HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-05-11, Page 8GM A tts*Ait;., n*eier P...s.•04RAN, argOist As4 .5.3. am. cOmmvNioN; ,1435, SCI-It/I0.. 'PcARISH IL4.1.414, 11.00 actii.',SPECIAL 310THEitts DAV cOliorwo wait curitc0,scli.0()L.%, • 1.00 , titilviert; '7.1S'O, 'Mere WerlhYV„ • • ,ASCENSION DAV. (ThursflaY 18l10 30-0..ni.lanil 10i:40 :tan. HOLY' CO5I5ICSION,." „ 1') beld','Friday evening "nt*-7.30 pan. COME TO telti.LICCII 4 , 4 North .St. United ',C1hutch mrs,tsTER—ftEv. R.11. TURNBULL, B.A., B.O.. g.T.M, * FAMILY DAY 1. a.m.---44111F, INFLUENCE OF A Al()IllElf.,"' 3 p,nt,,„„,Sundriy School.' -7 p.m.-4:!:C1-1FRISTIAN Organist and Choilinaster-MR. RAY 'Altritl A SINCERE wmcogiqr AWAITS' YO. 4,4 1 ect at LOna011 Oa Meaday, May 15th. rie S • WANTED.-------, - Vie '..AngliCan Synod of I mon, Will 414 l::.'ive i {:11.1:::::: sitt:14:11miton_u_11:11:ett_wiev i :s'eligictli;_tb4,0,51lhigine,1_,dmaxatz_Tete,two,Ynni:31xelotn,lvoS4215,1_1:1'.3reA.0.9:iliiIR,g9,0: Z1'0AilunT14:11:74e.4eS:.:...T6(7svs:Hliareirrain_ex,w,:v ilprouloxim47-visri:s.„, 841:e:set..711.,pA:Z,otrizMfgo.;:p:uiN4:Nir,0140:.;.' ,,:::::31,4;30414::: October 1st. '• . ,, _ . . The •41xtieth anniverary of the Malt- '' Retain Yli4thflA UPgAran'e* ..'" for mink *- feed ; 'cry Rev. 1. NI, Harding, Th §t114Y book- ......, '' ,: t , * - „,.., and dead cattle roust be sm , CABETAKElt, ' Fou, Art -'710N SAM -large quantity, - of -., I'S SOMO rockers, and leather c ts, .severall . . ItcV, Gestge N. '1,,uxton, teetor of ,......,.....".......-!,0,ive.r..- - -.-- , race., elitirch•on-the•Iliii, TOronto, Ws vie regular iii__ eeking: of .tb,--e-ive*nin. g (hidfellows' HA c 4. Ppi_iCa_tiQ1".? I,teitve instructiozuo from ara, rouvviri; mi mutated deun ot the AugLickn, yAuxiiiittry of nirtii .ttlieet rutted ouirch ukust he in bY .4•faY.4-001,. APR.'" 13LT. ‘!„,i_.! VeOstietrlivestraetetilelodteersildChct:*,.siell ,without lan4-PreSbyterial‘Sollety of. the W.M.S.'.!geliqfie !OreY, Hair IteStorer ,addl3 VOlor•-, oleUrat and a large quantity qf good •47/11. -be held, in theleath Iiinicss I res•-- i Drug 1,tore, . .I., ':oret°7n,14..: "..TLB""TPC*-1TT111' :* hrtcrian: church ottlt 11 '41 5111;' .IJ) .1 i flipire ServiceWlub ratintlily . meet- . ,.! ) L . , , • -*1 alt, CanIVA 1'11 61;i #:‘.;;;; 11,' ..2'i;:,13,s.,:ti',eill'i' i!oor eoverit,tg., ,4,tt .811 . . 1: al.:!trlif riaioVflip:iii).4:4 :it'elilue:..i.,..t40(;;Iteteile0314'131;t11111Q1441rss. Of the Presbyterian Vliurch •in eatiada life to Your *hair, 0.45 Ittlet the ,tirterheon at 1.;30 0..61.0.0. , 11 t11 gr-14-larl' *tit 19t1,1:, 3 p.nr:, ,Ma(Rayl A:NtEl,).-AT ONCE,' F ylt.., NI, %P./ , f.ritub„..,7,0Asti: •4•6 .,, ,,,,, URb,47 MARGAiiEir „It'LLOW, The Morning session, will commence at tiiii,' Thti 1111444111 *111 tmj11818t .9e devQtit'llai A *X:.437441114ge s' ale' viill''' *be lel(' by' t"hil9e : cduPa'ell4Nr‘ti'llA9t,.."