HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-03-30, Page 7THU Ouxr, MAROtI $Oth, 44
I'VESTFIELD, lidareh 314.1,84
=Ben Waloh o WjUghami VhAted Ali
" Friday with her parent* Mr.• and Mrs.
Oeerge Lee of Port_Alhert Nafi
0,4Weekend giiiiet at the, home of Mr.
]-,and aI "Wightman. - •
'The fanners are busy* thee daYs
map yip. • TheY are hOp-
, •.ing for A geed Season 'for "Syrtip;
Pte. Russel coo o„ ippetwaib,
vielted last week with tis parents, Mr,
• and Mrs, Leottard Cook.
'Misses Bdna and „Audrey' Walsh. Of
Vensall Were gusts over the week -end
. at the henae..of Mr .and 'Mrs. A. E.
_L. Thomas of „Tort Aleert,
'Miss jean..taintibefi Goderfeh and,
araYlfs. W. A, Carepbell and Don-
ald 'Visited On. Sunday- wMhjIelL
ith Mr., and
Mrs. Itichard Gardiner ot
arid Mrs. Gordon • Smith and
Barbp.ra,' of Goderfch; were guests ortl
:Sunday .at the home of M. akar Bfrs,
' L. McDowell. • „ •
Owing to the storm the pretious
week, the youog 'people 'held their $t.'
ttlek's-sociat last -Wednesday
tug ,tvi.th twenty-five present. Rev. IL leader, •The ScriPtare lessonread
Snell sere a talk On• lit Patrick. The
evening was spent,. in varleini „social,
activities. Lunch woe Served.
bark, • R. Stonehenge of nVederielt
visited last week with her slater, Mrs.
Bert TaYler.
In spite.o the -•vain- on- Thunder*
the. 01.1. -le of the Lorne Storiectionse
estate was wellattended, and gtted
lees -wet* -- --
The Farm For= w held at the
tome of Mr. aftd-Mrs, Walter CoOlc,
with thitty-eiglat present The broa1..
east- over OBI was listened to with
nuleh• interest, it belog. On the pro.1
giess of ,the Itadro Forum of tlm past se:tying were,mlistributed.
onr years. ,Ashort talk on reforest- .* IthotbOr• AirMan 110noretle-,-A, soeltil 1. •••
ing was *Yell 'bY 'Reward. CamPltelt evening Yo-13.3ioid 111 the eohootro.oni Of' fiTtigy '
LBEIVURN,-litareh Itir. and Mrs. '• IWO 28.-0. Yr1404
from St. Iluric-14, by Mrs. Vincent.
Prayer was led hy Walden,
Readings were gtVeti, ty Mns. Martin
McDowell on. 'Vile Rock of Ages,” fend
Mrs. Alva McDowell. 404 44The Right 110e
tilunda' MrS. Gorden Snell also
gave reading. ' The „chapter in -the
stndy. boOlt On Was -given by ittre.-
W. 141cVittie. ',The President, ,Mrs. Me-
had . Charge of • tile business'.
The roll -Call was -answered by the-payt
merit' ot• does': The Ladies", Aid have
ileciderto buy .a war bond. The
meeting closed 'with. prayer and „the
National Anthem., Red Cross ,y•arn• and
ltfeellittta ClUtton attended •the funeral eveuinZ friends and neighbors gathered
of the forMer's unele, Mr. D. Vothering, - ...,
340..13. Clutton, who was in Toronto and hds bride. After a short piogramf
twin, war Arneenem. on saturday„ at the hall to 'honer Bertram Curren
wradarem _wag_read and the Yenng
all Nvinter;-. r one op- for her brother'S were presented with a chair"
fUneralt. Our sympathy is extended AollP.,le '
to ttwni. v., , .•
,, , Mr a gift trine the -gatlierlhg-
We aro :SerrY to- repert_that Mrs.•. Miss ,LOuise Winder Of Luelsnow
Alex, Bogie 'Of Goderich, well.•kiaown spent the ,week -e4 •
With her friewl,•
here;.felt, and broke her liip .on Vdday rbS'ilis*InaJo.k ..., •
erenthg. - ner.r, ., many, ,reiative•s_ Auld Mr.„and 'MrS,•Dori. McIver and bane,
friends 4are sorry to hear, ot the rm.; ot ICialagg,, visited on Sunday with' her
ciaent „ , , . - • . ,.,•
- parents; 'Mr. and MrS. Thos, Blake;
The••social.activIties- were in charge Ot •the eliurch ott Friday' iwening In, henor - • . MARVII IRETTPS ON' TIM"
Bocharitin " and Ronald Tayier. 'et VAC. ciliford Walsh. .'of Ca -nip • CotemandOS March better On tea than.
