HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-04-06, Page 5The Only
Accurate Way .
When your eyes receive a
f essio l e • y:! e .ezaulination
Scientific '•,tests e:�,�tiug
• ar`
made ' to ,see bow the eyes re-
act to. a number of,knoWn
conditions. Professional eX-
perience an skill aided: b.
precision, recision , tical instruments
• op
are the only accurate -means.
of. • telling exactly.' hove,
=; 1
` r' e
uCiexlt �e
Misr 11;;;Iiiiggiuson has returned:fro ,
a. visit with friends at Windsor.
A.URWW'RN, ; April <... „fir. Wm.
Ilwain and Amelia M'eIlwain are visit -
in; 11•Is.•.•Meliwain'' brother -In-law, Mr.
Thnnnas Rogerson, and 'Airs.
of Streetsville,, Bank of
Miss 'Jean ' .cott, of B
`C'oMfiner + , I'arkliilt,�is--holidaying with
.her 'Pa -rents,' ?Cr. and Mrs. •Rfiobt. Scott.
.. nd; , s-. �--Ed ,a-LawieM . spent.
Ml.�t 1tilLx � �
Monday, at Kitchener visiting ' I.r. and
VXrs.,, Walter Moore. We are sorryto
• report that Mr, Moore is critically„ ill;
.F t.
.A. S
i R ,.
obt. crag, a , �,
Segs. R C � .�.
Thomas, and. Miss, Ila Craig ,Wittgliahl,.
sp ent ,the week -end at their ' hofne. here.
Mrs.' Jahn McKnight • has returned
her "home after` visiting friends
to. i
..trand:.God 1.
r c ,
1 ' ton.
C ir>`
There will be .a• (food Friday Service
• , �
rc ` $. .
' am c at m
is u h _
ill h
In. St, Mark's .Anglican p
tern _ will
The rector,. Rev: P. IL -Streeter;
bring, the message.
.Mrs.• Jeremiah Taylor is visiting, her
daughter, Mrs."'Lloyd Raithby, and Mr.
Raiithby, of London.'
Rev. ..W. Sherm; ,anof Sparta, has
en -renewing acquaintances here this
week. ,
Mrs. Chas. Asquith has been visiting
friends in Toronto. •
There will be a special Easter ser-
vice iari. the United church• °ont Sunday'
evening to be conducted by Rev. H.
Snell.* • They e'hoir will be assist d by
a ehUreh orehestra from" •Brussels. At
the service last • Hurnday, Bert Marsh
was ordained as an elder.
Ration !Mks to the %umber of 840
were issued en . Thursday, and Friday
at the 'Orange Hall. Miss Amelia - Me-
IlWain Waslircharge and Was'-aselsted
b:, :Misses Alma Hutch,, and Madeline
Yungblue Mrs. -Fred -Ross,- Mrs ;.Earl
McKnight And Mrs. 'T'. 8. obnstenr
A large nuiriber`' attended the dance
in" the .Foresters' 1lali elk Friday night'
which . was: sponsored b" the Victory,
Club. :::Hosie was `furnished by Tidiai's'
orehestrsi`; • Robt.. Turner' and W m
Watson .were door. managers.
Pim*: I'resbyte ian ilV.M. S, -'-The
dn h
' i sdav
'afternoon at the home
Miss dasePhile Welrr. _A s_• -Ed ar.
-Lawson.was in charge of • theMeeting,
The Seripture, was read
and this was followed by• prayer by
Mrs.: Jas;. Woods. The .secretary, :Mrs.
John Cowan, read her ` report, also a
letter-ot#hanks grams- Mrs. W.- Tr Rbbi-
non for a plant sent to her. It was °a
deelded to hold the Easter thank-offer-
ingin the church basement. on
ng Meeting
Thursday, April , ' 13. ' „ The.topic,
"British Guiana' As It Is Today,"" was
taken by : Mrs. ,John 1-louston. The
Bible study was reviewed • by Mrs.
Lawson, It was decided to. purchase a,
piano in the near future, for the, -Sun-
day school room. The meeting was
closed with Abe' Lord's Prayer, and
lunch was • served by Mrs, 'Harvey Me -
Gee and Mrs. Cowan. , '
United . Church W.M.S.—The Easter';
thank -offering Meeting of the -United
church was held • on Monday ate ,the
111i A� O ti
. O 11T
To 411 Employers:
All Unemployment . insurance Books, for. the
year ending' Marco. 3lst, 1944, must be ;ex.
changed for new books;
� K iidl et num oft cate°� z me el y with the
• nearest -Employment; and Selective •Service
-Office • if. you , have" not already exchanged you
empk yes banks. , .:. :, ._
.,: t+ !r. r4r-a rol.ttes for •'•
--_ f ariling-to •make- Unenzpioyrnent
Insurance 'Contrbutions ` for
rour insured em to eee and
for failure to renew "the- i• n
once Books as required
To 141/ Ear! /o ees
r; • .. `If you are - ark insured pera
son . {protect your
benefit tights
.. _ ...•Y protect
hts by.. seeing that,:: your .Insurance
Boa has been excha,ri$er _ _ a
at lot 10, Lake Road West, ou No. 21.
