HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-05-04, Page 8op Are Invited To Atten unday Servites . , Itettor. _ • V; P. S. CARNIAN,, Organist • and Choirmwitee 830 sui HOLY. .1OAWNPN. • 44k ."• — „ • - • f. . 11,0,0-a ni BOL). COMAIUNION ANY.) SERMON, " SubjectI,/,-Vossessing Our ,Posi-essiOns,'. .....- ...r.... . 2..30: P.,In'; „.CHIJRCH SCHOOL- AND' BILIOVE. CLASSES,, „ . . _ .7.00 f_iiiii. •,..-INVEN'SONG OW SER5ION. i 'Sub:get; . ,.. , . __ ,CO5IE TO CHURCH orth S llite hike 'IvaNtoim_tif.,,v, R. TURNBULL, 1 axn, "TOMORROW'S. UNCERTAiNTIES." §Und4y. School., • . Pan--4‘;‘WIET.1 SITUAT1O 'NS BRAVELY." . Organist and ChoirinaSter:L-MR. RAI 511XIIEHO1':- . SINCERE WELCOME AWAITS YOU. ox Presbyterian Church --punuo--woRsHIP. • sermon'. sub,t,oet; "The Voices We tIenic"• • 2.30 p.m. SUNDAY,' SCHOOL. All Departmente. '1)1,11.1111,16."Vir'ORSHIP. Sermon Subject.: "The Heavenly Vision?' MISTER:e.;•-REVEREND RICHARD STEWART. ORGANIST -MISS ,EILEEN BOGIE. • DIRECTOR OF PRAISE -MRS. FRANK SAUNDERst Come and Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Itoliness. 1Goderic Baptist Church Rev. Joseph Janes, M.A., Pastor. Miss Verna Miller, Organist 410 a.m..' SUNDAY SCHOOL. . • •;11 aan.. ,PUBLIC WORSHIP- Subject: "The Way to God.". COMMUNION SERVICE. " 7 p.m.---.-PLIBLIC WORSHIP..Snbeet:."Fabuloui Wealth." Monday 8 pm -a. -;Meeting of 13.Y:P.p. . Wednesday r3 p.m.-PraterMeeting, A 'CORDIAL wOLComk FOR ALL. , - • VictoriaSt. -United 'Church „ _ . CHURCH WITHAA,U2LR WALCOME" 10.00 a.M. gOSTOAY-SCI106L __ 11.00 a41....mowsprq SERVICE.'• " 7.00 p.M. EVENING' SERVICE. Hipps. - .ETI1E-L-PENTEPGEMA-1i,TABERNA-OliEn..- THE cEinatE„-.4)E .EVANGELISM ' • r—HARIUS,''Pasior; , • 16 .WATERLOO ST. .SUNDAY, --10.00, a.m. Sunday School. ....11:41.M. MORNING WORSHIP. 7 " 1.30 p.m. EVANGELISTIC sumo& , TUESDAY -.--8.00 p.m,:. Young PeoPie'S" Service. 'WEDNESDAY, .8.00. On: Women's Ails' sionary -Service. • You are always. Welcome to Worship the Lord at 'this spiritual • " • -14 THE G0E/E1ICH SIGNAL.STAR CHURCH: NOTUS Tile rupil.„ teaefierS au4. I iteerki of the Goderich ,Daptist SnraPiy, SehOO1 partook. _of a 'betuitiful Supper 4, last Thurk`day evening in the -Sunday school . hall of the church. The snPerintendent, Maple Lea f Chapter, ,LO,D.E.,will Mr. Sydney Greenslade,preSided, and •hold its regular meeting on _Friday, ,afte,r thesupper lantern slides were may 12th,at ' 339 p.m., .14 1446,X4Y shOwn on "Airs. Casey and the 13illy litiu. - - • .3.7 4.1`out,*,'.'-•-anil:±+.The.:1.4ffof.---b‘funti,ee----;,-Thg- :7-,,,,a-i--Kii--ii-liiin7-,--,Atouday.;-,03., Singing of tile National .uthem and 1 prayer. by the pastor, 'ltev.' " joSergx 1514ge;e''Quatsr:'11,th°8' 9.1.cUet174: 411411i;/1 -°2n1 Janes, Drought to a elosea very enjoy- . able*evening,Retain- ytintlifut .aPpearance, *An- ... • * The Ladies' Aia og xflox cuuro.' met gO•1411:4' °i'l'''S tiair'XIV44rer ‘444* 'cQiur- lt, ^ ' 28t1i, with 'Mrs, Alex. Stratton presiding, ou. vriaay, Apru, iiire to Your. liair. $1 at Campbell's Drug, Store." . ,,, . 