.Lzt11,7focishirvnwoeettrt;etet,ontio, ;pending .e1l%ovrndien1 Vilso ,14Wv,e,asn.,,th,dinineiaertnyiniegavii6rpog,re: flcxt ,theast 1st rw„, 00004, en„e:deloi.
sive crokinole. The *Innen -Wen
a few days this 'week at the -home, of
her „aunt; Mrs. 'R. StonehouSe. Walsh, ihattalien was ...undergoing tiVelVe,
courfte" of battle traloing.. The
in Eileen Taylor and Lim Clifford
G°4deerd1•6460"w.m.s. The aled atinpdd roir bsu'eteurnann'l:teti," Revu,suel„ .Csii°e1i2tdaasYts-'six days Were devoted Mainly fo
Marching, and Miring' the, Peritid the
Cross""ctillittng was held :on Tuesday called the gathering to order and atter
coVered' ..mertt- than 2,80
morning in tile bit-s-ompt of ,the oriumb, few Appropriate ; words,. Cliftord 1°°t-81°ggerS
dinner, Was served. Du the eompletlhg WO presented witli 'a war eiviving4 cer-
. • . - • , tificitte bv 'Pte. Russel.- Coek. AlsO. a
of the three quiltS, the W,M.S. meeting "
Mr, Iternamt.Phillins. Bila and lierne
spentiMandaY in •Lereni-
Master Deuglaa patrick is .spend-,
ing tnis week in 09derictt With -tils
grandparents, • ••' •
tintended ter' ias't week)
Impt:Kj/%10, -March- end,
Mrs'. Kilpritifek and Doughts
viSited-•1*ith stfirs; Geo, Brooks,,- coo -
cession. 1,, no. WedneSday, itfrneen,
Thos. Anderson, tspent * the
weels-end at the home, of his. daughter,
• HarrY 0.-0/41,07,;* teet7,
derit lot Exeter,. died Olt iihettlt/Y--
The Village Couocil
havesting p.m* lor now am ogloWiiitlAtt
including , trot* and siren. "
"Wingham has 'instituted' a municipal.'
garbage colleetiOn sYStem •whieli com-
menced .operationg tliia week.
• Mr. and Mrs.' janteoll: ICero0y, Dine-
NItie; „Celebrated the fiftieth Imutvers•
arfot tneir ort March 21st.
• was. well knoWit there, but lied rooddlal
tor wooly pare with her brother,
Charles, 1400re,- itt thtMutil.
1-1:14:11:1.44111Uritelltattal,g4 giR.::1311.43414:16:Yriti141;gktede.whielt-trtiaLleut°6434.
IttaCe""retently et Wiedeor Vrit,a1.,bstt ot
Oerald Antigniy Rau, bora* front Over.
Sees, where he wag' aide to Ge,neral
A; G. Metgaughtonjor memo than a
Year. 'Lledt. Ran• is the -son of tare.
The death Of Dougaid rotherioghaw, IlyyraenvrYu9g13401 ttrythwie e :95ratat.
orw,,,C'oward - - -
11° jaA;tet' a,mnailialitreetadx,eonreere, 4001;.;
daUghter of Mr. and Urtt. john Coward,'
and Philip Leftus Ie Her*,. son. of
four -platoons were alloWed:, to.. get all Am.,, Rodgins,- Kiniough. Mr. and Dilt44. J. T. Item, were united
•of the tallith; platdon were, lcepten-
the ‘wat.er they Wanted. Th. 0, ra,,etnhergl. Mr, mid Mrs. -Elmer' •johiasthn spent
week.end lo. Tioronto and .visited born:. at Stapleton,' near Cliotou, and _Jam in US:borne. •••
,ttriliehttterl jrifiiialtpwRilet7..rIelaVtIonatrooeffi4eriaoothamtv..-,..
tirely off water rind were serve , on tr
Witli,lea„- -The. -"Ntatter pIrctoortS" Made
good, use of 'their watertottles, but the
"tea Platope" yvas itiarenly-one-t;
the'*course Intact. Which only
thing in the •soldier's traditional rphe .w.1‘1,S. net at iqrs: 1-Tortola's The Canadian, Temperanee Vedera--.
