HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-06-01, Page 8REV W H . DUNBAR,Reor • •: - • C. P.8 outntir!, oria'Aitt an4 thelitassier TOINITY SUNDAY - 8.80 . TiOIN COMMUNION. • SCHOOL" AND AIIILEs C./4SOR, 1100 4.111; •' HOLY COMMUN,ION ANDSERMON." gs? StibjeCt: "The Message 'of the Trihity," , 70 P.M.:: • pvp,IsoNct AND f4EIVAION. Subject; "A CWItClis Co'iii(rmation-ClaSs Friday At ;,89 P m* North St.. United Cbtrdi 'IttliNiSTEli-1(,14: IL TURI‘IBULL,"11,A.; . 11. m 4141[1,4,S.D.RON LEADER SCOTT MORTON. ° 'a p.m- "Sund"ny, School. .--1;:"-X-Pont....„."111t,_10,,,N;0111EA' RD OF CORIST.":' • ' Organist and Choirmaster -MR. 'RAY 1'IU/J*00N. A SINCERE' WELCOME AWAITS YOU. ox Presbyterian Church 9.45. a.m. 'SUNDAY SC11001:%Al1.,Pgpartmenii. 4.1114 1'U:01/0 WORS11/1,P. • THE SA.CRAMENT OF.,BAPTISM. •7,00 pm. PUBLIC' WORSHIP. __ Sermon Subject; "Jesus, touches. Our Hearts?' MINISTER -REVEREND- -RICHA1CD° STEWART. ORGANIST, --MISS fraiEEN BOGIE. DIRECTOR OF, PRAISE -MRS. FRANK SAUNDERS. . Come :and ,Woriliip the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness.- GOdekich. 'Baptist Chureii Rev. Joseph Janes MA,Pastor. • Miss yerna,, MiUerOrganIst 10 am -BIBLE SC11001.4 , PUBLIC WORSHIP AT 11 AMA and4 Conducted by 'REV. JOHN CRIPPS of Si. Mary's, Ont. - ,.....gencaday 8 p.m.-M-eeting,of ' Wednesday 8 -p.m. -,--Prayer .IVIeeting. - . STRANGERS_ALWAYS IVEECONEE -V1,434,34.0.YALTLTO-NEW724.1).... rZDE1ATIO1ST turo DAY AT SWORTA JUKE IA the officOS of the 'Huron FederatiOn. f Agicu1ture n charge' Of the ar, rangements for,the Federkt1OU'S WeOnd annual field day and picnic have been asaurbd of" a record attentlanee at the LiOnS,--Park,--;$4eaforttif on-WpInesdaY1( June 14th, ' • - • .Tlite most -,ziotabl,e-o-ttraCtio4--f34 1,4P day Will be the wet ence* of Ills Excel- lency. the Earl of •Athlene, Governor, :General of, Canada,' and 'Her Royal. Highness Princess -Alice. • They will arriVe in.Seaforth at i2.1Z p.m. ,and a. banquet will be tendered to. thein 11.t. PresbYterian church, at which .thile Mayon J. J. Cluff, will officially weleoine Their ExcellencieS. ilis Royal :Highness will. reply to the welcOme.. On acconntOf limited *onlinodation, it was found" recessary to Unlit invita,.. dons, vchiell Was k difficult matter,. Those" Who are receiVing invitations are: The executive of Huron County Federation of Agriculture And their wives'; preSidents of toWnship• Feder- ation unit and their wives; mayers. of towns within, the County •• and, their' %OATS presidents 'of the Lions Clubs and their wives; presidents of Red Cross charity units of the county; inspectors (zone commander of Canallian_Leg. 1-IPPOr the swia9., and those holding other responsiKe, positions in the county. • , Their -Excellencies will arrive at Lions. Park at 2 p.m. and will inspect the guard of honor for military district No..1 at 2.15 p.m. His Excellency will address the gatheringat 2.30 p.m. Mr. S. lienttpdyi editorf-in-chief of The Family -Herald and Weekly .-Star; will 'address the gathering on his observa- tions during' his recent trip through the British isles. 6 At 315-3.30 p.m. there will be it live- -stock ,parade dt:Shorthern. cattle of ,the Huron-Pertk§hortliorn • Club, who are holding tlid4, anntal field' day , and judging coinpetition on •the grounds. This conapetition eominences at 10 a.m." Fros 3.30-4 pm. Their., Exeellencies will receive the: farmers and their wives.' In cOrrespondence - with the Federation executive they have intim- ated that they wish to Meet as many of thelarthers and their wives as pos.