HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-04-13, Page 8i il:�► R�to: • Fwi.4 • R N R e+µ it � Ory nist• aril 'Choirmaster, M, P. S. Sa�M�Nf:' +per o» R 1I,90' am. �0LY.. COMiNloN ASD z a.' 1.1b1cct . '�Iow Ile WAS., M ad�i n . '240 yydam.C• V SCHOOL AND 41,CLASSES: , p nt ' , NSO �ND �v. R N' � Subject z. 13lanifestationr iHUR MINISTER—REV. R. 0; TURNRV •L, i3;A., li.D,, 11 ,m MORNING,SERVICE. 3 p.m. Sunday ;,School. 7 Pau. EVENING .SERVICE,* , J --Organist and Choir,myaster ,•:1111A.. R0ULHERON, . A StsiCERE WELCO I;E AWAITS YOU. CLEA.RA.NCE SALE:-Nethiug ,over 25c. . Good values at ruinmage , sale under, auspices: of 414,1arga> et' Seaf er. ,Vlub, ,Tuesday,` ~ :pril 18th, {fit . p, ' pa4s11 ; hall at .St.- -George's church. 14-15 .wl p y l' .,.z. � L. 1' be 'presemted by gtnonriwi le. ,Cf Victoria, street United `church on ,tpril 19th at x$915 o deck under the e anSPicea. othe Eureka 'class.Admission 35c and. 20e. . 13-15 .A,hnaeeX. Chapter„ I.OaUwill :E., � hold its 'regular ::meeting at '',lite . Laapire SeiVice. Club • orMvidaty, April17th; hous� to rent - byT 1_erzuahcrt ' res; `- ''►,ANTED.—GIUL Felt ' GENERAL housework, URS. D• A.TTDUPG 'a, rw. filaceat: strefit. Goder1 Ai,,- 1x vY r + � • t LS .-83 LT?."H"�I � B.B1 , Y ti AN �? --.� � tl and dead. cattle; •x usst�be s'uitab'le for mink `feed;' removed promptly. OR.EL ': .1LJ 1'itr',L ..li.J t, A ,BSaay ncld;. L'.1to5tre 908 .r 2,2, Canton., ' Calls paid far. • 18-tf at 3 .m :� - :, ,. ,,.,, � ,. r ,... ..,E . . �.� t A .-.=n de �'� kIA. n. y �- .►P PP � .'•' A rumxntge sale uulor the - iuslccs ower e 'U delict. .12 t + r pat _ tet • h e oa o i,oia e. ftei.r "a s f a s. P . , :ti la i s United church -will be held in the base -'7. ;'al)--)4.1s;I,'ERIEN,4Lsi.l MAID, of. aria Aril 11 . ;:f xn�nt the church on Saturday, c y, p ,� � ; • -, a sleeF..in oa. Out, family of two. 22:11(10.4t1 o'clock.... • • 13.15 \\rite'. Bi K 28 SIGNAL—STAR, -14 The Goderielt Music' Club *ill 'hold its Iaioltthlly meeting Wednesday, Afirli '19th, in ;the Town Hall, 'auditorium. te�:L��CJi4�k' - - I • oR HIP. . :11 a.m.• PUBLIC 'WORSHIP.. ,.�• Sermon Subject "FEAR AND FEARS" 2,30''SUNDAY 'DAY SCHOOL. All Departments. 'pirn. ' . SLIv w,, . a _ _... 7 °pan. PUBLIC- WORSHIP. ' •RE FOR CARE. • Sermon • Subject CL MINISTER ---REVEREND RICHARD STEWART. • ORGANIST—MISS EILEEN BOGIE. DIRECTOR OF'''PRAISE—MRS• FRANK 'SAUNDERS. Comeand•.wo rsliip the Lord in_the peauty of Holiness. _........ :ode _rich.: Baptist CkurchH 'Rev. Joseph Janes lM.A., Pastor. ''Miss Ver`k 1 'ler, Orgainiit m:. --P[ G WORSi14PP'. "T•laeAteproach hof _-Christ." .; . •Communion Service; a p.m. BIBLE ScH1OL: qs 7 pa,n. • PUBLIC' WORS,HIP rA"'Swa1' Traged3� _ Monday. 8 p,m. ' ee nig o t . '. ° • Wednesday 8 p.m. --Prayer Meeting... . STRANGERS .ALW-AYS�WELCOME It � Churcli St. Victoria• �Tn "THE 'ClUttCR WITII A HEARTY ' WELCOME" • MINISTER -REV ,AgTHUR J..Me'IiAYE• 10.04 am.; SUNDAY SCHOOL.- • 11OQ ;am.' HOLY:...comrlJNION, ,f ,: r, Y`,t:To{pae `Three Things in the Hand of� Jesus. :7.00. Asan. • "Great Risks, 'Great Gains," r . . E rgariiaat--Mrs. t Harms.. • ' BETIHEL PENTECO:STAL`T ABER/TAO THE CENTRE_ OF EVANGELISM- .,.., REV. A: G. HARRIS; Pastor.. 16' WATERLOO' ST. SUNDAY --10.00 a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP. c - 7.30• p.m.; EVANGELISTIC' SERVICE. TUESDAY -4.00 P.M. '° ;Young People's Service. WEDNESDAY, 8.00 pan. Women's`: Missionary Service. - You are always welcome to worship the Lord at this spiritual workshop. 