HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-05-18, Page 8' TG��RICfl SIGNAT;STAIV CHURCH . Bev. ' It. Ruswil Of Atorpetir, Will 'I)reach• in YintOrla Aitqa.11nited,. Obureh, , at Unien Church in the aftern000 at 3, o'clock. . , 140T.-AN„Ul‘11:SEITILIA4U4.4.;s4) to -1Qtiti44,11421To; a.7atiian'oet411:0:1;x„),...c:r(lia4isb•Aelil.4:711109;80" iteXt' Sunday niOrning*t-1-1 457010014 WI Victoria strept United elinre4 CM 811-11'' ' 4 ruining° gale 'vlitil 4(111°4' by the ' *hite t)°1U41 4qt° 'Finder Illea° :1,u;l.omteelr Sch. Msurch0e.la jutIonma0ext Nayortuharr:,e0ent, _plA_QousTet,.°,20,:,!. 'Iv j.mr;.44.lizt, _,,, lok_ .,,, ,4,0,4, (Iv .4, rriNeauziNt71.1.,,,w0.0,001):044.0'. ca,•18t: Anniversary- SerVieeS 'Will be:held at OCCasion will1*-4-fortner pastor, Rev.. Quo wish*grp maxe nations, -please 100(44 lost either at Pllul°13 ball "*" TA.Glpg 'a.t *It,intail, ' M. 4ra...class, yyji: c‘ifi:Allititit4-ani.3111.ne' 4°4,11197:W7:et Wthe'at daY-i-MaY-2Sth,-amt-the--sPeaker-forthe *Iturday•i, gay .40m-kt-Lon.vw,--:7-A ,. /1.1. .W. -,,Craik, now Of' Peterborough. nOtify Aliss Campbell; . Phone • 4p, '<or nr near..Doak's taxiltand ,ou,' 14tii Of , 'ileoen,rdm‘itiooirtib•• myrzewciTulopiNiediMasniclp,L50.. .,$peicak tousle is beinfrniTange41 for the mrs, Westbreek; phone 487, • ' ' April., !,,,t1acwarcl. pan; 246W.. '20x , •134;EAD 94,11ti . 0..At:es , tceeahseiout, 0*.n.Thlevefirlelde,ary,SareYveiOaireg rn'Welltit. 7 _ sietwor. wawa are effectith, Two ton, -prlii4N-Roowi macar gay g.40. #04 u.go oat, .- , ..,. , ,, . .,ekte "su-PPlY 0..‘; twave weeks& $0, at* ' , • • . ...,,,, , . - .. • held at the Free Aletliodist enurciv'on froni Goderich. Phene '1740, 'Carlo*. ,6001c...1r0 TARTS BLOO 'PIES * .!Marliitt; formerly' of, Grederieli; • Tinies .641r:hithig4slib°3:111ed:e2*'.11'1;11; 1\ 1' ()it'd' nY. 4t44°- .1112itet:Sti' Ili)1' rlic,lifftbeQpnWint117187iif °G1'rStilti;:ailYkeSeb:t r;aiiiital'er71111; ''fimilshed upstair rooms. •'. pri.volo I, , , • Tent:4:11set:':TusItt' '0. of phone.. ''No .aceom-r;' CutTY's ji4liery Pecial• OV,angeliptie serviees' wilt bo c 41114131114'.gei,,)srauige Sr dei:d . 0 t Ti44.01r.ts2s'; ' ' wAN9gED • o, rge Vargen. . Olve Miles Sun4aY'. These 'services Frid4Y evening et tbis, WeeX and on Saturday, May, 2701, it I•4() P.' 11`1' iw M INT' v g n tat, pulT4N__,.Tv•vt :,,, oompt\upn--1, VANETEIllocitr. .IlatoN0G-yoMuAyR-ReraIEer:ki•Wto01-;. 19-tr charge of Rev..J.1. A. Marlatt and WS. vin , bo in 144efia_Y. 1.14:11, by Menibers of St•••Peker's' gady.se„,errytuisory.ewnteioc;wire. ,.. of this ropey, 00 ceats. , .-. ,..,, • 17-21 , . ' ..a.nuilverSary 'plipPer,.:Wednesd41;11air forIoAntWo: ,V;4 -CT$'' 19 31. nEL:. ,Mti,BER9V; •Prepriet,Or.„ of: %F\ 1( :given it?:',.the church's. tug,- Carruthers' Orchestra. Adniis494 part tiine. : No Ruing. late. ,(3,ti.A.e7e1:to,: 3;0 ,anoycuttloue. Possession. 0 Iiiie. .1,464e 1 458. , 84 Nelson street east. ' " , .20x, i• ,° PHONE 4p,5 ' for children; 'ctol 'he 'seen.; MOLHARGEY. -• 'At Three. River, Association, . ,,''' .7 :, ,-- , - • - - 19-20 - and dead cattle muSe be suitable , Oix,3).RNET170.