HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-05-25, Page 82031, ivtdv N/Alti:,1100tOir „ C. P. S. OSMAN; Organist *ad VirionflAtor 0/RTIIDAY CHUBVII -8.80440). .1161,14COMMUNION. ..• 10A00 a.rn '1iURC1I, SCHOOL AND -BIBLE' CLASSES, , MOO a.n'. MORNING FEUER AND SERMON ..Subject: `Thie. Abiding PreSence.".: • 1.00 Imo 'BONS:ONG "AND' SERMON. lteinembrance ", • ' t Clagss, Friday Evening_ at '.80 o'clock. ' (COME -TO CIIVRCII • ' North St.' United. Clitirh ,montsivE0,-itEv. B. It. TURNBULL,. B.A., B.D.. 11 aJn, -"BORN FOR TIIE flEGIJTS *„. Sunday &lied,. , p.in".. Service WithdraWn..1 • -- •&"‘".". • Victoria Street United Church Anniversary. Organist, and ChOirmaster-MR. RAY MULAIERON. A SINCERE WELCOME AWAITS YOU. .11,00 -a.m. PUBLIC 49A, SHIP. 1.00 Pan. PUBLIC WORSHIP, itEV. jOSEPIL E. TAYLOR OF HENSALL AT BOT-11-Sk1{VICES. MINISTER-. REVEREND iticilARD 'STEWART. ORGANIST -MISS EILEEN BOGIE. DIRECTOR OF PRAISE7-MRS. FRANK -SAO:ISMER& * t, Come and Worship '1:the Lord in &he Beauty of Holiness. Rev. JoSepit-Jaues,--,M.A.,'Pastor. * • Miss Verna Miller, Orgamst . , * 10 a.m. - BIBLE *SCHOOL: , • * ' .PLIOLIC 'WORNWPMr A K MclL'ay will pieach, *.* pan. ruptic 'WORSHIP:-StibieCI:-""'the 'Wreak" -Hour of -a • Strong Man." • . • .Monday 8 p.m, --Meeting of B.Y.P.U. Wednesday. 8' p.m.. --Prayer 1VIeetingi • . , Stiett.al Invitation Is EXtended• tojhose_ who:do not_attend,ihe Services in any Church. Victoria St. Uitited Church MINISTER -REV. ARTuult J. 1,cg GUEST SPEATIER-,-,REV. 'F. W. CRALK OF PETERBOROUGH- ' 1100' .aal. SUNDAY sertooL. 11 a.m. "The Cross Still Stands.", p:m. "VVe Test Our kLives by Thine." • SPECtAL .MUSIC ORGANIST -MRS. -L., HANNA. - BEItiEL PENTECOSTAL •TABERNiCLE. TIIE aNTRE . OF EVANGELISM REV. A. 0.11ARRIS, Pastor, 16 WATERLOO' ST. Sunda Y 10. a.nri.--Sundar School. • 11 a.m.--"The Unseen Lover." - 7 p.m. -Evangelistic ServicesL, " Tuesday t p.m. -Young -People's Service.- - . Thursday 8'p in' Prayer Meeting. , A hearty welcome awaits you. at this spiritual workshop. ••: - " -wRfittN SPECIALLV itOrt 130.* •WEgiik.Y NEWSPAPERS • OF CANAQA. JIM GREENKAI, EdIto atthe SUN olt•Fr'R 1' .SAIIIK.,#:vo4ltw..04 , OTTAWA; 4,17Intf9rnla OOP, 6111e8 to My I were operated byowners, while in next- door Safskatchewan only a, little over half of.) the Amps,- were QeOupied .and operated by the victual owners. liere againwe, repeat there iS qualificatien, taking into ,,consideration betterinent of , conditionS since, then, all round. Quebec, however, stands out as the OX- ceptiOn •to the general trend; and here again let us remember 'Vtlehee is one Province Thith has not shOwn.7increade in larger acreages on average farms. That Province in .1901 showed 90 Per cent. of the farms were owner -Operated and that number kre:fi to .93 per cent. • 0 in 1941. Ju 1041 there Naha Si50,000 ownerS of- farms in Canada, but 4S per cent. or -them-had mortgages of.agree- inelitt efieWberlirg: Saslcatchewafl that percentage was greater (with liquidation -being quite •heavy - the last couple of years),,' 7A1bertit* and Mani - tuba itigheWto-'•Stiskatch man" in that respect, Ontario stood about half -way. • Nova Scotia reported the' least farm „indebtedness. It sounds grim to hear that, .not AlsiTED.L.-igAlp. FOR GENERAL counting shert term ahd interinediate loans, iu 1041 the • Canadian farmerS' doc--)ditowuasgeews.0*. • .Sinnil f461`mily. part Atplinitey. reported debts to 'the tune of $629,200,- r.Q. 81z Godertch. 