HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-04-27, Page 1GODERIC,110 ONTAItiOi:TWURSDA,Y1 ,APRIL 27th, 1.944
own ,OLOtiltil-Odnfer WitbiROice .61.u.v1i, ' itev. Or; .H,. Knighton Of. Vert
• 0/4•„ .1))41,1s tO, . 1/4040011.1.•.• Caborne, a. capaillepreaeher cand_after* • ' .' '7.-• -, ',.'9f.' Tlirre- t)041 -,
IcriT04:tO. .1,4JuSo„,
Local l':14$taurarits
. 4.. Stublay 'next:'in North street „United
*-01tTli. ST...4-011ITED •0104.ROg'.
„, AlnikeersarY :seitVieeS ' Will' be lleid• en
• ''. AiiiTNIY.tROAlkY .8,g1VV.1045 '',Ne4r1 y . 3011.'glltrles-
.Aii,„iro.,(44., 1440,,pt:-.*: kix04.zp:, ..countii,.:06:tit, .40xititit4L, ,4.11*Iw,i..,,of ,,.$04ct_ Asks Town '.__, 06:440.i.): '() ,•• ,, ixtiai, .1)41,-iai ,,,'Ilatt _of, ...:,; ,,,,,,6,1,4,o,s, Re.3.4.,.0. ,A411,,, 401. ,,L c4,04,;ttliptia0:: ....44:41400.0 .
for-Mustc: Fest.tvol
. ,.
. , .. •
, JItOrOai "P• . alliteal`" in • Ole' 'iaSt
IvrtiST RAY $0 A IATBEK FC)4,:,"..
three Menths in jail irt'lia.rd.' iabor ',ha,.
Nprinext-Helliford ,!'oyi.L. a wproilt6,
-.r.,gwrcoar..-pr: ..QIIILDANN jOreilos
.iAOsist. w#Ii Tw.:44041),:„'!,
$dp...,,,,,_;i:?taa..1",1Stilres LONDOtr.pay.a oacat , ,
6,11).14). waS. tilled, to eapecity on ...Ctlei.3-
Received' EnthesiaStleally: bY 'Capatity
. .. . _
. • 404.ence. at rarislt Hall
• r 4
' ' ':, 4:1 otp3 : 1(Ottho Vox,
" • ..,019o0 ,cton.trol, '',', 'Wilmer speaker, will'lle ttele.i. Weelt. , ••,• 'posed bylgagistrate, fidelties, "liaS been - 'IV* Rkte' •. day biobt,when the .14ondon.Alale. Choir
preeented 4.4. • repertoire ', of' • saered,,,
- , ...,... • NeVe antirenaS, have been Prepared by ordered, to eontribute°:$0 a • week to, the
,,ple Tosyn..,0,04ca.at,,,144 meow* ot„ Ithile.o.eliTo.irsy-atipladraMureto.-.W0,;Autittrettideigl, wat. • ..4.,•..0,,i,y, ,t,t1 its, .our,th, 3,,t.r, the,.,06alich ti2filitl.:ifr.!1•:0,zoriollt%ejtaxil.: wi,oi;•,••• 4 '11 10l1' filtuat,ioncortfrputing,,,,A30x. patriotie and other el/4)=SO under- the, _ .. „„,
. —, • - .......,...., „
,._.„' Eirhley 'night hiSt heard:from members alt 11.144. of tile Atarga.ret Seeger, eaub,.. ,:„..unnereds•. of Soldiers lind civilian*
, , -. - • , . .
' he ..-the 'SPeeiel, . selaiSts. • The,: inisical MUSie cluh'•', liasiendeavored -since j#, i'Int" pea., bY, IV 31•Idgn,i1At 1101404 doWn andra Hospital: wes PreSented' to the uTonteedae:iorritptuavratl,„%titii§.4,1-11:.,waltei:s11540strli..Z., 'it4*.i"'"*If•i'lie 414244444;.; :4'144-44 ::k34.441•4X ..
afternoon: arid liSteried,..,:witil,' marked.
etthe•-•,- boar&-ot -Alexandra-Ales14. 1)101,1 un will-be-as-Tallews-t--.---- -'--7------2-OrganiOitiOn,-;:tereate.--, end:v:404e e--:,-T;-„„.:-.m,,-,cesteki.e.,,,,,,„,„.„.„...4.;;;;:, su.,_,..eigw4nrit,'--bCyowuno,11,1),Ttlittatlitosliznxereotilulitgueellipor;1%
._ Stetemeei ' of, the dilliculties Whieh the '.. .-'- - ''..,MORNINO • , . ry . _ . - , •:Public interest •-in . ninsie., in .J.brop, alitlett--„after'einginte•-eueli-betifitiful 40444011--'-itst,,;;PL-343,0004!•,1133.0,04#04...._.•-_,
. . , . ... • _.., ._ • ;.; 'BeY4., w.as eharge-a,AX.,,VVlige• `PAO,
• A report! Of this.,,,part a luo q.40:13m4 801.0-seiected-xt„ 0. W. Attridge. . awl yearly Mpsical entertainments Suet% ehiidreit. lie. pleaded..guilty and wa•s ill:°Q;,:r7dof14ttltlitlboagr(t...?.,tn::. 1.(4,!'111.04ts..4, j1":011:: 4.$841700/-bye,!..,..4--vaS.eit4ti''it'Wgeo•hunewe4,:',4i,,..,.:401-1:40.at',“'02,111",07.410:).0T..tta:yd,h, .s1',E144:'1:14,16xt:etvi,;,i,t•ei,:tti);:yhuile'lae)in,Ymatt:te_Uto,:::41/tp:atopodigi.me:tilto-44,1:11::'''
heard 43 i414:1g at ti.ailiieSeat j1.14etake.• tinthem•-.--"Open'Onr EYe0'.' MacFarlane; -comity; ThrOugh the monthly nieetinge, With -nen.sem.ept; 'oe.;-eis ,wite. :awl._ ov•o.
' • • ' Virlills.TING : - . as the 'mhistrel '1$4,041t ,ZebItteela wotg: Pitrlii. .orde.red to pay, his wife lie' _per week Dr., N: (,). Jael(Soll, Chas. .4.. 6aunders,
column, .'• • , . • - • ' - , ' lk.les,T,. WAlard Heath,. • " CrosS some $390; it. has provided 'many !w6irth'°:. °diet t,II•oirdteetz231actki:!0-4aill(e4bT'%I.-‘1.ar();11‘:31)tb(l' 11111',NrUr!:**eirany°dittrte...vitalli: 'thj''e kteh''te:ge.inspkahetisionliiInCi. Na:Igliiiiittio'7n4.74(1:1' 444J4I; 'Sitilllie!-..:••137i•et;414247e1,:''--:Q'4.'rt(i43: Ill4frg'SOUPrttn-.141.41;1141te'01111r4f$;talevilvIT:!, °40•YO1),x'Y'..41';'
meetmg . may:. b.e„ terend 'iu 4"tileF bolo-- 1111 rUblican" ' Van de WateY• sented .: last fan_ an
The Conecil also had it discUssion Auttieta-i'`Go-,Not Fat" ... Zingarelit enjoyeble hours' for the' peOlde of this • WAS brought bqore 'tile Magistrate' and
ceruing the welfare of the town, for MM. T. -Willard. Heath. ' ." , Ip. the ppring:Pf• 442 the firstlkitirea, given the' sentence of three .MOnthS. hi . for .. the. dePutetion, .11e • told, of an The Singing of the Choir, conducted Fal•ii'qe4gsd,.ythax:otr:andlizri elit:emtriozigaetuthiLitt4it,:covorito: ..,
---of--another matter of nuportance. cOn- c..,
eolo---"The Perth:1g rrayer" • Arahe. district,
County ,Music..;:''llestiyal -was,. held in jail, which. he aPPetilett at. the laSt -"ultimatum" Presented- by the start of• 'bY, ereerge G; „ Lethbridge . and '-aceern-
, police_.i.oree, "..,C11.1„....ef, 4, 0. It6s's a'id PUBLIC IYTEETIN0:. . : ...,....,.;.. _ .
