HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-04-20, Page 8TUX aODE LO SIGNAL -STAR You Are Iiwted To'. Att u Sunday Services M. W ��D• RAR# Eeetor ..UNy �+ s s /- � . . �,' - 'iIAN O ryrr!����$'� and ra�as 1 O. C �� u�I 3LX AND .r R yap P E �. R � •11.00 ux D"I �M G aY . ,, 1• tC[' tM •lie `', Dec1 e•z e •, • ►�p?Pll,ai r�eaaa, - r College 1 �a,lq�"H.11on Yr A�,�: 0' ':.m. HEItCB SCSOOTa , ,AND :SIB'Y'L" CLASSES: �X 1 (J S.. „SERMON. • • . _ N 4 ,, ANI) ^c1 E 7;•00 ..in EVENSONG S u et; .4> Most a' Christi• an.' -"C FT O CHURCH rutedurc :11.HINISTER "REV •D. I. TURNBULL, 'B.A., B.D., S.T.M. -11 aptn. ..T tE- O,OSI'EL OI' TIDE MF - 3 p•m• SUnd,ay QS, o , ' ."FACING CING OLAID Oleg, DRAGONS UNAFRAID." 7 p.m,. F9� R ' ANN.IjFD,e+RSARY'LSERVICES, SUNDAY, APRIL 30th Organist and. ChoirrnYaster-ti. MR. RAY 1nJLHFR,O,N. A .SN E L RE 'WELCOME AWAITS 3aQ[J. ,- Knox Fxesb a yteran :Church ' ''•a• 'PUBLIC WORSHIP _ Sermon Subject: "Having a Mind to Qur 'Work." g.30 •''S I.JNI)A.31 SCHOOL. -All Departments. 7- p.m. _ PUBLIC WORSHIP. • . Sermon Subject: "The Challenge of Christs Way " MINISTER -REVEREND C , RIEREND :A.RD STEWART. - , • ORGANIST -MISS . EILEEN BOGIE. C•TOR OF PEAISE-MRS. FRANK SAUNDERS. DIRE • Holiness. .Com and , V1 orsliip hhi the Eeaue Lord ty; of ,,ness. "1 Chu cl joderichBaptist " 4ev. Joseph Janes,M.A., pastor. Miss Verna, Miller, Organist" • 11 a.m. PUBLIC • WORSHIP.' Subject "Hidden, Talents." s}: pan. BIBLE. -SCHOOLS pan. - PUBLIC WORSHIP? -" Subject: "Playing-- Fool. 7 gas. FLa .... Monday 8 p.ni.--Meeting of B.Y.P.0 8 .m.---P:'rayer .sheetin Wednesday P • ,•A: CORDI ,L 'WELCOME ,FOR to The play "Cieloile : Sally" will be presented -by '1' 'illow Grove choir in Victoria— t treet- .11h�ited ieh ;rellen Vet- {•l 2 ii. d tSslo .366 aid- ••20c. n �� Apt al �.8t .�, ,•n .. ,,15»16 Slendor Tablets are :•etfeetive... Two ' ,; twelve weeks' "5 at A�7� '�. 'TED. --.1, ' Y'S $1+ CQND1Ii .N weeks' stziiiil� �I a ;, � ► vv Otimpbeli's I)r ug• •Store. 1.4-27 Mcrae, in goad condition. • Write. The Rebekah Lodgee ,will hold ..a, p0x •2, 810114.14-STA rummage sale on Saturday,.y,. 1 y, t z , n + ,: OW HOUSES I? `� . at 1,30 P.M., in c,)ddfellorti s Hall. :1f�-1.x3 W�NTE , . A Til, R1,T� d t 1 , be Suitable :dor mink feed; removed . proniPtl . + E I F T . .�'` -134 ixeld. Phone -,008 'r 22 Clinton. Calls ,• aid _r_,- ,; _,, 18-tf for.'- • f� anal cad �ctz t e , must e �, ' s . e 'S ndi e tion C,ozzstziiation, bziio>i�,s �,i }`g & quickly relieved with. B.'ipps. Herb VRED G LR aR It.R .134,y field. FOR RESUi A Ciasified. 4.00 WANTED ANTED, , CAR.ET4.RI+:1t . FOR Oddfellows' Hall. ,Applications Xtty_ i� I+ NAI-Chairman.1�;TH �SO Conutnittee., .-16'12 the effective tondor,.laxative . R p ' 5 r ,. .a lief -:r._ 'd• d4 �41.hd t JC-sizes,---atmP• k' .l a r all druggists. • • .,14-` 2 d r �, un ma e 'sale b ' Ladies' • O:id of- . TO , i-EN1 , Hall, S'at I�iio:�. •chtireb: in- Udcifello`vb'".>;Ial ,. OR RENT,.-••-�-Ti'AII;AX 100 ACRES Q�' ti+da3,-April 29th, at 1.30 p.m. 14-17 F-, t.. .. • The numbers of the Evening Auxil- pasture,�_"witb ` 'flo�wzni water, on T, , ,. ,., • .4,,,' ncessipn • of, Goderich atter, i h • .,.- . ,. ire • . � • : 'ed-, -huh clh--arm.