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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-04-13, Page 4
•••• sons Florist filICCISEISOR. TO WE GEO. STEWART GODEftlei flORIST FOR 40- TEARS - Now the big day ie over we are getting back to normal - -hut etin li.aVttrots-ornO*Tera to supply your needs, , 1112-11-1gS. T nirosim-;,4:11510INN AT THE tOWEWPRIVES COME � OVE MODIRN- r1-40, WER •SHOP at 49 BRUCE $T„ or rer lit4,4rootrg e Cough That Sticks The Cough That Hangs On Thisi,s the kind ot a cough it is hard to get rid of, the kind that bothers you duriii,g,.the day and keeps. , .,Yon awake at :night. • _ _ __, . Why not get a bottle of"Dr,-Weod's Norwai•Pine• Syrup , and see how quickly it will help to relieve you o this toughing- 'condition? ' . ` .: - ----- -,.. .... .° loor Ong the ob :*-m,, sootInhg the untateci.air passages, and ,at,ini dug It :iota promptly and effpetait 4,.going t1:4 the foim.datioii 'aline trouble, the bronchial organs. -° • , . • f the past 48 years. ' .,,,, "Dr. Wood's' has been on the market or e . _ 4 '''' Priee35e sobettle; the large family' eise, sbout,3 times as mu* 600., sit _ all drug -e"lterts'Tk. T MMus". c..... 1.4rodtod. Toronto. O. "• If DEAR RNADEB.--What is your answer to the following questions?--- , AV • „ - •,„ _ .1Rave you been. to Jesus for the cleansingpower._ • Are you washed in the Med of the Lamb? Are you fully, trusting in Bis-gracethis hour? Or are you trusting - -In your 'good life? God says you are not :saved by "Works' of, righteousness"-TItus 3.:5-L.but by "The Precious Blood of Chrisr.,•:..:. • Peke 1:19. "And without shedding of Blooi• is 'no remission"- .11eb: 9:22. Yeur •pnly hope for eternify ,is • to he cleansed'rnths God providetyvay.. Could a good life save you Christ- died in vain. God's .Wcird tells us "MI • have shuier-Rom. ' 5 ;12 -..--and jug' now -. "Wind you adinit you are a sinner *an‘d. call 'upon Christ tosaveyou. Nothinglipt_lftie, Blood of Jeans Clujist Ins ,Son cleansettius from ...pod will punish all .who reject Christ's offer 'of Pardon. "Whosoever was not 'found written in the Bookof •Life was--eas o- -1:0----Yet-not-otie need be - :lost for all mai have eternal life thin faith' lir Christ. "God so loved I .e.,wor a egaY~0-filrbegottenf :con -that whos • believeth ip Min. -should not perish but have et erlaiting life” -John _ 316. --Tune itt CKLW 800 KC. and hear C. E. Fuller every Lord's day at 2"p.m. ani 7 p.m., ' SIONAL.STAB AVR111.18t111. TOO NOT AlatriTED-0 Our Spring` Shipment of Strollers rams BpeciI tl4A,wee ony eg, $26.50 im iorzow Sale rriee 1.50' Qtier ad1s iii?tn p,70.,0? up. A style tO suit every taste stone's "Oa the'Proadwair Goderiefi" wa anOetflf;1 weekend litAtosr* vitt* Iter parent% Zitr.• and; gra,: J. t.'Stotts. Other.viaitora there,- were Mr. ad Dawson,„:, -*George and David, , of Donitaanon. _ l'ern Lawler, Of Galt' spent the. Week -end with het parents, Ur; wad Geo.,Lawler. , /aro.; Zobn Yungblut is visiting her Sent Perey Yunblut and.Mts..Yiinghl,ut, at:Oakland,- • ef-T-eron. to;-7IS visittiig her emit.; Mrs. Wm. Roberten, itiut Roberton. , • " 13ireW1 anit,fam- 'llY.,or Walton, visited" on Annday with Mr; 'and.MrS. Gee, . Mait.'.Allin and AliSs• Ile Craig* spent the Week -end at •On their return they were accompanied by Mrs.