1 Free `a fetho'dis Church Corner • Victorii ; and Park' St. REV. G. W. "FREEMAN, Pastor 10.11.134. S,.$CHOOL.. •,..-.: .. MORWING SERVICE. - 1pm.' EVENING SERVICE. * . Prayer Meeting- -Wednesday -at :8 p.m.' CORDIAL WELCOME TO EVERYBODY. ;\'i'Sitors welcome.' • 15' Get suu'e relief with Lloyd's Corn' and Callous Salve. 5Qc at Campbell's and'Emersou's Drug Stores. 14-17 Retain youthful appearance. Ann gelique Grey Bail, Restorer adds color - to your hair. $1' at Campbell's Drug ,Store, • 14-17. The play '`Cj;clone Sally" will be presented by Willow Grove choir it Victoria. street -United .:chi;rch on Fri, -_ day, _April 28th. Admission '-35e and 20e. 4 4.5-16' Baby's skin ailments, eczema, cuts, etc.,' respond quickly to KLEERE:N,—"A_ Quick Healing . Salva,"- Also .heals psoia"sis, impetigo,;. ,chaps, erythema, etc. ' 50e ; 41.OQ-- .(medium. alio strong) . Sold by Campbell s -and Emerson's Dug. Stores.: . 214 'Slendor 'Tablets are effective.. Two, weeks' .supply $1; twelve .weeks' $5, at f.atmpbell's; Drug Store. 14-27 The •Rebekah Lodge will hold, a rummage sale on. Saturday, May 6th,. at 1,3Q p.m.,' in Oddfellows' Hall. • -15 ;;...Constipation , •biliousness, indigestion quickly relieved. , wxtKipp?s F%lr Tablets, ,the effective, tonic laxative. 25c and 75c sizes, at Campbell's and all druggists I:22 'Rummage sale by ,ladies' Aid of ehauchin Oddfellows' Hall, '.Sat- urday, April.29th,-,111-1:3010n7-77-1,411.1 ' Remember the Ahmeel; Chapter, I.O. le to be held in MMac- ay- K-Hari--on--Saturdayr-Apr-i1'•-15..-- 15 •Central Rome and School Association will meet in the school Tuesday even- ing, . April 18, at 8 o'clock. There . will be a • repel t-of-th -eoi venti@n aid e•. - members.. are ..reoested,,to.'`te sure •to. FOR, !ALE. --- . EARLY. . ALASKA r cl ve hay. oats, 1942, o r h , y Apply L. H, %'ENTLiAND, Nile. • Phone Dun- gannon 17 r 3, 13.15x `� bWIiVG'r ACHTIRES 'BOUGHT AND SOLD. REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. HOURS 2 - FACTO TO 6 P.M. O; WOOD,. .1+iAST STREET. 14 9tf 14"OR SALE.—PANEL BODY RUCK, in good running condition. Can be seen ,at 4 St, Vincent- ,street. . M. W.. /HOWELL, �HU OR 'SALE OR RENT.:. ---80 AO,RES of pasture, good bush, orchard and spring creek: Brick house, frame barn and shed. Apply to MRS. ELLEN J. CON, Huron 'street,. Clinton, Ontario, .-.: 12-15 FARM FOR SALE: -100 ACRES, situated,on the 1st concession of the township of East Wawanosh. Frahm dwelling, frame barn. with stone sta- bling, six acres of bush; convenient to school and about 21.miles from Blyth. ;Apply to -J, H. R. EIrLIOT I Blyth;.• Ontario. , . • - 14-15, AT.E. A,L Q NTITY , OF good' clean seed barley, 1943- crop, 1.25_ausliel. 013AS;-_G4AWFQ4D, IT Ri '3, Goderich. • Phdne Dungannon. FOR SALE.—A . QTJANTITY QF 1943 ,eed•„brle.sale.CH.AR� LES •ORAWFORD,• Goderieh Ra'� . ; or . r1 - .. i �.' ""h it=�adYiliniatY6ri'"s'ii '_ ':` `�ith"the�.•' 1n ng -•t e _. There will be a social half-hour at I e'close of` the meeting.- The • Evening' Auxiliary. ' of North' street. ° United church-- will hold its Easter thank -offering meeting in the, cliutrcl feels:.➢ole ;ltlonday, April 17th,' at 8 pari. Miss Sybil Courtice, A.L.C.A1„ recentily returned :from Japan, will be gaiest speaker.,, The nen as, well as all the women of the congregation 'are invited, , as Miss Courtice's address should .prove very interesting to 'both,. especially at this critical�_time9 __ .: -1,5: Mass Gertrude- ,Q. Gray 4f--the--Der.., partment of Agriculture;..w B,..epealt. PO?. "Nutrition in Knox church' lecture room on Wednesday April 19, at '8 o'clock. Lantern slid *ill be shown and :a . program, is • being prepared. All' homemakers : are urged to be present:, Admission free. - .. Sponsored' by the Women's Institute- ' The members of the Evening Auxil- iary of, North street United church are holding, , a. rumm'ach age sale iri 1 y; Hall on Saturday °'afternoon, „ ApriI 2.2nd,': at 2,:p tn•..,sharp'9•- ..E.or any pick=: ups please' phone `•Mrs. E. C. Robertson, 136, or &Irs: Earl Westbrook, 487. 15-16 • Goderieh Township"•fiospital ' Auxi1- is y..<wi11wameet teat the home .of .Misses Salkeld, Market.street,. on . Thursday,. April 20th,"at '2.45, p9m. • ,15 The Business and .Professional Wo-: men's Branch of the Red -.Cross are holding` a bridge ' and five ,,,hundred in 'the" 'Masonic.. Temple' on Wednesday evening; r�April 26th, at 8.15 .pm. An jtnVit`ation is 'extended to- elle, Admis= sion -35c. 'Lunch- will'be serred. -•- Reserve , Saturday,, -AFrir 22nd, for rummage sale• at .1930 in Parish. Hall,' Tinder the auspices of St. George's; Church Women's Guild. 1546 'YOU are invited to the Horne • and School rummage :"'sale at -t • Victotia, School, Friday a.fternoen, Apr11•21st. • Mrs. Chaffee will ' be guest speaker at 'Victoria H. --and S. meeting; Thursday, April "20th, . 8 p.m. • "Conyejntioni lights" Will b"e liven iiy`tke---delegates. Don't miss: the,:meeting. • •X15 BAI{ERY CHANGES HANDS,. ,. Mr. S:'• Greenslade takes this . oppor- ;tunity to :the k his customers for their patronage and asks an behalf of his sitccesgor, kr. Harry. Barber;. formerly of. Stratford, their continued patronage, w. 'Tlae west, half'. of lot number 10,. crbincessiQn 13, 113 the Western Division; of •fthe Township of Colborne, contain- ; lug ` 42 acres .more or less, on which ,aitnated. a "five -roomed fr_a_me•house, : ua garage and frame barn with stable, atibotlt 30', x 50'. .Property of the, lace :Gen. Cai.nt'weli:), F. R. DAR.ROW, 1335:Solicitor,. - •PV1a1CH PRESS OPERATORS • _ Wad-.. SHEET METAL WORKERS '8figh• Incentive Bonusystem. Good' Working Conditions Apply -Nearest Selective* Strike - Office. Refer to Those'. Employed in War -Work Need Not ,Apply.: _i815 • GE'SAIi1-•-�PO1 C1lL )OG '_' PLY' SIGNAL -STAR: 15x PRIVATE SALS:OF USE TURF,. Including severa trunks. May be $,seen any even 18 South' street, corner Elgin azo TENDERS ''RU TENDERS J'OR,,,ER4.VEL» TOWNSHIP OVGt1DERI0IITeralerti will by the, undersigned until April 2t ,d 1944, for crushing and delivering mpproximately •:1,000 yards"o1 crushed gravel, one inch screen,: to he delivered where the Road Superintendent ' directs; work to be started after September -1-44 .coin,, ie. ed✓ -b ..w. The ':c )ntractor to. sarin -athe pits rand o•r.. l._ fife' Council pay ter the _fll:ttve A 'marked elieque: for $1:00 to accompany each • tenn der, For ether ax deniers'. refer. to Roy 11'•3' Clinton,: Ty'nda , U.R.R.R .. M .. , R, O. THOMPSQN,° Clerk, •R,.R. 2, Clirkton. p ENI)ERS la Olt f04AVEL.` TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE Tenders Will. be • received: by under- signed' Until ,4 p.m.,, SATURDAY, APRIL, ,22nd, ter crushing and hauling • .3,900 cubic yards of gravel,.on. Township roads, as directed. Grave3,,__to pass through 1" screen.'• Contract to be completed August 31st p g , , 31944.• Marked cheque for 10% to .ac- euruapany tender. Further information may be obtained from, the undersigned; Lowest ,or any tender not necessarily, accepted. ' . • GEO. „F.. BEAN, Road Superintendent, R,It. "5,`' oderie`l WM. SALLOWS, Township, Clerk, 15.40 .. R.R. 5, Godericb. l • 11GOA'. 