tt well-known tariner- of Tuaer4111101
townshipeceurred on.„%thUrsdaY last
after 'a period, Of failitig heathy; Be
wag, in hiS e'cretiitytthirfl
The death di...Curved sn,iitienty at, o
•home" at Hensall on. Mara 20tit
Miss •Annie-'•FlOrenctc-Meore, in hey
seventy,third `year. Deceatsett Wait
with"- eurteen preseut. A Pot-hiek W0101.weg asked to CoMe• fOtWata and, As ciPerlMentv three • ottt' P.f
.took_13.11we vitii. lira. Gordon sheiLas, billfold was presetateatY Mrs. MeVittre
front -the A•tiburn .Red' Cross, of which
Westfield is a unit,: Rev, Mr. Snell
then presented -the fatnilies of. the, fol-
lewitig lio:yo with War savings eer,..
tificates, the boYs .either being, overseas
or being on duty sonieWhere in Canada:
-Clifford. Canter, Kenneth Campbell,
Leslie and Norman Rodger: Claw Via...,
cent, Ned Thompson. 'Jack and Harold
Basin') n. .ivan Wightinan, James' Walsh,
.1391) Govier, Elvin Wightmarr. . Cer-
tificates previously ,Presented were to,
pussel Cook and WC. Bay Vin-
, Celif.- T.uncli was , served and activit1es.
were itiotight to a close by the singing
of the National Anthem, .
, 'More than-Tfolenerations ago -in
granchnother's day -mothers firstdis-
covered Vicks,Vapoltub, Today it is
the most widely used horne-reinetTifor
relievhig miseries of childten's colds.
And here is the reasOp . •
• .The moment you Mb Vapoltub -
Ithelluoat,,chest and, back at bedtiine
••it starts to work two ways it Mice--
• and .1(1ns. on worlonft for houts.--,-to• -
case coughing spasms, belriclear.con-
, gestion in c,old-cloggeci.upper breath-
ing patsages, relieve muscular soreness ,
or tightness. it promotes restful sleep..
Often. most of the miserxot the cold
is gone by morriingl That's w*
'VapoRub is so good tOusetvhencolds•
Strike. Try °
Mrs, jehnston's
Mi. and Afri4;7Geo. '.-Twtonley.-- end:
oriTtcriturday,* Mrs'. -McCann remain
Mrs. J. McCann 'motored to Toronto
in the city for 'ranger visit. with her
goes to show that there- must be, some- " " •
for "ft clip rosie! lee."-Froni the 0.n pneAday afternoon with . Mts. tion has- ' the following
Rieh. verY IMY gaVe statement• The, announeemeot made by the
study chapter, A Ite4. (1174ilt Prime Alinister of Canada in the Honse
was conipleted atter the meeting. • •
We are sorry -to note seVerai in our
•eonuramity *are suffering with colds,
• For the Bride-to-be.4t-An event ef'
speeialOriferest in the c6mmunity was
a shower held on Menday afternoon
the home: of Mrs. :Jerry Cranston;
• In, honor, d Irv.in,
-elect •ef tire month: After,•ao Interest,
• n 'Charge .of trylod
• ...„.
° KINGSI3RIDGH,'MarCh VI: •-•••-p;"Mrs.
.. .
Gilbert Trayne --cfarin Detroit visiting
iterrsiSter, Mrs. Redfern,
• Mr. and Mrs. jos. 'Garvey and family,:
of Toronto, were visiting laere last
vveelt,..end., - . • "
\ Mr.'joe Courtney, of London., visited
here•fog the 'we'ek-end.- •
fssuea "Tea /tubber Tivamley, presideot, In e arg .
action of the Federal Goveroment and
the attitude of the PrOvinee 'of Ontario,
Coostitute Challerage. 7Shalt- truth be-
recognized,,cOmmitthentsrespetted, and, •
the interests a the nation held supreme
over"selfitti greed•and. party advantage? ,
.We' nave reached, the erisis when;
await' well-being and Moral leteXtttg•-•
demand the ignoring by tit* citizens ot-,
of •Commona on Monday. Mareia 1, arty alliance in „the Insistence. that
tliat the regulations contained in P.C. truth, honor ad sobrietY shall. prevail.
order 11374, December 16, 1942, so far .
as relating to. beer, are annoIled and
the entire responsibility for eentrol and
distribution. now rests with the
vineial *Gpvernoients„ comes •„to the.
people ef Canada as a moral shock. -
of the ederai Govern-
lribtye:187aintiLnN; tendance. , to,. A. tAfaeLean Ittfe-
ing piograi „ ._,,
'T-Ieuf•y, little -Dickie Currir'14- brougnt
in a prettily dtreoratOk, wagdn -.well
'ado,' 'With •useful and liively• g,fi ts• apd
Iresented •them.,to the guest O honor,
lIrs. Eldon Irwin of Godericli asodsted
her sister in opening the gifts. , Willa
*mule a suitable reply and invited all
f 0 her borne to yew her fronssenn.