-tratlilta-Re000017M, iu.AP.vniAohitoTd:.: :.., ‘1"14,'-‘11.--,--. Isi4DRs,,w4sivED . ' • Qnehee, on MO 12th. 1944, . to MV,:. and 11Irs-41`, P. E. 'McIlliargeY (iVel Will Meet: orThursday, May °•25, in_the li.`ItED GILBE,RT,, _ ..:'• 2, Nano% . : ciaryo), - p, daughter, 24th, in VictOria StrecAited church, 'Council chamber of the ':Vown Hall at at 540 p,m., under aiis . of -Woman's The, local bruuo. ot tut Navy lieague. tor 71:k1)...."-feeTd°;' 13ll• Y' 37.7PRB:amItygii8;::t•-,: 00",itgArlo':;:_4;;i,,011--4-.R ,0,01.‘1. ..sr;R20;:. i. ,, ' ,,'• BORN,4, „,:jtegina, the zif7t.,_ef..a....son.,,Fredeock_beicHt_,Ift.saga...ueawthe.mord...we -.and Mrs, Stratton, 2057 Angus street, C4111.4ortionlirsteSjutre,"-tihset4Aisg8yde'aUr,4bde4-„ing: lbtluetienSclu; oil; ';;OUClgesTarrtaebtlebe 1111°41esy. /01t, RENT. -TWO SMAiAL ' COT- pital, on Weduesday„ May 10,1.044. to Sergeant G. V. Stratton (Overseas) sedation of Managers and Matrons of ri, The annual conVention of the As- TITA,NiTED.-HOUSEKEEPER, - FOR roati: with marries:I Couple. W. S. BOWDEN, TAGES,- two -car • garage, liydro, ' ' ' ` 20x .• • , . . • 30:0(XliitalCY-10.. - --,---- 'Margaret Anne. , 8 ,..41. . . ,, fVore 1.'48 :i 22'' (317111 911' Ca48 Paid MENT furnished. Apply 2b Canibria ' STRATTON. -At Regina General lios- '• iGtio4d47....miculfa oGuraTvItisatomnd, awy, if, :1191:i Ltswits, MENTS*--- Used by hundreds from v v. :do goiera GovI.R. -,--- At. Alexandra Hospita,:)., KiltEe:EREX4*--11EALS SKIN AIL - J., Govier, Goderich. in her 55th year, coast to coast Lor. ecienia psoriasis, impetigo, bolls, PimPles, cliaps, eryth- ritoderT:111.;;114,us0:.000rnits'Sgrill:nt;iScilin°c°11nditeSi FileTleNt-YrtilE-BRS-uildll'inT-Vitlivint-' tAhilits7 Ea.di jul.tsro;44Noot,1 stiEgeag$,t sAtrpopolty, VETANTMD.-.--GIRL OR WOMAN TO both C-ottages, P;,. 3*, RYAN Godericir SEALED Tenders addressed! to the - honsework in home ,Ont. phone 668: - . ,, '-20 . undersigned -and :endorsed `.`Tender e K ateciA..11"rotsets TO RENT.--COTTAGE,T 'AT 1) , it p DIED - , late 1 sidence, 48 Anglesea; street, Gode- Emerson's Sold by s-boYresC. ana.vbe,1,1's Th;funeral will take place from her: esintrita)tc. , 50c; $1.00. (Medium and -and -213 vir,ANTf.a), -, MOTION PICTURE, ederieh. • - ',. • ' ' ,20., l) . BOX 811, Godeilehl.Yd'':1‘13. aeyw 1 yi 5 ", r ef sdAeOpcnpo7r; ffeoErr .. DtChleal'i Vs' Li': )p'py liWyl l' ebodfel 1:1!aliclaie Yitiv'nedajil 1 teuolet. C1171: ri.Pc4h4e; * 0 RExp.:._ itotim, H. omE. lot Dominion Buildings , throughout the Alibprii. • ° ' , Theatre Projectionistz Remodelled , Province of Ontario. c- • rich; on . Monday, May 22nd, at 2.80 , o'clock. Interment in Ball's cemetery, , The Goderich MUSie CPA/ Will 110103 1' T • ,.. . --77.-- . . Lo.. itka jAilis Am) suppia 8 .tions- and conditions attached thereto. -2 Apply 1031G. mc... 11;r1.11e1 rut li:sdeit°i°L'Iltti8: 'line tibt tileavsei nit' le 4:1 411.1111g's1)7, i:Dbe t4:tpi nit:rnt.dlik. , ,IN MEIVIOIRUM May 80t1i, at 8.15 o'clock, at the -Town ecluiPillent; g°°(/' w"es' APP131 Ileal;est its regular meeting on Tuesday evening,. Eliii•LoiMit,NT 0 6,01,4E0.0. v lil 8.01t- . • Blue 'Water Highway, furnished if ADAMS1.