(jr j....1°1:as.eli,beSheliptil,1,5",14VeVir!lituee;11;., TE1).-'--START01.1613It sicriarY froM k'oratoSa ; 'Mrs„ Mater- i•Will 1)0 hell]: PA TUeSdaYt May 10thi at "! (;1„.„!,•1;••4 •p: ;"i7,A. RIX Se ' CnairPA''''i (the,estate.of the late Wm._ MeInt S19$; 4 i)le' 45:. 'Fe d tailes wrr4i: lproll ti ., 0 on e air to inatelf,•1 rotmd a OA ttible 't GOIW9N' m. eau.' NIPTropiletress.. periods/reports front thi.1 seeretury 51nd i ' :--- J. a, Ivill be biought from the PrestTterY and l''°Irke„ IN'4i/litif4"tC!'•112.41° (1°14.4ii°11F3' ' 3: o 1 inVe true t On, yoUr part "'Pro 1)le • ! treopiyKoz; a -mep4orial tiervie.d,,,,loid, his. , WoraVIt'S# litisolgitioil iit)Otb,' 8:::::11.31,1/40,, _,Xtuill: :SIGtIsi..L-aiSibAie_,R,i..4,..,. '4 by.,,,. rv, rt,,i. i vboru.n,..,...c,_erf.11.0:si,484,r4lii:4::brtitt7ttnn,it:43rviz5,_,.,4eo_oirts7.50ny4tivitinon_r.,:eeltitrn....1,.. 1,1 11 4,3b.litho-3 .4 the. \4 \1 '''S • th ' 411.104 01'6044 '`11-.1Ct4eiCIR Ilan* •9-4. ' - ' .--4- .--- nd 1840 ''• -•;.- ..t...,./ ' • )7,10y.A. attfoi!. Mission Band. Octet gs.• sz, jAkiatie3 :Wu famrt-Thae,busiu6ss,ivitt ' t any A „,.,. pl'OVilletal. lioCiety, nals:$lonaries •told, A 110tif..'. ' IS• b lit 1. tor- '''Sp,teial'speafiel:8 Will include 31.8* We$tb/c6°Ic' JI 0114. 4ST* ' :' ' 11 A lit ii °4:11ilt:b1 4 •t . ' ' " Q' Sikturilay May ,201.11 at 1 30'1) la • AnS"- i ACIE.,NrS "W'.4-ts• ne,300,r ttitura !c7ATL,RDAT, 3.f.,ty: 1,4•31414, AT.,,-2ral.. , 'limit MacMillan? returned inis. Tfie 'egill•tir'44g0t.ing' of the W.CM.U. Tildi, ,president of W.M,-$,• c outioil, ahd i 3 „Mrs. F,• G.. 'Fowler', president of the Wellington street. •.- p,m„ at the Wine of ,sirs J,(.4.41. Bla4r.,144''•'1:40 '' F--- . -, -.:,,,,,,,.,,,:, .w,a0,,:tietsinetteeg,,00ld e,rooeokaeitil:704:t1;12u'ipe:tderQsamiginst : ' ,•ftr,ri!" • dept.., " -Cirrr 2 77 Masson'. street., if Maitland PreStiy 1.4.11 ti Society: , , Constipation, biliousness; . iridiges'tion' 1 '1°11'tre_...,......,-,42. BOBisI (1111(1 14. relieved yiith Kipp'.'s 'Herb 1 \'(T '3"., TED.-1-4A-Pr S BI'CYLE.' ;';'' .11. ?'1;5;irglIsg, ill'hablula- terte'e6) sle4t;:rras:, .srin°e:1:r.stti' '1.1.1:1'4-$; e t 1 CO LTER.----4' Alexandra Uospitai, :12frineb.14e-etsd 7thce setzlfeei,t,i4vte,vtoatiIcibeliartataivr,ed. i sioN,A.LcsiT4R. ,, ,, 49 , " good condition. Writ_e j'°X 38' cluill:sa'll drmai:e4.8):). '1:ot2tlet a2ii'd341111:leolut:d• Goderich,',. on May 7th, 11)44, to Mr; a).1 druggists., ..- 14-22 ' : ' 2,7tha Mr`'., Vairt-tolteT, ,-gaderica °Lilt itiirn:ss' '-te:,1:71I80' W48S-1,Ivecruswihl:oeni 8,11n:dills III'S:, 4.31 L son, Donald William. ;a '74U:ulna' -nre'eting. of-'7Vietoria -11,",4,--.S...i_A_ATANTED.