HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-06-29, Page 14NETX-SIllTENTH
nununity Mourns,
Death : of J. S. Platt
For Many Y.Oar' WeglinOnt, in
Ohurollt-Oivio and.
Other Affairit.
• trae of, the best-known 'Citizens. of
John Saranel P.latt, Passed
” avii0 In .4.1eXandra Hospita). On Satur-
day Morning. • Mr., Platt had been In
.failhig health' fdie oyer ti year, , and
more Seriously ill the last month. % ,He
wOuld have reached lus eighty-tourth
year on Tuesday of this week.
Mr. Platt'S nalae is indelibly, written
into the history of this town and
county--terit-waS ills' father, the late
Samuel Platt who lira discovered salt
. .
in 1866 while 'drilling for ow on the
Maitland, flats. A sample of the brine
-wa! hotted doWnr-ili-IiiirtnTother,7.result-
The iate itntlyardtKipling Was wrong
when be wrote:. "Neat is 'east and west
is west' and never the twain, shall
Ineete" Thia is brought to tight, 10r -
haps not for the first time, by eqkest
local news -item. Mrs. West, school
teacher at S.S: No. 17,• who.
looked out .of a schoolhouse window
Tuesday morning to', :witness an air-
piluie spiral dizzily; . the 'ground.
with its tweeccupantos'wasrbefore her
marriage, Miss' Sadie East, Of Clinton.
NO charge, Ur. Ripley. ,
San; of Mr. Beatrice Arnold of TOWO
- -
Was •of --
Council _
Mrs. „Beatrice Arnold, St...David's
street Was called thia,, week to Wind -
• rick which. occurred-.-VVit4 traaiC
suddenness at -Camp Borden' on 'Mon -
clay; , -Mr. :Arnold, who was an man of the City of Windsor, had gone
to Camp Borden as one of a group
of eight Members of the United Autot
mobtle Workers of AriteriCa on a good-
to the greatrallitary train-
ing ,centre, much of whose equipment
was mannfactured • by Windsor work-
men. -• • ' . .
On Monday Mr.- Arnold complained
f; si pught,,,eto.f.A.mlfgestion and
waS' advised .by a medical. offee-i-
to acconipanY the, party to the 'armored'
fighting vehicle cannon range, ford, but -to spend the day resting.
He died; . however, shortly, after the
departure- of the other MeraberS of the
Party ' for Meaferd. Coroner W.- C.
of Barrie pronouneed, death
due to coronary Ahrombosis,! •
- • Mr. Arnold was the Only 'son of
Mrs. -Arnold and, the 'late mark Arnold,
1 1 :
ing in Particles of • the finest salt; an
this was the'ileginning of WI extensive
manufacture in thiS locality., ;
alder -
•A son of the late ..$anauel,and Mary
Fennell Platt, John 5. Platt was born
and haat lived Goderich all his -life.
Atter receiving bis:;educatiOn. in the
schools' here, •he was ,associated. -With
his father in the manufacture of Salt.
Later he .contliieted,7a, coal and, .wood
busineSS and still later •• Was tor
the Western- Canada Fleur Bum, an
ter twenty-five -years,. titer- to - his reat -
tirement two years ago, be yap the
Government Weighing inspector' at the
Goderich Elevator ',and 'Transit Com-
pany's;elevators. •
Possessed of a ,remarkable verthatil-.
jty of character, and intensely. inter-
ested In 'Omni:pity -Mr,. • Platt
- have wr.iparingly, .0e,hie-itecipts .to ilis
chnrch ,and' to 'civie, recreational -and
. fraternal Orgies. of his native , town.'
ile was • an. ardent supporter and faith-
ful member a ,$t: George's: Anglican,
.-• . church practically all life; serving
- as peoPleis and asrector's,vigraon- tit-
. many. years; and as a valued Jaeniber
•Of the select vestry • he interested Wm-
. self_deeply in the Observanee, ot the,
...popular and was elected to e city
church's centerinialz-*st-YeP,r- c. 0. in-Deceixtber-lastLin-hisAirat
one ,of the ' oldest meml3erslcif -Maitland
Logo, No. 33, A.,m, 1,734., and ,s,ts nict for municipal honors. •• He had
an 'Oddfellow• of long stftsd'11.--g .for twenty-two Years and was Vice -
been employed by the Ford Motor Co.
Huron Lodge, ',No, 62, He interested
resideht of the Windsor branCh of the
himself M municilkil affairs' and served. PP
as a member of the TOVW....COUncil . and IThlt, d AutomobileW k
Besides .his raother an,d sister, Mrs
Q.„ eitsy.,
In his earlier years 'le took active-
G d • M
• Of the Public :Sphool Board. •:- ,
ordon e ratten' , (Beatrice); „ of
• interegr ..`••farleUS-sports: He played 1Goderich he -leaves his wife torinerly
*DI* s Marion Fraser', 'and three child -
baseball and rugby on local teams;
a prominent niereber: of the Cir.,
,Cycle Club • of •fitty. years
,go-,jind--- stilletirlier-ilays. was a;
ChitniPlolf *rider of • the high. •bicycle
and won many awards :;in* ritebag•
events. He Who a lover of good bothes,
4and in, the horse -and -buggy days' pos-
sessed a One .driver and carriage, He.
