HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-03-23, Page 8• ,10X.4* -4.„. ..... . 1T W. If. OVNI3Aft, Rector V.. P. S CARHMAN Or* artist and'i :Choirmaster Y... • ' '' ' .. PASSION SUNDAY , . . s ' 8130 ,a4u. f1011, -N (..108131UNION., 10.00 4.41; BOYS',BIBLE, CLASS. „... 41.09,a,ni,2, MORNING rnAwat ' ANo sOR3X9N, : Snbleetto,nlie Heart of Religion.'... , - . •,,, 2.30 P.m. VIIVUOCS,011.0014.AND 'BIM* 4iiss4. , 7,00: pa*, ' EVENSONG 'OD ,,SERMON.. . ' - , , . • ' • . • Subject: The Way to the 1(1ng..deni .of the flearek Desire." .,Fdday; 745 p.m. . : Litany and Sermon. - rreaclier Mi. R.I . L Turnbull,- ..,. . . COMETO ,CIIVRCII, , . 4 ' MINISTER—REV. TURNPULL, B.A„, fl 444 44TIIE ditURCH'S MISSION.!' 14 p.m. Sunday School. pp.,. "VITAMIN MFICIENCY.4. ,Organistand Cheirmaster-ME. MFILHE,RON.. • A .SINcERE wELCOmE AWAITS YOU, • Kit.ox,PrshyteriainThuch 7 p.m: ANNUAL MARINERS' sumac& ' • A 'Special invitation is extended to Fishermen, Merchant Siulot s, Nay Personnel and their friends to attend this . service; A detachment of the Fleet Air Arm of the Royal Nivy will b-c-preKent from Sky Harbour.' Come and 1ring. 'our frienda. Please arrange to be seated' early. 2.30. p.m. SUNDAY- SCHOOL. All-Departiiiirits, 1100 a'.111, PUBLIC 'WORSHIP. Sermon Subject: "Ther,Theology of ,Creation." Alarch 31, 8 ix.m. Preparatory Service. IVIINISTEIV=REVEREND RICHASD --STEWA ORGANIST—MISS EILEEN •BOGIE. • DIRECTOR OF PRAISE,,MRS, FRANK SAUNDERS. 'Come and Worship the *Lard in the Beauty of Holiness.' ' Slender Tablets are tlfRlittge,' TWQ wee1s1' supply p.; twelve Weeks! $5, a ampbeWs Drug-, StOre,?' Goderieh' r,Vownship. 1Voitb-- End branch Red Oross Soelet,x will hold a iit'1ire 0O 1�U the4)z feliows' Ua1 on .Priday, Alareh (See ad.). • There .will also be a bulit- eess jeeetingu TUesday, Mitrelr 28th; .ktt 1 tSOWerpy's, CQ US10A I 9.t 8430. New ...spring, hats In Smart . style, tailored and mOre dressy hats, trimmed - with •1.10wers4.• and veiL.' Miss AL . ;street, • Goderiohf.. ppOne. St12. „, • :The ,146`al brahch: 6f _the Navy league svilt Uxeet in the- C.ouncil chtiber 'Of the'''Town Hall; on' Thursday, 141areix SOth, at 8 p.in. s Painful corns (Illicitly relieved with Lloyd's Coro Salve. We' ta•Calupbell1/4 and Emerson's Drug Store's, 9,713= • likserve April 21st fOr the three -act pla,v, .,:e3fc1o11e* to be .presented by 'Willow Grove Iioir in Victoria street United church, 12 "50W' 'euchre and „dance in Oddfer• II/ANZIO:0° ANTED. --GIRL .VOR .CIENE,R414 housework. AIRS. 0. ATTIPDOE, 4,47.ineent ,street, Goderich. 1.1ff _ _ NVANTIIID. IIESPEOTAPLE .W0- , MAN would like a . poSition as housekeePer ot taking • care' Of elderir people. §.IGNALASTA.11." 42 ANTED,-;-0SER VURNiTURTO, 'in' good 'condition. Phone 949, 09de-rich. • * 32-13X 44.NTED.-TO BUY OLD'ITQUSEt • and ,dead eattle; must he sulitable fOr mink- feed; removed' promptly. FRUD GILEtERT; 2 Bayfield. Phone 908 r 22; Clinton, 'Calls paid for. ' 18* -if .AN W.A.NIED..-,-.9•E 21 40; 'Steady . Apply "t/N ITAL. 1.1)LOYMENT INSURANCE' COM- MISSION, Goderich.'. Refer. °pier No; 803.