HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-05-11, Page 1C., •
Combining The GoderichSignal and The Goderich
• AdjuOloagtor. Com.pliraentti- t
Ninsie Club :on; Its
Work in Burop
: ;sincerely congratulate, the..1,fusie •
Club orthis towfl on the :work they,are
• doing :In promoting.. an 'appreelatiOn of
„mils c in „theeetin no
" t Of•ll CYrii
Lianipshire ,stated on Thursday tight
last, after , had -ttoneluded. his
.ailjndicatione tit the three-day Festival
of Music. "Everything ran. smoothly,"
he coutineed:'"aud. in three years you
have made great strides."
Mr. Hampshire thanked all Won.-
petitors for their sportsmanlike at-
titude; the losers, he said,were good
.Sports, --aid the• winners - modet- •H..
, r eXpreS$ed his appreciation • to the
teachers of Music for their co-operative
work ' throughout • the festival.
were wide-awake, 'aid endeavored to
alter raikitakes. •
It was too bad, he continued; there.
were not more ..scholarahips and. he
• heped .thit another year the town
would help in donating some. He had
enjoyed • himself ili Goderich, and • re-
marked, that whoever plamied the
with its aoetagenal Square," had .an
eye for beauty and originality. •
•The highlight of the Festival on
.•.Thuraday night, when a large audience
-lillecl North. street ,United church, was
7, the girls' chorus, eighteen years and
" under, presented by the •Goderich• Col-
legiate Institute under the direction of
Mrs: Clay,ton Edward, in the test pieces
"Sweet Nightingale" (Jacques) arid
. "Pastoral" (Carey Whitaker).:
"This is an excellent choir and 1 am
awarding it -170 marks, the highest in
the Festival -and they deserve it,", Mr.
Hampshire adjudicated.,,q had 33:111C11
, pleasure in 'listening to 'thein.
girl knew her part. The chorus.' was
always -well „controlled. It was a fin.o
Piece of acenrate..work and conscien,:
tioua training." • .
In - anneuneiag.,- the awards,' ,Mr,
Hanipshire particularly raentioned the
piano .Solos given br, Christine Leish-
• ii3X0ressidits. Of praise and
• gratulation' have been. heard on
,all, sides regarding -the. Spleodid
managemeot .4nd itae Success of
the third FestiVal bf.MUSic pre-
sented by the ,Goderich .1UUSIC
4.310 bar the benefit:Of the'peeplet
of Huron. county.'
The. orgenizatioo .of the. U111:310
q1.11b to be credited with. the fine
results 'achieved was follows-:.
• President, Mrs. J. G. MeDolig-•
all vice:presitieets Geo. Bnehan-•
,0„4, 140p9aire; secretary,
Mrs. J. See; treasurer, Misa-IctoSe.
Aitken. "
Program -Mrs. J. G. McDollg-
au, Sister Majella, Mrs, Clay-
ton Edward, Miss Alleenyliktowe,.
Mrs. •See. ,
Awards -0, T. A.raistrong, Nue.
B. Jappian;.grs, :940 ,Schniekar,
-Mrs. •Jessop, •Iirace - Tennant,
C. P: S. Canaan.• .
Publicity4-George Buchanan;
Mrs: E. -Cranston, Harold Shore,
p, Attridge. :.„ •
Halls - Mrs. Leratiire, Mrs,
Claremont; .111±s, : J. Snider,. J.
Snider, C. BreckoW. "
IteceptienMrs. R. johOston, •
, Miss 3. Saunders. , • .
Syllabus -Mr. Xi. G. McDoug-
all, Sister M. Majella,- Mrs. 9.
.• Edward, Miss M. Middleton, Miss
Clara Barrett.
Major Ctirrell has again been ap-
pointed' chairman of the payroll. savings
section -of the. Victory' loan drive at
Oshawa and is iidirecting Vig0r0114
campaign, He is, a' member of, a well.
known Godericb, ftimilY, a son Of IIi
• and.:Mre'Ed. 'Currell of Saltford.
theY .sang the lovely test piece, "The
.Sentinel rairy," unaccompanied, under
the 'direction of - Mr. T.Hampahfre,. the
audience enjeyed 'a rare treat. The
coxichiqter InsiStanponrsoft vocal tones,
expression, :and smiling faces. *-The
children responded well . by endeavor:
man, Eileen Bogie 'and .Sally, Macflonr..ing to give the haterpretatimi desired,
.and • recoramended'that spediai making a very plasing. effect, and the
• certificates be gi-ven tlem. audience ,aPproved enthusiastically. Mr
•• Seholarship Awards • Hampshire advised. the . teachers. to
In awarding 'tile $25 educational train for this class without accompant:'.
