HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-05-04, Page 1P ;••• • usic Festiva a Splendld SReess Vocal and Instrumefltal Talent Present from Maly Parts - .:9.0130.491.10Y" , The Goderieb, FeatiVal,oi Muare,'held thie.Week 111,1,190h street United eharela. Under !..the ,auspice o the Goderich Music Wee,' a 'highly Sliceessful event provided d•elightftil enter- tainment to the Wade loyerS ef the tOwn and district. • • " Mrs, J. 0, McDougall: president" or the- Goderieh nage Club, was ably assisted by members of. the Club, ,._The church, kaditorlara,. was beautifully decorated 'with. flowrg.' The adjudicator, Mr: Cyril, Ilara* shire, directoref Hamilton Conserva- tory of Music, Won the respect of the eompetitors, as well as of the audience by his •fairnesS hi judging. When he criticizedadversely, lie eXplaiiled"whe, and bus humorous remelts kept every- . dile else hue.00d.huMor, Many times he stressed_ the imOrtance ef phrasing, and-tO the 'idle people he ,emphasized AMA they •sheuld show brightness in the •'prettylilting. test Pieced. Many times he spoke of the "nice perform- ance" of the • conteStants, 'and -the "• loveli tones" of the the choruses. He • seehaed to -have the knack not' raakin,g • the song felt' as he illustrated it him- self. • , • Ile remarked that the finest interest anyone can liave is performing with, others, ' especially In duets, quartettes and choruses, and he advised frequent "getting:togethee to ha s:e more og it: • Two boys, - Itayinonir • Cat and .CharleS Hawthorne, were highly corn - mended, for their band ,inusic on the '•eornetand the hornJespeetivelY. Both. were given an ovation by phe audience; -and high marks by the 'adjudicator: "Someone • his- done an .exeellent:thhig in organizing a band • here," he 'said. HighiurkS given ,where he: con- sidered- thef'.were deserved; this was • true,I,pairticalarly on Tuescraf evening. -John Donaldson WAS the only Om: SEEKING R*.i01UUITS `11OR THE AIR FORCE The ReYal -C•anttdian Air Force ' has teneotinced that it if .recruiting for air- crew. egain. For the 'Mit few ,mentlie recruiting, ceetres have •lute uuneuallY 1(4* quotas to lilt alai :recruiting 'hete been nearly a minimum., This feet, to- gether with the recent announcement that twenty -Mee' ale training stations across ,Canada were 'being closed, has left, the impression diet the service wit -kit not 100414'40r men, to operate the Planes. .. Wing Cominandee J. `• M. Roberts, officer . commanding No. 11 Recruiting Centre, Toronto, 'peints out that the quota at his and other stations has been pushed higher again by Air . Foree, headquartersand that the 11,„0.4.F, ir aftevall the airerew it een get; He said :further that the member of aircrew needed by the service this year is atlinest as 'high as it was last year, if OBITUARY . . J. MaelcAS - Word - was received today of the death ,at Dunnville of , A. J. MacKay, -formerly manager of Bank of Commerce here and for the ladElliirteen years or more manager of the Penn - Ville breech. Mr. MacKay had :been seriously ill .for several months._ His. Wife survives. • The funeral service, with Masonic honors, will be -held at Dunnville at .12 o'clock noon on Satur- day, and the -remains will, be conveyed to • Toronto for interment. In Mona Pleasant cemetery. , , • - COLIN TVII.IRRAY • 111 in the _hospital for the last four MOntbs, Colin Murray passed away on Monday night, in his eightieth year. Born in Goderich, he was the son of the late Colin. and Christine .MeLeati MArray„and hadJived prectieldly -all his life' here, plying his trade ;as, a' ils-horman..- ,Ile was a Presbyterian. His idfP, formerly. Catharine Stewart, predeceased him thirty-two sears ago. Surkying . are four sons; John, of Chicago; Andrew, and Donald, of De - ember for Huron * ctopmIca YOUNG CQUPT4B Discusses Hydro Dr- Hobbs ; Taylor Addresie4 TWA Bap,. 