- • lows' Hall, on Friday, March under anspices of Saltford Red Cross gift cominittee. ,Music w1l bi.14-in3- plied by .the Tiffin orchestra. Lunch START, IN YOUR OWN PART TIME BUSINESS. -If you have been /laid off a war:Won't, if yo*ur farm work Dr other occupation does- not take all Will De served. Admission 35c. 11-12 ,of your time, if you are honest -and Angelique Grey- Hair Restorer gives dependable, military exempt, willing lustrouscolor to grey, lifeless hair. to work for financiol independence; ,81 at Canybell's Drug Store, 9.11- well establish you in your own Part- *— -The regular meeting of the W.C.T.u. time business,,in nearby rural locality, will be held on Monday,. March 27t1i, supplying household* and fdrin flues - at • 3-, p.m. in IsTorth street • 'United sities. Suitable travel outfit required, church hall, „after which a silver , tea Credit furnishedWrite, TH4 will be given in aid oLthe Red OrOSS.- 'WATKINs ,cedsiPANY, .' '•. -Dept. 0-0.1, Montreal, Que.10 13 Oderich - Baptigt. Rev, Joseph Janes,,MA., Pastor. . -Miss Verna Miller; Organis• t irtllitig__WORSIlir.,_ Subject:, "Do Ali Things :Work •• Together for Go s .„ _ dr s . _ 3 p.m.--• HIBLE SCHOOL. _ • pnr SONO-riaElIVICE bjec ThOneMedlator» . ---Monday-84:m.---14.1methig uf B.Y.P.U:- Wednesday 'a p.m. Prayer Meeting', s • I A CORDIAL 'WpLectiviE FORtE • "THE CHURCH. WITH A HEARTY WELCOME" .Atanut L MckAYE 10 a.m SUNDAY .SCHOOL. 104N6IG. wORg4P. 7 p.m.. EVENING 'WORSHIP:- - Elanni, • BZTYLEL .PENTECOSTAL 701.1311RI(A-CLE . .4.... ., ___ mak CION'fRE OF EVANGELISM,' - REV; A. G. HARRIS, Pastor. . - ' ' - " - If -WATERL0.0-ST. ." SUNDAY -40.00 a -M. ,,Suitday.. School., , , • . _ __ . ..._ , ..... , , . ,. 1)..00 aitn.--IVIRS. E FORD. • - „ ." , . 12.oa 0.m: -"DOES ARMAGEDDON LOOM AHEAD.?" ' • . TUESDAY -80O pxo. Young People's Service. --7 WEDNESDAY; 8.00 p.m. 'Time* llisSion'ary. Service,' . 'You are always -welcome to worship thetord at this spiritual - ., , „Nvorkshop. . . , BORN • LEER. --To .Mr. and Mrs. James Lee13„ of 2636 N. Moreland Rd„ Cleveland, Ohio, a 'daughter, Susan Brown., on • 'Moro. 1.6, 1044. Mrs. •Leeb „sis the •former Dorothy I3rown ;of gelSea ,AICIIARDY •-•-14c.t s Alexandra s Hospital, WANTED. -UNPURNIS H -E doderich, on "March ,23rd, 1944, to - house for permanent resident, Mk. and Mrs. LOWS McHardy, .19 Apply W. A. HAY, Bank of Commerce, Bruce street, Goderich, a son. Goderich. . „ lix REID.-At Alexandra Hospital, Gode- rich, on, Marck:gi, 1944, to. Air. and WANTED -POSITION AR HOUSE-. Mrs.. iKenneth Reid, R.R. 4, d,od- IKEEPER,‘ forone or tWo adults,: s. erich, a daughter. - • - at • once: ExPerienced, reliable ••and. SELKER.-Mr.. and Mrs., Alan H. middle-agedApply- to tox 22,, SIG-: Seller (tee. Mary Pauline riaxwell, NAL STAR • ' T.12 formerly of Boyfield),, of COM - bridge, :Mass., announce th.e :arrival ANT-mm.774 PIANO,'OULI; ONE ot• their -sont.-Michiter,-.Tonathanria pieferred,- he in. gOod -Cont. -_RhrasonBQue,- -Best-en Lying nr ditiou. Cash. Write Box.- 21, • S/0,-._ Hospital; on ,MitiCh 16th,, 1944. N,A.L-STAIL 12 WANTED. -SECOND 000X,, FOR s local hotel, Male or female. Ap- ply 'UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION, Goderich. Refer Order No. -802. ' 'tTOTIQE. OLINXO ' will be held at the Publie Health Ofilee, Thursday,' March, 30th, tor pre- school children and March aist for schoolebildreit. 