HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-05-25, Page 4THE GODERICH SIGNAIrSTAR EMORIES OF JONATHAN MILLER— ONE OF HURON' 'GREAT MEN" IN elUT FLOWERS we have Roses, Carnation% SnapdragenS, PIM Sweet reas, *11 t redneed Kites. • , NAN:0s, res hiteett we have almost an1ilng you. might aSli: or in bedding PlaPtS and in vegetableS; cabba,ge, tuallflOw0 and -"'IMaterfl;orry. 1u wo.w, oI&oUtof. spaniskonien plants,. •• .wo. • . • ,f Ites,„niailanas we -have the p.4ua1 rufl of plants ferporch boxes ad h*naket 'Yes, Inadani,'. we are open; evieningS and you; Oil, find 'us 40 'Brace Street.:3114,' ea§t •of .14,etbrJa St, , and across from - the ' softball .park. '1•• , R' RIvbrd„ Iii;Morrisk ehlteagb he /liked the Sign, took, his clay pie la looking 'oyer niy scrap hpok this pilled it and lit it. Jonathan called his rooming X ran across a newspaper pie -kJ -attention to the sign, but Andrew took Ore -and short biographical sketch of ia few more puffs and then- said,- "1 ,Jonathan Millet', sent me soille:moiltbs see- it. but I'm net malcing any noise, ahy John Elliott My earliest reeel- am Ir ,• • , ketion Of- jorrathan is, :that - ;Iona than: was younnd 'groin Man,. probably around twenty quite agile; before he beettine "hos years_old.„xxe_3.vas :tali 'and .3vell.pra- Wise!' and_toa_plielt,erossl-wise. he cen.7,_ Portioned, ver)”. erect 1.0.aV quite agile ebived the idea of -a bleycle,"•Witir pedals than, but soon, those, misehieVOur grem,- fasteneA to theiaxle ot,the.front lips,. his Pituar.V glan0s,. logfill Working Whether ;he plucked the. idea: out of Overtime _and Ite,texpanded,- east .and thinair or, bad read an account of west; for and aftnatil he weighed 463 pierre Lallernent's un ehtica U Paris Hospitai,, Londbir, Leslie is a stretcher pounds.•As the, avoirdupois, inereased in 1861,, 1. do nOt ,1PIQW, but the latter -case and, may be in hospital for 'a eon- _ .• • Siderable time yet, : • In a radio broadcast frOnVa German. station,--Warillit"Eugland -% Flt./Sgt, Gebige 13agrialllvfirk.: .Dowker; communicated. •to his brotller, THURSDAY MAX 25th, I Trooper Leslie A. Riley, 'son' of Mr. R.__ Ailey,„-„T,oronte, street, was. amoug the:(lartaellart 'array persorinpl just' returned by hespltal ship from o'verseas and word Was received today of his arrival at Westmins.ter GOOD, YBAR IN-14t9SP' BaT FOR_JtINIOlt, MSEBALL XiOns Club Is ,Slionsoeing the Oame Agaht, This Season ••'' ,) The GoderiCh Liona Club is again sponsoring hasebail this year and it bas •• beendeeided to organize juvenile and •Midget teams, and also to have a town. • . -• _ -league fOr minor bantams. ,A softball league is to befo .rmecl in the schools, •.. and trophies are to be provided for • the 4'Muere. • , 314' Graham is the chairman of the Lima hoys:.„ and oirLs.'egrainittee, ,and With a .georbungli -of fenews working iwith fihn there :should-belets- et, pod basebau for the fans -this summer, especially if exhibition, games can, be arranged with outside .teams/ Keen, riValrY _betWgen the Midgets and 'the° Juveniles may, be expectWtirtlie boys will be playing their best in order to get, a regular 'position on the team replesent Goderrch ithe • . 4P-3/110.wnS-,-.--:- • . The ball field :at Exhibition Park' is alnacist ready for use, haying been prac- tically overhauled; and ' with a new b-orae--pIate,-and-new pitcher's box it is just about 'as good as any ball park itt- Western Ontarie,. - Frank Curry will be manager of the -7uveniles;-jack Gardner of the Midgets; ,•and.Arnold plcObnnell' will have charge of 'Elie Bantams. •• • Registrations':„ Registrations of local beys-ger . various,' clas§es are •Ulrfolle*.s• . Juvenile (under' 19 years May 1, 1944)-B. G. .Carrick, 3. Evans; J. Graham., I. Adair's, 3. Hobnes, IA,' Fisher, p, C. H1L1 Terrance Bedard, Reg- , Huckins„ G., Sutcliffe, D. Massey, P. • Maetwan, R. Patterson, • :Midget (under 17 years May 1, 1944) —P. j. Walte ...head, P. Spain; 3. MacDonald, P. Gil- sEON r,;• G. Westlake, B. Meor- • lespie, D. Ainslie, G. Ginn, J. IVIcPhee,• • .,„Jset,,,,Gd„Mgroi_K,Rebertsi,„73.