, YictOrka_street Vnited church_ end ly_ali, wssi.°. 11. of
. Cl°1111tY 'Cc,Glit. • _..14, ' - • wiraoryskeitgwilayll°."a(isniWpdla' ele-Qi'of.ant.W•gvge4,th-lio6ulirrs Pa4le4 IV 4. a 1141;..if'4. was a. 'IraTe earee',Irent-LOndon,, .Strathroy,, 'owe.. .
niiiiical treat; and the andience•.slmwed
which - purpose the Meiabere . of . the . .
' • AT TOM/NATALIA 8P9110 -or- • , . ,. . n . . 'WOMEN'S lirliSPI[TAL AUXILIAR3i1Witil ii-Ijiiii:Iiiiiii, ieSt7Perte'l.dy :arid-. Of -ittraPpreeiatkar by -applause,after-each iichfun,d,Seela. ftouretheionuul4eatuertiaongd:i,?:Init,o7co,n,x j.., ,o.',.,
number. partieularly beautiful. Vi'aEi
Sergeant l.).. Oyernoit,. Were' seminoxied . . ed by., :the G-o-derich IA -USW Club.,
•'' All . the niembere
0 Confer -with ttie COI:MAW
were present -with -. .-' • - • ' • ' There were twentY-eight contest,ants.
•,..,...*,...... 0
Last year the number of.entries 'rose ,g.0Tstiveit'ai.O4ntohlyiiiMA:yetilagytthdiletliideAltWeinAeori4's,. increase in- PaY of $id nAlkontili. to $80.
•. • the eXception of C.oun.' MacE,Wa.zi, Ale- 11,1 NDAX, MA lst, 8 pan.
o ' " '.'•JC ' - ' - .
to .185, whieli'.-was Most enceuraging, day, :When arrengenleutS Tlie change in the .workine, day,. wauld the i'endering of*. "'The. Lord% 13r4a, lanr",. 'Moil.::::a0 ul a .:it(.4,111(1.1..:).7. ,Woi.e,t013"1.10.rociVotkoo,lt. :
tallied by .kliness. • , • • ,,,,-, - r a: ,,.._" . •The „public is invited 'US 'athettend.' a and gratifying to the. Mernbers of the for the•annual "birthday" tea, to be additional nurses, and altegetlaer the
were made neeessita-tes. the employMent of . three
Peel'-' ' and "Land of . Hope and glorY" 0)4,4mgal:ilea marched trona tile agnories.
0,0 other' .sacred .seleetiOns, ,
far alterations t4i tag ?former 'Xing ind-' Ball' tit , WhiCh. Dr, Hobbs 'Taylor will .,
_.el„. i.e)...,i,eweesdie „applied. fO.•‘Pertn4 meeting in the: auditorium' of 'I'own
tee .great 'interest shown by tlre musie- were appointed tO "arrapge. Tor'
Club. 'and wee ..in large clegrep 4,20 .,ito. held may nth,. end various committees heard 'was faced .,,with an* added ,YearlY were 12-11g with- 11, 'rule f9rvIcT •••F°41'.eh :ceuegelt:,ii*0ti.s.r:f :,rttA)a'TeeabbduAill4.5.,e‘ )41y,:1:11•itLie...,,
_ War0.11otel building On 4nigstea street. make, a.--•repoit of, _his-, actiV'itieS !as teachers. ef . GOderich. and- throughont event. • Tag :day'. for the hospital 'was .
this .expense of '$5,fi00; 'The board ..et present delighted . Ole audience.. •
was s).z.utt:b4chitc.aerid, bLrruevive.
, . to be oecu.pled• its a bottling Plant, at member, of •, the Legislative 'AssemblY. •
the ounty,. This festival w.as • held in definitely liX.pd 7fOr, 'Ajly . 8th. The list Limit of its reSoprces," arid :the Menibers, Iv Out.Of deht, but it had reaChed the' ..-___Tle. -'1,lfatitatditi
Q'elnliesed ',of Young Men and Okler ones, ,
-• -an •eStlinated-coatof.414QQ, ...V.ther 41.)" ..Thiti,"n..leeting will be ..infortital and Dr.
North- -st.reet Znited :.-eltureh, 'and -Mr, -of those -who will',,assist -at the. Mr. H, J. As- MacEwas, ehairniari of not Of militarY eger-..the *entire regiMent •
marched with the Precision Of more sea-
• plicatious :for building permits •w,ere Taklor requests that questi,ons agt-ed•-• ,
Harvey 'Robb, principal of the• Western bingo' for May .al.So "wals .cinipleted. and.
rkgion_ Mr.„.Hays stated,. had .deterMhied that'
they would.notplace :themselves 'under -the Goderlch, VictorY 'loan- cainpaim
#-LarY A, Lacey, Cambridge street, Sid' activities, ,_ .„..... • .. •.•. . adjudicator.- - -, = •:, ,, • - •• - :- .-. elm -ie- appointed.., • - ' . , , . - , .
/ • • . , any, indebtedness. In these eireahl- PN:e an address, strongly urging goner-. •soned. soldie,rs, .- . LOOILIng- Very,sinartln ,_.
,colinell fcm Q11,§ sepport. of*.the 'sixth VieterY. lean. •
tegiateXtdots,hrought up,..the•regr,'.444:
from Victor Boyce; 1.)xterd.street,-MisS, and suggestions made relative to • Stich
PniVerSity Conservatory. o Atniii.e;_wais the:repreSentative te 'the i•blood. (loner
their tieWOuniforins, the...Goiter:len COI,e
'ling or other minor improvements; 'Geo.' '-': AN.ORRSON-LA.NNE • the third aunual Huron County Mu:stc iy-Phrehasedr•Will.liaVe arrived so that '
•stalweS .the.V. Caine' to. l'he.
Mr. Hays pointed mit, the:C'ouncil could- • Witit: the. Trool)s parade. ' They ate: trained. bY Lient. . ,
• . ney ilu.rvey, 'Huron...roact, tQr. reshing-
IP. ifit This:year, ,on, 'May, 2nd, . Ord, and 4th, ... It is,lipPed that' th-e7,incubator, recent- asSistance.-,-.'4,1nder- the..--.3.11-uiricip.al 'Act, ' '------ - ; .- - ' - - - ....- ;'' '-
were -an intorestiag :addition • • to. ' the-, ,.
