HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-05-04, Page 4• Tm GODE1iCR SIGNAL -STAR TIIVBSDAY.M&Oho IIAT DQ YOU CONSIDER WHEN BUYING ROME FURNISHINGS? covERING.? co1sT0T4p:ovolv UTILITY? ESidN '171';A",' • •-••11 ."TherMs!hardly anithing in .tlie .Worici that; scone man. cannoi Make . AVr.Se, and sell A• little cheaper, andd the,people whoteonSider Price , . .i. , only are the 011,11.4 prey, of this man.'' .' , --.4-Ituskira.a , , . • . . „ ' In furniture, win all other gangs, qualitk...giviiA '70,:tiLoptr, 7 ' ViSta ctiQn In:its use and, itslieanty, and, its Value •OVer• tiltb , s ...., , • . . • • - . -1 years MVOs WO -1)e cheapest. in the long run.d a. • ' THE -414j0.--4i*AY.OI7:00DERIca WILLIAM MoOLUOICZY DZ U IN HONOLULU NatiVe of ClOderieh irOWnahlp .lifail Notable,Career as an thlatationIst DUNGANNON, April 20. --In a. recent -(COnthined tram baps 1) ' message, do hirs„ Itobt. DaVidson; the ClaSs 70 --Cornet sole, ' "Morning death• of her brothert William Ige- (410rY"7.-Rayta0m1 Cat, 8,5. 1111s15.'eYia'Queen'a hospital, IIoniolole, . ClasS 60-7-Doula1e triq, "Fairies" .,„0".,avaaiam....mo waa annotuis iced. h% death , came as a, Vietoria School, 83.; Central Selioel, 81 F . ;-• * • reSolt Of Pileinromia, which f011owed„ . " ClaSs .72 -7,, horn Solo, "iieenea tiou oa. cAptnan and aaria.„ Angas mac:. .. Xern Seventy;tour Ye, ars ago. in eode- thorne, 80. ', '.., • - - , . . 77; .S.S. 9, Goderiela, 77; R:S. 1, Gode- Shadow „and I,", 70; ,11014"ard Godfrey, 7Donald Maedoiaald, Of 1110 it.O.A., a--inaler.Operatien; ' r' :.' ' . ... , That . Are-. -Briglatesteliaries haw- -S,k4- 8, Asinield,---771---/S.f34.-'2', Colborne, -lapauyo:4:40:774\0;e1:11.i;Gyrawri7nieir:71:6p.inn.34:-: rich township, Nia„ageploakey. Was the . class 20-7-Telatio dnei, Seventeen and rich, 77; ' '3`i • . .' . -4-pi,..,28th: pons yarenta are at Tre- onskey ana :Helen, mac:panda ' me. Milne al;:tit..Q.04dbrItt-44ine184,4-2StremiaZ.:47. tee'72-"ta''It:teiine77(ti.lif't*eailini"Oest4-7-f)*entit'iWreelY-4111v1"tre-1:-*O.:e.ghl : ri'-C191149- , = .. , . douald. s realorted Missing _in :Action eond---son -,...-of-J-the.7.1.atet,joSeAt7Me- nuder„--- - !and 'her huaband, ^,Captain, Ted-iLinell; cation at:Unigia School', Godericla'toaai:; .Afinor'.'-7-Chrhatine 'Z.03103411, '83. .f.-0 en:tries, '1 -.„. .. s -- ,,; • ,,,. ° wC:;till;Maintell°,.gll•et(i;ileii-16:4iISIssr.?:trI:P.,''', sent:iii Vert,,A.r.thur,, Ills Sistwa'aje OlusiteY -Pe rOeeiv•ed his primary e u... Class 17-laiano so104.),Vrelude in. D- conteats.„ in whiell .there were' 1 were ',' the geestS. 'this ',week 'aif ' the.' .Collegiate InStitute and Goderigh Medel lue, Vali '. Ladtesario.tleimlilesPier an7jaYirj3a.°13YeZ4r't fillieyr-eYse,,407irto,i4"Wilji.11ar.e. 1,611' S'ita. ;3.1.11' :sti".. ..erktiel4F416•1itiolt. ' With, the Canadian,:„arinY 4? at Louden, ShiP, and WaS a "gradaate •of 'Godericia ,t)i•ass .31,-AieZzO sOpranO, ale; ."Tell . It ,fiiriner'S enele and molt,: all.•,,ataidairs2,:aeliool,..s.a.fOr . sax years! sueeessnil 85; Irene mane, 84. .' • , - higheat nuiricS' in the beY's vbeal sole; "4.11,' over this, continent whereVe.r, * ettal.