HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-05-11, Page 2,15
"Published by Signal-804Pr411' Limited,
• West Street* Goderieh, Ontario
4100Ortettoix itittiesatada. sn4 tBtfl,„ $2.00 a. year;_ to United.
• States, $2,50,
• .,,
Miteertlaing,nates on request., — 'Telephone 171,
, .
, iP. .
. . • .• • , , •
It is with no, tittle Pleasure. that
'110Vere, Of, musie,” and real& , who have
PrtenS'ionS, to muSical,egi' ,ture, have
obeeryed 'the develeannentlit the Code-,
id& Innate. Festival: 'frOln, its :small
111.eginnOgs to its present imporrance.
With such a large *raeasure ofjueeesS
,achieved, in three years, what may be
expected of future Years'? °
The , officers, and alembera -o the
Oodetieb, Music Club, and particularly.
„Uwe Who have sacrificed leisure Or
ether pursuits to promote the festival,
are to be congrattilated °on what they
yaftt be WettrY 111 Will -doing; but will
iOntinue to "give Huron County such
an opportunity and encouragement for
enitural developinent„ es the allnual
-.innate Festival presents., '
not allowed to.stay at their jo s1DgI?J.
than an average of eight hours aday.
Pe town, "too> .,there are men engaged
•iupeasoual Pursuits to whoiu the • ew
law will not be Weleorae. The go
effect of the shortening o
betbe:einployment Of lll0
ny be all .right • in peaee
when we are in ate „middle o.a War
calling for more than the normal eX-
peuditere a energy, and when weinen,
after the day's work, spend hours fir
various wartline activities, the Legis-
lature was ill advis04, in enacting such
a measure.
CUrient, VICO' On the 'War
"THE PR'ESIDIENCY ADTHF opportUnisut at a period of Supreine
rE.seE•national danger: •
M f NVendell -The New Itepublie (New. York)
Tile withdrawal .
e, Iteeuhere :
p‘su.ebyliceaxn: ,ruftaceve Intitearto'thiat.,-; . • ,
waAt. is *raano '
thing .1Ike his support,. d•sYirtualir JudgMent Given in . Action Heardin
h In February '"
vWitamin* they should, it's becanse ther
don't want to, They prefer to. eat
•Wliat they like rftt r' than *bat the
experts adVise.
LBEilliTRINT, Afar •0, -Mr.' "And Mrs.
Lawrenee Ore), left by train 'on Monday
ation if lie nts T
,Oh, their return to Belleville, -Wing
-other conservatiye candidate with War -
been Called here by the critical Ulu*
no Progressive eand.da of a dead •
Ali of the latteila mother, Inrs. E. Stewart.
° e Itre glad, t
‘stVenet all. 'The chance - - -tePort Mrs. Stewart
lock- Out Of Whieh a dark -horse noinin- Ustice Kelly - as ` gSundwi tt
ron somewhat -bette.r. , • ,
iog,th n might emerge, while it exists ,Jladgreelit in the etion Of. -Bartlett et al. u" tqr'
- nPX:t "D-Tv4---
11. What doe* this .mean, tor 'thf) "*. the TOgnshIP' °utileT15' 114Y'Dt'QraUl vdtrbe
eleetion, the conntr '
.2, .
peace°rttof F1 '
*-.0 •
in' the gouSe 'of Commons at Ottawa,
the otheii-day--;i1,71M-Nicholsoni-
member from Saskatchewan, said he
had once been -a millionaire. This was
in Austria • (probably after the 'last
war); when there was a paiod of in-
flation. and • he had in his possession
what was at 'one tine the ecinivittent of
$20.400,-000. But breakfast cost one
piilhon dollara and other things were
in _proportion. This ,is an extreme
example �f what might happen in Can-
ada if prices, and expenditures were not
„under control. The purchase of Vietory
bonds helps to avoip. the evils • of in-
ftation by lessening, demand for ,cein7
modities. So that investors inthe
current loan do all these things: Help
to Prevent inflation and its harmful
effects; assist the Minister of Finance
in, pr.ocuring" raOney* to pay for guns,
tanks, akplanes and other equipment
for war ;- lay by money in theform of
bonds, oashable at any time, which
will be nice thing t6 have for after
war 'spending and in the meantime
draw interest. It is only' Ordinary_
coramon ,sense for eieryone toinvest
as nx1lel2i-.ashe._can rnXiet6ry _bonds.