4, 18.41 ‘will hold 4 in the leeture room , over the business. , GrouP 2 had charge .,,,toeTts.ite:Isbaeike4.1-10/1 .4saciti'g:rday; may Othi Of the program • and - will also .luive a tye tiext.twe meetills.,..xra. txt L() p.m. in Oddfellows'Hall, 10-3,3 ,ellarge Gee. Bea - ta.sed,, a vjetin , $(40, , tke,. •A„.rommage -Sale Will Do held,*-bY tile ' 'edinlmiii-e'l, Y4 Airs. Wilbur °Ste'iv„,,,,"...„t'' 3‘1.,i'nQ33e i1ted.11'15.ell'Aurse$h6c,i4itn1(41AlactKaNY°rtlillstreetitil,on 4c-V1Ii01 ''"ills L'it.tviVen;1('Yed''' TUP )37'4' Saturday, May 201h, at 1:39,..011.- /All - 'What ‘.11' ift,:iergy wr nave in, jesnA," li oae „wishing to make •donationa, 'Please was song 'and Airs. Pralik,•,.$0..unders "u ...„--, Joseph L. Seribben. . . . • . Mrs. Westbrook, Phone 48T. - Miss Campbell, phone 413; or gave a talk Ofl. tlio life ot. the writer,f u'Is ,a...combi,nea meetalx ot icitau4na auci bazaar eservieuici.S.acitui;dia4yY y, 01?pro2i0otell.ts, for' Huron PresbYierieS of the tre.sbyterian shop and lieree ecOn6mics Classes of Church will be held at Aviugam on Goderich Collegiate Tuesday next -'to conefede the anialgara, to 5The p:ma. ' ;Institute, trim 2 . P.,. -18 atien- of the two Presbyteries in one,nnual hospital birthday tea US authorized at .the recent ineetiiik-Of will be held at Alexandra. Hospital, the Synod of Hamilton and London. ,under the. auspices of the" Wcanen'S . Hospital! Auxilitiry, On Saturday after- , ATTRIDGE.-At 'Alexandra Trospital, Donations or gifts- -Of money-gwill be• - BORN . . noon, May 13th, frenr 3 to 5 o'clock. Goderich, on April, 28th, 19,14, to Air. very gratefully received on that, after - and Mrs. Cecil Attridge, Goderich, a noon. . . • • -17 son, Ronald Bruce. Constipation, biliousn4s, Indigestion BAECHLER.--At Alexandra Hospital, qeickly relieved with Kipp's. Herb ' Goderich, 61 April 27th, 1944, to Mr. Tablets, the effective tonic laxative. and. mrs. Emerz, ,Baechler,, anderich, 25e and 75e sizes, at Campbell's and a daughter, Sharon Diann. • • COOK. -At Alexandra Hospital, GodQ: - riCli,, on May 1; 1044, to Mr. and MTS. Edward Cook, Goderieh, a son, Ray-, niond Edifard. cleaver s oflice. Fit...Lieut. lqaeDonaid Ji HOGAN:L.-At Hotel Dieu Hospital, of'''ky Iia.rbor'-wili. . be the guest Windsor, on. April 21st, 1944, ,to L.A.C. speaker. His -subject will be "Neurosis." and Mrs. Thos. W. Ilogan, a. 'son. ;WEDLAKE.----fn Chesterfield Nurgilig 11ome",. Bristol, England, on'April '29,, 1944, to Mr.- and urs. Douglas Wed - lake (nee Betty Fry), -a, baby boy - (Gary Douglas). Both well. . STEVENSON.-At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on April 28th, 1944, to Cpl. and Mrs. Dennis Stevenson, Goderici, a „daughter, Penelope. ,, WATSON.--At Alexandra -Hospital, on " . April 28th, .19-144 To Mr. and AUCPON SALE „.. mrs. Leonard )tir,aison, Goderich, a son, Paul Alfred. • ' 1 tie For,Results A Classified Ad 0,4,ItETAKE1t FOB, OthitellOws' Halt Applications Must be 111 by May 15t1t. A.pply GEO. XATIIIESON, Chairman Property 4,10m.444.tet ' ANTED. ---WOMAN TO, HOUSE- CLEA.N- • -a 1,,,Icountry -home-, with, eieetiicai appliauces; good ,WageS.,4' 01 steadY einPloYMent.. Write . BOX.- 36, SIGNAL -8'1'4U. -48 4.V111.1tOdSi F013, TWENTY MORE cattle •for pasture; on• Maitland 'Concession, colberrie...,...vGlood grass, plenty ol! Water, and lots•Of Shade trees, O. It. FORSTER,,R.B. 2, owitrou.,Vhohe Carlow 109. all druggists. , • 14-22 • The regular monthly Meeting of the Graduate Nurses' Association will .be held on May 12th, at Q. p,m., in Miss • ,•••1$ • Central Home and School Association w.111 meet at the school on Tuesday evening,i May 9th. ,Election of officers will be held and all Amembers are requested.to be present. Slendor Tablets are effective. Two weeks' supply $1 ; -.twelve weeks' $5; at anapbell's-Drug--Store. * TRAVELLING BY `TRAIN THESE- DAYS? If tyelf have -a floaier policy, your luggage is covered and you have nothing to worry about. .. Get particulars from 1V1. FORD insured - Stay insured - • 0...._Rest assured.• • North, St.• Tel. 268w reel ethO st .Churcli. 0,0,,,r Victoria -and Park- St., REV. G. IV. 'FREEMAN; l'astor a.m..-SUNDAY SCHOOL. ,MOBNING. SERVICE; - pan. EVENINO SERVICE: ' Prayer Meeting -Wednesday at 8 P.m. • -; CORDIAL VITELC0111E, TO gVERYBOIVIt. "le 1 • When you kequire Coal or Coke Coal and Hardware at the Earbievx PhonesOffic_e_22 'i-Hoiise 112 • It • v., • ,.....ftworsomerrommenwre.Lor •NA'nollAD , Ana._ .... • , - .• ............ .. ... G. ,Elliott , VETERINARY SURGEON SMALL AND LARGE ANIMALS Udies'VitieStaii,'GredirIct' • every ' Thursday . afternoon PHONE '203• • CLINTON $.prin Stitings Come in and .see' the /I'm shades and ;eaves, in Suit- • ings and Top' Coatings. We have .° TROPICAL MATERIALS. _ for °facers' eSummer Uniforms Altering, reinodelling Service -Call 317W- . West;! morqopimmikiniair FURNITURE SALE FOR MRS. TOM• . . Smith Park street? on Saturday,, , i‘lay Ath. :Particulars. . GORDON -GRANT, ' -18 Auctioneer. ANTED. -TO 4ux or.a) n,SrAi dead cattle; muse be suitable for 'mink ..feed;reinoved promptly. FRED GILBERT, R.R. 2, Bay1le14. Illon:e '908 r 22,, Clinton. Calls paid ' , • 18-t2 4,NTED.1- 'RELIABLE WOMAN for, housecleaning; 40c an ' houar. Phone 285. ' -18 AuCTION SALE; 'GENTS WAN D. START YOUR . Own -part-time business withont any 14YeatMent..4, on, ...Year _Part, .Pr011table Watking route available in nearby rural locality, Suitable travel outfit re- quired.° For details write promptly -to THE J. 11. WATKINS COMPA,NY; dept. "O -G-1" 2177 Masson street, Montreal: • 18-20 I have instructions from MrS. Fellow, South street, Goderich, to sell, without, • reserve at her residence, on ,-, SA.TURDAY EVENING; MAY 13,',19.44 at 7 o'clock snarp, A. 