-vbeb.. Tweedie, ,Vigin..avenne! •,:'• t6aellIng,' tour Years as 3,,rbielpel of Class 4,a-Haaiapo soio,...eigliteen and eight years and inaler, class.00 finals, I haVe been, I hear thityaWful laziness i Porter's hill schoel and two years as. lander,' song .a.vit1.1011t • WordS). "Svveet He -/as, awarae&,(44 floats; :•Itunners,- Oyer the .Soundlag ;of the egnsananta, Vv'il'isl.t..;ii.SegilltleyQ:I'eeit4-tgetitudlitris9swie'lc:1:_'.aIt'llo6r „Tieviehidciel)dnite°%Bonariiiienl::blia.lbiciaeritelaner..116:,A:s1),::asinee..' I8.,I,Qu'llia:eYsurs18_13:24._'ar_L• Voei7i1,414".:::eirs'Oi8.:,..!.s,•::.-3Liii.b":,:. ua' aiug;wIe.,ex'Oen:altrAt?40.41'gelitl,e1BL.RS.44.:5•6' onduelritectlatl,. ba°dtilludiiellateoPre'eec4a111C1111''':141-1011". Ilall(ei Islands. Alineat- fifty yeara-ago he,left IV' tgolnsfel.3.!--,}3%ir1,4:.' glio*ros., fl'fieen' "0.. n.(1 ,--4 ,Avia .Tile test piece vas ,,$tap, Look and alonsoniints by the. COn.tgatanta. 81; Clarle'-.Pa ue,,,R.R.,3; Clinton, .80, critteiZed 'the. alarring of NOWel.a. and;., Listen,.".., ''• ' c, • ' ' ' ' - ' ' eateator, hr, diatanb, landrc a as liaa field a. ketryities,- the klawailaii and _ tinder, .:"Falry :„.Piners" his native land- tor the iana of his , - and under; adoption, reaching there ShortlY before 'Linder,. 'MO= -I.-Nito: lge" Wild "GOSSila, cla°Sst'ke•air6e'rei,11; 'K°red'ilret'lio!WWilesroint, ISII,St.11":1.6S, ifi‘NQtliwellis'utalilse lin..1111*teill9a%,Altsl*Ysinal'as7 7Sgriluentettrl,: Lanae.opl,.. Leslie Riley, :•son ;of ''Alr. ';need to7th"6-"Tinited ,SthteS,- i.re,t0.4......434_170..tattrks„., ,..,,:,, ,,.„,, ,... ..,. ,, .77',, 4.17i C78.11ho_Borneb,by79;7, .GotnorgdbeinPortAnerb, ulreeld, Stingel of Dungannon, 'With 162 (1.0+ .• it appearS ,tliat---tato Gederigh bear..‘ .the Territory 0 ilawau _became an- Joan"7-,G0clerich Collegiate,' Si ed Wield Pionse; selt'Of Air. atakMrs. W.. and did -such good work, in the' "natiVe.• 13, Deetiloven-Elleeen' Bogie, and Mrs.2',Franic iifileY; ' and Trooper manced teaghing near , the town of I-Iiio 13'3„...,_01aiGsg.3. 13, '-'•--rigno, 'Sole, ',"SOnata,",- 01). Kenneth, Gihhings,; 8,S. „5, , Aullett; 77; 81)Towr• a.10.),ufirili'lliELNal , ZuniiTE"1--itle4led&x-p-e,-; Prange, 'are in a. 'hospital in England schOols ' that his abilities . as a. • real eit_rectonko,,d,...4,11{}„,:t , , as 4,2--Vosa da et : an .vo-iees • -. . .8(1' mid 'Renneth Keys, Varna, 'J7 ;' ItOnald gnmion, '161 ; Jean Rirliconnell., Atibtirn, Sterier,,p,.iStil.SO4_74.44.43,... 3; Clinton;77,; REttolitoigtlta, s1-1.,_,se_ j_ig, 1,5001;illshi,urole,YgiPrihs'%itso,rtiardYthrraLT:,te• st -Which --Nurslaig -Sister -Grace-Maw edueator-vvete--pe 47The, Swan."---aludeleine Edward and et .Goderieh 'is on the . stair. Both worked hisivay to the top et the ladder, Marjorie 011lespie. • •-., -• Goderich 76 • jack Hicks lt,R- --1'. 'Pike' coifipttr.ltor's7-.Owti.-etioieehorus-- f. T . r• , . t .young_inen are Casualties from.' the becombag hi tUrn 'high Sehoei,, teacher _,L, _ _ ,4 . Goderigh, 76. ' ' : ' ' • ' No. '2,,,qiiaton, "Good Night and Good eaMpaign in Italy. -Last week wemen- •and' leeOrer' at minium* schools and ' Class 4 -Oratorio sOlo, tJernsalern," 'In class. ,a, piano 'Solo, eight and aforning," 54; S:S, . No. .6,, Cqpprtie,' under, -,"Slumber- • Some' (Schubert), "Evening PraYer,” ,8S; Chorn4 Di timed. that two other Goderich.' boys alse'professor in the