'CialloW; 31;0,41., will give, seorlet tam toxin, whooping copgh sertinevwill.alsO de-Yfieeinfition, A. CLEAVER,' Reg.N, 11 Pnblie Health Nurse. 0 Ill111 — uisaitatN„xsuED oartinqp:t corner Hamilton street and: Square„ 0. ROBEIMSON.i 12 Ron. Ou4NUMEI? ' rooms, upstairs; private 'entrance,. furnace, 'teiohone honie;„ no accoint', imedation, 'tor Children. Pos'session. 'after...A.011 l'St. May be .eett anY' es -ening, 84 4, Nelson Street,. ! East, Phone 458. • 3.2x, 0 RENT.--PRONT HALE' OV house, „heated; modern, conven- „lenekeves. gaN:sateraettt:(41°0116e"r41.04141' ..beAtt'Pelpn:7'7 9 o'clock .111 evening. • 12x NOTICE TO OREDMORs. ' Notice is hereby given to ,all persons having any 'claim against the estate of Elizabeth Steep, late of sthe Town. of Goderieh, who died on or about • December 5121, 1943, to send same to the 'undersigned on Or before March 24t11,..1944, as- on and after that date. the executrix of the sold, estate .Shall proceed to distribute the assets thereof, 471-wseN: At-7-2.ilemaudra-- • pitals," doderich, on March 42, .944, to sMr. and Mrs..,_James Wilkinson, • Kays street, Goderich,so''doughter:. IN MEMORIAM-, • FOSTER. -In loving memory of a dear • husband and father, Wm. 'E. Foater, who passed . away four:;'years.- ago, •3,Iarch 21st, 1940. • .• • : The world maY-thange from year -to .year • , • And friends from day to day; .„ • But ,n9ver will. the one we. loved' ' • Froth memory -pass_ away. • - - ---=Sadly.thissed by w44, and daughters. . _ • • - -12 •• •ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH As there -will -be -soul day evening Lent'en services, all mem- bers. of * the congregation are' most earnestly requested, tol attend.• •The service'. this Friday'evening will ii conducted by the rector as usual, but FOR; SALES -CABINET RADIO IN the guest preacher will be ,the Rev.'. excellent condition; very -clear R. 'II -Turnbull, 'of North street United tone. Box 20, SIGNA.L.STAR, 12x ,chureh._ ' Withs many ot-Our---nlen in' the Med. - Dated at-Vrodorich this Oat day of March, 1044. 0. rars, Esq., Goderieh, Ontario, 10-12 SOlicitor top( the . Estate. OTICE TO CREDITORS.' 'Notice IS.hereby given;.to •all Persims itrodur'lulY'elalra- against the estate , - Of Elizabeth a. Jobnatoil,,vviilow,iate the Township Of Ashileld,In :the County of HarOu, wile died, on or about Alarch 13th, 1014, to send Some: lo the under- signed. on Jib before •April fith, 1944, on, and, afterthat date, t1e. executors of,,the„Said 'estate shall proceed to dis- tribute' 'the assets thereof, having re- gard to the claims. then.,med., 4. . Dated 'at.=Goderich Ibis' 23rd day' of March, A.1), 1944,, • • 11. 0. .1-1AYS.• Goderieh, Ontario, 12714 Solipitor for the above t.state. I IVIItS. A, 13:- SONLEY* AND MR, Aldin AiIm ,wish to tbSPU bier friends and relatives Who were so' kind, and. thoUghtfui, of them ' in. 