HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-04-13, Page 1- - • - :.$igrioVqh$ Th0 01)E41C11, ONTARIO, '1111URSDAYl APRIL 13th„1944 FINE PROCtRAIVi.riESENTED -ST BOYS AM> GUMS rs:,Qpposg Bity. .Warettou,, '.01ci,104g :tdwartl,Attel 'BeUsed for Gold Itterifga On:accoMit.of the .hOliday 'on ;Vriday last,' the Town Council.held its.reguler 'meeting. op ,.Thursday night, .all *the • •Xnerahers ...being *present except Ceun. cillors Iluckina.and Butier.; • -•CeinniunicationS--Were_.received„,frent, , 7 several .ehureh- organizatioal ank,.the Women's Christian -Temperance siltatal - expressing disapproval. Of the ,prepesal or. the ,egtahlishiug o a• beer ware- ' hou.se in•Goderich. "'These were Sent to conitaittee of .the whole, :which .has before it .tt request for.approval of the propesal. but .has .not •yet • made „airty recommendation .to Council .in the matter. • ;Frank DonnellY:APpeared -before the Council in .behalf of .Alurney. Who .has comm,eneed .the wrecking Of the old Rieg Edward .hotel ,Property, 4T T1Th W4T4IttltaNT The brit grain ;cargo' of the season arrived. at the 'Ow:leach elevator 'early thitr, inornhiig, wlieu the Royalton hrought ii 400000 •,hushelki Of 'wheat from "Alien lielitt•OZ- the 1,414es..'Tliis•is earner ;than last year's first Cargo- at ;the elevator, whieh wau ouAPril. '2404' when the Slinen J. Murphy arrived troll Chicago. • • Canada's' sixth, 'Victor loan gam al • Tvtto more VeSSeite ‘of the.winter fleeC • P lett durhlg ,the week, the Fort w,n1400, ' open April 24 and will have an, clearing en „friday' afternoon and tbe nh3.0tive d.• S1'24)(40°"00°' ac°)."dt'lig‘ Siniebe on TaietidaY *tight, the former to announcerimx,tnroro...*Ott*a..-:•' for „Larkin for ,coal,„and the .Simeoe for , In' the approcieliiiig campaign in - the Lakehead. .'• •$525••• 'ere broke out in the plaut 0,f the v00,400, and ".non;individualinrestors,':. Goderich Elevator Company '•sliottly such tj insurance and'inthistrial, corn - before 0 o'clock Wednesday evening. ,panies, inunielPal •and other gevern- A welding job had just beep finished mental bodies, beneVOlent and other' •the 'tep of one. of the --inarine.-2,iege, associations,wiii be aseci,.•- for e75,000,000. scikteeti,Vet fOr C.4040011: $425 000' —Ottin.PERA Opens April 24t11 when the .heated ..011".took lire and for • .934/ • minutes threatened ; quite; a, 24-1;at stateMent read in the •IlauSe ef blazer The town fire -.brigade WAS ,Cunlia0aS it Was -Piaci': "Borrowing called•and • •sQoil things ' Wider needs for .the .continned-Prosecution of ,a.nd little -4amage was done. - the war remain at a very ,high level and • . •• .the Minister. .Finance is confiderit •• .111crxRATTEN-4$-UN.OLD that *Once again* Canadians everywhere The .parsonage' of Victoria street will show their determination to. .snp- which he tpurchasect frora',the Town. ;United church, attOctively decorated, ,part .their fighting forces by- a financial • Mr. Dannellypresented PrePesat that, NOS the scene ot a quiet wedding on achievement greater,: than .; on any Mr.'llOwele.alloWedledialt demolition ,Saturday morning when , Beatrice May, ,previous,.occaSion:" • • - ' of the building for the present' at the onlY:: -laughter of B. :Arnold and. : 'The fifth `Vietoiy .loan'S total „sub -- top -of the second-:,story,(ati..there--was thelate Pte....Mark'.Arnold, Of Goderich, -scription• of $1,383,275,250- was ai all-: spine proepcict that the .reinaining two: stories might be sold ;and ieonverted- into a (cold storage Warelleuse. The •,preriosition-44-was'-consitlered_In rnittee ofthe whole and Mr: nilowels request was ;granted; fle.iis to :be allowed -until July-1.st :next to sell the, property, ;on (condition Mutt It lbe re - roofed and •finished as 4 two-story, and the Ocenpancy (thereof to be --setts- y to the (Connell: an the ;event th ity Is not ,disposed .of in :this 'way owe •Wil111nive tan,-adtlitiontll.4 • two m to :Septeniber let-to4com- plete t • °eking o2 :the cording•to the ;original ;agre„emeet. Officers' .Reportsi _ • Tax collections: ar --ltrrtelleetor--.7-11tordyrztnter0' $2,078.20. . • • C t‘ : • „the, three menths ;ended Mardi 81st Number of 6ffenees reported or kiion to • the ponce, 35; ".'prosecutions, convictions, 18.; ears stolen, 11, (cap • recovered, 1; lsitycles stolen,:21!lile*eleti recovered, 2; auto iteeideAte, 19'; ler- sons injured. in ,ageidents„ 1-; ;eases aiot disposed of yet, 2-; complaints in- vestigated, 52; lost 4ehildren onnd, • totalamount of fircee, •$5,2 • , :Chief Ross ;Also reported 4clieeking' weights of coal on (different days of e past_month And 'findingas follows.,: -..the -guestof lei:ker.:at ai delightful -social. Town Seale Can:Taw evening at the parsonage .oit • will& a • . Weight Weight • •miscellaneous slew& of gifts "Wns.13•717e-• rook Coal Co _2255 lb: 