--� - ,.,, _ �. aiy g a rtus o Ll t t L G.ode- , 4 pply 111 kt" 1.. ir, SA . D! r 1in 1Y '1 h r �� 'sale. ac uhxi a..• lsli_t sl _ aRe ho � y . . Hall- onurday afternoon � inch. „ 46 1'a at � .1. April ::2nd, at 2 p.m. sharp'. For any pick- ups please lhlicnie -Mrs. E. C. Robertson,- 130, .or :Miss. Earl Westbrook, .487. 15-16 The Business and- Professional WQ glen's .Eiranclr of the Red Cross are holding a bridge and five 'hundred in the Masonic Templd on 'Wednesday evening, April 26th,. , at 8.15 p.m. An invitation is extended to all. ''Adnfis- sion ase. Limeh will he -served. At i i hgsbridge Hail, Ilipnday, 'April ' 24th, Carruthers Orchestra, - .. Adds - Sion 50 --cents.- . Rimunnge sale, Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D;E.,- I May. 6th; 10 a.m.,• MacKay. Hull, , -16 Get sure" relief With Lloyds Corn and- Callous Salve. 50c' tit Cainipbell's and Ethersen'•s.Drug Stores. . '14-17' Dance iii Clinton Town Hall; Thurs- day, April 27th, by Bert Worth fe.rm,er- ly Willis Tippingorchestra.` Dancing. J to 1. Admission'' 50e. ; -16 Hun reds of -unsolicited testimonials: recommending KLEEREX—"A Quick: Healing Salve" for• Eczema, Psoriasis, E.iytheuha, Iii petigo, Itch, Boils: Chaps, etc. c,•° "-i.00 ('medium and strong',; Campbell's and Eme-rson's Drug Stores. -16 TO RI+aNT, OI7ERN FURNISHED house; possession May lst. Phone p ' • ' 46 O RENT. 4. THREE -ROOMED Flurnished fiat. , Low rental.. 03 Napier street.. - • 16x• TO RENT. OUR, IWOMS FURN- IS11P�. !hone 936 r21, Coderch • .:-40 TO 'RENT.—FURNISHED, APART- nENT. Apply after '5 p.m. ^-at 41. ,Warren street.'•• 16x MICTION SALE • AUCTION-. SALE OF O;USfUOL-D FURNISHINGS ' at -a1 Quebec street, --on • --SATURDA,.Y, APRIL 29th at 1.30 ..o'clock• sharp Three-piece"'thesterfield set, 'mohair ; 1 -tall foor'Tamp with shade.; -end table; buffet dining-roein.table ; rocking chair ; wicker chair-;, kitcheir chai s ; sewing machine ; irons• bed' and springs ; wooden bed, : springs • and - iiattress ; dresser; kitchen stove (Finlay's oval) ; coal oil stove-(Wingliam-) ; 0W -cloth for-iloors, and other articles - too, niluierous to meion, . •_ T+ntER\I.-SR--CASH, LLOYD MALONE, • Pr-opri �to.r DONALD _B..` B'LUU, Auctioneer. TENDERS ,FOR GRAVE•t. IctOria- St.. "THE ; CHURCH_ WITH ,A . IIEARTY WELCOME" -SHNISTER�REV ARTHUR J. " McKAYE • 'NDAY SCHOOL. • --_ ..10.0(! a,m.�L _S ij�fl-y a,nr'G SER1'YC'E - 764 1? .in. EVENINtx' SERVICE. w Organist -Mrs.. irs. _ Hanna. . _ �t-�-h. L BETBEL. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE - .: THE CENTRE OF -EVANGELISM' ' ' ' - , - 16 WATERLOO 'ST REV. A. G..ARft1S,. i'astorw.: - - ' SI NDAY—,x,.00 a.m. " Sunday School. - 11--a m. • MORNING WORSHIP - 7.30_p ni. EVANGELLSTIC SERVICE.. • , • : TUESDAY400 0:lia, Young ireolilei5 -Service._ .4 : _ ,, WW.DNESDA,Y;.-8;00 `pear. • Women's : Missions- Service. • Yeu' are `always welcome to worship the Lord at this Spiritual .'workshop. Free -Methodist ,Chuff h• 'Corner • Victorian°"and Park St. W. FEi+EaEMAN, Pastor" "\ ' 10 ' a.m. 'SUNDAY 'SCHOOL,' . ' f1` a.m. ,"ABS NI ANT.- LIFE."p 7:p.m.' RVENTNG' SERVICE. , Prayer Meeting -Wednesday -at : 8 p.m. •• • CORDIAL •WELCO$E. .TO -EVERYBODY..• When you r quirT Coal or `Coke • CALL ee v. , Coal .and Hardware at the, Harbour Ph+oaea --..Office•?2 • House ,112 • • 16- MRS. NORMAN BAKER WISHES to extend her grateful thanksto those who were so " liand and sympathetic to her in her bereavement. She• wishes also. to thank' these who •loan ,theme ears -oz.. ut.fi.oraL"bi»utes, Gordon M. Grant 'HURON ROAD , GODERICI3 . Licensed Auctioneer -for - •-Iuron--Cooing•- -- -Furniture -nand Farm Clearance Sales, , Chattels_ and ,Real Estate Prompt attention given to all calls, ,Write . '-BOX' 663 GODERICH '- - 1-52x PHONE 959.1. • a glletcveen fire ages of± 0 and'50 .and married, with executive ,tit�il ity, good education; character told pleasin' personality, a and% Who „has had several years' experience in s elIting or 1z eommereiitl 'cvbrk whichhaus brought him .in. contact .with the- public,' if you 'hp,ve these qualineatious, there is an opening for you; with ' a 'splendid tippor.t'uuity' or advancement, . iii n ai business that hits been,- long es- tablished, Please apply by letter,. stating your age, telephone: riumber,, num- ber of dependehts,. edizeat1OU, uetual experience, incorne expected and_ their information `',.'hick, would indicate your cfualifititions. All replies will be treated strictly confidential. War workers ineligible. AWN' 1110,1PLOMNT A SZLBca IVZ • SERVICE f Op1'I E ° ODIatrcu O T. REFER TO PERMIT NO, s33. INSURANCE IS : THE SEN - BIBLE ' WAY - TO -TAKE -CARR- :.OF WHAT YOU'LL NEED -- >Cf. soiuething Mappens ':to' .what you've .got. ' - d� ii• Get - insure, -- Stay ;insured'-- Rest • .:assured: .�- North St. _ Tel. 268w, FQRP- FYRST-CLASS, BOD"St'' MAN .; 'EST7OLA MEC NIC ,9 'or oarage in Western. Onta$o Town sof _ 3000 ' 09d- Wates --_:and-, mor ng Conditions .. Apply nearest a • Bmploynaent and Selective Serviee• Office' Those einployedi wrar. work • need not - apply. , 167 NOTICE LARGE GARDEN, NICE LOCATION, given' to anyone who would keep it clean„ Phone MRS. Pleton street, 898W. , NOT0ETO•0D FOR SA iio L' I ' 4U41 'L . II(4L4 �, � �G M N �--�10. Ia01,1)REPAIRS AND SLI1'J»LIES. HOURS 2 P.M. TO P.M. '2. EAST STREET. • - 9tt ti OR SALL, x ANJ' L 136i)It ca)1 it' iz. . � lit. o 'i 40o i C n zn,. go d xt)un � o seen atT4 '1.4t. Vincent , street. 11F, 15tf. A 'I!i '1`l'AII) ,AND wu3'.. spring And suiuuter. Kitchener Big -4 ChicksIsere without curiesP and . ence. !aa ,n tell,you what's ` Yalixble and. dates odeiiver . Heavy Ceekerels immnedh to ' - delivery, Arent,X-IXAtg, Y1tODUQE GO., Goderich, •-10 S IILATE ` OUR, W ®�LLi; AND ...M, .ll14o.4v, W14'eT?atrais..4eOYah_ . ablei `'wKolkwooi:-ethed ' free estimates. Aernis; -Write PNEUMATIC INSULATING CO,, 385. Adelaide street, Loudon. TRAILER;'. tractor built, 18 feet long,. .princess Pat' range -with -water front. Apply 8 Cambria ,road. - 161 FOR SALE.-PRAM,'NAVY. NAVY_ WITH --,."white•-�liziing, - , in. . good -. ondition.y ;apply 74 Britannia road. • -1�6 FOR SALE.' USED , CHESTER- FIELD HESTER- , - k IELD Suite,` and . pram. BRO. PREY'S FURNITURE-• STORE, West. street. m =1Q •Foy s n. I pROVDD _EARLY Alaska -seed oats, 1942 crop or 1943 crop, - Government! grade No. 1; 90% germination,- - LLOYD-" MacDOUGALL, :R.R. No. '6, - Lticknow: Phone 26':30, • Ripley,. - 16x OR -. SALE. on--- WOULD Ear CHANGE for small house or cottage in Goderich.-Seven room (11/2 ,story) 'senif-Mbdern, frame h'anse in Stratford, Large, lot, close to industries. BON 31, SIGNAL -STAR. 16x ADS, SAE-. .4 :. srWO DI,T.13,H4.b ' calves • also topbuggy � in good con- dition. ,r, g dition. _ O. CHISHOLM,, one.' mile south of Goderich on Bayfield road,. 16x ----TENDERS •WANTED • AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at Goderich. on , • SA.TUR,DA', ;APRIL 22nd, at 1 pm. at the •reaxidenee of ..J.,Y. Smith, cerher of, °Lighthouse and Wellington streets. father's clock, full ZWxestmiuster chanes- trig 1.(9,--4.01/i, ( ' ilton)."'ki°ec'%•'i iomi sltff (walnut), 3-pieces;:bedroom suite; (wal- nut), 4 pieces, both with. 11IarS`hail Spring, mattresses; 'rug ` 10 x 7; -small tables; portables redki; Oliver type - w1 tor ; • Singer sewing machine - __quantity of dishes Ldotheshorse „ ward robe; 1 new four -burner electric 'stove ; refrigerator - (cold "spot), -61/2- cu. -feet;' :kitchen clock'-; number odd chairs; camp chairs :camp beds ; lasyn mower ; fireplacebench occasional -chairwrit- ?tng des? ;'- "pictures ; .tools; ; laundry tubs; 3 large mirrors; brass Mase; curtains, and ° drapes. • TERMS --CASA: J. Y. SMITE, '. Proprietor. HA;ROL-tt JACKSON, IG- •••• Auctioneer. 0 GO rC1 NoveR TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby 'given to 'all persons laving' any 'claim against the estate of Mazy A. Baynard,,,late of the Town of Goderich," in ;cher ,County of Huroze, widow,' who died: cln the Sth of ,7anliarY; 1944;, to -Bend -same -tothe-,n rsig ed 'op, or 'before the 21st day.of April, 1944, as on and' atter that.date the executora. of the estate 'shall proceed, to make, distribution of the, assetS thereof havin • regarcnl tothe cl i s then filed. - Dated at Gloderiela this `firth day " of April, ',1l`.1),; 1944. ' 1t. C.- HAYS, God`ez icla Ontario ikl a rY. 14.16' Solicitor ;Lox :the' above Estate. ' Angleaaea THURSDAY, AI'1UL 20th, 1044 then laving regard 001-Ytothe C1 t Sr h n ed. Dated at «odertcl* tki fotirteentb, clay of April, A.D. 1944. ` ". .• *R,O. HAYS, .0,,° 1047.8 Goderich# Ont. NOTICE. .-�O - L tTt7H LOOTS FOR SALE.- Street . • Ya t 'N ,o_..,. . Maitland Concession is_. Elgin �Ave. 251a ^ ; Maitland Rd. 558-9-1041 Lhtannia: Rd. • 830.898� • %' - E3.7.8-0-10-18 ..7 28 -,r^ 29-30 ; •• • .7.1 • CR.I..+-garage: DITQItS, ° .. ._, . , , • Notice is hereby •iveu. to all ersons' hit "ing ahy daily^against the estate` ie oxo Rd. of David' Johnston, lute of the -,To - ship hof ,&shiiela : i the, County .of, Huron Rd. Iluron, fanner, "\wvho died on. or' about` Cy r ss c . 1rdex ll arch .220th - 1 J•14 to rend same to the .;;4 y undersigned r 2ist. cr .,,finest ou o before ist, day of Fl. abeth A zit 1944 as 'on and after that date p !} 1 , the executors of the said estate �-shall Warrenproceed , to make distribution of „the Cah hexon .assets • thereof, having: regard, only to .the claims then filed. ;• Dated at; Goderich this fifth day - of April, A.D. 1044, • • . R. C,,,HAX''S, 4, Goderich,^ Ontario; 14-10- Solieitor: for the 'above E e State NOTICE To CREDITORS. ` ' Notice is hereby given -to all persons having any claim • against' ,t'he estate of Louisa Helen Walter, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, spinster, who. died on ,or about` April'.,0..th;.:11 4,...to_.ievd..:saine. o_ ,the undersigned op- -or ;before•• 28th - day of :April, 1944, a's' on and ,after that. date the executor herein will proceed to make distribution of the nssetof the Said: estate, having regard only -to the claims then ,filed.- •" - Dated April 13th, A.D. 1944: - R. C. HATS, • .• Goderich, Ontario, 15-16-17 Solicitor far the said Estate. 0T10 _'1'O. CREDI.T► ORS . • Notice is heh;eby given -to all persons having any claim against the estate of - Nellie Clarissa, Allen, 1nte,,of the Town, ,-o sl.ied._o11,,o:r..,abQut_the 6th • day Of- March,- 1944, • to -send ' same to trim. undersigned on orbefore 'the - 5th day 62 AIRY, 1944, as on and •after that date .the -executor of . the , said Tenders will ber`eceiveci by under- :estate shall proceed to, distribute 'the. signed until 4• p.m., 4 • assets thereof,- havingregard only to SATURDAY, :APRIL- 220d, 1944, : the claims then filed. for .crushing and. hauling -3,000 cubic .=R. Ca' BAYS, •, ci,u ing ::. g ,, • .. yards 'c* -'gravel ',on -Township -roads, as ; ' - • , Goderich, Ontario, ,directed. ' Gravel. to pass through ""1'r�16.1748 ,,Solicitor for the EXecutiix. TOWNSHIP OP'COL. 'ORNE' • sc'reen:... Contract to bzuompleted August 31st, 1944.. ll arkec"i heque for 10% •to ac- c.. inpany tender.. Further •information inay be -obtained from the undersigned. Lowest• orany tender-notnecessaril accepte& •- GEO.'.Ds BEAN;'- - , , Road ;Superintendent, R.R. 5, Goderich., :WM. SALLOWS, , Tenders - will be' received' by the Town of • Goderich,:,-for 1000 yards of 4/$"_ screened gravel and .1000_,yerds;.of '; sdreened stone --chips,, 13- -be -delivered.. to the Ttw.myard or where ,the foreman, may -direct. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. "" encYers-° t f .1S T1Q'- the *hrmds--of•'m'tixe- TO•WN'OLERH not later,than..gay 4th. �. "•, 15-16. • Go 709, rrAT-i4 15-16 • • it!e.0RE1iIT0RS. - Notice ,iia hereby given''to all persons having axil- claiit against the estate of T.aria- Y�tng, late of 'the •Town .o$. erre ;��J--dies . on- or . about ---the twenty-senth dry of-Janua) y, 1944; to send , sate`, to . the undersigned• on . or before the',ttventy-eightli. clay of. April, 1944, as on a d after that* date. -the Township Clerk, , administrator df the said estate, shall proceor fe.,01StrIbute the assets t'h'ere=' 49-50-51-52-53- 54-551-2-0 1-2-9 10-11 . 1.05 4 , ' 4- 2 2 • � • 5(Mitchinson, =6 : Survey) 05-60 1.206 South 1207 Title can be given for ,these lots a once. Offers- should, be submitted'bY letter to , TOWN CLERK; Goderieh,' - before May.ist' .15 0 . 0 OV GOO In" Tenders will be received by' the undersigned until. May -4th for. white- `" ,washing the 'interior of the Goderich Arinduries.. The lowest or any tender not 'necessarily - accepted. 'Particulars may - be obtained from Alex.' .Butler, Chairman cif Industrial Committee, , or • the Town Clerk.' S; • 15-16 • _• Town Clerk Goderich. All .owners and occupiers of premises, are hereby noti-. fied,, that all rubbish,. ashes, roust be removed from ... , m' � f r the lst . , -•tl`i,eii, , re ises befoie e • • 'A. D. r,OS, Chi.£ --o Police and ,.� --Sanitary Inspector: ector. 46-7. • Tenders will . be reeeived by the Undersigned until May4th:lor the re- roofing of the Goderich-Armonries with Windlocked• • asphalt shingles. The lowest or any tender not neeessetrily accepted.- Partidulars may be obtained frem Butler, Chairman • of the Iiidustrial committee, or the ToWn 5. BLAKE, 15-16 " Town Clerk, Goderich. Nitionaj Cash Reitgte., Or 'CANADA IS PLEASED TO Alq1SIOUNCE THAT THE- TTANAL CASH: REGISTER .Vo 350. DV ON_ B, MeLEA1S1,, MANAGER n chines axe at your disposal., I ``"a For those who are entitled to a permikyve have Adding.Ma. COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE AND A FU, 164.8 STOCK OF PAPER SUPPLIES. • Piinple Covered Face, Kills Many a Romance The lives of many young peoPle are Made miser- able by the breaking out of potpies; and you probably ' know of cafies where a promising romattee lots been Spoiled by those red, white, festering and "pus filled sores on the face, ° Titelrouble net -so notch physical pain/ but the mental stiMering caused by the ctribarrassmg disfigurement which iery . often makes the tattoo -ashamed to ,go out in company. .. • . The quickest way to' get rid of putipie'S is to improve the general health .litadwk Blood Bitters helps to cleanse the blood and with the: blood, The T. Milbox0 00,1 Limited. Tetome. Ott. • nsio • 4rural. service, that:are -plentiftiLinLra0etime, are now required in:` the man - •up War ditties in the Army,‘Navy ald Aix, Force. This results •in "a -shortage - * Although...working 'under great difficulties, created by :these -,t`vartithe eon- ditrons, Ilydro,-•Will. continue to. prOvide _essential rural, serviees_as .rapidly as • . *possible. HoweVer, it ean be readily realized that with smaller Construction. _.: crews, coupIdd with the searcity -of supplies, it is 'hot Posaible tor Ityaio to effect extensione of power littes and services to fartas 'as promptly oi on tlie Hydro* will make every effort to provide'seryiee to. the' more .essential farm .• of food -and for' the replacement of labour w41, be ,given preference.,- Farmers. . located. along gxisting lines, will bd.. give/1,131404pr Vifei- .,t1tose in areas where d, ,lines mitit be, constructed. .In. any. ea:Sep...m:11.Y, extensions of limited length 6661 -be -considered.' -AB. other -rural residentr‘ on. noiv -0.-.!eiisting--linci-will':- '. be supplied with Hydro service as and -when.,COrtiditions perinit. ' • Hydro trust§ that this- aloilg with" the previous niessaies, enable rural the, influence of wartime shortages Of rnani3ower and. materials on power ottensiOns. Upon your requegt, ,firther intormation. on these matters will • 'gladlx. be -supplied by any Hydro Rural District Superintendent, IlYtate:i.oiRIA TR.:It Q ER Mj.$8,ION' ONTARIO This coMpletes a 80400 of -messages, e.xplaining the new Rural Rates and the probliqus , electric i4uppIy to farm and hamlet eansumers served (Urea, by, The Ilydro:Eleetrie. Power (lononission of Ontario, We suggeseyou clip and keep these explanitilens;