HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-06-08, Page 7' . noMeans the -Ili - hty Gla.. osis I.s � , xd ,g y 'r look !� s era 'complicated, eatpens we a bothersome t ,, e Job that some Alleged experts, pretend, t Is interesting ;.to, ,kno* 'scientr`ie names,:of all-4lowears and vegetables, to raise •tre endous single blooms that �e na would go to the top in any floral show, hut•this: sort of thing is.otrio concern to .the rank' and :,file. The 'average person is quite content with 11 good supplY;af -fresh, tender and handy -vegetables, and Een, ti i. Want Normal. Pell, iVimrVigor? ___, . Tr/l.'T bs t,. CoetsW lite.. Int Petr* itwt B Walum;p °+� ' • hint.. � . tai. }ion t 3 (, es f Intro► p.'b. iie‘JS O$$ ,Il a +i+ introaaoto y alas only SSA .ssuat[,.t..aeras, �e1 At 101 drearlits, �i e�. or of b loomri: _He • r, ice' .d _ _ _ _. t is lel 41I1 -a>,t ACtI� � slso ' ' with asv little she wants'till's,.�a , trouble., and, ballaehe as•PQssible A.nd -thisis _quite possible, according to the autboritleS„.the ,ugh soma intelligent care ancl✓a little healthy eXereise are<'essen- atiiil. the main points to keen in iuind, once the garden is anted"and growing, pl €1 i will be now in most parts of t� m t l Ii I? Canada, are- the feliowing: '. Mani” Care Factors, •, ..I the ga x on-is ,thpro lhl ,.enl ated _.ghon* _ be_ up orted. by y b.A,rush , w� i.re• o r once in earl .Tine, with allWeeds dugStrings. under and hard lumps of ,soil ylxlvoa- TO encourage contin uous flowering, izel,twill soo*„only, a few lightub1ooas soll: be. pleked freely in the tiVations•during remainder. Ot the ease of� w t rns, - pansies, nasturtiums, tiom s , .b in_te :� ce lin etc.; and, removed when... fading season to. keep it: growing and w _ Via. ... :.. cheek. -'This light manning -over is best 'case of powers not ordinarily used "for done when theground is f t after, a -cutting lailrposes. • ,' . •sof e, rain. � � Jri/ rov'in - the Soil' •°Ole can ot_grow good vegetables leso�To Improve especially light or fowersplentS aretogeter.ver. eavy :ypes, ori `excelleft'r Before- grow#,ln.- , toc advattod. astich things as carrots, beets, lettuce and r elf-sowh Or fine -seeded llowers should be thinned'so as' to permit proper and sturdy cla velopment. This thinning Will also make cultivation easier and it will i ,encoprage quick, tender .growth among the vegetables. Bugs, fungus and other garden pests are easily kept in. 'eoiitrol if the proper sprays --consult a :' government bulletin .or your nearest se+edsnian or -florist--- are.. a .lied.' ihirnediately, after rest e d C CQ .of: damage. 4 e ,.-Also, a healthy growing gax eno well cultivated, well spaced ' and ' free of weeds, is„ ,far less $Ursa tible to lttael/ of any kind than the neglected sort. • 'flowers and :arid : 'vegetables, ':like delphinium; hollyhocks, -tomatoes,„, e te.,, should • be,, staked and tied Loos,ely to. these , stakes to prevent ' wind • .4nd :other storm• damage, •.Climbing'' sweet peas, nasturtitins ' and other similar things thing oto 41g 10 or lbw �r :what farrmiaers Bell "green manure.” This int simply vegetable "growth-- weeds, gra or 'certain erops like oats, rye Or clover sown for this very, purpose.- Gardeners with a fair amount of land attheir Ws, poral often set aside a' different por- tion each - year for ,building-upr* par- poses.aids . is Cultivated at fen -day intern s4 each spring to ` about the fast of 'talk,' then sown with a cover crop of outs, rye„ glover, ' etc. Later when ' this crop is '1}p ten, or twelve i to ounder* ray. hes .ats.wed r i l' snadecl ais green, manure NnIK O CCC QSA O Dors, g od .I� :{%5.