23002L seated :to her .op. !behalf of the .eopgrego-- C, Lee ....A. -L....3300 lb. • 238010. don. • Twenty-one trainer 4'440g:fibers IlStard•• Coat' Co.....30801b. ;308031a: and friends,in the Iltrrini,?:ro.ad district an Coal_ Co..T.;--221.0.1b, 2200lb.. gave her•-tilioVely .62071111e rbedspread, aults •Caal Co. 2815 lb, 2800 $b. -andlithereeelved-ti liandspine lamp from Ivan-Louzonappliedfortrperinitfer • a •••garage to. be built at the rear .of ;Company, 'Where:she-and :her hus'band his fruit Store on East 'street; and Fred trice employed. _Fritzley_applie_d for a- permit or t . • lammowimir • • ,was married to Mr -Gorden David L'Grratten, •son Of Mr. and Mrs. David McGratteu,of Nile, Itey, A. J. McKaye officiating. The -bride Wore.a becoming dre.ssinaker:Snieof ,torquelSe blue crepe, time record for the nat1on:,0,000„spre- vious• record ,Was set in the ',,,..feurth,„ Victory lotuar when $1,398,985,509 was borrowed. .S • • As in the :last law the .new bonds :trimmed • with ..black• sequins, cocoa" will be in .two maturities: 3 per :cent: brawn coat and with nuitching ac. lioncle:dne.june..1, 1900, te'be-seld at.a desseries, and 4...cdfsage a' talisman price of $100i and '1% Per cent. bonds roses. The The couple were unattended,„(thielgareh1,..4.048,-At.o.priee-•ot$1-00: mild-left---immediately--after -11107-eer-e- Huron' county' s .quota in th'e sixth monY on .a motor tripAcV London --and 'VietorY, $2,900,000, whieh Aylnler.• .•They will reside on 'St. be broken downIntotowns, -villages and David's *street, Goderich. • • townships Ai follows.;' • Oh their return on • TeesdaY• engin, Ashfield township $100,000 •Mrs. Arnold; mother of the bride,- held West Wawanosh township 07,009. reeeption in their .•lionor,. which _was •Celborne..township • .... 04,090. (attended:bithlity.gnests. Mrs..Arnerd, •Goderich town. ' • 425;e00 •WeOing,,,hlue .crepe, was assisted in re- :East 'N'Crawanosh township 67,00e ce g ' ther-Of' the tgiount; gewned------hr-litter-crep lIdth---,were-teorsagetLof _pink and white SAVVAGR, CQ,1441CTION Next Wednesday•eVening, a collection' ug' tIvage 'wilt be •Macle*throughout the. whole town. Eightytalented boys and gir1.6 'of • • There IS A serious shortage of paper the Christian Conimando -Club and 4110 I 4. in feet 2 or 3 are ialreadY. A,I16slea Band of Knox PresbYterian' opost,keipg _oh, shortened. lioars'aint MaY • "elicfrelt presented a clever' and Varied, haVe eleS--0,"'rer'a-thne,atleastruntess, prograin' in the• lecture lialt•,•Of, --the the shortage is relieved. Citizeter'are•- #0tilo 4 magazines': SeettrelY, in order to direction of Miss Esther MaeMath, atrs:70, tie their, hil,ndles ot on }.31:7344:, night, under belP. the vallInteer . workers o'il•• the .feader of --,bott greups; :before an more pnrtieulars. 111 tI e5; gt4)ett,',77;47-13-ea?..7m5fa; attractively deeorated all the paper you 'Cap And have It out in lovely , pastel shades, the wbrk of Derothy-Ifolurstort-Tiverit-.14- , the thildren was displayed and sold in two class -rooms; and thkiprintary eless rOem, ininle an ideal tea-room, where ' ,later tett WAS. poured by Mrs. ItichaFd. Stewart; Mrs: Gordon. Bisset- and Mrs. Alex. Straiton. . • A short Worship service conducted by the Christian Colninando.glub Preceded' the -program; With Ilinee Erskine, captain, giVing-the commands -the 13OYS fornied-at the bask Of the hall, marched forWard, said their pledge of allegiance, sainted the flag and Sang 'Onward, Christian Soldiers,, followed. by the repetition of the Lord's Prayer and.the Siaginir:o;ii"Dare tto auretmhad a andpaneieli," After e8e'10.... 0 ' • 13 • Ilowieli township . - 220 009 • ' ' s.--.-Thesthouse-AVatilecor 1,000 ;with pink and white streamers 'and Grey township ' ; ,„,:,„ 114,000 flowers: '"The 'Wedding -•04ke graced the Brussels village ...„...41... .. .. . , ' n 74,000 .fehle, which was -centred with „a •silVe.r. BlYth. vniage - .... 45,000 basket of pink -earnations, a.ndwcandles Tuckersmith -township .08,000 in .-shade§-15f the .color samples 'Airs. Mellon towilehiP, ' • 98,000 W. T. lit:_Tatice and Mrs. ,George Miller liull tt township • 98,090 poured tea, assisted by Mrs. -George (Seaforth town ., 103,000 Kenny; of Monkten... • ' Clinton town• • 176,0,00 DR1/11111E0 sErtvzon. TO BE UEiD IN .,00PEra.011, Antnial Ceremony- of .Middlesex -Huron Regibient on April 23rd • 'Ora SundaY,April 23rd, the.Middlesex and Hirron„Regiment, wader commend ijf Lieptenant-Colonerls C. lkin,Odennid, witli detachm,ents from London, Stratik; ro.4_,Exeter.,_ "Jensen., „Seaforth, Clinton and Goderiehr wni hold their Annear drumheadservice • in the Court Uense Square, Gederich. ,At' 2 p.m, the, regiment will parade to the band -stand in the park,. Where the SerViee will be conducted by Captain H. E. *O'Neil, principal Of Huron. Cellege, London, and Chaplain of the regiment. 