' k• el,,11;ty Innell Was ' Served • by• the
(Iotended for laSt ,Week)'
• Ashfielti, VV.IVI.S.--;The -March meet-' •
in g of the. ,Ashfield W was held
• 0114 Thur,sday at the home of' Mrs. •
-Baissew-Bisiset. eeventeen-io at-
the ehurche$ Of Canada, Protestant
and Roxklatt* Catholic, which 'ass -tired
the 'country that the regulations would,
stand for the, duration of thb war. It
ignores the' scientific facts as to the
injtirlous effects of the.large'and grow-
ing consumption of heer, by reason of
its alcoholic content, on the econOMY,
sided, amt•Mrs,,,- Howes ,haft,charge Of
the program.. 'The .Scrtpture reading,
was taken hY. Mrs- Reuben '-
from Genesis 35, and lttrs. O. Ma -
Kenzie .gave -.the - comMent :on It;
Prayer was offered.by tifiss Annie Mae
t ...
` n.
•D: MacKenzie gave a7spIendid talk
_ ••• • the efficiency, the capacity of our war en Latin • America. Misii
' effort, the fight against disease, the catboart •tead paper/m..110Na
Pat erashed his car • into a telephoneseet. y
from espionage and sabotage.
stressingthe fat that if we had, at
Pole. Pole, tire and , everything came fact it puts selfish, and unreasonable ' i
vs'ritys given to: the' Lord's' work what
. ,
down around TaniIle ,was found un-
'cOnscions in the 'Wreckage, • but trs -he
Was )5eing Untangfed, he reached `out
feebly, fingered- the - wires. and mur-
• roure -,"Than'ik7-HeivrenTfli.:red-1efl
• They've given me a harp" '
4 -
Itit is in an advertisement below you will receive two avings Stanips-fr
pro GS
.4n4w4ity..sioosiies_a_The_a‘ ofiwoi si 1.Star, advertisementi, Wider this
heading will eontain several name g of p onsivihg tir Gotleneh-And-district.
The nines will be selected frem,the ubscription list of The Signal-Siar.
-Simply findyour name in one of the a, rtisements, clip ,the - advertisement,
present it tO the 'store in which.your nai1e appears, and receive "•
Ceekntete line•of.
tifow gAR., and •
Near Theatre
Special Prices. on.
Steel Bed, Spring and. Mat- _
. 'tress,- Felt or Sprbv-Filled.
to-plaee four order for some of
.Jaclisolus SpeCial Tomatq Plants.
They ,wilt he '•in tloem when
• , - •
-,planted out; also order Snanish.-
• Onion Plants_ now. ,
'• Phone4-05
ug Store
• Prescriptions a Specialty
Phone 45 • . 'Odderich,
deniands for an unnecessary and harm-
, _- _ _
furindulgeoce abote tliettielt•-being and
security -of the nation .10 time. of mar.
•'Whit& the Federal povernreent- is,
ir-it,s" t
andwinesn:sg, andtilpa'lGrieegro-hr were
•we are now .giving --to, make iniplein,
ent �2 War and to train our ,birys to
use them, -we would not!he 'suffering
the- ' horror • of , war' .todaY. 'Other
the ban."On all liquor advertising. it
has now repudiated in partits respons-
'ilititty. for the supreme trustitapeked
mow it by t•li,e. circurostance,of War' and
its•own' I de'dlaration to . do.:eyarYtthing
possible to • promote in the. ', f llest
:.easure Canada's, war effort. • , Manager: "Didn't You read the letiie
a--Jestrletlous 'placed ort -•beer- _ ny' 'At.officeiBoek sir; '
year of its • ezcistence,„• issued •
Ottawa, ":"'"":1111 eClartillNOV Allowanoe-iierat4tell, 4usld"e:.-It•'.'srtidli--' tY-00-are .firedf atar.on•.„,„'
Life InstiranCe inp tonsumt„
about -sixty per eent. above the pro -war day.'.so here am." • •
‘721.137c.Mi toiTamod7W7tWr-iiiirAratisi4e:, 71ind ontSrde•'":',Ott the.'