- sible.. ' From 4-4,15..P.m.• His Excellency and Her Royal Highness will attend the 'first part tff the: ilittiry 'distil -AY from ;military .district .1.•under the C441-, mand . of Brigadier McDonald. Ap- proximately 200 men from Camp Ipper- Wash will demonstrate the -mhdern weapons -being usOd by., Canada's. active . • ' ' From 4.15-5 p.m. there will be, a -tour of the labor-saving devices, exhibits and - - Victoria St. Uniteli Church ARTHUR_ J. McWE.. MR.:CEOIL 110DGONSt. OF STRATIIROY: 7 p.m. REV. yiliBUR.11,0GERS OF IXVINGSTONE CREEK. • ORGANIST -MRS L. HANNA TliEL ItMTECO.STAL`TA.BRAITAVIIE THE CENTRE OF EVANGELISM, - , REV. A. G. HAUB'S, Paster. 4 - 16 WATERLOO ST. . - "-Sunday. Id adki.4unflay 8eho91. 11 a.m.-Morning Service. 7.1).0.7 -Evangelistic Services. Tuesday 8,p.M. Young People's Service. Thursday 8 -p.m. , -Prayer Meeting. - earty welcome -awaits you at this spiritual - workshop: ree:,1Vietlio Cartier; Victoria • and Park 14.* . . , • REV.- 6, ".W i'REAMAN;, Pastor 10 a m SUNDAY SCHOOL. , 11 a m MORNING SER'VICE., p,intt.. EVENING , SERVICE. COME AND BRING,YOUR FRIENDS. EVERYBODY' WELCOME" :PRODUCTION OF FA1101 " 'MACHINERY ••• The .145 --output of :farm Machinery approximately 100 per cent. Iflille--194041-4verige-produetion-If completed machines, witlra substantial.: -1y-higher Vereentage' of repair parts. There Will be, nO": restrietion on the production' of i4pare parts for farm machinery; The fad that ,100 per cent'. of the average 1940-41 Machinery out- put will be available in ;1045 does not • mean that deraand, for all types and Regional chairmen of ,the • Consumer' Branch,- R/irtime Prices and Trade Board, and heads of the national wo- nien's 4kgankotions---met-- 'Ottawif.t. Mts: J. D. Detwiler,i chair- man of the Western Ontario region, brought back with her a heartening message to the women on what .they iad already accomplished and a warn- ing •as to- What yet faped them in the days ahead. • Virs."-Detsriter-in-a" done on the farms in Canada. "There , is no actual shortage of food 'Cali- I ada," she declared. 'In niany caSes the seeming .shartages,iwere due to the fact.. that food-iwas being sent else- where ..td meet • the 'needs of others. The farmers with -a• twenty-five per cent. 'reduction in manpower had in- -creased production by. forty-eight per sent. -a ree9rd that is outstanding." In speaking of the watching of prices, the checking and reporting of infraQ- tions 'of various' kind, Mrs. Detwiler stated:the women had been instrumental brbtiniing ab.out 'changes orders and the making of new ones.' An ex- ample of :this -was the long -hoped-for regulation in --regard- to suits,' dresses, ;underwear, -etc,.whien • went into. effect on March 1st. • -• • A warning- was ,issued in reminding the women that when: present. hostil- ities cease it will be necessary to hold the linevery securely in order to prevent a• repetition Of the situation. that occurred 'h11920, when the cost. of living- index was almost doubled. But in order' to help accomplish this there were now 14,000 women .in Canada work41g on the, Consuther Branch itt comparison with 2,00,0- a year and a -half ago. . tiaraimmatmear .misratistr varietiesof agricultural equipment can be filled, it is stated. Rationing of farm machinery will kill be necessary and Only the MOO Urgent essential needs can be met • Although some ma- teriaAs. afe-iti-greater supply at -the. present ,time, shortage of niamiower - And difficulty of securing other meter- idls• becoine determining factors iu the. ainoiint of equipment.' • , N'e4,..Sunday„ Daya-a good time 19 start practising the Golden Rule. 4. Get Mire relief With Lloyd's Corn and 04119110 alve. 000 at Vathpbell'ii and Emerson's drug stores. 