'XVIOeting on' • :PrQ*0.4 Affairs... ' I• nterest in Provincial PolitiCal affhirs Is not at -hitch tide in this ,town, ii it is to bejticlgea•by the atteedanee at the meeting the Town 'Hall en.,Moialay night lila at Which it was advertiSed that Dr. R. Hobbs Taylor, M.P.P., .. • Avould be present to.give a report of ,hie activities tte inereber of the, Legislature fer tbe riding of Iltiroir., At 8,30 p.m. there were tweety-tive pereontein tbethall, including the mem- ber, and three more Caine in „later. Three a these present- were ladies, ,Mayor R'. J. Turner acted • as chair- man, 'stating ha his introduction of the speaker that the meetiegs., was' non- partisan ..a.nd that it would afford the member* an opilortunity- of ascertaining tlie. views of those present en Matters in -whieli they' were interested. Dr,. Taylor devoted most of his ad- dress to. Hydro -affairs. He mentioned the uniticatien of 121 rural districts In the Province in one unit, with uniform •rates, resulting in a reduction qf charges:, to farmers in this, county, though customers in hamlets -were-pay- 1ng more.' He tola of discussiOns with Hon. Ce. H. Challies, the Hydro member •the Cabinet, and with 'members of the Hydro -Electric Pefver Commission on the rate question, but intimated that he ,was not- sufficiently acqtlainthd with Hydro details • to - Meet the "multitudinous". explanations and . ob• jections toa. uaiform rate. He spoke of the "hard, autocratic_ pelicy'? of the Hydro people qua 'their "armor of self, .satisfactfon," and said he intended to learn. more about these things in the 'next si4, months So that he might more Thursday 'evening , last. The meeting effectively present the ease tor a mu- Was.in„charge of 3, B. Mathesen, ,who fication of Hydro rates over the spoke on the prospective program for Provine& - Referrint to the last annual Meeting ef the Ontario Munieipal Eleetrieal- As- sodation, at which a flat rate pre- p° al--vvas_Noted, down, Dr..Thylor. said a annor was going- the rounds -that if ra es were unified the surpluses in the cdrumissions petitor in the boy's vocal solo eleRSZ- &Ott ; -Colin, of Winder; and two - The,. test -Pie`a. was -"Lullaby," Willer .--4•Etegreetre,--MrS, J. PowelSon- and - Mrs. M. McDermott, both a .Detroit, else • two 100-therS, •.11e.Y.-Lt_TIAtWiek• 1‘,1,Eurray; of •Dowagiac,. Mich., and Nen, oD Port .Stanley. The funeral took Place fr,im Brophey's funeral -home, Montreal street, this (Thursday) after- noon, Bev. Richard Stewart Of Knox Presbyterian church officiating. Inter -- 'tient was in Maitland Cemetery, the pallbearers were Norman and John • cKay.,,Tolii,e•_and_lktificolm Graham; 'Iebbert Weston and Dan. ,--MacLeod. The two. pothers. and the !sons and d aughters of "deceased- were:All here,. lwftli,-Mrs, -Neil ,Muretty,--Port- Stanley ;. Mrs. John Murray, Chicago; Mrs. Don- ald_MnrraY and 'Messrs. Powelso_nitind McDermott, Detroit. • , - • . . • . • Hampshire paid -was richly-ade, ted to •-a----boyis- --mice, • - .on Mr, aed Mrs. :Wilfred Donaldson, .Trafalgar Street,: has an expellent voice and reteived the 'highest perks at tee Tuesday afternoen4eession, 84., In the Oliva' choruses 'grade I, Cen- tral *School, was .awarded the highest standing, 83; 83; and, 13:C -Class „24, girls' vocal solo, every contestant' gehieved, the over-eightystandard, with Eliza -- --beth •Robinseih Goderfeli, ranking -first with 84 marks. • - . The girls' chorus, fifteen and under, •Was won by -the- Collegiate; Institute under tte direction of Mks, C. Edward. • T. , ieces were "Come pito Me"' . and "Gossip Joan.", They•were,a*arded the highest marks obtained on Tuesday, 86 and .84;- a total Of 170. The- following IS the list; of marks-: Class 4 -Piano solo, •9 and under: . test piece, "Slavic March," Tchaikow- sky-,--Eleaaor Lauder, 80. • . • Class 47 -School chorus, Grade- I: "Balloon Song" -Central School, .831. grades1.,T andlkStl-Peter'S' School, 82; grade 1, Victoria School, 79 grade II, "Pussy Willows," Victoria4dboo1, 7,9;' Central School,' 78, -"• • _ Claps 24--:-Gir1's vocal sole; 8 and under, ' "The • Little Lost „Kitten" - Elizabeth Robhison, Goderich,. 84; "lane, -.Graham, 83; Agnes • Chisholm, 82; Juanita :Webb, Sl; Rhea Hall, -Blyth,. Public School- Civilises 'The public school chorales were con- ducted by Ray Mulheroii; music in- structor, Gederich ; for St. Peter's School, by, Mother Majella, and for Blyth and Auburn by Miss. Elizabeth Mills,zof Auburn.. , • Class 27 -Boy's vocal solo, eight and under, "My Comical Puppy" -Gary Mc- Laughlin, 83; Grant •Allaire, 80; John " McDougall, 78: • • . • Class solo, eleven_ and under, "Rereance iii -X" -Mary Jean Fuller, 81;• Ruth Reed., $0; Mary Lou •..