HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-03-30, Page 4OBITUARY „A.•,F. OLV4,011ILL. • Thev. death oecurred at iltosetown, On March, 7th, of A.F. Grleilbill Who for tWenty-four, years had been AV prominent business man of that town. 1r. Gledhill was born at Ben,. *Diller, seal- of the late ar.-#11-d, Mk. 3:ames Gledhill.; After „attendieg the ,Ontario College of Plaarmliey, where . he graduated in 1895,tie went to Winnipe,g and. W1920 to Itosetown, Where he had ednducted a d1Ug busi- laesSi fOr the hist- twentY-fear, :Year,S. .Ile had been in Poor, health fel: -several years. ,Herserved-in-the iiretGreat War, retiring at the dose of hestilities :with the- rani+. of eaphdfl. Ile is .Sur- Itive&bYhis Wife, to brothers,- Georg .dfla„c" ALA. Itedney Kingsley and 'rort ,Franee9, 00 ht., all 1. J. bar in'the-4'statne.-danee.r The io junior jsteSSes ,served eeffee' and doughnnta. A most enjoyahle eVening 'closed -with, "Gad. Save the King:" . • -- * About 106 yenng People elljoYed the dance at the Enapire. Service Club last. kr.i4Y; -eVenteg which _Was, SPollSored bY-Abe-JUllier.-liesteSsesior ,SerricV. men. The- president' and, •seitrete-0- the junior organizatien, Miss' Marjorie Matte and Miss..„11hirjorie `1.),404,' ie- eeived, the guests. CPO. , Morton; :,as- sisted the girls with their • program. AU participated in the popular "Paul joriet:i!! alble-1-1 The prize- winners were ALA. David Mansell, and Betty Young in "musleal,knees;" ALA. ; II Wilinoth Ole "SPOt >Mar SOnniej411"-oWh- Centre:0 fulfilled, els/ requiStiona for additional fr ,14cretrile el& war aia - weapons aril supplies are being put through every day. Canada reached in 1943 the•higgest reeprd of donlestie exporte in Watery,- an inereaee of 221.3 Per Cent, ov.er 1939,, but more than seventy per cent. et.. thie aulOullt was, --course,-.-„-direetly, related,. to w.# -*cede, Ot - Ottawa, and.tv4 Asters, Misses 'Myrtle and *Adeline,','both of. Toronto. The funeral took plave tit NROBROWn ,Ott MOC11, lin. . , 4 , .4..... , MRS. ijOHN A. GREEN* On Sunday afternoon and: evening, ' An, esteemed resident -of 'Petro% the . Empire ...Service. Club • had; ,the -Michigan; .formerly -ef-.-:•.:Part„. AThertL pleasure .of acting as -hosts to forty-five Ontario, Mrs.. delin, A. Green, Pass'ed army boysfromCalitP IPPerwaSir.' The away at the ,:family residence, 12781 boys were returning frpm a five-day $thenel eve; Detroit, en' Wednesday, convoy up to Tobermory with Major_ ,Alarch 22nd. She had" Veen enjoylog R. F. Carey, The motorelelists raa1/7 good health until WO weeks ago, when handled their machines over 'hundreds she was stricken with a paralYtie of miles of Bruce Peninsula roads; etroke. She would have marked b her cooked their own food in bush, , in sixty-third birthday- on . july '22nd this weather conditions tlaat were mostly I year. FOrmerlY -.Lillian' E. Campbell, Sleet and rain and icy roads. Major datighter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Carey said .they were a grand bunch 3" es E • Campbell. ' of Shennardton, of boys and they 'seemed to enjoy their gruelling experience. The junior hostesses. were on band to greet. the boys. The Fleet Air A.rm,,boys and R.A.F. boys helped serve refreslungnts of sandwiches, -,cake and coffee and cigarettes. ,,'After the evening Church„ services;„„the boys and girls iagiiit re- turned to the eanteen-and_ had a sing- ,. Relatives; in • AShOold arid LucknoW have reeetred Word ,of the death, of I • lloss Laut, son of FranifT4aut,,L, 11LP.R.; of Crossfield, Alberta, who