HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-06-15, Page 8THE GOD:BEIM SIGNALSTAil TVZ$D4Z JTJNZ 15tb 1044 You. ,Are- Invited To A4e11- .' Sunday Services PIMPI.M.1% rtkin.‘"?.,‘ _ OVNBAR, Rector 1„ 0. J,) S. CARMAN, Organist and Poihnsater /PO: a,ui, 'HOME 'COMMUNION.' 1%00 4.10, CiltinvIt SCII0011*.ANP BIBLE' cLtSS1,S 11.00. 'a.m. HOLY COMMUNION AND -SERMON, • Subjvct: :"Be Theta My Vi$011"`Ohrli 4.0 series of sermons on popular hymns' as se eeted by .tlie , congregation, 749 p,m,EVENSONO AND .SERMON. • ' • . Subjectt, "The Strength Of t1)011.eirt.” " -COME TO CHURCH:, -' 41Z7T441;74iiphiilfiWt(7 OFAIIMOVOiltaitiil'a, TO 0 A A I , North St. i3iiited .Churclirn., 4..iym1sTER4E.v. R. IL TIJRNBIALL, EA, B.D.: &TM. (•1 • " SEIMCV • II a jn `11-11E "MINISTRY OF FLOWERS:" 10.a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. .- 7 p.m, "THE ROOT OF OUR DEMOCRACY." MRS. Ai. L. HETHERINGTON, A cting:\Organist. A SINCERE .WELCOME- AW4FST YOU. s0.00.0000.1rar, —7— ox Presbyterian Church , 9.45 a.m. SUNDAY 'SCHOOL. All Departments. 11.00. a.m. PUBLIC WORSHIP. • 7.00 pm PuBup WORSHIP. THE MINISTER AT,BOTII SERVICES 1VANISTER—REVEREND RitHARD 'STEWART. OitGA.ISTIST—MISS EILEEN )130GIE; DIRECTOR_OF PRA48E-,-MRS. FRA1NR SAUNDERS,: - Come and 'Worship the Lord in the Beauty. of Holiness. Viidelich 1aptist Church Rev Joseph lanes, M.A., Pastor. Miss Verna Miller, Organist a.un. FLOWER SERVICE.' Solos, Duets, ,Choruses* by meni- . bers of Sunday,,Rehoel. Brief, sermon by the Pastor on, „. Lessons from the Pansy." • ,r 7 'p.m. PIJBLIC WORSHIP. , It'"6 • • •Ubject; "Why Did Christ' Establisb,' the Chi?"hr h 11.1r. *hums begins,the second-iea,r of his- pa'storate..------ Menday 8 p.m. Meeting of B.Y.P.U. Wednesday 8. p.m. -r -Prayer , 'STRANGERS ALWAYS 'WELCOME • • t. Vietoria, St. 1Jnited Church MINISTER-4REV'-ARTHUR J. McliAYE • .10,.a.M,-.:SUNI..)AY SCHOOL. • 11 a.M.—HOLY COMMUNION. 7 p.ni.".EVENING SERVICE. The Sacrament of Baptism will , also be celebrated. - *ORGANIST -441W. L; HANNA: • L' : BETHEL PENTECOSTAL. TABERNACLE • ,THE 'CENTRE OF EVANGEILISIVI Rgv. A. Cv. IIARRIS, Pastor. •« 1.8 WATERLOO ST. Sunday, 10 a.m.—Sunday School. II a.m. "HOLY' PEOp ." . 7.30 p.m". "THE CO,MING CRISIS." , „Tues1ay."-.8 p.m- Seiv1Ce. Thursday rp.m. 'Prayer -Meeting. • A hearty welcOme awaits you at this spiritual workshoit; 11,,EV CROSS NOTES Word ha's COual, from Red Cress he'41' 0Uarters Saying they are in need of thindiles, tape lines, safety pins, but- tons, handkerehiefe, .0.00 Plot* sOftli, combs, powder . puffs, needles* tooth ,powder,..,teeth „brushes;" coldiereamr to complete-y(0,1011s types of conifert bags. 44infe haring" US -Contribute anY,, of these articles. may. leave them itt. the Red Cross rooms eitlifir Tuesday or Thursday afternoons, June 20 or 22. „Ali • contributions; will be gratefully, received, • .'The following. shipment,fronfthp iced dross i'oonis indieates a busy session for the' w,prkers; "' • . Refugee e1ot1iing2i::-2 quilts, 2 atgbani„. 