21-20 Do net neglectto piirenase• your tiora "Aliffi-eVit 'UM= Or • 1Ietise-to4lonse canvass May 29 -June 10. Draw 'June 21st. prizes: ' -'21-23 Maple Leaf Chapter, met inziivaI Fniday, July Oth, 22 Will youlb9.4 the children's and pets" parade,;hig •event 'of OAP 1.0,1)41.y Carnival on July 6? - -;42 Constipation, bil1ousneSS, indigestion quickly relieved N,yitil HVIY$ Herb Tablets, the effe,etive tonie loptive, 25p and. 7,5c :sizeK at" Campbell's and all ?druggists. - '22428, The ,Church. Viromen's Quilcr' of ,St., George's' :church will meet 'Wednesday, Awe 7t1i. 10' the, Parish, 11411, There will be a good program. All menibers please, be present.- ' '" -22- Slendar. Tablets ate:'effeetive. Two weeks' supply $1; twelve weeks' $5, at Campbell's. Drug Store. -14-27 WANTED. --Used shower-prOof 'cloth coats or other articles of similar ma- teria.1,1by the 104 branch, of the. Navy League; IO be used for linings for Mitts' tor men On• minemespers. This IS an ltirgent appeal,. as new materials- are Pradically off the market- Magazines and books m good condition are also requested. Please leave at Pridham'S Store on west side of Square. - The regular Meeting op,mapie Leaf Chapter, will be held 'at Mac- Kay Hall; on Friday, June 9th, at 3.80 p.m. A -full attendance is requested; as final `plans for the carnival will be made. •-22 Annual meeting of ladies' section of Maitland Golf Oluli will be held at the club house on Sunday, June 4th, at 2.80 pan. All lady members please attend. '-22 The. annual' meeting of the littron- Bruce Liberal -Association will be held at Wingliam on Wednesday, June- Ith, AIM, William Alexander Efay,_Victoriti street, Will receive on Saturday -after- 110011, june`ard; from 4 to 0 o'clock. • At Kingsbridge Hall, 'Monday eywa- Carruthers' Orchestra. Admission_ 50 cents; • __22tf Citi*C.It:- NOTES.: Rev. -Richard Stewart' conducted an- niversary services in Carmel Presbyter:, iau church, e.nsall, on _ Sunday 'last, And I -UV. J. F. Taylor ducted- -the services • of -Knox -.church here. Mr. and Mrs: W. A. MacLaren'02 town, who tre former residents ef Henfiall; assisted Cannel church choir at the evenang-serVice. Rey.: John "Pollock, formerly of Whiteehurch, has- been tendered a call 14. the .Presbyterian congregations of Alsit Craig -and Nairn,- for Whom he has been supplying for some time. - Mr. Pollock is at present • clerk of the Huron -Maitland Presbytery. At the-morning.scrviee-last-SuncTai, -Ihe .Goderich Baptist church, ' Mr.. A: K. McLaY, of Ripley, ga*e.art,inter- esting and informative address on the subject. ,of .**Total *Abstinence."' , 'Mr. McLay dealt upon the terrible evils that result froin, indulging in intoxicat- ing beverages. An offering -was taken- r-thr-support-of-the-eutaritralemp ance Federa tion. . The May Meetingof the Ladies' Aid of Knox church was held on Friday, May 26th. Mrs. A. Straiton discussed t,he business and .Mrs. Wignall rendered solo with accombaniinent-by Mrs. J. McDougall. Mrs. T. Wardlaw „Taylor gave in " instructive address on "What is our share in Canada in -,the foreign immigrant situation?" . ANTE11-tr-TO itUY OLP liORSI,4 Or 'amainkd 4eateedIttiree;mtvasedt belgt30114114tPt4ble FRED OILBERT, , J.R. 2, Dayileld. Phone 908 r 22„. Clinton. Calla paid ANTID. GIRL OR .WOMAN To de general,....liouseirork in IfOine With two adults; good, wages., Apply to MRS; E. L. DDAINI, 87 East street; GOderich.. - .