-Mathieson,,78; Margot Demerol,: 70.. Class 48 -School, chorus, all grades= (unison), "klo.vv,„-Blow, Thou Winter, Wind" -St. • Peter's Scheel; 80. Class- 25------Girls-s vocal- Solo,--eleven- and under, "My Secret" (Italian (Italian folk Mary Lou Mathieson,fi8; Lela, Jervis, $1; Margot Demaray, 81,• Frances Eleanore Brere- ton, 69-; Jonn Allaire1 80; Lois Camp,1 bell, 79; Mary Jean Fuller, 79; Eleanor Lauder, ,7,81-• • • Claes 714ituao solo, twelve and • • under, "Monkey in the,Tree"-Margaret Jackson, Auburn, 83; .MarYbelle Chis- holm, Si; Patricia Demarttet 80. Class 28 -Boy's vocal solo,"Lnliaby" Dorialdson, 84: Class' .8-Pittno* solo 13 did Under, ,-• Mr. Harold Taylor, oftown, is'eetting .out at: the end of this niaiith Qn'a WI) to distiantMfiavieU', it the' mouth of the MaelielezieltiVer,'IO' he engaged ;Or five ,years Off,, -.6. student toissioegry' for the churcli"Of Eagland itt Caneilte. Mr. Tighe* has for some' years beeu pre- paring himself TO .the serviee OJOS church,- and. hZ3, Will have the geed, .wiShes of his many 'friends fOr itis suc- cess, in the ,work Which lie is Under- taking. Ile wili be. eceompanied. DY his wife, who fer some time haS been, engaged as dietitian at AleXandra "lose pital and has .now tendered her resignation of the Position. They Vali to -go to their destination he the- Far North by way.' of Edmonton and the Peace and Mackenzie RiVers-4-a. journey of over two thousand Miles. I • • THE SIXTII ITICT THURSDAY, (anyaising • I)istriet itueta, B.ossela . .. 74,600 , • Zurich and 'Llay West • ' •• 88, Colborne °T-ovveihip 04,600 Goderich,TownShip 82,000 cgintoit. .... . ... 1.76,000 • Goderich Town- . .. . . 425,000 Seaforth .. 163,000 Heel:mil and flay East 08,000 , StaIileY Towesliip „ • 09,000 Wavvanosh West , 67,000 Ashilel(l Townselp . 100,000 ' Blytli • .. . .. . . . . 45,000 1Vingliain 187,001) TuCkeismith Township ' 98,000. 1Vlorrie Township . . .. ... 01,000° Grey Township • 114,000' Exeter' 147,000' ' Alsborne Township ....... . . . 97,000 Stephen, East .. 64,000 Howiek Toweship ..... ,. 220,000 Wawa nosh , East 67,000 AfeKillop Townehip • 08,000. ' Hallett Townehip" 98,()0Ostephen west• 04,000 Turnberry Township 74,000 , • flehoole ....... „...... .. . ..„„ 160,000 ENGAGEIVIENT-- ANNOUNCED• , Mr. and Mre. D. A: *Ma.CDOeald • of Lucknow announce, the engagement of their youngest-•daught,er, Elizabeth, to Dr. John Donald FOrde of Hamilton, the marriage to take place at St. Giles' church, Hamilton, on May 27th at 4 &clock. . 'Two' Little Froggies"-Mary Ann -Erskine, 80; .Margaret Henry, 79; Bb .Alookeead, 79; Shirley Robert:sell,. 78. Class 48 -School chorus -Grades III; IV, V, Victoria School, 80; Blyth, 78; Grades--Ill,V, Central Class 19 -Piano 'solo, ten •and under; "Minnet in G"--Rittlrilteed; 79; Cath- arine -"Addle, 79. „ • ; ) Clais 34-Vocar-"dnets, twelve- and under, ."Shnta Lucia" -Shirley .Phillips -and -Irma 'Wallace, Blyth„ 80; Lola Jervis and Gloria Palmer, 7.9; Helen Willis • and Evelyn Turton, 49; Rose -Hartman • and Margaret Henry, 78; Marguerite Hall and Joan Kernick, ' . • Class 18--:Pleno -solo, twelve and under, "Gavotte in G. 'Mlnor"-Mary- hen.e •Chisliohn, 81 ----Patricia Demaray, 80.e. . ' • Class voctil solo fourteen and. under, "April Goes ' Sean Scott, 79; Marie Raithby, 77. ,,. . of-holding-six/tiler meetings -thretughout A WARTIME ROMANCE', A marriage .whipli took place in Si. Michael's" Cathedral, Toronto? en. April: Li, VMS the enbeinatiOn Of a 'romance which began in Gotteriele The bide was Audrey Marriott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ChaS, .Marriott, „Toronto, and granddaughter of 1Vilehael Carneyief Goderich; and the _bridegroom was. Lieet. 3', Jul.:igen:Ian of. the United States Air Force.