Eighty -live young Oxford ewe.**. d!
ato''axnb April 200.1.
The farm -of 90 acres• will:'ala0, bt
offerred fort gale at the same 'tire. It
will, be subject to +. reserve bid. It.
e t r rick:. -h ,e, wired deli, f al r red-�
foal hydro; ,3—piece bath and furnace.
Bar.4 40 70, henhouse and drive house.
"F'iv'e nails .north ,of ,
Sale :starts at L30 p.zn.
T r for ewes—cash ; ♦ terms as to
o ewes—cash
•...faxmpwill be'made known of �, sale.
WM. COOK, Proprle .,
14- t LIQ • IIE . A. et neer.
:,. • OU.SEIIQ ►
• voik
Economize with
Long Life
OHT .1r1 THEM /-4 YOUR
message was ably given, by"Mrs.' Snell.
A. duet was rendered by • Mrs. inaetzer
and°•111/14. Sid: McCline'hey. The offer,
ing was taken"and :dedicated. • by 'Miss
King.- Prayer -by Mrs: Jas. Roberton
brought the meeting to a Close.--
home of: Miss Siist'e Blair. The presir Victory Club. --The Victory Club held
(lent, Woods, was •in charge M. James , sx �' g their meeting • in the Orange Hall ; on
of .the opening exercises, A.. card of:
'. •. IRNISih`INGS, ON '
'C'3RR � AX` 'SAF 11:.Stii,..
SA,�'...,.Dr r R ,,-
.t e
at h
xlcl?r the' fell win
• r
.. g
1: chesterfield suite, • Piece; A
ehiit`robe; : 1 ice refrigerator,
(all clearly new);;; 1 breakfast set; •1
kitchen? set; - 1 chesterfield table.; 1
dufold; '1:.'electric plate; 'arid 'oven; 1
oak buffet ; ,-rockers;-3-• Iawh-oh'airs
2 Quebec heaters; 1 clothes- hanger;
1 lawn • mower; 1 0040. fuel ' tank;
1• single bed `amid springs; 2 double beds
and springs; r 1,. , dresser and stand; :3
, 1
air;M sea
• 'rail
bottles; otherarticles too'numer-
to mention.
. .•
thanks was read from Mrs. O: E Tuesday evening;. Mrs. 13ert Daer and.
Erma. A,reading, "Alone," wasgiven Mrs. Ernest Patterson were the win-
bjY firs•'Woods:Mis Margaretin netsat:prpgressive euchre. :Mrs. -marl
McKnight " pr,'esided for the business
thentook charge of tl-e program. After
the singing of a hymn .the responsive: period, which opened with:' the singing
reading was taken from the study of tile theme song, "Carry On." A
book,•- and Psalm 748 in .the itvmnary reading, was given.. by, Mrs. -Hugh >Ben -
was, ''retia responsively; The lieritids nettr a- journal. Was read by Mrs. Mc-
were given Miss . Mae• Verg>.ison •• on Knight and Mrs. Harold Nicholson con- _ drawers ; glass cup oard ; : Congoleum
China, Mrs. Fred Toll,' on • Christian tributed a.. reading. It was decided to rug;'rug; 'Westinghouse battery radio;
stewardship and Airs. Jas: Jackson -on remember, at ' Easter. Private` John. rocking cbYairs; tables; :" electric iron
an A reading,. "Easter," was Robertson', who is a• patient at Byron (new) ; lawn mower ; two: knitting' ma-
�te by �xrs. r d .'al•l.--.The-Ein •,s Sanitoritiin, and Pte. Roy Vodden, who `chines; 'books;' sorted ,new quilt
. , . , i Ste is'"•'confine tr West miter Hosprt<B, patehes - large.,- uantlty--of ne and.
Landon. Both 'seen have been invalided antique dishes. Included in the ,:antique
horns from overseas. Arrangements dishes are two: tea ,.sets, 3ug..and 4
were. made for the -dance on April 14th., tumblers,.. 6; .fruit dishes, vinegar:lar,
, Lunch was served. by Mrs.. Andrew '2 sugar holders and .tongs al on silver
Kirkconnell, , Mrs; Robt. Turner,_,Mrs. stands, an cheese diah ; ..si'lwverware
• aggitt1-and Mrs. H ighBennetti. kitehen,zitensils : dyed sheep's wool -for_
.Collection $2:75 'mats; mats; OW; linen tablecloths;
of • the Iate Mrs.' Ellen ' Mair, at the'.
corner of Joseph. • :and Orange,. streets,
towsik of Clinton; on
• : at 1.30 .0'0.00%.