. Was fond Of flowers- and --his garden, at
.hiiinhome on Victoria Street 'Presented
proftiSion of lovely bloom. The first
private telephone ,Goderich was in-
staned in his home, and when the Bell
Telephone Company triangulated the
new autoinatic Service a few years ago
Mr, Platt virter-hottore&Vatli-411-6-lirst
call. Kindly and genial, .116 Will long
1)0,7reinetabered • by a,'Ittist.''et,triendS,
In 1883 'he married Miss- ,Ellen
...Welsh, of Goderich,"•WhoLsurvivess''with
, sOn,,,,Ernest;tif Fort Colborne,- and
two • dieughtersi Mrs. • • A. Downing
, (Ethel), of Toronto', and lira. o.
Reid (GlidisYs of , Detroit'',
Huron County
W.C.T.U. Meets llere
-PcillrilIttOn• (4 1 ilro*on,
Temperance WOrItOri-ilit.
, Mrs. IL A. Brooks Of Was
e,. • president of the 'Unroll/County,
W,G,T.V, it, the‘ annual, hieeting, , 'held
in, the Daptrst church on Tuesday
afternoon.• •' • .Thougli the „attendance
Was not large, owing to shortage of
gasoline an.d. the intense heat.- a ;eel -
Ing Of enthusiasm 'Prevailed 'through-
out the•convention, at which delegates
were present from Exeter, •Heusall,and
Geplerich, Brook sneceeds Mrs.
tOL -NW-Wirt-8de - of --Exeler.--whe:
named advisory President.,,
After the singing of "Stand
11, re,
'who mitcle4ile !Oreille Mcrifice in the
last .Great War -1 was ,•born*ili
London, England, forty-four years ago
and earn to Oodericit with -his -parents
In -early • . -
Be had 'risen .to a position. ottirOM-
inence, in Windsor,- Where he- was
. 7
I ,
7.1AT THE ..vtaxt4trum
• •
ArtifalS at the 'week a, e Goderich
Elevator CO.: Friday, Superior, 81;000
bus. vv.heat and , Scree:A*0a; ikk A.
'11lidsOffr 142,000 , bus. oats, -rye, and
berleY,1 Thursday (today)°, :140ward
Hindaiati, 100,000 bus. • wheat
Massey, 11.0,000. bus..wheat Old screen--•
Ings ; •Teakbay, 110,000 bus. wheat,. ,
• The fiiihlioat Rainbow on Monday
brought '4%000 tont try. from Scsa
ampton•and they Were-depOaited'in
lake off this rt •
condueted-tho Alevifie'iiVSeriod
Spokeer the .leadership of Moses and
Joshua,' afteh wnich. .prayer was Of-
fered by 'Miss Jean- Murray, of
khicouraging reports Were given of
the •work -done in the county by •the
varlets superintendents, with., Mit. 13.,
W. P. •Beavers, of, Exeter pregiding.
The • „reports were read by Mrs. ,
A. Brook, Corresponding ,pecretary,
whp also gave those 'of evangelism and
kIhristifin .st.ewardship_;Lantknarcoticiit
-bytAirs. W. C. Pearce. of 'Exeter ; moral
education and reothert3' meetings, by
Mrs. B. W. -Beavers of Eiceter
E -29t14 ,
or the'
But for Noy' Boys aiut ftirls
,Trial$0./tuk a (lhauge,
" of Work ! .
- The:more. thany,_six „hundred children
of the pUbile• and rseperate 'schools of
Goderich today„,paelted -their ,books to
; • r
eminence "the two months' holiday0.
These are Ancilidecl in the OW at-
tending Huron county schools. who are
going to forget readin', .writin' and
Some men from the crew of ;the 'rithmetie for the months of July and.
A. A. Hudson..borrowed Captain Hud- \,August. Many of them --e. veil °I:12...e
Son's .motorboat while they were in of the smalleatr--Will hello the war
Port here on Friday last and in seine 'effort by working on farms or by
way Jost the outboard motor in. •the taking, other jobs, " , •
Middle ,of• the harbor. They could •not „ the., North.Huron Inspectorate
ate-Atr-bitt-ou-,Sunda# -Harry -Fritz-,-- halt ,,-,-the-,;,10k-schools-will, have .new
ley and Jeff Peachey went to work teachers when the fall term • opensln
with grappling irons and by' good luck Septh ; and.* South Huron there
picked it up. ' will be thirty-five. new teachers.
-fstpftAtttssuse, _to -raj- hPa.,4 Wednesdalt_s13-
Jargest_ crowds of the season were at proximately 2.4.0 pup s. la- 'bah -
tile bathing --beach -tin -Tiresday and Spectorates\, began writing • the big' so he Sought the a-Wryt-
Wednesday. The Water on the beach iScbobl enttanCe examinations. This third citizen, Who called the Wing
, •
yesterday registered 78 degrees, '
tween the piers 74, while the air
temperature was ,.$9. Today the
temperatures Were 72 • on the beach,
the same 'between the• piers, and 68
the air. '• That Is, theshallowwater
cooled' off six degrees, -the deeper water,
between, the piers two degrees,..wbile
the 'air temperature t dropped 21
Wing COMMander itOberta, wlw
With Mrs. Roberts and 'their son Jimmy,
of 'Toronto; itati' been iipending bolittays
Goderiek rrhlay luta A /IOW
°egad= to "reallirin .0tovildenee in
the' honesty Of ' the ettlzene of bbi
atlopted-towk.----During the late -atter!.
neon's near-cleudbarat he tu !011ie Man-
ner dropPed hii3 Wallet on, the Square.'