was • ':in . raid "over, Germany 'On. Fehriaary 21st. • A brothel:, Wing COm- mender, Albin. Lauti, 'eat his life In a plane; :crash, at-S.)11Rn,, Nova _Scotia, on -October '3rd • last. Laut,- the mother "Of , these, gallant young men, Who died •soine' years ago, was, 'the fokmer Nina- B",41patrick of Ashfield, sister of Miss Susan 101Patrick, now of Lucknow,, and of Milton K_ ilpatriek, Oth conceSalan of Ashfield. ; Wing 'Com - mender ,Albin Lane, the elder Of the two_hretliers„ a _graduate Of the triiveraity. of Saskatchesvan and in addition_ to 'being an erneiefit pilot on the Atlantic patrol was authority on astral navigation and was mentioned, la. disPatches. His body was brought home to Crosaneld for burial. The younger brother was , buried in the ceinetery at Harrogate, England:' WO. Allan Durnin, mentioned -Cu a despatch fiem- -an R.C.A.F. station in England, March 23rd, telling of a bombing attack on German territory, is the eldest son of the late „Hpward Durnin „and before ,enlisting bad his home with his uncle, Orville- Durninsa -CreWe,,Ashfield township: He attended Goderieli Collegiate Institute and Strat- ford. Norraal School, intending to be a -teaeher+but-heillated-„in•the.R.C.A.E, a* Year and 4 half age- and went over- seas . in . December last. A youneer brother,.- Graham, is a *radio operator overseas. . .• The despatch in which "*. WO. A. Durnin figured stated that the Can- adian' bomber group, had been out -the pre"frOWIliffiff-Tifiire-for t second heavy attack in five nights; with Frankfurt as the ' target. Canadian Lan4asters , and Halifaxes joined the R:A.F.' in dropping more than 3,000 tons of high explosives and incendiar- ies while' other squadrons laid mines in enemy water. The night's work cost -seven Canadian aircraft., WO. iw she married John. A. Green; of Port Albert, on April 21st, 1,904. She spent 'most et her life -at Port Albert, piing DetrOit-seventeen years ago. She was a ;member a St. JoluiTs church at Detroit and of Chriat.Church Guild, Port. Albert, ' She. leaves to .- ..,ponrn 'her loss her hus , •- Green, live" daughter -S• and two -sons. -Ong-and:A:Ore relreshmeeta._ The• daughters are .Mrs. Porter Dean, . (Hazel), Mrs. Clyde Tudd4-.(„Grace), The last night for the iOard class at Mrs. Roderick' MacLeod (Annie) Sky ,Harbor was a gala event. About Laurette and Affa. George McGuire 100 young, people , were received .• by (Doris). The sons are Job,n•lq. Green • • /Lt.. SWaubergson, chief *dying -in- . and Arnold L. Green of the Medical stnictor,_Commander, 'Weil, chief naval . :AinbuIance ' Corps Overseas. 'Another instructor, Mrs. D. I. Pattersce4 eon. aau ;...,...,.....j_an.,,p_redeceaSed her. There are teller.. ol-the entertainiaent coMraittee four grandchildren ; onr-g-igre-Z-Nts. o ie . iiiPite-SerVice-elttbrand-4, Hugh MacPbee of •Chicago, Illinois,. and Marjorie Macfie, president of the junior a brother,. Harry', of Sault Ste. Marie,- hostess ' organization. . gPO., Morton • Michigan: . :. : - arranged the program so- that all could- , The funeral, in., charge. of Walter 1 paxtieipate, evell" the shy young Men -.Dalton, was held on Saturday, March -who were just learning to dance The -, 25th, from the family. residence., With ever. popular Paul Jones and 'elimina- ,: ltaterinent in Highland'. cemetery, tion dances were enjOyed*by all: After -Ypsilanti,- "Xichigan, ., ,Rev.. Irwin C. refreshments, the lights. sudde_nlYT_Went ' ..