„ • Aiiint .WhO had been . friends there. ' • AliSseS' Margaret :and' Annie.. Weir, re- - turned to StrathreY- 4taittLY(WTetInCS- day) after- spending .the 'winter with their Or000,14 Dr: Mbs.linie Marek of Brampton; 14, '4414/llria,14a. BYelsrt;Ivaihali' 1,her" I"411.tlitA414„ 41441 ••• Mr; ud Sits. it D; Munro 'vititted at SObringyi:lle and' Weedeteek• . 08 Sunday. G'eok Thnii1ton visited9friendS at Seatorth on Sunday:, • Reir.„ t E. Sliver ..Leaving. --.At the regular service - the Baptist ehureli: on Sunday' atterpoortAter... ,131.. Miser, the pastor, apnotinced MS intention of iieeepting a „fait.to become: past,* or the, BaptiSt -churches- at" SentliuMpt•on; Port 1.31giir and 'North. Britton. Mr, SilVet has been here for five Ands half years, aucts•during that period; has made a lieSt' of friends in"' the congrega- tion an•rt out or 11eeame here from. „Lanark. • His • resignation becomes effective' On April 30. . Easter' Serviice,..-rA special Easter service was held on SundaY, evening riutot elinrcii. The -.Brrissels 4 Wh'grt you require Coal or:Coke OAXL Chas C. Lee -,ottaa er4ware--at- the Thirbeu41- , Phortes;-001ao.22 Housk112 „ Sunday ' school oreh.estite waspresent andproitcled speelat musie 4a; well as accemPaniment for the hypitia,- Misses 'Betty, and Yinfe.- Marsh, rendere4--' •a pleasing-. d4,c 1- They. preeeedii.' ntrilfe'• „ft evening- were IS aid of Stindal, school, work, of tile- •The pastor, , Rev. 11; Shelt, deltveredr. Ira.. Pressive message' on ."'After...Easter-A Wliattr' attern(ed. , AUBURN A.PBT_J,RN, . April 12.---Aliss 'Isobel 1.011insen, of Toronto, • was a' Week- end visitor with -her parentS, Mr. and Airs, A. RellinSon. Miss ,Grace Scote,.orllamilton, _spent the wk end 'with, her parents," Mr. and Mrs. Robt eott•••• Mr. Arnold 'Phillips of Toronto has been , spending several., dy1 with his. methe'r, Mrs- Blanche PhillipS; 7, • Miss Martha Adam,s, -of Kitchener, Spont..a couple of days last 'week with friends here. • • , Cpl. jack Weir ajid Mrs: 'Weir of -Ottawa wereeek-end. guests Of the 'former's father and „sister, Dr. LI C. Weir and, Miss JosePhine.Weir. Mrs, A. J. Ferguson is spending a few -days with her aunt, Mrs. Nicholson, of Winghain.` 4 Mr. Stuart King, of Toronto, visited over the,week-eietwith his parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Russell King. * Mr. Joseph Carter aid miss Sadle Carter left on Sunday to 'spend some time at the feriner's home, at Port Elgin. • * • ' . Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Adams 'of Tor- onto have been visiting friends around Auburn. AB. Smn."Reid ShenPard,R.C.N.V.11.. Joan and •Tom Sheppard, of Blenheim, are 'visiting Mr. and Mrs: E. Phillips and 'other friends. •_ • ,Mrs. E, . Lawson Spent a couple of , Alitreff et; f A ! •* A.rthur. frs Marguerite .Chopin of -"Toronto ' Spring Suiiings 'Come in and see the new • sliadeS and weaves, in Suit- ings and. To Coatings. , Wehave Limited (No Personal Liability) RANGE 15 I . RANGE 14. 00MiNION •NASSAU 0,1E,L1.3 5E01014 -Of 5 TABER' OIL FIELDS SHOWING 'THE, tOgiTiON OF, PE)( VALLEY I -TOLD NGS 46.!6:041'INENT WEUS • NO.34. N�4 • 1 • o o.,,o.yoo.otoo.00000. .APEX .VALLEY' c). 01011.11401 Idlnene* aft mto -r.ONYINE1-#7-N"O.2:. FIVE -.,WELL LOCATED' -. PROPERTIES. 