--In---loving,-----niemory .or Han. . • ,.20 vicE Orri.0.0. r.Rtiese einployed in, desired..This house has 'been newly rei passed away May 18th, 1943. . gelique Gyroeuyr Hhaui irr. .1171 it o r eatr - addscara.... p*- -be el- 44 'WANTELUTO RENT, - SUiNOIER GEE, ctOcle,r101,,,Ont-- - . 19x went of Public Works, Ottawa; and the - father, George Jciseph- Mains; WhO our ,- Retain youthful- *appearance. • An,_ war,-*Orkli_eed not 'aPP1Y. . ._:, 710-20 blint --throlig4Out-: '..Possessigm.XaT '20 , to the. right -Party. "Those whom we lore go out of sight, life le k4uperVising Architect, .30' Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Ont : .. • TheY,.are cherished' in the hearts ' ' '' - - 18-21 " ' cOttage,- swat house or apartment- v Tenders shoulebe made on the forms. • - 'But never out of ntindT - . Drug. 8tere- Of those they leave behind," -T.wi.eztt...,e3;td.,.(!f,,Btoo3vci).4, ofzrosulq.INu*tne .5,Tt:o:A.,..u2t,: ‘,...,,ij-I'viiNci. zeoHjaifis:BEouilitE Aitsa) supplied PY the Department and in' ac7 ---Remembered by sons and daughters. ,',- ' BAYT, IELD . , cordance ,witix departmental spegifica- , • - - -20 BAYFIELp, May 16. --LAC. Fred z 1,,,:a. Iv 6 j2.4u 0., woobs, Coal -dealers'. licence numbers.must be. ANTED.-Fum, ign 'PART;,TI1VIE 2,11.0..w.TJAIsTA.:sT, ittix.x. , _. _ ,_ .1±.; .' given *lien'teiniPring: • - . . . . inks 'peen posted' -to ' NO. 9 sy.T.s., EsEMRPIT.LIVEMEolirTriotAN,. GodeSrEir. URIeVferE: FOR -.SALE.--FRESH-CUT -TUIARS . - '9". demand from any pecessflil" tenderer, The Department reserves the right to „, HOLMESVILU : Weston,' R.C.A.F„ is spending a. fur- -lough at his home in the Village, He waitress for ' dairy bar. A,pplY ,::, . Centralia. • • 15e n dozen. MRS. 1PRED BOWRA: before awarding th4. order a security .... -- -Mr.- gnd_.Airs..,,w cotton_ of Lefidon, to order No. 901. • ." ..: 1 '-'Wn.- 12° l'' ' iam street. - . . 203t _deP,v'Osit in the forpi. of-la•certifled cheque on aveliartered_bank in Canada, :made, the 'village. • . ' -v No. TEACHER FOR. S.S..i. payable to the order .of the ao.nourabl:0 spent •the week -end at their cOttage in ' LAC. Charles' Parker of St. Thoma:s 5131._ APPlY, ' And -0-cart. 0, SPAIN, Horton.or, 10 per cent: Of the amount of the lender, 2 the, MiniSter of Public Works, equal to- - No. 2,"`Colborne ; Protestant:; dutia I FOR- SALE. --REED BABY '•1313GGiC and Mr.s. Parker. of'13rantford were the ,totatchiogninizicymoSaetpiotneVe.,aiu• a. salary....._to. stkeet_ __I, :... , -.: „ _ .. , : ', , ' _2alf,_ 131 1111 Bonds of ,the DOminion..of the.'Week-end:--- Mrs. -Parker-is-remain- MRS OLIVE. STRAUGHAN R.R. 4, • . -Cax.tada orr• 'a -the -Canadian National ' - guests of Mr. 'and :MIS. 1-,-, Parker -over • Ink, for 'a month.. , ;..., . . 'Goderieh, Secretary-PTreastirer. ' • .-20tf 'FOR ' SA:LR,BARY'S-- BA-siNETTh, Itt41.1774Y. C.94-111*AY. 4114 'ItS qf,m-qi-tunt__- ,- It ' • 0„ companies unconditionally- &Iran -teed - 'lined. . Phone'236J... --- • '.'''''""' as to principal and interest by the Do - 'The many friends of Mrs. J. ParIcpr will be sorry to learn that she is serious- ANTED. -TO RENT, OR FOR , . . minion of .Clanada, ° or the aforemen- sterage, piano. in home; one......child -350.00. -BUYS A.