Teachers' College, fE,rdoNinvatt.184)a.lil, Mefrelssolin=aladeleine o. 1;• were patients. in* the ,hospital 1-W.Solith- University of hawaii, and Snpervisor Class 22 ---=-Piano duo,' Ann Morritt, Blytkreceiv'ecttlie highest Clinton, "good Naght- and. Good &om- en Italy iii which -Miss A,- Campbell of, of Education,' which is equi:valent to "Anitra's award, 82 ;.; Barbara Kilpatrick, 33Iyth, ang,",52; 8;S: Noi 8, 'Ashtield, "Song of' for the 'boys to haare a nurse, from the .Esther Lyman; daughter •of Senator Joyce Strachan79 Rural: Schbels Compete. _ • r See,' 78. : ' *, . • • ,: - • . the Meadows," 80. • The ,aecompanists Jacqueline liliert5i," 81; Blyth, "Gliding Through,. this town...la serving :as a ntirse. It• DeputY Minister of Education in .01i.;- Daneen-ve; rift4eilitilifitenda•nid3ari:litaray- .70 8andra g, gaikeia, 79.*; must bp a pleasant rem.inder of home tario. • In 1912 . he' was married to Henr3', 80 festival on WediaestlaY, when; "„ e, `t!1,14.1.$ a very interesting.class, with (a.,V...alifield) :an(: Miss nuzabeth Urns, ', 'Aii Interesting ClaSS - " were Mrs. Bert Boyes, Miss McDonald • , „ ; ...,. ..9 home town lookg after them. ,, Frederick S: Lyiliali---(who. was- also a - ,- judge) ' and I Isabella Chamberlain Ly., it wa$ rural schoOl moe rninat In close rem of eighteen school seetiontliselnehitlilde-' ,-gempetation," the adjudicator Auburn, •gicrl, is one Of a group of, thirty girls County • conipeted ' for the honors. stated at *the Close of the girra vocal Clais 73," trOnilione solo, "March.ing . class, *eleven years and under,'• with Song"-4onald MacMillan, Ooderieh, Margai•et Little,"' a 'former ;Goderich man, Who *survives, with iwO.1 *sona,_ who wilt..take basic' training at ,Galt Ram_ school, 'Sections__were , ehosen„ te "Mnsle and.Daneing": as'the test piece. 80. ' , . - the Women's, 'Royal thiiiadiao Naval. 7„Colborne..;• S.S. 3, ' Goderich ;he -spirit, ef thesong-.should be shown . Class. 74,4rombotio-duet, al'll .Take: "-*--DOnald iwho will. take basic trainhig at -Galt in compete in the finals. They were S.S.. . Celberne, iiII .tied Willi 81 'nfarkS, and S.S.s.s. A, in 4 'Smiling .attitude, he 'warned as he You home Again,. Kathleen remarked on -the seriousness of the A.in,slie and -Jack Needham; 81. ' taci SZ 6 Stanley with 80: These elioruseS• al expressions . — Class 10, piano solo, fifteen and. , ',IIelen ,WilliS, S.O. 1, Colborne, was under, "Gavette and Trio"--.-Sal.ly„ Mc were directed by Mrs. BertBoyes, of the zia,.. Clinton. , . • - . . - • - , • e wiiiner of„ the fils in -this -class, Donald, -83 ; M Barbara cLennan, 82; . • The marks awarded. iri:4 this:''Ziasi Avitivii total Crf 16G marks. - , • Mary. Pradham, 81. , were: S.S. No. 7, pplborne, 81; S.,S..No. • Closely following he 'r were ': , Emily 'Class -14,, piano solo,- "Preludea . E. 1, Colborne; '81; S.S.. No: 3, IGederich, Wilson,S.S. 6, Colborne, with -103; Jean, Fugue in E Major" (liaeli.)---14.0ris Gabbings, SS5 81; S.S. Ne.. 6,• Stanley, 80 i S.S. 6, ...,,iluliett„ 462 ;, Barbara, Ferguson, Seaforth;•85. . • , - , 79; S.S. 3, Colborne, 79; S,S. Middleton? Clintbn, '101; Mildred Quaid, An Expression of Appreciation Colborne'SS,$. 6, Colborne, 160. ' ", ,. ,, - air: Bruce Tennant expressed ,the ap 8, Stanley,. 78; S,. 