'large quantity , of chaiis,- soine rockers, and: leather chairs, several. •dres rs, Congoleuna rugs,. inlaid lin- 14,,, oleo .,and: a large quantity of •good floor overing. Anyone in need of this material will do well to attend 'this sale, as most of it is in •good Condition. _ TERMS, -CASH.. * • • . MRS. MARGARET PELLOW, , . . . • -•• Proprietress. _ ' GO13,DON M. GRANT, -8-19 ' t - •-0 . Audio FOli FAMILY OF V V A two. aquits": •Muit ' be good,Ottin cook., Private bath- and radio. Good wuges. Write BOX 49, SIGNAL -STAR. -18 r•••••,••••••••••• NOTICE TO ',CREDITORS XTOTICE TO CREDITORS. - 4.11 NOaCC is hereby given' to all persons. having any, claim against- the estate of Clar15$4 AUW1, late at tite KAMA Ofl.Vadetlek- -(iii-Or--alt'otit. the Otli day of Mardi, 4914, to•selid. Same to the undersigned'orpt before ---01 Dth day of AlaY, 49447,as Ori 'and after - that date the executor of ...the said PS,tato shall ProCeed to, distribute the assets. thereof, .hating regard. only „to the clatins then * 0.11A.TS, Goderich, 'Ontario, 1647-18 Solicitor, for the "ExecutriX. IATANTI3Di• ..-7"MIDDLEAGED • WG.,, ' MAN for general housework. Ap- ply MRS. • JONES-BATEMAN, BecliOrd • 48. IISIMITrilINIMI1111111111111111 411;i1 FOR SALE C.ELWING--iu-A•CHINES -Bou SOLD. 'REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES,- „• HOURS:2 P,M. TO ti P.M., ,CI.< WOODS, ;OTICD TO CREDITORS. '2 EAST STREET... ...9t2 In the estate of Norman M.*Baker, . deceased.- FOR SALB.-SEVEN-ROOM BRICK Notice is hereby given that all per house .east .half ofdouble- house, sons having Claims against' the estate of 91 Last street.* Possession June 1stthe said. Norman M.', Baker; •deceased, For particOlars apply G. p. MATHE who died, at the town •of Goderich on SON, 24 Cherry street, StiCatharines,. or -about the 12th day of .A.pril„.,AD, 18-19-,29 1944, are required to , torward.their claiinS,,didy proven., to thetnidersigned FOR SALE -C• OTTAGE AT POR scilicitor for the 'executors'on or before , Albert, Ontario. Completely fUrn4 the 20th -day of May, 1944, after.WhiCh ished.• •Suitable for, year-rdlind use time the executors will Pfeceed to dis* Good investment. ;Apply BOX • 34, tribute the assets, having regard only SIGNAL STAR - 17-18' to and being responsfige: for the claims of which- they shall then have had FOit SALE.--KiTc),HENETTE SUITE notice. * • • ••• comPlete;. two-piece bedroom suite, Dated this 24th day of April, nearly- new 7 bathinette; high chair ; 1944:- . blue pram. Apply' 41 Elizabeth street LOFTUS 1P attATCEY, . • , • 18x -1749 • Solicitorfor the. xeentors.' NoTIot- To .,:131alli)r,toit8. --Notice is herebY, AtV. to all 'persons • Having any claim atglinst the estate of '.....r.....4"."'n"'"•""°"1— THU DAY, MAY 4tb; 1944 ..41soostomans!wiliVISPINIPPOPOININIONIIIIIP' i.E.4es - 'ORDER' YOUR WEDDING, CAKES EARLY - Wo carry a variety of BUM . • 'PIES TARTS - BREAD - *white St Vitamin,B. WliOle whea and 000KIES Sill an IOR MOS ifiEUtc in 'invited quantity .01100010A6 P141,431.0, Pies 1,reruYi Bakery, RT 