�+�:;' .L: irrt,•;{rrrl}:•Y.• •_•J.•: r.. ,ray• • r. :r':f 9j+fr.':•/•�•rr `'�"r ti f:: w•r;;., f:;rrlwrf. } iG, '• �r FF•;' ;< ;/riF { , % r�•x; •::: � {s}%'' rNr + r rJFrr:�•`'r ,r'k• 'r��•,S:•u3 rYraJ� rF�r•.••s' :r•,r.,.,r:>�r ;k.}};:.};!�•>.�. ,.� . F : r% 7 / N . t'fO$T AFTER 7://E LAsr. W, ,4e, 1/4*1{ "RE •P,'/CESS'. 6wgr UP. U/� 80414' VOM r/667i I �° .Y •,l• :•ti. .} r • ...:: r.: • r •Y ,� SF'F,r~• Flr�rr,'.r r�r,+�f `rJ� rafS-�cFr, r Y, -Y r?' �c krr n'44'7 17; .2 Ja<'k Whyone entertainer, of.Brssels,,:Iix'ida last.'the (er'.ernoIy' *Ani . Pe_ has left for Brandon, Mari., to 1111. a• formed by . o. W. E. Kelley.. rime l twentydday; •engagement. n r5sf 1 .. mtisie festival for Ilowick township, was held at _Morrie lost, week. 'Twelve sehoois took part. Robert I)insdale, of Kippen,, died on Monday, in his eightieth ,yearn. tie is survived, by his wife and one daughter, Mrs. V. Ta"ylor.;of Stratford. ev. Ira h Jack preaches Iris: fare g well, sermon ,in". the $eaforth Presbyterk Ian church on .Sunday"night..After six years at Seafoaxt1i he is leaving to take !_ .._. charge at • Clarence Grainger;* teacher .of 1Nel- ton public school; has resigned d t4accept p t the nip is i oftli two -r omni ra ho01 pit GPa.h,� o Q c wa. ti t. ,Au Lawless s Calix r o f a s at h In g ,gee. ., been engaged to teach the Walton school for the coming yearn • , - 9 A" report 'from. Henson says thatstones as i'arge• as; sjQe pieces fell 'in that . district on Saturday, breaking' windows an •-tree,li enough,. hailstones were gathered to make 'two large freezers *of ice cream: Ani automobile owned by Fleming Black, drover, of Bluevale; •which;. was stolen from the stockyards at Toronto over two weeks ago;, has been located near•.Sunnyside. 'All ,the Wheels were aiss1n s also two good ort r co is Whiela were inside the car. . ° Donald Pfeszeiatpr, an Exeter boy), es' *� l l� -1410107 ry 4v6' y,Y4a //:'. •arc.--...�,f w •:. .:. o{{{:.•y;::: r: •:•••:�'• f 1 gl:•:tr.Y:: y Y: iif . r...... x..X....t, . r.s•..,s..,,., :+4 i _ 1 '` •l IIN. .. r / /lW Z4 7e :/r.4147-4449. .... -}, A410 ow4 _ Yr Rie/rePAPEc ' efiazPi:4NY '/VG is?• :$;r,:j: ;;Lir Y: `:{{•: oh4NC2 r"($ M/ ..' T/4. 80Y '. PROTECT THEIR CANADA Ourboys overseas have'a pretty clear picture: of the kind of country they want to coir ack t0 ...tiand iLcer tainly..aisn't a country ravaged by inflation..: Theeas_� ti w can do to make e their dreams come true is to support the Price Ceiling. pend asF1ictle as possible.;Save .::,,rrvvh4+rS,c"rF:•r . '` ....i%Fi549;.ifb• e�'•'.6d �3, young couple left on, a motor trip to i a a a l~' ll Torr i� n,s' x -a s .arnd. ertto Two'�Nehers lot Wine**' The Win han'i lli 1?<°School Bot rd•ha.0 'engaged Miss ,Alice (.. °l eea r• )3,,A. of. Ileshertoit to replace Miss..E. G. Steen, resigned, , Miss' Kilda .Twamley, Who has : been 'teaa,ehthg the last four years at :Belfast, has been. +engaged"to-.succeed MISS' Verne Walker on,' the public, sehoolF star. at 'Wingharn M"n ;M �. oar + At" Centrad 'United' ehureli St. T oniasi) ato d o� 1a st, the marriage. ge . was solemnized. of DQ athy1sobel, sec, ax o n '"ii11� 'VVAr u i t mobile collisionnorth + Mt lunday night in which an anazr�"waw lolled. 'The hirr 'taken to the Pal rrston h�tai,vrImost Mrs. lark o found v. and to :have a, t a•red Jaw", ' a crushed ;dime 'VW i? urrk s, Oboe :] [r. • ♦ (lark ♦ r /red injuries. r (r�ea.her' aiggnifiC an attaeheli to t% 194t wheat harvest in North .iini then; seethed at all likely ,eight, tart months ago,: says the Month! . of the 'Wheat Situation, ltt a etd that t1,100,000;000 lru ii 1. s +e f . A� A and 1'l.S. wheat •will•. disapp ai;rr dhxl ;the ` phut -crop- 'Tear. '' and ;that eorbineSl arrrryoverr of the two'eountr� will ehowr a reduction s 0 of'' �ci("tpp iel , bushels L'rorm the total a, Year ,earlier d d . on d hte f Mrs r t g r. ,. Mr.and . Robert • 1 ' Munn, �' sell to • Lieut.. .r e 1. et od Thompson ' Munn, :C.1+T V:R., -son; of Mrs. Munn, Ripley, and the late'f'toberrt` Munn. :Rev. E. ,J'..-R,oulston otliciated,; ril'iie bride will live : at London when the, &ientenant^;returns to -duty- ., ,, "Jehovah's Witnesses" Not Welcome in „Exeter Exeter Tunes -Advocate q Old Sunday' last ,several, Jehovah: 'Witnesses en, deavored tb make a'- .canvass of- the town soliciting subscriptions to their'; ;magazine., 'A telephone call was sent to .(h of John Worry and the' xties ; were asked to leave 'town. There were two younger: girls and two mean' In the was :badly burned about the face -and. party, One of the girls, Wanted per: hands while asSisting in".tarring a' roof t> t4 #inxshi her eauvst s f _ s Q *tae at S lee the: Exeter—can in fact factory.: • I e t t she was• • on, but 'Mr..Norry was en rrying -some hot -tar In a pail ° , _ • when the ,nail'"'hit son'ething and .the• ."‘",'"'"1,17""""'"" ° ?DIST MORTGAGE LOANS f additional moue is r�eeda'+d: y', '. t l tgi buy T' Nmol tvac farm, send' us particulars., • Possibly ' we, Jean assist you :through .our ioaning:'depar tment •Attractive terms. AU inquiries treated ,confidentially; ` The MO, TGAds oar PQRAYT1014. Loudon: Windsor $t nomas-- Math= A. training plane, from the Centralia air station 'crashed on the farms of. Charles Wise, Godexich township; one evenin ''hist week; The ins'truetor>we- eeivedlirlli5es, but the students es't'apeil with nothing More than a shaking up. - The plane was ;a total wreck . Miss Agatha' Coui'ltes, R:N.,. daughter. of _Mr_ and Mrs. "Robert,, Goultes, _1aal5t Wawariosh, who recently_ completed a missionary •course at_Emanuel College. - Toronto, has left, _to - take up h:er new, work' , a n i v• ' ` or at. M v Doth, n, the Rolle elle' Presbytery. Miss ,Goultes wns at first assigned • to Gypsumville 'hospital in Mrinitoba„ but the appointment wris changed. Annie : Spenea C `:rie, widow of tTohn droll: ',a.. died en May 2 i + • home in .mg , ,m:, . n • ter Seven y nip > . year, She • :was ' a native of B'rast y Tif. .a•no -11 �..� 'xsl>k i• -.:1-91.3. .. • w s ..-kIc'!;r.�.hi . � nrl--cl �1 n, and she is„ Survived by . twA ,- sons,- 7. Clarence.: of Ottawa; rind J. Arthur: sof : Ingham.. nd' -two do -righters, Miss. _..:_�.. .y. Aline.. nx}rl,,�_.3b'[rs.W.-�.� ��raatxai�•�—crf A liaar.VlsRolatlefi- ` The• marriage of Gwendolyn Devon* Roiitledee, daughter, of Mr, and Mrs. W. fl. Routledge, Listowel, to Pte.John Qiuokly removed in Clean. Sanitary Tracks. '910r16 CLINTON ---- •. 2 5 If -s otr.sufferr--frombe ou icno o ck. b. miserable the? -made" you feel. h •k •Bods are an outward :indication of impurities in the -system, And just= when you,.;think• you -ri "of a :o :•ane h e o� n e:' t_ ex,: r�s,i�p-�t, •:tao��i d�PrQiap'g � ��„ ° y r eery: the: l neiu"gand, po g 'you -can divinarpot stop ;more To help overconel�' -bails you should' urrity the `blood, so • why hot give that old,` reliable blood medicine, Burdock Blood Bitters, a chii•nce to•show •what it will do in helping -you get -rid of -them? Thousa ds have 'used if for B. Lay's, R:r.T•. Hamilton; Sidi of Mr. this,purpose for the past:;60 years. Why_not^•.you? and Mrc• •T._1i. X.ravis. Clinton: took illace • The T.