000, an average of $2.372 a farm. B t -21 contrast that with latest fficial esti ates that the agricultural income. in .Canada for 1943 hit an all-time high of $1,396,000;000, aintost twice its much as in 1939, and new light is thrown on the overall picture. " • , Maybe this' article will furniSh a desk designed to „keep .Canadian: people informed on doings on botli the- War and: hoine fronts, „`and it was - with a.; great cleitr of 'interest that I gob 1AY , „ hands otisoMe Absorbing data in ten,. nection With Canadian agrienitilro compiled by",Fraint Snefrin and, .1, Coke, .eConOmists ill tlJ D4hitinion 1)ePt.1...rianeut of Agriculture. Statistics are some:. tiMes dry material, So rin 4ePt of chew- ing the stuff up tor easy digest: YOu Way be astonished at some k Lhe „figures, as 1 was.. • One, -Pompelling item. Caught my at- tention, and that WAS. that•in 1871 eight out of ten people lived on. farms or * but today that figure is wily Jive out of ten. Six decades., ago'over half the -people Of this Canada of earS,' were neededto help produce the stuff which .feeds us, while today it takes 'only, one-quarter of the population to do it. Mechanization, higher -yielding varieties of seed, better -producing ,cows, liens that lay more eggs .per year have some- thing to do with rat; of. course. 'But don't get the idea that the farmer's importance.. has Waned, be- cause viar*brings-hint into the limelight more than ever. Our .-armed- forces couldn't move.forWard toward Berlin and vititory without food.supplies, and rationing has further awak,ened, us to the iniportance of the man piloting the plow; and starving millions through - out•thiS beleaguered 'world.call to him ---, - - Tlittle --dope for stove-lengue arginzgpt • • for assistance. . at the towtu grocery store . gatherings-l!k. . Yet, taking the econoraic, asiject, what's happening? In 1925,' for ex- ampleour agricultural. production' Was 41, per cent.' -of thenet value °fall pio„-: duction,, in Canada: in 1939 ,it had drOpped, to 26 Per cent:, but in its rela- tionshiV t� the rest maybe has gone further down -owing to the expansion of factory production in wax naaterial. Jiist.after,the.first Great War, in 1019, our agrieulture contributed nearly 29 Per 'Cent. of Ilir xilitibiiiirbledine:-T 1942, after 'three years .of ithis war, only 18 per cent.:of- the income origin- ated frOM agriculture, but, of . course, 13iit 'don't get- a gi6omy pleture,1)ecause far more than 1919 in dellara and Cents. a little over, a million milk cows en 'Confederattoirtime, 1-807..,.7we had only times. as many as 'in 1881. . farms; but,, at 1941 „end this number we'll shoot brighter figures at you. . At 9,500;000" hogs on farms; ,about seven • increasing, in all Provinpes. except Quo- bumper Crops that "are , expected," said dplibt 'about that. The Size of farms is girl. volunteers „tO, hoe and harvest the Cached over 4,000V000--.'-We'liiive todaY Farming has changed in 'Canada. No fill „unless we Jmye. far more „boy and . "There. will be a real crisis next: . ., . . 0, • •bec. With, the opening, hp of land or Mi. Maclaren. "Our farmers are able . . _Settlers the fairlY standard' Unit was to produce the food: that is needed, but Get. sure relief with Lloyd's Coin and . , 160 aeres.in the West 100 in the East Unless WP can 'provide the labor texall'ous", Salve. 