'their bereavement, They also wish to ac- knowledge ,with thanks', the cars that Were loaned for the funeral and the floral tributes that, were sent. 12 •iUNGSBRILGE . gINGSI1R1DGE, •Afa• rch enjoyable time .Was had by, all at the St ratricles danco , EingSbridge LlleknOW. LUCknOWA. aumsLADY WANTED Salesladyin local DrYge048. Store. -Avply UN'ElAPLOY- ' moth- IlistrA4Nog °Pm- : MISSION",-,Nirest.Otriets-:--"- 94f ! :9-.I'Llile'ss.t:raAlPftielidLeadP6thil401.114vSat "visiting friends ,in, North Bay lask.Week.end. Mr. and Mrs. -Ray Dalton, Wiltred- - ;NleCartlly and Bert Martin. s.,904 last Week -end, in Ilamiltipt and Toronto; Mrs. leRn waa,in London' vis- l\tviinngrahre4ddaghttewreSe, Misses and • ' Seaman Eugene 09ireefe, of ;the Canadian. Navy, heine froni-`thet-: Sher- burne, N.S. Miss PoMpelssatME4irtYch°enllere.e, •Yidi.t,11* ixogNi3ii) AueilONEER FOR HURON AND IntveR Having returned from, 74,;var -work I will . now be -At. home and *Pen for all kinds, of Auction sales, including live stock, .farm iniplements, hoUsehol.d.- furnisk ings, etc.. WELLINGTON 'I1E*ERSON Bc•X 75' LUCHNOW •rhino -408- , Hall on Pridoy night. The -Carruthers 8-14x At 5 p:m. on .1ATedfiegday' , March .22n.d, ,we h.ad. nearly $8,100` ; . • the $9;000 we have beenasked to raite for Red. Cross pu40SeS. ' FOR -BALE.-HEN• cAilARry.08.- f1.00 each.' 0. wlaus, Wellington Street. . 12k Foit-s-ABE.-DLOwN---Bookw06.14 insulation applied to the Wafls and ceilings -of your home will sive 'fuel and give yon-a-moretoinfortablelumw suramer--and---winter...!-Trained_erews, apply ,All installations and material. is permanent, vermin -proof and fireproof. For free estiznate write ROWLAND C. DAY, 5 Thornton aye:, Loudon, or. ritax-18,...,, dodo - rich. Work done anywhere... Our equipment wil be in Goderieh week of. March 20th:.'24th. - •' •• -9,12 _Of_this .,amotint the Red' 'Crots_ _Units the. adj vent Townships COlboxne and -G9derich had-eontributed,more than "$1,000;-a -splendid effort quota. • • • . . We are confidenttbthis Amount7vv4. be .forth'coming.. in the meantime, the owners require the use5of ,the Green Door so we are CLOSING our headquarters on 8aturday, March 25t11 • ,After that it is requested that those wishing to "ffiake contributions do -so through any of the chartered banks. They ha ge kindly- agreed to • accept these for us. One last push willputus over, the op Don't fail the boys in uniform. • o armed forces it is. very difficult to 'get all the male. voices needed to mak k a Anwimmuoisuor _-good balanced choir -and the organist, FreeMetho s hurch REV. G. W., FREEMAN, Pastor '• 10- a.m:- -SUNDAYSCHOOL,- 11 aam, MOONING SERVICE- 6 • 7_ p.m. tEVENiNd A -Prayer Meeting -Wednesday at 8 p.m. , Vracc0riwir0:-,tiEurtyR00,1t. EW-ING-ZdACHINES -BOUGHT AND. SOLD . REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES. nouRs 2.P.M. TO 6 PA.; 0. wocorts, 2 EAST STREET.' 9tf Mr. C. P. -S. Carman, would_be glad to - heir ef any boys ormen wishingto •become .inembers of -the choir • before Ea.ster.' Choir' practice is held every Friday evening at 8.30 o'clock„,„. --We • wereglatlito_welcome._ to •oti-r Lenten- services last Priday evening Elliott'. VETICRINARY!SURGEON SmAiet AND LARUE .011MALS, At",LaUdees Drug Store, Goierich, , eiety' orktirsilay-iittreinewa PHONE 203 : CLINTON • For Wedding Gifts - Showers and Birthdays .Reantiful.FlOwers in Round Jori Fravaes - flower P• anels-, and -Landscapes Nothing4rveS as lasting' pleasfire as a good,--pictuier---..