11, Goderich, 78; r - - Others in this' clasa not in- the finals preciation,of the Goderich -Music. Club . were Marked as follows:* ShirleY1/4•Fal- to Mrs. J. G. alcDoutr,a11,7-Mrsa F. $e'e . cener, ' Auburn, 79; -,Grioria Palmer; and' Mrs. E. JessOp for their untiring Clinton; 193. Isabelle keagan, S.,S, 1, effortS in, making the Festival ti, sue.' Goderich, 79; Maureen Vassella, S.S. 3, cess; , and corsages • were presented to C4roderich 78; .Ainiejeiliinette.laratson, thein by MISS Eileen Stowe. . • Blyth, 77; 'Evelyn ..Morrisr-Blyth, 77;' . Final .Program. Tonight , Fern Potter, Clinton, 77; Loraine Nam- ,* On Thursddy 'night contestants will • ilton, Bayth, 76 ;• Eileen Holmes, lalyth, compete 'for the finals in rural:ehoruses , 7.6; 'dWendoIYn Treleaven, Dungannon, (tiNTo partly 1' OC -dnet for Orli, -bOys or girl. and -boy, twelve and under, in : 76; Fern Culbert, Dungannon, 70. Music Festival a Splendid Success SI:WARTS' FLOWERS FOR •VVEDDINGS-110ITQLTETS-OUNERAIA DIESIONS 4i.SPRATS 25 YEARS' EXPERIENCE - LANDSCAPE, At:oilmen „ Phone 860J at all hours. , Sanaie MARTIN 8. STEWAET AA' mialllockey , thea place in the ranks- of hockepsts bringing 1.11) Yolnager players to take . . . .. d, complimented the Lions uotheir ,Night* Lions CL b ' -spot.,....- - u encouragement. of the • Mr. Elliott Was introduced by .Lion ------ C. IC, Saunders. With years et aiseful -.Foster Ileiritt and II. ria,r1 experience behind his remarks, he sppke Elliott- Are Guest of the value of corepetitive sport in the ' Speakers..training "Of boys for life's duties.... It 61.616• "Hockey night" at' the dinner meet- ing Of the lions Club •on Friday night last was marked by the preaence twO men prominent inalietropolifan sPorts:- . Foster Hewitt, internatlenally-kn. hockey. broadcaster Teronte, And R. Earl Elliott, nieraber of the eiecu- dye, 'of 'the Toronto ,Hockey League: Mr. Elliott, ewell-known ,Goderich "old bey" son of *Mr. -F. -A. Elliott 'of toWni .aa on the staff. o2tipper Canada Col, lege PreP.•Sehoel and hap coached. suc- cessi've junior -teams in the' city, with the remarkable recor,d th,at mane, of his :teams lest 'a genie 'since -1935: Lions PreSident D. D." Moon .,pre sided. Over- the Well -attended aneeting, _and' George-B-uchanan led, in the sing- song, with Arnola, Mcklenuell, At the plane.. The 'members. of, Goderleh's j.unior and senior teams et last whiter eamein for the a.fteralittner"-sPeecheS .,and _were__Vastly Interested' inAlie • ceedings.• • . ' Foster Hewitt, who wak introauced ;,.4-inlYression•Awni hni..andieriCK7,M7 modestly of the developments in, radio hr6adeaSting Which, he himSelf 'bas had se prominent a part, :describing the -breadcasting equipment at Maple Leaf Gardens,. Toronto, and the method of Sending out over the air- the stirring descriptions of gamea,, to which ho.ekeY -"fans"„ all, over the .country.