-, BUSINESS :IN -.-1*ZJI--:::1147:--.14-iinie4:‘,111.r.S.„.A.....B1:&v.A-..o.1, Ruoff; coinity,;77Mixis4usinesS..:Iinct§t-t4Pn:9a. homs,•a,mnd,A.-44,,fied,chequerAf- ,ttilE14:11bssons:Illippir AteatiW e„ required 'to--airsk--iip-ditWrilioliiir" .., ‘.... .• 20x have special. attention.. I A rear- oppori , -,Classificd Ad SONIA btiNHAR, Rector CARMAN, Organist 4i Choirmaster FIRST SLINDAS AFTER TUE ASCENSION., 8.40 aant HOLY WivIMIcTiSitON- Se1t0014 134S1) lamp ct4ssgs°. . 11.0Li COMMUNIONAND SERMON. "SubjeCt;. "That They Avy. uckoul My Glory." , A • 7.00 P.M .EVENSONO AND SERMON." SktijeCt: "In Like - GOrkor CIILTRCU • 1:orth St.' IJnited Church • MINISTER --REV. 11,„11 TURNOULL,10.A., 1 D S.T4.M. "A."FAITII FOR ;SUCH TIME AS THIS." "; pin Sunday.‘School. • ' • -7•7•p.m,-4111ALIAM-43,1114:J111iRNELIttli;.' „„, 'Organist and C401-rmaster-MR.• RAY MULIIER04,; 41 ONCERE -,•'WE.LCOME AWELITS voia: ,Knox Presbyterian Church 9.45 a.m.' ,.SUNDAI. SHOOL. MI Department's. 11.60 `a.m. PUBLIC 'WORSHIP: - . Sermon' Subject: "Practical Religion." ' 740 FOLK WORSHIP:, -* 'SenllOn: Subject :* "Thinking Things Through?' .14EVISTER-REVEREND • RICHARD STEWART. ORGANIST-LMISS ,EILEEN BOGIE: DIRECTOR OF PRAISE -MRS, FRANK SA.UND4RS. C01116 and Wardiip the Loid in the Beauty, ofltolinebs. - Rev'. Joseph Janes, tastor. Miss Verna Mi'ller, Organist 10 441.- A=11' 1.1 .CH90- - 11 a f1 PU yi Lit ORSHIP. ubject What Is Man? , p.m. PUBLIC WORSIIIP. Subject : !„`X City. Full of Idols.4 an.LtPrayer " STRANGE.RS-- ALWAYS 'WELCOME - IIo-LMF,SVILLE May -4 --Mr and Mrs. W. Txtwartha have Moved, to their cottage on the Maitland concession hemM for tsumer onths. LAC. Clifford McClinchey, • of Gimli, rc -spet- irfew-daysinst week* -with his :parents, Mr -and, Mrs -e. Win., M; elinchey. -Mr. -Robert McCartney, of Galt, visited friends in this vicinity the past week.- m'rs. ii=ifacMcich k3e.11-ttlie- - - all--4-Att-4-1W,--144.-ATK4i, • Nii-e,N4til, BilLIohnston,ot. WinstSPOS„.P.Peil(241,g GOderieh, - , - this-week-With-'-his--inicle and -aunt, Mr. Mr. and, Mrs, Olivastri, London, spent ;and mrs, Toms the . • • e weekzend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McClinchey; . . • , • Mr -and Mrs• G Churchward of Len- Mr.- Jack .Stfirdy, recently returned duointhsenevniltlatgliee. Week -end their home. fromoverseas, and on his way to his mr. and 1VIrs... Eugene Sander and home at ' Saskatoon, Visited'. relatives • here last v'veek.- " • , Junior Red Cross.1--The Junior Red .Cross gave a, Mother's Day. program on Friday afternoon, when the , mothers and friend -s Were invited to join them. The program 'Consisted of music .