17, artieleS•of- clothing. Hospital sup- plies -a00 liandkerc1iefsc00 face masks, 7'dressing gown, 10 beillaokets,, A.3.10y. afal• Air "Force ----10 ; high-neok long - sleeve sweaters, 15 leeveleSs sweater%, 25 pairs gioves;''5 ptissoekS. 'British pant.16 dresses .(4 Years)', 40' girls' -blouses, 20 pinafore' dresses, 20 baby nightgowns, 15 .•,.women's blouses, 15 women's skirts, -25 coats (size *10), ,10 women's sweaters,' ..lipys." swea teXs !%Yeatem. 30 1 Aliapl‘,)rieaf Chapter, I.O.D.E.i'suMraer carnivaFia Cont..110uSe•spark, Tirer8- 44Y, Oth. clenstipatien, biliousness, ..indigestion (inleklY re/ieVed with 1V -PVP.- Herb WithletS,'•the'effective.tonic laxative, 25e and 750 sizes, at Campbell's • and all druggists, 22-20 WANTED.—COOK, WOMAN PRE- -' "F.Q11.101Do for hotel. in lakeside town. ‘' Apply • EMPLOYMENT PPLECTIVE SORIK(Al, OVFX0E, - 24, ANTEH:4-;=•011t14 WOM,444:.19R general APPTY -Ygr•IS BWAVT3C• SALON. 'c"Neks' suPAY 414 twelve weeks $5, at ANTED, --TO" BUY 'OLD HORSES Campbell's Drug Store. ". ' 14-27 and dead cattle' must be suitable bait; laelgrom,ites, `dew worms,. ete. FRPD. '011,14411%! Rat.' -.2, =P434101(4 33w3 opx,p, 5t,r pgia aveirpei• riiene Phone 90$ r 22,, clintanf. Calls Paid Slendor TabletS. are effectivei TWO for. . ,_ ,,, . , ,,.: ' Bass iitibing Opens Juli: lst. *)(4ve for mink-- feed,: .•kr4PAlved. promptly. t'Pl.I.C.' RingSbridge'-lia. lii lkfenda';r evInx-% ''. lug, Carruthers' Orchestra.' .Adm4sten 50 eent$. , ' • • `22tf Maple.• Leaf Chapter, I.O.D..1.1.* stlm- iner carnival, Thursd#, 4.uly-ath, Cen- tralia pipe:band will be 'in attendance. ,Get your ticket and be 'ready for .the 'dram anclIda•to be held in MacKay Hall on Alpe 21st, wider auspices of Aluneek Cbtinter, I.O.D:V. • Tea *served from 8 to •5= -pm. ' • - gaits child's socks, 5 pairs gOIS' sto'ck"- Ainueek • Cha ter, 1.0.D.E., 8011, meet ings., ' *7--,- ' -"-- .- ' -, . at Ala.C.K.,aY Ha qm.14tourlit-litne--1-9th; NnitterS 'hie urgently needed' to coin- . at 3 pan. ., Final .arrangenctentsfor the plete thp quotas -received reeently by tea and draw will be made. • • 724 the Goderioli branch-of:Ike:Bed Cross, ,, CoMe to Baxter & Linfteld's Snell Mrs. Tremblay' has reealikr:tlie fol- service stttion, Kington '-street, to,', get lowing 'letter from a Red, Cross Worker your tires vulcanized. A full line of hi Scotland; • •••• • , • • a equipment has been, installed to handle . -Dear MTS. Trembiay,—I „am ' this line of, work.' l• ' visitor for the Canadian Red Cross and • The regular meeting of the W.C.T.U. have seen Private H. Tremblay in 'a will be held on Tuesday, June '20th, at hospital near here. He is =jeh better the honie of mis, P. J. Cantelon, Light.: and I shall not have the opportunitY of seeing him often, but 1 -thought you- house street; -at-8.pm. - -- - ----: -24 INJR---441-1-11.