'FUSED INTO .ONEDIVER$1fIED OFFERING , . . Arza, has just Completed` negotiationto jointly develop -14 Sabi tantild , 'Acreage I* the rapid.ly • exp.udieg TADEE ' mum% Albert.. The first Well to be sptidded,.*;, or - before. April Oth. /21 arkx • -coattobi approxislatel.1 _3,000 acres the . 0: VERMILION area where, In drinlug of • its tint well , ' • ' there Wits encountered the richett oil mad yet otet with ods,_socetor..._fit 1. I* tho,yerinilleii field that CANNAR. 011,13-wbtollY-eulsed • subsidiary': ef Itallways-has ,embarked mi a 50 -well program. of-Witich „2 Welii hace*hiready bee* drilled. (3% 'AIME. owns opprolcimately ilO seres in the KIRRLAND . LAKE area In close proximity to the BELROSA OROIID, sad tee_..4.043AKSA OB4O1ITR la which large Maim • ComPaity to interested- Th. Apex deism Ito *boat 01/2 atilt* woos of =Tor CANADA sad quzattstoN Inver. ."'Aio satire derelepiteat And • drilling alml/laRti 1. ulUteal ftir thihi property ta. the ImMedlato future. ' • (4). ititic ow** two groups oittnated **beat *IIiiefil4 North et NORANDA. oso of Widelk adjotair.the DO .NALDA hi/MI*4.4 ' An ,exteustre derolopMest , campaigim to ' eeltedaled Di* this group In the *ear e (5% Alkritillq' •twos MAO* patented ol.titasapproxiimitety IU 0 *ores to the GODD=A111. art*, *Wit sw 100144. Mai* , *Mohr Merit extetsiva derelopmeil ao441 cow plotbsell, disiotood &Whig toragrom. rIGH2.440LA;IN4(2)it0 rap • An infOrmatioo Botiotin Will go Forwordial, Upon itooloft., 31/111111ETTE 'SEGUIN & CO. , auutnosinis TOR,000 $1*.00X ggkriattellt 330 *AY trictorr, tortowro l!'"*.'ortOlt 76*1 N4IffTON tated(Ot' .4.4. • 4.••••41* .notirpelir:MATERTALS. . - for ()Meer's' Summer •. ' Uniforms * -Altering, remodelling Ser'vice MARTIN: -TAILOR.. • Cali -311W _ 'West St. "‘ .74 When I amtired and'not regular I depend on Fru ita-tiNre LIVER TABLETS 4 numen We Invite you to„inspeet our etoek of . .„ • ern( tery • eniorta s ii enquiries . will' be promptlyatteztded to „ Curminghant • tryde EXEfll Pllbiet 41 '' minor on charge of Mr.. J. I's Zallift4 SEAVORTit • Tuesdays and Saturdays 1 A. Goderich•'; • Mcearthis: Misa Helen, 1.,„ 2.007 vaust0,11%. . Z00. hlePhee „Gordon. • „ •5.00, . ' Taylor.'Harold ° • Loon Longraire, VI'm , i Mithee,,Dx„, L M. ' .........$ 19.00 Suteliffe, Miss- Alurieli .... 3.0% BerrYI Frank -L., ,.... • 1.00 Hard:it:Wm j. - . Previtt, Mr. and Mrs. SI. 2000- Men.zies, R. W', . /5-.00) Vanstolie,'Az-.....---..........,.- 'Lin Taylor, Mr. and Mrs., Wm.' 2,00 Grey, Chas. 1. 10.00 -Currie, Rev,...,11. ...., .-...._, 2.00, .._ . _ At - 1.) vids - ' bas 4 ---- - " 2.00 'Guar e11;141`. Zii It: r..7.--. . • tdameron,, Miss. paid, - 5.00 Rob.ertson,111mer ... ..,..,.... 5,1111- --45.2i - 13(1"axttwere,,14GeWo.111. . „, ..-.., ' Cunningham, Vere . 2.00 Patterson, Sohn 5.60 liattersby, -II J. - 2.00. Walters Lester ' dhill, -Clyde - 1.00 - Allin, Airs obit' s ' '''..:”. - Noble, MiSs S. " 5.00 Ilussey. Mr. and Mrs. J:._.. 2.00, 3.00 GI, . ' *----- • 1-00, Willis, Dan. ,„ ..,„„. „, zoo ' ' • Green, Mrs. Gavin -„. 2.00 Schneiker, Mrs. .0. IL .... . Mitchell, Chas. ,. . . . ............--. 2.00: Johnston, D. M. 2.00 Maore, R.,, J. ' .." 200- Baer, H.. R. -.ft.,. . • ... .,... • 3.00 Gledhill Verne' 400 ' ' ' - - .