HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-05-18, Page 3UDL] X .i-49/AXES
• 1carrister, into. • . .
Office --Court, Hou a "Goderich.:
Telephone 55.
VVli�..A. Srt1THE RSD
ptarrieter and Solicitor` :. .
A Ogee -rt To th 'fat., (oderich., Phone 750
' .C.'l l MEETING
The regular nieetiflg .1 the-W.9'l,U.
Was held on. Tuesday at, the : home of
Mrs. dobe . Blair, 'Wellington stre•et,,
'With a good attendance.-. Mrs. • . J.
(lan%teloii took the devotional period and
soiverai members •led! iii 'prayer.. Mrs.
Phillips ' had , charge of the, : business
period. Tile sem of $15 had'•, been re-'
ceivecT.la.telY for the Red „Crass; The
clip sheet on "Waste" 'vas read by
many niieinbeis and the: meeting closed
withprayer,•' after which '' Mrs.. hElair,
served tasty refreshments;
`! •;.
(London' Free Press).
Big len are usually pulled; down • by
little mien • ,who'' them turn round. and
complain because there are rho 'leaders."
K 11MUN}i►1� and. MtIS1Tr
Chartereld Accodntari
t ' 51 Albert Street, Stratford
Toronto" -Office$ 302 -Bay StreetT
7 �,1RE N-
--a'IT'eBILLtJk :pi,�1TUd.1.r.
_SilltANCB C0; -.-.F arni and •;iso-.
town property iw ured.
fated p. R. Arch-
• . OSicers--President, ;VV, drank
ibald, Seaf orth ; • 'dice -President,
secretary -Treasurer,. 'A. Reid, Sea',
lath. Sea=
Directors -,AW. R. Archibald,
• eG
M ►
r � Frank t3
o th
►. Leon-
. �roadi�oot,-, . So>rfarlAh '"Chris
hardt , Bornhohfa Iii. ' J. Trewartha,
Clinton; John L. Malone, Sdforth ,
Alex. " McEwing,•`• Blyth'; Hugh .Alex
ander,R Walton- Geo.. Leitch, Clinton,
,.. ' .:A.gentsohn,.___E...,,,..,Pepper ;Rru F. held; R. F. McKercher, 'Dublin; J.
., Prueter, Brodhagen ; George A. Watt,
Blyth: ,n ,
Policy -holders' can make 4all`• paY-
ments, and get their cards" receipted at
the Royal. Bank,' Clinton; Calvin Cutt's,
-. Grocery, Kingston Street, Goderich, or
X. H. Red's• -General Store, " Bayfield.
• .We ask'you parents to realize-
. that pour children may SEEM,
to have perfect vision, andsyet be
greatly .iii meed of an eye service.
-_.t .
Prudence _dictates.. that 'NOV
acquaint--yourrseives with the
r i� your children's
FAAC.TS':xega d �
Incubator the Gift
.11;.. ,►_�i� O iia.
Many •O he .Gifts ' Presented. at
• , AXexandxa s . Birthday'
Beatiti<ifully¢ decorated.' ,flowers
in. 0'
the ardens, of' Mr; G. L. Parsons
an Mr. °Jaines Bb set, ' Aleandrai'';I;l;°os•
• ilta1';whis the see1ne of a„ charming tea.
on Saturday :atretnoon�, when "thelios-
rs r w
asp ob.
ptaly "birthday" . annive a 3C
served, by the 'omen s hospital •Aux
•-institxtion was thrown
iliaxy, .° .rye
open for inspection, and the" guests
;from town 'and outside points spoke-'
hi: hl of the general appearance and
tine' equipliient f the hospital.
The ,guests were received : by 'Mrs.
lie dict Mrs. •p�r'esiden ' o1 • •the Auxi
t� so.
•G. -M. 'W
Wry, assisted by
and Mrs. A. D._ McLean, who ac-
cepted the gifts. These included
a.n' inf(1nt incubator valued • at $275
from the Women's Hospital Auxiliary;
a chair from Ahineek Chapter, I.O,D.E.,
for the Chapter's room; $10 froin Maple g
Leaf: Chapter,- I.O.D.E., for gifts for Na matter 'what type •f civilian work
p G. you are doing, ,this is the biggest and
r '." G
_. the
and , AZO A.