-Iy0AI AN'S (IOLP .. ,,,19, triutki 1 radio, kitchen. table anti chairs, 111 clterst 11 ',0\ Oakville Private ItosPital, ports of the year's work. will be giVen, in, good repair. Call S,I*NAL-STAR. on '31 t\ .9th, 1944, to' Mr. and Mr,'. and. new officers elected. Please re - Club, Thursday, May -18th, 8 p.m."' Re- I set, not neceSlaf ilY 'rfew; ningt be- *a11ze-1-'el0.4.k1 k:1 b:ads;:oitis•Se:::p.,:niTtai,iwtfinkluditAloc.;:eet; ,{ -19 ell:tliarnedsheinIsti'tobls, (-stepladder; 8.. hens, and - Laurence II. Bison --(Margare_t Red- member the bale for Britain. -is".LEEREX"-,--:CLEA.ItS tilE SKIIN. v v 4....- ' xxizasiTED" To-- -RENT.-,- SMALL ' .furnished.house, cOttage, Or rooms, other articles, HEALS BOIL!, impetigo, eczema, psoriasis; chaps" ete. Cii,•„es. quid, re_ for .A.ugust and 'July. Write BOX _41,39; TERM..%,--C-A,811. • 'SIGN,AL-STAR, lief while you work. ..50c ; $1.00. (Med- Knox Presbyterian Chute!" FAmmy.' DAY SERyICES„,rendurted hy the "litlinister. ' , 11 a.m. ' The Sunday S( -1).00l. will attend .this service in a body, pc-, eupylog ibe centre seetiOn 44 the, Chnrch. The Primary Pept. and the Junior *Choir contribute to the serviee of praise. -,'Awa,rds to the-seholars will be preSented al the i,:loge of the 511'. &10 Let every member of the ftuuily attend this service, 7 p.m.- PUBLIC WORSHIP. • Sermon • Subject : "Home Religion," • Rev. E. A. Thomson,' General Secretaa, S.S. and Y be the guest. preacher for 'the day. MINISTE11.-ffREVEBEND •RICHABD--, STEWART: ORGANISTI4MISS ‘,EILEEN' BOGIE DIRECTOR OF PRAISE -MRS: FRANK' SAUNDERS. Come and Worship the. Lord'in the Beauty of Alaliness. .Goderich Baptist Church Eev Jeseph Janes, „M.A., Pastor-. 4'7 Miss Verna IVIiller,'Organist . .10 a.m.- ouNDA'y scitoOrt.: :110'illEit'S DAY SERVICE'. Subject: "'Honor Thy Mother" Solo -Master John Donaldson. • ' 7 p.in. PUBLIC WORSHIP. Subject: "The'Power of God.' • BaPtismal Service: • '1004aitt-4-pon.-t-Meetrait -Vt/ednediay Meeting. . -STICINVERS ALWAYS .041!EL-00111E ,•••••••••••••••••••444,•••4•Rowo.4*••••••............44 Victoria. St. :United Church CHURCH. WITH A HEARTY WELCOME" 5ffiasTER-7,RENT .Airmuit MeKAYE 10.00 a.m. SUNbAY $cnootg. 11.00 a.m. A 1VIOTIIER'S DAY SERVICE FOR CHURCH AND - SUNDAY SCHOOL. Theme :"Homes Make a Nation!! • The Sacrament of Infant Baptism, will be celebrated. EVENING alttn-Er. Holm - Free Methodist Church • Cerner „Victoria, and Park St. • REV. a w. PREEm.A.N, Pastor • 10 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL. • -• 11 a in, "THE PRICE OF, AND REWARDS OF VIC'rORY" 7 p.m.' EVENING SERVICE. . Prayer Ikliethig-Wedneidiy. it 8 p.m• . CORDIAL WELCOME EVERYBODY. (UM, a son. V• ERGU§'ON.-At Alexandra Hospital; Goderich, on May 10th, 1044, to Mr. and Mrs.. • clity0X1 Ferguson (nee b 11 s • margaret -Roso, Goderich, • a Son, Clayton Ross. • 4 -• SQUIRE. At Aleiandra Hospital, Goderich, on May 7th, 1944, to Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Squire, Goderich, a• daughter, Shirley DIane. .Alexandra Hospital, i;odc.rich, on May 9th, 1944, to 170, and • Mrs. V, It. Warier, .Goderich, a • son, John Norman. . • . DIED. Chekalis, Wash., April • 121.1, 1.944, Hugh Walker, yelingest son • Of --the. • late Jelin Walker, of S -Goderich,:aged -17--yevs. • . • - PETREL PEOP;COEItAli TABERNACLE .... . - VW -CENTIEtg:.