'After the drumhead service, the regiment will march. past the reviewing stand• where Lieut. -Col. A. F. Sturdy of Goderich Will take the salute. • ' ' • " ' Lieut. It: C. Hays; conainanding offieer of the goderieh, Coatpany, states Mit be expects, a tiirtiout of -betweenthree and four -hondred troops, and!lf, • the weather should. not be suitable the service will be held in Knox Presby- terian, church. • P,ERSQ1STAI,,, MENTION Miss "Sahel Matheson, of Welland, • spent Easter at her home here. •,Pant Mooney and hubert Wigle, stu- dents at, Pickering "College, Are, Mune for the holidays- • ' Miss "Jean Cartwright *of .is visithig 'her -uncle and aunt, Mr, and. Airs.ItaY, 'Bryant. * Mrs. *Charles Breelow i spending this Week with. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser McTavish at Windsor, * A.C.2-"Max Oat', with therlt.g.A.F. at Toronto, spent his leave with his father, Mr: ilarvey . . her thanks to all who had assisted her, Miss Maude -maomatn, has returned Rey. Richard .Stewart presided for the, onie after couipletbag a inisieesi course program, •. atWrs..W. ut estervdaltb;cyliespent o1, ELonadstoenrat Ham.. . . Mrs. Albert Taylor, leader in C,G.I.T, Mr. " Work, presented '4wardki for ;attendanee iltoii -,h4nero Aida;,gulitcolt,b•ilgetio•sn.. Bert to "Frances -Brereton, Jimmy .AlacAr, thur, Carol Ann' Sanderson, Bobby Bell, Don*CamPbell was home from, Wind-. Norma. Beattie and Mary Lore-Sonder- sOr on, a vigil to hiS parents, Mr: awl, son,, •' _ • , • 7• Mi66 MarilYn Ruth 'Maxwell died . Mre.;.T. A. Campbell, Blast street. , With Mrs. Dorothy Reed • at.() the, St,: Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, on Wed,- Mi ss Evelyn leark, Of• Ottawa, visited-- Diate,„ the Alissidn Band -girls' sang nesday nforning. • She was the younger friends la :Own* and alscewas the guest "Whisper Song!" and •,"P11:13e a Sun- daughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Max - of Mrs. IL C. Lawson at. Clinton. followed by 41, piano duet by well, formerly of Goderich and later A. P. Marlatt of Torente visited Ruth Reedand alary Lou .1klathieSeil,..; cif .B.hYfield, And Clinton. Both Parents ta the week-eniliwith her Son Malcolm Little Lois Kemp; a.ccoaipanied by her sitrvive; as Well as one, sister, Airs. •and her sister," Miss Florence Fraser. mother, NUS. Chas: Keeip,-sang prettily Allan Selker 'of dombridge, Mass-; and Mr.and.-Mrs.Georgejelm:ston Went "When 'Mothers af Salem?,A Mission also an aunt, Miss Ruth Tilt of ' ' -` Easter With"their son, Mr: Aroie -Baud wing was rendered by ..Witirefreci" Preston. 114.t,„„t Cranston• Betty„. Bdwra • and Grace Raynard, Carol Ann. Sanderson, Audrey of-Lundo Johnston; and MTS. Johnston at Sarnia.. •at the homelif her grandparents, 111r. • Of Sih`1 f(?).--ir4et' r. Mrs. E. G. Colborne' and Aliso ,Ilelen play, Was perfoined by Dorothy Mc - Colborne of Toronto -Spent the Easter_ cape of : Statferd, Norma- Beattie, Afitrilyn McCabe, ••Evelyn --McCabe, week -end with their•reiatives ' in town, -1Uiss .Marion Dearle, • of '--Toronto; "cYPthla Youiig,'A-Lariat' maeDOnaid, 'spent . the' Easter weelkoaa. with Nir. GraCe-DOW and Viola Leitch. - and •Mrs„ -J, W. • MaA reading. by Marilyn Williams was road. Cambria read. follevtied by 'a, play, "Some People Need ' • • a Bomb," perforyaed with natural- ease • Miss •S. Blair •has returned to her by Lionel Arbour, Charles- Kemp, tkon;•• hente- on r' i, street after spend- TIIRE Y FOR MR 1,1;04 Greenwood WtUtte to Get Back.for a Orttek at the Bnemy- AN p:A.F0p4/1 PANADIA7Si POUT. • .-tltationed ,,e0liere for the firidt tiine; ince- be j'eined •the nay" nearly Cour years ago, twenty-two-yeasi-ele Sian, Wil44.0reenWeed, 'Goderich; .Ont,, 'wants to get 'haek to -Sea-rdeatilte the.-faef'that-lie-hag been three times A;surViver Of enemy •U-boat" During hie*serVice at Sea, Greenwood as' In, 'charge Of gene -Crews aboard Defensively -Equipped ,Merehant , OBITUARY - MARILYN RUTH. 'MAXWELL • After tin illness of -only five daYs,- at the eneiny in return," he said- , • Greenwood's -first experience with , the enemy was in, the Indian; Ocean in . • November, ' 1941: He was in a neer- ,* ehant ship .bound for Canada when it During his travels, the Goderich, Sea-, • man has served in fifteen ships and 'has visited -every port of gall.' along the , trade routes. controlled bythe :Allies. "I've • survived three enemy . torpedo-, • Inks," said, _Greenwood, "So they iiay I've had enough. • . -Stire•m he added, :"I've been to all: the plaees it's passible' to go these days, but guess 1 haventt•hae 1111.4. -travel. I would like to be over there When the big invasion zeta • started. " ltou see, I've still get A few* 'things to ' settle;, • • lost five close friends and about thirty shipmates during the Shikings -4' and•I Would Sort