---Ait-L4t0-134 1-vittlas• would like to know that the Canadian (... Get sure relief with LleYd3s,Cern* and • steamer size. Phone 241. • :24 Callous Salve.. 50e at Campbell's and , ' ddes personally steeach f Emerson'sdruc stores.. •• 'o. the mew in" hospital 'and give,s them . 21.20, FOR, '-ALE. CABBAGE AND Red 'Cross little ernferte which are -provided by street the marvelloAs support you all give to s_'United church will Meet - on the ater. Apply jol4,1••DAPRGAbit NV,ifid.er The ' Evening Auxiliary of :North s.tr‘et teom. ato . pla,nts ; also .cgeam,, separ_ church lawn ' for a picnic supper on , the Red Cross in, Canada. Yours moudtv next, June loth, at 6.30. Mem- sincerely, (Sighed) Laura •Ramsay.", - u •and their friends welcomed Mrs, - - WJA.Mg.P. ua«,,VIJI04-TIONS Altzi , desired for the Stk„ atfOrd 'General flokipital School. ofinifsing, "-Where is aluture in nursing.' Write for applica- tion Ones. • 23-5 ANTED.—pOARDERS, IN PLEAS- ANT hate, 'with .raodern''' con- veniences.; good food. Call SIGNAL.: STA.R. 23tf, T .0.ST.---A130.10T THREE WEEKS agO, lad's brOwn leolher purse with OiPPer. Finder pleaset leave with FRANK, MARTIN, tailor, West street. " -24 RENT„ VOint-7LIOQM APART* furnished.'or,') per month.. Apply J. W. cumulx.' • '23:2A port ItENT.—VOR THE ISIONTXI OF August, cottage, on :tlie Lake .bankr. ten-minute •,•ride frOul few bearooMS, bathroom, electric Stove and `refrigerator. kor further particulars 41?PlY to It. C. HAYS, Barrister, Hamilton street, • -24 WANTED. -4, PORTABLE TYPE-' WRITER; Portable electric sewing ffnfoitirre. ''TelePhonq-489;--- FOR SALE a viwev eutnf igoeu ri•onaltion; 3414i 1)14lf.1!..CON. , 24x Corner Victoria ind.Park St BEV...G. VV. • FREPIAN, Pastor 10 a.m. SUNISAY SCHOOL. 11 'a.m.' -REV. S. E. ALLIN. - Evening Service WithdraWn.". . •A Prayer Meeting 8 p.m. Wednesday. COM AND YOU.R.FRIENDS. . EVERYBODY WELVOME CARD "or VIA.1"iliS MRS. H. HUTCHINS AND . FAMILY , . wish to express their thanks , for kindness an& sympathy .extended to them in. their bereatement, ,, They Would also like to thank theie: Who sent 'flowers or blaiied cars • for - the - , fUneral. . • TRACKERS WANTED Durnin will be the special speaker. onto town from June 22nd for ten daysinbut" the • officewill.be open to take care of breakaies and repairs-.• ' "leeerex"-'-for itt fwg strengths, medium and strong. -Heals-- eczema, bails, ,psoriasis, .eryth- eina, impetigo, itch, chaps, ete.", while. you work.. .50e; -$1;00. . •Sold by Campbell's and Emerson's 'drug stores.. TE-A-CIIER7,WaNT-BD.. ANT teaeher wanted fgr 8:S. No. IT Ashfield Qualifications and sarary • expected, to JOHN A. JOHNSTON, See:-.Treas., Port Albert( R.R.t. :23-4 •• Auctioneer' FOR COUNTY OF HURON CHAS. B. BELL, . . R. 1, BAYFIELD PHONE 22,48x - CLINTON 909-6 • Dr. G. S. „Elli.ot VimitiSIARY sumikori in/LALVAND LARGE ANIMAth At Laudees Drug Store, Goderich,, • every- Thiirsday. afternoon PHONE 203 4.CLINT0N. • 4.. PREPARING FOR BEGINNERS ..