50c at Campbell's and on.. the average: Today the, average take care of the Crops and harvest thein EmerSon's drug Stores. • ' 21-26 Do not neglect to purchase yoUr. of -tons of . highly essential size of. farms in Alberta and Saslatc - thousands . • wilole. the. 'O„Verage laili.i Size -went him rot in the fields' arid orchards.'!„, House' -to -house canvass May 29 June 10 198' acres M 1921 .to 238 aleres in 1941. At least 1,500 .. boys are urgently • • * Draw June 21st Fifteen splendid It As easily - understood for the 'west 'needett at WIPP ±0 _work_ on selected • ' P izes ' - ,• - 21-23 anyway, where extensive wheat *acreage farms all over the Province, where' -- l'' • . - :has become.the accepted thing and pro:. Standard wages will be paid and good -,Retain. youthful. appearande. An- gelique).Grey Hair Resterer adds color-, 'duction of livestock is becbming increas- living -conditions provided. in inspected ingly popular. 'fern.). hemes.--- These openings are avail-. .Lif.sq „.tt„,31Qtir nail'. re ' - ' • • 18-21 $1 . at Cam bel] .There ire undoubtedly more large •-able now to boys who have the iieces• "1.6 '''''"-- - - farits, fewer smaller ones_ today,•_and i sary* standing at *school to onalify them Come to the May tea at Knox church I figures Prove that. In 1901,• only 13..,per ItO go to work On.farins at onceund. still rhans°,418 cent. 'of Canadian fames were of .206 secure educational credits. 'In addition, May 2.7th, 3 to 6 p.m., atispices C:G.LT. Colborne . street, Saturday, or 'more acres, lint in 1041 almost 32 500 bo are required for the Ontario il.ver eollection. - , - -. .21 per cent. of the total of. 732;115 farms farm ' service. camps in the market .were that big. In 1901 there were al- garden areas of Ontario,. such as Burl -- 'most 140,000 fb,rms Under fifty acres:. .ington, Blenheim; Harrow, Leamington but •twenty • years later their number and ',Holland *Mardh. . „ had declined to 110,000. ' • Applications :irom any. collegiate or There is one thing notable about high- school boys. for these camps are g itc-Cara-dri--:matt-that is them -f requested- at outer -- crease-a definite oliern" those- who •bo ,far .as ,girls. are concerned, "en," are flaming to other lines tojaugraent .rohnents are g00 . below last 'year's the once usua1. revenue froni-:grOwing of- figiiies . at,. this date i- and this leeway grains: :Twenty years ago the 'Can; must be made up at .once if the farm. adian farnie•r depended more "*ori the service ., camps o.re_to' be tilled. The sales of graMs,"S'eed and hay for his -girls now in the. camps are finding,the gash income than he does now: -Re- work both pleasant and profitable, with cords„of'cash ineome for 1926, however, splendid, living conditions and super: show, this!, for, every . $100 pash he vised recreational.. "facilities for., their acquire4 from sale of farm products, leasure time, . Most of the girls' camps 02 enianated from sale of grains, seed are in the. Niagara peninsula .and 'the 'and, hay; .$21 from livestock and ..only. Xent 'county fruit areas. -• . $12- from sale of dairy:products. •As „ Bogs and girls ..can be plaPed, i.133r contrast we juinp; to figures for 1942 mediately in work that .1s- vital to the whicit,tell-Zus-thatjOr PVP7.,37 • hundred .64ntri's, war effort . by making ap- dollarS' only $21.50-S.came from sale. of plication• to the Ontario Farm, Serviae grains, seedS and hay, while Oa was Force Room 901-T; Parliament Bldgs., derived from livestock and dairy pro- TeroAo, by letter er, personal ,eall.' -duet S brought him $21. Quite a •Phange- Which •reffectSoa new deaL, ter agricull tin."0-restilting froin'his , Own ,egorts.. ' We' into some figured on owner- ship of firms which give foed for .ihoughf.