It contained his ration books; registra-
tion antomebile driver's permit,
'Military,Identitleation papers, etc., and
A SubStantlaI -Sum of money. Pedes-
trians scurrying to shelter innet have
kicked: it about; for the wallet and its
contents were soaking -wet when .an
old -age pensioner ,picked it up..9, The
old -tuner didn't' have Ids "specs' with
him, 00 he ,turned it over to an ae,./
and then the two men checked the
contents and 'agreed •as to the amount
of money. Hydro suddenly- failed at
thfsjuneture and the second_nan could
represents bent '• one -belt of .the Commander • on the, phone and he,
students, 'in rade VIII, The 'other gre'atly relieved, was soon on the spot,
fifty per eent, aye been passed on,the The -wallet Was handed over to him
year's work, an a. large majority of. M the dark, but it was only a matter of -
Oldie were let o t weeks •ago on farm minutes-untlIthe lightS carae on. Every-;
,• thing was found inthet. The old -age
Twentyofive . pup s
public schools are
„of the Goderich. pensioner was rewar.cled., with , live -
BATH. reward. . he :Donations .
iting the entrance spot, after Seine Protestation that
had net "done a'nythin. g but the right L'egaey 'ffem",.
• thing • and was -net deserVing a any
c4ntafroo# • Made
Governor nin
Lien Walter Hodge, was .1004101
as•PreSident' ef 'floderieh Lima it6the1r
Meetbig on Friday Wet litst. ;atone-
teeeds Lion D. D. IllOoneY, Undef wheels
pmsideney, the Club has had,. an aetiVe
and sheeerign1 Year.
Other officeife for the- epraing year
ar'e ,First vice-president,• ..Bruce Ten
nett; second Yice-president, 444'
Cates; third vice-president,
Baker; - Secretary, Cliir Emerson;
treasurer,, 3.. MacDougall;";,••Lierk-tWer?_ •
Frank Curry ;:tailLtwister; Harry Wet- -
son; dues secretary, G.,.G.•"Maawan;
directors-,--One_Yearl E. E.' eraristeN,„
V. J. P.ridliam; two years, $. Prevett,
_ Finanelid-atmittmie_
Treasurer j'.,,Milaloongall, presented'
the financial statement for ,the Dalt
year (July, 1943, to June, 1644), Tbui •
showed' receipts • of ;$2,810.42 from
public 'sources as follows;
Sale of tickets, Mary Piekford'
' bungalow ,,,,,,,, • $ IMO
1943 carnival .. • 2,089.40
; 12.00
estate • 360.00 '
•Christmas . . ;r-"17,7-41
Refund from Sea "Semits' • 48.92 •
Football, baseball, hockey, etc. 112.54.
1 4 •••
• -,,-
• 13ASSETT-•:-Mt
REV. A. J. IVIoICAYESAVS ' • - • wabaaltie '4Pstetsirgtefolar.r.a'..ch,
travellers' by 'Mrs. g. W, ,Howeit, FAREWELL .'10 ERICH
of • Goderich ; temperance in Sunday. • • - ,r„
schoolss. by J. S. Murray ' of Rev. La-wrente turner Takes Charge of
Heitsall; Medal contest by Mrs: George, Victoria Street Milted- church
Johnston et Goderich,. Little White •.Rev,.. A.' J. :•-ivicKaye on Sunday
Ribboners, by MisS Lewis of Wing-
, ••street Tutted eh -arch. A.t the evening
Brook. . „ ,
.Rey, R. A...•Brook .of "Hensel, was •servile he gave a fine address in 'which.
the guest -speaker; and he. give . an he bade an affectionate farewell to his
mrs. ,p.reaclied farewell sermons in _yictoria.
faun; . -war. service 'work,
informative address on the, present,
temmance laws..
During the afternoon, Mrs. TOseph•
Janes and Mrs: Charles Pennington
Of Goderich • contributed . much ap-•
preciated solos. • ••
---An:intpressivememorial service was
conducted by Mrs. George Johnstenidn
remembrance - of departed members,
Mrs.. S, Allin, Miss' Alice Andrew and
Marie 'Paynes a Little 'White Ribbener,
all of Goderich. • . • • • •
, Walter Hern,. county treasurer,
reported retelttstof...$124,...70, with
a balance on band of sig.7o. This..is
apart from the•ainount -raised for war
ren„ the eldest of • whom, Robert, * serviee, to ieh the Goderich 'Union
now serving in the armed forces over-' contributed . 280.50. • '
seas;. Maxine and: *Kenneth are at Refreshments Were served by the
home-- - •- --ladies of "-the- GoderielY-1,Union.--and_
tti.eascoucitl was enjoyed over the
THAT BALL tIAME •014 --“THE. - •
' " rich Union- and.. the board- Of the
1ST' '" SHOULD BE A REAL ONE Resolutions of :thanks 10 the Gode-
In _preparation tor their exhibitien B ptist churgh., for their hospitality
game with the Kitchener midgets an re endorsed -heartily. . • '
Saturday afternoon, Goderich `Midgets • ' Officers for 1944-45 .