„,Preperations Are being mad k for the registration of--beginners,Alt2the.--fall. ' terra of the kindergarten and 'element; ary schools. ...Parents intending to send' • children? likhO:lare 11.*e. years of age On or befere .October 1st, 1944, -are 'asked to regiStet-thelir at mice yilth.')Aiss E. •.---Ntrume,, Victoria: school;.0.11.r. OrPwn, Central school. Will the parents also arrange -j' an' appointment . with,. Miss. • Cleaver,.•public health . nurse, Town' Ilan, telephone No. 980, who will make a pre-school 'edittniinatiOn and set i.”5 their health cards: _ - • IOW'S WOMAN'S . . AtICILIARY •The_St. George's branch of tl4e held -the; June meeting at, the tRetoi,k -with ',Mrs. .-Dunbar, president, 'in the chair, • At the.....Conclusion. of; the busi- neSs part, of' the meeting the fifth Chapter Of the study book, entitled "The Power of the Printed Word," Was. given by, one of the reembets. joint.picnie of the inembors,;“ of tlie_Church Guild _anirthe-W.A., will be-ini-Hfurbor Park the second ,,Wedneaday in july. The next Meetirig of the W.A. will be ..g4 held in September. Cordon M. Grant HURON ficTAD GODERICH Licensed -Anetioneer for-' • Huron. County Furniture, and Farm Clearance Chattels and Real Estate ..Prompt attentiongiven.to all calls Write )BOX 663 GODRRICH • 1-52x PHONE 959 NOTICE Brick work, Cement work, ciljnineys, Found- Rea,sbnitrle The latest 'rei;fat' .i:ectived froi.it the Provincial:Department - of Health laboratories of Julie lit, 1944, ,Of samples of •mlik sub- . initted'from the different..milk ;vendors intlie.town is as fol/6,ws: Per 'Cent. Result of , Source of Supply B.•Coli Standard Butter phosphatase ' Count Plate Count Fat ‘• ,;,.Test --)3eatt1es" Milk .. .. 0 400,000 gA • Baxter's Afilk • 0. ' 200000 86 A ltaxter's Cream .. MOO 800,000 -- 225 A Goderieli Milk 140 , 141000,000 3.1 A Goderwii Cieam 5'0 000000 10.5 A" Orioa Cream .. . .. , .. go - 450,000 81.5 a The Interpretation Of thitc'tepott is _as followS; *H. Coll Count—Refers to the bacillus colt germ, one capable of histituting,bowel diatiirbanees., 'The Standard Plate Count ---,1# an estimate of the trataber.of baoteria Dor o.o., not neeessarilY injurious -to health,' aud.is nit indioa- tion ot the care used in cooling and handling. ' The Per Cent. of Rutter ,Fat.-.1.,.*xilmittin,' tolount 3.8%. fdi* ulitkk: 18% for trottm pemitud. tile Pb*aphatas L COInnuilie letter indloates that the ra1l14 hae been pasteurized. - • „ 0110. Vt. SCUAZIalit, , Chairman, lloard of Health., ' W. GALLOW, )4.0.11. •RORN- •• kL-1.71-OTTt 'Alexan ra liosP Goderich,. on .Tune 1.0th, 1944, to Lieut. and,Mrs. 'Victor Elliott, East street, a NO117-40SeP1i--Vict°r'. .Alexandra • . Hospital, dederieh,' on June 10th,' 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dprniti,:. Maitland • road, Goderich„ a daughter, Ruth ITL—LIGEVIii"lioustlxgEP. XNG rooms, inclii4Ang.. two, bed rooms, futnis1e M13S 01TRWgN, `Arthur street. • '24 FOR SALE.