- Some of them will have to be quabiled in the light .of Intl -eased well of fanners partteularly. since 1942, int.the"better_pricea all round for the fruits of his efforts,..but the statistics, Victoria Collee,"'TprOn.to„ was ---hi, the- c.onie as it result et the census .of 1941; .pldpit and_gtive' it talk ,On WS i'mpres, rhe 'basielirinIAIdrzt'Iroiritniton'Itintr giOna --Ortiii'lligt-fincireariiitrifigie14,7 44.1cy has alwayS b n ,of. couriie that the ownership Of land should be:vested- lit ' the person who • °Peva:tea. it . But -nature and tlie hinttan element have al - 'ways. had -it 'nand- in npSettingLealcula,-- tiona. . . • ' . During the depression, many - small owners 'got into the tenancy class be- eause of their „being overburdened with 'debt.- Iii 1041 sOme thirteen Per cent. of Canadian. farmers were tenants, con - "Mated With nine per cent in 1901. -In Manitoba, for histanee, on ligutee taken in 1941; only two-thirds of. - the farms , WANTm, WANTED. -'43.). DUX OLD IIORSES, and dead cattle must be sultable Lor nabil feed ;• rowo'N4 PrePiPtlY. FRED OILIIPUT, liayuent, 'Phone 008 r .22. :Clinton. ;galls paid 9ri18-ti' A'NTED.-V,EN OR WOMEN FOR part time *ric.4 Apply . VENUS ;RESTAURANT. ` : .•';1 ANTED.-;-canx,4 911 „WOMAN. To' . ' do general housework. in helm) N1,44. two adults; good Wft,..pS". Apply to DE'AN4.-8,7„, East street, Uoder1h .- : . - : . -20 ANE.1) -To' RENT. ,• cottage, gma,4 houS0 or .apartment in west end Of tc4ii, fronf june 15th, to August 1st. 139x 40, SIGNAL -STAR. 20-22 TO RENT. SEVEN -ROOM BRICK - house, large garden. Vivti ,Miles front.' Goderich. Phene 174% ,Oarlow: , 19-te O'ItENT.-:--FURNISHED ,COTTAGD lukincent.,--to Goderiefi_ Summe Sehool. Week or seaso:n. REV; ,111ae- MILLA.N, Tillsonburg, 2.1731; Cq.k=RENT.-IMUNIVIIED•ROOls2fa, Mt laver :tit; 111..S0-44 viteant7apart-' ment second floor; all conVeniences. Possesslon at once. J. '11..11AUNWELL, ReayS ',street. ' 21t2 Your liredilint Cake are Walnut features 'of ypur Wed. Let-ub. take- 'eare-of -.these- 'for _you; • rotEA" n'O;is COOIUES CARER • °PIES,- TARTS TO' . RENT. SMALL/ COTTAGI) (four, roans.);*- pitttly%- farnislied, wired; .Preferably by sm,iSan.. 'Apply 24 William street., .' R,101. r9.1%, .$4,p 4..No)d,::,-141D. 1,31 G-ENERAL „ , . ho.useiverk: at sununer. cottage*'; no, c...14wizio--INIA.QUINES.130T3,911T AND laundry. Phone 3174. • * • =21 WOLD, REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES; . HOURS 2 P.M; TO 6 P.M. ' C. WOODS, erY • 'CULI*ItT, Pri)pricior.%. l'HONE 4.65 WitN TED. TEACHER, FOR 8.5. EAST STREET:,.., ' No. 2,, Colborne; 13xotestant ; duties, 7 to :commence September Apply, 860.00 iiuxs A BUSINESS IN stating qualifications and salary, to kluren county. This business must iviUs---9-Li*v-4,6a.wELA.Ni-itgt-4, hive SPercial-,,attenticareal„-eppor.-- Goderichi. Secretary -Treasurer,. 20t2 tnnity. BOX 40, SIGNAL-STAII. 26,2 • .ANTED.-4WORKING MANAGER INSULATE YOUE7i- WALLS AND storei.