had a good, game - on Monday night Officers appointed Tor 1944:45 are
with - the up-and-coming Juveniles. as follows: - •
They lost the game 3-2 in .six innings; Honorary presidents 4.-- Mrs. Geo.
but if they. hit as well on Saturday Johnston, Gederieh; R. J. Tyzi-
as,--the,y . did on Monday° night, they dall, Wingham; Mrs. E. Lloyd,
will' make it very interesting, for the *Ingham; Mrs. A. T. Cooper, Clinton;
ener ,• , ' • „. „Mrss J. S. IVIurray,
*Thanks are due those WisrlitvCpu,r- W. Christie, Exeter.
chased tickets' for Saturday's 'gable,. President -.MrS: A. Brook,
thereby helping to. keep ibaseball a Hensall.- - • • .
'going 'concern, in Goderich. , The • First vice -president -Mrs. go John -
Midgets of tc)dity . may be: the Inter- ston, Goderich. •
mediates. of future years. True, they Sedond vice-president:7-,-Mrs. B. W.
SiSter -Miffs Clara 'Platt, of 'San Diego, •have_no_professiohal coaching --"Cue-
California. Another .son, John Rep'',
ald, passed away in 1929, •,? • -`„ • '•
A large tabout of ,inembers ,Of
land Lodge was pre -Sent on Monday
afternoon •al the funeral service in pt,
GeOrge'a. church, which followed
private one at the residence on 'Victoria
street. •
Bev. W. .11. Dunbar paid a glowing.
tribute to Mr. • Platt as mone of 414
-oldest members • of Huron Diocese, and
bite of the oldest' and. best Members of
this 'congregation. 11c3 was a pilgrim
in' his whate life,' a Pillar in -the
ball" ,McConnell never,. even played., in
an organized baseball game and doesn't
pretend, to be' an expert; 'he . has ' just
kept •slygging:,alcing with one idea In
mind, that Goderidh 'have a' bail
club when the War is over and more
attention can be 'given to sports. In
the . meantime, baseball fans and
players- should get behind Arnold- and
Meg baseball. alive- in this town.'
The • Juveniles are practising in
earnest and will have their . chance
in -the playdowns to show. the results.
f±hey . will •practise Monday; Wedries;
cijmmunity, in'the fraternity and in, day and Friday of next week, the
4n•seh.,k • -„ • Midgets ,on "Tuesday and Thursday.
Floral tributes adorning the chaneel. For the .Julyastgamo-f-Jiminy,"Bisse
Were . earitedby the honorary pall- and Donild"Scsitt wili be the Gocleriel
_ _bearers: „It, 0....33aYsy K.C., R. J Ache- battery, "Fat"'Spain Will be on firt;
'son, .R". C. WhateleY,..TV,M.- Johnston,
Fred Dike and 3), Holmes. .The
active • pallbearers were "Stanley
.Prevett, Col, H. o. Dunlop, Dr. A.
Graham,. M. Monteith, E. D. Brown
and M. Ford. . ' •
Ynterraent took: place in the family
;plot-in-lVlattlane cemetery with ,church,
and 'Masonic rites,. the latter 'Whig
,Conducted P:W.M. A. R. Scott of
Maitland. Lodge. • .
Mrs. Downing- was unable to be
resent .at the funeral, as she "had
saffered an 'injury' to her. spirie•!.and.•
will be confined 'to -her-torcte in Torootii
, for some wee -kg -11ii:-Eredat Platt -and
'Mrs. Reid- *ere here,
The Weinen's Hospital A.uxiliary,
held its Monthly meeting at• the 'rublie,
Library gn; Monday; When -final ,ar- •
Taneements were 'made for,:gie „annual
'tag day on Saturday, )1u1Y4.13th:,,,•c,Triie
proceeds of this wll bo- used fa' :the. •
hospital and war work and it is tOped-
there. will be a .genorons response from
the citizens.. The representatives *to
hi Legion bingo. were appointed, for
uly: Miss Saults, Mrs, Campbell,
rs, McLaughlin. And Mrs.- Redditt.
There yIl1 not be a meeting in 3:0y
or August,
OLD iv10Nuit IN SALT#01tn
Geo. Symonds, while working among
his dowers in, bis- garden at Stafford,
dag-up an American 2 -cent piece eighty
years old, and George says it looks
as 'good ath when it was coined- In
' .
F. Beavers, .Exeter. • •
-Corresponding 'Secretary -Mrs. P; ,
Cantelen, Goderich.
-Reeeraing secretary -Miss 'R.
Consitt, ,
, . .
Treasurer -Mrs. W. Hern, Goderich.
Superintendents of departments --
Evangelistic •" and. 'Christian steward-
ship, Mrs. Pennington, Goderich-; anti-
-narcotic and medical 1•thniperanee,. Mrs.
W. C. Peitree, Exeter; flower taission,
Mrs. (RAY.): Lutes,. •Winghtito; -Sab-,-
bath obServanee - and legislation;
Mrs. A. T. Cooper, Clinton; Little
White Ribboliers,. 'Mrs:- -R. Lewis;
Winglitiih; • medal . contest; Mks.. G.