__ . ..eas ..saying there - Durnin is , reported . .."lohnsere-recter-ofSt....Ztohns co,pal out and for the rest -of the Nel'ii.ng. .cliureh, --'' officiatink.I' The pallbearers young people Wattsed-,--:' witle-a---,,:few--_-*-we7myt-ifiretcw,„0.4„.._firt were six. nephews. Don and jab:les-Mae- variety daiices;. under dire ,-candlelight hundred Miles .fronithe target. ' I a of Windsor 'William, Glen and arranged,. _through the halh-T!,,. The • AinTSITin,p14-5f-DretrettrIrai4-,-Ttitss, laniet,tor 'the-erening„iya. L • Ni .. B. A. L ...A...ji.,zaea_ 1.4Anendin .Roe. of Plymouth, 'Micli • , .7, •Shait;* assisted by Miss '.Eileen Bogie, a. sick .leav'h with his oinother, Mra. M. . •Those winning 'prites were ALA. John Melcee, Victoria .street, after spending ' . 0 CARLOW. cutt Ito Miss . Lilftn Irwin the six weeks in the R.C.N. hospital at elimination • dance,• ''",'AL.A. Vernon Halifax, N.S.. , .• ,Hymeri_ and Miss Annie Culbert in „ , . : ' • , CARLOW, March- 28: -Mrs. • Frank -musical knees ,;',' Biiger Lewin and.Miss ..,; rlt.-Lt. Thomas Pryde of Exeter,' , -11:eilvviiiii,,.Mrs,..:Arthair, Miss Cora -Madeline .$mitla in •the',!epot-dance... Be --7 .'Who;.for. fwe.:'..and...a _,half years was Pet -titan,: .111,as *fan: Walter . and -Mrs'. fore lunch everyone drew for partners; attached to :the R.C.A.F. •ita,: an within- ,.• .02.Feagan Spent - SatOrdaY,In Stratford. ,,,. ,,,,,,: „aiterl,..unele partnere..ntimbers-were. -strative ,officer,,--zhas --retired, to _Civil • : 'Miss Ruth.'TYndall' of Torontospentiiaed iii'li. draw for .special prizes -which. life. • -„Ile served at London, Ottawa,- the Week --end at her liorae.liere. ' , were awarded to ALA. Allan ga enderSou : Trenton- nd Toronto. A veteramofth , e . Mr.',,,and Mrs. Poole .6f. London Vi:sited ii. Miss. --.Noreen -McCabe,..*IALA. EL first ,Great 1V.ar, and a former reeve of. . --",- .‘, ,. .. Brown and LA AHVv . . Haden. • ' : Fxeter.. Fit.-LE-Pryde7liar a host ofr.°nth frithrnglont. the ;county °Li .. rio, • • • ll':.Mr• ,encl. Mrsn.--0...Martin on,Sun- ..• Ur. :con, • young . vvisited.wite--,-lreg- • _On.„ WednesdaY. „April 12th, ' the Em- Hnron. *.ewit,_„of Kinut-h-,, pire Service Club will their-E.aster O • . . „.,, ,• • • Who was home for the week -end. dance . for -all the Services. 'with the .. . . • , Officer 'Albert Gauley. wbo . te- . , ., friend,-,, Duncan . orchestra . from the' Clinton . Radio Pilot School._: , . ported last ,'sveek.:,a.t Ottawa, has been . . - ., ;transferred -te:Rivera-,--Mani,-,--_-•,--- ' ttAMACIP.'Flt014 14EA:iiFiiiKiig- -A--large-portion of the . roof, of the Seciiiid"-gterr- of Wi'Me-'4,1e-L-ean!s‘,„11.0aur NEW BOOK RELATES THE. , • ,morning `during the heavy gales which 711ISTORY7OP'.1.4KzigiRD-..N,. street wsef blown '''off _ en., WednesdaY. r and feed store building.en Kingston_ •swept over Goderich. The pieee, which .... Measured approximately., 45 x 30 feet, . was carried, a hundred _feet before• -It . Fred Landon,. librarian of ilie,: trii- came to rest over the roof • of ' the*versity of -"Virestern • Ontario, Is the . Dominion Stere, part of the same block.. - ......!..:., I It will be renietabered that several ,aut_newbook whichS reviewed. ,years' ago a riortien_of the roof of the, bY 1W R. *Ford in ,, The London ' ,sailie. block ,was blown off in a wind- • Free press., • It is a' history of -Lake, , . .. _ -'-sv)tin.,, occasioning. fatal- injury ,to,, Mr. 0 • I.I.uron arid.,_.1„)...._:F,.,7114.'Slif .011., part) ; McLean's brether,,, Herbert. _ , ,, i7 A Landn: otraces the development • ' Two Imes, .