•.- .13.00 .Striiiighan, A. M. 5,00' Aitteheilt$Airs. Erne,St - 2.00 , . 2,aoo Grey, Mrs.• Thos. . 2.00 Pfrinuner, II. T. . '' 10.00, Hardy; Mr. 'aria ars. • ._ • , . i,kieLelland, Rolit `E, Dunbar. ilev, W. II. .....„,„ 5,00 _ WIAlkinS, Mrs. Harry . . Straiton, J. Alex. 2.00 ' . 4:08! 0 . Flaw, Wilfred. . , . 1.00 (wreen„ Ja,s.• P. ..-.......„... 1.00 -Miners, Miss Mary • 2'00 Anderson-, Mrs': Mary . 5.00 Pfrimmer, Elwyn- • • ma • . Wilmer ,...... ....... . . ......... .. ...... ,. '3.00 Hanley, Mrs. Mary :.........z. 5.00. A114, Evel.3.711 J. . . 1.00 reagan, Jas., U.,,..4.0.........,_ 3.00 , ' 500 - Stewart, Jos. , • 2,00 -Clark, Tait. .....,........-....-.. .00 _._. „Billy, Miss Ivey ' Nelson, E. G. , . 5.00 • Mooney, Miss, Florence • ' ' • ., , rt. ra, Mrs -331l--.' ... -' 10000 young, R. L. 4 1A)0 Grange, Airs. A., ' lan-' Barr Mrs Chas. „„ Barnwell, J. E. Church, Mrs. W. J. z. _15,00t„Russell ' ,- 2.sAl Young,. Wm. L. 5.00 Long, 'John ., . . ,.. . Loa . Pptton„ Jelin -- ..... 1.00 . - 5.00 Steels, 'Jas. ......„,....--....- 1.00 ' 2 Bannister, Lionel E. •-LioMcCarthy, Capt. F.. P. 10.00. ns_71:11-eb .....,......, ...... ...: 225.00 _P •dlaa .2.00 Good, Harold _ -'2-.0,01'•- .Young, Frank L. 10.00 Young, ErneSt . 10.00 •• . Young, Mrs. R. L. . ,. _ 1.00 Raynard, -, Melvin BELI`LOW, Misfit Eliz. -3.00 lgiumingtii, Ben W 2.00 &Wows, Wm. .... . ....... ..:........ - MacDonald,. A. L. '*-' 5:60. Brownlee; Mts. M. ___ 2.00 Fisher, Ezra • Aloorehearl, W. G. 10.00 Stewart, 'Martin; S, - 10.00 Fisher, Aaron C. ' 2.00 Jewell, Mrs. Thos . TaylorDrAH 10 Dorainion Road Machinery • . McClure, las. • 0..00 .Errinton,Harvey • , . ' , , .00 Co. Ltd., employees .., .... 44.25 ,, ruighan, 3. and R. ... ... . . - 1200.Yoring,, Mr. aniAMrs...In. , ,. 0.-- Dean, E. L ., ,- . 5-.00 • -, Saunders, Miss Josie . .. ... • 2.00 , Littridge, W. C. lrt-t-i-a--7---- 2.00 jardine., Geo. _ ..25 ' 10.00 j•ckand Agne0 , John ,,.....-:.....-_500-..--"..= ct.--.13W . ......,......„...,'771:01:1- c. 0,1 rli --:-ExtehrtnaniiMrs.-Agnes---0„00---Go...7.-/frotttn.....&_,Ag,,g. . .m-iteileii, -Itiehard ----_•_2.00 Baiter, Lawrence._ ... .3-00 Jones -Bateman -,--Mrs. ...... 10.00 Howell, MrsXels,in--.-„--0:00---Atitcheit,-- . ---- • 5.00------,--- diffitiyar-A-ssuciation .... 50.00 •Nlontgoniery, .11arold •• • 2.00 , Fisher., Fletcher ma Carlow Total Mitrison,-.Jno. - ' • •-' . 5.00. Civilian Personnel, , .Sky _ 20.00• 2,00 • 2.00 3.00 .75 • .;:•• a en,onuer-g. 2:00 •, - Pellow, -Mrs. W. -T. 10.00 Mugford ,_ . ••." - '-Robt. Ltd34.0:0V0Y. ...Camgerrza. .. Nev.: ----.0Sra; 8,611i Ir'exnry, ;lg%. and Mrs. prea, '10.00 Stewart, Toronto 10.00 Ford,' Harry 10.00Glazier, Thos.. 10.00 ---Eisley"; •Wnr."--4----4.---"---.2:00 - -Fisher; Jonathon 2.50 Goderii , h Township, North End • ' Asquith, Eliz. 3.00 , - Unit ' Snyder, Lawrence .1.00 Porter, John- .......,.:- . ; .. ,...$ . 1.00 Mason,. Mrs: It. 1.00 Johnston, Ernest ., ' - 5.00 Blake, 'Robt. ,- 1.00 Johnston; Reddie • ' 5.00 Blake, Jas. E. 1.00 ,Johnston; MrS--.,• Ernest ... . . , -5.00 . Bolton, W...41.• •, 1.00 • Johnston, :Wylie • 10.00 • . • , r - Berriraan, Mr anirs You si )yng, as Ce ' . Dowker, Miss A. .. .... . ... ....... • 5.00 • Whateley, Miss K. ' 2.00 wm. .. .. 