„...Craig Mr. Win. johns •'Detreit visited (Auburn), 3. Schaefer, 13. NeWeombe, Mr, and Mrs,_ David. l'Iantiit at. Port 'B. MacDonald, D: Scott, p,,PatterSon, Albert; , • •.13'. Allen, P. MacIlwain, D.'. Sager, Mrs.- W. Hinchey ef WindSor spent IL Montgomery, 3 -Fellows, P. Spain, last week With Mr. and Mrs. WM. • D. Harrison„,E. Miller, I. Bedard. 'Healey. ,„ • '• Bieetam (under 1,-5 Years May 1, 1944) Mr:. Carl Worsen is • -again at • his Spain, D. ,Langrldge„ B. More, 3.• pl*e of business after being confined Massey, 3. Needham, 3- Dorelly, K. to his home fC3'r four months.by Crieb„j_Gailley. .W..Freeth• . Mr. and Mrs. Gprdon •-73771Ffilibrirl3mid";"•T7'lira-er*-07E:”. • r• liff6771,MarMie sFellaTh-rVolire . Monk. M. Gallagher. T.- Fulford, D. time with. the tatter's siSter, Mrs. R. • MacPhail,G. Pinder, B ThurloW, G. Stonehouse. . • ,Ffamilton. B. •Elliott, 73. Cidp, M. Mil- Mrs. Ian Haggitt: East street, yeSter- Ian& B. 'Erskine, G. $Pain, T. Price; D. day received a birthday gift of flowers • -Mckar-lk-Ilobnes,-R."Snazel: 13. GriSt** wired" grom Italy by 'her •husband, MagDonald, L.: Arbour, 13. Meriam. Trooper Ian Haggitt• •j, Mogrbead, R. Betz, 13. Schaefer, 'D. Petty Officer Ian •MacKay, Fritzley, C. Snazel, K. •Hui:thins, A. son of Mr. and Mrs. John MacKay, • Mallough, B. Gardner, L.' :Willis. •• Macdonald -street, is !Mine from Halifax, •on fourtemkdays' leave: ,• FIBST THE SEASON R. J. MeMehen,.fdrinerly O& God.9rich; The lawn bowling .seaSen opened at isjlown this week on official business •.--the,.Pieten_street. grew* on Monday iCeonnectioii with the; Federal Depart; evening. Five greens_ were in play,. •ment of Labor. •• 'and the winners were: lst W..LHo1ge, Mr. and -Mrs. J. W. Fraser ,and their • and Stmirt Robinson; 2nd, Rev., 11.• daughter, Mrs. Abranis, 6f -Toronto, ,* Stewart and P. Bisset.- , newed cqiiaintances in Goderich at the -end. ' • .Two negro soldiers Were on trans- r. and Mrs. R. S. rEberhartand Son - ••.port going frerseas. Standing on 'deck _Stuart of Londoa,. Ont., are the guests • •qlley gazed gut acros$ the .vat expanse of Mrs. Eberhart'S ,,parents, Rev. and of wateri,„•ilThat's the mostest witek-,'Mrs,:--joseph Yanes., •J'se ever seen in all my life,' `said one. , Mk. and Mrs. A. L. Cole and Mrs. 90.16. you ,ever see ,,,so miielf,Waterr McNally'.are in *reroute ;this week: • "Man, yini ain't Oen nothing yet" his Mr..,Cole is attending the optometrical comPanion„ replied., '.',That's• Just:the convention held there. ' top(4:1±." • • • W.:and. Mrs. Albert Blackwell and. son Alan returned Yeaterclay- to their home at Cobourg after a visit with Mrs. • Blackwell's parents, and ,Mrs. •.•.-. • Grindrod.L. • • • , Mr. ...T. A. Ironstone, W -ho arrived eSterdaY4r6MIL6S_Aligete.spend; -the „Somme ,r with:his sister,'Mrs. nes.' Tid).13, -Wel.....te--street,, brought .greetings frinn Mr. Ian Leyy, of Glendale; Calif., to 'Ids old friends in Goderich and ,Colborne townShip. ' .