- Ted bride was stay.: ing with her., grandfather here white Lieut. Jungerraan Was at the Clinton Radio Scho61; and.the two -met at a dance in the Masonic. Temple here, After the happy pair had exchanged vows in the ceremony at Terento; thy fieW to Los Angeles, ,California, for their honeYmoon. • HOLSTEIN CALF CLUB , = . The • organization meeting. of , the Huron Holstein. Calf. Club 'was • held ,in the agricultural , office, Clinton, on wouldbe thrown into a jackpot foi,, the benefit Of the whole -Provincial system.. He had a suspicion that this rumor. was invented to' influence the vete against a, eniform • rate, and he intended to find put about it. .-Goderich„ with -a surplus *of 860,000, 'would of cOurse be intereited. • • *To. Decentrallie Industry Ontario, said Dr.- Ti,iyler, is Tthe leireal place for the location of in- dustries reqUiring skilled labor, There -is a prospecf 91 the transfer of such-. 'industries from Europe as a post-war development_ , These shauld...no centralized' in the eitieS, and with Hydro power' available 'they couldbe distributed in smaller _places .over the Province. He •writild- continue to urge unification of power rates, with- this end in view. • Turning from the Hydro question, Dr. Taylor mentioned'. briefly other' matters that had • comae before the Legislature; speaking particularly of a -new- department -6f the Government which,' had been created to deal •solely with post-war planning. There _would be Uneasy, trying times after the war, he*said, and It wOind require the col- lective brains .of _the -Province ite....deai with' the problems thet would arise: Job's now vac,mit Would be held by the GovernMent 'for .returned member -'of 'the forces. Municipal heedseshould plan te provide employment. 'With Sky, Harbor dropping out of the air training plen, the speaker aid the air station possesSed facilities' for- a rehabilltatiOn centre , and convalescent hospital *for solaieri thanewhich,he knew no better. in Canada, and he advised that; a prepoSal to this effect be presented to the Provincial and • Dominion Govern- ments. In-eonchision, Dr --Taylor urged sup- port of the sixth Victory loan. . -.A brief discueeion fellow.ed, in which Town: Councillor j. E. lInckinS and, 131ackstone took part. • Dr.. Taylor intimatecl his intention the members this, year. The eleetion_of officers-resalted as follows: Ed. elution, Gogerj44-weac1aat4r 1eslioro,.7f.Tratakilt-X01:pr Another Busy We inGrain Trp, Si* Cargoes Received Tine Weel;: 'Perch Biting: Freely: -Notes fXonl.the 'Waterfront • . • -Five cargoes aggregating nearly . . , , inillicnt busliejs of • grain were •dis.• charged' tit the Goderich elevator the past Tiles,' were, ,the oa Friday, with 200:000" btie, 'sheat; A. A. ,liudgon, - Friday, 14,000 bus: barley and, oats ;'''Windoe, .Saturele,Y, 261,000 bus. wheat; F. V. Massey, day, 108,0001:me, wheat al ryb; For Wildoc,,Moeday,, 248,000 b•us.• wheat. . Todey the Canadoe le 'ilischarging. her cargo of 2A0,000., bus. 'wheat at the Western Cenada mill. ' .Thei etr; Canadian, -arriving .on Sun- day from Sarnia, took on salt .at the Voderich Salt Co, warehouse and cleared' fer up,the Lake& _ The perch rim is ibe, and. Bert Mae - Donald's boatS are in cemmissign to -CaiTy: =glen DP w to the breakaters, where some gdotir-eatches are beteg made. The ceraraerwal lighermen also are having better luck, the Diu3,, -on ex- port td the States having been lifted, with a resullant -betterment in' yriees. While the_ P. V. Massey wee in port Capt. Frank McCarthy left for London t� see his :raether; who is critically 111 in hospital there; Capt. J. B. Foote, oWner of the, Massey, took-eharge when- eli4 cleared on Sunday night: h‘he foghorn'on the outer breakwater was out of copniission -for six days, both metas. ,haying burned out after many yearS' serVice., One of the meters was .repaired and was replaced yester- day, -Fortunately, the-e-wetither Was Clear dining the six-day period and the foghorn Was -not needed. . ,RED CROSS DONATIONS . • Taylor's Corpers,,Goderich T -p...8 56.69: Goderich Tp., North End . .. . . :150.00 Red Cress.'Workers, bridge Mar-. athoni22-25 • , Cross •Wor1r7s....mar ' 'orners„ LiOdetial Ortieeetkvii,g- Britain" 'Fund) s150O PletrOT ieolleeted.,• . FAUCELS.kOR .NANY MEN The evereeas parcels, venneltt(e last night packed thirty -Fee, 'boles, au eday tiventpseven ' of these Were, sent to mea in the paval-eervtee.; Those :Wit° took part in ,thte packleg were Mrs: 1). J. Lane,:*Mr. Whitting-, bale, Igite-7-iee' B. MacVleari M. Beaeoro, amit, E. Roberts; , A. 11 _Jane, -Turner. JOS, .Jriele* and Reg. Needham." JONG'S OTTAWie.,,, May; 3,e --State Secretary MeLerty announced 'yesterdeY a Pre- c,laniation; is being isSOOd AXing 4/4114114,0 day, -Julie 8, for the:celebratien of the King's hirthdaY itt Canade, although war, Couditions prevent preclamatl'on of a. Public 1191-ida$'• • King ge°r0 was 11 December 14,1895, but -his birth, - is celebrated in June because sum - Met* is epusidered more aPpropriate. pAsTuo DEMONSTRATION PLOTS Bruce Matheson, agricultural* repre- sentative for Thiren edunty, is promot- ing the perranneet pasture project being 'carried out- in various parts of the Province- by the Ontario Repartment of Agriculture anti.' has made a selec- tion of four plots of live acres each in different sections of the county- for 4einoristration purpeSeS. The objects of the projeW are: To *improve the and quantity' of pasture per acre; to provide better pasture through- out the growing season;. to increase pro- duction df ,kmeat and milk at lower cost; to reduce laboeoduring the rush period. The farms selected for the tea plots Are those of -.Oliver Bovecliffe,, Hensel"; Frank" Young; Carlow; Jaines. Scott, .Sea.forth, and Harvey Thus, Bluevale, ing, secretar - Tee-pros:A. pectiVe nieinbers.- ,U-,t,,,v,•,ext,•,.e.„,..*eir,„ - enter th, Club shourtriterrifil, with: -.Mr.- Hume Cluttme. Club super -- visor, ,or .3. B. Matheson, agricultural representati•ve, or -any one Of the HolSteia breeders in the county. One of the men believed to have been on the..Arthabaska,u, the Canadian de- stroyer that was sunk on Saturday last of the French •coast, was AB. Frith, a forme!, Goderich boy -whose mother,' Mrs. Willielmina Frith, now lives at 904 Dufferin ave, London, Ont. Bill'S name is 116t -in ---the listof survivore, The family lilted. in -Gode; rich about, two years,and the •father did .here` some_tep.-„ye-ago,---after- 'Which the family naoved to I.ondon. Bill was on the _Port Arthur last Suinraer when she ,rammed and sank ttn eneiny submarine in, the Mediterran-. ean. Many of the Arthabaskan's crew. were pieked up by a German vessel, and Bill may be one of these, • • DWELLING 0011,1SE ,BURNED Fire of unknown, origin, • completely destroyed the frame house on the Me - Manus farm, &Cress the 'road from the Sky Harbor air.station,' this morning. 'The -fire broke, out shertly after '11 o'clock. The town fire brigade went to the scene; but without water conq do nothing, and -the contents pf _the house Went up with. the flames. The house was occupied by' Mr. and Mrs, IslarraY Hardy and their four young ertildrere *--,dilr.7.--Hirialy•':is ...employed at .e.„„turper4:::;--_ • • - ••• ' - • ' TILE WEATHER Te'ruperaturee of the pait two weeks- - • in. Goderich, with those 02 the bore tedPonding weeks kyear ayo, as official- ly recOrded,' were as follows: • . 1 1944 1943 •• , • ,Max. Min. 11Iax. M. Thurs., April 20 .58 32 41 29 Tri., April 21. 24' Sat„ _April' 22- 89 32 24. Sun., April 23 • 46 41 , 420 Mon., April .24 ..,.66 44 - ; , 36, --Wed„ April -26 -36 •-47.- Tues„ .April 25 42 ,,49 •30 G. Knighton of, pert Colberae, merning• discolirse,,,„. Thurs., April 27 ..59 36 ••• 46 • is4 -.0,0Ticed as his subject "Spiritual &ft- .Stin„ Apra -30 40• 52 33 were • smoother than • butter, , but • Men., May .72 ".2 52 ' 43 IL , 2392 4587 ,,1] ;9•°O -P and Applesauce." Ills text 74r was in , his heart; his words Fri,. April .i.28 Sat, April 29. ..„61 was: ,*,The .ve'ords of hi S mouth 74 56 481 were Softer than oil,. yet were they 00 Ncliv Localtes • for Hw ydro Ee roWPr, 'Ver WUl ay 814ght,IT Titerg-ReductioU for- - Other Servipet . • .Godeeicles cklitirteeetie power 1411,"., received last week by. the PulAic UtiI- ities CoMinissioe; eleowe a • eredit of $4,7.64,98. The, ',Monthly: bilis rendered during the, year ending Oeteber•-' 81, 113404, .