-- Mini% ART AND GIFt • STORE • . . , ,EA$T- ST. _ . ?HONE 191 , 'Ausimmusiosiumissimpoloolimmik Olspit*co ," ,t1E14- SIBLE wssri-To-irmir- •1371.tAt Yorizi mspD.' lt, Sorbething .12.1tpperg;81to wbat you've gat " ,11. M. FORD Rest assured. ' 'North $t. tat 2110,* 'NOTES : The annual service for 'Marine* . • AVM be .held in Knox Presbyterian' church • next -Sunday_ -evening. ,eyL 'Richard; Stewart will- be in the sPuipi.6 and 'there wihl be special musicby the choir. - A.detach*ent of the Fleet Air Armwill bepresent from Sky; Harbor: " Rev: 13., M._Billteel, rector. fit, qhfoge, Anrch7 Port Stanley., :and St.' Luke's - Church, Yarmouth Heights,. lhasbeen, appointed rector. of *St. Paul's churehi Clinton; and will, assume . his nes .111 1-.4 on May0, 1st. • "Miss Beatrice ./kiman of. itinear. fi; 'dine, zsangi a solo at each service, frig and evening',`..eflitiox Churelf on $,unday last.. For 'the Morning' her selection Was Heard the Voice' of Jesus and foitAhe evening "The,, Prayer Petteetr 'Miss Ooiman is the poSsesSor. of it" fine soprano...VOlee and she was heard- witT much. appreciation. OR SALE -OR RENT. -s-80 ACRES of Pasture, good bush; orchard, and spring creek.' Brick house,' frame barn and shed.,-APply to -MRS. ELLEN ,J, COX, Huron street,_ Clinton, Ontario. s.•• 12-15 • the R v.° Scott lVforton,who brought it.SALE.--A. QUANTITY OF vex - an inspiring. message. appropriate to - Seed , -4a ssnext Sunday will .be. '': Passion from 'registered seed': also a,ungiber of • GUARD soats, 1942 crop, grown the occasion: '' • .;. -• -, • . .mons 'irckee In with -the day, and. a WA; CULBERaccredited purebred . Shorthorn .bullS. 1 . T &AcoNsw: lot44, :cort-. - Sunday, the - -rector will Preach ser- eordial,,invitation, is -ex en es o a id. Phone,.4'..x.ing-.9,- Anglicatis-to be bresent..• _ Dungannen, x20, ,13.13. 1, Dungrenton. The Deanery Lenten A.Y.P.A.: ' rallSi, '• s.,- - ' (. 1012X -. will be held in Belgraire: on Friday • evening It is expeefed there will FARM .1-10h, SALE:" 7.ii. NINETY Cars will leave,the,parisli "hall at -71.5 wired for hydro. three-plece bath and o'cloOk• "Ores, Well fenced; red brick house a good deleegation frorarthis parish. • . • -furnace'.'• Barn 40 'x 70, henhouse and i,i -- - - — . ' -drive4house.-On.-No,211121ghwaY,_._iive , . TYPEWRITERS, ADDING -MMB -miles north.Of Tilodericli. WM. COOK; , .. . I. -itsips, .-.'eag4 registers, .• sewing R.R..: 8;Goderich, Ont. s ' • - . 12-13x •....--.7.7 . machines, Scales 'bought, :sold and re- ' 1, IR, ..s.,04 -TWO 0' : t 6' :RUGS, ipairedi,„1. safes. Opened and repaired. 5 ' , kitchen _table and_chairs,. cupboards, ,Work...guaraiiteed. • J. -*7-LOCKING; *wing , mattress'. - (practically new.re Clo Rritish EXchange, Goderieh. . ,eieetric rangette. Apply MRS, EARL. ' • ; er- ci E. tAMPBELLI SIRS.) H C,. TfillIfLOP, • Chairman, Finance Committee. President. NEW ISSUE 1248x1 IVIact'ARUN,,AverC.P.It. Express Office. Phone 567-J evenings or 880 days._ s:11 -CHICItS -FOR MAX -LOA LATER • delivery.,should_bed indered ' now, Cockerels !_imme,diate .delivery. Agent for Kitchener ,131g.4 Hatchery. • ; These' fine' chicks soon get hooked ,up, sosee us soon. 4Y.A.N PRODUCE 'CO., Goderich.' 