• • --Mr. and Mrs.. George Cdrrell of Tor- onto,,..with.' their daughthrs, MrS, Len Wright of Toronto and „Mrs. Wilbur VIOTORIADAY FAVORIL,' WITH HOLIDAY WEATHER 4 • Golfers, Laavti 13oW1ers and Others Engage' in rayorite Snorts • With lovely 'spring weather; Victoria Day • was a most enjoyable and WOSt ReQpie took advantage ofit to pursue their own chesen activity. - "Gelfers turned out in good, niunbers at the Maitland course *mil had Some fine competitions. .The ,winners in the varions *events were:. ' • ' • Men's nine -hole -low grosS, 0 Geo. Jenner; low net, Guy Emerson • - • Mixed two -ball .foursome--7-low gross, Mrs. Doris. Compeau and G. G. Grif- fiths; low net, 'Miss E. MeNaughton and D. D. Mooney. ' ' Ladis' seven -bole •competition,lst cl.ow gresS, Miss E. Tobin; 21id, Mrs. F. Curtrf 1St low net, Mrs. Moeney; 2nd,. :Arts. Schneiker. ' • Duringthe aftignielb.u. the ladies serted lunch to about forty people._ ' It was the official opening day Of the season for' the Maitland Club and the members are leolcing forward` to ;plank tine chiySittlleir,-favorite sport: • With the Lawn BoWrerS •• Exactly two dozen- lawn bowlers' tOok part in the holiday tournament on the Piton• Street greens. •It Was ,midniglit _before. theLlast•bowl was played and the winners, we're deCided as .felloivs: 1st, M. 3. Ainslie and Pied Price; 2nd,. Bert, Sanderson" and Frank ::Samiders 3rd, Gee. Mathiesen and.Frank Woods; • here:" 'ere 'many' -people -attli - waterfront, including a "few bathers. •Anglers- had Varied -40a,', some Making good catches of perch and others fail- ing to land anything. .The. day was Civic holiday, Mayer Turner having issued a 'procianiation to that effect; ' 0 e re showing Tropical Materials for * Air Force and -the Arty tering,' • •Rentodelthig, -A genial ligure .0 foringE.d_ays.laBenluiller and Goderich,... unduly in one direction the center of grai:ity of course changed, necessitating adjustments in posture in order to maintain his equilibrium. •I , • . He married a Miss McCullonglr of Godericli township, a tall-, stately, goodu looking lady, who in later Years -became 'quite matronly in appearance.• Jonathan -had a broad smile and a. this 'handicap_ he was' a skilled .work- that they. will get -here: in goocT eon - friendly greeting 'for all with, whim manyand eventually_ made an all -iron 1d1tion Every one of the parcels you he came in contact; it was almost per-i-bleyele.- After many -trials 40natha ent--me-lias--been-yerfecti,-'"expept-o- , petuai, not quite: When you 'caught him.) mastered it and gave many denibnstra 1and that.?wasiat Your falilt I was on e course at the time and it was sent to • nie at that place. I did not receive ---it before 1 left, so when rget back. t� -the unit the parcel wasn't there, and I didn't get it a month after ancl.rit...had-tbeen..kainaked.aroun4-.4U- a let But that ;was the only One I h ad like that. So_ I_ saY 41'hank.:you' ming- I, oor---was-g-a----rucely ver-3r•-anuch-tor,„„yeur-.kindness..---4Ve.en„.. DamoND ;mut= or• , 14(AITLAND„ PRZORYTERIA,Ift W. 31# S. Ilistori"1-4 Shay' rears ••, ',RoVieWed Titer cliamend Jubilee of the Women's Missionar,y .8ociety. ,of theMaitland PreSbYtery•pf the Presbyterian ehitrch was ebserved at the Sonth Einlosa 0111'41 in Tuesday, May., 10tit: The tSmoncii:teyrswarayS, oecrgeaa.:10711._,,,s, ixty. y,e,ars ag_ o atiVrituellt&est"WaS shown lit the -----.Ar'IliVilibtullig-fteSalint ' •0:0,I; '(.4- Merrison and Mrs. $11Ortt,, Of •-Kirt- eardine; conducted a• devotional' ser- vice, The - treasurer's, ,repert slieWed that, for the first .tirae,in the history of the Society•,• eVery athriliary had Met' its , allocation, the amount raised ov,er the' quota being.;275, ' . "An. impressive • mem, alai Seryiee. ,in raelnerY ot PreSident4 bf theihn011arieS. and members of " the ,PresbYterial ex- ecutilVe who 'had •• passed on, to tie • great •reward since, the 'golden Jubilee Capt. •Dowker, R.O,A.„ that he.';'ver ii:d" ..,,,A lex. Mowbrity,:assisted by Mrs, Henry Meeting in 1984 was, conducted bY Mrs. wineJurede..a.teIc.iIegl..scibeerimnagu•wpOrys04 coal). ivci..441iiiiiiidi jirliett wowa.s given by i‘fri., no Osage • was read by a, :German, lionliret,. and Pickel• 11.11'' by aladY MacMillan, Who' with her husband, Rev, in Darlingten,,, Dnrhatii;# 'who kindly. KiTossiviarightln;t.owe6p4afrgoeraintheilsost4n • ceipt of the broadcast was later CM - sent it On to• Capt. Doviker: "The re- work in Formosa, where they spent -fl.Irc"4"'owker's tiloltenbAeirr 3:VitliTissbtri'L-ritmght 1 maich last, at which time a ,,•!,umber ter • an air' assault on Frankfort 'in clAjlt-4 7-Rouegvh.4[070:11-ies:—,inAit'fp-r—oom);!