-and ns recitatio.. also- An interesting, talk. to the -Children by Miss Wilheimine., Tre- --wartha4 "dot:Wet . es . unch was•4served y the' child- ren at the close of a pleasant hour. A hearty Vote ef thanks and appreciation - to Miss Watson and the pnpils, • was moved by Mrs. ' Nelson TreWartha. _Church Workers. -The W.M.S. -and. WA. of Holinesville United church held their. m.onthly Meeting at the b.ome of Mrs. Wnr. Norinan on Tne.sday. last, Mrs. - W. Yeo was- in charge ot the W.A,LS: An *interesting report' of .the Presbyterial 'meeting recently held In - --• -ellii-rertriftViVeh'70-y•--"-VMMyrPie ' wartha, she and Harris ,being delegates froth Holmesvillev. Miss Reta ,Yeo played_ an instruniental: , Miss Wit, la`elining-Treworelia; recentirgradate VictOria St. United .Church "The Church •with a. Marty' Welcome" .1VIINISTEW-REV. ARTHUR J. McKAYE 10.00 a.m. SUNDAY SCIIOOL,.- .---- 1L00 a.m. REV. R. RUSSELL OF IVIORPETH. 00'pan. REY. .IIAROLD SNELL, B.A., OF &BURN. Rev, RusselPvill Preackat Union_Church at 3 o',Clock.in.theafternoon- . • BETHEL' PENTECOSTAL TAilEJINAoLE f-- . TFIWICENTRE OF EVANGELISM REV: A. G. HARRIS, Pastor. 16 WATERLOO ST. , Sunday IA a.m.-Sunday Set -10,W' , 11 a.m.:-:"The Untefimtover." 7 pm. -Evangelistic Services. -..egspies _service._ _ Thursday- 8 p.M.- A hearty y'velconie awaits You at this spiritual workshop, •i• ... ree"Methodist Church - 4 r Corner VictOria. and 'Park. St., - REy. 0. vv. FREEMAN, .t.atitor . 4 . . REV. IL A.• and MRS. MARLAT'r Coming with others from outside points.- ... . SPE'CIAL RALLY OVER Tflg WEEK ED and SUNDAY, MAY 21 , Evangelistic' Service Friday at 8o'clock • Sunday as. follows----: '• , 9,30. aan.--StiNDAit SCII0O,L. 10.15 'a.inc:-IVIETIIODIST LOVE FEAST AND EgLycimvslin.. . 1.14,09 a.m'.-GOSPEL SERMON.' - ' ' .. - 8.00lianSERVICE OF-SPECIAL---INTERES'F. ., , 700m. ' SONG' AND PRAISE., . -- 1,36 .P.M.0-4Y4VGELITIC SERVIP.P. . . Rev • and IVIrsalarlatt will have charge of all ffervices; . COME AND RIUNG 3eOURFRIENDS. ; EVERYBODY. WELCOME . . , from , the United Church_ Training • School, Toronto, gair-e- a short talk on her. work in the West last year. Miss Trewartha has been appoisted by the W.M.S. to - -rural .missionary workat Vilna; Alberta, beginning September I.st. Lunch was served by the hostesses, 'Mrs. Norman and -Mrs. 11. J, Trewartha. 1 CARD OF THAkaS tunity. "'BOX 45, 'SIGNAli,STAR.,- 20-42-- Such ' •frs:10-;A:st:iivv-e'ill-/II- 4gnarantee ' for the proper fulfilment tkir By the contract.• - ' • Secretary. Department of .public Ottawa; May 15,19p. • 20-1 a a A -GENTS WANTED. -START YOUR — own ptirt,:time business withdut any investment , on. your part. 'Profitable 'Watkins route available in nearby rural locality. Suitable travel °outfit ,re- quired. ,For details write promptly to Mr. and mit. Erwin antlson gitests of Mrs; F. A. Edward's. THE J. R. WATKINS . COMPANY, Shinny, of Kitchener,: wore week -end dept. `,`O -G-1" 2177 Masson street, 18-20 . Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Hallman and Alontreal. . family, of New Dundee, spent Sunday xu• TED.---WOR—IKING MANAGER H with Mrs. allman's sister, Mrs. Grant Vv AN for local furniture. store. War miner. ' ------ . -- ' Married --at- lifalifax?-=-A; prettY, wed- workers.. ineligible_ Apply :in _Writing .,,..Lintgxestia many_trienasii_, ''''' to NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE, ding.0Goderich:-Rtfer tcrorderr-o-.7885-:-21 •„‘,v,,awaeniatzed--,-on "(la pvii 21st . at the Presbyterian manse, a a , ' — N.S., when Rev. Colin M.. Kerr united - ibel°11°Iving articles: ' . n marriageiChristine Macdonald Stel- likrtim,- -N.:S.,_ and. Robert -L. MacLeod, ' 1. aged horse; 1 -horse, risings 4 years, 'R:C.N.V.R., son, of Mr. and Mrs. Louis 4)1.6k -en for single or double harness or H. MacLeod of Bayfield. The bride ridin1 .cow,: fresh last February; 2 g; sleueitkewdorcuha‘rvmitihngmilia.to'hainbgrohwant ata4idIaraecd; billy goats; hogs, about ready for market; 1 single 1 nanny goat: 1 kid; 16 cesSories. She wore a corsage of yel- plow harness, new; 1 driving harness,, driving-liarneSS,;aged; 1. buggy; low roses. Fier cousin, Miss Ethel Fleming 'of ,Stellarton„ N:S., . Was ' her newly repainted, complete . with cur- bridegmaid! mad WaS " Smartly, attired tains; hoe, rake, Pitchfork, and ale; ntii-r.'hintit•-,..tn-ft---6,1r-cf.%,ifitr*Ith-irryifadh---g-....4nigee_ - .4rlivhig-reeni spite,frgActically accessories. • Her corsage Was of red lleWe tal3-*;-., ' l'''''.45Iretitiit roses. . The gr,00th was atteivied by library ' tables; 1 desk And -chair ; John B. Allister, n.o.N.v.R. - After:the victrola and. recordS; 1, card. table; 1 ceremony the bridal party motored to rug, 6-X--9-; iniantel-elock44 floor lap; t the Catleton'lletel,___where a wedding 'sapper was served. _.Later their left on a-honeyinoon trip to various points. in Nova Scotia and ini their return they will reside inIfalifaX• • ' - ST, GEORGE'S, dIURCH ' The 'Special Mother's Day service held , OR SALE.---LSE1EN41,00M BUICK " -house, east half of double house, 91 'East street Possession June 1St. For •particulaks, apply 0. D. MATHE- SON, 24 Cherry f3treet, St: Catharines. 18-19-20 ORDER°-CHICIOE NOW FO• R IM- MEDIATE or later -delivery. Bnir Kitchwier Big-4 ehicks.and watch them grow. -Cockerels , also. •Sav-e- time by -cotacting Agent, ' RYAN -PRODUCE CO.„ Godericla. . '• -20 _ • • • MR. AN] xns. JAMES RUDDOCK •'•wish to take this 'Opportunity te thank Mr. and Mrsjas,Greenvkay and- • all those who played the music:and, to all those who helped in any . way in making the danee for us a success. 20i firrallisellummOsarissaarriasarrairmitisegml .•11111111111111111111.1111., , haye installed the fine,st UIPMENT OBTAINABLE - -- en Are FactorYTrainedExperts Prepared GiveYou the Best of Workmanship and ,Service YOUR TIRE PROBLEMS will receive 'prompt attention AT • ,,, I .... 'Idle ... WON STAito$ 0 aOrmtaair, ONT. 211,21. V, 11.1 1), MAY 2 Jowett's Grove 11. , fi's lots of fun Dancing at ,the , Grove PaY. so jein hs in our first •bieDance of the season. • inuny 111,11.