• scholarship donated by -Mrs. B. Heinen, ment, as with accorapanimentit was
Mr. Hampshire commented that he hadnot. effective, and urged- the Festival
to choose very caethlly. Verna Miller, ecaninittee to State •detinitelythat:there
daughter of Mrs. ;1George .Miller; Gode-- be no accompaniment, in the .double trio
rich, whp -"showed great pFemise 4' was next Year. •
. chosen,. and Doris E. Ferguson, of Sea- "Sweet and Pace 411111 Natural"
forth, was accorded, honorable -mention. "They are 44, 'So sweet -and.
The. $25 educational _scholarship don- -..rery natural,' he said, When he came
• ated by the Ainiieek Chapter, I.O.D.H. torward.to give his adjudication of the
tJie succesefiil ,cOmpetitor chosen 'fromgirl's vocal Solo, rural; eight and Under,
the_girls.' vocal classes „elerien and
under, was awarded to Helen Nilais, k4taite upset because I can't 'give , you
• . daughter of 011ie =11.8,W. London, and all the .sanie inarks, but mY: duty is
132i 7Nwith-senturtent-aud...LInnist„
sides with her _grii4Pare'fitC- MT. and be firm," Mr. Hampshire told the hair-
-- • Mrs. :-Dan -WilU,-Cothoin township, • of.zwhonr.-
was,,,the• - ha ter's • rize.. :Were were nineteen.. Jeanne Snyder,
last year. he was highly. prised by. Tair7CIft-arTenti."-No''' rinte-Siterwoladr-o-
the adJudieator for the eultural qual, Dungannon, tied for first -IA -ace in the
itie.s in her voiee. finals with -161 marks. Others in order.
The At.ward of. t.he, $25 educatienal of final marks in this class were: Donna
.sc.holarship donated by the Male Leaf Stnrgeon., Bayfield,., 162; Mary Jane
*Chapter, 3.0:1).E. for boy's vogiii Solo, Snell, .Londeshore, • Eleiner
eleven years and under, -went to John Browne;!, Blyth, .1 160. Competing but
• Donaldson; son of Mr: and Mrs'. Wil- not Barbara. Xilpatrick,
• • 'fret' Donaldson, Trafalgar street. ..4"He Blyth,- 79; 'Betty' Rutledge, Dungannon,
• has, an exeellent voice,,b,etiotifitiT•quality, 79; Ethel Thoinson, Dungannon, 78;
keeps the pitch nicely, and., gets the Anne TOO, •Lucknow, 78; Raeleen
-words well 'formett,". was the ,adjudica- Hamilton, • Dungannon,: 78; Eleanor
- Von. on John's solo, ,(Bury)'.: -Driver, -Goderich, .Jamea, Morritt,
Mr, Hampshire; il_ribed 'the test Blyth, 77; Irma Forstt; Dunganuon
piece "Valse,in A" (Levitski)., in class 77; ;Rut Clarke,lIrarna, 77-; 1Varion
• 11, piano Sole, as "tricky and. difficult." Taylor, . 76;. Barbara Stephens,
The *iener .was Mary joyeeStraatani MacPhosenT
was second, with tit% and Euiice"."Milne U.V4 'Gros, ,Thingann-on,'7141: *
- third, with 78,. , • ,' „ !ahem was 'good un.aniroity;" Mr.
Double , Trio for Aural ;Sehooi44istrapshire told' • the competitors hi
The shield4Onated by thg County of class 64, '7,1*Uirat 'school chorus --"A Folk
Htiron in delis' ,67,c, double trio,. !‘,Thg, Dance,'? which- was- won in the finals
Sentinel Fairy," for rural school,ltabby.;S.S.-No, 3, ,Goderich- township,', with
on in the -finals Goderieh 168 ,marks. Runners-up were; S.S. 11,
township,- , a.Jotal, of' 104 marlia; Goderic1, 165 S.S. 0, Goderich, an4
This sehoolis under the mane Inane- S.S. 1,,adderiCh,: tied witli--164;••S:S.• 8;
tion a Mrs. Bert. 130y,es. Others cow-. Ashfield, ' and S.S. 1..„, Colborne, , tied
• pkingIn the fina10in this class. -Wert with 162. _ _ _
Colborne, 163.; S.S. 6, Colborne, The ;arks' gifen in • the. morning
.- 161; S.S: 6, Stanley,. 100. . •• to this c ss were: S.S.- 3, Goderich, 82.;
, In the afternoon the folloWing marks 8.8. 9. Gedefireh,82; S.S. 1.10:Goderiell,'
of competitors in this • class were 82; S.S. /, Goderich, 81; S.S. % Ash -
awarded; 'these 80 or over .being chime"). geld, 80; S.S.' 1, Colborne, 80; 8,
for t eriell7811 Ilhileitle 70; Stanley, 79; 8.