--iio-fldL-:Per-k-ellsg ubwb•ray, Whitechurch 7, -, tery of Huron -Maitland. • 1/fission .band, thry of Maitland and the new Presby- of R.C.A.F. bombers were lost. cram, Teeswater ;', . - Others taking part in, the morning .,_ and girls, Mrs. D. JP. - ..Miss M, McDougall, Lucknow; Y.-W.A.. '. Mr.' George Buchanan, of- the _pest- session Were Mrs. D. A. 1VIeLean of l'°the ile/P"81- Mrs" A' A. 3. .°113111"Is — office staff, a popular ligure in Musical, „Ashfield, . Mks. D. .Graham, and Mrs,• : ,military service the first week- in June. ham; life membership, -Mrs, 'R. 'Thempl _ Kintail ; student, Mrs. D. Rae, -Wing- 4•••••- gotfing,and other circles, report for R. Martyn of Ripley. , • some tinie. George will be • missecl,., son, Brussels; Glad Tidings, Mrs. za. Douglas, Lucknow ; Welcome and Wel- .. McGee, W1'014111; supply, Mrs. Y.cowt.ig .Eyes rite Good Protection is the time to &IMAM:hat „ meSt -Valitable paSession,- yOur ' 77, eyesight:With • work, Stlidy,* and readhigit inipor-. taut that .parenta; make !Sure.. that - young eyes. are. iiet handl- caPped... OODERICEI . .......-..--- led.. in the crvotional exercises which opened the ' fternoen session: • Mrs.. S. , Kerr and. Miss G. Stewart • Historical Sketch Cook Leonard BlOoinfield, ,of the • An historical sketeh_ of, the, -work of . . .R.ON,21ittp . returned- to. the Pacific the W.M.S. was ably dealt with by 1VIrs.• Congrafter spending eight days' leave Rd. MaVh ney .of Dimgaiman, who at the home of _his parents, Mr, .and brought to 't *e meeting an interesting Mrs. Wm. Bleomfield, Huron road. One colleetion • o4. missionary; leaflets and of the interesting sorivenirs,:he brought niaga,zines, some of which dated back home is a glass-,fleat; the size and.shaPe to the early 1days of organization, and of a lawn bowl, Which is a product of marked the Stelis Of -progress -Made in ;japan, and was Jis,ed•by Japanese fisher- • ' each -decade Since 1884: ,-,,,,- - • • - - • -----• ' -REV.- H. .A. MAIiItAtI"S. men in Pacific Waters. i • .,, Miss Campbell of LucknoW reviewed . . • e • VISIT APPRZOIXTED ro -..,...___ 'the work of ithe Young Woen's Aux • - iliaries, giving the history of each group since thtime of .organizatiori, . ••.. and „ Mrs: Guthrie •Reid ,ofTee'Swater,,, that of the Missien .13ands: •' Methodist church last Friday evening . . A-soloby Mrs. Caineren MacDonald, •and on Sunday were • greatly ap- • -Lucknow, was much. enjoyed: :A. special preciated., - : Sgt Geo. Hall, R.C,A.F..,11-6 visiting ,mark this special On Friday astimulating sermon On his mother, Mrs. V. Hall, before letiving offering was takeivto , e ca • at Tlaie.e Rivers, and ,Mrs. John Richardson, -"The •Enauement of Power from on . for his neW liost Locangssi•oldne,,,ied in the dedicatory prayer. Iligh"-wa$ preached, and on Sunday •Quebec. .. _ , _i :_, •• ..- --The special speaker of the afternoon' morning the service from the begi, dog was the Council' president; Mrs. IloV M- of the le=fetist to the end of - he : Sgt. A. W. Petrie, R.R. 1, Dungannon, Murrieh of Toreato, who told of the sacramental service at the _close was 4.: ' has graduated as an •itir zainie'r. at No. 9 `Berabing and Gnimer-Y-Sc-li-o.9--f; new work, in which the W.M.S. is spiritual feast Tong to be remembered. Arow, Jolt ;Quebec, ,:. . . . branthing---but.• -- • •-- - • The evangelist with telling' effect ton- . . . , • •. • -• • a ". 