-Wax- while-iii'aterials-are-avail- workers ineligible. -Apply in writing able; Blown Rockwool method; free to NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE, estimates. Terms, Write ROWLANI) Goderich. •Refer to order No. 885. 20-1 'PAY,' 5 Thornton ave, London, or BOX 41, SION11.1.4-STAII, Goderich, -16-23 ANTED:-.-,-H3OARDMIS •IN HOME centrally located. MRS. `--..qAL- LAGFIER,,. Nelson street, ' `21x ,?w - • PARMERS.---A T,ThlirrED QUANT- ITY the. following exclusive varieties of Hybritl corn, -for silos or cobs DeKalb No. 240 and 65; Grant $0. 454. and --275. - NEW IDEA,DIS- TRIBUTORS, Gedericli, Phone Carlow 20-1x FOR, SALE. -BABY'S * PLAY _PEN ' - with reversible pad. 'Excellent con- 'dition. 'Phone 729W.-,-* . .21x ,.., .. - thanks for the kindness and .sPAP4937 Sanderson wish to express their, ,i: ,, , , . . NOTICE TO CREDITORS. -. , . . A 4 TEIE E,AluiLy 9E, THE LATE MRS: & 'VCR • SALE: .-----' EXTRA. 7- CHOICE - They •wcaild,also Want .thosejOaQ gq,nt tomato, early cabbage, peppe4; Notice is hereby:given to all persons . . asters,' petunia,,, and other plants; haying any CLAM against the estate rgent Call .for extended to. them in their bereafirderit: ., ;per 1.09.- Vigorous plants;' well rooted dozen, 20 cents. "Late cabbage, 6 ents otEllen Oltife, late of the Township of Ashfield, widow, who .died on Or,abont 'Boys an Girls or- , .„, . itowers-laii loaned cars for the funeral. . . . , ,.,-• aCnUdl'AtEhaMrdel7Pdornlecsr Elgin avenue. •, .Coapmenbriaairr:oadIaAnStil the st '4itY. " jtenuarY' 944' Same to the undersigned An unent, pall for -2,000 boys and ' to him . in his bereavement; --lie :Mao. wishos te_thup_k_nme who spAt_flowers _ _. ____ ..._ 'MOTION oil stove with oven; .goba, 'thereof, having regard only to"the to .send Farms and Oich4rds .... • w. LEWIS J. GOWER WISHES .. . . .21.27 ,June 9th, 1944, as on and after that to‘thanii those who were so 'kind . . . , -date the a,dniinistratrix of the 'estate • , . . R. SALE.-EICTR-,BURNER' , PER- shall proceed to distribute the assets --at-least..800-,girls,Woinr-the:=-secondary. ,- .,,,2 -tty newr-mns;.-w., 11 DOAK, ,_j_ea..y .0.0ms _then...flled,.......-.2-•_. .., .... . . . ._. ... , schoolS of Ontaire to „undertake' farm-, . " j'aiiigcl. cars- • • - A treet, phone--,660;--Golerich. _ , ...21, Dated at -GOdericir this 25th AMY -o•., • - . wi4AciOns INANTko kJ). 'PROTESTANT.: teacher for ,Public School, S.S.: No. .4, Colborne township; duties to! eonamenPe ,September, 1044. • Statei qualification0 ?'and salary when, apply- * ing to A. MOORE,R.R. 4; Ooderieb., . ..NNTED.-- PROTESTANT teacher for:SS. No. 1, Go-derielt ownshating-qualificati-onir and salary expected, to j. 4-011N- STON, Goderich. 21-2 TEACHER, WANTED. - A.PPLIC.A- - TIONS *will be received by ;the. undersigned until Sone -1st for, -the "position .° of teacher -for ,S.S. No. 9, Hullett ;. duties to commence September Rh. State age,* qualifications, experi-- -once and- salary, to 13. MARSH, Secy- Treas R 1 Auburn Ont. 21-2 May, lackt4.- :work this summer, _beginning at •onCe, 'LATE•1‘ . , 1111/1EU„ 4t1,4-4: 7FISTC.fzik.IRY R. CY: HAYS , has -.,,been isSued„..by Alex. Aiaclaren, P.