-one . on -Church' street of .,hipping -from thefdays of the •canop . ',.. .aii-d- the other- on ;West :street, .were : through to •the sailing, v,eiaels: and the ; b•lown down- and .fell .:ac1oss7. Hydro t =ships down' to the present. ' 'Well. • .1.wir&; . interrnpting the ser ice hriefly. IT416V11. sliim_aud their skippers. ,are. _ i Spree telephofte Wireale() : were out deserilied.., He ' pictures some of: the I of comraission . for a _time. " grhat. Wrec"ks of the lake,. 1,,Thereis a :. Heavy rains fell most of , the day ; whole -Chapter . devoted to the -.fierce 1-• , and-.• -peen e - •.1-- -." •• est,,7part---,ane •613ieli-breug11 .1"the Wednesday half holiday -lndeors. trag'edy to so'. ra4nY • towns elan' the ,the.' Maitland ,River broke ' up at the shores- ,af- Lake' Huron. . Teii-vessels ; We-bk.:end. : This year ':there. was. not wereloa in that disastrous .storna-,:end arept voliune or .pnrush of waters 'acme 299 lives. • . .., that stanetiinee' follows the break-up. Mr. Landon tells, an 'amusing tale . .I.At SaltfOrd'the breakup Was scar(ely of the Fenianseare at Goderieli. As For Quick Relief of Pain ','Hi..e,91)1(.1: and at the nionth the water the only good port on the . Canadian, - • is getting ftwIlY. under the i0- ' Side on Lake Heron. it was feared it Ti-gie•••014;040.0444, ' '-41"'''''. -, *rail, Wight :be .' thes:•objpetiv.6 of Perdana, - -Ii& County:.-.naiiitia,;;'were,-. assembled • at . -1 derieh'under the command of Major •A. M. AOSK. 'A vigilant -witch vfra-S, ke _ Mother o . her f .. loui-iooking veasel With arreedineir on; by Sentries,„ W.Ord mune that a Snspic-. t he ildteies-Cildi- from -Chicago, :Preeautions, were re, board • had-- headed for • Laite , Huron,• , imed Men natrolled the river and lake from ,!Snaill bo t14 parties of i 'a.: . ' • Despitie all th4e ineilier can de the kiddies run out of doors not..preperly wrapped, up; ttAye on tee • Sentries were ineretteed ',Nal' it was irtuch.• clothing; get overheated and cool, off too sud,• - annonneed :that SW:Mid a crisis .eceiir ', denly, get their eet Wet; kiek. Off thebecl 'clothes, and:, ' ., the town fire 'bell would be rung' and • 'do' a dozen thinge,thexmother cannot help. . ..-.,, . . _,,,, . the big_ElleSiall.CanhOni'It trophy. folio ,( Ilatf the battle in treaing children's colds is to give there soniething • l' ' : at dinner T - 1110Y will like; semethijig they will take withouf any fuss, al:Id:this the mother • • be fired. A fewdays later „ the Crimea( in the Harbor Park, *Old .. will,,fital in ' Dr.' Wood"LN'orWay.„.gii14, 'Syrup, a reragdy .used by. Cent:Winn tiine: the.,citiZena Were. alarmed by the rtiothera; for the -pest. 48 'yeafti. . '': ''' - •'-,,,"'"';', '.."-"-..--"'"' ;.,- -4-- -.' - -, liakillrOt'tlie-tewre "kftre--)*11,.--:;tr.ge,; 'Priee 35ea bottle; the large fataili,' Size, abont, 3 tireed.its.natich, '60e, 4:-. gun :boomed . out eVer. the bay. The all-• drag counters, ' : - • *- ' ' • sentries had sighted a strange Vessel - ' a' Miiburti Co... Iiiinitted, TOM:40;04i* Wilirli. VI'S Iteitcling for ' Goderitle':BeY.. 1 ni °rifled „meiteou d,_he-aten_on.,deelt.0. • * ' ' and Airing, 'Th ere was: great,exc e - merit.- All were ready to renei the in- *vadeisa, Fears WOO lessened •when ithe • notioi Spring Show alite'Anietly: slid bite the harbor tied- tied,up at dock, - - ., , ' : • ,'• ,• ' ; gliard,to Make inquiries: The tnyatery *jot- Ross. ordered. a ..sergentats! 