Farmers 'are on the jand preParing
• for That we all hope will be a bonnti-,
.tatls.harvest. It is an. old saying that
'the- farmer feeds‘ 'us aU;"btt these
war ' years have brought a eleares,
.3reari2atiO1 1g the value -of the Jarraer'a
Work • V ith0i,it tile„..,food that was sent
#oni.farms on this Side of the Atlantic
Jr.ritain,„ wouki have been starved out
• and Hitterisra would bate reigned
suPrerae ni EuroPe and the world.
• ItIoW that this crisis .has passed the
farmers f Canada, :have another
limeade -us- tb_sk-:--to • provide toed, not
only for the,-Allies•and their armies, but
.*or the peoples of these countries which
are beginning to emerge from -Nazi
glaverr; „, Products of., Huron farms
:way".b tbe nean of. savmg many- a
•:lite 'that would: Otherwise sticeinid; to
• D114-1-fa;rraers are working„
riot onlY for their •Own-liviirg. but „fot
the lives of -others.
• So we are all iterested . as never.
..before in the weather ,and other con-
ditions that Ineaper or help the tilling
of the land and, the growing and reaping
Of the harvest that means' so much,
in itt dtuly tasks. thefarmer IS in
, very . truth working. to •win the War,
and „ should' have every help'. and en-
': eetriage,ment - that can be given „to
enable -hire to perform his „great part
in the tiationtet eff:ort.
th future n --itt.rr Sittings 0% the Supreme CoUrt the el/ureli serviee* • csi
se *rtv4-0
010), in February, last.
Oda action Bartlett, rail-
, elliployee of Thamesford, Harold
White, •infartti and his father
er • ite,„„alse- et, Th MeSfOrd,
talling $2, from
idtot on ToWnShiP•
of Grey_forliguries
have-iiteoreted;this u sign o
pe Toad , •mlles east '`Ot.• Waltpn011
COUntry. *mild be darteult to September 4$,1040, wbeir tile -MOW car
thrbieg 'awing of sentiinent in
owned ,alld'driven by Bartlett, in whleb,
agine less. representative sranPle of Robert and :flareici White Were pas-,
the national eleeterate on these issues, sengere, went off the highwoi 'through
For 111"Y Ye"e "Y WIscPnsill "ter.. the rain)* of the bridge, as they, were
Whoever entertained a progressive idea
er6sThseing-plaitin' ttliffUsd.ciluatTedd c'thveari'the CO.
has prOmPtly left the Renubliean party
-first for the La Follette progressives, poration of the Township Of GreY. WaS.
Cor -
then for the Democrats. In addition, negligent in not keeping the highwaY
wiseousip, with Its large Gerpaan.pepti-
lation, has, in two wars beeii-the-eutrTnn4-44 whatenige-niinforetrir;.---Agt-itliq...ewas
1 4,and weed were .
standing home of isolationism, regard- lowed to grow ifP obStructing.the vie*:
1 s of inions on domestic issues. -Mr.. Justice Kelly's judgraent
4r Pod -Lodge ef G ericb Sang
two solos, 'accompanied by his mother,
at the church serviee' last Sunday.
fts a pod attendance..
The result is that about the only ones
left to vote in the Republica11. print -
"axles would he those most resistant to.
Willkie's ideas on bothdorneStlC
hhve seen the bridge
f n aftitira and the nioasba-cks'igngq°-ullth
est-ioeu would that he the, author nud
on.s own misfOrtune. The •actipu will
therefore be, dismissed with costs, • if
demanded. . . I asseSS thedam' ages
of Wilmot "BarSletLat-4.150 And Robert
White, ifielliUng the cut -of -pocket ex-
pellses 'void White, at
$300, itiOld White
". . I have corae te the conclus on
that had the driver Bartlett exercised
reasonable care and bad been on the
mon -araenable to the national. party
machine. If Mr. Winkle. cOuld have
won them, he could have swept the
conv.ention almost without opposition.
So little does this primary signify
about the attitude of voters in general
that we cannot help suspecting that
au...excuse for
Allier than re,
'He may haVe
against 'the well
ryciraTeI#1,. posaild4-he—,
Phil Ostfer of Laiy Meadows
BY HarrY::41..` Boyle
Mr. Winkle -used
getting oet of th-
garding it as a
tho'ught his chant.
oiled machine was so small that he
could not •defeat it unless he ceuld
win such adiffCUlt test as to outflank
its whelk- position. ' Or he may have
Made up- his mind. that Mr. Roosevelt
is going to run.and.be elected anyway!
and he .had better 'Withdraw at, a
inomenrwhen he coed do so' graeefully.
must now begleto
in terms of Dewey
is 'no 'dotibt that
the most Popplar
At any rate,
think of the election
V . Roeseveit. T.