- tetalled S51,048.11„ whilellie total cost oe pewer supplied in this period was 449,283.18# and the lecal Hydro re - &elves a credit for the Iiiffereneeo - 414,7C4,98. The leterim "wholesale" ' rate -704A is, the rate on ,which the monthly hiU rendered from the Toronto office are based -is reduced freen43,-r$ Per 11,1e per annum- to *84. • • The new rates to local consumers, adopted bythe locttl POPInlieSiOn 01 the recomniendetion of, the ProVinCial• body,' show some slight changes. • For domestic lighting the 'eonsmnIF • tioe .eherge, will now. be 2.8.9 per kiee, , watt hour for thefirst 60 k.w. hours per Month pluS1 cent Per k-,,Ve.lietheror alt additional consumption: during the month.' • Minimum ' ineethly bill, 83,e trees. PreMpt payraent discount, . ten , • For eopmercial • lighting the 'Service eharge will •be, 5c per -100 watts of Metalled capacity. . Minimum service charge per month, 60e, 'Consumption- charge-•-e2:4c -,ter.iiiloteatt hour for first 100- tours" use •of installed eapaelty;. plu80,0c per k.w. hour for all addition- al monthly. emistimption. Minimum monthly blil, 83e. 'Pronipt Payment discount, ten -per cent. - • The New Power Rates". . For power there is &service' charge of 11 per hp. per mentir.of ,Conneeted. load, or maxiinum demand. The ' con- sumption 'charge is 2.3c per k.w. hear for the tirs,t 50 hours' use. per ',month' of connected load or maximum demand Pies per levv,._ how, for the second 60 hours' use; plus 0.33e per k.w. hour ' for 411additional: monlb137 eonsumption. -• • Se,--4)9Wpr-hgare•,--the/e- 1S -U:-d5 _ cbtibtof ten. per dent,. and a further 'per 'cent. • 161-7-git. Goderiele Elevator' diSeount, 20 1 rompi.--Pazdtelit-eliseetutet.-refl • 7-ir er cent. orThe lia.t rate for' water heaters. will th St -Chlireh new be 47ceper 100 -wadi per. month, • with a pronipt payineet discount „of Annivergary Services on Sunday ten- Per cent. Attended by. Large Congregation The new rates for dornestic and. eora-: mercial lighting apa for.fiat Tate -water heaters show slight reduction from those hitherto in ,effeet. , .Tlpower - „Large congregations, interedting ser- rate is slightly ..inereased.' .The rates -Mang- and excellent. music' marked the municiptd street lighting are not • • . enniversary services -of North street ",ti.a.;:iged. • . • .- • ,'' , 1.lxiitercliurch ort Sunday last ' The new ratea will ,•go, into effect , The•visiting,speaker of the day Was ' • ...- June Iscireart. - ' -,. - ' Tues„ May 2 Wed., May 3 7§ 60 4, 36 lawn swords" k Psalm 55:21). 9 ---_Plano solo,____Jbeeteee Inn" the -riding. • - 'Under, "Preludeitt C.Minor"---*-Christihe Leishman; 81. Class 35 -Vocal duet, fifteen and under."Neeturtitim"-Einmietobertso and -Shirley Robertson, .• .79; Mollie tisget and jean Scott, 7/. Class' 23 -piano duo, fourteen and under, • "Country Dance"--Erania and Shirley ,, Robertson, 82; -Barbara Mc- Lennan and .Mary Pridham, 80:, Class 49 -Girls' chores,.,foniteen and under, "Spin, lefitidele, Spin" --Victoria School, .84 ; Central School, 82; (Cehthilled Ati page 4) ,• LOAN IN BUM $3,000,000 MAY 4 • Subscriptions • To Date * 4 55i100 51,850 83,850 a9jocr 82,800 /97,356 74,750 - 40,860 • 40,850 27,050 41,260 18,300 72,700 37,200 88,250 40,660 151,600 30,400 , 18,450 00,000 17,600 25,250 24,050 . 10,600 ' •7,260 139,450 ••PREORYTERY MEETS The 'Huron presbytery of the United Churqipmet itt Wesley.Wais ehurch, Clinton, on Thursday :last With an attendance of sixty ministers and lay, - men repreaentative Of thirty'„eharges Rev. IL V'. Workman of Seaforth;chair- man .of the Presbytery, presided. The following nominations (were made Commissioners to General Coeference,, Rev. A. B. Irwin; Exeter, and N. W. TreWartha, 'Clinton"; tb the Conference settlement committee, Rev.- . A. Lane, Clinton, and Rev. rt. A, Brook, Ileeettll. R6V G G, turton, of Ontario street church, Clinton, wee' 016eteachairman of the Presbytery for the coming year. ' CADET INSPECTION ' " The annual inspection' of, the Gode- Percentage rich Cadet Corps will, be _held .at Agri 7445 - cultural Park on "Thursday, May 11,, 58.92 at .2 'p.m. .The.: inspecting officer, will .52.89 be Capt. W. le Cochrane, district 'eadet 48.41 .officer, • M.D. No. 1, London, Wha. will 40.76 take the salute. The eorps has been - 40.43 • uneer the direction of Cadet Ofileer 2nd 45.e,5 W.A. It Scott, assisted by Lt. W., F. 41:08 Walk= of ."0" gompany, Middlesex 41.20 and Huron Ilegiteent.'