Two -burner electric stave with mien;
Beach Book stove- With lot water front;
heater 'with, Oven; extension table and
6', chairs ; 8 -piece' dining';-r-oom spite;
parlor suite; cot -and mattress; cherry'
"edroora suite;. antique bedroom. suite ;
single • bed with iha,ttress; chest of
lel' L•�.I?�i lfi .f ole yup u�
s been the :order of the day. The past
week pat a atop' .to the run and the
to raa,i
trees wili ha.+�e also
tapped eve , again,
Wood 'buzzing also is in • order these
days, ., but the sn'bw,torpr: has put a.
damper : en that;; also, .
41tite a number from here Will attend
;the. Clinton Spring Show on Thursday:
M iter Kerr, '•'tat=ho "has ,been
for 'Geo.' Bean,- ash hired ed
Mr. Alex, Watson n fo� eight mosths
beginning April 8. .. .
Acarid f Mrs. Wm. Ruddy . -:--.A "life- fancy work.; and 'axes,' rakes, •shovels.
the . person of Mrs, Wm. Ruddy, died a:t HAROLD JACK SOly;
her home early .Sunday morning. "She A.u'ctioneer.
had been; ill for ,several months .with f1LIVPJ'.GILBERT
a heart 'condition},: Mrs: Ruddy' was 14- Executrix.in her -seventy-ninth year, having . been
.. ,n,;, 'siders f F t Luyan b •`i and •numerous•shier •articles..
ETON-''J-IUMP,URr' ::lvr1TC».Fr>;LL -
Minister al, La. ou.. R. J. ,TALLON-
lis:s.44 •
(in charge' of Mr. J 'J. Zapfe)
¶'uesdays' and Saturdays
borer on. the • 1Otbi .Concession of blast
Wawnnosh, ' the : daughter ; of • the: late
`Thotaas ; Irwin and _Mary - Ann Irwin.
After her marriage •10' Win. Ruddy on
'April 17, 1900, she' lived. on the 9tlt
concession -'of the s- a township and
thirty-seven years ago she moved to her
late residence, .Mr. Buddy passed avv'ay
nineteen years ` ago Mrs. -Buddy was
'o member of Eno' United church •nnd
of the W.M.S. "Silrviving' are one son,.
"r 1' ei is n t h�iitne�� ti rill one• r rhther '
Georae Tr�-aiis: -Hirst _"T.Srawanosh ' She
*as :preclee 'i 4i bi o 1 roti err "niid
two sisters. The, funeral tooklace'
front -the_. residence en ,Tuesday' n2ter
'noon and wns.conducted hR:,Rev.1 'arpld
Pallbearers -were Pierson Irwin,.
st Wawen osli Ta;clniuird• Irwin.. Ivan
'1"f 1 in. Goderieli Harvey. NfeGeo,-David
J�oekWart nnrl 'John Wright. Intel•-.
ment.rrns in '1't'rnghnm cemetery.
J 4
The undersigned has been instructed'
by Mr. T..„Murray Moore, formerly. of
Goderich, to 'sell' ' by auction alt his
house, furnishings; on 4 .
at 2 pin. •
ut_ : Moser's store, Hamilton , street,
1 .;cal. dining -table and 4 ` chairs; I,
idivnnette-and rocker; -1 --rOund• `dining-
table-; srnall tables ; kitchen table and.
'4 chairs; 7 "odd ehairrs ; cupboard; 1
carpet sweeper'4-washstands::
(new) ; 2 clothes .l)olees_;,
electric - lamp; •2 -washstands;.__ 2 rugs,
9 x 12; 1 rug, •6 x 6; 2 other rugs ; 2
rtinners 1 wooden, bedstead, springs.
and mattress ; dresser and- washstand
Ito-ivatch;:1 iron bedstead; springs and"
mattress `(never used): 1 wooden bed,
springs and mattress ; 1 odd. mattress •
2 trunk's; 2 .lawn .chairs.; 1 Westing'
house 7 -tube radio (mantel set) in, good
'condition:1,1:old radio ; 1 `Singer sevver,;
1 .;hand waeher, wringer ..and large
clothes rack,;. • 8 -Piece set of w iteries'a
cookers'; odd pans, kettles -Nand dirties.;
pictures ; 2 -boilers ; 2 washtubs,' ca
stretchers�_u.nsi-_eiirta ns; ,some, waisurttins
and ininierous othc' rarticles.
14-15 Auctioneer.