of like to get a Crack ,WILLLW PATTON; After an illness ot - Ho ita Wilhiain Patton, only sen of Mr. Wil- lieni Patten, -Victoria `Street , died on -Saturday _last at "the age:7---or twenty- four "years. Besides his paints, he leaves two sisters, Miss" Rath Patten, Reg:N., and Mrs. 1'. IL Nichols, both: of Goderigh. He was a member of Knox Presbyterian church And. the funeral service, held itt_the Brophey funeral chapel 'On -.Monday afternoon, was „ conducted by •• Rev. Richard Stewart, minister of that church. The interment was in Maitland. •cereetery, the pallbearers being Harold Doak, George Mathieson, Frank McCarthy; -Arnold McConnell, Thos. Glazier and Wilfred Smith. • " " • WAtThR; . • The death of Miss Louisa H. Walter, Britannia road,- occurred suddenly at veil exeentecl-by-,---Chrissie •Leisbnian---Alexandra-'13dspitior-On---.Tfrarglay hist; -And • Eunice Milne. •• . rafter_ a -short _illness, in her eighty-. A Red- Cross • play, "Help. Turn On fifth Year. Miss Walter was _born -In - the • Lights;". ;was welt 'performed Goderich township, the daugliter.oithe Winnifred. Raynard, Mary .Lou, Sander- late' Witham. and Sally Ant* Waiter, son, Mary Lou Mitthiesen; Carel- Ann, of English birth. The famllylkoved to, Sanderson, Mildred • Shirley Colborne township, where deceased Young, Martilf•Straughan; Gordon ,me- lived until. coming to.. Goderich over Cabe, Charles -Ilawthorne • and Ann 'fifty Years .ago. She. was. the last Of Willis,' and Was concluded a solo her family: A Woman.of deep religious by ,141a.rilyn Butler. • cola vicgon, she was 'for Many yearsan •,"Fight•for the Right,' was -• played active -Member -of North street United hy a mi_iled:..e.p.St composed of Billy.:'ehurch, and Rey. R. H. Tarribull,.. of 'Sehaefer, John Hawthorne, •George that church, :conducted the. funeral ;00mOral, Jerry Johnston, Mary Ann serViee at the Cranston. -funeral hoine Erskine, Lois -• Campbell, --,Christine on, Saturday afternoon: • Dining:the Schutz . and Jinx Pinder.' • service Mr. Prank Gillesple:Sang "Abide 4 tap dance was given :by. Gretta With • Ale" ‘-The interment was in Arbour,- and a -play; •"Ctever •Gretchen," Colborne cemetery,' the "'Pallbefirerik was acted acted- byT,Donald Rosette, •-'-.7,0yee being six nephews,,•Aubrey and Harold Malletigh;-.."-Frances-.---13-reretorq•,-;Tacit Stirling.r. lett; Meriam, Grace. Pinder; Billy MacDoii- Geo, , Ginn and-Geo...Lindsay: ald and- Bobbie-'4fratiglian. ' . . • ' Presentation to Nags AlaeMath . • NORMAN BAKER • • Appreciation of thesplendidleader- Norman M. Eaker,,menaber, Of,0: Well - Boys'• Christian Commando -Club' and henie, Elgin *aveinie, Wednesday the • Mission' Sand" was-expreSsedte .her -evening- in-his:,-sixty-seeerrd--year.- Ile in an address read by Bruce Erskine, had been in poor health .for /the last and the -presentation Of a copy -of "The few years, and More seriously for Rohe9,--wasniarle to --her by Frances several: -weeke•-befere his,Passing. A Brereton. MiSs MacAlath who leaves Soh of Ifie late John and Annie 1Vlaithe- • thia week to, take -4,position as teacher* son l3aker, he *Was born in Goderich, .a the public school at Belle Ewart, awnhdllweach .i.nepeltoicyaetdedaisn. esi ec chtoroi les, a here. 14Ont., expressed her:thanks in: a graciOns iu little Speech; and*: spoke regret ,ef 'N.141-0ar,r4qnur leaving her work- drarch..- ...;;;Anieng those who„give vained'assist, alive in the •-delig„htful-entertainment were Miss ,,Eva supefin. retfirned Gederieh fifteeti, years ago tendent of the Sunday school; Miss -And suceeeded his brother as a partner Dortitljelinaton,--'Miss--4-Doris,.. Mc- :in' the flrIPA:Of Baker &•;_AinSite;•but .after ,tawaigng, insi4.0•Trayncl IMos,iscsees_ s'et.113,1;truisgsilie:Isesiasn.Fihoi: • k",1)0c .I.ceipiWpo 10e' ‘rde "htieh8lielvilpa.:11:trot,°r::(14:itt:h1:36errttiktt:isim-7e, tinhhgee,' .Brien, George -MacEwan, , Pedford Hotel. .lifelong-Prbtbyter-• -ktertrede-Beattie. stay,fer a cup -of tea after the programl, ; Tee „whole audience was invited to eilitill,iliff....tkewrtalwisloaa:isacol):fuenflie3etrseol,(fleoKstrithah:08 Menesetung C ly der, the ettpable directionofMiSs e, he lea \e,8,4 daughter, Mrs. Ernest emervilid, the -children were sO Per- fcctiy orgatited %that the ,eeribig 0c*, Video, 11, brother, :Reeve lice. J. Baker;: three sisters, Mrs. Alex. Malpass 'and cuplecr only: cr, very short dile; The '4t1rS, cleorge Higginson,"•U anderich, boys. and girls were. given .chocolate It is interesting to know -that Itliss 'Minns" l'e81(lene° fltrde37.attel'ileott MacMatit *rote .the four plays . pre- , • Sented'hy.the children, and dramatiZed -the fairy story, story,. "Clever ' Gretchen."' With• the oops The evenieg was a financial success, .4 ..4, • • , too., "DNA' proceeds were $30:05.; sale.• • ' ' ' ' • ' • 02 xi -rhe• work -10;501 -basis* --hszawoc,,::•-,47.