4` "M4.,aV 14 Tenders will' be, received by 4 the undersigned'' until May 4th - for.' the re- roofing of the Goderich Armouries with windlocked asphalt shingles, The lowest or any tender not necessarily, accepted. Particulars may be"obtained. from ' A . Butler, Chairman of the Industrial Comms tee, IT or ":the " Town Clerk. S. H. BLAKE, 15-16 . mown „Olerk. Goderich, •� k 'Street . littitia d' Cpncelssion E gin Ave. • » Maitland Rd. Britannia' Rd: - _. ary' An - ieslesee tt Martha Cedet.. Iluron Rd. Cypress Widder Warren Cameron South Ttle Eno be glen -,per s should ,be $ ':to TOWN ''CLIt1Rit, .May 1st. • , t Lot No. 106 pt. 251. 558.910.11 pt« 330-398 0-7-8-940.18.-t 29-30 `731 • 22.34-3$.37-38-39- 49-50-51-52.03- '5444: '1-2-9 1.2.9 ii 6 5: T 10 4-122 4- 22 0-0 - l ns. ir. utc. � i 'Survey) 65'^ :, f3,6 1200 1207.. 1V. ea•4lr sfi.o-1t r►e t , •. fork these lots a. t tbliit od 1)y letter Goderieh, before 15.10 N -t, TION Tt-ORNDITQR5, 7 Notice ▪ 1;3, het`etayry gix' to all person* having any claimagainst the estate of Afars. A, Raynard, late of the ,Town Ut Goderich; hi the County of ITuro>aa widow who diel, on the 8th„ of January, 1944,, to send 'same to the, un4ersigned rtr,ltefore-:tiac'' s c3ay a Apxtl,,4 , Ys.-.on-.anti.,after.,that .d .te=tlte_ex tDr of the estateshall proceed' to nake , li tI biti n of �V•. nsbc, s thereof having' ' regard only Iiot il.tGeololdtetc�, ca, pi9,i s then 6a d.> iQathfirisi fif<t,li day of April, A.D. 11)44. R. HAYS, 14-10` Srlicfor•:ui'the:above Estate, GR h 1 a TI,TU I S n herebygivenoall a sb s. G i, 't r Not e 9' having- ..any claim. 'against • the estate' of David Johnston, fate, of the Town- $hip of sAshfield . in the County ' of 1-lur on, faruaer, . who • died' on or about • ifarcli ,29th, 1944, to ' Send' satire 4o. tile cindersigited on -Ur bofore 2lst`-day off., Apil1 44.: as on and after tfat date the executors of the said estate . shall, proceed `; to make distributionof the assets titer�eof .14evd1rig ,regard, only' to, the chums there filed., Dated at` Goilericla this fifth day :of • April, A°Ur 1944, AYS.' Rte:_ Cx. IL Goderich; Ontarto, •� 14.16 Solicitor 'for the above Estate. • Tenders will • be receivedk. by Inc undersigned until May 4th for white; washing the interior of, the Uoclerich Armouries: The lo.'s est or any tender not necessarily accepted. Particulars. may be' obtained from Alex.' Butler, Chairman. •of Industrial Committee, or thea Town -Ck. SlerH. BLAK1 15-16 .Town Clerk, Goclericla. O RE1V1T.--T,WO HEATED ROOMS, 'furnished' •for igllt house -keeping, Phone 62�, 105 Lightliaiase street. 15x CFA, 'TO CREDITORS.. Notice is .lterelrY given to " all persmas • seating any claim .,,gains£, ,he_ estate of Louisa Helen Walter., late •of the Town. of God'erich, • iii the County; of Huron. spinster, who died on or about April Oth, .9.944, to send stone to'' -tile undersigned on or before 28th 'day of April,' 1944, as..on and: after that date• the executor 'herein, ,-;w111; proceed to make .distribution of the assets of the sclaiaid estateen, havfiled.ing reg.ard•.on•ly to the ms th. . Dated April 13th, A.A. 1944. , - R;` C. BAYS, Gaderich, _Ontario, 1v ffTT Solicitor`_ for the :sa-i i. Estate, --_ 4�4.Iw1a� _. h -Town: .-b t e _roe'. _.:-�1' 13 ;ars b e d w.r~ved. �* t f ---Gaderich dor- I0.00 itrds�, o1 sel ?ragei'; and ].QOQaa~�rcls, o f „" screened stone chips, to .Ye =: