HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-04-06, Page 7PORTER'S HILL, April 3. On 'day evening Mr. and; Mrs, 'Yoe Wilson .,terrt*ined a number of neighbors and friends to s. jolly evening of games and dancing. Mr. Bert McDonald and Mrs, Voila s3[pliemusieand dancing g co n t3n0.41—umtil-the woesnnua'bonr Reg Fuller, when about forty neighbors and friends -enjoyed- euchre, datetng and social Out. Peter- Haber "and Bert McDonald supplied must', with Mrs, Roy Wilson .at the Piano. ' This party was -a farewell ter Maitland Pr uller who was leaving Wednesday morning for his vessel that bad, wintered in multi rli --.--otbssiling-and' . �n b� Mr. Fang Mrs. Pert McDonald and family are moving today to thelr new home on the Blue Water 'Highway, re- erutly -bought from DickaM ,Organ. Our school was -elosed4or a couple of 'Jays last, week, the teacht(r, Ivan Turner, being Mr. and Mrs. Reed Torrance attended , :the .auetion sale 'on. Saturday at her father's at Mippen, Mr. lvisou bas; sold n Will retire.. Ivison;Torr-: :his.>:.furrm .a.,_d-_.._m_ �� . ranee,' who `hia'w'lived �e ,:past_ .three° 'GODERIM SIGNor years with lbs!gramisat er and mit, will coaattlntte to work with the family mat bought the I"n Orin. Betty Newton,, Sky.'tarl r, nt :thee week -end. With her parents. ,,1p Jaye of old the man with 1poivrder' in his gun, went out to get `a deer; ` hut nov ' the `dear with powder on -her ,nese,goes. hut- t'tl n�..., _ ;, its oo YeZ 6477744,9;40017140/ /A 77 47 +►?7704 f /f*/ ;#'41;e40.44.,' `:.• 'moi /%�'.1r. •�.'�a rJ{. f!�`�ft'•'t r+v�7{;'. �: Ib} til:} ti{•y: •; {:}y:•}7{:�}{}j.'.}`.•;.<•,i::v:':•:1:':•::::{!.:,:;:;ill'�i}!'v::; {::;': •! •:•i'`'r )0s; 100,4/ ,,' I'ig TWA' a 77/1A1, 'ir e :504' ` ' TTY 'tP Td'A/rV g ,//E" Fl -11/- 77ot '!fie , vei/5-I1PF //eeta 05S/PES-140 swa ,x4-meey 70 :00 OUR PLENTY k ' .IS A RESPONSIBILITY We in Canada, have plenty 'compared with the rest of the • . world And.each of us "Would •certainly vote for sharing that plenty With Quin own boys.over- seas and our allies; too! But this means. we Must •be ; pre-, pared -to -accept. estricuons :. ' without complaints and --even • moire importantwithout • 'cheatingon them. That is one way of oing our, share. JOHN LABATT, I.IMIALTE Londoner C aim •_- .. hurchil art intendent of Tlxo�dg � . h , the Clinton Knitting CO., `liar Purcha the old,—established, shoe ' b in ..sof 'Miss Eva :Cluff at Ctinton. ' James 'Sanders, *elope resident of the .Exeter 41004 4, hied on av 'h• 25th in. a hospital at 'Londono Ile was .in his sixty-eighth year. - Mr.. • and Mrs,.. Purvey Ds1son, on March ':'28tii Celebratedtheir fiftieth f e s t wedding anniveraklry t their baro at hone Ito G. Soldon, well-knownresident .:of, E eter, . ir, seriously 111 :and, last week was removed. from Victoria Hos- pital, London, to the Mayo Brea; cliirie at Rochester, ,Minn, Mr. Selldon's son, D►r. Ilarry.. 'Selden, is „on the staff at Mayos', ,Mr. And,,Airs, Lorne- Wilson, Tuteker" smith, announce._ thio ..`eraent of their daughter, Hazel Elizabeth' Juries to Roy Sproat Me0onigle, son of Robert McGonigle, Seaforth, and 'the late'Mrs. McGonigle, the, marriage to tale place quietly the middle .ofpail.. , Mr '• and Mrs. Thomas • ]faa•irservice, Loudeshoro,.- aninounce.• the erne gement of their youngest, 'daughter,, Joyce Agnes, to : William Christopher 'Ken i to r een of Air,and Mrs.' Victor nedy, eldest "Our Family Regulator is DR. CHASE'S KEDNEY- PILL~I LIVER • MStamps If it.is inn a�n ad�vertment blow you toWar Sayings .. ' • �' " DAIRIES • .. : a. ' - • In twenty-six -' seeaof TheGoderich Signal -Star, advertisen ents underthis DRUGS `• . in Gor<lerich and district. h , .will,contain several names . of persons'living . heading _ , nam s will ` be selected - rom4 Iesubscriptioti list of ' -The Signal -Star..-. r) e 'if the "advertisements, clip. the 'advertisement, Simply find- your nttme :ja Cilie _ receive _:__ �_ present.�it�to-the storee.In which yobs al .apl 1' sT�1iQtX GoMplefe line -of Balmy -;•Products *MR BAR and LUNCH COUNTER Near 'Theatre ' I West. 8t. - ry one 164 . . MdianuflS 4iu litj►T.Patry Products° Milk, Cream, Devon Ice Cream SIT OUR DAIRY*: " BAR Stanley St Phone �. RESTAURANTS ar_ vii: Stang FreeSas FURNITURE r:- poci,1 Prices ola BED OUTFITS ' Steel Bed, Spring. and Mat- tress, Felt ` or " Spruig.Filled. CItANSTON'S V; r IT IS NOT TOG EARLY to place -your order for some of Jacksons Special Tomato Plants.- ,r They ' will' _be in 'bloom. when planted out; also order Spanish Onion Plants now. PKorne 105. -acksons Florists 1 D.A. DR tGST•OIE� 1"rescripti0s a ; Speoiatty • 1'hone 45 . Goderiieb • ' ELECTB C x r " to . >, a xm esb'oro o xrcr . •i'nd l take,place the ;middle. of `Ibis traonth 'ohn K. Wise, a well-known reside,.. of -Clinton, on :March 27th sWinn' to a .stroke. after a brief illness. ',vats ,in .' his eighty-third .year. Born in the. . township, of Tuekersmith, he tatinted. there until thirty . years ago at`nd -load' since • lived in Clinton except for `three years spent iu Goderich.. He u•'txgh •d .tie Survived. by � his wife, a. rr, Mrs. •.4. Clifton Proctor; and ' grand-, d ihtcr Sh irleY,Pr eta - Clinton; •: i sister, 'Mrs. Hannah, Shipley. e of %",lintoi. ' ,. ti - j' "; ialo, r , ,'1`he: death of lane. Lawson Leitch, widow .of Alexander Leitch, occurred` -on March 20, th at 'the home. :Of her son, George_ Leitch, Mullett'towriship , io,'her, eighty-seventh year, ,' Mr ,- Ditch, the daughter of Mr "and: Mrs Anthony' Lawson, was born in Goderlcli township end. ter --slier` idaarriage slie hall her husband farmed in 'Mullett, .hair. Leiteh,`' who was Reeve of lIutlett',ftr several ears, died in 1.929.' ,Three daughters and one son surviVet Mrs. Bruce Medd, Melsillop; Mrs. Robert 'Jamieson, Hui.' lett ;..Mrs, William L.' Johnson, Clinton, and George Leitch, on the homestead, • Engagements Announced .- .' t nn d • ,. . Y .. The' • engagement is" announced of Audrey - S. Reid, daughter of the late Mr. and. Mrs: W. 3. Reid, Wingham, to W. Hartley Smith, son of, Mr. and: Airs. ..r(,sc?ph Smith, . Witighana. The liar- riage to tale place .in London tlae middle of .April Buttow-Aitehesoii .At•the "N'lIiteeh.urch manse, on'March't'r, 2 `ill -the marriage took 'place of Ethel Marie- se(ond daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arehie Aitcileson,West ,Wawvanosh, to Ernest Bertram Button, son. of ' and Alis. Robert Button, Euro ' o� :ship., The ceremony was performed b ' Rev. A. R. Wirson. After a trip to pronto,;;. Flarmilton and ether Ontario opts, the ,hippy "co-nple- will -:reside;'on ' the--bride-- groom's farm• west of Lucknow" . Golden' Wedditig of ,'• r East Wawanosh Couple - •.5lfr. and Mx . James' Wilson,' .East' Wawanosh celebrated ••their;, • ,golden: wedding anniversary on Saturday, Atai•rc-h, 25th• Mr hs1 Mr ,„-Wilsou:a�tlr, flit"ormerly Priscilla Sowler) were inarrted at; the °. A•ubnrn • Methodist par. .: soiiake`Ott : zareli 2f 894," by Vey*,, W - iar1. 3a lily--- _ hey hate 'a: family_.,of two daughters:•'and. two sons : Mrs. Fred. , McArthur, . Owen Sound ; Mrs, William, ,?-Gew.,-2441? Blyvtla.;,.1 u ..and :George, '' • fn r>rns near ,Blyth - - The ee e'ra, on on WAS 11. double one, March 25th being also - 'um.. . Wilson's seventy-seventh birrthdayr Vint y Harbor were -s their home. l*"ilrrar Mr- Ivan Vvett,wl -Um . The in .Hamiltorti returned home ,end of the week, ,Stior �. NE' ' Ti wr metas* Brow F i r' t Croce kits nn please ,+rrir� -01,044 tlitf ToL AIGEINTO Call at our ofgce; rh0e 240 drop us a line to Box 161,, G i ' W'e :tel be ldeaaed 'to cry' and help cine a ..rte orial, for your fan iiy plot.• . R. "-A. A SPOTTON . Andrew's St. Feel Chic ly . - - Start to .Sneed,' . ' Nose. Starts to, Ru -n4 Then'`conies .the cold which, if not attended to. - immediately,' shortly works down int the ,bronchial tubes, and tbe cough. starts. ' Ong. the s e:'fr t sign °ta cold or cough go -to any: drug counter ,and,get' a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine ` Syrup. You will find it.to be. a prompt, pleasant and ; reliable remedjy'' to help .you get rid of your .trouble: -It has- been;oii -the- market:for the past 48 years. Dont experiment with..a substitute and ••be r t •disa_>; rntedet�Dr;: Wood s . ` l'1 , Frieeh e3 a bottle, 't-h� l,arge family size, '- ook for the trade lir ark: "3 Pine -Trees:" j " •, The T, Milburn Co'.. Limited, Tvru'uto,. Ont. T. EA • I3 M4`R L S .` .: Our 'unoral, Chapel rombinr the dlgn!it ' of a place of, wars' p ; . and, ' the refinement of a , gnlet ireardidence.: T PRONE 1:20 FLOXD M. -LODGE, Direr �..Y u .. arvited to ..xisi n . Chapel,.... Cehimines . program _wiryCENX, Wungham,. each .$und27, afternoons '0' 2.490 o'clock. FUNERAL SERVICE: -- pf,,our:'Funeral Home Toron- to .Street., Prompt " Ani u ane+ Service Phone 335 ; ' ? e . 3 ox' Complete N -o Se. C._t, e, Aas exa chSaErRgefoE usmll olef 'ourrodevn .Funer 17 Mteal- -- Blue fB rd and , foie ifitno DIAMOND RINGS , BULOVA,7LORIE, LO„ � ON14$ , andROLIX , WATCHES SILVERWARE and PVT, GLASS obertson Phone .1"36 , GoderricIit'r AUTO 081LE TARTS .. r ' , - GENERAL r ` ....HARDWARE LOVE ;RROS.. PAINTS. SPORTING GOODS , West ,St. , :Phone 486 It STAUiXOME MADE C.A ND d . . Pone • THIS IS STATION: E�A-T. FUEL;. DEALERS _Huron Latnidry Ir • Cleaning: PROMPT . SER -VICE "When we''ie through It loopa liken v ' Hamilton St.. Phone `229 • ASSOCIATE/STORE ". ;L: 0: WHETSTONE; Prop, r TIRES,:at►d, BATTERIES ':Hamilton St. Phone .69w ,hold -Your: Warlivings. lug s. A good . way to' spend your even ing ,or leisure „hour in pleasant congenial surroundings: Royal &wling. coritaC'1'I'ON$, TION• 0' EVER'3f DhSCIt' 1v1CADE: r� JEE ` "`Credit. Reports Enquiries Tiraitetl 12 ONTARIO .ST. • STRATFORD 424764. SaultsCoal C� COAL --. ort WOOD Phone '75 • Nelson St: Under tryfng circurnlstainees we . are • trying to do a good job.: You Will in this a good firm to do business with. YOUR • FRIENDLY' CITY SERVICE REALER Yc u : may have pan"sed for..=a moment,; !in the midst of your war production, to ask *� yr - ... likely i . be?" `hut are m rest ,Ivor: " �'oblems iktd be. "We too; ' -are- •tkfought 'to suhrobiems-3, ... • and acre akhig preliminary Militates of cur ctxsto x ers' iirobabli, requirements in peace:time after,.. victory.' You .may thifk.., the • time lias arr ved to discuss suck matters with ..your' banker.. If ,so -,we shaIir be glad • to have you come. in and talk • wxtl' us.. THE; DEAN COAL Ca COAL acid COEE N4 aro trying our best serve you with our'avaliable"supply of Fuel, , A Phoit 'flaw Albert St, Fender Shop 84 East St.' • :Phone 206w Due to ' pr,+iorttiorx and lack rrtf 8omo essential lr'a.rts we find._ ii%posail►le tir give pro -war s9ervi e',,,, ILC; matt* b E.1). r $ON Complete Line :of +RESl1 FRUIT it VEGET.' ALES• 4 IN SEASON SCIENTIPIC YIQUIPMENT • FRIENDLY SERVICE. i:I hale 470 , East St, Mrs, 1). Me1h'atiri, tkoderich • THE PIO < F TOBACeo it DOES taste good.in a pipe, B' T t" WAIT SAVINGS 'S 'AleS ItEGULA1tL