* J.' Farr wish to acknowledge . . can 'All_your orders for'pra:ctitially -director of the farm:service force of the with thanka the sYmpathy eXtended-to any breed chicks, also pullets, cockerels; 21-23, mt,a,rio Department . of - Agriculture... them' in' their bereavement ; they also June delivery, at special_SUmmer prices. , With prospects of bumper crops of wish to -thank those Who Sent Spiritual See us, RYAN P1146.1704. -CO., -Gode- . hay, grain, fruit, and vegetables this offerings ,and loaned cars. -21 rich. • ' 21 • . . • year; the demand'for boys and girls for seasonal farm, help is far beyond what. it-washi1943-4hen-erops-were_greatly,, below normal. ' * 'Corner Victoria, and Park St. ,Pastor 11 a.m. MORNING- SEItyieE. Ei.'yENING SERVICE. OWE AND BRING XOUR FRIENDS. e have installed the *siest TIRE VULCANIZING EQUIPMENT OBTAINABLE ur Men Are Faicfory Trained Experts Prepared to Give You the Best of Woykmanship and. Service YOUR TIRE PIOBLEMS will receive prompt attention* . Slender , Tablets 'are effective. TWO Weeks' Supply O.; twelve weeks' .$5, at Campbell s brag '§tore. • 11-27 Fvolt . SALE. -50 ACRES; LOT, 9, edneesSio11*--I0,-CO1Forne house, barn 40 x 56, with addition 36 x 24, and other outbuildings ;garage 'attached to 'house ; plenty of ' water. GORDON JEWELL," R.R. 6,- god-erich. Pherie 2j r 4 Carlow. 21-2x Sixth Reduction . SIIORTHORIIT SALE 6 MALES- • -• 30 FEMALES,. Elm, ndorph Stock- Farm -ThrevMiles from - VARNA, °SIT. on • FRIDAY, JUNE 2nd at 1.$0 o'clock Combined with Andrew C. Gaut Herd fully accredited and negative to • blood test. • ' For Catalogue aild Details Write -- 'CLIFFORD IL KEYES & _SONS VARNA, -ONT. Phone 96r4 Munn AUCTION SALE • ,ILL . . . . . 1 • 4 ' Maple Leaf , LliaPtel, I.O.D.E., „sum- ' A UCTION -SALE:- OF. 110t.TSEIIOLD mer carnival to be held °if the Square, .4.-%. • . FURNISHINGS '. . , Friday, .July 6th. ° . ., at 9.i East street; Godertch, on, . .. ' At "Iiingsnlidge Hall, 78.16iiitay e‘ ell '. ".; .--a- -,,-,-, kr - -. TrS.a.TUitatia.,-4u,,A.I. 27t11-, 'at 1 -o'clock g, Carruthers. urenestra. A(boission the: folloning r • _ . „ CHURCH NtlitS • The Sunday evening service at North street United 'church with a most inter- esting one; especially for the young people, as One of the boys bf the con- gregation, Mr, William Thorneloe, of Dr.Elhott Ar. . S. VEVERNARY sultclimoN SMALL AMIARGE ANIMALS • At Littidoes DI* Stir% Goderitho Glory' Thursday' afternbon PHONE 203 MANTON Speaking Of the actiustinent to college routine, he stated that .success and failure depended on the individual ..sthdeitt, f One shoilla , underkitand the -riglit.-appileation-ntni interpretation of education and 'religion. He spoke of knowledge 'us an 'awareness of 'one's 'ignorance. One should aim to see the liartieular in relation to the universal, the , individual in -relation *-to,' God. "Bill's" many; friends Were inuch pleased with the !address. IteV, Lawrence W. Turner, B.A.,. Of Crediton, has been., invited to beconle 'pastor qt.:, ViotOria: street 'United church to succeed Rev. A. 3. McKay,e, who, is concluding •hiS pastorate here, at the And of ;Tune, , Mr. Turner has accepted the tall, subject to the approval 0± the Conference settlement committee. ,, itte is in his fifth Year at Crediton. 