1.00 II orster, -(0'. R. 4.- • Patterson, T. Roy . 10.22 Employees, Venus Restau, 20.50 Blake, Orville BrOwn, G. K. , 10-00 Naftel, .Mrs, Walter ,* .5.00 Snyder, El •S 1.00' Bell,• David • 13aker, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. .10.00 .11Laughlin, Mrs. Theresa • 5.00 Maitland Red Cress Soc . •.25 OG Sowerby, John :,..)Ti.a.hronp,s3solin,sA!xtrIrgN:rilei. , _ _ ...g..0000 , .Gallow-pDr: and Mrs, w..T, 25.00. Fisher). Arthur . . 10.00 . LaithWaitei, C. E Martin, •Mr.4-and, Mrs.„..„E....,.5.00 ' risher; Peter •• „,,..,„.„,,--1(10 •;-"Hicks, Mrs. Wm. ., Henderson, Mrs. A. Y. .... 5.0r). _ •Thompsou;,,miki,loss, ...; _ 5.00 Durst,- Milford 2.00 Driver, Maitland -Reed, Mrs. NV' .11 . ' ' 1--u" Hill, Mrs. G. C. 10.00 -A/lin, MrS: john,.. 1.00; - Merarlane, R. '3'. 'Ross, •Mr. and Mrs. Geo. .... 6.00 Copeland, Mrs. .Geo., New ' Pitblado, D. - 2.00 .. Laithwaite, Geo. .. :1.00 ., 01iisholm, • Trainees • 1.00-- • Johnston, 3 Reg - ' -1.00 1.00 -Bell; jas, ft.. - „ ' : 1.00 10.00 - •.5.00 ,50 .., 5.00 " ' 5.00 ' 5,00 .- 2.00 11; - 2.50 ._,:.arti,wen.,-11-lases M.,and M.- . '-.1.:00 - - 2:00 York'. •. ' - „•••-• '1.5 oo...-:1).Oterson, HargsL„,.. . , 1.00 -4-1fcKinnon, D. • _sup , • _ saParatilts; j,igAt. and Mrs. G.,..._21.00,.00 _....0._`"titson, 3... R. , . ,5-zo. .whiters, 4. .7,„.,.. .. Yollarid;:_ 'Henry -`, ' • - 1.0,0 iyilsii*iger, II. C., • • 5.00 • BrindleY, it. ---:T;qe- -14•1-giet4 Con,. -..-ra-iiSten,-AirS. Vary j,....; *10.00 - flea 3.. w ,. • . 1-jo. • .•- . -•-• -; -----------"'- -' Tolinstbil,, 3, iviE-----"'"-- - -3'.001-.• Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Harry , .5:00__. .maeviear; The Misses '... 6.60. B'enniller unit Total , • 185 00 Lamphie,yHerb ... .. . ... . .. .., 1.00 • , RmiterNtr433, ii.Alidirsesymanydr.ttRon;d, go..02,,00, • z401,,,:lir. ' ' Siindy,' Construction Co. .. 200.00 ' • • • ‘., Lassaline, D. , J. 5.00 and Mts.. A": ... ' 5,00- , Taylor's Corners Unit,. Goderich- •King, Mrs. -Lucille...ft..-- ' zoo. , ' '4•uu MdFrardY, Geo.,(4cwdcon •• ' 50,00 -- " - ' ,T4?wns.hip • ' . . Johnston, Grabam sittillirrdd;,' :55:0000 • i)0,wveeri•bb-yy„. Benson 3.60 IT-- '• Wallis, Mrs. Einitia. • EmployeeS,•Godetich Alan- • . 2.00 Lee, Mrs. F.' H , Redditt, Mrs.: - • - •54..0000 ... 1.00,00 McCabe, I:Iugh • 2,00 ' Aialwain, Sam ' -5.00 1.00 .' 3Ahu.s.S.fioneo. a .... . $. , ufacturing0e, Ltd. , 24.50 - 10.00 Bell, John ' •• • .50 • : • .44,•-.,U. • .° • . ' 25•00 ' - Maitland Lodge, A.,F, '& • , Vincent, John ' , Weise B; L Goderich Organ C '.hiteley; Graham o.00. Moore, John , , 02.00 .• . , AnenyMous , 2.00. ' -: 10;00 White10,4Chas. • 10, • .0o • ming, Peter , , , :2,00 Mutton.kAir. and Mrs. . 2.00 1.00 '17Lockhart,. Mrs: 14 " . 2,00 . Cl6aver, MIS's. A: • MeClelland, 11;' E. ' _3.00 ' • Aingford, Fred 40.00 . ..,-,. 0,12 . stardy, Howard ' . 4.00 Breen, Henry tc ., • 1 00% . .Flick,- Al„ . • O'Brien, _ D. M. - 10,00, Legg, Thos.: ..... ° . 10.00 :Sturdy, 'Clifford , 2.00, -Crich, -Nelson • • , , .. . ., , , .... ...... • .,5 • 1.00 BurrOws, Reg: ' Cornfield, Mrs. Leah ' , 16\00 Sturdy, Chester 1.00, , Burns, Sohn ,„ ,.. , . ,•-.:---,,-.-E-Urkkrgidiv,:el, :t..1-m74.......--.4.i;..,,,,,,i.--7,4N4A4,---Atitg-F-,4•.