Johnston, Goderich; press, AliSS Louise
arter, WhiglfaM;_ temperance_le_ Sun-
day- sehoolss 'Ilia J. S. 3turvtiy,- Hen --
salt; ;Sdientitie - temperance in , day
:schools,. Miss,Murrayi-Hensall-;. travel-
"PorbY" Newcombe arid - "Forme
W:eftlatter.Will take .care Of• second ind::lert.s -aid' Ms. licoell) Goderich; .world
short, and ."Ticker" Mero will be in nlin Call4dinn ,thiSSIOnal, work, Ma-
the hot eorner at third. ',Tete" Patter, A• E. Lloyds Wingbank; Soldiers and
scat, Jimmie Donnelly: and"Pete" sailor's; Mrs. (Rev,) Janes; Goderich;
• .
War service work, Mrs. ‘' Xt. A. <Week;
Walter ar,e Slated for outfield positions,
and "Gil" -OilleSPie; "Tiny" Bond, Read".
congregation. • .1:11e choir sang, -“God -
will take care of, Jen," and the -eon--
cluding:hYmn of the-iservice, was "Blest
be the tie that bieds.t' 7
, 'Mr. , Mcliaye 'mentioned with par-
ticular gratification, the fact that,.the'
electric_ organ. purchase(f.not quite two
years' age al a coot ef about $1000 had,
all -been pa' for !and the. congregation
is now in e Limit financial condition.
Mr: and' • . McKaYe and their
family left yesterdayr for 'their new
charge at StraffordVille, -in Elgin Pres-
bytery. ; ,
Mr. MeKaye. has hqe,31 President of
the local Ministerial, Association and.
has found time -to assist In community Gederich„ with those og the-corFespond-• R. R. Gordon, Rev'. 'K.. G. McMillan,
efforts' Ouch as the VictorY. loan:cam-, ing =week a year -ago, as officmUT re: Misses' MacMath, Howse, Mrs.
reil, Teronte, ' ' '
Vening Cere- `KINTAT,t,, cAmi: . .
DIOnY, on Saturday last, ,When Rev: rmt,tts luist. RD
.,„,,,,,,.., .
Joseph, Wasson officiated at,. -the mar- . . . .
riage,. of Miss Mikis, june'lleCreilth, _ ---"--- - - '•
Already 150 campers, , from widely
daughter - 01! 'Mr. ." and Mrs. Bert O. scattered Points in Western Ontarle;
111cCreaths: to John :Aar* Bassett,w.are; registered for ''' the Presbyterian
Hamilton, son of Mr. and 'Mrs.- 'Er
7 church - camp. to be , held, at -Kintail,
Basthett„ all of Toronto. Wear
c„.• julY• 3rd to 13th, for boys 'and *girls
classic gown of blush, ivory satin
with satin: cording, the bri, e '''' ag90, nF1P'' to fourteen. -.. • .
Bev. Richard . Stewart of Goderich
Carried a cascade of ivory roses an
will be director of . the,. camp, TIM
stephanotis, - Her-, long ven---woo.s -held '1i
ss s Margaret Wehster. of -Tor.'onto as
-w-ith_a -cOrded calot. Miss ,I.oeuise, Me-,
Ciellit MSS --bridesmaid -fOr"'--fier t ucknow is registrar and the 'staff.
sister, Wearing .,erphicl net In 'benffant
incl des. Rev, K. .G. McMillan, Niagara
style, 'croWnlesS 'halo hat. of stiffened ,.m.,„ . ,
u Rey. ".R.,_ R. Gordon, London.;
Orchid net, and earrying-flowers. .' Fa
sitter -1Viaeltlatlis ',Belie: Divert *
Mr. S. A. •Wrhittaker, et -Welland was . v., _
P. Stuinders, •Goderieh ;, i•MrS.
groemsman, and, the itsliqii wrere,,Pt ' :-`' Alegi"' lien, Niagara •Falls,;. Mies
Hugh' Bassett, Mr, Norman Bennett, , 'le . pbtne , Nit. ., ,
ir Auburn; ltliath Janet
and Mr. R. L. Cavanagh, Hamilton. A •,"
Howse, rristoit; , Mrs.. • Richard
garden. reception followed at thelhonie Stewart, Goderich; Miss Givendblyn
of the bride's parents. .The couple will Jackson, Torohto ' Mrs. Wm. Douglas,
live in Hamilton. - ,
• 1VIrs. A. mei
1 1 •
THE .WEATIffillit • Leadership hi?
alt- of
.. Temperatures of the -past week in Voned a f llo'
and.: .1VIiss Helen
tivities is elver:
paign; Itt leaving Goderi•ch he. istittee eorded, were as folloWs : • . Stewart, -:=Mrs.. --AteMilla and '
tikallio_reml„.„0"jOyed„.'llis_sojoarty.,.,Irt...,:..._. „, ;'..-1. „,.....• I.P.4444..„...... 1.91.,Lwebgter-i;--:],„wot'shipr:.g--Ite --•Etatisr
this town, had found OW •-pe.opie. hos- - Max' Min' 1/3*".` lati ateivart--;- ,..recreation,-,, Re Ick ---:-It.