11044$ it graduate 'in 'arts of the Vuiversity i. had done in the interest (If the Young Of Toronto and in theology, of-Ernmati. I people for quite'd number of years and uel College, Tadao. • ' followed no his remarks by reading an adtlress of ' appreciation for work '"FIO Ile Did It .. willingly done. it rector also ret, A man was being , tried tor pais- terred tOrthe serViek thelhad'rendered appropriating a Dig, and a conscientious inthe choir and chureh school aS Well Witness, to whOra the "aectised was said as the A.Y.P.A;- In 4 behalf -'of the to have confided, was being 'examined: AX.P.A. Miss Aimeta Steepe presented "Can you repeat the exact Words in thein With...two beautiful' praverbooks, whieh the prisoner confessed to taking after Which .eoffee, cake and lee cream the pig?". ' ' "4.1:, , were served in abundance. The' rector "Ile Said% sir, he took the pig." ., closed the, meeting with the benediCtion. The judge tried to, Simplify the ques- Confirmation ('laps , will be held, as flout 41)1d the prisoner say, `Ile took' on Priday evening at 7.40 o'elock. the pe ior 'I took the pig'?' . Next Sui/day_ the birthday of the "Oh, Your Ilonor,.1e said he took.l.1 t. church will be commemorated and it Is yoluiedi, ri,./olioros ilanie' wasn't even 111(11- hoped that every . Anglican 'will be lo .1. 41;.,, , present at, the services. GordonGrant. nuitoisi Rom) OODERICII Licensed. Auctioneer for Ilfiron County ,fr Ilurniture and Patin Clearanee 8ales, Chattels and neat Estate 'Prompt •attention given to all. calls Write no 663 4101)1110Cill 14Zx PHONE 959 1, Solicitor for the „Estate. TENDERS WANTED - ' • TENDERS' FOR COAL AND -COKE .11'ederal Buildifigs----th•ovInce of Ontario SF,ALED* Tenders. addressed 6) the - undersigned and endorsed t`Tender for -Coal," will. be received until 3 Oil; (p.iis.T.), Wednesday,' June 7; 1944,. . . -t.tte-supply'-vretrat-ttnd.eeke--fe - Dominion Buildings throughout :Abe Province_of • Ontario- - ' Forms of tender ' with Specifications and conditions attached can. be obtained from the Ptirehasing Agent:. •DePart- ,ment of -Public Works, Otfa.wa ; and the Supervising Architect, 36 Adelaide St. East,IToronto, Ont: . '' ' - '--Tenders-Sheatd he made onthe forms_ Supplied by the,. Department and in' at- Cordance , With ,departmental specifica; dons and. conditions attilehed _thereto.. coaVilealers? ',licence* numbers must be given when tendering,. • ': . , -'7The Department reserves the right to demand from.,anY sudeessfui.. tenderer, before,Lawarding- the order a Se-builty -deposifia..theforra.of a certified.thequ'e- on it chartered' bank.inCanada, Made payable to the, order bf the Honourable °W-geilts- - :-- -'-• ' • - 17'21 . One upright 'piano 1 large' Westing, • • ' -KLEER,E.,-%-71•111fALS - SKIN -AIL:- house radio:. almost now,; ;-, • the Minister of, Public Works, equal to . -, . • --:--- '" • , . I 'metal ice -box; 1 drop -head Sewing . . BORN '- . , • ' ; machine; 2 bedrOom, suites•;,• -.1 -electric required 'to :‘,vin ... . • . to Inalip up an odd amount.' . - serve ad a, 1-• d-Inece- -10 ger cent' of the amount of the tender, lt‘PielNoaTs8t.for-UetlembYit.,14.pulisolieadssist.rini°111;ect(iitigsot, ' room suite, new; 1 .3 --Piece chesterfield Canada or of the-:Canttdian National chesterfield suite, ' new; 1 4 -piece- or Bearer Bends of the Den:auto* of 50c; $1.00, (Medium arid Strong,),Sordi table; 1 oak table, 4. oftki=;..,chairS'i and odd chairs; ,butfet-and dinillitroeni: jtitilwa-y, -c-atip-oiy and its constituent 12 'companies, 'unconditionally, guaranteed* boils, pimples, chaps; ' erytheina, oto, •,, by Campbell's and, Emerson's drug c5o%eoent:obileeus.m°, 4 . er nu dg6t a; b21 e S, tapestrygart lt ax,bulge ss 1 stores. ,.