-01r-EVANGELISivi- - .irtEv. A. G. HARRIS,:fsastor. . ! -. 16 WATERLOO ST . . . . • Sunday 10 .a.m unday SettooL - II a.m.--14"TrialS of Faith." ' - 7.30 p.m.-4,"The Changele,sk'Cliristr." Tuesday 8 PA, Yining . People's Serviee. , — Thursday 8 P.Of..! 'Prayer Meeting. - • A hearty welcome- awaityou.. at this spiritual Workshop:, , ' Special music for -Mother's Day. IN MOAORIAN1 JONES. -In loving memory ,of. my be- loved husliandi Dugard'L. JoilesuW110 • passed away May i3t1r;19"42Talso darling-datighteif Flora,' Who -pa -sled' away at- Windsor, October 2nd, -1942. `.`Where 110 evening shadows ever fan." -19 • , rrt-Mrs.. L, Jones: A • POLBOWNE.--In- fond memory of Alex.,. Colborne, who passed away twO years .ago ---May. 9th, 1942.• • For hint life more abundant. • For us a guiding star. • -Sadly missed by wife and sons, Ambrose and 'Keith. • 19x • 1 - • CORN 'GROWERS OF AtilION •• • COUNTY • •Cornborer. Clean-up- regulations are In force in this county -in 1944. It is particularly s important that all cOfn growers completely, .dispose of their ;under Of-bi-burninelieffve--MW2713%-,1 The -,clean-up Tr.s particularly important this-:-yea-ri-sintte.4Lcansideo.hl,„e„j,ngriag.,'*"APTU7-Acl)' 1944 • ium and Strong)... 01d by Camp and Emerson's Drug Stores. " . •40 Ahmeek Chapter, meet at MacKay HaUoxi Monday, ,114 15th, at 3 p.m. _ . -19 eft W1_4:*) ' -Sla1 dor Tablets are • eetive.• weeks' suPply ; twelve weeks' 0, at Campbell's Drug Store: .••, -14-27 Goderich. Township Hosplial Auxiliary will ,meet -tit' the hothe of Misses Salkeld, •Market street, on Thursday, May 18th, .at 2,45 -19 Ituminage' salein aid of• Red . cross, Safurday, Alay 27th, at 1.30 p.m., in 'Mircltay Hail, by members of St. Peter's --elittrch Phone -62,-- • 19-20 At Kingsbridge rHai, .l.onday even- ing; -•Carruthers' Orchestra. ...Admission 50 cents.. • ' ' ° 17721 ••Anniversary slipper, _WednesdgY;;MaY in victoria street United church, at 5.80 pm., under aiispices of -Woman's • Association. s -19-20 A TED. --- APARTMENT OR house,, unfurnished, modercon•• venlenceS, centrally 'located, before 1Ju.ne 15.._.130X 44, SIGN Al", -STAR. 1.9x Amiummommima, 1 • FOR SA EWING 'MACHINES •BOUGHT-A.Np I SOLD, REPAIRS ANL) .si.upw.Es, LIOVJRS 2 P41. TO 6 P.M. C. 'WOODS, ; 2 E.AST STREET. • 9t.f, '7Niiffertifir—vo pior—ItTe.""s • Irrr. NotrcE TO CREDITORS.' • ',Notice is -thereby 'given to all persons having any claim. 'against the estate • a Jessie Jemima -Aitken'. merchant, late of the Town of Goderich in the County of, Hur.O.n, who !died on or about the llth day of April, 1944, to send :same to the undersigned on or before May 12th, .1944, .as on and. after that date the administrator of the estate , • will proceed to make distribution of Fon sALE,CEDAit POSTSALL the assets thereof, having_regard onlv BiZe5„411.,A,A? 4Q inch OW anchor Dated et Goderich ' ay OT • . . • poSTF-10-tr3:16 inches, khone-906- , Clinton. 