- AND IIIS SPOTLIGHT RAND' Dancing every, Ai/C(1116day * through May and June E: R. WESTON, .Manager .Elliott: VETRItitkaltit SURGEON SMALL AND. LARGE, ANIMALS At lazideris DrUg Store, Oodedch, • every Thttrilds4 ofternOOrt • PIIONE 203 CUNTON "8,4migawinalitreiromtamo, in St Georges'ohurch on Sunday morn- 4ng last ,proved lo be 'a most gratifying success. and the SundaY school.chtldren are to be congratulated- on their splendid behavior. They entered into the service most heartily and listened. with rapt attention to the Address given to the mothers and then: to the children. The church was well tiled and it -Is probable that.this Willbecome a yearly event, • a The rector and two lay delegates, •igessrs. E. D. Brown and R. C. aWhate- ley; attended' the'- Synod' meeting in London' this- -week., • Confiymatton class will be held on 1 -Friday :evening -at- clock and--itr- is hoped that all candidates Will tie present rectiii7 would like• -•:to, knoW of any adults who raight,desire to bedOnie members of the church by eon- , ,nr,11-af-telatre-otthe 7.80 pmmnnton or ASeentsion :Day was the large t f 1 • radio electriv • .1 4 -piece. bedrOom suite, • practicall - new, .1 --set __box springs; 2 dressing table lamps; 1 bed clamp; 2. chests of drawers, new, 1 'folding iron cot ,and mattress; board ; 1 large .Empire heating stove; 1 kitchen range; 1 kitchen table; 1 'small table, 1 kitchen stool; 1 Venetian blind; -quantity cif roller Shades. 'TERMS -I -CASH. . M. A. BALDUFF,,, ' • Proprider. DONALD B. BLUE, Auctioneer. Gorden M. Grant IIIIRON ROAD GODERICII Licensed, Auctioneer. for Huron &MOO Vurniture and Vann Clearance SaIeS: Chattels and: Real )stat Prompt attentien given, to all callWr1tis " ' • 130X d3 000gRicii $ 2 ° 'MUMS '95 ou 0 young people., "la 1"I.1..".*".. • 1 f • e . . *AllipTION SALE AUCTION SALE Ok, F„xinNxTunp ON • SATURDAY, MAY 20th,' P.M., the following •• . One oak extension table, .4 chairs; 1 largqfumed oak dining table, kitchen cupboard, 1 chest of drawers, 1:7P)v?. Seat, 1 plate glass 'Mirror; 40" X.,20",, in frame; • mirfor; ''several small tables, 1 dresser, hall melt 5 kitchen chairs, 1 rocker, 1 large ice box in good shape, 1 oalpiving-roMii table, a wooden bed•autt steel springs; 1 vOhite iron bed, steel -springs; 2 good felt mattresses, 1 seven -tube cabinet radio, auto rug, 2 Leather tick, pillowsonats, 1 toilet set, a few dishes, pots and pans, 10 good almost new ; 1 hand washer? a quantity of tools and numerous other articles. Included in this sale will be furniture belonging to Mrs.. Manger, ntir011 road. ' The °proprietress has moved to smaller premises and must dispose of these -articles. TerMS-01.811. ' MRS. MOS SMITH, Proprietress, 38 Park street; onrox GRANT, 19.20 Auetioneer, 20- . UCTION 'SALE OF HOUSEHOLD . FURNISHING.S- at .91 'EaSt-street,--Godtriehrar--- SATURDAY, MAY 27th, at o'clock the following': - One. upright piano; 1 large. Westing-. house radio, . almost. new; 1 3:piece chesterfield suite, .new'; 1 4 -piece bed- -room -suite '1:8 -piece -chesterfield and odd ; buffet and, dining -room -table 14 -oak -table, 4 oak • chairs 2 - coffee tables, 4 end tables, 3 card tables; Congoleum rugs; 2 tapestry rugs; I metal ice -box; I drop -head sewing machine,;,,,..2. bedroom, suites;. 1, electric rangette, almost I nesqf r Princess - Bak cook stove ; .1 kitchen table and 'hairs ;- tleetric plate; '' electric* sandwich toaster 2 electric irons; electric lamps, „Mirrors, picturesvAlishes, lawn. mower; Jawn. hose; .other numerous articles. • TERMS -CASH., , V. iiALL, Oi East street, „ . Proprietress: • -HAROLD JACKSON, 20-21 Auctioneer. ---SALE.