• -1. . •minion ...cce ...Canada,or the - itforenten- as, to principal and interest by the'Dck tioned bonds and :a certified cheque, If BAECHLER...L•At. Aleiandrit' Hospital, rengette, abnost new ; 1 Prindess Beth, g'tisarantee 'for the:proper ..,fultilmeLit, of •• GOdeilch, on May istri, 1944, to Mr, ..cook,stovel 1.kitiehen Wife and chairS; '* '- ':''' el -e'tric sandwich t = , and Mrs. ',GiorteliuS` M. Baechier,, electric plate; e be contract- , , ,.. , •---Britannia road; Goderieh, a -son; ' toastexL:a electric irons; electric lamp's, ,, , . mirrord, lictures, dishes; J'aWii. -Mower ; ; , - a. M.*SOMpRviLLE,.. , . ByTorder'' •:', ' '' BOYLki-At Alexandra Hospital, Godet ' ' , Secretary. Defia.rtinelft of Public Works, , , : -; Ottawa, May 15,1944: - - 204 *' . „ lawn hese other numerous artieles. • TERmS2--CASII. '. tiltS; V. HALL, 91 East streeti * .„ Proprietress HAROLD JACKSON,. . '• Auctioneer. • rich,, on May 19th, 1944,. to Mi.' and Mrs.. Jas,,Iloyle,.,11.11,,,_.2, Auburn, 'A daughter. • COLLINSON.--a-AVAlexandia Hospital, -Goderich, on May 19th, 1944, to. Mr. and Mrs. John, Collirlson; ' 3, 7 „ Goderich, a daughter.- VISHEIL-At Alexandra • Hospital, Goderich, •on. Max 22.nd,' 1944; to Pte. ,M. 'Fisher (overseas) and . Airs, ' Fisher„ GOderich, a. daughter. MITCHELL, -In Goderich,.. on May 10441-!ttri*-Mir:antb---MrS1I Mitchell, Goderfeh,,a daUghter,.. RICHARDSON..,- Ono Monday', May, 22ad 1944 at Montreal,' to Ur. and Mr. 41.,-Alehardson (nee Marjorie :_granddaughter of Loftus E. Daneey, K.c.), the ,gift of a son. ,ST. GEORGE'S. CI113.1tC11, The last regular Meeting of the • • Lor the season as held in the parish hall On Tuesday evening last. The meeting' Was .opened by the_presi- dent, Mr, Harold Shore, and the min- ute s were read by the secretary, Mt Bob Needham. After the transaction of the 'business the President in behalf of the A..X.P.A. expressed We regret- of all that it would be the last meeting at 'which Mr. and go. 'Harold Taylor would he present for at leak AVEt years, Ile 'referred- to the work that Harold AUCTION SALE Gil' THE 'iman-ip,- MENTI&ED parcel. of town, and farm land , the estate • ot the 'late William Walter onr- , • at the properties. Parcel 1 -tot 20, 1st concession, township .of Goderich, six miles. from Goderich, containing eighty iterekLmore- Or lefiSt All in grass; running waterA. Will be offered'at 2 p.m. at the property. Parcel 2 -Lot 1, Reid Survey, town of Goderich, southwest corner Britannia, road and Eldon, street, With cement 'block house and:'garage.in good repair; Will be offered at 4 p.m. at the property. per cent. down; balance thirtY days.. Sold subject to reserve bid.* For further particulars apply' to , wAminn. 'WALTER', •", Executor. HAYS, K,C., or HAROLD j'Alp,K'SON, 1202 . Auetioneer. MAGISTRATE MAKINS TO RETIRE - Magistrate 3. A..- Magins vll1 retteli the retirement age, . seventyAve, on August lst of this year, ,after ,over .a quarter of a century .on the bench, dur- ing which hehits chalked up .4 fine - record. • Already there is intich -con- jeetare as to who his successorwill tob,, -end:Attunes-Of "iiKettirlaWyerpi. hits nien, • tioned In Po1itle4.:eireles • • 4 -11tAVaLING BY T1tAIN .* lrggsg, :DAYS? •• , If you • have a floater. policy,' Your Iaggage is cOvered nd• Pm • have .notliiiig to worry about Get partieulars.from' ° foitt), 111 . .Get Insurc.1 Star insured • . •Rest f,ttssitied. Alerfh St Tel. 268w en you require Co,a1 or Coke CALL Chas.. C. Lee ° Coal and Hardware at tbe Harbour face 22 use 112.