'Was soon cleared np. , It waft: a friendly Americanrevsllue entter 'arid .,it had on board .,rie lesg ,.a. personage than, GM William , Tetuniseli. , Sherman.. : The (sitter Was. returning .frein. a' yjsit. of,,,, inapeetien hi' the :trpner 'LOOS. There WRITTEN_tee6eil1 frOff. Wasitt.,10 NEWSOR•eensOP' HAA - 4REENIII;AT, Editor st:110t tul CUAREM -0,04Atmtpilw-Api 'OTTAWA; Mareh Was upset when for the first tilne in history woMan ‘1,*$ Called to act ,ns- Sneaker, of theAleilse of Commons.: MI'S,. Cern Oftssehaaa• Liberal raeraber for .Eilmon, ton, East,, did it gfatefollY, iMlyone" Who has seen ' this striking-look.ing, motherly, Parliamentarien,ili the Houle would, agree sill would do, honor to the Speaker's Patriotic slogans on envelopes should -be Rep olt Letters , going to-prisbners.-,ot_War,_becanse the German. Reich has advised it will kon...,Ithe-end--ofloo,„ vrolnAhikl. moca Can- fiscate such. This warning owes from 'ada must iMport four-fifths of her the Postpfrice"Department,„ Name,. sugar supply. , The World pool was Set, al Seleetive Service officials 'say that of course, by Great Britain,, United States and Canada. The U.S. needs shortly a Dominion:wide survey 'is to be made of all male employees from 800,000 tons this Year for 'One 'thing eighteen to thirty-five years: " Reason; alone, or 'iiidustrlal alcohol used In to - locate persons. evading call-up' Produetion .of high priority war and regulations. Soon 30,000 Govern- crluNb`l))11esili% inAnadterwiailths seuaechh paisecesy_notaethetirc. ment emploYees will have undergone the X-ray.' checkup to determine pre- valence of tubercuioNis. present needed by the armed services. • , 44 44 Now that 'shipping ,,froin the West ,Indies is ,40nieWhat iltipro\:ed. the (Nest:ton 44 4ften,' a.aked. why MOri" gii4ar r - 161 not ,brought Ante the 'coUntry.* sought an ansWer and gee this fiord the Consumer Brancti..lxi,.Ottawa. When . rationing began; shinning difficultieS clAlsred Short supply. The iworld pOol shgar, whieli steed at two A:0411404 to LOU a Year Waa des -via . half ;that at What next? The p..Tia POW' 'training 'plgeena paratreoners. Birds willbe drOpped, in metal :Waterproof s'COntainers Ilitthed te a small parheirate when" searehing aircraft have located. atrandeitfiirmen but, cannot get to Op)). 'direetlY, The birds Can be sent "back by the airmen with measages ,o -n their needs and; cemlition. ' „' 7. "I' .144. • ' If , you 'Wonder "Why,--Atoeita Of •dry white:104ns, yelloweYe :heaes .andtiry. whole split peas iii Canada liove be.en frozen by the PrieeS :Beard, the.reason given is the necesaitY,Of ensuring that vipplies are ,available to. the.APepart.-- Jueut, of Munitions and§opply for :ships' stores and,'„'Other, nriority, usera., The humble bean' and „pea will ;become hiiportantiI yoUr garden-this-suianner. * • • A comprehensive urvey has been _ made by the three iirnaed _services: in regard' :to the availability of adequate medical.' serviee in rurni And urban, coranumities: •_Physicians _may be from the services in some 'e."„aseg where the need is urgent'a report Made to the abuse :by Hon., j. Itaiston ritory liberated, the demand on the truck's. By April 1, when the new sugarpooLintreases, and when freedom *gasoline ration year starts, the Prices cw11"betmo.oEreur,doespematsaxat, wh. ole the need' Boalr porting truck except that of the. farmer figures that every milk -trans, • 4. * . s 4 - " hauling his own precinct' will he under their. homes to essential employment permita the 'gaseline requireinents • of rMit. On ' the . basis of these , Feriebworkers:whe have movea from zoned' ye, during the 'winter will be driftinghaek each route will be ,caleulated, for the shortly