-mrnd-,20,4,,,,,F,;.,,w's,•,,i5L00,.....,Walte.11,-0,11.04,-.,,,,,,,,:,,,;.,,,,,,;,,,,,,,.,-:,4.00-•:-...,Stieitoli,,,-alehard--•.. ..-v- "'• 4.00. . - -"• Grahathr4ohn --- ' - - 1•-' * -100' ,.. • A ,Friend • •• ' .Wilde, Miss, Fannie..., . ,, . 200 r-gaechter; Con. ... West; .Miss ..SaTe, , , - 1,25 - 1,..'„,,,w . Stoneliouse,,,Mis. R: ....1-.....4 2.00 lielnies,- Is.enneth „ . ,,‘, Turnbull Rev. R. ii . *, 10.00 McCabe, Verne ; Ptlf.S0118 .0 L. , : .25.00 TAICCehe,•, Mrs: Jessie :........ ...75- • Oke, Richard • - . ...• ; 1.5.0 ., • .. • .5.00 _Kerschinski, .Albert '- - ' , ,1.00 Cobperp,' Ear) • :• -' . .1.50 1, 00 . 2.00 O '• ' 2.00 1:00 -501' ' Williams:, BarrY : Tweedie; Oainpbell , 10.00 . Curson, . Miss Kathleen -, '.2.50-° in 111 and.Airs. Geo. C. 1000- .•Naftel, Win. - -,. Huron County • Holstein ,•• . Additional Pledges • '•••, . . Wilson. 'Geo. :, - I.Oo• ".xrarti4 • ~ . ,. . • ., , i.00 1,00 McIlwale, Robt. • .. . - • Watson Mrs. O. M. ........... - 15,00 • •Moseley, Airs. Id.a , ., 10ChiShohn .00 ..SturdY, 0: .W. .......„.„,.. . ;$ 12.00 -.„:1,8tirling, nary .• , W. 3j. ' ' 10.00 ' Stirlieg, • Aiis. „p• A • .50 ' Wilson; Win •y . 1.00.= 200 ' CIA 10..00 . ; 5.00 ,' Beattie, John : 2:00 • '-',:........, . ,Gibson„:-Mr....and-Xxs-....-.....„...,„, 2 0.0 ,I,trakin.;,..-.41-t.„,,wid,,,,,mrs.„..-A.: •-,13.00.-:....1.10.1,114,11:4-1AOP,............,,,,, ,,,,,,,!,,,,..„1 00.,,,__ Sohn sfort4itA..eilyi --.Writson,*., Mr.. Au& Mrs. H 25.00 • P,,rowse, .Chtis: 4115.111son,Dr. A. 11. . .30:00, . unter; Lf..J; Kenneth 60.00 'MacDougall, ,Douglas . .. .- . 1.00 "' Elliott Dovid. • ' , .. - B McGee, J. W ' - - '5.00 -11Idore., .E. A. .... - 5.00 • Cowie, Win. ' • :-.. .. :1,00, Johnston,* T. R. • • Smith, Miss itetty-J.i ,,....:.".',--• 5.00 Al 5.00 Saltford .Unit, Colborne Twp. ' Holmes,. Andrew . , .-"...... ;. ,' 5.00. • Tichboree, Arthur Kemp; ChaS.W.cOreath', Harry - • 0$ 4.00 .• Watson, jno....:„.„ ......... . . .... 4 5.00 - Speiran, Peroyily...„......... .... -ilitting, Arthur 5,00 Maskell, Mrs. Ed10.0o . Prowse, Mrs. HedleY '.;: ; :50:.",--Speiran.. Ed, ' • 1 7;. , , - ", . . ......... • ' ...wood, 7 H. ' ' ° , 10.00. .Maskell; Mr:.and Mrs. Art. 15.00, Edward, Oliver, ......,...4 ..... . . .5.00. ,A1a6Dona1d,. Mrs, Mac. ' .1.00 Locigo,7 • •, ', -, --' -25.00 , ... Mothers; Chas. . - ' 2.00 ' ,McMillen; Edward, : . , 3.1YO ,MiteAlliSter, Robt. • • . 200 ' Fraser, 'MISS- Florence -guti.'• • • . ' ,,.. ' AdamS, MT r. and urg. Jas. -2.00 eller; 11oht. ,,, ,... '• .3.00 ;Mcilwain, Airs, Isabelle ..".. 4.00 Breekenridge„Mt.an,. d 10.00 . :Mitchell,Mrs,,T; • ....'k . .. . ...1.90 Oke: Irvine .......,,,,,- -- "1:00 . Teller, Wm. • ' i 1.00 • _ Mrs. R. •• - ...... • Buchanan; Dave ............... • , .11 „ _,, , A. • ..."--7-:.t.•,,..1;06 . fgart,n0; Jiro.: iz•-,-.-:;.-t:..."......,,;:- 2.00- - --- -' - • •' , LIVilkinS; Mr....,404AirS;,A,,,-- 2 o .00- 'Go, Airs. M: . '''' ' - .1,00 - Snyder.; „Win: ,..,.....:.,',..4::,:i. - -2.00. , Feagan,-- 'Geo, -. ....... .....;,.... . , . . -&-,00 '- ssitenk.Mr. and MrS;Win, .5.00. -•Iiiirxisen, Mr- and Wirsi. L'5.00 MeMmeu, 'Jas. • , ., q: „MO; Rundle,. T.41,, ...... ....... . .. .. ft, . .. . 