- eagerly 'listen. He spoke of the importance of was a fine thing, he said, for a boy to learn to accept'defeat good spirit, and not to presume to mueli upon auc-. gess. He igged his young hearer b not .forget_ the, home -et their _youth when /they left it to make' their career • air oporatiolxs over GerinanY,.. ea IXOW been officially' reported .4 PrigTtern of .10roin •luformatien..recently recei'ved hert- and Donald IcCluakey„ and. two grandsonr-LaWience Arthur and David Lyanan -McCluskey;- Ater his marriage he came east to elsewhere,',adding-that'the best. means Service:Miss-Little, danghter of Mr and New-Yerk, Where he took a. coursein of' keeping _an touch with the eld. •Mrs. Fred Little; joined the Wrens theT-ColuinVia. Univeraity. _. He then_re- home .WaS the regular readang of the -'hard way. Employed by Pan-American rturned • to-Hawali, but was not long' honie town newRaper. Afrways in Kingstba, janmica, where there when he was requested to come Brief addresses were given, else by her father is Agent for the Canadian East agale, While New York at Lion H. M. Monteith, ch-airnian of the Bank •Connnerce, she quit her job . -Columbia some !,of the men in charge Lions hockey.eommittee, and Lion Ken and paid her own way to'Canadit": - Not education. iii Mecklenburg County, ;Wafers. a member of the Ontario enjoying any priority in travel 'reser- 'Nertli,Carolinn, thought they recognized Minor Hopkey 'Asseciation execetive. vaiions, she found hersalf put off•planes in him just the person they required to revise their educational system and Behools, and he was aecordingly, located in Charlotte, North Carolina, where .he •NalS glyelf complete tontrol -of this stuYendolie task. -Be labored untiring- ly there -ter two year, A.9,134445-, 'anti had the satisfaction of seeing the re- sults 'of his labors ,accomplished. It was While in North Carolina. that • he made ,hi S hist trip' to, the place.. a his .birth (he had visited 'Canada twice before),- twenty:W e years age, when his friends •and. r latives_.here met. him In hoy,s •veeal solo, fourteen and which there are Sixteenentriesf. dotible for the last time. He returned: here 'since last fall. The late" Mrs. under, in which 'each singer' was tria (rural .scliool) ; and Mass 22, piano 1915 to,Hawaii.,- where he continued to James W. Bel jEjizalleth) Of Goderich lovved 'his chOice Of Selection,. the, 'duo L 'and for the piano, scholarship In New .4 wine -colored- sweaters were presented to...the, members ot the Lions juvenile hockey team by Mr. Hewitt, these receiving them being Gerry Ginn, John-. Graham, Bill MagDouald, Jim 331sset, Bihle Newcombe, 'Oeorge West- lake, Jim Adams, Gerald Mero, Reg, nuekins, Bob Steep, Arnold Fisher, Jack Evans, Donald Ainslie, Stan Lowery, John Ilohnesr captain, and Joe Murphy, coach. . The_thanks of the' boys vviii.extended to the -Lions lab -b- John-Helmes;-Tind -A;7.,..araham...am....--helialf...of the expessed. , appredation,- of the attendance lirraVedelies -of • ffie TBItorp from 'Toronto. /.1 1 rn a adz. given, at a college recently and, many times without a place, to sleep; Finally, however, she reaped Canada and she has been staying at Termite with an aunt and, uncle, before going on. to Galt: After spending a week with his parents, Rev. D. j.- and -,Mrs. tame, Sgt. DoirLane, who had been stationed for some time At Sydney, N.S, left this, morning for Brockville, 'to take an. • officer's training , course. • . , Leading Writer-Plarence Bridle, who is. Stationed at Halifajt,- is enjoying a arlengli with bis -Mother, .,-ackrA„W. Bridle. .The recent violent duption et Mona' one of the questions was? "Name two -Vesuvius most have made n- ectaele andent • snorts." • A: 'freshman -Wrote: of particular interest to the',C nadian "Anthony and CleoPtitri.'