101 r i ...''' ' =rate itilF Will gli a ni; . ' 'tr a a t e d the -spiritual • •darkness - • and • ... --.. -- ---- -• brought_ -_g_reVtingsffrom-theLP_ravincial. moral z defeat -of, the-natural-inan with ' • zaTTERSF-RO-MOVERSEAS ... SEreTetk..7,•Letteri -Nrere=ateatr -front=•-t1167-4114;:wanderfiii-Tiglif ciiir'Viictorious'life - - • 7---- 1 — missionaries who had gone Ont from 6f those who "have passed TrOin death unto -Life" through the "gift of the • -- Holy Ghost." The evening sermon Wa,s on "Demon ' Tower." The preacher, clainiing. that , the demons were more numerous than ' the people, said that not only do the envy, jealousy, hate, greed, etc., in all Unregenerate hearts find expression ,In deeds; (see Mark 7:21-28); but tha demons inspired and . empowered Such pecvle to frustrate the work 'of God., 4ie-offerecf-proof of the increasin e - 'moralization of our young people, -but said he hadlittle hope of changing them., or the better, as,they had little chance of living Christian„..lives in the modern Canadian- home. The church must have suffi ient spiritual power to convert tr ntr,telTefate'llirliiolf-77' lapse and the fate of SQ,k10M. . Come again,. Mr. Marlatt, , He had been expecting the call-up for fare,. Miss Dean Melreod4 Lucknow•;. • library and literature, Mrs. 3. Richard- son, Lueknow; press, Miss: Olive. Scott, Inuevale;• historian, Mrs. R. McWhin- ney,. putgannon. •'After theiinstallation of officers Mrs.' John Linklater, Teeswater, closedthe meeting with prayer, • Among the overseasipersonnel of the R.C.A..F. who have been commissioned as pilot officer is 71t -Sgt. Carl W. Anderson,•son of Mr. and IVIrS.• Thos.. J. Anderson of town. - The'. qaarterly services held .by ,Rey. H. -A, 1VIarlatt of The•dford in the' Free .-- Several, letters of thanks have anst thia Presbytery to foreign, lana: Miss 'eenis probable, for Lallement sold kis been received by the Goderich overseas Dorothy Douglas, British gulana; Rev. 'invention in France about 1868: and parcels committee in • acknowledgment Hugh 1ViacIVIillan, who is at Present in came' to America, to promote] it. Jon-' of -boxes Sent sonae_tirae ago. , '•' Washington, U.S.; • Miss Williamson, athan explained. the idea -to- James . Gnr., W. G. Avery, R.C.A., writes: ., Bhil - field, .India;. Angua_MacKay, i Jewell,- who had recentlystarteda • Ink •a few' lines to`15'thank you • ad jhan'si, India ; and Mrs. MacKay, New blacksmith shop just west of the hotel: for . the splendid work you are d.oing. Westminster; B.C, ' ' I-- ' • Mr. Jewell was no relation to my uncle -1. know- it intik take a '101ofWork to Mrs. A. Strachan of Briissels, honor - Richard JeWeil;.• but notwithstanding, pack the parcels, and to pack there so' ary president ef the Presbyterial, Was presented with •a: beautiful' bouquet of roses -by Mrs; Rd;McWhinney in recog- k ion of her. faithful Seryree toj mission work fe'r Many years, and hi a few well-chosen words Mrs. McWhhiney ex- -pressed appreciationof the -" tplendid work clone ' by. Miss Mothers • of Kin- cardine, , 0, Mrs. F. G. Fowler, Bluevale, presi- -den-t--OM#ithtnd-Preqiyterlalr'gare-the- closing address. • . • • , Officers ',Elected. ` 4-1114,,gifeethrg.-fert•-1945.mvillAitf,,,beld in the • Presbyterian church, Moles- worth. The' election and_the inStalla- tion of officers, was conducted by Mrs., McYfurrich. The followink, form, the eicecutive for 1944-: , _ _ ... Hop. president,' Mrs. A. Strachan!, Brussels:. president, Mrs. P. G. Fowler, Bluevale ; lst. vice-president Mrs. G. Reid,' Teeswater, ; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. A,-MeAuley, Ripley ;. 