--FEARLY *CABBAGE, 1.5c, per doz..; •extra 'choice tomato, pep- er, asters, -petuniarand other -plants4 per doz. 40c. Late cabbage, 0u cents. per 100, ''VigorouS plants, well rooted and hardened, .to open air. I.J.LAERT,.. „corner • Caxnbria .rottd.nrid Elgin avenue. - • 21-27 ; BENT.-7FIVE-ROOM APART- .:MENT; lower • licior, furnished or unfurnished, 411 .edirv'eniences, posses- sion at once; also two rooms furnished ow.lowen,tiborAll. conveniences. session at, once. J. IIARNWELL; Keays street, Goderich: -24 TO RENT.--AT.Dtm:op, rx.A,LP OF my canary, home; Arivate" entrances for a couple; ..110 hildren, Owner; MRS. ROBERT MacDONALEn R.R. 8,, Godeueh JMion No. 20 r 8 Dun-. gaw• -24 MENT, unfurnished,.• near Sqtare reasonable. Phone 102 • 24tf FOR RENT:ZiftWO 'SMALL. COT- . TAGES, two -ear garage, . • hydro, TUrnished, near . Summer School" at Goderich.$40.00 Per month 'includes both cottages. P. -Z. RYAN, Goderich, Ont. ,Phone 663 24 START YOUR MARRIED LOT) HY BUTING,i0101t , :Wedding Bakery Pies, • Tarts, .0alies; Cookies, I3verreyadb. ,eastitdo,fRitiTgrSeTel:4ficr.dolrtetie' every ay' AICE14 'COLBERT, PrePrietor.- PHONE- 465 For.,•further'Partietilars apply to; _ITA.ROLD JACKSON, ESQ., . Seaford), Auctioneer, or • Rt O. HAYS, IC.d„ • . • goderich, Ont.., 28-20 • Solieitor for Ilzecutor. *FARM *IrOB. SALE.—WT 19, CON-, CESSION 2, • Tuekersraith; _100. ares, two , miles west of Egmondville, adjoining Seafaitll. Brick house, bank r ve shed; henhouse -and garage; two\eJlb, one drilled; 'Water' piped into ouse bvsh ; balance ingrain and hay. Fuxin is well fenced and drained. .• Apply to EDGAR, A.LLANt_Seafortli, R.R. 3. . 24-5 SUCTION SALE OF cows, YouNci. at PortecrQ9msAfilluQ,,EinGgoiaeNtrDic11;PQTI. (!mn.s hlP, on TUESDAY, ..TUNE 20th, .. 85 young fresh cows and springer heifers 10 Ayrshire ,,heifers, to• „fieshen iti the' fall; 20 yearlings; a number of Young-et-6es ;7 young sows; -) 20, 111s s.veeks old T1tsoAsH. E.Tow. NsE:• 7Proprie.t or HAROLD JACKSON,, -24 Aone. Wilmer Harrison will also, sell„•a Waterloo separator. 83-45 with straw c cutter, writer, pump and Milverton. "- spe ei stee er, fee.fl also.160i_t: of Good- year drive'belt; like new, and an Inter- national W.,K,. tractor inreal good shape. , •' 0 •'RENTFURNISELDP APART - :L. • NIENT, (kitchen, 'bedzpoin .and living room) ; 'private tlireePle e bath; Vailable-july 4st,Call--SIGN TAR. . . • - SALE AUCTION sAiii OIP BEA.UTIFUL: ' HOUSEHOLD -EPFECTS 111 be held atAWSalkerd-Xpahmentff, Kingstowstreet, Goderich, the property • • A UOTION SALE OF FARM STOCK • • IMPLEMENTS Mr. . J. 13. 'Cox -has instructed the Undersigned to sell by public auctron. in Clinton, one block Mirth of. Piano Factory; on . ' . , '. • MONDAY; JUNE 19th, at 1 o'clock,sharp, the following: gelding,-- -years - old. of2,FligheBallantine, 'on Fred Ballantine;;.en OATTLE-7-101Stein. eow, 4 years old, .