-- • ' 41 20 41,25 Goderieh peopleaistefted with, interest 40.06to the life story of Lag.,.,Sinn. Wilfred 38.87 Greenwood es related on the: Vietor 7.95` loan program' eomieg. Over 1413 0 on *36.53 Wedeesday eveeing. Wilfred was in- . 35.57 troduced over the an by Katharine 35.10 Hepburn, femme film •Rtar. Three: 31.34 weeks ago The Signal -Star hitd the 28.82 stoev of the young mate son of Mr. . 27.68 'Torbert Greenwood ef town, vvild' has 2620 survived three torpedoingterin nearly 2576 fourS.'ears of serviee With the navy. • 24.54 10.40- Itev. Lawrenee It. Turner, BA,, of 9.76 Crediton, wifl preach itoVictoria 14treet 87,15 United chUreli next Sunday, May. 7, at 11 o'elock a.mand itt 'Union et 3 oleldelz pan.' These are Vital Facts :- Sales to Thursday night for o 5th Lo -in (Nov. 1948) $ 35,559. Sime Citi4ens, are holdin • - r oderich lYIUST-liaye.V10445r -a-clailraVerage-ok:07,056, * to reach our quota .0 $4.25,960.4,. • * if you can't save now ;when 16bs are plentiful, when things "are unobtainable and when thrifty living is fash1abl,9; WHAT or.,THE rovii.RE? A ALL OF US CAN AND 1VITISIr BUY VICTORY -BONDS Victory will" CoMe sooner -With fait fewer eastiaes--1 -if evei7onewithOut xepiion will r -„. PUT VICTORY FIRST "This great human World," said the Preacher, "LS one that has been soft- soaped' and 'apple -sauced' -so-16ng that It. ha 's beeon$0.$flppery that people and7rtions_ean.3 stand. up- The_Ltieder "tinderneath haS• come into play and we see the result of it in Italy, Russia 'and -other battlefields of the World." " 'Soft-soaping' As „found in peoPle who, *tell you kindlywhat they think about you to help..You out'," he defined; " 'and, -lipplesaiicing', in peojtIe-whp tell, Yeti yen are the finest ,person- the 'world.' We are all more or less af- fected 'by Vanity which creates in the individual a false sense of ireportanee, "Why is it --that-we are so gullible te adoration 'and superficial praise?" the4speaker asked.. "Neville Chamber- lain Went to •MiinIch ,with nothing but an umbrella t0--•! confer ;with -two Murderers.. He cante•• back and said alt was well and tbe•world 'was 'saved. A- lot of people sWollowed it all; but some knew it was a -silly: Ile; far AO had seen hundreds arid thousands 02 iiitelligent and resourceful ,Germans .on the March. It *as nothing lint -apple- sauce °•"1,Vhat is the cure? We mut be vithLourselves.----Our---lazineis 'intellectual and. moral ineptitude., are • .1 the „cause of What is happening 1n -14e: world, and we can sitVe it by • morel and -spiritual eptitude. Je.ee's was the world's greatest reetist, Who said, 4131essed are ye- when men shall revile won and perseeute .yell and say.. all hianner- Of things against, you *falsely. foe Iny aitIe; rejoice, andbe exceeding ,glad, foi great is your reward . in - • - ' At the4vening service Mr. Knighton'e eubject was in the form. •,pf a question: "What kiwi of world will emerge from the war?" Some people,' -he said, feel that . the world is- becoming 'worse, "going to the devil." That was not his belief. Life is good, the World is beautiful. The troehle bi the world Hes with men. 'What is needed Is ,a Christian demodracY.- Men should seek, to keowlite-mied of Christ; and knew - lug nfin wattid• give themselves to the service of hunutnityso that might tante to reality' the' vision of e neW ilekVen- end a new earth. • Both Morning And evening' the mrisietil, portion of the serviees, under the direction of Mr, RAY Mulheron, was beautiful ifnd effeetive. In the morn - lug the -choir rendered the fintheia **Open Our Eyes," 'and', Mr. 0. w. "At- tridge:,,,eontriltnted n Mrs. T. 