Air. Dewey is by fa
-candidate. among regular RepubliCan
•: . 4
voters, What qualities has he • ex-
hibited,- or what-P8'tlelmt•neo=ire•-fa•.r_art.,
which justify this popli2lit.Y.
thitikof only one -that he is believe
to be a succeSsfa, vote-gettto
know- him well, and few of those who
do know hiin ,have any enthusiasm for
him; %But -he- was elected Governor
of New York 10 a clear Majority -in
spite of the opposition of President
Roosevelt in his own home State. There-
fore, it is reasoned, heC may lead the
party to success nationally. , Also, the
lack- of any knowledge conperning what
his line on national issues. really . would
be -except- that he would represent a
change -allows Republicans of many
-varieties, to -indulge their wishful -think-
ing "that he really agrees with them..
Whatever ,an extrethely cagey pflhitiC-
ian -do. , GoVetnor Dewey is evident-
ly capable of doing. By pretending
that he is not a: candidate; and ' is at-,
tending to his own knitting as Govern-
or, he is relleved.er. the dangerous re -
niitnients which might divide his sup-,
port: He can also preserve the illusion
that the-Loffice iS seeking the man,
yather than the man the office. . .
But of course all this is a pretense.
The nomination campaign for him is
being skilfully and energetically -man-
aged, by the methodS of backstairs
politics.'and. is evidentlyswell financed.
Painful,. Pus Filled Boils .
. .
the (;ause of !dutch Misery ,..,„.„,,„,,,,„„ ,... _. •
If you suffer from boils you know hoW wick and
miserable they made you feel. '
lioila are an outward indication of impUritiee he
the system, and just when yott.think you are rid of
• 00e. another cram tip to take Its place,aud prolong
your misery. All the latteing and poultiong you van do yr...01 not fit%) mole
o , To help. overcoaie•boils. you, should parify-,the.bloOld, so, whY not iiivnx „,
coming. o ' 1
= that, eld_i reliable Wood raedicine; Burcloeg Blood Bdtere, a , ,Chanea fA0 „Olovi '
- what it will hi -helping yongettrida thein? - Thot3493-17,49 nave' ,xsed it for • ,
044, p.Irpose for the past 00, years. , Why not yOu? '
11!:,,..r1q,, uburn Co.. tenitetl, Toronto, Ont. .
•:••••••••••••••••••••••••••••,.....***•-•••••••••• 0.7.•••••• . • ..,,, ••••••••••••••••••••••7*,....•••• • .,••••••*•• .....*•••••r•••••••••.`,..",,,,..**".••••••.,..,,,,,,,..„
Jt has sqverat meaningN. clnerui$,:ldy ready money. -
.„ Licir,.&:ity Meal/. S a.gteat,cloear xd the heirs Of amestate -
value. You: should look into its !lie,* effect related to our ' own estatee'inrelaideas.iil tAlifei
where Succession Duties cftvito, cif theuil,an4 incoinejazes,m,
, analysis by,tit will cost you no marc than some of Our time and you may leant
, ,.
something that will 'help you improve YoUr. present estate plans. ,
alli GUARkNT
cc,„px-Ny. WAITED
. OFFI S 0 --.----------.. executor and trustee sitsee- .1
' pry' , - Winnipeg Wjndsor - Brantford ' 302 BaY:Streer, Tore tO'
• „„
flag-waving, ban g, adVettising,
_There are those o scoff at the
and pep- '„which accompany Victory •I ,
10015 . a otic eamPaigr,V; _____ .
Therlfrgue that people! are war -
conscious ., t theV will a0 their part,
. ng of fervor and en,
that al
thusiasms, rillfeh.: wasted inone'c, ',-
and energy. , , -
.The an*.ralts„„gly„en_la a. district.
town ,whp. set out to raise $7,5'00 for
,tions .----=-: - - -- • ,
patriotic pittorPosel:::luntary dona-
4 wthey
will' have tobeefOntaCteit "PerSinfilit,
as the objective has not beep attained.
We venture to say that not Many
people Nvho buy, Victory. bonds would
do so unless they were -interviewed,
unless pressure was .brought to , bear,
or . unless the matter was -otherwise
forcibly brought to their attention.
Rather_ than relax our ?ports, . we .
need • to increase ,.them. 'There seem I
to be mors Pebple NAY() are ' becoming' I
weary in • Well-doing.--Caliesiey Enter- ' •
Prise. • ' --. ___ ___ . _ ... _ .
. IN B_RI,TAIN___ 1
(C.V.F. in•Whmipeg Free Press)
Canada has never stood se) high in
the_affection of, the British people as
b e db-er+t-odur-tre-rews'onv4; '
varied. The first fact is that, in 1940
when Britain - stood brave and . lonely
against the enemy, only 'Canada had .
soldiers oin the United. Kingdom. Not I
many to be sure, but they were defend-
ing the 'coast and: they were a symbol`
of • more help to come..., The despatch
of our first di -vision at the time it went;
to England was a master -stroke.
Secondly, the efficiency and speed
tVith 'which the Canadian Bed Cross
got into action at the time of the blitz,
plus the, creation of other _agencies to
provide supplies, was something which :.
Wade a treme#dOug'. impact on the
Itritish people, ' Their homes .were
oeing destroyed;their-normitierViees
Tlisrspted, and uppc,trently in'thousands
of ages the Canadian Red Cross was
therewith emergency help: canteens,
blanlietsi clothing: medical...aid. . When
Britain needed help most, itwasCan-
ada that provided the things the cornmon• people most quickly needed. -This
is not forgotten... .
Filially, there is the scope 'ands size
of the• VAtnadian war effort. We here
at,home see the faults and gaps in it
more clearly than the British do. • We
run ourselves do-Wrf: We disparage
ourselves constantly. But the _British
Are full of praise., The so-called ,Billion
Some time ago i•read article about
education. This , fellow said that all
schools should be -held outside just as
soon as fine wetither came along. That.
sounds- like an, interesting- idea, al=
though at IimeS it would be- a little
Lclifilenit for ancient history .to run com-
petition With What- goes on in the
great outddors during the spring Aeason.
Papils toukl learn a lot, I Wonder
JS many lieople-ever take into account
the. reason for all those' spring bon-
fires. Most folks say 'they ha,ve- bbn-
fires' in_the 5pring simply to get rid of
sounds like a pretty ordinary way of
describing it. There must be better
reason for it than,that.
We have a strawstack -behind the'
*barn. It's just a small one .that the
stock basebeen using to rustle throukh
during the fate fall and earlY' winter'
before they went into the. stable, When
1 came out of .the house after dinner
vesterday-it was such a,fine'day that
think of the Chinese. • They have been
'lighting the jabs for eight years.'
• .•• $$ ••
• As. we suspected, the housing "crisis"
in tbe -cities w,as exaggerated, and
though deubtleas there have been some
• cases of hardship there was nothing to
justify the howl that Was raised, before
anybody - was hurt. The Montreal
Gazette *observes: We fear fkat Ithe
o agitatien 7 . sprang part,ly frem ignOr-
• ance of the full facts of Lite situation;
and 'partl)r Was -fostered by political
. or -ether- tdterior--rnOtives..'? And, the
V•sfulle roight be said of -other-wartime
' . .
Itg."anttens- that haVe; arisen ' 'and then
-` aWaY fro& lack of any vital
• -foundation, .
' ..ThelSt. Thomas Thnes-Journal Con
- aervative) observes t
• Ilsley is a sojneVEat remark-.
able man. lie is. a ' Man' of tre-
• mendous- ability •m,his Sphere; and
Although ,has :extracted More
• money, from, the pockets' of
people and from business than any,'
other Minister in the history of
Canada,. be reraataa-T-uuiYerSa4Y--
. popular and 'esteemed. A. .maii
who can dothat-must have remark-
able qualities. ,
. Verbal)* it is that people don't mind
1,e,lee • "chastised" for their, own goed.
At any rate; Zr; Ilsley • has the con-
fidence" of, (lanada's taxPayers ,ha
.tharked 'degree.
pulled some clean straw out of the
centre- of the Stack and sat dram in
thesun for a quiet -smoke.
. :It!seeined to me SS if „everybody in
our neighborhood had a bonfire. 'Airs.
'Higgins ahd the oldest girl were out in
the ore.bard, burning some brush., and I
could see smudges away:, off down the
conCession. on, practically every farm.
There was a Smoky amen in the air
along withthe new fragrance of spring.
could -see wonien leaning out of top-
story- windows shaking rugs' and mell
out in the fields seeding, disking, har-
rowing or following it seed. drill . . .
coinbing the fertile earth: ,
There's something. fascinating about
this' idea of having fires in the spring;
They tell Inc • that.ln olden" days.„ our
ancestor§ used to have fires for • eere-
raonial purposes. Peter *Arthur tells
of the days,- when the Druids used to
have . great bonfires -every 'spying in
honof-Sonle-delty, Thig urtiole'bilSi-
ness Of having great 'Ore* Illa*'belcsort
of,liartgover from, the early days.
Folks don't figure much' about getting
rid of rubbish in the Winter -time. When
a Pair •of beats •wear out or a basket
goes into pieces or a paper box dis. 'mart 6,1'. gain? the DeweY" .forees will be
integrates on the cellar Boor, the Usual no mean antagonist. ,
IS to heavd. it out into the:wood. •One conclusion Stands out holdlY.
shed. '.Everything Of *rai more.pritetical Indenendeet voters of liberal .or, pro.
or -salvage use is heaved out ' amengst gresStve - tendency; who - have' been
the chips and the Woodpiles which have wpridering whether after all a •progres-,
tottered over into a jumble because sive liermblican Might not be better
. ,
SOmehody kept fishing for a beech or
. 4$• 4, •
,., .
'There. -has been,' another of those
. ,.
iolice' killinga-;--this time .in 'Quebec,.
*here a. metn.Wr of 'the:11,C.M.1,-. „shot
So far as we can -make out, Mr.
Deveey has no strong convictions about
publicilik•lity, but* is governed rather
byilis ambition for a successful politie-
al career. He would even espouse- a
good cause if it would help his chances.
But he wonld, not stay with Jt bm1g..
if -
It gai'e him -auk -trouble: . Of course
Mr. "Dewey could tio6win the preadent-
lai. election by the .same Meth6ds which
he has been using to win the Republican
nomination. He will have to say some-
thing. 'Undoubtedly, however, the
strategy of , the campaign will be tO
mehilize as many as poSsible of the
diC0IIt0fltS niid grievances against the
Administration. 110 matter how nnituitl-
ly 501f-contradictorytheY may be. It
Will be interesting to see how be deals
with this. situation -which after. all Is
in the- good old tradition 6! American
p'oltties„, the standard' wayof dealing
with it si*- inake speeches full' of
'generalities that can„raean all thillgS tO Dollar gift was an imaginative stroke
all melt %and- -Y.6--Pri-te Make all '-
necessary/ Ptegnises to the -fiirdes-thilt ',-310tAal aid: is
equally 'Well' feeeived. , 'There is -every:,
eau swing the critical groups .and
vvhere in the island,, from cabinet min -
States. The skill used in the primary isrers to the factory workers, the bus-
eifra nign. gives evidence that •in this
drivers, the cliervvomen, •ft trerdendous
yVtlite of appreciatien-yes, and Under:.
gtaliding-of things -Canadian. It is
ftri impressive, and warming spectacle
fora visitor to behold, '
• 4,
IS'OT;4'SENSE' ./1134)10T DIET
(Orillia 'Packet- and Times)
maple knot to pit in the' stove
- orer-
afld killed. it „man wlio wits trying to . ,41g,ht, • • .
ev'ade arrest. 11.:.'he corOne-rss jury witch, lb! rill 3Prukg...cOnies hiong this
sat en the case, brought ill a verdiet and- put: out
otir P:11;61:111: beArnO*084rcil'id:.
aceldental..aeath, whieh was patently that somebocly .found 'friar 0! corsets.
• lidiettleus in. face •of the evidence that StairS, it pair". of Aunt Matide's
aseirrtli shot.; were tired by the rieliee heeled ,shoeS out of the Attie, the over--
.you wore the day '701,1 took the
••*.4 die Matt wa.s running awaY, DOnbt- battery out a the car. aid the acid
• leSkt.f4eling that their verdict 'did. not Atq them, to ribbons in: the most vul-
gover tlie° ease,. the Sort ,added a rlder aerable s otg, a worn -ilia pair of baby
tO the effect that police t`should be
n-iore careful „not to shoot without
'necessity," The vietina pf the
eklent" Was f31.1(it in the haek, and a
jleighbor who saw the perforMance
remarked, jiat been cowards
Ailey could hove taken Without
*hooting him." If the killer is not put
on trial for manslaughter lie should
at the- very least he diknigsed from the
;torte as unfitted to earn., firearras.
* *
The, measure. passed at the LIS,
stet7siOn of the. Ititario Legislatare
4tite sVorll., week of emplOyedi
-organs to forty-eight bout*, is un -1
tO aay least.„ S% h&3
----moot Off them without adequate ltelpi,
--are aSked to produce more and more
ttw' 40. flO trinfilt *work frOM dawn
to dttrk, ft Is, not going to help- ,tlieta• l
Lay to know that ivokprs toWn aro!,
shoeS Wh eb, ',were kept for two • springs'
„ ,
fot sentimental- reasonS . . '. .ttn old shot throngh with ree'kless partisan
umbrella ocivering . . . ane so Oil „ „ . . . ' '
all are consigned t* the fire.
.. Maybe • we have' theSe fires In the I ffeard somebody eating': Mrs. Phil,
SPritkg ' because Mother Nature ,in herr out making a bonfire ins the backyard,
array of grandeur puts all to shame. 8aW the' drill *trading idle and bad
I had almost,dozeti off to sleep when, guessed the rest,
„4 .
-than tired- and compromising onse- Mr.. Coldwell declares that eightY-
. lt will now have to recognize that '
three per cent. of the people of Canada
are not getting .proper nutrition. We
are 'sorry to:I-lave to differ with the
tionvre cannot_ make the pereentage
mere than 77.3488 per cent. The fact
Is it let Of nonsenSeAS:Italked- abOut
imperfect diet. . If the majority • of
people aren't consuming' all the
their sperelations have beeeme_. need-
pmle, .A foerth term is their onlv.
liow-ler 71r -decent Tbe ,inner
menthe '"?$f the -Ileptibliean party iPt
()tiers tina- smoothly; find is -financed bv
tbesoine oid interests that liaVe long
hnil ti4e c'hief stalrn 111 thiJ; party. The
best ',fest otwiint Mr: De*ev.vvordd
in the Wbite l'fonse jq Nvirit tbe 0e-.
flltI)ll0flt1 n rottp‘ have been doing
•.Conetess.„, .It' is, by and loriP. a
'reelleo of qfn ric rtit (tt I or 11 i I:4010 fiim.
think havi.sOisfying a cup
hacolate,Cocog would be-.
2947 19C'
„ •
. .•
NIL ISAAC P 400111 cari****4 it00601
lilos *bs He had severs tit
sod caottipatiol
Nock up yearn's** with
I CosadesLarostSersisiltetT*MOIS.
1 /
Yet 1 sow
0'0 C
, ,/i iffilli011
CLEAN Crankcase qrid Valves . . IMPROVE
PHVENT Costly Engine Repairs!
" Perform
• ,
Sludge is 4, thick, dark mhtture of used oil, visor, carbon
and imburned gasoline which forms Mainly in the crank-
case, of car and truck engines -it plugs oil screens -and oil
passages and damages other engine pails. ,
--Slowdrivartimedriving--shorter trips-lowef grade_fixels
ni•lki sludge a cotimion problem now; •
Low cost Stage removal service from a GENERAL •
- MOTORS 15EALER today
Saye gasoline anctoil --prevent cosdy repairs.
. -Extend the life of your car or truck-4impr0ve
performance. •
This information is Made available to yost,cthe ,OWnet's 'or ,
Canada's eats and trucks, to. assist you to conser)eyour
vehicles, and so safeoard against a breakdown, of the
vountry's automotive transportation OP o ata even
beyond the day of Victory!
0 . *
• viiIII leili Yuto:
Avoid. Engne failure by; eleantrig .erfaine"
oil pan - val,ve operOtiog, mechanism . . .
Checking oil prois,u,re qnd testing compireiiioni
scSave Gasaine'and ,t::til by; Engine tone-iip
sneffeuindi.ng carbutetor battery and electriea
, , • ' '
,Stritto your Tire' Mileage tly:',Mtan'fale.
proper, tire pressure ...,,, Tire rotatioil:evetjf
, 3,00Q fo 5,000 miles ... Regular inspeotlon
of wheel alkmment ankl balaoccr,%brakal.
and shock
Prevent Deterioration Of Body vast Foricfeigi,,
. hyi Repairing and ,tefinisiang,iiged or,
, 01-10# surfases 1, . ,. Wasifing 4ady'cts re-
quired to pi:e'serye flie .'finish.ap.t..to keep ,
drain' holes operi as a, protection 'against'
' Costly rust daniase.. ' ',
imesid Ow Life al whir Car .
. arlubileatiOn (at least every 60 40ys) or Truck by: .
hispetandandOdhiStfrient ($0.0VeCry
1,0109 niires)tIO0 . . ' 4. •
, •4.4:44:
roroigiti! ST.
-- •