19x .P DOIVNELLY; Solleitorfor the Estate. ..1),ON'ALD 18-19 • Auctioneer,. TENDERS. A UCTION SALE OF FITR'NITURE ‘CA. Tenders will be .received by the arigi3"" Are 1411Porfill)t04114 we are pre. pared to meet the Itrides require. ',lents when it means- 'CAKES. We. have the eholonit of White & VitaMin Whole Wheat Bli•EAD„ and OA:EEO BUNS PIES ,TARTS spEcim, xpit, RE04p* BoLtio. • 4jin. quantity Cnrry's Bakery 4:11.3xiffirgi, PiX01E 465 • r • f :Ultr,QF REVISXON 01,733T ,C-41 :REVISION. , 'TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH A Court of Revision 'to, hear and de- • terming complaints against' the nsscss went roll for 1944 will„ be held in Ilohnesville on Friday, May p, 10, Lin. All complaints- to be 11 :writing tkad mailed_to the undersigned not later than may 25, Personsassessed dog,s 'which Ilare since been , destroyed must return the *tags or be charged, in, taxes. R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk, 19- ' R.R. 2, (Jlinton. TENDERS- AVANTED ON SATURDAY; MAY 20th, 2 P:N., . the following.: - • One 'oak eitension, table4.4 chairs, 1 large fumed oak' dining table, kitchen 'cupboard, 1.-. chest of ' drawers, 1 love seat, 1 'plate glass mirror, 40" x 20", in frame; s,nitill nairror,, selipral ' small 1740R.-SALE.-SEV EN -ROOM' BRICK tables, 1 dresger, hall ' rack; 5 kitchen x . — , . chairs, 1 rocker; 1 large ice box in good- houSe, east haft of double 'house; 91 East street, bed and-steeP-4rIngsi 1 white iron -bed, shape, 1 oak living -a oom table, 1 Wooden P°ssessi°1"hine 1t. shape, steel springs; 2 good felt mattresses, 1 nepartieillarS apply G. D. MATfl-Fi; SON; 24 .Cher..17_ gtreet, St. Catharines. s,evenftube cabinet, radio„Yauto rug,„ 2 18-19-20 feather ticks, pillows, mats, 1 toilet set, a few dishes, pots and 'pans; 1() good quiItg, almost new; 1 hand washer, li quantity, of tools.,114,7nunierous other articles. _ ' The proprietress h.s.S moved to • smaller premiSes, and must dispose of R---iti,2urE;--411711Erit-BURNER OA, ..these-a•ffiqles.r.-----Tertrts--.--Ca.sh. stove' ' -1- ilitioi.alafiL ' -.'Iszzia$,,THOS-:SIMIrTarli, , ;JP fAirly goo -con , ... - ,-;---,•;,,,,•:-...-- . 2 Proprietress, , • .• , • . . "'GORDON GRANT " -• ' ovei:i.'.-Apply SIGNAL -.•STAR: -' -191- -3a k street OR SALE.: -7001; 1113G,8 YARDS 19-20 ' • ,Auctioneer. practically new. Also shrubs for hedge by 3,, -yards, 30 inches, reversible; AXIANiED. -- MOTION PICTURE •.(earagana.). MISS J. ROSE.: -77 Brolko v. v _, equipment; good wages. Apply nearest° --- Theatre' Projectionist. Remodelled street. '' ,... war Worlt need not apply. : 49-20 EMPIXIYMENT 'Sr:SELECTIVE, SER. - VICE. pFricE, -Those employed in FOR SALE. --COTTAGE AT PORT Albert, Ontario. .0„onapletely furn- islied.