- SATURDAY,- -ISJNE 17th, due November 22; Holstein bow, 3 years at 2 o'clock p.m. • : - old, ilieT-cre-taer 8; liolStebr-COW, Electric washer, like new; electric years old, due October 20.; Holstein ' range, "Canadian Beauty"; electric heifer, :due to freshen , October . 23; . himm of all -kinds; liiring.room suite, registered 'Holstein heifer,. 1 year old.; complete; beautgal bedroom Suite, 2 registered Holstein heifers, 1 Sear complete; J.rietehe_nsuite,crrorpZtew4ter hold; Holstein heifer; 8 months OW • 6chairs', atrim; i4i :• IMPLEMENTS Deering hinder'; cabinet; tea wagOu, toffee table, Deering Mower; sulky fakes; end tables, chest of drawers, cushions spriuk.tooth cultivator ; set,of diamond - pad drape, : pictures; cedar chestt deek-- barrows; 2 walking plows; une-/lOit0' :chairs, set of dishes; kitchen utensil's, plow; , turnip drill ;: new walid-ht.:eclif- votS.and pans. .ivja,ny articles too num- fier.;. two -row corn scuffler ; new erous to mention. ' , • '. truck wagon and gravel 12ox;. hay rack TERMS—CASH. .s ' • - .:(new) ; larva wagon and. rack; Bet of FRED I3ALLANTINE; farm Sleighs and fiat rack; buggy; - - • 'Proprietor-. set ,�f light :sleighs, (like new) ; root • DON113-1J-.4. BLUE, pulPer ; milk cart; 3 milk cans; .100 234. • Auctioneer: grainr-sacks ; new hay car (wooden: track) ; hayfork; cream separator; Daisy churn; set of tenni harness; netv • setof brass -mounted harness, (never: used) ;. nuither of horse collars; pot of single ness • whiffletrees; .neckyo'forks, shovels, kes; tools of all harness; • HAY AND GRAIN -5 acres of oats in field; 10 'acres alfalfa .hay. TERMS—CAS. 1" 113".:130 :,COM.; ..etsow, "WATERFRONT - IN'- TOWN ' . OF Goderich. -- Attractive iank and beach.- °Healthful elevation..' Orch- ;ard, sewer, water, light: • A quiet loca, tion tot slimmer...cottages or for. small HELESIC.—At Alexandra Hospital,. fariaing. •Particulars from , ,CHAS. Gederieh, on June 15th, 1944, to . Mr. . and Mrs.. • Stephen Ilelesticl.. a ' wn, BEALE, 11701 Park Land .South; Kew - Michael Stephen. .. . ' . Gardens; New York .15 or,R. C. HAYS; ' Goderich. • 21f 3 NAIRN:—At Ford iilospitalDgroiton ; ,'. *. •., June 15th, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs OR SALE: — -8-1IECli EATON!S • C. • B. "Nairn, Of ' 15616 Woodland .,2:: pitalware dinner s4 and part tett -Drive, Dearborn, Mich., a daughter, service. _Pane 237 (Mrs Speed) 24i TORRANCE •-•-•-.At Alexandra Hospital, ' .. • ' .‘ '- Goderich, on, Wednesday, June .14th, "POR SALE.. — T 1.I R B'E 41,P I E CZ • - 1944, to Mr.' and Airs. Bruce Tor- .-1•". .chester9eld suite, rose 'i'ancl.. blue,. . ranee, Goderieh", •a daughter, Janet Practically new. Phone 489 24x Frances. • ' . ' . .. ••• . -- • DIED ' HIJTCHINS,In. Goderich, qn) Satur- _ dalr, June 10th, 1;944, Harry Hutchins, .in ins 67th year," • M0RRISON.