• 40: WANTED TO REN,T, SUMMER cottage, small house oeknartment• in west end of town,- from June 15th to August 1st. 110X, 46; SIGNAL -STAR. 29,24 WANT•ED: QUALIFIED. iNSTRIfe* TOR and lifeguard, part thee. for Simuner raenths, to • supervise Lidns Club swill:mai-lig .„ classes at GoderiCh bathing beach. For further information apply .to gtiCEW.A.N or W. J. BAKER. - - RUG APPRENT/OE ; . male or tma1e. Senior marten', atio#,,,stancling: Apply,- NATIONAL SELECTIV11SERVI0110 Goderich. Refer to 'order No. 1024: 22X -ANTED. - OUTBOARD. MOTOR, single or twin, up to. 5 h.p. JIM 1DEL,Goder1& -22 CARD OF 1111N1SWITT4‘ • . MY EIQEBQRSAND, friends please accept my grateful :thanks ,for the kindness shown to me in my recent ilhiess? I am particularly grateful to Dr. J. M. Graham, to Dr: Wallace, ,and- to the superviser and staff of Alexandra Hospital. MRS: JAMES MORIER, Palmerston Street,4poderich: Auctioneer. FOR„ COUNTY OF HURON' CHAS. BELL. R. 1, . PHE,' ON ° . " 2248x " CLINTON oopil • Canada's smallest wheat crdp-in the past twenty-nine years was 180,000,000 biishels-harvested in the bad -drought year of 19:47. Canada's largest wheat- erop (,566,726,000 bushels). _Was pro- dnced in 1928. At first the .1942 crop: -was thought -to -be- the largest, --but it now lakes . second place on a final estimate .of 556,084,009 bushels. 'The -next meeting • of the Huron County •Coundil will be had in the -Council Chambers, Court--Llouse, Gode- 4,11 4ch,_commgncing.....T.uesday,,,.Jub.e-13th; At . acconntS, notices Of deputations and other business requiring the atten- tion of Council'should be in the_hands of- the-genUtk- -01erk---ncit -1a,tm7thnit_ Saturd&k, 'Tune 10th. - W" •-• golinty Clerk, • 22-3 Goderich„ One :NOTICE TO 'CREDITORS. • OTICE TO CREDITO& • Notice is hereby given to all persons having any claim against the -estate of Ellen Cluff, late of the Township' of Ashfield, ,widow, wlio died on �r ,about the lst day of Jamntry, 1944, to send e-te,-tte--undersign June,. 9th,_ 1944, as oniAnd after that date the administratrix of the estate Shall proceed to distribute the assets thereof,- having regard only to the claims then filed. • Dated at Goderich 25,th. day 'of May, A.D. 1944. • R. -C. HAYS; Goderich, „Ontario, . 21-23. Solicitor for the -EState. TO RN -URN E» 0011.VAGE """ adjacent to Goclerich Summer Selt001. Week or seaSon. REV., M40- A1iLL4N, Tiusonburg. * 21,3x oxt RuNT.-.,-r unasixsflEx) xtoolO, ,• on lOwer tat; also -A vavant apkrt, Possession, at once. 3. 11. HARNWELL; ment-on -second flCsir ; gill 7C-Onveniene-es, Keafrstreet, 21tf - . • . ., TO ' RENT. - SMALL. •COTTAGE - ('our 'rooms); partly .% ,furnished, 1 'kvired ;• preferably by seasen. •X-PPlY ,24 'William 'street; ''. ' 21t1'" e ' • ,, , I 0-RENT.-41oots,' rtrxtrsr.titoo.: d , . -, 0r, _Accommodation tfor 'roomers. • PliOne 57a, . • .22x. 0111 0 • . . "The month of/Irides alliIR-OSeS' is here again, and we are ready With those delightful 1,:',•.-•• VVetiditig --Cakes yonwlllbe pleatied With • r. • thorn', ' • Tarts, 'cakes, - Cookie's, Bread and*I.Infis"-74nade from the' very West Of ingredientS and fresh „ every day.. .•-• • 41(411. iVLIERT, I'Lloprietor,, PHONE 465' . ..noss7e0cmoso,nw. itAliimgiayrArgiteil&IKospe pti‘Tck,Nbasri; a ki LY, Ilainilton stteet.• • -22 TEACHERS. WANTED ' TO ItENT.-TWO SMALL .,, COT -1 . , TA:GES; twarear* ',garage, hydro, , furnished, 'near Slimmer School at Goderich. 