Pitable • and friendly, and Arnd .411a. Iiii:ae- tlicer.P9 June 22 ..80 ' 64. • .79 • Gordon, loss web4tcr; .3:04c, rs. W.
mattliHgood Mends ;Without • regard to Fri., June '23, ...,78 "• . 65 '78 65
- . F. Saunders; ' handcraft, Mre: 'K. -91,,
Church denoMinatiom .. ,Lsat-, _June 24 :-.68 , 51 89 ' 66 McMillan •and Miss. MacMath ; p.•
• The induction -let the new minister, Sam; `June, 25 ....75 '. 51
85 . 7-2 craft and nature lore,. Miss. Hose,
fRreovm, cLrae-wd irtet, e„,iv.';iliTurner,taeplacewho
irnthees Tues., June June -
2267'.........9806* . 6698 ' :84, 'S75 dramaties,' - Mrs. 'Biehard 'Stewart;
Miss Webster, and • Miss.. Jacks°
church on -Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Wed., June 28 ....94„-- • 73 70
of the service, • assisted by. Rev. , 0-141),A-V-.,'SPOPOS,L.,44-•:--,,, • ----„,- ---..,,,,...1,- -,,•:-'-- -....44,----,--
• ' werld-friendship.,, Miss j...:_:Weir.
. .
first aid.and.nurthing, Miss G..Jacksoh;
, .
-Rev, 4. O-- ,..Illi, 'ffou'•4W.111:-:,ht0,e-ehar
Atkinson of 13rucefield.,', '' --
The basebaii, lathe at Agrie-uleartil Walter • 3. 'bag -•-iii, t ho
• • ••
Park 'Iii'D'otnIon struc o,r of. t
'DO; between: -the- -elaths - -,fild,--which,4-recentiv-con-7.
Kitchener and Goderich Midget- teams. eluded its course, announces the. re -
'is to be called at 3.30. O'clock.' - • .sults., All took' the; course were
The. Lawn Bowling Club is having successful m attaining their awards.
an 'open doubles tournament on the 'Those • taking the first examination
holiday:- The draw is to be made at, received certificates ; these trying' a
Mr. and Mrs. Jab. White, Cambridge
_street, werethe, recipients, the -past
week et . beautiful bouquet ofAm-
erican l3eauty' roses from their daugh-
ter, Nursing Sister Ida Whites, who
'was -recently transferred from Soutli
Africa to Italy. - - •
_ :Agra..' Brook of HenSall ,IVirs'.
",Pee wee •Alitetkonald. - .and .••• Willie
Hem' of Gotlericli were apziointed .deler
• „
ago also are counted On ito-,:appear.
gamo. gates14the,,Provincial .e.On'Veittion. •
, IN nog pitASII.
aMr. Peter 4. 'Cantelon passed another
milestone. In •hiSlife on Wednesday of
this ...Week and has pow entered, on
hie -eighty-eightb, Year:- . T-10...AEL not ,,al-
lowing . himself to stagnate,. either
mentally Or physically„ and as evidence
of his • continued -usefulness he can
aliow a-garge; moll -eared -for and pro-
ductive garden at his hinite 'On Light-
house street. A boat of friends wish;
4Y-11 '"Pi_allY haPPY reenrns." • .„,„ •
. - r, '
.Pie'oxiiii* iigaikvi '
A. party "Of '' C.Pat: oi Cid*, , 'headed
by , President D. D. Coleman; came in
at Pon today `bY *special train- and
• With his wife and faintly,his trailer,
speed-boat.and full oamp
Trailie ()Meer jamei Culp leaves at the
week -end for Lavigne, on •the 'vest
* arm of Lake Nipissing, for the annual
11 eating „Vadation. Jim 11M been getting
repair for this trip for weeks and
Xeivesbliill of pep for an all'-ent:•ittitek
the Alio ttibo.
• Pilot °Meer C:, Rtiisell, an
structor at Sky Ilarbors was seriouslY
'injured •"and hisstudent; a Member
of the Fleet Air -Arra, Royal: NaVST,
'Wils.slightlY cut When their training
Diane, a' Tiger • lifeth, spiralled to .the
,greond, out etin;trei,A,kd cies*, �n.th6/P iftkrm JalinStOn, Ashfield
township, twti: Miles sootteetist of port
Albert Navigation. School, at 8.30 Tues-
day Morning, Tile plane had Just -taken
left for the east at 3.45. While %here, off on its first igight of the day.
they made a visit to the Port.Alkert
Air' Navigation School, 'accompanied
by tile lotal. 'agent, P. W. Thomas.
Sunset Hotel. opened, for the:season
on Saturday,- The first large con-
tingent of guests is expected for the
coining . week-endi and. the bookings
Indicate that the *hotel wilt; 136 well
filled until. the middle of August at
least. '
Prizes tor best, costume, deeor,„
'Med tricyele, pet in decorated
vvagon, doll carriage, pet in cage,
*pet oniiIeash. at the 1.0.D.R.
Carnival, jttly (ith. Assemble
at CoUrt IIouse at .1 p.m.,
P0. Russell, who•is it patient in
31 A.N.S.,hospitalt Port Albert, is suf-
fering from coneuSsion, a fractured leg
and 'other injuries. Ills wife lives in
Goderie,11.. The injured student also*is
a patient in the • same. hospital. His*
home 14 in England. Ills liable, was
not released.