5.00 MI „,„,„ . .;,;„ ,1,00 Pullez. „Austin ...Iimior-,.1"teeeiesi,, 'Grade' , ' . . -flamilton; 11.1.r. alid MI'S, .4:. ' 3.00 -."' MeMillen,',4 ' ,6 Victoria School ' -- 2.50 Mehl; Mr. and. Alis A ,... : 1.00 - Oke, .Albe ..,, • ' f.00 Stirling, Win. , Robins, M. ,,t t.:,..........:t.,.....4. 7.50. -guttid,. M. and km.' W. .1.. 1:00 Hicks, 'Walter ....... . ... ... .......• 1.00 •Sowerhy, -GlaclYg • • Worsen, C. -. '7.-- ' 10.00: 1.AtlITIb Mt4'and Mrs. T....... 5.00' .1tedges, Aionz1.00 AleClure. Forest b .. • --. - MacKay,•Mr. . and. Mrs. NI._•, 5.00 ' Beani Mrs; 4:460.7,••_!..„.4.-,....•;- 2.00 _"Rodges, Robt...„,----....„ -'2.0o PoWell,, Orli ....., W , ong,. Gordon • • • •'•• , MO' .131.0knols. . 'ir; 'and ..... s.,. -2.00 • 1.141acke, wilinot ,i, - ' ..3.0 • Bannisfer, , Air: lind."-ffrs•..... .. Allison', 0: .E. :, ' 5.00 -ROwn0 Reg. . • "'. • . 2.50 ROdges, LOrne: ......,:..,, . ... •,•10.00 W. *T. ....... .... .... • :5.00 ; . Smith, Arthur • . ' „,.. , ' 3.00 -',.• Itiorgan; VA'', • •Treil- .,....,1„,„“,„ •• .,.50 '..v Waiter, ,Barrie,“„....,,„...,„.,.. ,. -3,90 • Potit111; ' 40s... • :..,..- suo- • .•ThlW. 61.. - -................20.00 1stfieult4;, ,Prank ; , ' • 2 00 . . . ' •• ' ' ...L.,...-- -Porter, "tti'm. - •• 1 od . image,' i Mr. :and 'lvirs.',.; ' ...Telford, Geo," ......:,..,...,,...;•••0. 1.0-0:-, _ 10,(1k.es, 'Afro. PW.vid.,,:.-.,,,,. --2:00,•-•--Oarmori#4,-Es,i-•„.•,..,...,..-..,-;•-••••-.00°••----• • 'Helix, ,lkilEis: Loretto • ..,„,... 10,00 -Ryan, Ur. and Mrs. T. ' ,,'' 1,00 - ''' - ' • • • Goderieir Dollar' Store ,........ 5:00 ' McLean, Mrs. .0. .. ... . .. „.1.06 . , • . . -$iig,,,T5 ;McLean, Mise,Ameliti. „ft '' •1,00 • -:, Edward, Wm. A. .... : '' 3.00 ' 'Kelly, Mr..Lee .• • '. 10.00 • Westialie1: Mr, tnil Alisii.' •• * ' Carlow lquit, Colborne Township . Robinson.- Roy ;:, '2 . 2.00 . -Alanitiria,...ThoS, ,..:.... . . : .75.00 " -W. I. .......„, . 6.. . 2.00 Glen, Brndst , ,- 0,,,..$ .5.00 Miller, rinyvey ,-,-.,...,... .. . .. i.00, ,7------4 • Whiteley; •Mrs. Jos. E:. ..,,..- '0:or - CiirtellOri.-alid Mrs. 13. :.; -...• 'up- .•--Youne,..,;•Lloyd- ,..,,,-...,.f_...i.•.-, • 2.00- .--rfarwOodf Mrs Gordon - 2.$. .... . 1.00 ., Alibi, Roy • ,tod Porter, torne A, . . 00 .MacArthur, Frank ' • 500 * LeWIR, Mr and lgts. R. ' ,° 1•..00 -.° Veagan, Mester ' .oct aelinston, lurs: Wm. . ' • . 1.00 .t.lreenslatlei'M7.--iand --Airs.----- --,.---nitingrefer4tehr,...W.,7„-....41„,,,,,, _-_--1,00-4,L_Walter...V„...W.... ..m..ky4y10.80,4.04,, -.15.00.*_.....;YoWertryItoDt.,.1....-......... - .2.00 - 340 ° Porter, Richard i - Msertenzie, john! .........L.. . .. , . .50,,,,,,,risher, Mr, and Mrs. W. . • 2.00 Watson, Win, . • S. ......... - ,.. • ' '7 500 Million; lir. lino" Mrs. D . 1.()0 . Marsh, Wm. , •,. ' • 10.00. . MacIlwain, Everett .. 2.00 : . MacDonald, 0.,;11,, ' - 1.00 McOabe, Mrs. It.;,, ... . . Weiland. Mrs...M. ,... .. . . „I. :2,00 'Bisset 13ros-.............„4....,00.00 Tyndall, Melvin Wallace,' Fit Lt and Mrs 2500 Walters, Air, R. ' . ' , -, 5:00 ' 'mcBrille, Jarvis , . • 0,00 ; 'i0'" 'b Mr's.- ThoS. .4......4.• ' 1%00 ' -......................1, 5.00 . • Orr, Oerrild ........,, .... . .. ,,... . 1.00 ... 44 .. I - , - BroWn, It. .T.' ..,.. ........... ': - .1000 •Murray,,Airs.-.Art. ....... ,;.. 4.00*. Besin$ Win.. ‘,.„..,.. , :BeechIer, Mr. ant1 Mrs: G. 10.00 :, TIarrisen.