' 11.. Huffman., Widder s.treet, f,or'"an ad- WUODSTOCIK.--,A.11 1.Saints' . Church Festival 'win be held .in; North st,reet. those who are interested may see this linPOse a tWohmiil tax for. hosPital pur-
Vrank 'Walitoin'o.f the. '0_,C4. staff 'and • '
United. church, Goderich, With the addition - tO. the ... hospital equipment PoSes. This Would .raiSe abou,t $4,000- . • -----...-„..-:- ' '. ", ,' . . :ore under ". the connit.aild ..o,t Captain'
• dition to his. dWelling house: was thescene of a lo\iely wedding. Sathr-
• -Clayton ki..• Edward, „Leonard Qver- day afternoon„April. 15at 4 O'cloCk, the adjud,ication under the direction., of when they attend the birthday, , tea. `Government Interference . " . A cable. despatch --Ptiblisliedll'n,--;the Gerdon iSenteliffe,,,„and.,,_Lieuts. ,..1.?Oug1,4#7:
: holt, - A. ....1::" . Curry. :and Harold Peak principals . both ;Members' of the Royal Mr. Cyr).1 •Ilampshire,,,of the I-lamilton AS usual, the hosPital, will ite open for Ur. Hays. stated that the situation daily papers *-teillS•of a naval encounter
• • applied fer renewal Of ta*1 ,h.licenses. Canadian: Air' Foree... • The' bride, Olive Conservatdit of Music:- • The entries, inspection , and tea -will-• be served in. •had 'developed ' from the aCtion. :of the ,in the English bhanitel in ,Whieh- -a ;L.,. , ,clota*..07,1eio Aodress , ...
a'nese applications were sent to .the ••Anne• Bennet,t, secopd . daughter,. of -L--,,..,_ 1.
e. natfe„,,-anord-'-then. doubled" this year„ the -newly-furnished . superintendent's Ontario, Government. in compelling •the 'Captain tire' Reverend: A.. • 141;. U•Neil.,,,, , •
nGeesrdinaln.laeclesiltili,n,oytelinwaasrt.seunngka' gen'repirleYnftde; alof Lo401,1, ,ecoaducto...,the ser.14copried•
---1.4speciae:counnitteeras-wasalso -that.,,,of IVIr:•••-and-Mrs. ;William -4.1-.--"Bennett,- tnle- .nunallMring g6; , and the program ha reception' room.
. ,„. r' , , hospital ?to gi've up its training sehool'
chief . of Police , Ross . for the ustMembof t
. ial city,. a• er he Rb
.C,A,F,..(W:p.), -
een, .arranged to provide' the utmos
entertainment, With the evening ' pro-• A AT THE WATERFROtT Muses ' and engge a
an. n. Pgraduate • t --•
e-een-Several_ eiunny destroyers and a .,gaye tot, inapresiyp_, , wele,reaeen.ed . ad_
• issue ef new uniforms 'for _Sergeant. has been stationed at.- Fingal; and the for staff. - The beard -had •-fought this to B•ritish ntiVal.t.,force. •Three Canadian dress.'.. Aftor tne invocation; t'Qiiwardi ....._.,
Overholt *and ilimself. ' . . .. ' , - bridegroom, 1,0'. Carl William Ander,- -trains actually ' taking On Mere of the .., , the 'last • ditch and Gederieh . hospital destroyers 'af. the 'tribal"- elaSs were ehilstiali soldiers!, was sunei,.'accom...,,,.,„•,,
'0-el:nigh ..ttres, . wrote ',,asking 'if: the Son,' younger ,• $011 . of ,Mr. .and Mrs- character of a recital. • .,..
- . ,.. .• • Grain: cargoes received at , the Gode• was. the second. laSt IA- the,ProVince to mainly „te.sp20-1)316 for ' the sinking of panied by- the. band, and, a portion of ."..
There will be three sessiOns :each. day,* ' '
to_rce and -if a: der -tare: persOn, xi -anted,: -forMeely-pi,lot-instrtmt-or-at-Macdonild ming at--0-.30---o÷ciock,--nitoAlin at Teakbay,, on l',,Saturtlay, 1.09,000 bus. -scheel-,Alexandra-2-14ciklital, had-'-graal-the-H-trropTire•Whieli---thisLeguntY-ta-ke
give ',up the fight. With the -, training_ '
the- eliedY-gestroyer. • One of these wag seri/411ra .:(1. ni,,eter 2).„.•vva.,.rad: ve ,
1,,,_ riiiiititiIii—Gia,Pin;Tof • LIARIOnTA-14404,:'. 7,
• transient jrader.'s bylaiv• Was still in Titiirdas.;,X.' Anderson, of Goderich, was
'rich elevator,Since last -Friday.. were the
Nv...as entitled to- Sell iiranges, radios4' etc:, Aritnitoba, noW-at. Lachine, •Que. 1,30:and eVening at 7.'30... rer-the eVen-
e win. be.an oimisiori wheat; Wat elitiPp.,, Siinday,-164,000 by. Nthe s 4 i gizi g . ofT"'Thito the,. 11111s-.7'
-withont..a lieense.., Referred vti)...SpeCial Rev:' W. Toraalin, reCtor of -the chtirch, 1,6, „rog,:rims,•ther .
hus. !wheat';.•3-Ohn 0.:. Mck.ellar, Tues•I 'and there were no better nurSes. The
al6(..r.-.11'°In',th-tee tq 'fi''e Pl'ulf*•''Y'earlY,i' -a-- special intereSt, rand another:Was- -me
*.Haida...!oii. -which IS ' a . Goderich bey, Another, hyme ehasen.was '' '0- God, 00:1" '4..