.; Mrs. Sadie West school teacher, and
80016 of her,, stUdenth witnessed the
plaut spiralling doft from the skies,
for, sChool htid not eonverted -at the
that. Mrs. West,, telephoned' the ,Port
Albert airport and an =butane° and
erash truck were quickly on the scene,.
Luckily there was no Are. • •
'The eause of the aceident, is not
known, nor is the height' from Which
the aircraft descended. An investiga-
tion being held,. int.-Lletlt. Swan.
bergthort, Said,- when lsohing
statement in the afternoon. •
, •
1 o'elock:',
• se nd examination recetved vouchersasIt:
`. . Corson, Certificate; Z Charles
Breekow,, voucher,, 3, Mrs. Agnes.Mac-
Ewan, certificate ' 4, • John Martin,
. voucher ; 5, Emerson Overholt ,'' -cer•:-
•tificate ;. 0, Mrs. Mary Rouse, eertific-
ate; '7, Mrs. Kathleen%SnIder, gertific-
ate; E3, Stanley A. Snider; voucher,.'' 9,
MrS. . Ilesthid-P&Strauglian, certifiefe ;
10, Charles WireCds, certificate. •
. We; as a communifh. undertook to ca,re for the EXTRA
needi ofg.ivi.03. "Goderich,.;! that is,. those small items
. notyrovided by the Governrcieflt but which makei,life on one-
of our ships so mueh -more bearable: ' • „
Now, the - Officer,- inSommand of the " Goderich '2 has
-aake4 for:• he Tamil. Council has
try to get "them,'„aud the Navy League has agreed, to -pack
And send, thensi. Off to "the ship • • ••
' 00
. •
.$2,$19:42 „
DisburtheMents• for war SerVices: •
Blood donors clinic .. .. 24.22 •
Salvation 'Army .. -100.00 •
Greek war relief • , 200.00
Mary ,Piektord. bungalow ' /0.00 .
Centralia band " .. . • '
British minesweepers , • , 10910
Goderich branch. Navy,.14,eigue 10000
British .War Victims' Fund , 600.00.
Canadian Legion War SerViees •••.'
-Canadian •-Red--:---Oross--Soeietyi-42W.00
LO.D.E. Book Fund ; 25.00, .
For boys' and, girls', Work • disburse- •
merits Were -$286.90 and for 'crippled:
children, relief and Welfare $209,66.
• These ainounts 'expended on 'pnblic
Services Make , a total. of $2,269,78,---.--.
Victory bonds' to the attiOunt of $.5,60...
'Were. pitrphaSed..7. Club fees More. than
Met the diSbursenients. for Mb. ex.: •
penthes, and.a. ,balance of .3320 is carried
forward for the win% of. . the eoin`Mg
year. , , • . • •'
District Convention .in. Muskoka
..The :Club. heard froin Lion , George --
MacEWAti. and' ,Others • of the ,rci_cont,
-Lions district district convention at
Hon*, Muskoka, at ".which Goderteli,
Lions were. 'represented' by Mr., and
Mrs: Maawan, Mr. alid Mrs. 'Nelson. •
Tim; Mr. a.nd Mrs.- Bruce ...Tennant,
Mr, and M -m. F., Curry, W. Fledge.
and, Willard 'Legg. According re-
rts, a . good . time was had •by all. • .
A high -light of the -Meeting was.the'.
.lio/foisN4elixg iiiiiie-W-LionS 'Kinkead
.who . ,ab it to complete his t,e • in
the , offic4 as ,• presented at e,
Muskoka cony doh with a handsome
and valuable s -•of Silverware. •
District .Govern Hill thanked -the ,
members of the GO rich Club for the'
support they had .gi „hire and told, •
of the fgrowth of Lionistirin the
-trice- ' over which he • has presiAeci,'
which iticludeS.-ii -large ,Se,ction,
Westefn. Ontario.- „Ttit good work done,
•bY. ,the Goderich, Lions, he said, ,pad
won the notice and approval ot Lions
Lion Ribbert moved a vote of 'thanks •
to the retiring 'president; Lion
Mooney : thinked the members fel* the "•
,co-operation • given him during his op.,
CuPandy Of the chair, and Lioll Hodge,'
in assuming his new office, expressed
his,. confidence that the members iveuld
give him their 'IOYal- suppert the
corning year,
FINED ON Lulto4 culAgoi
'William • Bossehbery, .Grand.„ Bend
lptelkeeper, in last week's Police Court'
pleaded guilty thro,ugh_his solicitor,
Frank Donnelfy, of having -liquor '11 -
legally,. and was' lined $100 and cests.
The Ifauor was confiscated. •
, We ia"Ve 'a list of aceePtable articles in thispapersoine-- • -
, weeks ago;-, but so far- alinOSt-nothing .has et:me in.. ' •
As a tOwn .we just ean',t let ,the 'ship. down.
• " ,The•, boys request is a very modest one. They. don't
aok •for NEW thingi. -They ask Only for the p1ionograph,
the boxing gluiresi the chess,Sets which yoit have stored away
and which you haste no iiitention of using.