-7-In Goderich; on Friday, ' June 9th, 1,944; Sarah -Morrison, aged 92 years., ' •• , LA.WSON.—In Clinton Hospital; on • 'Saturday, June 10th, 1.94t Edward Victor 'Laymen, Of Eluron road, Go,de- ... Ada toWnship; ' • '. ' _... .. IN'' mOlitOlgAliti,--,1 , who died June Iff,'"194-3...- GRAIIAll.—Cathatine ,Nivini urraham Just -simple Words, .yet li1.e...4 sword They pierced our hearts 'with dread; And half 'of our -*Odd etrad " -- With .-thos'CiVprds; ",YOur mothees dead." . •.. • — . roving memory by Margaret W. Lola, and by the boys, who Miss her every , day • "' ... '' , - -24 FOR- SALE. — 'BLUE PRAM IN . . . lk.tURILAY.—In -loving memory. of Don- kooil, Condition. MRS. V-. SIVIITH, . „aid Thinnas Murray.of Bayfield,- who Seuth street. • '.-24 passed away three years ago, on ps.:........i.iami................e 4.... The pearly. gates Were Opened, June 19th,.1941; 1 ,NOTICE TO' CREDITO* Ayto ,with tareWells unspoken, . ,.4. gentle •voice said. "Come;' NTOTICE TO qi,ErilToas. . . He gently entered home .. . ,.. . . ......_ . •,i,. . —Sadly missed by , his wi..te and ', .0 , r Notice is, hereby: given to all persons childret4lae.,,Jackland Donna. " 24.x. haytitgl , •_aitylekti-, 131_2 . : FOR SALE. --- $250 WINTERIZED cabin trailer, electrically wired, lee good tires, Situated behind Baxter's:Service Station. -Apply W. F. WOLFE; .1540 'Garnet street, Regina, SaSk. " • -24 electric range, used.' about thkee FOR --- A TALE OP yrs;'In good •shape:' Phone • 15, Go.dgich. • 24;5 . . i•••• ; • halfAten.;_ eilitesc.11• change for cattle. ' .Apply WILBIY,R T,HOM; R.R, 5, Goderichor pliond 287 Carlow. • . -5x fr 171XEOUTOR'S SALE" • ▪ „ The Excettor 'Of the Estate of Helene Austin 'Stott will sell, at public auction at the deceased's residence at, lots 74, ,75 and 76,, Huron Terrace, and lots 110 and 111 oh ,Tuyll street, in the village_of Bayfield, on , , • ' ' „Turz.4.„. 55111 „ Thel following 'goods and chattels among numerous other. article: - SALE. TW 0 -;w1I'EATL. 174°'ND• liTit141.x.•P. 10:li l'Actures, . trailer. f4•0 _EL paintings, 'etchings, chinaware, ,orna- hyleiii, ments, bric-a-brac,' brass- • candlesticks, x candelabras., • and the • contents . of an annexed cottage 'consisting of stoves, tables, verandah- swing, bed, springs and mattress", chest of ,drawers,•washitands, wheelbarrow and garden Utensils. T,IJESDAY, JVLY. 4000 Furniture including living -room -furniture, Chicery baby grand piano- with .electric player and records; dining -room, suite, four bedroom- suites, hall furniture, verandah reed furniture; rugs. and other articles, too numerous to mention; • • TJDRMS—OASH AT TIMID O -F SALE.. - SAL.•. • • • THO viujAg 11ACI1INE ,SROP Can handle in ort of re *paxra and breakdowns, Colborne&Malloug • •Ilamilton St.. Pholiti;:456 I SHIELDS:—In loving tribute to a dear Lawson, late of the 'Township of Gode- ' ° wife"tina mother, _Mrs. Hugh Shields, rich, in the County of Itaren farmer, whO---.paSsed• peacefully.