!. , soldiers in 'that part of Italy,liN'ery-few • of ?whom; if ank, couldever liahe'''seen such, a phenothenen. Pte. Verence RuSsey sends his parents, -Mr. and Mrs: Hussey, the following deacription'l treeps in. the Bari area yester- day aVittieSsed- a phenomenon.'known only, -once-before'? in. laying meinary- the Skiep literally.•rainea ariud. ..The erupting Vesuvius was rqs.pop.016 for thelannewhieh-felltreets- Ve icre-s7-110—dost, travelling • over 150 miles from Naples, mixed -with rain, anti at one ,period of the day the sky yvas• almost pitch,tiack, with a *strange yellow light on the western horizon.- The eerie.; effect caused jogailar remarks that It ,"looked like 'the end of the world." Wit4 . Vesuvius „growing'. angrier; -fear'are . being entertained tor the safety of more townanc-1,--..villages-nt-the-baser-whie hie § in the path et the flowing lava, whiek has a heat of more than 2;500 degrees 'centigrade, In the area of the "Volcano;,..eirtders and ashes are Shower- ing clown, and at.Sdlerno, twenty' miles away. Allied, troops are having -to wear" steeLhelmets. -• • • PERSONA:I, MEN'IlON • . AINST-FIRE, 140THS, TIIEFT DIMING -THE S,UIVIMER' MONTHS Leave your fur coat and neck pieces at' our store and . S. A. puiuggit,, or .sTRATrcilip, , will call for then:I:and P*ut the= in storage for you: • • 'Die Cost is only .2% of yoyr, own valuation. • B PHONE 86 • . reform, etc. At the time oftis death he :waa a member and secretary 'of Seleetive Servper Board No. 4 and member 02. the Boy Scents' Council of Honolulu.' • Of -his two brotherS and three sisters only .two remain -Mrs. Robert DaVid- son !of Dungannon , And jetties Mc- Cluskey; who has been with his siSter be :intdested in all educational work township, nnd the late Mrs. James Mc, awards of:marks. were; Jack Hedy, for the benefit of the Islanders, whose 'Ilrien (Isabella A.), Of Crystal City,. Dungannon, "Danny: Bay," "8a".; Jack - interests age of his, he ..hail. very iiiiiely at heart..tManitoba, Were. sisters;, while Pte. •J: McKnight, Auburn, 'A 'Capital ShiP," he retired,from the activities or his pro- for his cemitry in the Great War, 78; :Tattles O. Drennan, Dungannon, fesSional .career, but continued his a6- t.twerity:.six years ago last October, was k`Vesper Hymn 75; Donald Kernighan, shields and spekal prizes will be ..:. .. , tivities along ether lines, such as prison a hrother. - ----- ' B.R. 4 •Goderich 'The Waterfall " 77. presented. , __. . , ..., .aa,............6.....w * claases',8 to 14 inelusive arid; ta.19 ineluSive. • ; The presentation 'of awards will be the chising feature of the Pesti-Val,. when certificates., 3nedals, scholarships, .1 • ar wi •r. • SUPEFHOR STORES 'BA,..1t4Airrs. Sad -SUGGESTIONS., FOR:T. -H1.1' FRI. Red-reatrentDMNGS, ' NO Sugar 'Itequireit : ,6,oi.ii-kg. 9c KELLOGG'S 'CORN FLAXES .....12 Ozpkg. ile . ItELLO6G'S RICE •ICRISPIES*" ' , :.-, '2 iikgs. 20C ittaaosacvs'ALL,..thiii„ - , 10, Plii. 200 - NABozi COFFEE ................. tt : . • 4 .# 1 lb;bag 42:,. ilOWAN'S.,Pettection.' °gook 1/ ib 15; 3..,1sb-4.c. . 'PAULA, BUG:Ai-SUBS. TITUTE •b .... 