1410NE04I.:•' L. Maria Young, late .of "TONvii .Of Goderich, who died on. or about the twenty-seventh (Iasi' o Jan4arY, 1944, to b$‘eulefotireStitillhee twenty-eillgh(ithersdiagyzi? °,411Pr°11, 1944,' as on and- after that ratite the a.dtainistrator of the said estate shall proceed to distribute, the assets there- of, having regard ,oia,..,to .the claiins then filed. , Dated at *Voderieh this fourteenth day of. April, A.D. 1944. ,2- 1-t. C. EAYS, K.C., 1.047-18 .. - Ooderieh, .11.,X,LPPUTO,10- X,EQUTORS' AUCTION SALE OP ' VALUA.13Llii- PAItAl LAND 'Subject to reserYe hid; On the rireinfses,' at 2.30 p,m., . • MAY 6, 1944' ' In the Township of .Ashfield, County of Huron; „ All that .certain parcel or tract 'Of _land, being: described s • of lot three, (3)in concession thirteen, (13) of the. Eastern Division .02. the .said Township, containing 100 acres more or less,' and being on the twelftb concessien road, 6 .milps west •of Lucknoi,V. • There is a two-story fraine house and a -large barn on foundation,. 'with adequate water supply from two, -wel)s on the Premises. TERMS -10 per ,cent. CASE. Bal- ance -in 30 days. . For further particulars 4pp1y to . • DONALD BLUE, Auctioneer; ,LneknoW, Ontario. or THE LONDON & WESTERN TRUSTS'. . .0 CO. LTD., -• • 353 -Richmond Street, 17-18 • London, Ontario'. NOTICD TO -CREDITORS,. Notice is 'hereby given to all persons' having -any claire( against, the estate of Jessie JeminiarAitken, •inerchant, •late- of the Town .of Goderich in the County. of Huron, who died on or about the lith-dity of .April, 1944,' to 'send sanlie to the undersigned on or before May 12th, 1944, as- on and after that date thel administrator of the ,estate will to make distribution of the assets thereof, havingregardonly to the claims then filed. 'Dated at Goderich .this 25'th day of April, A.D. 1944•. - • . R. C. HAYS, - "Goderich, Ontario, 17:48-Iff—S`clilefter for the said Estate: FOR •SALE. --EMPIRE- KITCHEN' • range, white enamel. with high shelf and water ,.frotilt; • in good condition, Used just fwo years. APPly 19 East street, of phone -860J. ' ••18 PORY.L.403tE blOYI eCTIQN.FuRSANITLE TIORFE7,61;10nUSEIIODD. ierwmaarcahhi,alied„; i'toataaryvv,ttrrodu.nd.-ano..70,111.14: parts eits s SATURDAY, - MA.Y. 13TH, AT 2- P.M., •otv.iim.Lio.dot.'Dist.,,,,,,2 East Street. .317. Cerner of 'Albert- and Nelson streets, -18 (the estate of the late Wm. McIntosh). One settee, 1 rocker and 1 straight chair to Match, 1 round antique table o walnut in good condition, 2 -pedestaIS, 1 rug, 1' buffet, 6 diners, rockers, pic- tures, 'drapes, „curtains,' .2 linoleum rugs, 1 hall tree, several small tables, 1 hall mirror,: linoleum and hooked mats, dishes, silverware, linens, 8 -day mantel clock, 2 beds, springs and ,mat- tresses, • pillows,;•cusltions, 'bedding; 1 trunk,.1 radio, kitchen table and chairs, ,couch, a. number of _houseplants, kitchen utensils, 1 'clieSt, sealers, lawn mower, goydp:n 1'0,411r...stepladder, 8 -_hen-S„: -and. otherartleies.. ' • F. DONNELLY, Solicitor for the Estate. DONALD B. BL'UE.