c,oiumittee. • * - ''''. - - , • • ' • • ',- _officiated., -Mrs. .I. 'Martin played_ the 7'
fee of 25', ce_nts i' 'for the .moreing • and clay, -"14'7,O00 bus. oats. , ' - ' " . . GOVernMent . also • had ,hisiSted on a L/S. Donald- p. -Graham, Son or Mal.- Help iii Ag:0, past." • • . ; ,
A conimuniCation from ,the-7,Depart- .wedding music , -and during.. tire • Eipected tonig#t* or -tomorrow aro. separate residence for the nurses and colm Graham a .town, it.wit be,r,e- , CaPtain:.0"NeirS*Subjneet 'wae- :"Triith':,
signing_ iifternomi sesSions. there 'will be pierely
Ment . of Naval Service, ' Ottty.wa,--ePlis- :Of thelegister LAW:Nancy McillurraYe a colleetionAt Ihe ,,,joor.,
.A.Igorail;••A. ',A. ,HutiSon, y. V. Massey. 'llad' illIP°s'ell other cOnditions which 114(111 )111( that the Haida wag one ok,a and. Freedone" based ..•,ett the text And
veyitg. 'planks for. the. interest. shown, an. Anstralian, girl, and a friend of the. • Olf- the . first' • day,. Tuesday, entries arid Wincloc, with'. dargOes. aggregating -added' to the-',eXpense or _maintaining. cons..0,' eseortirg Russian Supply ships ye- shall. know .the truth, arid the triith
by the- people :of (10derich' in the corn- bride'e, with the, It.C.A,.11. at ' I'ingal, from Godericli. will be adjudieated,; ,4 _., . , . . , . -the . hospital. Rates to patients:;;,. Mr. 41.411.144XP-Sen..free'.' ' ...t Jahn .8. ;4 ,)„,,,.. :
fort and welfare;of the 'crew Of 11 '41 pang two • lovely nuMbers, ' c) I til i
' "-.7 -,•jr(!--se Wednesday and - Thtirsday will. be 785,000busiiels. tt4i,;:irityrino,_74,s01441,:tinttLorohetAl_t4for.7pne, , the
. :Mitt*, the, itive,Plet•Of;40•700;g01:47
11 U4,
. Hays , 'stated, -had been 4)1(14. 1"( .to,
eiit,:a.Piiiiii'-.0X-eu-deblared-darsitg,' -
"Me".. and "Are lAarilL'''' - , . • ... . devoted to-. the 'rural -sections.- - ' The tug 'Stover left lin. Monday, for
C':'S. "Goderich," .iihd. submitting , a 'list the • liinif, arid the lr,o'ird luid •Watehed• - .-- - . ,. - .i:,:..•...:.4,. ,L..- •: ..,.-_,_:.-,;,....,,.....2_, ,. .
Mr. ,and Mrs': W. A.- Cotilthurst at- • ' • . .: e.Kpenditures closely. • , . , ' Miss. Agmes 01111)1 11 R.11..,, ,writing -splendid addressaur men i11 114.1(1 all
of. articles. whielv wOuld;contribute, to ..• The bride, giten in,marriage by ner _ .. , • . . ,
Mrs. AV.1.1. Doak visited' with friends: ' ' i the accout-r-enient'and"other
4.114. (.01114.014. comfort . of the crew in. case (ode- father,. vvore 0... goWn of 'White satin
:rich citizens shoilld-Wish:Jo n make tiny made with,: fitted bodice and. 'fell skirt,, in Guelph oyee.the` week -end. . quarrelling with the. n,tirses. , The hos-
The heard, said Mr._ Hays, ,:wds not to It parents, Alr..---iiiid--,41r s'77 --if; -W..
. that cau be given. ''We -must _SupplY '
special. Committee. - - 4. • •
further &mations, , Was referred. to the three-quarter-rength sleeves and linger -
tip veil* falling from 'a garland. of roses. • ppaor,erstAe,ii.ntiirlidia'artolifii:,s1:±wgs4- 10:0tnChterotii.,rmilliepe1/2ailevr;i:
witi,i • het 1S 111 al Gitelph Junction.
Mrs,. C. Lockhart .spent the week -end,
.stair was 'working very hard and giving sttttionefl, •
1111 11 was tilled- to tlie 1)) 1111 the . in - Southern . Italy in ',which_ she -IS
(jlampbell 1.4 town, froin the hospital
tells Of having'.tFo Goderich them -With. everything 'at our -Command'
to enaiutain the 1104. (10111 of tile world.,
tended the .graduation ceremony arid '
'-,--leammittee,'. itePOrts ' • - ' I -ler. only -ornament. *was •,,tt string of Miss Helen- - Aikenhead ' • spent • the 'exeellent service. 'Other hospitals were ln . : the Victory lean campaign , Huron- -
. Tiie,..fultruee ginanaie recommended Pearls -and she 'earried a ' bomplet -Of 'Week:end:with friends- nt-Blyti _ ado_pting the eight-hour shift,for nurses, were
lads in th&hospital a.S. patients. They:
County.isgiven the opportunity'to hdek ' .
_.A)ayment--o-fumbel."-o aedatitt4;',44-- philt-A,Oses.i She-nra-st-altentlecl-by-iter-
- 'and -t- ite,--- beard- emlitt-de---riothing-buttnacro-itt?,--4.0tur
War. I.)ititiley golmes and Tpr: lee
"Gederieh-boy, -Pte- ap:,-iiie men -07=6-weinen iii -th,-0- 11 1%
his commisSfon as „pilot. °facer. . . .
. • • , .
4 • grant the increased rate of. pay. • - a eg;:r
nio roSe,tatteta, a .bandeau of. floWersin . Health Insurance Iaegislation •-• • Bleonnaeld, . was an o.rderly in the army and the aiy,•foree, ,who. have
eluding onep.of $1095 te the. °Orden :H . -sister --Mrs.. B. There:tie, -in a gOwX1, of,
the sant hospital. Miss Campbell'. re- ,...f 4hitie :kwythine ihei,„_:,,hQude4,-;•,, .
: tiller 'Construction(,o. 'for , the _Water-,
her hair end a bouquet of..yelloVeroses. .----- :mr. • Hays made referenee tee. -,recent pofTed seine_ have nuicle the sapremesaerifieet. _
go street ' sewer.: -,--• -::--- . ,...;,-„, . •_.,..,.,..,-,,,,e- ' iit-the-Gederich Pat mitt; were ' "`..-
1 legislatiOn, with regard • to hospitaliz-• bpti:c, - toojig, : -
I The. public .works _committee .redorii:: The, best mare was Sgt. Daniel Sliee of .etherS •11..iaVe. g(t4ie _but;, net. tbio land,
,,,ti tii4.1)4.gt Mr:Howe he released froni the CM._ aid M.S.,. and the. bride's bro7_ ,...,.....„. Citizens of 'QaderiCh :....._ •ation, .but this subject 44 1, ,dealt with ' , • `,''' t: ' • ' . 111.13' 1)4. free,,....to-witlistand-tlie - h
• , • .
and power of the'etietny.;
Ids agreement with. rengard-TO-th-e-rrez ,the_r, •4ir0.2 qebred-"Wifii-ett,761-"Giierpli,
7moval -of the lillig'EdWard Hotel build-- acted. as nelier. '• . . , .,
• • •• Iii.- grefirer detaTil bir Dr. 74-ekson, wit 1114--jr -5-.6
spoke :of the' Plan passed into legislation pointedto , „eommissioned, rank in the
B.CXY.. peisomie
.."Ged sets:his approVal on: the hettOT
• This is: a statement of ..SaleS .ta Thu.rsday niKlat for. at the recent:session of 'the.Legislature. field.:In. Canada:are ;',Pilots---Wee2 Wil:r_ life:. Hitler triuraphed`in'pe..-Oar110--
ulg, and tbo. the sale of the property . A reception for the imineditite frienda
Under tlifs4iitet any part of the Proince, limn 'Wood (Mrs. 11,L A..• S.: Wood, wife, days of -the:,war, but as:. in the great -
to C. 0:,:Tweedie and of a portion of and.'relativeS was-hetd-at .the home . of. ...