S.S. 1, Colborne, .81; S.S.'6, Volborne; Colborne, 70; S,S,8;.,Stahley, 781 S:S,
80; S.S. ;.0. • Stanley, '80; -Blyth, 79; 4, West Waivanosh, 781 S:S. 3, Stanley,
8.8. 3, stanIeV, ; S.S. 9; Goderleizi 79; 78; . SS. 7. Tuekersmith, 78; S.S.• 15,
S.S. 1, Geiderieh, 79;. ss, s, Stanley, 18;• -Oilfield, 77;' S.S. 6, Stanley, 77: •
S.S. 3, " Goderich, 78; 7, nicker- Auburn, 77 S.S. 9, Colborne, 76.
_smith, 78 ;,S.S. -2, Goderieh, 77; Auburn, Nineteen rural schools; competed In
76; 8.8. 5, Ashfield,.15; S.S. 80 Ash- plass 66, rural school chorus,' "The
field; 75; $M. 7, Stanley, 75; .S. 7, Unfortunate Bee"(Fullerton) , on
• Colborne, _75. • ,• , Thursday morning. 'Of these five were
The . adjudicator• assembled • the ‘phogen, fer the finals, first place.being
seventeen schools corapeting in this accorded to. 8.8. No. 6, Colborne, With
* double trio; in :the afternoon, and as • •(Continued page 4)
,-GoderichNeeds $50,000
MAY. ,1.1.t11) 19
Elevator 'Co.. are alt over their pazmoll.
Kniotas; "
•Goderieh, Uaroll count.Y, 114170
never yet had a Victory loan failure
scored against thein, and every patriotie
citizen is urgetl to ge. the Unlit to help
le maintaining. the. good mute, of the
town und,,(404414. °
A spetikei.‘ at a• loan.- meeting the
other day,told of 4' Versation ,with
u,..Frenclunan. w Sked What
the matter with .Vranee 'that f
to 'staud. hp' to the. Nazi armies. The
reply was:. , "There were .too, Many
people who -consid.ered.that rrance‘was.
a cow. to be milked. rather than 4
AV a tehdOg to be fed." "
• Never let that be said. of Canada!
The strength. of Canada, as any'
other conutry, Is 14 ,01Q degree to Wifich
its citizent3 Will sacrifice their own
personal interest' to the.,, good of the
Put Victory first!
The sixth Victory loan drive has
reached the last few ,lieetie days, when
every minutgand evqrs dollar count in
the endeavOr to reach the -obieetite.
The bulletin compiled' at 114011' today
shewed Huron: county over $150,000
behind; bill rgceiptS later in the day
improved the sitnation considerably.
'The air: seho6,18‘rettehed. their ^objective
on Tuesday.: The village of Btussels,
which 'had been leading ••the 'Other
niunicipalities right 4inark YlisallirguTeaSealitilet was
the lira ninuleipalitY to score
eye., This afternooli. additional returns
from Zurich and 1.1Nt West, Goderielf
township and 'Tuckersmitla township
Put these districts ' over tile Mark.
With returns now sight, the town'
df Goderich...is still 450,000 short, and
a big effort will be required in the two
remaining days to make up the•anieunt.
• The Goderich- Salt Co., the Pinainion
Read Machinery Co. and the •Goderich
Miss . Ackerman, and Miss Nettleton
'Taking Tegiitions Ela,ewhere
wo memberof the Collegiate Instr.::
tute staff have handed in their resigna-
t'fOos and win:leave at the end of the
present, term. ,Miss Maderie Acker-
man, teaelie_r, in English ..and histery,
is taking a position pn the staff' a the
Lawrence' Park Cellegiate Institute at
Teronte. Miss Ackerman has 'been on
the G.�I. staff for.tivelve years,this
being her.,firSt engagement as a teacher.
Mi -ss- W. Nettleton, of the -commercial
dePartment, is ;going, to the Simeoe
High' and- Vocational School. . Shp ,has
been 'don. the staff here, the last two
yeara • • t •
• So far only five or six- Collegiate
studentse have left to engage . In larM
work. • Som.e -of the girls may leave
liter for workin the .fruit drstrict,
but. fhe..scheel, term, may be over before
they will- be needed.
Future oJ kyllar1)4t
Much Discussed
Assurance' •divert thp,t• it. Wil
Be Continneess a
"Ilolding Unit"
There is much conjecture in•Goderich
and throughout Huron • county as to
the future of ,Sky'ilarbor, which is to.
be abandened aa, a. 'Commonwealth
traihingaStatiOn onJuly 14th,
Since ,the announcement of closing
has,. passed between -eoverement
partMents and Hilton County author-
G.C.I. Cadets Earn
inspector's Praise
eapt. I', Ofochra#e Compliments
4,1'heni on 'Their Appearance
in Today's Parade •
"I like the boys, oh parade very much
and they reflect great credit on their
teachers," Captain W, „F. Cochrane,
district 'cadet officer, MD. NO. 1, Lon-
don, stated after the aanual,inspection
of the Qoderich Collegiate qadete this
.(Tirnrsday) afteroodii. Jo Agrieultural
• APPrimately -sixty cadets Were in
4ties. A. .delegatiow th Ottawa
proposed, but this has been 'ruled out the parade, ith -Q4P.414-4- Gc`r(1°P.-Sut-
. 10,0.1te(1 new uni-
In the meantime Many phases of the VerY smart in their
forms and carried ont all the man-
eanvassed by correspondence, while
possible.use ef-SkY Harbor have been oeuvres With -a precis'worthy - of
, • the • •
twO Federal inemberl from countyseasoned sowers. " • Captain Coehinne Praised their
L. E. Cardiff and Golding, have
at -
been in direct contact.8yith 44:
?ower, !non. Ian McXee")q-and Hon..