°Milburn Co:, T,iipted, Toronto,•Out, lit the 'home• of the bride's yr)rents all .• If it is i1L anachverlisement belOW you w it receive two WarSavin entTsix'issries of The .Goderich Signal Star, adyeirtisenfents' under this heading willcontain several nannies of persons 'living in~ G'oderich, and district. The iajames : will . be selected. front' the subscriptionliit of •The" Signal -Star. Simply'find• your name iii one of the .advertisements, clip the ` advertisement present it,to. the :store' in which your• name appears, and •receive 2• War Savings Stamps Free. ,2 DRUGS THIS ISA :SEAL RU SiA ISFACTION GUARAN /*YOUR MONET 1 ." Complete `Line of •- FRESII FRUIT & VEGETABLES IN SEASON 'SCIENTIFIC rQVIPMENT *FRIENDLY'` SERVICE Quality Dairy. •Products Milk, ,Creeamr-Devon--ice-C ee VIS'I1 OUR. DAIRY BAR Special Prioeesr on BED OUT1 ITS , Steel- Bed, Spring -and Ma tress Pelt. or Spring -Filled. ►rug tor0 • X(iuR FRIENDLY • b.A; ]JRUG$TORE Prescriptions a Specialty . Phone 4i Goderich . Ammossuessuramamonsasmasssassaassam ° ELECTRIC •i Canadian Co r p ASSOCIATE STORE _ . 0 . r ETS`'Q i, ropy TIES and BATTERIES Hamilton .,St. Phone Iw Dui and '.hold your 'war saviors.: "My, physique snag not be .particularly impressive but in. - my own sphere, of :action I'm ratedtops with :.both dealer and public who' know '''me as.. °the Congoleutri Trade Mark.. I've always. stood, for floor covering qualityand value, i factors that are more im- portant today 'than ever, • now • �., that to� lams:tents are` so hard Mg Y : • to come•by.1 The care that has t '`: always gone into the making 'of the goods I identify, is in- tensified as We do our modest r r: `. . bit for morale and victory e by providing - *fiat te-,. _o'u`chi o ` :color rft l ' brigilh ess fate, easy. to.cleats,"budget-saving Congoleum :floors=- t<at 44'• hake any. home •a happier '> place to 'lave in. And on top ,;' of that, we . at Congoleum are 'iba'py. that ,our.,' complete .l ane -shop , facilities have been devoted to specialized war production -ever since. the outbreak of hostilities," -: L-orle Dia ands DIAMOND :RINGS.. BIJLOYA, LOUIE LONGINES . -. • and ROLEX `WATOHHES . . silvtityvARE and` CUT- GLASS' '114 l7 ab tson w Phone 136 4 Goderich D'U'EL DEALERS*. "When vete through : It looks like new." x: lJ% ton 5�.. :. Phone 224• )OEM ERS Yhi OOA — OK` WOOD. Phone 75 Nelsen St... tlncler. . trying eircumsta.nees rye ° are trying ' to, do- -a. good Job: You will find' this a good firm to do business with. YOUR vitlENpiar CYTIES .SERVICE , .. w_. DEALER x , Phone -11,7 W'e'st St., 11rs. Neil 'TXionilrsuwiy Goderick A •good way to spend your evt4m log or leisure hour in pleasant congenial surroundings. • i#OWTOrHELP h M'B. GOLD SEAL MAKE' Gpoil. You 'ran get' added ordain out of your Cotigolcuzn. loors` with -ver • little effort.. Brush 'and troop, them regularly and renew the brightness of their surface with an dicessional Waxing. Make sure too, t e , -toot. underneath in smooth 4and free from crevices knobs. M les •a rug, move It every few enols lttic scare lay 04441°4. Il xiewed Your • Subscription to 'l�liy y bb�'y,••� AA'� V` �y ; ��jjy, 'IJ sIGN t1'l r.. 1tL1i 2