13ETTGIgt.-•- t Aletandrn • -Hospital,
Goderich; o,�i:: c prig 5th,._19.13, to lir.
and rs,--1-Ialelcl : iettger;= G4der.idtr-
William_ ._
:KINi.k;AD. 'At -London, O1',`'riesday7
April -&,th,:I3ilile Kinkead, beloved and
elder son of Mir. ` and Mrs. J. II.
Kinkead;. Golerich, in his 4th year,
J'OIINSTON --In loving memory `of
my dear inother, `.:'' Alice ElizAbetli.'
Johnston, '' who_ passel. 'away April..
3rd, 1934.. . r a
--- Sbclly m- :od 1l lwrygdaughter,
)1rs:..Robert'lity. ... 14x
_� ►UGU
Al (1.1�y1yi3'£yll�i(l/il`, April '�d�.��{ �rl�'�p'y�
• tlts Mrtrle and Afro. A. Maartiaa 'VW ,•
friends in Toronto for a few \
r ee .e
r.' and Mrsd.,Fred Robluscin, r., and
fuinily, of Toronto, is t d their fr-o
bere reeentiym
Mr. and Mrs. James Ste. Mari* Wm*
;received` word that their son, Italtbbly,
}of ,the=Ro al Na��y�. is n �w in. _
y �'.S3 4 � 4 I��
Miss' a 1 .
>N to M l
Bret. R
s", nd n • this borne
pe trig s xnont. at the>
;fir. and ;sirs. Thos. (Malley,
le H
Sponsored by' roCo11. ,*rontenac
Also demonstrations and program' •'consisting of
cial` s- esker:
When ifs
thand-to-hand 'fightln -owi-machine
duns~pittig �i1ng`� fy-a1d-grinnin -death,i ,few_yards
away '. that's'when the hand grenade -does its:useful work,
flattening the -enemy in tai flash of high"e*plosive. In the,
pinches Canadian fighting men depend on '4pineapples"
those precision -built grenades no bigger than a "lemon. Our
gailant ••Canadians are todayr throwinghem far .an fail'!'""
, Blasting open the highway to world Freedom !
Tomake these .useful' tools of war, vas# quantities of, alcohol are used.
' t' its smash,n, .:,"�sunday punch", and
one of the togive
inRakingeve , y of war explosive. 11 gallon of
rt,anra. the r every,. p .
alcohol helps make So hand grenades.
All ofour pans are producing lid it't 'tart•qucy
• lt
.. , rrFJtt�.
on.- First Mortgages
•.Wow is the T).tE to stop- paying
root and to bili a farm.
Write us if you have lreetih?n1
iris about it.' We• may be able -
to. help youwith a loanAll in,.
quiries treated eonfioentiail' .
Mo11.TGA.0$ C0nponanop.
St. TUOMAS �.: -,.,. _ ,
-, hint ,M'•
- . Right ' Where- Trouble Is"s!
Soothing relief from stuffy, painful distress of acute catarrh',
comes fast as Va-troynol. spreads through the nose, reduces
swollen membranes —soothes irritation,- relieves.
congestion, helps' flush: out .cold-clogged_;nasal: t —
asa es. Makes breathing 'easier–
try Follow directions in kka e:
ty>< .. .
Paper and magazines are urgently needed for . war purposes.
Bags, _metals, rubber' tires' and tubes are also -'ren aired.
ADAS1'S-••are readily available at the ftoyal Bank
of Canada.to'any i,.. a nslblefarmer in, need
- f -ready -cash .to..fin ee Arm: operate •._ ._.Bach
- tains .re contirualry . being made by this hank for
• - the purchase of'seed'.and•feet llzexx livestock, farms _
equipment? breeder; catty, `to airieet':seasonal•'Yabou'r'
costs and for other prciductive purposes •
Many women have to do their oint
housework, and , the constant 'bend-
ing ,over, ,h tistg, anaki"n Irene;
sweeping, ironing,, sewing, o neces
sari to perform their household:,
duties putt a ,heavy., strain on the
back and kidneys, and if there were
no kidney weakness the back would
be strong and well. °'-
Doan's Kidney I'irlt help,to giro;
relief to iveaki backache, kidney oaf -
tering women.
Doan rs Kidney Pills Are put,
iza an oblong grey box with our trade ,
mark. a t, Maple' Leaf'' Ott the.
on't accept a substitute. ` «fie
eu •••and- get c'Doan.'s. r"
The T. Mributn Ca,, Lta., 1"orinLO, Ont.
When -you need cash toyh:nanee your f rm: opera-
tions, make practice of discussing your require.
Merits with the local Manager of The Xtoyal 'Bank
'(')f .
Ca�iailar.. lie will be glad to +e�plai� the, simple
c ditions under which such loans are. made and
the convenient methods available to 'you, for re