----Suitable- --for -year-round, . use. Good investment. Apply BOX '34, SIGNAL -STAR. - 17-18 FOR , SALE. -SEVEN -ROOM -BRICK hou6e; 'all conveniences ; *est half of double 'brick* house, Apply 89 East street. *. ••19-20x of cornborer occurred in 1943. - R. I.,. *REED, -•-- 19x • . Cornborer Inspector. • ItENI. ---1. TO RENT . --FURNISHE- D -APART- MENT.'-Apply 54 Anglesea stre4. - -17x Ontario, 17-18-19 Solicitor for sou Estate. • Nciticg TO CREDITORS: ' In the estate of Norman M. 'Baker, deceased. ' . • Notice is hereby given that a11 Per- sons haying claims against the e ate of the said. Norman M. Baker, Ceased, whe died aL the toM of Goderich 011 RENT:•:-:-THREE-ROOM''APART. .or about the 12th ,da'y of April, 411'4..'-'1.required_401-forward„..their MgNT, attractively furniiiUd, close' 1941,. claims duly proven, to the undersigned solicitor for the executors,. on or „before the 20thdik of May, 1944, after which time the executers will proceed to dis- ribute the assets, 'having regard only tO-atd--being-responsible for the claims of. -which they shall then have had notice: ' • ; Datied this 24th daY of April, A.D. to Square; immediate possesgion. -8 Nelson- street. • -18 0 RENT. -TWO GOOD-SIZED COT:. - .T'AGES at -1Ciritail,,,,im_first-clasA condition, fully equipped; $40 .and $50 per month. • NEWTON «DAVIES,„Clin- ton. 18-26' „ TO RENEI'.--SEVEN-ROOM BRICK ,1944:., ‘• -house, ' large garden. Five miles • LOFTUS E. •IliANCEY; from •Goderich. Ph -One 1.740, .Carlow. 17-19, Solicitor for the Executors-. 19-tf SPECIAL MOTHER!g (-DAY iimoucos AT ON. SUNDAY;•"MAr 14. • •*/O. Lodge; 'ii..S.V.,-Port.,Albert; will be in .charge of the, services at 1.r a.m., 2.30' pan, and 7".:P.sn'. • ' „ • TO OE CANDIDATE the late Mr, and Mrs. Samuel SturdY John Sturdy, who, litts.been with the -edtiation division of the -Army. and, ' Air Force in England, was the 'guest of his sister, Mrs. Prank, Johnston; Trafalgar street, On his.warfrom Eng- land to his liOne In Saskatoon, „where -he-hat been nominated.,as the C.C.F'. o Goderick .township.1 Before gOirig txtEggland,,-„he was. a...teacher. of Some years' Stttraling ttrid. vvas, the secretary-.treasnrer of the Teachers' Association in Saskatoon, Ile .has a' son serving as d li0 eutenant on rfk..8; "Prince Rupert" Mid a datighter who has inst. „ ceiling.now while mateiials;, are avail- able4 BloWn-Thickwool. method; -free estiinates. Terms. Write ROW,LAND DAY, 5 Thornton ave, London, 'or BOX 41,-SIGNAL-STAA, Goderich. Go rdoti . Licensed .Auctioneer for • :Huren. County Ilittrte.-ApttrPartir.0 Sales, Chattels and Real Estate •Strompt ittfentiontiven fo all -calls Write . - • BOX 663 GODERICH • " 1-52x PHONE -959 •SALE. PRAM, • BONE - COLORED, in good condition; also. play pear Apply atBURROWS' STORE; Britannia.. • road.• •• • 1.9x SALE._ LADY'S ENGLISH -• Norfolk tweed suit, -2 -piece ;size 16-18. CalV$IGNAL,-STAR. 19x .Fori... sALE.