12 G�rdon M. Grant - othizoN ROAD: oODfludH Licensed Auctioneer for AltIrou County Ftivalture and'iratmf Clearance Chattels and Real Estate 'Prompt attention given tO all calls Write ' BOX 001430DERICII I -52x PHONE' 050 MONEY TO .LOAN . FirstriVIortgag *was the TIME to stop. paying rent and to buy -"a farm. . Write usif yeti have been think: - jug about it. We may be able titquifirleT Yot:tlieatietah, loonatind'; enAtlflaifin; ,* • , , HURON At ERIE ' —1401iTGAGE4 CORPORATION LONDON • WINDSOR, ST. -THOMAS ' CHATHAM ;10:12 Whei you require Coal or Co OASIL Chas. ' C. Lee Ooal sul. Hardware at the Itobour 110101:---01tice Chesterfieid :Suites ALL SPRING FILLED Start at $98,.00 • „ Good Clovers WILL il'OT be available, alLyeat ;Make ;P+our choice early -Cra!istoti's FoR. ,CIIEV 00-A.OH also .babYlsAipe*4.1,,-jWrite,, 13QX. 19;-SIVrNAI....8T411: , . • 11.‘42x SALE.-BLIJR"' PRAM, ' 'IN' 'good conditien.. Apply MOS. 11UGILL,,28 Cambria Road, 12 oLocgc, left, at ',this office ter sale, $2.50, SIGNATiSTA1t.. ,,, 1 „ *VCR! S-E131i• 0Air•s, •-%-...oboutric)(3. bus. 1042' eroP • alsb ni?out 400 -bus. early-SONVXC 4943 __crop. Priee• reasonable. , ROSS IVIePtIEE, 'RIC- 3, Auburn Phone 21 gannon.' . • ' 12x ' $200,000 3;ic, debentures due -December 31st, 1945, to " 1949 ($40 000 Oer arintim).' Price:5 100 --and Accrued iriterest, yielding , 3.00%; . . . • 3'/% debentures due Oecenlber--31'st, 1950 to 1959 (4,30$000 per-anrium),--- PrfCe:' to yield 3.60.) for proportionate .arriouhti from eachl,matUrity.' Purp-oie oil -sone: . • . e' " To •irefuri an. equal „a.rriount of the .city s outstanding 4 , —debentures due4966-Avhich will -be--called for-redeiriptiorim June 30th: next: , Redemption Features: 1101t S'ALE.!-A.-..'(001) 00Mr0ltr. • able ofiemind.a.half story .frame honse. oxi eeliter of Nelson and' Albert , streets. ' Also on lot Is a garage and workshop 12 X 32 ft. For further par- ticulars apply 130X 686..Godefiell-P.0, , Or 'house No. 52 On, Nelson and Albert stitets. ' . ' . ',:, i, ”. - ;•12 , . , . FOR SALE.. --PINING •TI,O6M, ' • table„ „chairs, kitchen table. chairs, 0Upbolird. „cengolentn, . rugs. 'daybed, library table. other I ,tems. VERNON SMITH, Rayfield ltd.. evenings 7 to 8. I a 12x TOM f4A14113., nrtormit A Nfl commode Chair' in good con41tIon.1 Apply SIONAL.STAR.„ • • 12 The debentures[ are callable at 100'pluS acc:ruedinterest at any time on 513 days' notice at the city's .0Ption, provided that the... debentures outstanding' of • longestterin must be ,called &st.-4- . if/ nancial Strength: • . 1, • 'Brandon's net liabilities 'to—the ptb1ic including the debt of the Brandon. Public Schoot 3pard have been 'reduCecl since 1958 by over' $1,00ObO0,ifointanding at $754,469 or $39.77 per capita. 4 . Total tax *collections have been over 100% of the annual tat levy in ,each of the past five years. * F 5. Brandon •with a population of 'Over '18,000 is ..the second ' largest city in the Province of Manitoba, and is -a community rimportance and permanence as the marketing and distril›\it. ing centre for a prosperous agricAltural o . 0 • Delivery: On or about June , •Denominations: $1,000. „ Complete finandal statistics on this and other 'municipal and industrial iisuq.and.additional invotinent iugkestions will be (urnished upon request 1UUSON& COMPAN 1130131) 46 KING STREET VEST, Toitiwro .,rdephose: VIAVVALrie 1891