Mrs.' M' 1 nous
Hunter, for :'most -important job of all --a _-g o • •
Cameron, and Mrs. , A. C. iia ,
the e Cameron room.
An air of plemshnt hospitality per-
vaded -the pretty reception room of the
• served.
where tea
was se d
Bougiuets of magnolia blossoius ;were
used as : decorations, and filled the
silver basket centering: the tea table at
,whichMrs. B. J. Saults.and: Mrs. E. W.
i '1'e
tea ss
rs ed h a
Carrie i e d
?re p__.. ,...,
,were Mrs.' E. R Wigle, Miss Etta
vaults, Mrs. R. J. Ache on, Miss Claire
Reynolds,• Mrs" F. •T ,Armstrong, Mrs.
H. M. Monteith, Miss -Belle •Mac\Vicar,
Airs, ,William Beatty, Mrs. -W --A. Coul-
thuirst, and Miss Dt.' Dickson, super-
intendent, who gave.valued' assistance
in the arrangements for . the tea,'.
-"Showing the guests through .the .hos
pit_al were Mrs, A. F. Sturdy; of the
Board of Governors', Mrs, D. E. Caisip-
bell' and `,Miss Ada;Burritt.
- • Gifts Acknowledged
Tice LL following. ;gifts ; are '.gratefully
acknowledged: Jellied , -chicken,. Mrs.
-Adam; Foster ;• baby ' blankets, Mrs. F. ,
Sturdy ;. chair, Ahmeek • Chapter, 'IA.
D:E • 'grape juice and fruit Mrs.. A. D.
r. •-AT WING M
`\Viuston Cliurch:i once . .said, "Gtr
. _,,. Jolliffe aid B. E. Leavens Address
ns .thy tuuls�=-w('a'll �nis� the jab.''' 3�oi�
can tell, by °the ' mews reports that we Meeting 1" Town
-are makinggood progress toward, •" 'V'1NOt r May x5.-�-On Saturday,
1.i ishieg'• the job. But %CV ' 'ore. M �'t'ot last D. `1f.' dUllifi'e, M,P,PP, and B. E.•
r tntetfng held ,in the.��.1'Vi igha 4°Nvey
:train' for air to help those w�lide Was
W II 'milton f Lucku,caw a
•slackeru now—men naen are' stip. 'needed' to Leavens, M.P.P., ilddresSed a CSC, '
# view . e• u
it •right i the
fellows -.who oreu
e w o
. ul lio
• ixi ---each highly tr ed - r� •Leavens' was the first' :s iter
o�'the �aix �#'igit g � .,� M '
f the ' o
. ; .. '' � brief .tile hist ry d
to do"' ills .part as . u rueniiaer. oq and"outlined 'in
smooth -working airc(r v team. development :of . tiaa Co-operative Corm,-'
.Aircrew is the 'naive: given to the Inonwealtll ':ederati(1n. Ile stated that
ere ► a:, ighting plane. , Usually there• it .ifs .the. fnstesttgrowing people's move-
embers of an' aircrew--navir meat in „the. .orld..!', o'uehing 'VOA,
r•; uair ioi fiber; 'wireless ,operator farm problems, he `said . that 'Cand.
g� � p
nt . gunner; 'air gunner dna pilot,• Atte Packers ' had iiaacle a:. steady •and sub -
you' enlist�in the R.C,A.F. as aircrew, stantial profit, during. the years ,of 'the
the' hitt cular training yot1r will re- depression, at: a: time when farmers
ceive .a 0 air gunner, or navigator •pr :were ,losing their lands and Urine. 'He
n s-•deterl lined on tile..-h:nfiia..s that.: -the C.•3.P;�-proposes•; tc �-pla
pilotx-• � �-
theadsk'n houses'.
n ' andc r`: the(1 vase
of your,c�u(tlidcatw s i?, tile• .ettnt'xbl" c�:� p o a g' .
the service. - , • the hands of the people, which would
Young men, under the revised regular give higher prices to the producer and
tions, lien physically fit and mentally lower'costs'to, the consumers, 'Ile .de-
alert;' between' the. ages of'171/2 and not (Tared, "We will take over (;anada
yet,29 years, can be accepted for9 Packers so to:
it ;will make :diem;
of the categories in the aircrew team.