3rd' vice,. president, Mrs.Thi. McWhinney, Dim- gannofi ; 4th vice-president, Mrs. Mc- Carrol_Molesworth ; 5th yiee,president, Mrs, Leslie .Fortune, Winghani; treas., • urer, Mrs. -John Beil, -Kincardine. Secretaries4--Corresponding, • Miss N. with- one of thdse .wistful, sort- of self- clepreciating grins, it was se sure. sign that he had been worsted in a horse trade and was, cooking a deal to get tions -on the Maitiand'bridge, to admix, - lag crowds. • ", *, I lost track •orthis likeable .subject• '• of- my early memeries when. I came even, with the man vvheliati eht-sinarted to the U.S. 1888, nntil on one of ray than' -‘his pocketbook. He had a just -pride in his knowledge of horses,' and like David Harum would deal -fair With an honest' man and gamble on his framed picture a 'Jonathan,' Intended, joy your parcels very muck. I ani glad . • 1. Repairing..; toit-trips-to.4.Cauada.....L.stoMed-f dinner. at, the old' Rattenbury Hotel in Clinten-:-Han ing on the' wall near ability to get the best of the deal with as I thought, to leave the inference that a crook. . •. • - he :was a fair sample Of the regular • His mother, Mary and he- ran boarders. On this same trip, 'as I the hotel;. the ,general store •and the passed A. Ms -.Pole's livery stable •in pestoffice 'Bennailler •ad in addition Goderieh, there was Jonathan sitting be Carried -the mail and gave stage in the doerweay.. of the stable with the service between Bert/miller and Goderich air-• of proprietorship. The -'•kketcli I for many years. Afterfl s.mail fire In his stable, he painted arid hung up a sign. 'reading, "No smoking 'aloud," and theh called in Andrew Heddle,. the. car-• penpr, to. renair the damage delle bY the ,fire. As Andre* entered the stabje to Say I am enjoying 'good health, and I hope you people are enjoying the Same. • • . • - ' ' • From Pte. C. S. Worsell, Canadian A:rumeeirioed, oCvoerrpyson: e i Just la lino to. • ,•• thank you for your leyely parcel, which mentioned above,however, says nothing I enjoyed' very . much. Aim getting congenial atmosphere !or the,purpose, and. it:Sure IS good to see him and have 'acquired habits, tastes and even odors. many lads . front Goderich lately. Am for such is the :enchantment of; early had a few good Visits. Ildve not seen stables, 'so. 1 suppose he was merely no place like home, so I hope we are faking " a Vacation:and had chosen a air back-sodn. • My brother is over now about - his ..ever operating the. ,poney along 0tli.e.--.b.est•-over here, but there is • not very much of- a letter writer, .se • many thanks again to an for ybur 'good work in sending parcels to us lads. Sto. Arnerld Doak writes from. Italy under date of March4.2th: , • • I wish to thank the- Merabers of the '‘,DBITUARY 'In 1997 she Moved te Colborne town, ship When Mr. Sanderson became' the - MRS. LEWIS pOVIER manager of the. farm at Menesetung • • . • • Park. For the •past twenty , years she ' -A highly respected resident of-Gode- had lived with Mr. and Mrs Bisset overseas.. pareels committee for the 'rich ' for. the Past twenty-five years, • •• • ' • - ' **(lovely parcel I received on IVIarcli 10th.. A lifelong Presbyterian, Mrs. „Sander -- It is very heartening to those of us Ella Grayistim„ wife of Lewis J.* Govier, I son was a beloved member . of; Knox, overseas when we reeelve, theSe gifts passed avfraY on ThuisclaY last at her clrareh and was interested in all its .4% d realize 'that We are net fcirgotten •home, 48 Anglesea. street, in her fifty- :activities. She was a life meniber of fifth year.1 ;Mrs. Govier • Was born in Auburn, the daughter of the late John the Woinen's MiSsionary• Society and by• those back home. Tlievailttrit were acceptable arid 1 • you to the iii'onorttry.president of Knox church knInuoswt, that 1 'appreciate it very ninch. and Elizabeth •,_SoclitWater Graviston. auxiliary, . • a : Valued meni'ber • of .