„ Lily •and Airs. .: *,.1.00 • 71ijilitii, Mr.R. M. , . , .. • 1. ''''..a 13(1! 1' ' • • • 3 -- • 140 flowerby. Carl. • 4 .4 . . ...uu ....• 2.00, Arnold, • Miss Beatrice .... 2,0o ' Westinke, tiarry • ,,, 1.00 ' . Clark, Wm. '.1. . 4 ' 10.00 -' O'Neill; ' M. W. ..,, .... ' .5.00 bodkin,: Leonora °.., : ," . 1.00 Glen, Jean , • , -4,00,q; ,Orr. Gordon :"..... . ..:...: Phillip; Harry .....,.............:• • 5.00 ' Doelltin,-.Mr. and, 111,8.'3'. i: 2.00 ' Young,. Victor ,...:'.4„3,00 Paleoner, Victor . ".4....:. 200 - Fferutori, Ed. ...... .... .4 . • .. .... 4.00 Jenkins, me, and MM. II.: 2.00 Wilson, IS,Irst, Allan i ._., • "5.00 41tcbeil '• Aliftrewk, 'light.... • 2.00 , , Iturry .. .. . . ........ .. . .. , 2.00 .,.$40irierville, lViiss E. M. .... . 5-00"- ,,,,WillianiS. Ihirrg, .; , ;.--.. . . • , 5.0 Berm Robe , • • 8.01) Brimieornbe, It 0. '. ' .5,00 . Campbell, j. 'A.' ...........,...- 25.00 Fowler. Mrs. Geo. ....ft..- 01.00. Mtll.ride, . Peror- ....,........ ,- .00 - ,* Chisholm,. teal). Greenwood, - IIerbert ......-. .00 ,IIorton, Mr, and Mr. IL,' ' 1.90 • Tretiley:IVm.- .. .„,, ,. bl. . . . '.,.,. .00 ' • (.3i Its . 04 .... .. , ... .... .., 2,00 .... ...... .... . .. .. • . .1.00 Tobin, Miss Illiz. .,...“.. ' '5.00 Outten, Hume „... . ......„, 'r. Vitieee 3". It.......„ . . . 1,00 Alien, Gladys . .. - 1, 00 .Willittins, Urs, IT..'113. ..., 12,00_ Wilson. up; fold irk, M. 3.00. Voting, Gordon ........,,...„.„, ° t1,00., orntooek, Xolin . ... .. ........- .50 .•.•„„ 0 troitnes. D. 13, ,..........., . . .... 25.00 Nevins. Win, ........ ..... . . ..., . , •. ,..50.MeNee. Miss 'Betty .......,5.00 ' AndrewsAiiee M. • SAW Tabb, 16s, TI.108. • .. ... . . ...... 2,00 While. Gordoe •-,.. . ., .......... . 2.00 Arthur, Mrs.. Keith ; : 2.00 8alkeld. Geo. • '*' zoo .11144,:on,.1.4.1. . ' ° ' 5.00. ' "f': ; • .• •.. --.--:-!-- Psrlow Clonimunity .cio ' - - Total .,........,,:„, „„„ . , ... m.,„. 'Wilson. Mrs.. W. to, ... ... , . ,5.00 :. ,, • , • ' . ---,- MeIlWaiii. Frei* ............. 5.00 (lement. luny- , '1.00. • • 13reWolee, WM. ...... . . . . .. ..; • 2.00 , Saltforil Teta' ..- ... °............$300.50 Urtrtln, Prank , „....,.?... 1,00 •• $24.)8.00 • Urts'en, D. t. ....., ' 5.00 ' nemniller Unit. Colborno Two'. . 'Ars. Bean .......... .. . . , ... ,,,..,. '1.0.00 , • .2 - -....:,..„....... Stambombe. ,,Mrs. Geo. ....- 2,00 Kerr. . oThrtune - .„..„,„, ... , . ;$ 2,00* Vsilow Corturtunitsr . Club . * . (hand Total front ' an 801.10013:• . .Powile,. A. A. ...,......, ..... .. 5.00 . AieLarty. bawriTeo ':.••••••-• . 2•00 : Mts. liotiwilill • .. . . •• ... ...,.. • ,,,0•00 .,,_ L..- • • .. • 'Nairn, 'Airs.- Chits, ..... .. . . . . . 5.00 Aferries Itennetb. . $10,017402 'Y 'INIngllire; 1tnsemarie .'`..,.... •,,,). voo . iel. ............ .... . ... . .-- • • ,2.00 - Wilson; Thos. .... ..... . . :. ... .... 2.00 .K.A.F. xn. 31.• Air m Kennedy, Michael 5.00 • Zeweli, Melville , . .. . . . 5,00 iTeltolemetei. Plaw.in , Sherritt, Mrft .r. A, PeltSeh. E. . .... .. ...... . . .. .....•2.00 Mcienbe. ItObt.. • • 1.00 , 1.00 • 2100 2.00 2.00 • 1.00 1.00 "`l • 1.0Q • 1.0Q; 1.00-- 1 00 - :ctorninir,•Star 114odge, gation 860,01,. rot 5.00 t A M500 Albert. Olit. • ZOO T%t3qt Itiav.iel 2.00 2.00 ' (1144:: Porli;ree, • 10.00 000. • 514.75 $10,531477: