bird. Then one afternoon he
d all thelgalIs--around--the-cani•
landing on logs near where lie was
working. They' had- been there for
several' minutes _before- he rcalized 1111
of them were -standing onone leg.
()limit& , Signet) '
Weleomingohoitie retarn6d Wen 'from
the German units on the Adriatic coast
in such a" bosItion thad they liad to
withdraw 'without a shot being -fired.
The -only flaw fh- an otherwiseperfect
jewel was the• failure to trap -the large
Gerthan forces which appeared to be
eanglit between the Tiber and the, sea.
bit -they eluded: the net 'skilfully and
got acrosa the Tiber, and 110,V -been
running at- top speed ever since. -
Now' you Cannot 'ituf..away and still
maintain order and 'coherence anY
kind a fighting efficiency, To do, that
you must Standand..,reforra. ai-fd 'get
reitiforCernents preferably, hosge
some fortifications to giva." yen:good; de-"'
fenSive possibilities. „ •
At the same time _pbrsttit is not as
eaSv as it may seem. Yon do not just'
L*0 lickety-split after your beaten eneinY
in tanks, armered ears or trucks.- !In
Elniira will have an official Iniconting
5001115 a 14)onsibility for the difference upon -
night tvvice 111011111, NV,1;lieh
good idea.- Better Aharr.what Goderich 'any group of politiehlus or of occiesi-
has Planned. At the lake -port • toWnastics or of teachers or of historian's;
the,,Iire-`bell will be rung to •gather -all of these are parts of the differing;
culture, results; not causes, .phenota-
In the detartnination of their'policies.
the rulers of it Must be .ghided
.by what that nation 15, not by What
they may. -Wish, it were, Despite her
two cultures, and' without --overseas
conscriptionr.danroin has made a tre-
mendeus. •to 1110 war'
throughout Its Aar and li.half Years.
It is 'Very dottbtfiii whether the adop-
tion of overseas conscription 'Wbuld
add materially to that contribution,.
and Very certain': that In ,:the long «run
it would tear apart the fabric of
Confederation. ,we do not thiuk
Quebec would willingly remain within
a nation. Which *Mild have twice sent
its Sons to ,war by methods of which
it violently ,d1sapproves ; aial " we do
not think the rest .of Oatuldit Would
seek to keep Quebec within it by force.
women, peritaPi ' are more -sensible. It
,.. . -
. is they tAat, do rdest ,of' the, buying,
'4Ittid they value the pay envelope' not
.s.0 mueh as to the number of dollars 1 estS, 11 Is anneounced by W. Harold Me-
lt contains as to what those dollara 'i. Phillips, 's ri
! ative forPW:tearTid Ontario. Mr. teP"Seith.
ivui buy. ' Se the abolltiOn Of the sales .n1,,
llins Staterd. that amongi°theltilt *Mc-
. tax' woukl-be a boon, recognizable most I'''''''' -
s t ore are .seven opresentatives
ig wo bofe ott es tax 0 primary produee s,, There are elev
annually collected from the 1 t
eiiefony eonsulero before .00 issup„nee.
or ally Wartime Price S‘ and Trade
_Ward order. affecting, growers' Inter -
dearly' by the Member of the family ! 2LilatiV..18'PrY e°111Wittee'3 tha 4:111.2
vrho 40e8 the spending. The atnounti order 1111; the' ilrePar4tim ()f alt f"1
t ve, even larger . than the I """al*r8 011 t13° 18°r3'racTnittee for
bo expenzted beef; tight' MOM4ers e up the
amount caleulated for Advisory eor11nitte6 f d rY ir°'
fatally allowarieeS, and If it dtteers; ail are either tiffrinersalorp)
were not desirable to do away With sent .preducers'..asseciati
fruits, and vegetoble conant°11ittee. thtell.ree
are twenty-four members, twenty of
whom' are growers. There' , are nine
members ;o'it th0 advisory group for
polltry products and Sit Members, all
of kvhoin are ditect honey producers,
on the, honey' tidvisetr' group. 'These
and oth'er man:a-teen ate officially ap-
Poittted, and in a,Idithalf to eonsalting
thairt on all food mattera the Board
t'enferk freqUentifii, with Officials of , the
Dominion and fro-tincint Dottftr,n nts
of. Agriculture.
the taX at • one Swoop, it eou d
reduced to the vanishillg point over it
period of' two or three Yeara without
any. violent"diSloCation a, business.
Atia tot 0113, wool, the amount lot the
tax be eared, but also the coet of
'collecting it, and the expeinse to bitsi-
uoto Anus of keephig the neceesitry
record**it there would be uo'nes.
Mo. oiAmilding up. the Urge and cooly
tAll dottlit. that Amerlea IS fundament -
8113' religions should have been clig•
Pelted by what bappened'On'the day the
invasion1 of, France began, From ,the
'Atlatitie to the Paelge thepeepie fell
on their knees in prayer. Beginning
immediately after the news was flashed
across • the nation about Midnight, and
Continuing thrbiigh WO' night PL1d 811
the the-citizens-ot this,hation.
filled the. churches of all faiths with
intercessors. The factthat great nuni-
bers entered to pray alone Is Oren more
:Significant than the fact that:wherever
formal services •Avere held they were
erowded with solemn people. This pro -
it te:We-to the nature of the nett-
tioni whieli Were 'ilfted.'-ht :what was
probably the most remarkable day. of
religious devotion inou11 national his-
tory. 'Predominantly,' they were prayers
_ • .__,
6n. • bre* "'Yoe' ank-yeu.
don't have to scrub and rub so
hard! Almost like magic,
Iett's Lye whisks-AwaYdirt and •
grime; cuts right through grease
lets you fly through heavy
cleaning • without exhausting
drudgery! Keep a wonder-work-
ing nf Gillett's handy always.
Handles 'tneisY tasks too. Deo-
dorizes garbage pails. Used . full
strength 'it elears clogged drains
completely destroys con-
tents of outside closets. Get
fi.aN"cetn:forendot;stdshoa elYv ler y.elyiet; cinif hhepott• sultagr"Terbe. .
One of. those little vials on that shelf
at the far, end of the tooth?' '
treosort,ro".:11.e ie:ip,ect.orate
OAR' is • _
nD'you mean all the way frci here;
Doe r ---,-Array-ana Navy • journa .
A Pimple Covered Face,
Kilis Many a 'Romance'
The lives of many ruing people are -made miser-
able by the breaking out -of pimples, and you probably
know of Cases where a promising romance has 'been.
spelled by ;those red, white,:festering and pus filled'
sores 011 the face. .
• The trouble is ne't so much physical pain, but the •
mental_ suffering,reaused_by the embarrassing--disbguretnentl-whiehr-very------,
often makes the sufferer ashamed to go out in company,
. The quickest way to get rid of pimbles is to improve thegeitelal health
,•! by a thorough cleansing of the blood. • •
• Burdock Blood Bitters helps- to cleanse the _Wed and with the blood
cleansed the complexion should Clear up.
• Tho T. Milburn. Co., Limited. Toronto OWL. '
, •
Aionimoomerima ,
Mothers of SmallChildren . Will be
'glad to know that according to the
Wartime 'Priees Attal Trade :Board shoe
rebalrera May now use full leather
soleS wild repairing children's
wear, up to size 0. The, new order'
also covers loggers" 011(1. cowboy boots.
It is explained that these types of
footwear .cannot be 'efficiently repaired.
Witherit thts use et tull leather' SOLO.
Release of Iettther for stteh repairS
wfll effeet 11 saving by' leketting the
deluand for new footwear.. ,
OANS are readily,, availabre at The Ttoyal. Bank of Canada to
any responsible famer in needof ready cash to, finance farm
, •
operatioos. Stictiloans, are cthitinually, being rnade' br_this bank .
. . '
Iv purchase--gf:See'd-.'a.-rtcl-rtilize4;4i-vestocicTfarm-eqgipmen-t,-
, , ,
. .
'breeder cattle, to -meet seaSOnal labour cosir and for other, pro:-
Dragging around each
. day, unable to do
housework - cranky
with the children -
feeling miserable.
Blaningit on "nerve*"
when the kidney* may
he eat of ardor. %en
kidneys fail the anion
• deo With impuntie*.
Headaches- backadia frequently 'follow.
Dodd'elidney Pill* h.fp deer the oaten!,
shiny nature. &Mee tetestoro health
• and antra. Esgy to take.' Safe. 114
1)ciddis Kidney Pills
. .
you needcash to finance, your -farm operations, inake
practice of discussing yout requirements'with the local Manager
.*. of The Royal 13an1f be" glad tb. ,explainth
.,:,simple.,co5d.itiOps' under -which such loan's are .in.a'cle and the
4 p
comtenieni metliods ai,ailaSe to you for rej;apteilt.
ookitto oRANal
W. G. tall.44/.40, Manotor