now. It is being worked out- protection of the dairy ' industry as a by' ,regioltS-47 the Selective Service Aceifirding to the Board. estim- collectiOns '"IfaVe resulted people so that the 111623, Win be getting watliens!e!x-oitea hitek, to bitch .:area When they are * * * • armers can ,use their own true to haul farm material or farm products • anywhere. The regulation limiting the use of private tominereial *trucks to a 85 -mile ,,clistance /tom their horae address without special ,permit does not apply to farmers using their own uy now while titere lis a good variety to ehoose-froil, redUctions up to 44' per cent. in , eeded Valid to April let, some 7$ 149 in , number of trucks used, with consequent leagrzyignaliags in gas, rubber and indicates. Some very._ , permits were is.sued to farm wprkers figures were forthcoming. FQr In to engage in other industries.. p#cept Stance,: in March, 190, Canada 18 where. Provincial officials agree td; cer- niedical.popiilation. was 12,235, or w „returning before .. then. -The number. abeut one-auarter wereln the will he armed forces;'-orm-rmatrifiing-072P-D. Vulted-Netions-rare-looking-te-Ganada , 1 average of 491 students annuallY, since 1940 this has-been stepped. -up to gomb 61.5_, Were retired. Before tbe war, medical' schools graduate&, an 52,483 etne-.71vsiti-:--rugedn 003u0t: ainyetahre. TeApnoortthewr.alsactti.;-awth. iw.che cub:an:iv: 7hilt the ManpoWeir possible: ... " for tremendous quantitlea of food and agriculture Will have, to maintain all men, In future, a Married Man who ' regalation's. brings in another group of Iteeent consolidation of mobilization + .* • • - .. . of gt.he; are hbortiemeewive8s,,goirh, anvoet ,sniagrnsi--.. i*sitneeotr sevterertninigsiniar;ameatiOnttsteitn.inhi5 ,ehart sn:ixrentiatieS; but: one-half siiiii ii. eii-lii:+0+6.111-104tgrimtracris if is a waiting list of 3,741 nurga not. at. . , , _ ./.: was born in any of the years .between ' 1006 and 1912 trichiaiye-nroviding be which he highly prathed, nothiliraralraPft7reuched-the'age-of-Ahhttry-eightt said: about the aminun,ition: . " years. , , ' ,' , To anyone who loves Lake Huron, * *....*s Iiit• 1016, w, .. • its glorious, sut esets, 'its waters of Manyl---, As _Canada awings4 - , eight moods, its lore, its traditions and its ;along into the fifth year of War Out .- charming tOWns and „ village* ,Mt,:,,t_re7e. iadous _mass- of war - production. Landonla -book will be deeply . treasured. ' h an'F'slaekeried Ye*, perceptibly;' Can-- Ile- has gathered., together a fund of adian men and women still* engaged ,directly 4e..WarLprostuet-10,, cm, in -alleft' information which -Would have.been los in another generatioe. It is a valuable lary Industries, total over ;a million: addition to eur knowledge of Western Think of that. ,Fince inception -the De: . partraent of Ilunitipng and •Supply -has , 4fORSEIllint IN DEMAND Farmers of; western Oritrioc. are urged by W. Harold Mcphillips, prices, atid supply representative o the War., time Prices' and Trade BOarcli to collect horaehair Comhings. Prices for gOoll, quality horsehair range from 30 to 50 cents,a pound and it will be PurelllMed byany weal or hide dealer. ',Horsehair Is urgently, needed ter gtinzcleanhig brushes and -for Many, special kinds of brushes for army, navy and air force. It is ,used for shock pads and *ceshiens for array tanks ;and aireraft,• as well as navy mattreases. Housewifei glow -come pia left your •last empIeYera?" Maid.; "1 ,couIdn't, stand the way they quarreled.. When . it- wasn't 'him and me; it was her and me!" in their Handbags ' Paper and magazines aie urgently needed for war purposes.. Rags, metals; ..tibber tires and tubes are also required. , CLINTON T.11,1j13,§I)AY,.,:.A.1111L., 6,th; 1944„ ... . .... Wit; tt great beinlitet giitea tit nighit and •F,Ii!VII,ItittO itOltszailtrzio CAVTLE, mid BACON HOGS ' ' '..