4 0
salesSpecialist 7n, 'Fur. and' Hlousehold
I •'ceneed° do 'Huron and -Porth
Couiiti'es 'R •Fniees reasonable ; :sia s-
f?aetan grlarautteed. Fpr.4nformiatdon,
etc:, . ^white : gar :1xhlne :.IAB Offi D J,ArCO-
SiON, 14 on 86-1 Se afoi th ; R:"' . R. 4,"
-DR'. F ,,, i. FORSZ'li7H, E 'i ,SEAR,
Late 'House. Surgeon New ';;work
Ophthalmic and Aural Hospital; fst
ant at 'Moorefield Eye Hospital, and
Golden Square Throat flospital,
London, England. •
63 .Waterloo : Street S., Stratford.
Telephone 267. • , ' Qoderich,
Next 'visit Bedford Hotel,
Wednesday, ' May 31st', at 2. p.m.'
maid naid B. -Bite
- Licensed for Counties of Huron
and .Bruce
ADDRESS: Mincardine, • R.R. 1
Phone Ripley 30r24
For information apply -to -t1. N.
Kernighan, Division. Court ` Clerk,
Goderich, .Ont.
job that -you will look back • on l; sly
when victory is won: • •
When you joinaircrew up for ew•in•he
R C,A.F:, you will be handling the best
equipment in the •
'because the
British and Canadians and American
are producing the 'finest and safest air-
craft in the world today,
• Thefi uestion is• often' asked,. What
Mall s
m iwanted for these fighting
teams far the R.C.A.F. ? : 'It you are a
physically 'fit young man, just; look at
yourself in the mirror ,for the answer
You, _are a t 'anadian w hOT Gants- this
war ended. ' Remember,• everyone who
helps to cslibrtez the war: is'•helping" tO
save lives: ,,,,We ,feel' sure youwaist
to 'save iivs ; so visit or write to the
R.C.A,.F.: Recruiting Centres Bell Build-
ing, Eondoh, for full.. particulars regard-
ing enlistment a s 'aircrew-
( -: 4x
McLean'; • marmalade,- rigs E. - 'W.
Carrie; baby blanket, Miss G. Colborne,
to 'towels, `,Miss• F,. Colborne ; grape-,
fr..uit; juice, Mrs..', A •Coulthurst;
$10, Maple •_ Leaf Chajter;
Children's books, Lois Campbell; pillow-
cases and, soap, Mrs, R. J. Phalen ;
quart' maple syrup, Mrs: , C. K:
'Saunders; jar jam, :Mrs. Neil McKay;
toilet, soap, Mrs. C. A.- Reid; toilet
soap, Mrs. W. G..MacEwan•;, pickles and
fruit, Mrs. D. J. Lane; fruit, Mrs.
McDougall ;, 6 jars fruit, Mrs'.: 11 J. P,
.alter ;,.levo,. oranges, Miss�E.,.Somer-
Q er.- rills; lemon squeezers Mrs,_,George
Goderich,; !hone a41 •
Mice 'hours. --;-1.0 to 12 a.m., 2 to'
Saturday. .
16 to 12 a.m. only on Wednesday,
Monday and Thursday at DiitchelL;
Mineral fume baths by appointment
only. -. »
51 South 'St.,. ,
er.Drugle s r 'o
Act for'the Province Qf _0 itario: -
C.:P. S. -CARMAN, MTJS.,13., F A.G.O..
• Member:. Ontario -Music Teachers'
.3wiociation. Pupils prepared for any
)music exam. Residence.; AIr. J. Craig's,
St George's Crescent:
St7ratford-Goderich Coach
LeaVv ng Goderi�ch at, 8.10 a.m.'
1225 p.m. and 5.05
Directconnections ' to all "hits ;
For •: further information• phone
British ,or, Bedford hotels or Head
;Office (305)
Real *mute' and ::Insurance
Office' and Residence, ° _,-
11 Trafalgar Street,
,Phone 663 '
FOR SALE—Houses of all kinds,
perty(mnd several good 'farms. -
- ,. Let me show you some real
Mr. Leavens claimed .the C.C,P..was
,responsible for the 'introd'uction of the
old:Age. pension, in . Canada. Ile conn-`
p(1red its smati figure,- however, with
the adequate pension and services given
to ola people in . New Zealand.. The
recent increase of $8 per. month to
pensioners, gtven tomeet_meet_t� the hiher
_ , g
cost of living, was greatly offset by the
•discontinuance: of free drugs, Mr,
Leavens observed. He asked if Call;
adians did not owe a greater debt to
these old people o have. "sen, their
o e w h h
chirdrdn' and-' randchildren to ' the
battlefields. •
Jolliffe spoke of the barrage of,
criticism levelled at the. C.C.P.- Presi-
dent.Rooseveit,. he stated, was elected
to officedespite the fact that 95 per
cent. of the • U.S. , presswas solidly
against: him.. In • Canada, ' only two
newspapers are favorable, to the (10.F:"
' . real security," `he said, "there nnist ;
art 'said Mr. Jolliffe, but the.C.0.111.
�► . . � .:ct r ' unto:.and. ciraoper(1tioxz.. Security'
be won- only in • a co-operative-. -
a j ►eo-operative • eon nonwealth:'.
continues' to grow. Huron electors
were 'udvisec , o WOell the election to'
be held. in .Saskatche�viiri on 'Tune 1.5t
All 'M,P•.P.'s of the C.C.'.' party, Mr.
Jolliffe. -''told ` his audience, report 'back
to their constituents cslncerning - the
proceedings in the Legislature. As:
there .is no C.C.P.'representative ''for
flnrOn as yet; he 5(1x(1: he, was pleased
to give an account:of the recent session
himself: IIe. en•ti.onedl,•. that. ,eighty-
in of in a.
• ht_. bills .were - passeda..., v ,-c i3.
peo• eatple Ilealhave °of sucpettyhU
ig busineproblss,em" "When
• s,
said, "we should concentrate on those
I zn ,
"I hat
As a lawyer, he suspected poop � thht
• their .name 0f
ten and questioned
the - , Conservative party's reason . for
doing so+. He'quoted . a definition of the
new .name, 'Progressive •essive before the
.election and .:Conservative after."
"It is• tipne• for a change," Mr. Joiliffe
continued, •and he declared a continu-
ance of .;.th _ old :methods of ;;conduct
amongst the peoples of the. world could
only lead to another war. He spoke'
of the folly- of , isolatio ism between
nations to illustr'ate, the folly of in-
d ividuaL Isolationism. "If' • we- 'want •
Rub in
and feel the relief steal 4over the
'muscles and•3.oints. 'For.ail :puede
A *Owl
nd stiffness, ems,
b Mir> s ...
m s:--
famous for'over 00 years: Good
for dandruff and skin disorders,
Get' a bottle today;; keep it.
handy,. ,p
-._Coupons-nowlyoare butter 58'.to 63:;
tea -coffee .14, to 29, E1 -to ''T30
T32; preserves In to 20; sugar 14 to„
33Canning 'sugar, :coupons F
become valid on May 25th. • ' ' '
Butter Ration Reduction
Canada's butter ration will be re-
duced • temporarily - next , month, accord-
ing to an announcement by W. Harold
McPhillips', prices. ;and supply repro
sentative for Western Ontario. Coupon
No. 64, which would have become valid
on June 1st, will •not' • now be:.' valid
until June Sth. ': • ,
MacEwan 2, ,jai's_:(raft : `Mr -s. -Amos . ' A _corresponding reduction is'bung
Stewart. • • • mare in butte tit:rotas ° _hole
restaurants and other quota users cater-
ing to. the transient public:
tinned, were received from Mrs.
▪ •. Indications are that for the present,
Cash. donations; which totalled
$64.85 in addition to those above men•e•
E. R
Wigle, Mrs. B. J. Sauits, Mrs.W. L.
t~'L"ettri rst-R Jr'?"Ic hesexr, }rs:- T
MT Graham,- Mrs. - F. R. Redditt, Miss
M. R. MacVicar, Mrs.; D. Willis, A
Friend, Miss Edith Williams, .Mrs.
George Williams, Mfrs. D. E. Campbell,
Mrs. G. M. Watson, 'Mrs.14 M. G. Cam-
eron, (New York), 'Miss Claire Reyn-
olds, Mrs. F. Armstrong, Miss A. Bur-
ritt, Miss B. MacVicai, 1Vtiss B. Bisset,
-; rcioli•=SII sire Ms' ri
Ticefellow Is o tniilstie about Berlin
bary Mrs. W Beatty,. Mrs, W. F. A. , p
Na tel, Mrs. H. C. Dunlop, -Mr. and having 'a gallery left—and that's 'not
Mrs.. D. D. Mooney, Miss Fox, Mrs, where -1 his hanging will take place any
-A.: IL' Erskine; G L. Parsons; Mrs,. way.—Ottawa- Citizen♦
Dufmage, Mrs. J. G. McDougall, Mrs.
R. C. Whateley, Miss- Stephens, Mrs.
at-reast, iCaria a as�reneh d� the peiik
• , umi]:k,prn i i W•,_;,,14,tslefloliAp this 11111
production .continue to rise. ' In order
to meet these demands the Wartime 7• .
Prices and Trade Board ;has been forced '
to allocate the supply itn the best, way
to meet the nutritional • needs sof the
Canadian ,people. • .
Hitler is having his portrait painted,
.-•trt„•. aI "
_t w,be-•�• in.�aexlhi �.le�Y- --yam,•
Loir 1VIaskell,:t,Mrs. Jerry, •H:. M. Mon-
teith, Mrs: W. A: Hay mind Miss Peggy
'We are- still making `fhir,
luscious bar, but naturally in�:Iesser
. - :, •, . � ... ' "VII'd r-'�1
quantities, Soon,: we hope; me
.......�n...�..+,..:,:,.,,:...n.., a-., ..w..:..�. -..�,+•.........+�..r--wa:..u.r.:. .r.eu.., �r'� r r .
Cheap Rates, Winter Storage"'
Also Agent. for Manufacturers'
Life • Insurafce
W. C.'Pettiflan
RR Goderich. ; Phonh. 6r3,
• ,,. Dungannon; 2244
Now --"Around. the World," ' with gay .IIyset and a super east.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday --Two Featutes.
Allan Jones,.. ane Fraze, Gloria 'Jean rad Donald. O'Connor
with SpitIny and' his Iioulse of. Charm Girl Orchestra'
in the'tcintillating, musi(!al show you've anticipated I '
When Johnny Comes -Marching Ilornre...
Marla !Montes, Joie,, ,Hall and Salic,
Complete this twin bili with a tale of Primitive romance'
"White Sasrage"
• Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Michaael O'Shea, Susan Ilayward, Osa iviassen• ▪ and }tarry Davenport •
A great adventurer and, wut' ,correspondent, lives again in a.greater
story than he ever wrote; his +own
Matinees Wednesdays! Saturdays' and; Holidays at 2.30 pan.
• — letOnly."
,Comtn,g I'aul� tci. Goddard, in "Standing'• .. .
A STOPPED U$ SINK is no coil-
amity when•'Gillettts,:1 In the
house. `Leave it to Gillett's to . ,
clear out'the niers--while you
goon visiting with your friends!
Water'll be • running freely .
again in no time»
In dozen -ways, Gillett's Lye , `
`. helps you "take it easy.'►"Full
strength—It destroys contents
of outside closets, In sollutioii*
-ya grand cleaner that cuts
grease . And dirt, lets you ,,ly
through heavy cleaning. Deo-
dorizes• garbage
palls. KCeep It viii
a1FaIId•---211Ways, , ; � _.,`^..
* Never-. dissolve
lye in hot watgt.
Thier detiott of the �,�a •
ife itself ,heats
l r, . •••
'i .or bow to sa. •��li.a me to ��n. ori
A heirt. handshalke, • a ' slap on, the bask; acid those 4'aini i '
words 'ave
.� �'�nke��� 4�,d your returned sailor.•l�an+��rs he's. ba6k
With' the gang: These , three . simple words are the theme song
of .comradeship from Mani Street to all the bounding main.
Prom Halifax to the°Seven, Seas Coo, -Cola stands "it the` • armee
`hat fre,rhes has° beanie `the .`olio friend ofth hemispheres.
Autbori1*ed heftier o>l! "0*ea.C',ola'''
It's nat of ca nil n
Ica" *cquire ,Eden y ably
atm,,: Ott** why
Co -C:ol i cdd `mac