HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-04-20, Page 7TI1lUt1DA". , 20th, 1944 Cured' View.s' War (Continued from page 2) oeoormplished, Re •believes that the particular ttet$ i t , co-operatiof can ,actually tui-afOrm.aue-n:iae patter' of law and:orderly erly internat1or T • "epos,,.�o thinks that 4overanaeutsAnd peoples, 7ayiug ,practised :�operat1ou . without running rlowu every Imaginable legal or political 1utp1ication, oral realise that the formalisation of their practices is not a xrrmtter of spe+eulation on possibilities tut of ;ratification; of aetualittes. He is toga wary to regard this as 'a certainty. He •is' reported to hive told -the-Russions that•hc would not, undery- L n � the attitude o ta>ike -li1G azure � - ! t the . Atneric an ;people in the tomorrow,, T) But he alaao told the Amiens that the a readya American people were for certain forward troves oat of the present, and that tile popular attitude would be confirmed by instant action. Ile found: the Rus,slaus willing to meet him on Haat ground, and,: of eourfie, the°,: 3ritish.. And since no concrete interests' of the three' powers- are in' coufliet. his; phil- osophy on in -father is tri Permits ht to trsophy per i $ _ as`,. -0 ''of" ('o=o ratlort with ac rar-proas- Peet that an international orgeniaation will come into being. • The Raltimere Sun. "The burden of the worm teats h?,A • the shoulders of ,the average man," says The Guelph, .iiercury.And though. slightly :stooped end suffering ;from; saddle -gull, Ole, hardy` little sgnofegun 3aMstllk,:;on hia_feet, but Wobbly. -Ottawa It n.: w 10,771.011 ' /I,rN eiCCOPY �c1//414- ATI? 77(4' /7. , `'9G T•N/-474/rGf v, . recently celebrated„t .e' fifty-fifth aapnx, nivrsaary'-,of tt}eir Weti ling• 11ayor i of oe . of i ip:Cartline h,:as peen assured :by lYavy,,, Minister Mae- de/441d .that a corvette to be lauueheti: shortie wi,11. be framed "Ri}aeardiiie.°! .. . ”; .,After 8 long illness 'Michael Fletcher• .died on April bth at his hoarse in BxKbtera in .his eighty-seYenth 'year. ilis • wife predeceased Kirin, and` Iiitrviving , are four sous and a daughter. Andrew Rt;chanan, .a rich-kuo n tar ,` aX w } -- ,1� '� �. . r r',;. Brussels, and Edwin Calvin Coo son or liar. and ,:firs. Ceetl . Cooper, Clinton. Later ton:hapPy couple left on at trip" to Niagara Valls and -tether Ontario .Points. They will resile in C1lintun. " Watl1-41ackett� A pretty Easter wedding took plate ora Saturdaa.y,'A1)ril ;8th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas:Hackett, Ash- field, when their daily daughter, irlxna., GGwendolyn, became the Bride of MMd- C1t'ICIAM. April 11. -•-Ur. t� spa lett last week to reams him v o* the boats for this season. Itaas tib yearn the tilincoe from Ooderieki. 4,C.2 Lloyd ItlituiSan, hie wifhome e children, ild{gren'{--,{vylisiteed at��- theFinnigan, , i st iinele, " Mr. Raymond. Thursday. He expects. to leave tor tt YafRw- _lars.ktiou April .-- _ . ofMr. *14 Urn 'V'isitors at the i'Unitee Wilfred Drennan on Sundaywere Lorraine 1)ren.nau, 0f• Lutkpoiv, 'r and Sirs;' Herb fitotiterii, 4eled a Arnold ' Miro•, " .Harry' Bradley, Sandr and infant 40n, Billy, of-1:)uugannon. Miss 'Shirley .'►Sherwood. return to Luelinow High .;School on Mon.duy» d Mr. Norni&ui' Rivett _left on -Monday for .. Lloydininster Sask.. - Where be is engaged for the season.' .. • .; : Nltssitonary Meeting.• Thi ladies' of ., ford'•Gordon .Rfall of 0,111r`oss., The Crewe.W M S Wet' on Thursday',.' fibril_ �• 18th, • At the home q of Mrs. ', 1re- resident of, l ensali, 'died on April: 0th Ceremony was performed by Rev. G..G. at Victor.`ia Ilospital, ',London, in itis • Howse. --Mass •Ethel Wall of .Taranto,. eighty-fourth y ear Ile is' survived by -sister :of the groom; was brldestlia1d, his wife, • two softs and two. dralghter and the, groam,sman'wits. Reith Hackett, 1ipgham brother : of the bride. ,,:unci-er; the sus Ices of the.:�'V Fish ani 'patine. Cl x a= trio klo8t i* Dla' cew- arrr ' specified treats haft been. deposited �, in , . n Easter lllondaiv floe streams of the district, in an effort 0 Street T.imited church. at' the: Ontario - parsonage, t to' restore' the good .fishing of bygone c'l n - ton, Rev.^G,• G. Burton united in near- and Xe Took :tie Not In." Mrs. M. riage Geraldine Madeline, eldest laugh- Sitackidton gave a temperance reading, ter of M and Mrs. Clifford ,Parr►• "Temperance in Russia," After a. duet Despeler, • and -Pte. Elwyne • Earl by Mrs. S. Kilpatrick and Blake, B.C.A,M,C., only * son of Mr, Whinney, Mrs, Win,' Crozier ted in and Mrs. Earl flake, Base luxe, Clinton, prayer. A. reading was,given by Mrs.`.. Ti riez?eis' were 'present. from Ilespeler,. Kilpatrick" and " the,' chiapter the Dip cannon. .and Clinton. • ,A.fteer a, brief study book was taken .bx. ars.,.-Benson .,: 14iV0.8FZ/BVF YV /1I ', s Bap/ wetazse dor ay. s' C# Keit' UP. mini�/C�' ..F9 . pm/ Yaro�,Y ass /N T//EArixe4,04vr`, .."7/e ' /T `t/AS,/N riontaeitoval INFLATION ISS' POISON Canada has held off infiatio n . so far and otherr countri s admire- its for it. -But. if yoi1., and I and =our friends' stopN':, 'giving the Prices Board our 'su ort; the whole- ceiling` - ' then may still crack ..and. "e''l) arllearn wkiat hardship -. it , • and deprivation . really i's! JOHN LABATT LIMITED London Canadc� Samuel McBride, ofPStanieY town- ship, ' near ; •R111sgr'een, while' thrrowinl straw from the top of the strawstack \fell backwards and alighted on his back, on • some ice, receiving, injuries to his back,. which required .the doctors attention.- Mrs. George Robertson,, *Bxeter, ;had her right band severely lacerated. *hen her fingers became caught : in ah ex- haust fan ",ii• her 'kitchen. she' was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Where it . Was said, it would not be necessary ,to amputtate any of the iiiigers.., • . • --The death of Mrs. Robert St .pletoii; -lifelong resident of East' Wawanosh, occurred • s addenl ` on April 7th in her Y sevent'yTiifth year, Deceased' was: the former Agnes Wilson', daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson; Sur- `�Iv g, leaven. The theme was " Christ Is Risen., the , Church fs Born," and stile devotional service in the, l4lisstonarry 'Monthly 'was Used. Edna McWhitilley had charge, of the prrograin 'which fol.- , - lowed; A Sao -WITS retidered`by'.GQ4en : dolyn Treleaven, And Mrs. B. Treleaven gave a'' reading, "I Was a Stranger honeymoon, tine ridegroom returned to his, station at • Stratford. Highway Accident between Seaforth. aril Clinton A truck driven by • Russell D. 11Xc- Graatla, of. Burlington,. with a .cargo of spray material for fruit trees, crashed into the rear of a car owned and drive. by E. T. Box, of ' Seaforth, on No. 8 _h' h y between-Seafo>~ th And -Clinton I Shackleton. Mrs; Drennan road some "thank • ,yon" Correspondence ter a - Christmas .box that had -��een ` s+ent ovc`seas and n letter .of sympathy that wig sent to a faanily in the: community. The meeting closed with the-benedie- tion, lt(rs.,,Cvozier' nliowed some niter,. estingg pictures • that her on Officer Colin Crozier, bad ',taken, from the air, of his home' community. Io Welsh regiment choir' wok ringing on 1Vlonday morning, �causiwg extensive A 'Ptf g . track and xautsiil�e the officer's mess: dttniaige to both- ear nand ° trU • ., �." .' in iir3= to Mr:Sox, .who surfered.lacera Thi; colonel., sent for tit unmusical h nd and arra. ° 'The • truck sergeant -major. �� in • ^iieside`s the husband, are -a teens to. . a "• • Margaret, at home; and a da'irer escapee:.iijnry, Atr.: "Bat had "Go axed- tell–the choir; , he; "said, 'Ito daughter, Marg . stopped - and Was hacking .gip when the Sing 'Sweet ` And Low!.' brLetitiaGAnderson, wiof dow of Robert trick driver failed' to ,see .the :lacking The sergeant -major went out arid' Lent. , . -cal' rr.;tiane to -avoid a collison. bawled,; "If yeti blokes" can't wake 'cess_. Do�vson; passed the on a ' i noisea the "�t)lonel . says you've. got td . " :aril Gt1i at the age of seventy-two BUS A 130ND - TO BEAT 'RULER cleft years. She was well known an her, early Years in Nest "Wa cwrnvsh, . being the youngest child of • :Alexander • andw Margaret Anderson, pioneers' .$)f that township;`• their home being on the 9th, , concession. Mrs. Dowson :lad*an inter 1. eating li€e Inw. -1$94 she:. `vent_ 10 7ourg� •utli-ico, . o iiieet' her :insurhannesbe hu,sbaSoxadT a"d ris are s .on her a ori' til.: Tit- 1900 she returned viitli her three children, - remaining in T M1 below wilt receive two War:Savings• Sit -amps • ree ��.exrin-byou W _ . In twent sixx issues.of The Go erich: ,Signal•Starrf advertisements under thus ° DRUGS,. ; Y heading will' contain_. several. na es of persons living to -Goderich and district. The names • will be selected from -the subacription,.liist of ; The Signal -Stan Sim fined- yet roan+e-in-one he=` advertisements, bn _th, advertisement, h ,-a 'present' ht to -the store' iinrwhich your name appears, and receiver i `` ••a y _ . Complete line of. Dairy Products, IVIILH .BAR and r j; COUNTER UNCI r Near Theatre ` ''Phone 104 West St. Special Prices :on BED :0'UTFITS Steel Bed, Spring and. Mat, :tress, :Felt or ' pin ing-Filled, ; ` li ;Pr-odactsn' Milk, Cream, 'Devon Ice ,Cream VISIT 'OVR -DAIRY -RAR ,IT;IS-NOT TOO E•LY to place.. you: order for some of Jacksons Special Tomato, Plants. ;They, JJwill be . in bloom when' planter: out; also' order Spanish. Onion Plants now. '- _ Phone 105 Jacksons ----Florists ]C`ilier on''S Drug. Store YOUR FRIENDLY DRUGSTORE ,Prescriptions a. Specialty Phone 45 Goderich' DEADQr B}E u[ickly remoued� n L%an Sanitary 7'rucka;. Frio ae coLleet.. 8-10 6-GLIITTON - - _ ;� L2 �STRAT 'QED. lid Sol; ed. IsGsitso L Uri Y IO L Wawanbsh until the Hoer. Ware was - over when she returned'. In X913 the family a more o r' , .,.: k�'-hC' . lufsb&nO, 'g'a's snec ss2ul in business until his death."'in .1.93t�_.,Siriee �tha__ -. .. time ;Mrs Dawson had managed ;;the �'bushiess until sii'e'� r'ed a. ;yea ,.-ago.., ,She lea.ves.a soon,••two dau tern and four grandchaklren., , including, Pte. Eric Dowson with the.. 8th Army. in Italy, also a -sister, Mrs. R. Barbo8r•. of Tor, , .; / �N►�1 onto, and two brothers, 41ec of Toronto, itch---Chanr1es 0 .Sontii_Africif. r - A Many Enlistments • -• . • from French Settlement • The • correspondent of The .Zurich Herald . for St:., Josepli aired. *B.eaver own,7 it- 'the--Pxertch• eitlera'ent,--gays.: "These.two French Canadian burgs and their outskirts; we believer -have given. more soldiers to • their. country • than any town or city in _this- Dominion,. according •to population." - •- ' Smith Reid "' • The marriage of Audrey Reid, daugh- ter tau h -:ter of ` tile.. tate lir.-.and Mrs. W.-2. Reid, . Wingham; to Walter Marley Smith, son sof • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith, also of. Wingham, was- solem- nizM "by • Rev. Kenneth MacLean in New ..St. '.Taines Presbyterian dhureh,. London, on April 11th..' "-After a Honey- moon'Ot :IVi1rdsor'and Detroit/ Mr. and. Mrs.. Smith will reside at Wingham. , Cooper --Jewell " ' • -- ' .At the; Brussels United church par- sonage, on•ApNril .filth, Rev. H. C. Wilson performed , tie ;. marriage , ceremon•y. . uniting •. Annie Margaret Jewell MacDonald Electric *LECTRICAL Goderich " T xWgK.�vyT .r..e �ia.b4aNm,ty+9-Tn . �,�•. �.. Axw,-;•x W,x Stanley St"liana 'g5 Mrs. M. McVittie, Goderich RESTAURAP1TS DIAMOND • RINGS Bu OVA;' LORIS; LONGI ES , and : ROLEX •WATCHES' -SILVERWARE•and CUT GLASS GENERAL "'•"•HARDWARFr - _ x:►OWE.-.:711tf�.J'4N1 S SPORTING GOODS ''West St: Phone a486 DI' .EVERY. DESCRIPTION' 4 MADE ANY,V1 fill -R Credit Reports :Enquiries Invited :I 72 ONTARIO ST. STRATF•OR] 42.4-6-S Canadian Tire' Corpoiation ASSOCIA'PE.•STORE L. 0. ETSTONE> Prop; TIRES anti:BATTERIES Hamilton' St Phone,69W .Buy; and hold your Vat savings.- -Sainte Coo . o: DEABRS I.Nr COAL-- CO.= —, 'V 'COD` Phone 76. r ' Nelson St., .tinder .try1ng:.' eiirreumstanees we are trying to do it good job. You will find, this a good 'firm to da business with. Gordo i- an' n ter YOUR FRIENDL'S/ :. C'1'LIES Sult;ViCR. ., tDEALuR Phone 71'7 i 4 A goodLway to spend your''even. ing or Ieisare• ,herr In pleasant eongetiial ,surroundings. ]loyal .,136i7v1ing . Alleys tr est St. " ` - Goderich '`.when woe" a through It loolts dike new•,'•'„, Ilannilton St. - - Phone 229 "1 say, Sandy, whit about that thirty : skiuilinas you owe • met”' 4 - ' '• "011, that'll be quite aw• rights, Dougal; I ken it's,your-birthday next' Sawbath,aii� sr'm gaun to gie it- tae *you wi' niu egngratuifttiotas'," "Yo_u • just bi itig the "sillar, Sandy, an' It congratatlate' zona`-se1'." TI -IED A • COALCO� 'CCIAL and COKE We are trying our best 'to...serve you with our available supply Of Fuel,. Phone' 9w • Albert St. !on 13oayq i'. Fender: Shoe - 84 East St. Phone `2013w. Dile to Priorities and leek of Borne essential. parrti we.. fano .it Imhos; ibie to give ire -war srrvio. ; H. G, AtePAfEt L 11:WATSON - - ' anplete Line of t! RESIT •I+` I}iT & VEGETABLES . IN SEASON, •fiCIENTIEIC EQUIPMENT FRIENDLY SERVICE` I" lioiie 47O Last St. ► �dneys Cry for Help Most popple- fatil to recognize the seriottsness 'of a bad ,hack, • Vho stitches twitches, and tiivinge&• • ere-b'ad enough and cause great suf. feting, but back of the backache and the cause of it All is the dis- ordered kidneys crying out a warn- ing through " the back,' ' pain iii .tiwback is the kidneys'_:,-- cry for help. Go •to •their aassistflnc+c. Get a box of Doan rs Kidney fills. remedy for backache and, alek kidneys: "Bonn,s,r o ate • put up in; an oblong' grey box with. our trademark ar,iota rte todfl, on the wrapper. . . + lttrie e subs itutes. Get f' .1)oat'i'S.-» fl'lio . Milburn Co., Ltd.. '.1 oiUttf{, bat. THE pi'CK.`0F, TOBACCO �t .bQES taste good ,I6. a pipe ' • 1Iow > such better - yot� .::fear wlr.en you clear nose of: -transient 'cones. • Um at bedtime.with Va-tro--nol ip I Va-tro-nal does 3 important things .(1) shrinkas„awollen membranes; (2) 1 soothes irritation; (3) helps flushng sal p ages!►, clearing clogging m , t telieving transient Ongestion. it'troakca► breathing. eastern" invites oleep.. •' 1 1f a tom threat, i ens, Va-tro-noir. � f used a t irst< mitt:: InClwe or'sneeze hepta i , apingprevent . s �i•e- iiiikirtoatiosh Thoughts of Spring and paint•rninded people, :everywhere are "'suddenly„ aware of the familiarcMartin=Senour.tgn (although its there all the year 'round) because Spring is the usual and accepted time, to repaint :For` freshibeauty and, protection! z : - And this sign'is a sure sign of'an enduring paint because Martin. Senour hl 00% pure I - ' - i ' er see the sin of Martin,Senour, there will be found the Whenever � Y�4u , aint of. endurance and; lbngoi lasting beauty. It is the *pre whkh in one breath welcomes Spling and the chance to bap ter. as well as to :do the'paatr"rosin~ job of protecting property l MARTIN-SENOUR 100`,, PURE PAINTVARNISHES NAME