-:.=.-•----- ,..,-‘, .. - $.1160.00_11ITZE MONO. ,„ ,,, ' :the Fenians for the time beteg wtyre . '.-- In_itho 'prixtv ..With.S4A'n,...$11PriTult) *'11$ EPtinit OF iitESSEI) IlAdOlf .1100 CAUfeAtIOXS-- . a Vbieugo newspaperman Ville Wri-ito'ini-1 - -JUITIOlt FAItIfilEAS AMOING.00lorronotT -1 :01)110011g story .of .the eare thrown 1•91:141) SPEAKING OVSTEIst. . .„ ' ° iLtkr.cioklerich bv- The:,,Ariterkari Vatter, I p.... fte added that .when tlen.ltoss stepped I • . The lair will, be officially 'opened by the Lieutenant Governor of '!'orward to sliake.'liandsWith Sherman . , Ontarikti;'the ITonourable Albert' matthews, who wihi arrive at Clinton, 1.2 ;WI noon. 'Sirs. itattitews will aecompanY his Ironour. ,. "Cleft, Stiorman. I am 'tattler loAtilkg: ° MiddleSex-1111r011 regiment will furnish ,guard of IIonour. ;Obligation to you; Sir, for fit* 'fliiiik 8.,:i . . , geliite when . Yon entered; the' harbor; ; Tt.C.A.P. Station pond win be in attendance ACCOnnittaied 1, v' so of ., SW different 'It.C.A.r. `fruits for the °perking Ceremonies; Which ,wili ' for bad ou donethe wlioie iny i',OtritIltit14 Woill4 bave immediately ; . be broitileasfl ever CXNX, ,Winghtim. *. .1-tairen to the wooda.'t ' ,This pronlic* to be an outstanding osteck sitoVe. • •Iireivine',God:erielt Shernion iiroeeeeled: I 1 , . . .; .to +c,larriia. where . 'the Isimion "Mold; A cordial inVitation is exteeded to all cittzens.' 'iltottetV toltiir rol, .tooket,; $41ittoleoe vas i , 0.6t101Iell oft the outlook for iF!n'- 13 A.. 4... liteSttlItItA,X, .1ette474 Manager i i-1,-,:11.-.,,,,c:::11,011,0,0..yini,itionait.riilooni.i. filti,),itcm.07,10etr.bolvrte:iti ,. ' 41,611,, ..Slierinan ,' inspeeted the foree. . . • . N these decisiit months all Canada' effort '-is-concentrated.-.on.one.„'great_objeeti 7, :the attaketinviit,t is:to destroy theNazi-Mertace..- 'd all that it repregents:lt ears of Work hair!: goiti6114olts' tilk*PliiatILArhe bP*st Men are,stalitiailtheir lives On its es . „ this attack withan our effort:, Tit& 'out; pups i.., ,i, pose must com.mand our, work, our mittohi. and our hearts; ., We must nol permit any ..s.cratuble for privitie .., , *din or fortoctivAitual selfish ends; to distract us from our *alit tusk, If wc---0.mceittiate . on seektErK; inclii. 44.:.ually or jointly, higher prices, Itigher.Pay:or higher profits, we shall be drveri-, - ing our attention from thc main taatt at.Lt.).#5 erk4eal. time. We shall also ".;:(fagagei.ti;ve tita- Witty' of prices whiel; we in Canada' have achieved cif.tvr_ great *Se_iiiiiel.4.0101.4tY that is easenitial. to efficiency and fairness In war; cand to peagetirke prosperity afterward.' . Our youilg men are #g6tio,.g,for a Canadarand" a wofld in which alt me an have faiih, li.PIP6 and secunty Eacb „of1 therrt wants to come • haeli to aijoh—or a fa rri-,.-witit a 'future, We ;at horn.erinust lieep se tire for 'them a strong ...t ' .4 tiod 'stalk fopiclation, alonc.a post* . War period of promise:and- achievement can. ,lbe lntht - This advertisement Is- one of a sertei being ioued by the Government of Canada firempilas;14; the itIVOtteltIC6'431 pfeventing further increoes in the co$t of living now and clefloiion later.,