840 per month includes both:- cottages- P. J, Goderich, Ont.' Phone 663; , -22 WANTED. ----,PROTES'AN,T° • teacher 'for Public School, $.S, No 4, •Colborne township; f,luties to Commence 'September, .1944. State qualifications' and ,salary When- apply, ufg-t-OI,I4-.A7.*I-1130RETZ-1174-,-God-eric)i. 21-21' Q.ENVING MACIfTNES BOTJGHT AND SOLD, 'REPAIRS AND 'SUPPLIES. IIOURS 2.P.M. TO 6 P.M. o.gOODS, EAST STREET. ° 9tf t859:09- B_LIVS A BUSINKSS IN 11' Haan county. This .business inust havespecial attention., • A real oppor- tunity. • BOX 457-SIGNA-1.7•STAR. -20-2 -INSULATE- YO)V -ALLS • -ANP '.-zceiling now while materials are avail- able ; Blown Rockwool method.; -free estimates. Ternis. Write ROWLAND DAY, 5 Thornton ave, London, or BOX 41, -SIGNAL-STAR, Goderich. -16-23 .FoR SALE -EARLY CABBAGE, 150 per doz. ; extra shoiCe tomato; pep, per, asters, petunia, and other plants; per doz. 20c. Late cabbage, 6elits per 100. 716re-us lihthts, Well rooted and hardened to open air. • JAS.. CULBERT, corner .Cambria, rood_aud 'Elgin a:venue. . ' 21-27 FOR SALE -50 ACRES, LOT 9, . concession 10,. Colborne; 'frame hetise,.barn-4Q x 56, with addition 86-X-.24`rand-dtp-i-oritbrtildings ; garage attdaed -to-,,house,;-- plenty of -water. GORDON JEWELL, R.R. 6,. Goderieh. Phone 21.r 4. Carlow,. 21-2x • IrA,N)1415 -PANT teacher for SS. No. 1 Goderich• ° township. Apply, stating qualifications andoalary expected, to J. M. JOHN- STON, R.R. 1, Goderich. 214 TEACHER WANTED. - APPLICA.= ---VIONS will 'be received • by the. undersigned until June; 1st -for -the_ position --of ' teacher 'for ,No. 9, ullett; *duties -to -commence-September 5th, State age; :qualifications, experi7 ,ent*e and salary to B. MARSH, Secy-- Treas., ,R.R. 1, Auburn,. Ont 21-2. , TEACHER ,FOR S.S. No„.2, Colborne; Protestant;-dtities to. •commence September 5th Apply, stating qualifications . and salary, to- - AIRS. OLIVE STI3AUGHAN, Godericht $ectetary-Treasurer. 20t4 ANTED, -PROTESTANT , tea -Ober for No. „West Nawinosh.' Duties to commellee September. Apply, stating salary and, qualififflitions, to EVERETT FIN- NIGAN; R.R. 2; Auburn; Secretary- - Treasurer,• • - • r.22. .TE,A,00Eit wANTED, -: APPLICA- TIONS will be received by 1 the ':.0B0714.• _.II, :. ‘-.1gth"'4--•'2Wr.•36•7431.AUR "TeiDitgliiitir"‘.8e;ee-1:4-e16'614!---7#151461:-; . ,undersigned for the position of prin- tailbred -siiitralmbst new, size -42; ..also,boy43.41fr„fxwee stlits„tortweiv"ein.4...sonal•applleation preferred. -'1VIust be a old. Call SIGNAL -STAR. . • 22x PSerptettballett".*. '''‘V-IL1113%6R- ttiteeWiTiNe,neectiny-: Treas., S.S. No. 8, Ashfield. .. 22-3 KITCHENER • EM -4 HATCHERY . chicks, pullets, cockerels, June de livery, practically all breeds 'available. Special...summer prices---,,,See-agent, RYAN,pROD'UCE CO., Goderich.,,,-----22 FOR. SALE OR EXCHANGE -PINE • • young mare, five year old, 1200 lbs. Would be' ideal fok4delivery or general purpose.. Owner will exchange for lighterhorse suitable -for saddle. Ap- PLYr0.0.KE....tron--re , call 494. , „6, 223 FOR ',,SALE. --U• PRIGHT pIANO, IN first-class condition; --with: bench. Apply BOX 47, SIGNAL -STAR. ' -22. Write that ' long-delayed letter for next Sunday ---Shut-ins Day. TRAVELLING BY "14W -if • THESE DAYS? :If you have a floater policy, your luggage is Covered and you . have. ittothing to worry about.- , . e ' 1, r 'from Get" insured - Stay insurell Rest assured. NeilhTeL268w 'AUCTION -SALE -'017- THE UNDER, - MENTIONED parcels of town- and, fatia landithe estate_of • the late_ *„ Waiter • •311 MONDAYJUNE 5TH, at the propertieS, Parcei4.. 