*the wall to Mrs. H...,, L. .8_,ailteld be • ap- the bride's parents, •Dundas'etireet, the the •716.Ntin of •Gtider,i,ch. ' - - ,• . ..
from, a school section-. to •a cOuntyimay GOderich),..; .W0.2._ W. E. Worthingten stOry n oL life -such- bitterness' .-eannot ..
adorit • a health insurance schem , de- (Airs.1.4.-v.. Worthington,' wife, 43 East 'prevai1.--;.. God still sets Hie•appreval on
proved.- -Other, recomniendation-s ',were bride's mother in pearl grey with navy'
• 0 .• • -
that .0, A. 'Batter be advised .that- his accessoiies ii.nd Corstigeof reses, ,the
Sp, Aealtleyori.-e, of
tails, ef. whih 'Were set forth, by 'the streeti'.. Goderiph) ; W0.2 ' .13.. C... Mac•-,.
the -- rateP: :1`Y•4s everything that is great end 'kind. ,f10.„
come .today to.. inaugurate,. Ow,
,5th Loan .$. 116,100
offer. to remove the, roil of -garages. on bridegroogesimether ie navy, and rose . 6t1 Loan 80,900 'we jaci.,. .be Loetasnt, s'imprt., •GIN1(.xi-e111r.i,.ch.11)a.c11. 'iii6,, vstiife, '42
l•wlectory loan,'!•- tile SiVaker cOrkeN441, --
his property On 'Lighthouse-. street is corsage. .The lp-ide 'donned .1ier - uni-•
Wa,rden -Watson Pledges Huratt,ConnO ,
fevered by:. ' Council, and that •the .fOrm fQr, the wedding trip to•GIen Falls,
Short • 3.,200 - necessary:Tor incittsiOn,-erf the count 0
toWn or other 'unit, in this scheme, .Teturii d..,:to. Petawawa' Ca3a4p, - after
Opil. NerVal 'Tat"- . Scrinigeour late
•---Afterw the :. benediction '.% .15 :pro.
• - Clerk -con= cote,. with • Dr. .ilobbs .N.Y. On theiereturn, ' PO: Anderson
Trounced, 'Warden Fred ' Watsen-pledged '
Taylor,LM.P.P., advising him, that the repottki at Y. depot, ' Lachine,,Quebec,• which : would av-oid ' the, centralizlng .}.'sip141.i.odnin...0444. tu.rlot.igli at, l.ii.4.. h.oirne; --44.
the -County of -Huron to', rItiSe tlie-eb.. ..
-.-Couneil.has-V45,000,-to-be-expended.,_on„ -and Atrs.• -Anderson i( 111144.5 1111 duties I.,:
.• --There - it. nOthing lieici.- ".114).e, and; your Committee -•• volved in the proposed Federal ,scheme: • ..:Air:; .1,ed:;mrs..jebu
contral .. and.. the .greater_ expense "-in-
jectiVe7.-of $2,900,000, and: the,. 'VietOrY.*"
reconstruction work and requesting, him at" Fingal. ..• - • , : . • . Glousher , are in
flag was reised to-the-top,lottheLlag.,-.
. -to- forward °.a queStioinaire co-eerlig . Tee groom wag' twio hapPY, owing . urges: -everyone to invest pro•MptlY, to' the limit- of --14 -or
additional information required. . - to the fa•ct 404 ha received hiS coin- ••
The • Special • eommittee'reconunerided miSsien the. same day- :- , - lel.iptS of thO*. Loan.
her, ability.' Let us nat. 14g behilid, aliraitilig thelast few •
• inised the representations..made would,
have serious considere,tien:
spoke brieflY, and Mayor . Turner pro -
Other members ofi. the deputation.
tleegs iteeontained a bedspread and. a
receipt!. of. a.. parcel froth their: seri,. Pte:
Gordon,. who is in. Italy. .With 'Other ti iiig Jaf 4.:0•Qan,itiaa.,,, ; .,; .;.
pas ior,vjogeh,:t4n;tah. rt4a1 i. de, , ;., ' 0;3L,' Ike:, rf:0 0, r nmpyead: dosed with ' W3,4 s'• ai taihrue li
'that , the-•• .Pr.ovincial • •Department •,.4.)f , Aniong the out-of-tovin ' gtiestS were
nighWayS • be requested to.. erect ' .an 11Irl and,' Mrs: T.' Y. 20'derson, -Mr..: end.
_ . . , , -: '_ -11.-E.A$E-Tior--$07:14zAt . . . g_erinan!raZor. . -., ,- • . . • • . ' '
- Mr.- and... Mrs. W. Prouse
ilave--g-orne-: *base -lit North --street where Li.,004.A.'-
eTerielvegitttH 11 4011
t4tatAa.,-..:•th-,13-ejar, '. •-• . f-P--.'-'--t--Sttirdr•tpolt=Ae-,-:S.tiItite;"nn-d'qffEnrer-k7-'-
of -Pedebtaims":t-,tutfthe--.•,.;•AnterSectiOti.,At :.X.r.,.-_-Atici-.-41grs. - ,Neale. and ;daughter,.
iiverhe4 cantien light 'f,or • the s.afety Mrs. Norval Anderson,' Of , Goderic-h;,
Jr- uSt; iliat-every ...Man . iiiic1:-.476inan 4-111 .donseithi::1- - --2,-Er-D7dieS The- tl 'ited --.1<-1-600..Itil.. aftek 'ree.eivil4g to • the -armories.' .1Vith Cpl. Sturd• -
; secomin'endatl• thAt. Joe MeN'evin, ,perke: ..Gascoyne, e..g ' eagex"iziek, Alta., ;and
• The cemetery and parks •Ommittee Lpdato, Of ROCkliffe,'Ontario; Sgt..Wini. - tionSly consider the. part he or sb.e musFplay ..in --making 44-- t ,.
slirannel Weinids Vhife gerving in Italy:,
of. the -Town •Council. - . • •-„,.... '
' '''' • •• highwaYs :21. and. ;8 in Goderich. - .' -. -.. . 'Betty,- - of' - Lendon; • ••LANST. •Meniea.
were Mayor R. E. Turner -anti members..
V , .. ...- .• . • . „. ,
Sure'Goderich attains -its-cinata.' '. . • . : .. . . , , A:Liss fx,r,ga.ret bittle, .daughter _of ;_yrir tativanie of vie rogiplimt .1ml,
;'"caretaket, •he paid,,,at. the rate of ' 40e. LAW. Nancy .MeMerrily,• of' Australia;
* both etationed- at -No. 4 Ilombing and • .• . . -.. , • , •Mrs.. George- 'Johnston, eonyener of
Mr: 41/14_1 cs..1477ed lAttle, ,,ormerly of .
their. fidl-quotas here under the fo•le- ,,,,„,
`. iii hour for the 1944 Season.. • • - 'Clin.Sult Tout'. sale'smaii.,":. banker or_ . Victory •Lo.an the 'Red CrOss --tea c winittee.'repertS Goderitthilias. coine frOin Jiunaj.ca uo
- -the- boulevard- --lit
matter :0f-'-havOlg- hall and ulieyWaY
itter-n-sketrtlitettth, Gu•nriely--41eltool,,,"Fingal.s--..,-.- • -- --- • ;, -
.. ' ,1,0- Andersen . wits." on ...the. staff Of,
the C,D. and M.S'. 'SchoOl. here 'far.' '
..' ,headqUarters. , •_ ' • " -treasurer. 'Mrs. Joh ston liop s -that
tha-t-41,410-ints-4-be .ded --in,AO:--the
, -joixf ,irthe,,ttfrens-,-4,41he-rr-oronta--411,obe-Towl4g,exterwri.-2s7,-,m1-ii6i-ir ,..voiffail_n....,i_.
and Mail !yesterday_ had a picture ; of,.