-flabown-AttorneY-tinil $11,124 _girls' inite_box.offeringS,'$3.454 IThfrads----received wora last ThutsdaY. boys' Baster envelopes, $t85; tem, tliptt their ,on, Dudley, \vita wounded • in action in Italy oh March 27th. No further ...details : were giveu. Dudley THE 'WEATHER . ;enlisted at the Age Of esixteenti in Temperatures of .the' past two Weeks ,AUgust, 1041,trial went to England in in•!Goclerieb, with those of the cor April, 1942, with an. artillery milt; responding weeks U. year .ago, . as and tO ItalY Xevettlhery 10487 Tle. officially reeorded, were as follows": fore enlisting, he •veltS a Student at tliki 1944 -1043 • Collegiate Institute, and at the close Mrs. MOGratten is a popular ,nfeliitier. Stanley townehip 82,000 Toronto. :994000 ing . the winter with fulatiiies in 31eriani, and Frank AlacDenald.. ' tads: , Rosette, • Bruee Erskine, • Billy 'Of Veetpria 'street -United-church. Priori tGederieh -tywnship.. , to ?her .rnarringe, the •.choir presented Herman And Hai E: :98;090 • • ter mitt A icallee IdripolatOr. She was Zurich and Hay WV 138,0b0 ' • - Exeter . n'e. township97,000 -147;000 -Stephen•-East 64,000 ;Stephen West, -.04,000 ' To ;the 'above -.a, quota will • Will be -added .fok the air training schools. ; - _ barn, 12x16, on.7:Vriffion7it -'eelt.--- 4poae Beer Warehous,e. 'the '-nenaodell.ing ..of the present • Tows Severer protests in writingagaldf3t. settles .Or their- replacement With larger • 'the proposa,Vto establish a beer. ware- and modern .SCAICS. Another letter louse in Goderich were received. They were from the W.0.T,U., the .officliti thilard of North street United church, foe local officers ef 0:0;S -0x -4 -don Army, :and the hoard' of the BantisteChttreh:' -- 'These were, referred, tte:. conurtittee ,of the Whole. ' ' ' • ta. A. Baxter.wrote stating that he cWaS making Improvements as circuits:, Stances. permitted, to the property Ott 1-,Tighthoese street recently purchased by , and ' that: the blindhigs--were 'le aCee of- the estlinatee ofthe !better shape than they had .been for a' Pub 6:School Board and the Separate treat -many years.- • . •TheGoderich Salt Company„writing 'to the 1,effect that they*-0Eied last -year, portion : of ' the ',space -the : arbor sheds ort,'whick.they.paid -.rental 'and that it Wei§ not likely they would use more daring the coming season, asked or it reduction Of the rental' 4,110. , W%LTERSCHAEFER • -ifereitaidly -decorated . calla lilies, whiter •arfapdregons, ferns and tall .candelabra with lighted white tapers," Knox yresbyteritua church was thesettag ,for" -a. lovely •-all-white -We - dineat 4 0'46-eit on Friday afterneo when e marriage was solemnized. o Mary den, amend daughter of and Mr George W. ,Schaefer, Elgin avenue,' a Flying 'Officer John Gordon Walter, IL .A.F., on of Mr. and Mrs/. R. P.P. 'ter, ,Sattford Heights. Rev. Richard' Stewart ofeciated, and the Wedding music was played by Mikis Eileen Biagio. the register was, being ,,eigned, MeCool„: of. Wingliain., aunt of .-the -bribe, Sang "Because:" • Given bit in tharriage by her4ather, the bride looked' lovely gowned inwhite slipper fashioned ' with lifted bodice ; lace -trimmed, sweetheart neck- line, and 'full. 'flaring skirt. her full- length velCfell: gracefully . from a lace Mitch cap; •• She •carriedrAt_ catle•-jf •White Jean .Schaefer, sister ,orthe bride;. w a- gown. of white', taffeta. .fashioned to the- bride's, with White taffeta Dutch cap; and carried a caS-. eade bouquet otn red 'rosea. - Daintily .gowned in a door -length -frock of white taffeta, Nancy Rann, of Brussels; cousin of the bride, was a charming little 4flower-girl with. a spray. of white „flowers in: her hair- and ,carrying nosegay oirred-TOSCS. AC.1•Stim Walter, ‘Montreal -..._,W4,..-hiS„.,brother's.;„,..bes • man, and the ushers were anothe brother, Dan .Walter', and lt.6.2-.-George Harrison,. of St. Thomas, .• . , ' A reception was held at the hinne of the . bride's. parents; where Mrs. Schaefer received her guests wearing Chinese aqua.' orepe With corsage of Orchids, and matching accessories: Mrs; Walter,rnother, of the bridegroom, was gowned in black with corsage of .orchids and blitek hat: Later the bride,. and bridegroom . left , for Moncton, N.13., where „ rWng Officer -Walter has :Wen posted., For travelling -the bridedonfied a brown dreisr*.nart brown chat wlth maNhing aeeessories, aria a`raidk geart., GOIAS --„Nefe--preSelit frOnf.