It QiS not very patriotic and it isnotvery loyal to,„,the
to- let-them...rot or fin apart •fro.M. disuse ;when they
"Cou1d-giVeL,SorZniuch.,p1eaSure_to-41•ic',4yq- doingso
much for us.- , - • ' " • -
. , , •
All you have to do is dig them out of the attic. or stoke: '
1, •
rooin and get them' -down :to the Town Hall. , Thi -Navy
'League will do the. rest.' , '4 • ,
0 ,.
ecallinj the
rip- of t e Famous War.
-Onesetuti Detroit in 1892
• „, • ••,-
The •_.passing of John S. Platt -
"Jack" Platt to his mimerous friends-
- and the recalling ,of his athletic
prowess tura young man:in: the eighties,.
and 'nineties,- has set, the 'oldsters of
- the town to talking of the good old
days and, of- the part they played in
the realm of sport, as sports Vent, in -
these days." They talk of baseball
games at "Slabfe.wn," of high bicycle
and horse races on the Square, and
of the fahabus trip of the war canoe
. maimed-- , by , thirten
strong-armed • „Paddierth, • Who --fairly
lifted the big- canoe oat of •the water,
to Detroit in. July, 1892, to witness
• the program of th,e- Grand Array of the
ellPtieebtleter v;ho*b;li'eves'lle is now
. the only survivor of ,that„:,CreW of"
thirteen, recalls the trip well, but he:
is shortsome of the names of members
of the crew*and' Would appreciate
otomehelp onthis point.. He remembers
that13ob Wilkinson • a hardware flier-
. chant ,vas emu:no:tore., 'There Were,
'Jack Platt, George: Priee,
dock (a .shoenians Who latet removed
to liensall and die4 in that v age),
‘• others whose names. d not recall
Nairn, • • Mr. lf, and five.
to Vancouver), n. .ovuavi legr ) , ( 'IvEhd ece ' iitalnrwp.aatignd:e0; N:Testtollimat
c,4,atitoath,,,,volie into: ntenottle, licate
"There were thir,„
"He." "Everybody WS frig
cause ot the tuft
•. WeIctolo_ stands for
) 4ili -.1' .. 'Iiiltal DO IT: TOD,4:Y.`:
44 : : • , .
si, •13,e/ow,‘falgrairi,..is a lit of tl,l,' things , the ship.' needs: , .
Phonographs and Reed:14s
AsMahgaTrztuaIsfi.., 0
„aduthorgana '
. Cigarettes -
Ageordibn ,,,,
SPORTS EQUIPMENT - ,sseowaLg(lituullittfrir. or facial)
Punch. Bag -
.1tazor Blades
• Baseballs 4
FOOD. "' . -
13Oxing Gloves
* Candy (fudge and nut bars)
' Soup ,i.
Jigsaw Puzzles
Darts . • Apples , 1
.4 .
- :th. : aprrepraSechlitadted0i1.0161.18 also woidd ,I.?e
enWs°971Y'haire ileV•r ,Sre't fallen down, on war 'Vcroi*., Let's
, not start ,n,oW. .. '''', . • . '
. NO Ormagn TOTN‘ 00UNOIL •
municii•tion •' 'the news. of our trip
spread, for at Sarnia We were met by •
"the, Mayor 'and-- tendered .a eivie
banquet at the Bellchitaller *tell," •
Mr. Ilayki continued '14 typiesti en-
thusiastic,. manner., . "Our next stop
wag Port. Lainbton, where we stopped
at Joe Bedard' s hotel were outer -
tallied by the consul, who fixed. •
up Or .papers and. saw' "us off. We
towed „acipss Lake St- •Clair,
brIll"tva' -.111e•
also a salt- boat.
'AV Belle 'Isle we were greeted by,.-•
a, gun salute, for the U.S. &Wall •at
kort Likmbton had sent Word `ahead.•
We were flying -the 'Onion jae4 and 1-,
well rentember the-wiseerack of 'one
oftho.Party: Vullolewn;.the 'flag, Volii
they're. shooting us.' At Detroit
We Were allowed, to sleep .in die ' ot - •
Parke," '''Daviar boat -houses ;and: 'we
made our headquarters at The Michi-
gan Paritier,, ;a -Weekly newspaper
mike. It was inn by the -Gibbons
brothers, nephews of, the, late Sheriff:,
Gibbons. Jack Man, 'Goderich bey,
vc:As ,,,foreraatt• 'printer. Ile took the
vveek off to,, entertain, us, -It was as,
week ,cif parades, a carnival Week, and
i*e °high, old time. There was
not a•cosualty, on the -trip.
did we get home? That .was
easy. We paddled to Sarnia and
boarded the 'United Empire,' taking
our canoe *I& us. Capt. Robertson
was_theskipper. Ile charge tat '
anything, in fact, it was a Cheap trips
A five -dollar MIL,' pert„,„man, . would
cover everything," Mr. kfityt-rei:ated,
is parting salute being: "I'll get4du
- test.ot thooe namies.".
.• ihesie names sug.
thing ,to MI. -Harry
Percy Sheppard,
111 greithtl
g be -
bliskfees of iti.t>b,
Huron wasrP %,44esturo of good
mainta n
„ an how' 44, .t -..
Prt,11':A44, *losh-Calao•
Ply' .