- ittiay 'Arne who died on or about the .iotri day of • nth, logo. June, A.D.. 1044, at the Town of Clinton, In a.-nesir. and silent graveyard", to "send sanie'..to the undersigned,o, 'Where the. trees their branehes„ 'wave before ..3.0th day 'of June, AS. on , and tfter::,Iliallirtit.6.„0e;adminikitrittrix of Ili her cpld "and silent grave. - .• the salt:U.-estate shall proceed to dis- _thoug4ts of, one7-45•0-..•-dear 'tribute the assets thereof having regard• Often bring a 'silent tear; , • ,ouly to the claims. then filed. Thoughtikreturn. vscenes long vast, Dated at Goderich this 13th 0,az, of Avfm,:e, 'aline, A.D. 1944.- 24x reMeMbered by lusbarid and. daughter.; 24-5:6 Solicitor for the Estate. ICE view of the early closing At -Y-14, 1944,we •wouldappreeiate oUl Creditors letting vi 'have any outstandhig aoeountetin order • that they 4nay be passed. for payment , before, the above closing date, HI40144 COUNTY FtVINII TRAIN/NO 'SMOOT.. VW. - vs. Stothere, Trettouret. tect Itute 6, 1044. 36 GordonMrS J. McManus is a guest .thiS Week at St.•::Cathitrine8 with, he.r , -friend 1,.1rs. Don .BuChanan, the former : • , RIGHT NOW -i.' 'tre showing ropical Materials for Air rbrce and the Army Altering, .1tenlodelling, Rei)ng H MARTIN TAILOIt Mal 31,73Ar West St. ,:morrniummiumilmmmommiLimplair TRAVELLING BY ...TRAIN 4'171E8E. DAY.S. --L.. If you have a floater pericy, your luggage is covered and you .have nothing to .worry about Get particulars, from 11.1 M. FORD Get Insured Stay insured Rest assured. .:North St Tel 268w ' . 0 . ' .o.:•••••••• 441.4.4,••••,,m•wormorro,..4:4....4,4,04,.......4....,"?........". When you require Coal of Coke bAL1A: „. , . . • . Coal- and .1tardware: at tile Harbour P1iones:-001ce 22 • ouse1.1.2 of GO TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to and including 'lune 15th , for the painting of, tfie Bandstand in Court. House Park.. Also for the painting of the front of. Tdiwtiallgallirdpettfon Ziat • Stre‘t. Separate tenders to .be sub- mitted. Lowest orany ten- der not necessarily. accept. ed.r Por particulars apply to W. T. Baker, Chairman. of Pub. lie Works,: or Geo. G. Witte. Ewan, Chaiirinan; of Parks Committee." S. U. BLAKE, . Clerk. 0011100111.1.00•00.10 "•••4• ......1440.4a4.4,4••••••••• OVilittklYtt OVALs41ThB MAGiCis- Olit4NGE MARMALADE BISCUITS 2 coos inied sour 1 itstg 1/2 ton. *tilt IA cup suit4 4 tbopiiii: therteobig, •34 ettl.rZardie 4 woe. Magic YiehmePoWder Sift tityingrodititttStogetheraCutistehori.. • tooltki until. taxed. Boat egg *lightly in utoikstiting, cup; add niIJlc stud. itistrinalado to intik,* 3/4 cup and sidd to Scat Mixture. Roll out *bout %4nch thick; cut 'with ',outdid bkicult totter. Toil ,oeb, 'with mit iittieermitiedet bide* hot Oton (424%) iklatnit 1 Oiluutos. Midio4 16. h AGIC hpAKIN6 r°WDER SV1114G ° C41* 6tj ° tt 1$ CANADA