`Gleilerieb, Wingliant. Brussels. and „Kitchener., Mrs, Schaefer.' entertained at, troaSseatt- tete-at-ler litaltte, on -Wednes- day afternoon of last .week, in honor of the „bride-to-be. Bouquets .of spring. flovVers deep...rated •thez:roorns, and, Akre: "'iVtilier and Robert-IliSseti Ilreeided 'at the attractively arranged tett table " with its centre of white flowers, And white • netted tapers,. Assisting were Mrs. A. Erskine, Mrs. E. prinath and Mrs: C. Chapman. Mrs. II. U.' Hall invited the guests. to ' the tea'retnu, aid the dear *wits opened by. Mary loyce Strachan. The trousseau wits shown by .Mrs, W, Clements, Miss Claire Bisset and Miss Barbara Cutt, „ ' CARO AND DANtE PARTY A g °Mal eYeding at the -Masonic Hall last night was under the atispiees of the war serviees. eoinmittee of St. Peter's chureli, In the earlier part of the evening eards were played; the winners itt onehre being „Mre. MeIltvitin. and Sae. ChishOhn itt.-"tioi)" Mrs, Buil Worthy and Gilbert Plante. Lunch WAS served, and daneing.to-nresie sap; plied• by. the payfiela" Valley rive orchestra WaS enjoyed until after mid- night. There was a gobd. attendartee. from the Co.mpany asked for a renewal, Of the Jelf40 of the .Goderich foundry for a year. B.oth letters were Vent to theAndusitrial coininittee •• 3 `eommuiaienthin.fitom Leavens Bros. Air Services 'Ltd..; outlining. their plans. for air serviee' to Goderich, after the war, watoent to the special emit- ritittore.' • - . .' Committee Reportlf. ' • Th-/-7fulance. committee- reconimerided• Senool..• Board for 1044,- Relief ac-. emir:Its for AMarch-;atnounted to 361.06. ,The *public ,workal, eomieittee ,rreci#U7 mended the purchase of twO-tatile 'ear of road tar and other road ". Materia The special. •cominittee recommended that the. Women's Hospital Auxiliary be granted permission for:a tag day on ' charge.- -,,Shipments of • stilt:_hy. water July .8th; that the knyer, the; Reeve trek ,been-;elirtalled;-It-WaS pointed *out,' and 'the Deputy • Reeve represent the bY reason* of the ..eetablishrnerit .-Of it Couticil at -the National Air Conference • telt plant in Manitoba which supplies ,to be -held at -Toronto May 2nd and mot of the.4;eqUirenientsef the.pralirie. 3rd„; and.that-the Council endorse the di:Arleta, and because of wartime pres. Stratford resolution Asking for an in - 'sure on lake shinning,,whigli presents it crease In old -age pensions and a lower- ---''.—dittlealtr 4nm-tiding- altipments. by Water ffig of the age at which 'pensions will to 'Montreallor pte-Quebee-and export be paid: ' -P-Atka44., coneteif and parks e, The matter . 'vas referred to , %the repot:amended. that the'D.clutirinan en - water, light */114:11art).0,r 4eoxamittee, • deavor to seeure.the.services_og *care-, . •• To Bury -Telephone able& ' taker for 'the narkettes- and 'for the • The BeliTeleplione feo..euttined,plans rock. garden. on Harbor Hill. • for work pronowed to :be (done and.asked The .fire cominittee recOrathended that for the Coireell'A Itt is 'Dr°. the commanicatiort from the fire , de- posed te. plaee *WOO cable . a partMent regarding the noise similar to pole on Beach. street,..north under ;the 'that 'of filo .fiee siren 'be .filed, "a& the trttekiii:.1034.89.41t the, •pier ,innstinee, haS been rettiedied.r. • • perty to a Hydro pOlel on Oxford street „There' Wee' some question pf the use from Hfieen road to a. point niartb Or the? word "remedied," a couneillor ' *Regent street and O.:private pronertY stating' that the noise had north" :of Regent- Street atitd West a only been ,partly, remedied. •• Oxford street;- on . St, David's. Street The fridiastrial committee • recom- from Cambria:road eat for a distance. Mended that an agreeinent of sale and . 230 . feet; -also. „lo..„, glaze pote.,o, bylawHbe -prepared -for -the 'Sale •"`Of • private prOpertY 00 Regent street and portion of the .,National Shipbuilding glove one 'on. Maitland. read. littried property- on Negate street atreet „to *Geo. , is 0:6' be at. depth' of eighteeniatidesort. • * • inches and covered with, :41/2421. ' 11,(043r Turner expressed appreciation .for protectien. "When" the ahove.week of frtho work of Mrs. D. D. Mooney hits been' earried Ont.'? ;the. Company's and her assistants in* the, distribution letter fitotedeit will allow tie to remove of the ration books. - bur -poles on. Maitland street from. Bri- For Protection of. Sthoot Children • tannia to Oxford street; on Oxford rarents of some of the chilrlren 41treet• from Maitland to Huron street, tending Vietoritt School being appre- •East street..from: station,to Cambria lienslye of stecident- at the„interseetion tet„and on St. Dari(re Street from of , Victoria arid Elgin streets,; the )ert to Cambria street,'" , *titter, of 'providing Florae, safeg,nrcril Thiti „was referred to the public works 'WAS referred, to the speeial committee. Tainnittee. Conn. Brown -said that in some places ,better frem County Cie* Miller older: invite net . policemen 'at Much Nd trees ordered for delivery intersections and see that the child- vo:Gudeituit: rook theTown----1000 sugar ren get- a:ertiss stifely. 