1 -Lot, 26, ist_ .44nsiiip• of GOdelich, 7six miles from Goderich, containing eighty acres more or less. All in grass, Miming water., Will he offered at 2 non. at the property. Parcel:A7,--, Lot 1, 'Reid Survey, town a Gotterich; sotithweSt corner Britannia road- and Eldon :- street, with ,centerit block heuse and garage in good repair. Will be offered at 4 pan, at the property. TERMS, -10 per -cent town- balance in thirty days. Sold subject to •reserve Forfurther. particulars 'apply to WARNIIRIVA14. *TER, • - Exeeutor • RCXAE5EC ; -..,.- • HAROLD JACKSON, 20-2 Auctioneer, Dr., G. S. Elhott 'VETERINARY SURGEON SMALL AND LARGE ANIMALS At Lauder'u Drug Store; Oetleilek every Thltrediti afternoolt PHONE 203 CLINTON- BANiS • " OFFICEi DEPARTmilit STORES GRO,CERS TOSACCONISTS loOK-StORtt,o4-eiher-itEmitzitOREs. oss We eslunob el of them eeimpletely, but, Ivo oun. simplify them for " yOu. With our moclern vulcanizing iciuipiaeut and our factory traineVieu, we will "keep, 'eni.rolling" raii.oh longer than you emieoted. .We limo* you Nv'.11 be pleased w.ith bur HO1'4'iOAD GODERICII Licensed Atietioheee for Thiron Connty- rurniture. and Farm Clea.rariee . SaleS, Chattels and, Reid Estate Tr013:11it attention giveilte aflealls Write ROX C6.00pEttiCo 1.52x „ PHONE 90 011,11Lt SE V STAT/0N'.. z�n a5 001)Elt,/ .NOTICE The Animal ,11teting, of the Ituron..Bruce Liberal &sedation .will be held In the Town . Wingliatn, ttt 2 p.m., oti Wednes- day, June 7, for the .elietion of officers, general ittodtiesS and op!, 'pointing delegates to the COnttOri- tion in Toronto jtme 26th., - MATHESON, -Pres, MOST,113, :2Zv. — tilektiovv, for • 'Air Force and the Army Altering, :Remodelling, rtepiiriug • . AUCTION SALE OF PROPDP,TIES in the village of Dungannon and Township of 'Ashfield, .. on JUNII 8, 1044 . " itt '2.00 There will be offered for sale on the two premises: The prepertY.in.Dnngannon is dom- i)osOd of tliree-quarters of an - here; being. Tart.' of -4.0f.9, -11/1D., concession 4, Ashrield, -upon which there is a d -room house- with -good ,cellar and well. .There also be -offered for Sale thAselifi."'kei.d3/2, coottl:int lng 100 Iteco:ec:.solootter56, are about 6 acres hardwoodbush and about 4 acres eedar ; tt.' baifn; 84 x 54 two stgbies.1611 t 42, and 15 x 84 feet; a hen 11011SO,, 46% z16y4; 0.-story- 'fitain6;',‘110.080, - Small orchard: -41)1enty Of 'Water., .; These properties will be offered .for Sale subjett to .reserVed 'kids and to doge th4 estate -of the late Mrs. Ellen .01uff, ' TERMS -20%. on day of sale; balance in. 30 days. , • MRS. Ll`)TITI4 NICHOLSON; •. DONALD 13. liLUL. ' . 4 Auctioneer, R.R. 1; Kineardirte. IIORN SOlinT011. At Alexandra llospital; Goderich, on May •27th, 1,944, to Mr. ao Arts: Edynird Scruton.', 1 a datigilteIr% NIVIEMOMArsi SAVAGE. ---Iii loving'memory of, our moth'er Mrs. John. R." Savage., Who ,•passed away Ittne 7tIt ten years ego. happy hoursive onee. enjoyed,: , now sweet their Memory stilt; But deatit•has left a lonelinesS. ( The worla can never 1111 22x " kIver remetnhered b her feta THERE'S, RO.,BETTEft 4YNTHETIt. TIRE MADE - • iteniemberf Therealust as much difference in synthetic tubber tires 9 as there was in pre-war aaturot•rubber tires'. •aitd now, as then, • Goodyear leads in features and in value.That!s why we kap Cometh and, see Goodyear's - Synthetic tirti.before you buy. There'are 'mai* . good rettpOns why Goodyear should still be youx,''fIrst choice" for fires1 • ; • IF -YOU ARE 'ILIGIBLE'L. WE CAN PUT NEW 00061VEAR' 'SYNTHETIC TIRES ON YOUR CAR TODAY! LONO.WEARING "COMPRESSION" TREAD ...