- the Needless to say, 1 miss the old town did 'After ler marylage she lived for sevel. LaclieS',. Aid Societg; and years ---in- Dlingannon, 'Oleic • lair-hi:1s' 'oldesterabers of the Goderich• branch - one -of the -rnr-triondS -a- lot; but'llepe to be back . -band -opefated a blacksmith-alaop, later rof the Women's Instittite, '.inoillig'10. Goderich, whereoMr.'Govier. son's death oeCurred nine; years Ago, was erapleyed by the Mustard. \OA'. "Three daughters -survive : Mri.' ' Lorne CpraPany and the" •Goderich Planing Quennell,' �f Shaunaveni Sask.; Mrs. ;Milt • A member Of Knox Presbyterian. Howard Murphy; a New Westniinster, churcl, Mrs. Govier was particularly B.c,, and Mrs. James Bisset, of Sanford interested in- the work of the Ladies' -Height. „,,.." . • A.id Society up to the time when ehe again in, ihe-not tag distant ftitifre..:*••• . , ARNOLD DAX • TELLS' • OF A VISIT TO POMPEII • 43oderich . Boy on' Naval- Sei.vice . Mediterranean Area .* Many relatives and friends 'were Letters received lately by Mr. -and Fell of Hi:mitten, and.the latter' s so•fi took last September,' . She wtili-NieP., present at the Amoral service held on,.Mis, W. IL.Doak-from---their self, •I -lar-• aunPritarrived•:on•Slindo:-.to visit Mrs. N.> . • iti the Diingaiirieli4libida tiretit: tfitirkliff:iitterlititiii 'the" resideme Currell's parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Canibria read; and to help cele- brate ,Mr, 131air's birthday, tomorrow (Priday). It will be .fitr:'plaies eighty - a y., in one letter. he third•atirdYert4a-iyan we are pleased to - .IVIitehell; John GraviSten„ Ediriontonll outside points, atirrotinded the -casket. describes, a visit to ivell-knowli..resort, ae,that•he is as spri.• as a Young fellow. '(Travistori,, Mitts, Al-berta,:and-PalPh4;.The,..pallbearera were Peter- '0'. Mae- of -sightieers in that .(N)untry,..witilout 4. recent YiSitor .to w„tvf!' Gravistort,„Tavistoek, !rue funeral. Set- Ewan, Lt....Col. -Dunlop, Peter ' naming He.'writes; 'Miss mariolr'oft, '19i we vice on Vonday -afternoon was lafgelY tisset, Richard Walter • "I went a few dayi 'MO to ice a , . , fold; in the .Cartadian naval service in Surviving besides her husband'are three of . Mr.. and Mrs. James 731Sset. The the ,14editerranean • area, are ntostly Sisters " and• three brothers: 'Mrs- kerviee was conducted„by Rev. Richard about pefsonal and faintly affitirS, but 'Xhornas • Balcer, ,Wingham; „Mrs. „ Stewart . profusion of flowers,,he tells enorigh to i dleate-that he has- DuelOW; Atwood; Mrs. mae Da,Wson,Itributes from friends- of Goderith, and•i Wom?ns"Attitiliary .ef the -R,A1F., in Cariatimon leave after nearly two yeare' serype-flying Spitfires' and Hurricanes' from :the factories trighuid to their allotted bases, „MISS Orr WA'S terkaerly einPlOYed, in, the eontrol tower - at Sky 'Harbor .and before that was 'tur strUctor for,: the St. '.0a.tliprirtes Viking (flub. MiSs - Orr, whose alubitton %al- ways has been to make (flying a eareek, is greatly itiloye with her 'Work. • in (ioderich she was the guest of Mrs. . gtipy Gunn.• .CSIVIETEltit IVIEM:011ALS 'MU ARE,INVITO INStstct °tilt •STOOK OPIITOX• EXETER• SEAFOFItt WHORE 414 ENAVH01124:k0MPTElt ATTENDEiii) TO NINGTIAM & PRYDE (THOMAS MIME) Richard Stewart condricted th.O....xerYleez attended by riends and relatives from tend John-Newcembe. Interment was in city that was . over .• 2060 , years old.• doderIch and outside points. itcY.' Colborne cemetery. ' ....._......• •, The buildings, are still there and in Among the many floral tributes were ,, • 1,i . ' ''' , those from- the.;Goderieh, Pike. Depart:. ,i. GrUp - W,01.t17nr 113, ,: , , tent, th''. Goderiell Ptariingilill aiid :"." ''' MONTAEAL SOFTBALL ilia Mustard Coal Company. _.,,Ithe pall: • bearers „ were 1.. Z.