1'111s mighf.. be pine.;,;,for Central School 50() white be asked to put up a caution ligh.t. mapio„ 156 red. maple, 200 Norway arranged. by the ' teuitieobeo'r,ra,it. herordugde. spretcp,, 550 white pine, 101) Scotch' Prevett suggested tinit the 'Government 'ash, 550 'white pine"- 50 each Norway Pending repair S to spruce and soft maple. • on the harbor hill read, the .rallwey Additional .0ne.milt Aubsidy COMpttir,V ,r4S granted permission to ' A communication from the ProVincial erect. signs limiting loads ou the bridge 00Partulent` of• MuuteiPut 'Affairs act. • to -ten Mine and sed to td five ,inilea en that,**Iti.Addition to the usual one- hour, the Town iteeepting no respons- Subsidy; the GoVeroment will this. ibility ta:t to enforeentent of the regain- , year pay a subsitly.of one mill on the — -" AtiseSsment for ednetitional. purposes.. Bylaw No. 0, for tlie, sale Of Town The Dentirtiort .Road, Machinery:Co. property 'Brook Street . to Reith 8. ,..tirote asking that the Connell ebpsiCtek - ropkinson for ;1,000, WAS ptultied• CA. and Mrs. D. W. Collier of Tor - ante Spent the, •Easter • week -end with the ttees, parents, Mr, •. R m , • kiss Liillas MacVidar,, of the Wel- land nubile school teaching -staff,'• Spen.t the-. Easier Vacation itt'her home:. Hineks street. ' _ 3/Liss Marjorie *IlaYa. of Bishop Strachan -School, Toronto, is spending the -holida.yS with her Mrs. It. 0.-Uast: •• Miss 6ait Saunders; of Whitby Ladies' College; is spending Easter week At the hOnieof her--parents,-i.„MrL and Mrs, W. F. Saunders. • ' • . • Misses J. Ryan and Lorraine' NeiSons* are -spending- a three *e'en' vacation with F/0. and Mrs. N...1). Williams Nassau, Bahamas, : ..Aniong the teachers in Toronto this week „for the O.E.A. convention are Mrs, P. Edward, Miss Esther Iinfae and 14isbis?3.1a4go'thleva,eS n°MIvella MDecar, • of Brant - fare; IS spending this • week at the Baptist parsonage, the ugest Of Rev. Joseph, and Mrs. Janes, • " Mr:44nd Mrs. , Gordon. -Taylor and famity-otVirfrigham, Spent Sundaywith ,Mrs, taylor?.agrandparents, -• aid MrS4)31,1"plie,i-_,Xatt-,Street,‘ . • Mr. and -is-R. 8. S. Eberhard, and son 4 Stuart:" of' London', Were ' Easter guests of -Itev;- Joseph_ and Mrs. Janes tit,tire-Batitist 'Parsonage.- ' •-' and Mrs`, Stranghart enjoyed he week -end with' Mr. Stranghaki brother-iii-lavit and sister, Mr: And Mrs, Wm. Mayhew, at Thamesyllle, Miss )3elle MaeVicar has returned from a -visit with her niece, Mrs. Bison, Oakville, and her Ronal:as,' Mr, and Mrs. A. *C. Mae -Vicar, Toronto.' Miss A. Cleaver, public health fling% spent -Easter with friends in Toronto, and attended at the welfare section of the„Ontario„Educatunial..,A.ssociation eonverition-tbitk-week. • 47. • ° •4' -Mrs. V. G. MacEivae had. as Easter guests her Siker, Misa,Olive'Geldthorne Of Toronto, and her daughter Kathleen' and Mr. David 'Waterhouse, hothcof he niliverptty of Toronto: - 4ey, Dr. T. Vardlaw Taylor, Mrs. Taylor and MisS'Edith Taylom'eturned. to their home here this vveek after spending the. winter pleasantly .in the St. Catharines distaet. •Miss' Mabel „Strang has returned herae after spending the winter months at Niagara-on-the-Lalte and Toronto. She. was 'joined•for the week -end by Mies Grace Strang of *Ottawa,.: • -Miss Eeittrite Campbell, of *We teach - big staff of ,the • Renfrew Collegiate Institute, is spending the Eastevholl- -days. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jarnes Campbell, East street. ° , Mrs, *- S. Arthur, of Voronto-',Ivrta eallectlibme lirthe'Serions, illness of her brother, -Barney William4en of Porter's Hill, who was hurt by fl tree falling on shim: lie is it patient in Alexandra Miss ,Elizabeth *Taylor, of Havergal College, TormatoLis spending the holi- days with. her mother, Mrs.. Taylor., 'She was itecompanied . by a school friiind, Miss Diane Christie of Nassau, Bahama, Islands. Mr. Fred Thomas, C.P.R. station • Max. Mia, Max. min. of the term in 1941, he 8ailkii fer agcnt, who ten weeks age ,,811.43thta Thurs.; Mar. 80• 20 02 34 few months before going to Toronto Multiple fracture of an arm in 4 MO u. aveident nem, (-141ittani. in „soliob rs. mar. 31 .... .*26-* *70 , '45 to enlist.- • ' ocaLsolosAvere given by ,MaryLou Sanclerson, Charles ' Keinp,•• jr.„ and, Prances Brereton; 'readings by •Shirley Young And, Ruth ,AlcNevin; and a ehorus by Lois 'Campbell, Barbara Sehutz,” Catharine MacDonald and Viola- Leitch. • With Mrs. J. G..cMc- Dougall at the piano, June AireCabe daneed tbe Highland fling, in• pretty Highland costunie. piano duet was T110111(14 WAS killed, loni beep diSe arged 1.$,,tit" API% 1 ..... 47 *36*. .., •. , front hoepital and, has ' ned to-. 01111,0APr- 2 33 - • 25 ' ' 47 -" 20 ', A goodiy rtuota of Gloilerich boys in Goderielr. r „ Mon., Apr. 8 ,33 Zir 20 20 the Royal Canadian Navy Were home , - Mr., and , Mrs., A. D. Alet,ean had 118, Till'as 'Ain".... 