•1--•SEVEN-R001V1 BRICK ougrartareoirviniencerrwest-qta of •dOuble, brick :house. 'Apply 89 East !street. ' . •19-20x FOR SALE OR -EXOHANGE.--4INI. ,__voting mare, 0 years -old; 1200 lbs.. Would be ideal for delivery or general purpose.' Owner will , exchange - for lighter hors suitable for saddle. Apply OKE STABLES,' Huron: road or call , 494 • 20x .. able;:ps.uLAm.OUR: WALLS AND -Blown ItoekWool method; fret. estimates. Terms: Write ROWLAND DAY.-5-Thorutou ave, LOndon, oe BOX 41, SIONAL;STAII;Ooderich. _ FOR SAIX.-A GOOD COOKOOVE , t(Eastern Queen), nearIy'new, With shelf. ApplYtoV. H. DOAK, Keays street, or phone .666. ALS° large 'oven for coal oil stoir.e. 20x UCTION, $LE 11011St.IIIOLI) ANI).LIVE STOCX One mile South. of Sky Itarbor Airport • (Pleniing :Estate), SATtlIkPAY, MAY 20th, at 2.3000'01oik, 20-2 • •„.. 0 SydrIOX-.SALE THE UNDER- MENTIONIID parcels Of town and farm land of the estate of the late • William • Walter on .• ' MONDAY, .11iNE T11,- at the properties. • Pared i --Lot 26, lst concession, PtOwnshii) of Ooderien; six miles from Goderich, containing eighty acres more or less. 'Ali iu grasS; running water. Will be °gored at 2 p.mat the property'. Parcel 2 -Lot 1, Reid Survey, town of Goderieh, gouthwesf eorner )3ritannia, road and Eldon street, witli cement block house and 'garage in 'good repair . -1 Will be Offered at 4 pan. at the property., •TERMS. --10 per cent. down; balance In thirty days. Sold subject, to reserve bid. For /urther particulars apply to NvARNEn wATAT,E, •1. C. HAYS, 1.0,,'' ' • E1 xe.611thr' • Solieitor. or nAnor,p Sth,,T, Auctioneer. 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDJTORS. •Notice , is hereby givento- all ,perSOns. leaving -any-claininigatirSTIlie-eiitaf6 of. - Jose •11, Cook -late--of the_Te_y_oit_lii. of farmer, who died on or about March ,26th, 1938, to send same to .the under- signed on or- before' the. 26th of May, 1944- as on an'd 'after that date the administrator_of the -said .estate shall proceed ,to make, distribution of the • assets thereof, having i•regard only to the claims then filed. F. R4 DARROW, •*Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Said 'Estate. 1849-20, . ° -pARMERS.-A LIMITAD QU'ANT- "" • ITY of the following exclusive, varieties , of Hybrid eorn? for Alias Or, cobs: , Deltalb ••No. 240. and 65 , Grant l‘lo. 355 and 275::, N)31W Goderich.Phone Carlow 2821. , 204t -TRAVELLING BY TRAIN' - 'THESE DAYS? •• If you havea floater policy, :your luggage is covered 4nd you have nothing to worry about. et particulars from • . FORD - Get insured --- Stay insured Rest assured. North St; • Tel. 268w en you requite? oalf..or. Coke: OML Chas. C. Lee cog and Hardware at the Harbour • PiloneB:—Office 22. Eouae 112 421111111 • nnouncing Opening Board Room 6 MONDAi, 'MAY ooney INVESTAIENT .tiECURITIES STOCItS ISONDS GRAIN canadian.itank of Commerce Buildhig ONTARIO wire connections with 3 11 Crang & c,onipairky, Toronto': • PHONE 410-