Company,... Stra.tbroY, MainF
headquarters,. Nitli Major Del. Lewis
year ;before transferringte the R.C.A:. 'Inserttd by' Huron 'Connty" National War. Finance Cominittee„ all ladies • intending balk t(. 15 will
do. so during -May, asiahe committee ficer , at ,. gronto., Mr. _Little, formerly,
her bein .;a..ttested• by a recruiting of-.
'---fro.nt of the :
concreted. be .:lef
lirtew* ith this committee
foreed.for Many tears. Ire Was dotibt at home... • • .-• . . ' Ottawa. Water lieatet'S. . reside. '
' 1 , At:l'eirl c'fi ig:ri el liaillo°: f. it 'ffi -tele' : : e 11: i 1 I g'Y' '. :f 6. the de r 11 e 1 i° l'"I ; i 6 u t
with power to -tact.. • , " . ' . ...
'11AST Nit6ur s' CARD -pAittit. ` • .
WisheS to elese the 4..,04).SOn, at the end manugcor, ler the Bank .Of 'Commerce R.x._iinie,Icc.,
and . Settforth, .uieut. HoWe, Bxet,err
: -aceoininodate_ tractor ' .. frailer,....triicks;. 1111, ‚.4112 Sponsored, by.the-Professional
' ' " and Business Girls' branch Of the Red. .o,..-. ••••".7,,,,. 'IrAinNG "PUBLIC niOani-couR8E
The' doderich Board' of Health -co-
' . - ,•-• - .- .;__ .4 , ,
of '2,800 mileslo• Toronto •In three.. days. • • ,
- THIP -1-4--A14. eAlVIPAIGN '
Z. "I)" OenaDanY;-Exeter.
:The 'industrial :.donnuittee' • .reeom- - • - - - .„ - of tha..0 'month. „ "D?liations will be iw,t;,0_0‘Wloy, '54 1'. _afterwards trans:
Clinton , mortar I platoon, 'tient. • In
mended that -estimates, be Obtained.for A :, "500", and: bridge - party- in ' the gratefully received.: i;•,t,..; ' .feriedirVAgnifili, e13ank' - to ' KingSton,
.albe•:-,enurging.,_„:4 the jr4erxet scales_ to Masonie Temple :,on...WedneSday., even-. -4'Air.;-.7-OftV.iiiii - 4 . •
4,40141,44.:..:',1414rrf.;ittie . Made • the trip
. .... , . ." . Waters. .- -. _ '•
• and that tim Tease of the, „pundry on. AT -EMPIRE SERVICE .OLTIS. ' ' * CONVICTED' •Or_THEP„Ti
311achinerY Co. be reneWed for et.o.yeilk, 'Were. Mr, A. 11. 'Jane and Mrs. W. teb- Sent to tIail !for Siycty Days -:---Cases in'
. • . i
ern Ontariii,at' Landoll in geerigg.Super- `''t
operates-w-ith;:the_.-University et.....Wese. ,Ae.p_iryfo• R.laitzDE.
-" • WRITES rROPIC •DETROIT P.La. aign.in ;Godericiwat 9 o'eleekVoicaday •
Morning, _'cira);;,, 'heralded ••_lry_, a. &arils__
------7-"stibTuria--Istreet-to-the-i.Dominion-ROadt' ,•:Gress--Sopiety..._-....._Winlier4,7-0,t•-.-bridge A • .,
. and„Atifiti "V. Wilds, ,A. dainty' lunch ." At the • regtilar mailt-fily.,,ineeting-•:1
Pleading guilty io charge& of break: 'sized_ field public health .Service to
on • 'the stune terms,. asi-tlieSe7 of-the-batt-and-at--"000,',::11rsil waif -,-, . - -Weekly- Cottrt..•-- '
previous_ Jease, • ' .-... .. .... .. -, ',
.was, enj_oyed. • I* • • 4 • • • students 111the: rrublie -.health ,coUrse,„
. , . • ,- Hydro, Matters
' Colin. Iluckins renewed his request the Empire,Service iCiub held Friday,
ing and entering; and the- theft of . a. Miss. Vera. Olark, .stadeni in the Pu4lic H4s an' Intereking igif Of , Neiv'S '-for 0--;whistleS: at- -the:: variottsf-irultistrietr:':- -
' At 10 .0-eloek .crowds gathered at the
- • , 6 make 'a rebate,. t6 poderice' 'con-
. Utilitig CommisSion,' had paged' a mot,
tion asking pertuission'%of.'the H.E.r-,a
for information: 'on - Hydro, matters:•
Maypr !Planer, Said .' the: litiblik
of ,.4griculture• held the April meeting:
., , ; 0.4#1•01g,:41.ETIgq-
, The C101horne 'mitt of • the Federation,
, - , .^,A ..,....,,..........— , , who wdre,able-te entertain any of the
„a great need for lials livori. The enter -
•asked the Members to, ,let them ..knomf
mob. in .the- services, OS -there was still April. 8,••,,MaSao 'Igawriiitinii, 20, 'a Can -
radio valued at $50, fr•ani the 'home Of is now in' goderich 'for' field eiperience at Henn:tiller •
Maurice Coates, Usborne town,non
aeian-boru 4111Panese; was. Senteeeed •by
Magistrate Iktakins in „PoItee''CoUrt on health eourseat the London -UniversitY. ' Former Pupils of 'chard' Morrish .thro-ughout the town., -, ' . ;.' •4 - •-•
field 'Work IS part 'of 'the required C111:- read in yank .. newspaper, en artitle narrY. midireyrtestriotwith
rieninni in,the certilleate course.. Written:. by John Elliott of :Lando:,
under the suPervision of' Miss ..A.. .`iditer -The •.Signal -,Star. •
Cleaver, - public health ntirse. This . _ Dear: ditor,7--A short. .time ago : _ ol:Sfriqlontiniiitteoodp:_ebnoifuninaevniopict.tOobpi.eetr,oa,wpt.eeda 0-e461.
BRUCE MATHESON AT . April 21se, the hospitality cominitted
lakef.tenti; to.. iVitnesS 'the „manoeuvres
H.J.Ip.0, to lower the rates•in Goderich. 14, with a tine attendance. 'Miss Me- nreeerds 'lad been piirchased for the hard labor. ' , , . .
Thureeay last to sixty sidyS in jail at ••4- r... CARBIE-MA$ON - . . writing Riehard .ItIorrish, phicago, one. .
formerly of •Goderich; regarding., My and law -ceiling over the lake prevented
VI rsii,etell:li Ithie;e• ia.b_litittaLteoealintbeAj
. sumerS, artd•anether-one requeSting the in,the TownShip Hall, CarloW ' On APril tainment committee repOrted that new- . ..' .. 0 ' '
The receipt of ,these retioletions had Cabe and . Miss PoWoski, of ' Saltford„. electric vietrolti.• The Club Wishes to tea -Warmed was arrestd at Hamilton N 641(.1114,11,g. toolp111'1:1)Irlioliacto, ()tiny first school teachers tit Bern:oilier.,
it; . • promised,,„ and -lifis ,'Worshipt , said ._ he
been acknowledged, bY the Provincial.
Coninaisiion and .. consideration .was
hoped there • would be ''ssomething in
. _ . and Mr. Nicholson of the Milkmaid kiho
Board showed, very tine'moving pictures
entertained - with. songs •. and 1 claiming,
of. co-opertitive mOveinents and other ;thank the merellante',,who' 'donated on April 41, aed..the.radie was round in
alSo AirS; Macklin, who. wrs..beett donat- DeSekihink it is a Stupid businesA, erick alums Carrie, E.,X.,A., It,C.N.V.B., and thatlie, his Wife and four cliii
Prizes for the special Easter dance ; tus possessioli .. • f,',, • ., ..
droWn Attorney lloimes-Stated that the •gf Andrer Mafgaret , ?twine. daughter frem 111111 '.t that.be is ,ebli, i!(7 1 .taihi:n: '1 .F0 .1. no it:ill' it:Ii!,ti )0t:i ma olt len:(;t1,. 11, ,sP. ,1 1(reu;., ,Isi,,i) tta,e:ti,!e:i: ti._ ti:cits ,)Iiii a • nt 1:116 '.koeoiemstn'ilelIhny:: • , • : ' .
oliTtri‘l* 1 t
of Mr. and Mrs. O. "M., son, and Fred- harness at tile sage of eighty:16in.
h T. was Very happy to reeelve a letter ..,, i;,
the -near 'fittdro2). .
.. Interesting Jnibjects. • 'Bruce ..Mailfesep ing ,bookis and magazineS.:---jc: . Son of Mr. and Mrs. 'gjanies: (I • Carrie, are 'all Well. • He also stated -that the Ptn34,74ri,o) il
A ' )3:talon . was adopted: giving. the the 4eiv .agiroxii-iii -
repreientative for --,-,;.--on-AVedixeSdity's'erenrag•-•of' 111 1, week., accused.. had -worked -11i- the- i Inibr
,-1"---e----.. New LiSiteard, fOrinerly og Glide-i-iele :GiiiiRis 4Jeciety (literary.)----:of.,whieli
test Work in. tile inter.est of: the 'sixth •
Huron, was,gueSt sp":11k4r';' end hie. sub- • about forty youn4,-. iiien atten edsqlie last- 3:eitt. and had been well liked. Rov..d.Ar. curtis.offielat6d. Tbeinide, is preSideut this seaSoft,.--ntAr Meeting
Mayor poWer toidign :it warrant .to the •
Treasurer "for tim holding of a tax Jett was,:‘11,40tiikei",4 linPc.)rtance and dance for the,:iouth class froink It'y' 'i -le had, returnpo, to the . Coetes heine; given in ,marriage by' her father; wore on. March Oth adyanced their •AthAtlal Victory loan. . . '• -,
--,-•.-,•-••, •a 11001 11114,111 gown of- white crepe and banquet' from"Ififst4-1-Ith to May '22nd, l'irk:41•173vdehneti7e.tn11:17ira;:tatihlfteilitAt. P:git zirCieli.dat6e:
.- Sale ;-... and another 'Motion- tik-uthorized It4ITAY0.410At.'-';‘---,-,"_'-I1-.6 .:':ntiltag4e4,*, Va Ott.. Harbor. . ' About..: 104.1.3 4144. Junior and ..tmling, no, .One ,there renioved .11
7. the ehairinaii- .ottlie:"Publio -works eOhiii Pastures:as theinost niittiment was fa. •litiSteggetiertPreSent"•-"Xmlitulteira ereett ,frOnt.', iv -",e'efliff.-.,'Wittdolv - and; little; VIM- flfigeiftip7rS,'-eil,..eauglit_ by a which iS :Nrr. ; and Mrs.- Morrish,e, of_a", eIXth Vietory, lean bond' in °Ode.' :
mittee to glirbliis approval of P101105 118 the bottom- four inches' of the .Plants, well -organized under the leittlership;oT entered' the' house. • . • • . headdress` of or 111,4. hIosSomS, 'and sixtieth wedding" '-anpivefsaryi ' Tii,E1 ' , ._ ,.
• by the.. BellTelephone ',Co.', fer the Mit .1e. '54 .1, initrortent to seed thickly 1414. /1 Swansbergson,,,Lt./c mainlander Tli young man, in. answer to kques' \eitiried .11. ,4ouqueti: of, yeti roses tind will- build' the p1 01 arinind t11 it mondaY..
*'s° eY°0til I•,'Ilin,,, mr-iii,,i'fill'vt;'fill'illn11111'e,Welrag,e.fo'li'iilili°ti &nitgl 'absititrse'.v.th...:;Hetst;•..'
laying of Undergrainid _cable. .; • , ; ,Inict .have, a' close mat of graseS'..and, \Veit' 0..P.O. Alorton and 'FitAt. 11141- tien,by.the.court, said lie wilS, barn Anil 'narcissus, The ' bake's, Sister -
, • • :'.fo Control Restaurants - • eiover. to withstend draught: --A- deMon- lory. The irianiet -for theeveriing '4 15 raised .111 VaheOuVer. 'lle is a Member ThOlintt, MAS0/1,* WaS big(108Malh, 'and selioo..: pu.A...., w.i...' are $411_ _elm kr
Chief of 'Police . Ross tind Sergeant stration field- is being seeded en the AL& Jack. Vedder. 'The, young people .of•the United Church. • • .0 • . rte. William Morgan, 11,-C.OXI, London, *Ili _wish ta,ftxtend -their* hearty. con.. followed Oortion. Vach, was.. a.ble • to
, .0Verlailt Were • summoned before Coup' farm a liloyd`'t oung just east Of Car- soon became .actpininted. tlfrough the ; At charge of careless driVing. against was groomsman. r or travelling- tee gratulatious. • It would 1)e a wontierfal t)113Y a bond -IVOIn' 2110neY earned • de -
ell to tel-1.4..044itionS at 4- restaurant low,. and Ilk 'aotted, ' that farmers -pay ever 1)01)411 11. !Paul Jones:" Those • re- ,Alex. Haddy,,coniinerCial traveller, was bride sirote • a' bit 1,( wool. suit with tribute if 'as Many as possible would 1-lver,.itig 11044 1)1111411 _.