4 ..oz. bottle ' ritsNairs-PREPARED ivrtisTAIlip 6 Oz,;. jar 9e . LIPTON'SREIY, 1.A.REL "I;E,A _ , ..... . ;1/2,lb. pkg.:, 38c . . . IIILLOItEST SHORTEAING . . . . . ,: . 1 ,lb. carton ''" 19c •r—oataat a • • CILEOFL .4 • .;,, • cnotoz RouNp ORAIN RICE .. CHAiVIPXON D0G,86: plvir rgari TOiLtT SOAP SOLVENTOirSolvent Action Route Cleaner ' HARDWOOD CLOTHESPINS, 4- . CHIPS° $ny.,i)kg. 10e 8ANTYLIJS/1 „ — 11AINT8 FLOOR .*AZ • • or 11 • r • • Pkg! 18e , pkg. 10o .2 lbs. 25c 2 pkgs. baroloe 39e . 3 doz, 1/c Lge. pkg. 25c., . Tin 29c . 45c - none no, •`. ••• J. MoEW EN ,,Phone 40 4 Carrie'liat's returned to her homet.tter spending :the :winter London" Mrs.,David. Melotyre, of Galt, spent a:week with.MrS:. (Capt) lohn7Vickers 'and faraliy. - • • _ Mrs. C. Garrow arrived from Toronto this week and *is at her %summer home on North street. - . Mr. and.„„Mrs. j.• W.. Craigiehave re- turned, -fromtWo we.ekS'' viSit . Wnshington,.D.C.. . Mr.'.and Mrs; W.Z. 'Carrie of Dencloni were Week -end guests with Mrs. E. W. Carrie; aambria road. . , ph:.Blacksfonc, who is talc, - lit short Course at St. Thomas, was home for the Laveekend. ,and Mrs. Trimnin Stew6.4.' of Potti Colborne- 'week among their ,friends Goderich. • Mrs. .W;`• F.•'0Naftel.'; Who spent the winter months at Perth, Ont„ -has re- turned to her Mine on Britannia. road. Mrs.- Bath M. 'Tremblay ,0‘a1led =on her, cousin, Mr. 3. E. McConnell; awhile on a ‘Inisiness" trip to London* on 'Tuesday, . . ; Mr: D. H.,1)Owille hasretorned from Toronto, Where, he and Mrs. lbownie sent the winter. Mrs'., Downie .haa gone to Cellingwood on a' short -Vasa. Rev,' joseph. '4Ttines 'is At aft, BrydgeS this iyeek asaisting:an special serVices there, "whereReV. Chas. Saunders IS the-paeter. airs. Janeg, is, in„A•tondon, the:guest of Mr. and, airs. E1 Mr- -hart. c,'; f , Robert.Biaset, "after confinement lafAlexandra Hospital and at honie .for nearry-..siX niontlis as the.restilt (,)f an, nCcitient laSt ,fall, is out dgaiii and we are pleased to see 'is almost, eempletely reevered. ' : • Mrs. T. Al; Turner,' who -,has spent several montliS at Windsor \ and 1)&1 trat, i eniiiYing AT few film renewing., acquaintances in town. She intends to viSit her mother, MrS. Serv,iee, at Thornbury. •Miss MOM! Buelethan is in Torent0 for, a, short time and will attend, the' convoeation exercises' at the Thilversity Of Toronto at which her:nepliew, Chas. Armstrong, will obtain degree as doctor of medicine. Mrs.Graee MeQuarrie has returned to town after spending, ten weeks in 'Western Canada, where both of her 14085 are stationed -lit 411-ilitary4serv1ce. At 'Vancouver she mot CM. Keith ale,- Quarrie, who is stationed at 1.)rince' 'itupert, and at Winnipeg she had 4 visit front, hek. MeQuarrie of , the it.C.A.10. Station At Macdonald, Alan. • Now feeLRIGHT iiiought-a liond _ And strettelied.nlYSeii a bit To buy it. o, • Instead .Of _46iionble-troubbe? dollars-- , . Bnuitg4thole: in -MY 'Or.lazing in a bank. aecount Just asking to be silent Iminght a "ripe-iactiOn,/ )Iond My 'contribution -to the itght overseas, .for freedont, ----to the iight.at home, Against inflation " nty security: - • ' It seems to, inc That 011 fellow- can't put on a 'uniform e shouldn!t jestoff lonyinig^ Vietori-liond NOT , If he walnuts to be at %Val* vvith the Ails And aCPeace 6 (t. --••• OF - yaw.' , • 4621) ta. - • t - a