---§inr) .7 GP.AiN, 'ALL' - 0.A.C. 21 six-rew barley, 1942 and 1 1948 crop ; .,'Erbtin 'arid-Eiripir6; WAS, 1942 crOp ; all extra quality. 'Phone 208 Cailow. FRANK 'YOUNG,.•ii:R. 4,` Goderich. A cindidate;-: Xr.'27Sturdy Is the sonof graduated ,frout high. seho.ol„ '111111".""larill , • DO.FT MISS RENT;HFOUR-ROOM APART-- ItIEVT; furnished; also four -room apartment, mifurriighted. Phone •540R. • -19 • • - TO ItENT.--COTTAGE • AT. PORT Albert, •furnished, newly redecor- ated Possession by gay 15. -Apply i301 S11,indrkb I - ,19 1130 RpNt. 'AURAL 4191%1E_ ox . Blue Water,Highway. furnished If desired. Thid houSelms beerrnew,ly rer built thropghont. POsSesSion May 20 to, the light* party, Apply, EEO. Mc - GEE, Go,derich, Ont. 19x NoTxcE TO •CREDITORS. . ' 1otLceis hereby given to all persons ha,ving any claim against -the estate of Joseph Cook,' late, of the Township of 'Colborne in the County ,of .1Iuron, farmer, Whe died on or about March 26th, 1938,• to. fiend Same te the under- signed en. or Wore 'the 26th of MaY, 1944, as on and after • that date the administrator 4of the said *estate Abair proceed_ to _make_ distribiltion._of the assets thereof; • having regard .only to the claims then filed. • - 4. • 1% R. DARROW, Goderich, Ontario, • 1849:20 Sclieltor•for the said Estate. it. G. Ilarris, Pastor, of Goderleh Rtv4 IL It. Swanton ,AT CLINTON„ ONTARIO WRON.ESIJAY, un 17th. - TWO anitliep 3.00.11.m. and 8.00 special „Spea'ker: REV. 'IL R. SWANTON, of Woodatorit, Ont. , ear this ,forreful and dknanife.preathir, of ,the GospePit - RVANOELISTIC STIWET A wide solieltion of voral and instrUtnental tuunbers Win he rendered. " UlttIOr itiopiteft of Woo:costa Aseembly -of 'Canada., A1,MA' 14 IS ,IVIOTHER'S SVORITt FURNITURE $1tORE . • ' A GIFT rOR MOTHER;zelected from our %vide assortment, la sure' to please her, whether it is a Coffee tablet a ecrrni, fortible Chair or a new Limp. •^4. 'tialLECT YOUR MoTHER'S; DAY (ilk AT • KITCEIENER BIG -4 HATOFIERY .4,5chicks for -immediate or later delivery, *also., cockerelTell •usthe breed mild 'delivery:date, It Will save time • to contact- agent; „RYAN •pito;• DT.T.00 co., Goderich.• • -19 OR SALE. jA.CItET HEATER , With • pipes, practically new. Call SIGNAL:STAR, •19x undersigned until May 15th next- or the purchase ftir cash' of the following - parcels of farm land being property- of cj°o$1hePohrneC:oo o.f the to.wn•ship- of • • 1. Part of south half of Let 8, Lake Road West Concession, TeWahip of-- Cplborne, containing 1% acres, and also part of same containing 1/16 acre, 2. Part of • Lot 8, Lake Road West,' man:repaorr.t.:sL:. at ,8„,,L4*.lte, Shore:170.,Iren: Front Concessidni containing 69 acres • • Marked cheque for 10% of offer to accompany tender, • • - FR. DARROW, 1819 Solicitor; Estate of Joseph Cook:- . !, • ST. eEORGE'S, CHURCH , All .Anglicans are requeted to attend the . special morning service dedicated._ to the mothers *On Sunday-ilext,-:The• - chnrch s-choel. Wiliatienil and the