.; special attention te this fleid. in com- coifing „prizes were:I. Blititie Mero An disinissed. „The charge arose out; of an, 111 Lt( topcoat and navy:liticessories., write him. before that oectikion. Jlis ' 'hie. "Veda' names eaminittee ro..
chicakg, ;ported at 0 o!eioelt.';' "Monday morning
on the east side of .the $qtfare, regard -
log whicili 'there haVe, been 101111)1 111)1'. 4.) 11154)11 With another aere;es- the lane., "intisical. knees;" Hold Jacobson and acciOnt on 'N'o. 8 highway at, a maib address is 1227 gool. tiNe.,' ,
TheY *stated that it wits 'It "hatig-otit!' littgh' 11111 '.4.31)14.1 briefly 'and Made. a '4.1 4. Brian Dawson in the elimination intersection in Clinton. When the .194 DillIM--101L-p. Illinois, Zone 40.; . . • - • ' thot $165.,000 bad Wen vaised,". et' •110
per cent. of the objectiVe of .5150,000.
for a rather rough crowd and tlie Sorg; ..speeittl,. plea. for stipPort of the . new dance ',•., ALA.. Bar and Ada Pitbiado in bodge driven. by ' 11 1(1(14 ;Was inyolved At the home of IteV: 1)...1.•Ittne, Bast I ant a. brother Of Louise Maedel,
earit said that more thad once he had. Vietory loan. ' The Carlow CommunitY the spot waltz. 'The ,eihnination cOn; in. an .accident with 'II 1°028 ClieVroiet ,street, ,the marriage WOA soleinnieed who now liveS in Gederieli, but still re- • An 'usual', the,inen of the Mr traielek •
hhd to use his. "billy" to quell disorder. Club served pie and Coffee and realizetl test was worby Phyllis Alibi and 'ALA, ear drivee by. Murray -Sillier. 9.1414. t1' Mi. Monday of \Phyllis I)oreen, tains the. oki lionieStetal at 'lletimiller. Mations are :•going Stioilg. ' No., 12
.. The proprietor Was not to blame except '.4,1Tiee Sum. for patriotic' Purposes. - Victor Clegg,. 1.)uring the serving of younger daughter of the late, 'Mr. and t came to betroit lanuark 4th, 1892, JI.P.T.S.. 'k'lliY UP rbor, has -already 190
'.. that he seenied unable to keep the. 4, 1114, '
. , , 1(1:11 114144.114.1, ALA:- Cleary delighted , IXYDII,0 GRANTS REBATE .Mrs. -pavid Kyle,.and Harry Cluirleft .91iti on '5 pt( 15, 1894, etittvt4 tho Iler.'1+1,1t, 4:t*' i'1,!, i (meta. • NO. 31 Alt ,
under control.' It waS suggested that IItirry'lloberts of London is the neW the gathering with the presentation of Babb"; stationed . at NO. 4 Air .01110ers* serviee of the 11fiehigan Central It.Irt. Navigation klehtne. Pert •Albeit, •lies ex.
removal' of-_,*•:,iine 'inner windows ob- (.1.P.It. yard engineer, taking the place tivo 1111)14. 1011 and had to respond School,- London. son. of Thomas Babb. Ori June : title' 1902, I went with the eootle4 it"•.,, v.5'otrl /IT tiO per emi1.. havilog
strueting fhe vloW - from 'the 'street, of .Geo. bmilop, superannuated, .4 • to encores. PrizeS .for the liteky lime- ills° Reduction in Itiltes for Domestic tuuttiloafe "qrs.. Babb, ail of Goderich. Chlengo & Alton It.11.. as general agent 11 (44 IMP , 7."4:1' o'rlill.: . 011111,011 ' Radio ••
Would help 'the Situation, and the pro- • 1‘,Ir. end Alre. li. lc% Buchanan, 'with bers drawn after • refreshrnents wore and Commercial Lighting , Wt. Mr. 'Lane ()dictated. , The ,bride` at Detroit: remaiued with them until Seined .reje.,,..10' 1,i.„'•,..i per cent.„ and lit
prietor, will be asked to remove 1114. S( their '801/ Donald, Of Smith's 'Palls; and presented to Miss ilean'Craig' and LAO., By instruetionS front -the Provincial. wore' a• suit a ii4le blue 4, .11)1.1(11110 'March .31.• ip;35., ' then 4' 114. to 1(114. (1 Centralia aireo,•.:4-, %vbere they have jtatt
' The'. iniitieii of ' minors - freqUenting. :111.r. and Airs.1I. B. Stowe, of, Toronto, Lewis, rie. canteen asaistants and D.E.P.C., *tiro eustomorg in Goderich with corsage' of. TalisMan rosee, brown .0111o, April, ls.t. 1935'„ 4114 (11'081011 Treigilt. 1)04M11- ttliqr tilnr-l','101.. 010 1100 raigta
. restaurants at late hours Was disetissed„ who, <mine tO,, (loderich to attend 'tile senior imtesses presefit were Mrs, Mr. wilt be ,given a rebate of. ten per /cent. hat and accessorleS. Her '.1 1(1 Mrs, agent' of 'die Ilaitimore . & 'Ohio' It.11,. alreadV s50.0n.0 C" '''IN PPP (VIA- Of the ,
. and. the Clerk wits asked. to litiVe a ftiflertil Of the 'late Allan MacDonald, P. Gallo% Mrs, Barites-,, Mrs..' Mae- on their .total hills. for 10,1$. The (40mon Bannister., was matron • of I. 'retired April 30t1t, • 10434.“Yrtti my 441,10etive,. , ' ' . '
‘ byla,W prepared for the licensing of Were 4,4.14 t'. of MrS.. W.. 1. P44411 .111 Laughlin, .Mrs, .fleinnaings, Mrs. L. a rebate wilt be tredited on the •nest bobor, Wearing: a pale,pink three-pleee wife aral I are now living brag: In De. .T110 Coolt•-•'',•:.-.7. gait Co. IAN'
attained 100 .r.tor Al..o...J..,t. of itfl fitY312. Ole
restaurants . and luneh. roomS, ' as a Cambria road, while in town — .
. , Chapintin, Mrs; I). 3'. Patterson, Nil% billing to consumers. • • dregs with corsage Of flowers similar to t.roit „ p t -.4239 Tyler eve. We hope.' to
Means of exercising control over. therlo . , ,, I). 3, Lane anti 1418s 3% Saunders... The wholesale rate, to Goilerielt is the bride's, anti ..brown 'accessOrieS, Mr. taw a frit) to' 00d09'l ell next suMlneri fir4 • liaYrall P14011 .11 soodi:Tieb to do
,, reduced from $35 to $3,1, as from jaw., Gordon Bannieter, WaS best mart."'After to reneW come of the old fond memories.
place, mild Ross, Asked What.he thought of ful if it would be' of' much use sending Mrs. IIetherington 124e -returned .to ark 184-1044p god there is it..refluetion a. wedding dinner served at the home of Very 'tineerely yours. • .
s. ' ' , , . ,
•Ja; curfew bylaw,. said. 'the Town had ehildren home,' off, the streets in the her home here after Spendingthe Winter to consumers inAhe A
'-omestle and tom- Mt. and • Mrs'. Btinnister. the young . Antrum mAyi)1?,171, Mrs, Yratili, Lew of . Port ilea is
. 'such, a bylaW but. it had not been. en- eVenings, for •the parents woldd not.be With her daughterS arOtiehritne. and merrial 'lighting chimes and ..also for couple left for Tatualonwhere they •will ' - 44239 Tyler live . "Zone 4„ visiting ON week with Mrs.' Jarmo .,
Detroit, April 14. Vilkintion,.Itenyn street.*