ar7e-eiwe'ditr 'th—riruls-Td-eW7,:gair:7-"e-tigif"701.7
Miss.- Annie Mae' llacDonald,„ supply „ •
secretary, stated the needs for tie
bale •and • asked •• for • contributio, s. 4
The- hostess served lunch and rt7 sec al"
half-hour was en3Oked7
$2,305,262,410 of paid -for Efe insurance leYel.. It fixed....however, the common-
bririging to a new ,high-Dof tioh. at that point for th'6 duration. The .1-"' Audim...........,, ,
.$29,180,396,094 the Company's total,. present action nieans that the consump-
• life -insurance in.:force held_bydmore Lion. of beer in tirinasla., so far „tig_the .
than 30 500,000 persons in Canaa ai.icl „,
. the United States, and -increased. its . .., •
Federal. -eouSumptiou is". ceacerned,As
., un,restrietedand ....that the -alarm:rug w. ar-
• assets to $6,463,803,551: as revealed in rise May pt.! resulted 'and MOY
the Company's. annual business report- • titin
proceed to any height. that the avariee
• 'released toda':'' . • •
• - - of the trade carr achieve. It. also -per-
Featured,. also is the •* fact that •
,_.im• etropolita,u_s_, mv, eau fn pi)h..t__ rags confusing_ varlet: in practice in
.. Aims a the Cariadiari and "(hilted
. -- . -•. .
the distribUtion..tif p.eer--,1u* th-E.-.-.--5,froe-tit-
States Goverinhents ar4-keolibd-rriorp provine.es
. than - $2,300,000,000 .7-.-• -of which ' ••. Co-operati, on Withheld
$580,00_,0 (00 had been Purehased, last Among the Causes leading up to this
• , year. This amount exceeded the., . •actien undoubtedly:, is the /allure ." of
' $463,887,975 increase reported in Corn- ' Provincial Governments, :and espeeird-
• pany assets during 1943:- - • ---,, .1.Y those of Slberta and Ontario, : to
*, • Payrnents tii policyholders arid their . respond to, the ierisona.ble-requests. fer
beneficiaries amounted to $654,873,000cd-operation made by the Federal .9.ov-
:during the year--mitking Ithe twelfth. erniniit. The devious desire of the
successive year, these pay elite hive • Ontario GOverninent --to',. uti11.2* the
exceeded a half -billion doIars. These matter' for party advantage:- its. resort
.payinents Were at the is of almost to staternents .., that 'misrepresent the
$4 00 a minute of each ,b1 , Mess day'• -••'1 faiS' to-attai1*. this end; .its failure,
d g the .year,.- ...,. - •- •'-' • . '• . promptly to adopt* positivemeasnrep to,
•-.- '' An .1 netease of mole than ' restrain -the: 'trallic,, despite the- claims
•::$1,99o,000,000 of 'life insurance in force .of publiehealth, general welfare .1Md
• was reported for. 1943 ove,r 1942.,,. *the ,sepr:erale demands of the war,,,, is
uhprecedent,ly low rate Of lapsrition' hihly.„reprehensible and unworthy of
•and g shrrender by solieyholders . in. responsible goVernmeht." -The Govettt
:L�rie Diamonds
DIAMoN13,1aNGS • .
.siLifowAgg'11,0 CUT GpAss ,
o et. son
phone 136 C.iodericli,
..i*AUTOM01.41i RT
; 0; STONE, :ProP.
Hamilton St!. Phone 69w.
13u1 your ,war saving's:.
HOWIE -*Apt dAttpy.
• 'phone l'70i
Wet.St.• Phone 4186
both rdinary and In ustriiii Depart-
• merits, comc'hined.with iraproyed writ-
- ngs, are reportedfas being responsible
• A declaration Of •dividend) payable. I Back of the politicar by-play between
iwualSiina.944dle‘arn°isunistinthge etioghStb115iice67ess4'giiiel4 -
year that dividends 'of more thau
• ' $100,000,000 failve been declared. Divi-
• dends paid' by the Vietropolitan Since
its incOrporation three-quarters' of, a
declared o-1_4:00ge.tahin:
q.4,oun7it,t. hto those m
ment of Ontarioxust hear a very large
share of the regponsibility for the. lift;
ing of a restrietiorirSvhie,h was in the .
MR; PUMPHitElt a war worker.
bttAn fri feel nerVoils and all in -
always 61:4stipated. AtiOuritive liver instil.
dinickly.,niade -welt-
apywir livertiith Fruits -tires, Canada's
rgett StIling'Liver Tablets.
•"When we'ze through
It 1.4Its like netv."
Illamilton St. • Phone 229
A good .way t • spend 'your even,• ,
..41,4 or. leisur .fionr in ,
• congenial surroundings.
0 (*lin
a:04s ..Coal
Phone:15 ..ptelseni St.
Under trying :circumstances we
• are •.trying to do a good job-.
You wilt find this a good*flon ..
do business
•• West St. • Goderith
.. • •
TaSty.raStries SpecialtY
• 'WC' feature "`
highest. gnility
.o.AKES • -IES --1
VVest St. . •Phone 465
donbtedly due to . the- selfish, 'lin
patriotic. subtle and Persistent 'pies:. •
sure -of those interested in the Marin- '
facture and the distribution of beer; -
and ,to, the clamor of .some of its, eeti
stiTinle).17. S'"udd.en. . ,reversai'• of ' p'olic;r:ind
ignoring of ,eSth
sential facts by e high- 1
est governmental authority iii Canada ,
at' a time when we are approaching the 1
-Stireme-crists -of - thelvitris-a ,reveta
Hon . of the . influence Monied: liquor
intereSts can and do.exert In our public.
life. They can :cOerce goverinoents,
. caul -e them to repudiate their declared
pOlipy, to ignore, the 'realities of the , ••
, probleihk in hand, and can outweigh.,
:1 the :in thicriaIst-of the . yastmajority of 1 •
•! our citizeiiit" ViPho ' recognize. limit ,the
,. wartime • ,regulatious kif liquor ,,f. are- '
lOgical; wise and beneficial. ..„. ,
•I• Responsibility on Province
,The responsibility •for the situation '
• 'now' rests NyjoilS9 On the, Provincial 1 .
•' authorities. TheY are 'faeing:a• selfish '
inierelt • ot great per. If they are
•• to proteet the cotintry in MIS Warcifisis I ;-
from the undermining; effeets of wide.,
' spread beer constimption they -will have
;Awed of elenit thinking arid...courageous.
•. action. The politicians, have coirfPlete-,
i It-• ignored • the, moral forces :of the •^ B DI ji.•
*tionutli'. 44nd if these, are. aronked no' `.0 ' ;V w
;"politii,a1 PoW0 can stand against' them.
deiich Fruit
,Complete Line of
PIRO* 4794'7• lEot
INstteAttog 001,1PANY'
VVil. are trying our best to serve
yeti with our aVallahle stipply et.
Illione 951y -' Albert St.
Due to priorities and 1404 •of
soya) essential part's, we lind it
W100,44140 to give iii,e.tvar sei;Viee.
,o, e. ISIePtillfl: L. WATSON
:Head'Offigo oy Ifotropo itan, Life
• Itoarante Compatty who reporti a &tat
• 01:120,500,000 investtd is War Pan
and.Vretotil Pond.* to 4ate.
dentraentittg- . the Corn y'e
operatitta§ In Canada Mr. McDonald
" pointed out that Cariadiant had taken.
but $176,840,1396-otlife instirance with
the, Motriipolitan last year. Thia-now_
insurance brought the t,otal life insure
• twee oivned With the Corapany by ita,
2,200,000 Canadian policyholder* 'to
$1;666,011,369.. '
During 1943, over $1471000,900,was
paid '1)u4polityllIttlir titeittobegt
ndj*n&larks. In Addition, _Metropolitan's,
Muting ind other Welfare servkes
•were ranintained 1943. A tow 01 -
230,946 muting visits Ifere intide last
'year to holders of Industrial, Group
and other /10k -ice in Oanlvitt,...
To the.;intellikeut citizens'of Canada', 0
• and espeeially, • to the* tpatriotie andl,
' Christian conscieoce of:the nation. the , !
.• .
Those Convalescing
After Severellinesi
,".ititet Many severe Mimosa or seriottti,oreratioto
—the patient is very often left itt at extrettitty,*;4k
netvottsi ruif-dowti condition.
nu those convalescents .Who nted Dome kind
of a tonic to stimulate and build Up the Weakened .
system* *re would recorniticint tlilburn's Health and. Nerve Pills to
them, bit& to health-liappiness again. •- ' • -
These pills 'help supply eleinents neteseery to :moist the convalteeenit
in bringing tack bodily strength and vigour.
Price 50c a, box, 65 pills, at all drug Vaunters,
LOok for our, reestered trade mark a "Red Bead"' on the poolate.
- '1110 te. Millarra Co., I,itoittd, Toronto, Oat.