set- - vice will not last longer than an holm. This is -a .new venture 'in the f3rViceS• , •for Mother's Day and the co-operation of all is- requested. ,• israwrini. TRAVELLING' .BY TRAIN' ' THESE !DAYS? If you have a floater policy, your luggage is COvered and you have.. nothing An -worry. about.. Get particulars from - ••• .LL. Get iniurod--Stay--insured ReStt• as`sured. • North St. ,Tel. 268w 6111111111110111111111111111,11,11111111kialows4111.11M1118110110111k MEETING IN WINGiAMI ipzowN, HALL. • •SATURDAy NIGHT -MAY p.m” SPEAKERS: E i JOLLiFFE, M.k.p., and E. k: LEAVENS, nix. Ittt; ARE WELCOME --- ..,PLEASE • COME EARLY - -Mr. Joiliffe also speaks at 1.30 p in Over C N X Auspices_ Wingham (3.01",. Club. It Niergarth; Pres., Wingham CO A114 When you requite Coal or Coke ALL Chas: C. Lee ' WANTED. •• High School, Students , for summer' ',Aro* 16 years and, Oer.. • For light work in textile fac- tory in Central Ontario toWn., - Plant engaged. On War con-, tracts. ,PreVious experienie not neee'sshry. TRANSPORTATION - • PROVIDED" Boara arranged Tit Homelike' Carts!, Residenee't at •Rea8o4;;:!: 'able' Rates. ' Representative will e irt the Bmployment & Selective Ser- vice °Mee, Goderi,611,. 'May ,11th and morning of May +1,2th to interview applieatits.„ , Apply' National Selective. Office, Goderieb. 11:,efer to Order No. 886. 19x an& be "sure cif getting (r407.! Dr. G. S. Elhott . viatkommint svnismoN • SMALL AND LAMM ANI1VIALS At Lauder's Drug Store i Godedeb, every Thursday afternoon - PRO203 CLIWON Coal and Hardware at the Harbour Phimes:-:—Oince 22— ' ' Rouse 112 • Am. The lateet report received froralhe Provincial- Department of Hetilth laboratories of Anti' ,20th, 1944, of samples of milk sub- ' .initted from the different milk vendors in the town is as•foriows: • • • • „ • - . Per Cent. :Result of , t SpAlrt 0"."01 Oply '"•1 '1:1133C611 Standard .Butthr PhosPhatise CoUnt Plate Count Vat Test • ". , • Beattie's Dairy Mllk- 0 " 5,000 34'. A . Goderich Dairy MUk 0 . ,00,000 3.8 A • Goderich Dairy 14-500 A0,000,000 - 24.0 Orr's Dairy Mllk 0 100,000 . 4.5 A. Orr's Dairy 'Cream...-. , , ,, 0' 8,0003000 21-,0. A - C. McManus Dairy 1l11k .0 300,000 3.8 'A ' C. McManus Dairy Cream .. . 0 - 40,000 20.5 Baxter's Dairy . .. 0 100,000 .38 BiNter's Pairy Creatili ' *O' 10,000 19.5 e The interpretatton of tnit$ report 18 as folloWS: - Coll Count -Refers to the bacillus colt germ.; one cipable of instituting bowel disturbances. , The, Standard. Plate Count -is an estimate of the number of • bacteria per,0.c., not neceSkarily .injuriotts to health, and is an indica- ' tion of the care used in Cdtding' and handling. • , The Per Cent,. of Rutter 1at--73Mutin31na ainotint 3.81/4 for mil* and 18% for ere= permitted. , . In the Phosphatase Test Column ---The letter A indicates that •‘• the milk has been.pasteurized, • GEO, W. SCHAEFER; Ohairman, 'Board of Health. .W. F...`GALLOW, M 011