'Willard Heath, of 'Mitchell, %s1M 11u gin tsoloist at the evening seeetee, when 41,g1in the mushy by the choir Was of a high order+. Mrs. Heath sang "The Publienn" with fine feeling; awl -also in splendid voice "The Parting Prityer." Me' choir • rendered' the anthem „"Go Not Vale* A piano deo by MIPS 'Walkout, Of Mitehell; and LAO, Herbert, of Port.Albert airport, eteeom- ponied the organ during the serviee. The services were niVhargo of the pester of the church, 'Rev. 11.11. Turn. bull, and at the eveniegseryiee iteV. A. I. Meltaye useleted, the gerviee fl Victoria Street church" being. withdrawn for the oceasion. Ip 'YOU. nAvg. NOT 1URCI1A YOU HAVE P:t70/11.A.S,E1:?LRECON§AbER.:BUY MORE ONLY EIGHT pAys 'ups TIRE POLLOWING XS A LIST. OF BONDS WIIICH ARE BEING PAID 01T- 1 Can. at Ilaiiway:7;570 due:, ;tidy, l060 -Calle. July 1,, 1944 it $103 teS".Fueds-•-.$1151h, Can, Puede. 2 Can.t.Pacille Itailway,--5% due Dee. 1, 1959-"--lett1iable ;Tune 1, 1044 tit $104 U.S. rt1fla15,-4114.40 Can. Funds. WoolenS-13% title 1.053-va1led *,TrtlY• 1, 1944 at 8100. 4 -General Steel Waree-e-41/4 go due 1t)52 -called ;Tune 1, 1941 at $101% Gas & Meet* 6%% due 1"94"6-Letilled, My 15, 1014 at $101 12 you own , any o2 the above Bonds, cOnsult your banker and re -invest In Dom. of • Canada Sixth VictortLoan Roads (Inserted by`Httron County National War Pinance (iommittee) , 144 Rebate on 1943 Bilis"- -As-stated-last Aweek-,-there veil a rebate of ten per Cent:of the tow- -. bills of the year 1943 for .domestic and . coleinerelei lightieg and • poweee. but not on fiat rate heaters Of on municipal ' • services (stree.t.ligirUeg and power for the waterworks plant). Jc As it will take weeks for the locai office to, figure out the ten • Per cent. • . rebate on the 1943* bills for the 1800, consumers in town, it Will be perhaps' three months before ---the credits can. be, put through, REGISTRATION OF Q. BASEBALL PLAYERS' • ;The Western Counties. Baseball As: . iociatioa is conducting a registration of all boys of paying age in. thecounties of Huron, Middlesex,-.Lambten„ Kent' and Elgin,- the object being to ascertain- - how .many 112 this territory wish ,:.•to play' hall this season, and to see that witching anl. equipment are- provided as needed. , • - Leagues„will be arranged in the fol- lowing • classifieation,: 'Minor bantam, under 18 years May 1944; bantam, under i5 years; midget, under 17 years; juvenile', under 19 years;. junior, under, 21 years.' In•ettat case May A, 1944,1s the date et Whiett c.ge limits are fixed. ',Each boy in this district is asked to send a statement - of his name, age and address, stating the, exact date of his birtIvray, to 3., A McConnell, Goderieli,*.- APPOINTED *TO OTTAWA Miss Mary 0. Thompson, 13 A, daugh- ter of Mr. and ,Mrs. Bobert G. Thom* son of *4oderieb-township, hati been. appoleted cd-ordinaitor of the acti:vittekt of thelegal department, still Working neder the Income Tax, Division.... Miele ThompeeifWas selected for this position •at her gradttation from 'Western- 17. and has been gaining experienee for the ‘past year in the, London division Of income taX. 'She is the first person* • in Canada to hold Ms position, as it is an entirely new Post:that has been. created. She 'eaves- inunediately for ' Ottawa and we all wish her lade in" her nesV appefutment; -. „Clinton :Nevm Record. • - •NORTII ST.' IJNITED WAS. 'Tile regular monthly meeting of thi North stfeet'United chureil W M S was held itt the church Porter on MondaY afternoon, With the president, Mrs, 0." M. Robertson,e In . the chair. It was • decided.: to have 'a social•vaftertioOn the church- hall on. Mayl2th, at which time all goods for the missionary bale are to be brought in and paciced. There° is also a ,quilt to be quilted, after which 'pot luck" supPet will be served. ' Mrs. Howard Roberton tookthe choir for the devotional period. •After the singing of it hymn, short prayers were given. by several imbibers. Thie Weg followed by the reading of t116 tilst Psalm as the Scripture lesson by Mrs. Elmer Sheardown, Miss Emily.thichati- an, .recently returned to town froM. Toronto, very ably dealt with the flfth„ chapter of the study book,-whieh fri alt especially interesting chapter. mra. R. G. IloWard gave it splendid.report a, the Presbyterial, meeting hb1(1,1n thq. Ontario street Vatted church, Clinton, on April 2/th. This was followed .by prayer by Mrs. Me Itowen.: After The stoginoi. of a hymn, the meeting watt Ws - missed witb prayer by Mrs. Vlovvargt v - Robertson...