- Mutelio William l'Gus' Worthy, well :known-' hi • Ideal millar,' George' minnbst, lifirveY . Woiti- baseball and softball circles, now AC.2, stereeharle.s'AlcOalle• and "Vdirin Ilii:rt- WorthY of the R.C.A.Y., taking a cottrse man. Mrs.. Govier was laid to. rest ,at McGill Xlniversity in hip 'training as in. Ball'S cemetery, Auburn. ' , an• air pilot, is making a name for hoSe from: out. of town attending the hlinSelf on the l‘leGIII• P.A.E.D..(Pre- funeral were: Miss Margaret EVimS, aircrew Edueational Detachment) soft - Toronto; Mr. Mary Eaker and Mrs. ball team. i. In it game with Cana.diens, Ha* tilekeY, Winghtill* Mr. and Mr8. reported by The Montreal pally 8tar, John Graham, Petrolt 1, Mr. and MrS. Gus gets special mention. - • Ralph Gravisttin and family, Tavistock; Mrs, Mae Dawson,: -Mitchell.. , 5M11.S. WM. SANDBRSON - , After a long illness,. Mrs. William, Sanderson passed' away early. Tiiesday morning at the home of her -daughter; Mrs, annies 13issets. Saltford Heights, basket,' observed a• paying customer hi In her eightpthird year. Mrs.:. Sander- the front row. Angus seampered„around SOli, formerly Sarah tlion Alexander, all bases but" was called back and given Was a native of 1Starkliam, Ontario. only two sticks on the etTort." . Atte her marriage siXty-one years ago "Gus," son. a Mr. and MM. W. D. 1 she lived on her husband's farm In 1, Worthy , of town, wita at the Toronto , lie said li.ey had been having • nice .1 the toWnship ef Ifewick, and later in! Manning Pool and tit V02111'04 before. [weather, It' d 01E. last two (laYg ilefOr • the town of ilarriston for seven ytiars. going Jo McGill tailr inllarch. he wrOte re "just like summer." , . those day* they' had about *the dame idea of building as there is today. Nearly everything was built of. brick.. They had lead plirea for vvitter, a plac to grind Wheat, and a ,big, von- 1�rstoile'oo :makipg 1)read. It had a pqielation• a about: 80;000 and nearly all- were killed when- the mountain near by covered the city .with lava. They *also' had two human bodies inia glass case they were; covered vvith, lava and have kept all this tittle. In 'peacetime people eome from all oVer the world to see the city and the mountain." ;Arnold -la fornier player on many "Angus. (says the report) wEdleped.,4949T,kb • hockey teams -wanted 10 thebtfil highin the fifth inning.. It fell know how ,town, teams fared in hock into the baSketbalt ,Jiasket 'nearby, the past winter,, fIe heard hockey and caught in the nettfng and remained other Canadian news by radio regular - aloft while ,the fieldera waved IY, bilk of course there was nothing theft', arnikl .111Tthe. air„ Tirsi time X about Gederich teams. • ' „ ever saw • 'two rims scored on •ft single • Like other Canadian boys in Italy.' he had not'inticli to. /Say. in praise of ttnWtn weather. To the contrary, lie deseribed it as "horrible" -"cold and rains nearly every ,day." 'However, in a •more recent. letter. daied Apelt Oth, "Mairzy" • The late Philip Hale, Boston music eritie and program annotator, wrote one of the best l'IVIairzys" many years ago for Ethelbett Nevin's "The Rosary." ' Thee yowrzi spen twith deer•Art. Are razza string of peall stew me; I-courit theh mo vur rev ree wunna • My row siree! My 4row sireel • ,f -Newsiveek Magazine. , •• '• • -Waiter sir, we're very tiP-te- date. • We -cook ity." Diner "Is that so? Well, sup - Malcolm, Holyrood; ree,ording, Mrs. K. pose you give this tiny Steak _anether MacLean, Wingham -finance, Mrs. R. shock."• • ° • / • If 'a loan will.helR you to increase pro.. diiction. or facilitate the .)n.arketing of yony „. procItice,,,consult the Manager of The 'Can- .,. • adian Bank of,Cornraerce., This Bank has for thretAluarter's of a' ce'ritury ,.financed. hound farming operations, and stands ready tci inancy and advice, the under. tangs of the, farming community, Dia - cuts your prikleins with our, local Manager. HE CANADIAN BAN OF COMMERCE Sit0 AGENCIES AT At/BURX AND DUSGANNON