4 32 ' 10 , 42 26 for the Easter °Itiiiiilaya. One of these their guest,mfor 'Eater Mr; antiMrs. Wed„ , Apr. 5 33 23 42 . 26 IS Edgar "'Hallam, son of Mr..and Mrs. : . W. Afeikle, Of Condon. their son, 'John Thurs„ Apr. 0 44 , 20 ' 28 18' To. a. Pridhain. fresh from his gratin- : , foikill,.. of Toronto. mad theft: litraghte4 Fr+, ,,,ipr. 1 ..'.:„.51 ,,', 32 - . 32 "" 22 atieli as ti- -sigiuthitan -at II.M.C.A.• St. Airs. • Harvey Gilbert. and baby; of Sat, 'Apr. 8 ..,,,,,,49 37 47 31 lIyaeirithe, loeated.in the Quelyee eity London„ ups. omerers iroebrind was Sun, Apr., 9h5 • 37 54 32of the stone name., Ile expeete :Shortly seriously vvounded in ItalY, alld Is 41.t UM., Apr. lo :..,tio 35 48 27' to .he growing' whiskers on the briny present 'in a artilitarY beSpital,, In Tues., . Apr. 11 '38 -32 • 44: '," .2.3* deep.. , Edgar enlisted tot Menthe age England, .$ Wet1., ' p ... i2 82 43 ' 80 , ' 4just 1.1t.e,wctit.oiis 4,4theorn„t"neoiloni,vaendwIre4aeit ;was. attacked. - lili he said, "The eoncuSsion knocked me down. I got to my feet and made for • the upper :deck. By -then .ntos,t the±,- companY__'_*re lowering tile sea We Were shikin fast and -Mit - as we got e first beat awa,,y,...„. a *secon lied -Iwo of friends, And •,we - got 'the, second •sealioat • away. When * htliorte4me.7Firrb•thil esen4etXt°uftrftYslix t°'13;;tlinr:t, - 4, • _ we driftedrareenti.in the boat; in the cold and rain, without' food or water, before we =, we were picked ,up by an 'Australian Navy,. destroyer.',' . • " *His second torpedoing came - when „hie ship was sunk in the North Atlantic, in September, 1942.. "We were pro- ceeding on our own at. the tithe:and'• just before,eaybreak we got he Said., •, 4w‘TelbearSeilyPhsaaunktiiiiine.tfoenert,inogin.ntiesthai4fid We lost about ,,fifteen 'men'. this time; .' two -:•of Ahem. died_ ef-Injuries:',_in--"our--,--if, boat before We were picked up. We • drifted thirty-fiveliours in a -rough Sea.' ./1!%;7,o Daya'in,Opcii goat •. "Guess my third -escape was the Inck- test771-e-,'Iielif- 14 , November laSt'year:, was asleep at 1 the time the ship was hit and, like Most of the crew, was-atwakrened., by 'the sudden rush Wiler-oVel my I got out of'bed, grabbed my pants and. •• - a sweater,' ankhitfet the deck, but the 'ship was sinking d I :Was in the water beforel knew •it. I couldn't see anyone. around but 'did .nOttee a sea - boat 'some yard's away., 'I *swam toward it and •arrived about the same tine aa -three other -shipmates. There:wasn't a.: .thing in the aedboat: • no ears no rudder; nothing but the shell. remahtede -We searched areund andpicked up five more, men who hitegaved themselves by by clinging•_. te:fleating ,parta7, of „the: Wreckage. We spent ,twO days in the open boat lest -honing • Tore •,_we : were " rocued. ..got, to admit that's one. time.I thought was a goner." • :• Greenwood ,y at , •.... 'lad •worked on the Great- .Lak." 'He received • his, initial training at an,. -East • Corrisrt'trainixtg---baSe" 'sand, 'Ext-'' rodiately' volunteered for duty with DefenSively'Equipped„Merehant Ships. "I &Will want to pond mai?, more.-tiMe-- .ashore than I had to, and As I'd alwa liked to trayel, I decided BEMS wood • be the. best ;place to Aid. excitement j and 'see the world. Guess. it Was be cause I always 'liked the 7..Water..4m1-.--- now I just can't, get used. to being ashoarrfie,en_otw- 0,0441,,,atu_c 41;14_ from every bort of call' ites,.7visited and also. acquired command of three foreign languagei-during.-his.traveIS, - trained at Quehee City, ,Deep -Bra*, N:p., and Hyacinthe. tug Honor Jtidge T. M. Costello and - Mrh. Costello have received word that , their son, ,Sgt. Terence 'Costello, ,who .tvas reported-ndssing in air 1. operations in October laSti and had sinee been presumed_dead, -was buried in West • Ilffein 'cemetery near Kassel, - &litany. "Terry" Of. the best. beloved of Goderielf's young men,. only tWentyttwo years of 'and his-. death, now confirmed, iS mourned Iv the whele 'town. •' . • , IC ' , ,44 Stoker: (Iiisi-ciass) IfitrOld Ilibbert„ • -son of Mr., and •Mrsti,- -Frank Hibbert; it* ]IOW on dritY aboard an aireraft earlier on the Paeilia. Ile trained at Hamilton and Vancenyer.4 ontaii Bowler, .011 a Mr, 'and Mre• .' Thomas Bowler, reeently . home oat leave, fins been, .n.romoted to the rank - of first-class Stoker. Ile Is located at Deep Brookt Span. "Fred Dowker is horde e*.. fonrteen-day leavevisiting his tatter, Mr. G. N. DOWkei, Petty Officer Raymond Barker, yigitea bur minento, 111°4.111rd. Mrs.11 Ilarkerofor several dayedast week, returning on Arttarday 19 - - Prientis 'were glad -to grot Mr. Reg. 0.14.M.;'• on leave from his duties In the navel service at tel :fertridiftrid. Tre omit ntew (1014 With when: seventeen year8 of, age and i his relative here. 4 •