• C. D. Howe.
• While no definitecprielusion
reached... it is indicated tatSky
Harbor, after July 14; ,*1.11 be 16aown
as a "holding unit" of. the R:C.A.X., at
which approximately . one hundred\
personnel will be. located. ,
Assurance 'has been given that Sky
Harbor, after the war, will have a
prominent place. in the civil aviation
program 'pf 'the Governoieot
The 'possibility efusing Sky, Harbor'
as a convalescent hospital for airmen
or Soldiers -has net yet bean entertained
and is unlikely..for varionl reasons.' --
.Eventually 'biiildings.'andt-equipment'
will be turnedover to the War. Assets
Corporation for dispesal. 'However,
SkY-Harber----will,contiane as -Tae -f111116
Z:37FitriLtliP OIYA.71,11.41-401.-191jaMt9M-re-
taining such buildingS and equipment as
are -required, '• • . -
cliffe as commanding and they
theadvfee. of the ObVernment itself -officer,
Mr. and 13radley Wish to
announce the engagement of • their
danghter Mabel to Charles ,L. Haddad
of -Byron, London ;" the wedding to. take
place at- St. 'George's Anglican church,
-Goderich; op -May -22nd at 2 o'clock,
, Mr. and Mrs. N: Sager;• ,Goderich,
;with to announce th-e engagenient of
to _Behind Reeve; son -of ME,Aeeve
wedding -will take place Jane 3, 1944,.
Arnold McConnell' hes received some
sixty registrations • from boys who
wish to , pitty baseball this summer*
These are not all 'from Godericice, • as
boys frem other parts of the county,
are registering here. .0fficiarforms for
registration may be secured at Craigie's
• •,.
• ORY,14
c,c1rirgitlit . VIM%
,..4• '3.7g027,;0155°5°00'
, 50;450
427,050 '
„ aagg
• 00, 78 02388 49 0087 5505_00:0
• 50,050
• 83,850
10• 403:1005g
.Brussels $- 74,000 '
- Zurieh and_llay 'West ..
Clinton• 176;000,
Goderieh',TownShip * 2,000
winghanc ta, ..: 187,000
Colborn e .Township ... 64,000.
Wawenosh Welt ar • :67,000-
fieaforth .441.0,000
Goderkh .. .',„ . . ,A. 4250OG ••
Tueltersutitl0Township , 08000 .
ilsborne ' 97,000
Morris Towlishill .... 91.009
StanleY Township 09,000
AsInield Townsiiip 100,000 -•
.1-Iensall and hay iast 0000 •
Townshilw , 220,000
Blyth . . . 45;000
Stephen East ... .. 004,000
lgxeter .. ............. ... 14/,000
huflett Township .... . ,..„„ ' '08,000
Stephen West • -044000
.Giey Township 114,000
• Turnberry Township „7000 •
Wawanosh East " .07,000
McKillop Township 08,600
• Air Schools . , .. 100,000
$3,000,000 • .
Map' of eyeta for County, 72.15.
• !,
• Arrivals at the Goderich elevator the
pia week were: rairlake; Friday,131,-
buS. 'oats 'and 'barley; •BrieO doe,
Friday, 276,909,buS.. barley, oats, wheat
nd sereenings; , Superior, Sunday,
81,500 -bus. 'loafs; 'George , Hindman,
SundaY, 102,000 bus. wheat; Mantadee,
Monday, 264000 bus. barley wheat;
F. V. Massey,. Tuesday, 123,000 bus.
voats and' wheat; • rairlake, today
(Thursday), 132,000 bus. barleY. and
On, Sunday the Wm. Schtipp brought
105,000 bus • wheat to the mill. •
'461r,tiCe ay frem the head of the
Lakes with cargcies. for the elevator
are the Windoe, Schupf) and Algo-
rail. The 'Windoe , is, due to .arrive
Friday. evening. .
The • Sterling Construction do: has
Completed a job of sevesi. weeks in
building .11: new, section of re-
taining wall alongside' the'road to, the
station, joining a portion of the
old -.4wall which withstood the slide
of last Year when a portion of the hank
gave way.
Two million trout fry from the Point
Edward' fish hatehery were recently
11 00 I 11
name implies; -a storage depot for
planes and equipment. The personnel.
involved will be ground, crew, store-
keepers, .etc. The Signal -Star is in-
formed that the buildings to be re-
served for civil aviation i-putp.oses are
the administration !building, one hangar
and the garage. L..
Cerrespondence between the,, County
and the Gavernme t willnot be made
public Until the June meeting of, County
CAPT. F. VOC11,411VE
Distritet Cadet OM. ear
Local Shortage o
Labor Still Acute
Selective Service Ofticer irt
Gliclerich:Reports .
on Conditions •
E• . H. Nat,. manager of the National
Selective -Service, office in Goderieli,
rpports serious shortages of Taber in
the a•rea.iinder hie superviSion, and the
p,rospe. Are, that the demand will
'continue throughout the summer, These
shortages, rather than being of .a local
and -transient nature, . appear to, be
itio:nal 3
Voted -for I!ospital
yoe Turner 6:sud Ootui, Butkirot
Opposo Gnat...Tem
Couttit Meeting
Town Connell otf Friday nigiat,
st adepteili, a 'recommendation of 'the
finanee committee that the kmefl
gyarautee Alexandra, hospital
ditional grant of 4300 to help meet ex
decurrent4 '
penges i, the year it netesan*k
and that. the hospital Board, i)etition
tl.ie County Council, at its June session
fer further assistanee.. In the event '
th.o.t,,no comitleratfon :is gival by, the
oty, the lAnance cotee af,*8 tllat„
the ;hospital increa,se it$ rates tor
The recommendation did not got
through 'without , opposition. Cop.
H'uckiiiS; Played. in amendment that the,.
additional grant be VI,000,, but there
wag no seconder.. 04 the, motion for
the adoption of the nuance cintuaittee's
report, Cdun. Ilueltins and Mayor
Turner Voted'inav
Oppose Guarantee '
Com. 11141d/is- .raised the -question
whether the Couacil had a l.gti•t
intikethe guarantee as, recommended by
• the, , committee. • It eerta.hily would
niean an Joe.rease in taxes, be „declared.
He bereved there were ether metwo-dis
of handung„the, matter, sueli as an•
appeal to the-CountY ,Coutteilr In the .
lastreSort the .11dspital, Board. might
appeal to:the citizens, to 4eme to the
rescue and he felt they -would ap so.
it -given -the: opportunity. . *
MaYor. Turner also expressedopposi,_
tri-on-w-th-e:rreeofin"iladtition, The
pital Beard had Come before theCouncil
j'aSt' 013. the eve:of •the striking of the". -
tax rate and the Couneil had had little
iimaailx•totii-9a4'4genaerdaiffil siettitutatioonn6 ..tBill.emovaee.rddte,..inhCiogenshretihdwear7e-teheemaptitsiiti3Cra,,Qtellotimoedlles:thailKi.
who. are. eialeavoring to supply Inbar '
„ situation before laying At on the lap of -
for the 'varied:industries of the country. the Council: They might" have, .asked .
This ,is stronglYrindicited. in alette he Provincial GOvermientfor-- author- *.
stairku-eo--the part of couldiiThl xetetv'd bY Airl Rill tali A. *Ile- PitYati.ertj4Tish.ee.' tete:: 70143: tlerilne)ldilheri°'::
titude, and • warned, that one "silly
Intel, _he saidc ,had never •"been • put
strongly -before ,thg Co -linty- Connell. :
niuSt hive • hospitals,"Said
Worship; 'IAA' is there, no other way '
of, raisini 'the :41.equired money'. than
asking is .to put 'two ,additional '
of taxaion 011. the ratepayei's,:seme•ot
Whom are struggling to get alei,ig.and • ,
pa -y their "taxes1"-, •
the members Are present.
spoil the whole sliow.. "He • stressed
tla_as if Called to serve during
the -War cadet training gives the 0.P.•
Pertunity40._ reach the higher bracket
in Navy, Army or Air Force,' ;Canada
is suffering now because we. did not
have • Cadet ' trainieg befere the war,
and now we are -teaching you the scores
te fit you tb...take, your places in life.
All -cannot blossom out to be D.F.C.'sv
or V,Oi's,,but. each can de Ns part• "
The 'offieer concluded by thanking the
cadets for their. appearance; and as:
sured theta 'len look so smart it your
Physiettl training and firstitid demon-•
uniferms." '
stratiobs also 'featured. the afternoon
program.- , • _
The corps has been. under_the Three
Scott- assisted-byl-L-lent.-.Wszp..Walkwn
of "C"‘Compttny, Middlesex and Huron
the fine attitude•of the eadets.
I I a. • if •
4 Lieut. 13ill Macdonald was seeond in
comniand ; Lt. Douglas Holland in
charge of No. platoon, • and Lieut
John Holmes of No. 2 platoon:
"C.W.A.C." Addresses the .Girls.
Lieut 'Jean Griffin, C.WA.C:', 'Woods:
stock, and Sgt. Betty Bryer, oftendon,
were present and were introdueedA/
Captain ,Cochrane,- who explained that
they were on a courtesy visit' by per-
mission of the 13.9;C.
The, Collegiate girls were asserablecl
and Lieut. Griffin: addressed them.: She
•told them. Of the uniforms worn by
,various gi4 cadet corps in the Pre-
ee and laid that _girls. always look
mart, on parade -;-:the traininecreatea
a different aftitudehto life; gives et:In-'
fideode,- but means -work; and "some-
times stole.. the show from tlie boys."
--difilay6te?''.."-projects71.,;(td'77by -the
pupils of - the home; ecoifonties' and shop
classes Of the , Goderich : Schools may
be seen in the windows of pridham'S
men's stere On. Wednesday and --Thurs-
day, May 17 and 18. •
On Saturday, May 20, frora-'2 to 5
pan., a display and bazaar will be
held in...the gymnasium of the Collegiate.
Classes will be in progress in thes,hoMe
edenomies and shop rooms' goi the in-
forintitlen of visitors. =This- is an op-
pertunity for the 'public to visit .the
classes and see the work 'being -done. ,
. .
. •
• l•
liVIIAT :ABOUT THF l 24Tir ' •
Enquirieta7arei being -made -•as to what
Is to be -trona "about the ,24th, of May
this year: Last yohr," although it was
net officially a holiday, . it w.as-Pretty
„generally ,observed. as one in Goderich,
schools-andltores closing for the day.
So far as the schools are concerned, the
'matter' settled by. an amendment to
the .School Act ,passed at the. recent
session of the. Legislature; which de-
crees that May 24 June (bincirilly"the
King's birthday) 'and ,November 11
:(Armistice Day). are to lie' sehool holt-
deposited in Lake Huron ote Goderich.
• The . bathing . season of 1944 was
Aor Ot the
i All! rOoNu
1113 opened cin one of last week's fine days'. ,C6TU4Isie TaYipia144BRzAeellit'ng
. , •It- by Bobby and P.111Y,' the two, Young sops., ,....ouritsr, ubrarl.. miwtsittem__wat _be.,
• - ' --- -of4.4aneet-COr-p,R,--W,.--Bell..-.4.---The--24thvr-4,04- at .13to•sseis. on
- May la traditionally the date foi.thiS.'-- May 26th, ,Miss
Alberta tetts, 'of the Simcee Connty
101:02• •
. .85.42 -
-82.21r • .
' 78.82
• • 75.82
• .73.46,
• 72.02
• 63.26_
annual e'Vent : but the two young Bells, Library. Assodation, will be
the guest
areenterprisingand they put the record spAelaiksesnitkeili tle
. God'erielvlihrti*Xiae,
up a few notches for the boys of sue-
attended- the regional eonference of the
6e eTti:og:it fromel7ltetsaleellit3ebdtoPYsb:' o 1 thefo'rtWbseaeYte:t'r:'Pyears ,', ford • last we ek and was appoitted to
: -_, ,Ontario 'Library Apoeiation at Stria-
of:age; *diSplayed remarkable PresTice. attend' the -Provincial Association meet -
of nlina, Wben: 0110 of them fell n'Itu ing'tit:Toronto in lune. .•` .•
the lake off the end Of the south pier on , . .
•SaturdaY eVening. With 'anOber-c(P-,, . COURT *NEXT WEER
pa111011 of about tliesaine age they were , •
Non -jury. 'sitting's' of the Snpreme
amusing theinseives 'throwing Thin.
vourt or Ontario will open at the Coat
noWs into the Water when one of thein, muse 011 aionday
Charles Kennedy, hist Ills balance and, Justiee trqtthart. ligter,obefa°r7
fell into the water, • He paddled him* aseS on the doeket.
self. over to the tall which runs along •
the side of the pier and then Worked
his way to the ladder ,whieh readies:
from -the water to the top, ,Sturdy
six-year-old Bowra, soil of Mr.
and Mrs, George Bowra, went down the'
ladder •grabbed • Charles,, and lielPed
him to safety. In the meantime the
third Iad had run to get help from the,
bathing houSe, and Bert MaePonald
horried out ,witli sgrapPling irons and
*as relieved to ,find the two boys safe
but frightened. Ile took Mon tolteir
homes, dud there' "'are 310 111 OffeCtg ap-
parent from what might have' been a
mil& more serious happening.
Temperatures of the past, week in
Goderich, with thoSe•of the correspond-
ing week a year ago, as °re-
corded,' were as follows
1044 '
, Max. Min. Max. Min.
r-Thurs.; May 4 -.69 54 56i 30
.May 5 47 * 57 45
Satt, May 6.......s5 43 68 51
;Sun.; May 7 50 38 02 48
Mon., May .8 36" ' 53 30
IWed., May 10 -50 38 55 i47,
Tues., May 9 45: 50 ..„ .11
Namara,' director of NitiOn:hi Selective ,
Service at. 'Ottawa. - A:tr.-MacNamara-
writes : - •
"Dear Sirr-You have earned a word
of praise. We are receiving an increas-
ing number of letters of appreciation
of the effeds a local offices in dealing
With difficulties arising but a a short-
age ' of manpower and deere,asing
number of • criticistas - of :the work of
- The collector reported co ee_gouP
tax '11 t`
the ollices., It - therefore, you
411 of
3.85.51. in April. .0
Oaf the rebonsibilities givii to
under the Selective Service regulations
are being handled in a .very efficient
manner.. Iyass.this word; of commend-
ation to froml the Minister and
myself. = -
• "During the :winter we have .enjoyed
a_teinPortir hilt from the necessitY
The sexton of Maitland 'cemetery re-
ported se en interinents, .4pril. •
Chief Pollee Ross reported -eheck-
coal (m ¥arlous
' Rilvir6L:_worg, ConlIty„..
-faetrthere 'has-been -too- much talk of ire co.
layoffs and , unemployment Actually -
C. .C. Lee ..... .... . '22401b..
therelatve-been few areas with_ a sur- „ •• • -
ew cases
plus labor sup • --an • in
the surplus been large.
• "'We are Moving into a year *high
I am positive will develop Into a period
of acute labor short'ages to a degree
itadreauted ..of ',heretofore.
. • "Already the, necesSities of .war:re-
quird•that Tar& Otimbersof new men
and women have to be sent back inte
plants where there was a layoff a few
'Months agt);, Ten thousand men and
women -are heeded iinmediately for
heavy • Shell manufacture. Packing
plants are desperate .fdr-help. Rail
ways hre.pressing for men for .Shop ahif
track •work. Base,metal
short 2000, ' men: . You ktioW' that
foundries' and agdcultartd implement_
plants are.short. can. mention many
others': We Must find a quarter of a
Million men for agrieulture,'
- • Tiese. and other indicat s. Point
• At the monthly meeting of the Beard
of Health, on Menday .evening, mo -
ben was passed' to ask the Town Genii-
cil to cheek up on the enforcefnent Of
the Town's anti -smoke bylaw.
• ,A; report presented' by, Miss A.
Cleaver, public health- nurse, shewed
that 264 -children had been _under treat-
ment hi April and 923 Arcinitialption
treatments had been given in the
inonth. OL_these -206 were, given
iare-selnap1.- children, .51 to Separate
School Punill, 196 to CO:Aral School
pupils; 193,40 Victoria Scitool. pupils-
aed , 217 to. Collegiate pupils.
- Water from ithe town system *as
reportesPgrade "A"' by the‘tondon lab-
oratories' or the Provincial Department
a health.. .
According to present indicetions, the
sumther tourist business will be .par -
ocularly good this year. -Mr. C. C.
Lee, proprietor of Hoterllunset, states
that„Ite alreadY has Tirrge' bookings.
Openini date for the:Sunset this year
is Juee 2.4: • '
• Par be it fr6nr L. M. Mtibee,
ardent :diaciple of .Istiak" Walton,' to
explode a good -fish 'Story,. partieularly
at this Stage the season, when stories
lire flying thick and fast, but he.simply.
'cotild triet help alebunkingthia'one.
seetna that mie of his fishing part-
ners, ,Jini•by naine, had just shown him,
11 couple of large brook trout and at
the!. same tithe confidentially divulged
the loCation of the street).
"Doe" Was at the illbing ground' at-
sunri$.1e-itext morning,*Pbut not befor,q
a small boy. `•
"I am told the fishing here Is goodt!'
quoth Doe:, "My friend Jim caught a
couple of beauties yesterdaY."
"Shueks," replied the boy. "t caught
those fish and sold tlfera', to Jim for
fifty cents'. tlere's the
down into bls pants pockets to
produce the
The Doctor ehuckletl and moved on
down the* strettin. Ile didn't get tts
nitwit( as a. nibble!. Tito boy Of his
quota, „using' bantboo pole. •
to the,niost difficult. year we have had
to face ha Providing manpower „pr
industry. Over and above the problena
a meeting the needs of industry we
must ',find', 98,000 men in top Physietti
.contlitfon for the armed force.
-"We must ineet the' situation IV, _0;
more -VigorouS, and rigorous niiProaen
to compulsory transfers. We. Must
*comb 'ail • leSs -essential industry and
move people to 'eSsential jebs. The;
'Mobilization- Division- -has called over
inee for enfhlirlatim for
the armed forces and ever • half a
uiihhiofi of thele. have been _rejected.'
I ani mire _that they are not elf noW
engaged in essential jobs. You have
authority to transfer men employed in
industries or establishmeuts included
ha the eompulsory emproyment transfer
cyders to industries where their ser-:
Vices- are vitally needed and it Will be
necessary use that 'authority vigor-
ously if we 81( 1(1 meet existing short-
ages in the high labor priority estab-
• lishments,
"You \rip be receiving detailed in-
structions itend the purpose of Jilts -
letter is to convey to you_a_ general'
-IdetrAit-theTsitutition and to urge yon
Ad Put ,ftirward 'every effort' ineetthe
•situation. . • -
"1 Call ig1111111111rIZe comments by
saying that the war has not yet been
won." .
Local Conditions
Speaking of loeiti cOnditiorti, Mr. 11111
states, that a 'considerable deinand.11re-
vans for heavy labor for industry and
construction. • Skilled maehinists and
foundry. workers also are in demand;
Farmers are lootting anxiously for help
Another feature- ef the"' prevailing
Psituation to
the opportunity presented Jo
aml are, offerittg. goed vvagee..
wikiell nillyoiraltIgliisielist -count funds. funds. The connnittee reported
to acquire a triulc. ApprentiN,.s... are relief aceounts for April at $237.04.
wanted for machine work partieularly,
The publie-4works continittee Teem*,
and Youths 'Who wish to Irani for a
splendid trade, and earn wages while
doing so, might well take advantage of
the eouditions tow existing.
(1.(1.P. Club annonneeS
It ineeting to be held ilt the Wingham
ToWn Hall on Saturday night, May
1.3th, with IL B. jollifre and 11.
Leas'ens, members of Ortario Legis-
lature, as Speakers. Ur. aollifte is the
leader of the party in Ontnria.
Seabrook COal Co. .4645 lb. 4590 Ib. •
Alex:'Xintler applied for a. permit for
alterations to his house eii Montreal'
street to enlarge its aceomModation.-, .
Applications of Gordon L. Ltatab; NO.:.
aott • street, diid Albert J. ' Windt":
Gloucester Terrace, were for :reshiii&• .
ling dWellings. .
An application from. the ' Shut-in's '
Day Association for.permispion. to •hold :
a tag day on Saturday,: June 3rd, to
'provide fends' AO carry- • on Its work,
was sent to i the 'speCial. committee.. .
, •Several offers for-parellaSe-of-lrewn'
lots in 'clarions parts of. the town were ,.
referred to the Public Werkettoganittee., ,
,John Pinder .offered WO. forb the
Wilding -and lot at the -corner- of! Vic-
toria and Newgate .streets ticat 'lased bY.,.'
the : Public' Utilities. Commislion for •
storage. • This ' was referred to the
special cominittee.,. . ' . • ' ' .. ,
' 45: toryier frem Robt. Standiab. for the.
shingling a the 'armories build:big was
'referred to coinniittee;•Of the whole..
A brief letter from Rev. A, G,Harris,
of the Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle,
protested against the proposed op,ening
*of a' • liquor ,warelleuse itt, Goderiel.,
This also•WaS sent to ceramitteg of the
whole.". . -
'L'' ,I, ,
An invitation to thCCOlindir'te at- .
tend .tit :an amateur- minstrel show JO
be given in the: reereatie hall of the,..La
Clinton51Radio Scheor A, . Thurlday--
evening of this week was eceived•from ••
the -connittincling, :Officer,- Wing goni-
InanderiK. R. Patrick, mad. was tie-', -
cepted'for ,the entire membership. •
P. A. Zhninetean's application' for. '
renewal of his tefresitment' stand
license was sent to the special COM"'
mittee.- . - • '.
• Copy of a letter.sent by the Public '
School Board to the Ontario Depart.;
moot of Highways, in support a the '
Council's request for a caution light at.
the intersection.. ' of -Vieth& • street.
Kingston street and Igin avenue, was •
read. . • 4 • - ' .
- --A- 'request- fkom W.,--1.- -Freeman:,
Suatir,---stree#fer.the removal of two.
chestnut trees in front of his home'and
the planting of four or five . young
maple trees was referred to the wine:
tery end. parks committee.
"• 'Committee 'Reports- ,
. The tnanee eomMitte&-reeonameaded,
as already stated, ' the guarantee a an
addi„tional $3,300 te•AleXandralloSpitat '
Other recommendations were that the „ .
Town purchase 41 $1000 :sixth Victory .:.
Joan bond Olt cemetery perpetnity fund .
at:Count-, and that If neeessary 4. ....l.... .
np•dthe- Towit'S quota for the current
'victory. loan: bonds iiii• to the amount of.
$10,990 be purehased from current tie- "
attended that a portion Of the Ittitaball
lot oh Maitland road, .1.25 feet by 125
fept., be sold to the .McColl-rroritentie
oil Company; and that tbe Clerk obtain '
prices on stone chips from out of -town
supplies,chips to be delivered, by rail,
911.e. special eommittee recommended
that Cornish Plectrle lx! advised ,that
the transient traders bylaw is atilt In
effeet and that h.. Pletsch ham sot
taken out a ;lion*. *The committee
ratified that if there ahoulil be. any*.
(('Ontintied on page 4)