„ . 18-19 • Auctioneer. AroTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given*. to all persons liaving,any claim_against tlie estate of joseph,',Cook,. late of the Township .of Solbsume, theCountyL Of Thiron., farmer, wile died on *or about .Alareh 20th, -1938, to send same to the ..under, Igned-Off-Or befiire-tb-0-26ths-of-ATO 944, as on and after -that „date' the dnilifstrator of the said estate shall Proceed to make • distribution of. the assets thereof, having -regard only. to he..claims then led.; Foil SALE: --WRINGER IN GOOD condition. ' MRS: T. 'W.AltDLAW .t °TAYLOR 19 Britannia road • ...48 , ' . F._R, Alet,ratow, . , ...., . • ,d'Ode"fleh, Ontario, 18,19-20 " 'Soliettor for the said' Estate. , • . • • TNS1ULATE YOUR - WALLS •.A.40 - Theilingpivy while materials are avail- able ; 131own Rockwool method; free estimates erms. Write PNEUMATIC INSULA •G C0.;385 Adelaide str4et,: London. •16-23 KITCHENER BIG,4* HAS CHICKS, . and cockerels: :Order' noW:ler;lin- inediate or later delivery. Save time, - inquire from .agent,• 'RYAN PRODUCE .-Gederia, ' ' . . FOR, . STUDIO COUCH, kitchen range and'" dresser ;. .all practically new. MRS: HAROLD TAYLOR, Wolfe street. • ' NEW . PRICE. ON *POTATOES ' FOR ,S.A.Lp, '..,., AIMED GLADIO'Ll A seasonal. rise in the . price of 'bulbs, treated for thrip; 40 to 60 potatoes was announeed, tor: May Tat. -cents , dozen; according to size:- Head by the W.P.T.B. representative for lettuce plants ,now ready to set out. Western Ontarie. 'Potatoes have be,eft J'ACKSON.S FLORISTS. potatoes oPly- Selling. at $2.47 for a. 75 -pound, baV. • the new brie& is $2.57 for a .75-poimd , bag; The price inerease;4 is on 'table two psed prifins, in exCellent condition. • ', , . . . k)II; 7SAtic:a-0,1g, USBpCHESTER : Seed potatoes remain at• FIELD suitegood as newAlso - Match BRopHErs, FURNITURE STORE, _priees.7 In order *to make the West street • - , • ----.48 • . , , heStirse e avt-f---i-X-bli -e-food supplies, it is • :not* Intended to grant ,petinits Or the impertation-of 4ew„ potatoes so tong as there are good quality old crop:pettoes 'still available: , • ., . ' atilaiarSeliciiie Service iianxious to help you to fill your labour requiie- rne.nts; and asks your co-operation. TO can help by making your need!, knownasearly as possNe. For GENERAL FARM HELP ap- ply to your Employment and Splective Service Office. .The Office at Goderich will assist you. Or for STUDENTS or SHORT T1MF SEASONAL 114P apply to Farm Service Force, Pr vincial De. artment of Agriculture oronto. The National 'Cash Register Co., OF CANADA LTD.- PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT THE ' COUNTY OF HURON' WILL BE HANDLED* FROM , THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER 00. LTD. 350 DUNDA$ ST:, LONDON DON lik-MeLEAN; MANAGER ,A-ievirr46-tv. Registers-and,a-large_stuek xeconditioned macnines are at, your disposal: =, • • • ' For these who are entitled to a permit we have Adding Machines and Bookkeeping, Machines. . •° • ' CAMPLETVREPAIR SERVICE AND A FULL 'STOCK OF PAPER SUPPLIES. ' 1C-18 ,Reg. 'Sale Price 2 ONL'Y' OITILDREN'S' WAGONSO .... . 8,30 5.75 2 ON ORILDR,EN'S WAGONS _ . 12.95 8,75 4 onv TODDLE KARS ; . - - . 1 3,95' . 295 2 ONLY KIDDIE KARS - .. _,... _ • _ ... , 3,15" 2.25 3 ONLY MA01.1INE . CAMS ', , ...,.. , 3:50 2,50 We,,,lrixe, at the present time,, a cOmPlete.line o ohm- hig41.6hairs, stool 'dribs woodon alb$ s play pelt folding earriers aitd prom, Cronston's Furniture • L , •-7TENDE1tS -WANTED rP"PRS* Tenders will be received bY the ; undersigned „until May 15tb. next fer ' the' purchaselor cash of the. folloWing Pareels of:"tifin land being property of Joseph Cook; late of the to-wnshiprof Colborne: - • • • • 1, Part of southlialf of Lot 8, Lake Road West Concession, Township of Colborne, corita1ning.1% acres., and also - part Of same containing' 1/16 ace, Part' of --Lot. 8, Lake *Road West, and pa of Lot 8,,Lake Shore Broken Front ConcOlsion,' containing" 60' acres, more or .less, • - • , Marked cheqUe for 10% of offer to accompany tender. ,• F. R. DARROW,. 18-19 ...Soliciter, •EStatC. of JoSeph Cook. - NOTICE -- NOTICE.--11AVE• `GOOD PASTURE • • .fOr stock ; plenty of good shade, spring creek. THOS.. WARRENER, Bayfield. road. ' • -18 s4n. faTcinii. RANGE, With hot water front PraCtiCally nw can' beSeen' at -.46 Lighthouse 'Street *• -18' •. • Fon SALE. HOUSEHOLD. , furniture of the estate of Joseph Cook is being sold private.** by WAL COOK, ,•/t.R, 3, Goderich. 48 • *TO BENI To RENT, CAITIA:11.. NINETY ares land, McManus farm, two miles north a•Goderieb, Apply. CORA. „geMANRS, _Nelson street * Tc• N TiRNIMED APART-; Apply 54 'Anglesea 'street • 17k po-„ iipme.---,Tintrx-itoon APART- MENT, attract&elY furnished, clOst, to $4,nare; immediate possession, 8, Nelson street,. • 48 . „ tondition„ toy: equipped$40 and $60 'per *Month.. *NliTTON 18-20 RENT.-FORNISIIED APART AIENT; no ..conventence for` 01111(1 ren Apiily Atrts. xivertrz, 28 Cambria goad. 'Phone 387M. •18 TO ItENT.---TWO LARGE rtbaus tarnished for ft,iit bousekeeping; heated if necessary. 105 Lighthouse • street phone, 0/4. 18x Gordon ran HURON ROAD . GODERICH -licensed ,Anctioneer for Huron County, zy,urnitnre and Farm _Celia,. ce- • Salea, Chattels -ani Real Estate::-.. Prompt attention given to all calls Write - BOX .663 clmit Eies 1,52x PHONE 959 TO THE OWNERS AND IlAiBOIttRS .01' 13060, Your dog ,license was due May lst and must be paid 'Atte Tax„Colleetor at thedlown • - A.. 0; toss, • 18 Chief 9f Police. 4164 .r "PUT vIctomr•VIIRST''_,.. CARD OF THANES l''AMILY or THE LATE COLI Murray wish to teiider their sinecr4 thanks. for kinthiesses extended t� their father iii Ids illness and for expressions f syropathy in theft bereavement -18 • Inserted. by Huron County Victory' Loan Committee,