HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-03-23, Page 7fiver See a eentreinble aitile. you begin to Work on your huaband
of a etare absolately surrounded wi
women grabbing tor Semetiling On 'It?
*Laet Week-thie IA4ppened to US
,-„gahig.•114.0 fe,,SOtee we faavir, the ali-too.
faMiliar Sight -of 1104,',11, huridred:wo-
*mencbattlinglor SoMe gootlian a *le.
Being Curious-, we.idged in to See -what
'we Were Missing. .*;ancl %the ;fever
stringy us too. „ „, • .
Getting ii- close enough, to. make.
,dive we begeni .to. watch o'er eldruce
aad, warY lannter• when
got gtlede toVvel;-halts linen,
alid by the time you've talked yoUrHeIt
Iroaree-hi gives in -and next morning,
wIten 'the, bank ovens, You're right on
the deorstep to Sell your Pond,
take back the nionei you loaned you?
= rug leolo.heau,tiftd. on_the iiviiig
room door, its,kleep colors catehing the
. .neaSY end warm Ong, kind
ef horaelike .besides;‘,,,yon:Ve..wanted
4 deep red rug for ,Years„, And- then
Yalf •begin worider. %The boys '
Italy aren't walking on hand:soMe rugs;
they're slugging through% mild, uP., to
their ' kneeS, elimbing stony hillsideei
tripping ,over enderbruslx, Mel trailing
vines, their $loads.,Weighing them down
Idt-e-a ton- of 'bricirOtral-their. shoulders
serer Where tile Straps press. - All they'd -
ask ,to. ever'wallt on would, be decent
road that*Ose't being shelled clay and
night, a good read with. a 'llard,ourfa,ce:
-' opening' Vee we'grired blindly -arid,
. *half '4-
e g -efse
the bfii that left n'aoro* spot. fOr
daYS 'ate ; inn in precious-
!Ai/eking,. that eost. 25e to have Mended.
. PICO of skin' 'clipped. ''oft
knuckle . arid the worst of it *as,
we dida 'need the dish . 4
was, 'airciply: a...case of • buying fever,
• , that:hit' us, „ •
' 'Buying' fever is as contagions as
.Merrales, .. let. a neighbor WOMan
star t telling you that ''So-and.So's are
Belling.. their pre-vvar 'rue; off at
bargain, my dearthose deep - erimson
ones,* arid.. you'd" better get :one, for
there's no telling when we'll' be 'able to
gee:them again -the war might last for.
Years 0.11d you might never get
. another chance.!' • • :
.And something happens to You . .
you get buying fever, and that g
• if you're thinking of , yoar
bond for a new rug or new paper for
the. living rocandon't-you wOn't care,
what *the living room looks like it
That's the only way to bring_ them
back alive, 'pitting your money.,to wOrk
to hi-tY shells, bombs, explosives,-planeS,
tanks,* 'block busters; putting : your
Motley hit° fighting equipment -to help
. -
EditseAlt ti•m-$1111
„fiVI•trt $141101#1.C.4410.'14
movie .Weetern or fivOtts. raagati
Ca*A.W..°A., March ..'20‘..÷The lew down
on*aeons for a, • suspension., of nkeat
ratlening rar0 be eiplained la part by.
the fact, that during the dret 'eight
weeks 19/4 inspected .pegking plantsof .
Canada slatighteTed /80,066. ze'ete.
bege,'''59:,000--Mare!-cattle;' 10;004 More
eaves and 30,00,0 more sheep and lambs
than la the smite *Oka Of 1943. !The
tremendeus' impact Of. ,thia on 'the*
handling' faeilltiee, of paelfing plaids
can measured by thi;kno*ledge that
the increase in hOg slaughtering FUR
eighty; per cent, over 1941; It is .re-
ported' that there Were ceker 3,02,000,060
• CoUndl of Meat in cold storage at that
time', Aida -Ty , twice Much as last
year. It would be well to "save' your
meat ebupons',' as cautioned, 'heeause
one • day .we „may Dein' a, position to
Sbin lots more meat aerosa the Atlantle„
them to beat back the foe._
*Remember, too, When 11111 comes where it's badly needed.
.marching home,-14eli be looking about ..* *
to see what' hind of lob yqu've been The Prices, Board recently issUed,
doing on the home front. What kind an order that fur garment styles
of job have you been doing? - not be restricted any longer. The only.
thing 'VI', that the 1943, styles 'ittive to
prevail -for- 1.944:-Aftr- .that ,the 'AYTEI
• ,the limit. .
* *
, * *
° Women., are eertan0 doing 'their
art in OAS' War; active on the* hole
frOht in It hundred, and one „waYie,
1.4atest figures show that there are more
than 39,948' thic;.'areietrforces- of
Canada. On a per capitalaaels of OW
ternale Population (age 18.45) In
December, 1941, theiiik.were 1 in 1260
In December, 1942, 'One in 134, and
today one in 6%.
$1011014 stre poodneed, Onada o
li.ring * normal seem^ time ma-
ins is of m*jor interest to * Iroet, of
farm f*Miliee with sur *name. The
'Vriwe Board expect that St least eixty.
five per cent; of this yeare trap will)*
gold direct from farmer to tolleataqr, '
and int all $14.141 sales the farmer way
sell et -a retail price level. (Otte * de,
partnre from last tyeer, when he
couldn't tharge the retail prices unlea* winiana wageee, me/0044 of Zur- ThIrty-flate Deer In
he had a market stall;and proeured a joy ,,d,ied ;Karol* hi his flea soon now ipssraa
license. Varmer to .prialtieer price*. . 7 Deer *pia are reported, to
entv fourth Year
aro; Ungraded $2:49; Canada ttarli. gkev ' trona in this; 44ounty„ A few
$.05; Canadian eiredluln grade,: $2.90. XVII,. Mary Agneki '0•Wens,, ,oelaow *goy zoar varee,, Thome* Khoo*
It may be eignideant7 la the war re, nfilth . a deer in a. wheat field And
- -V i
QuielOy removed in Oleem•ittii,Itary Trucks. Phone . po , e9 ,
910r16 CLINTON - . — 215 8.-TRATroRn
William Ston. Sons, Limited .
. INGiRsom, pri ARIQ,
If you are worried. about the, ,right
kill& at *flag to fly when a distinetive
Canadian flag regnired; take Prime
Minister, King's Word for- It.' The red.
ensign is Correct dress for the ,oceaeien,.
he told the Corremoas,
kialtatio- lightgrade- fq4,5. Robert *.Owens, Vast Wawanovh died Lloyd johnston retarniag front or*
, . * '** 1 at ,P.elgri-Y-1 On Sinlday, in her viXtY.-* Mt- 10:44 in: the bush °WA* IL 14414
atrietions and stireily trend' that Muni,- Ye ' '- ' " . thirty.five of thera.”„ *
tions Minister lloVe reeently an- : • „A, !NA and 'Olunef CEO, 1Mof been Thornton+ .
nouneed tha,t contra of 'silk, nylon, 'organized at ' Seaforth,,,\ with 'Willievi in the', Auglieen reetery, 13rae0010,
cork, -IrePeki, and Products, manufae- Ament as preSident and C.' 11.. .$114( on ,. Saturday, March 18th, - Daisy ,
ture4' from thee ,,$0.1stini tiranqerred seeretary-treasnrer. . ,,,. k.11eanor Mille; daughter of Jame* IL
fleout MuuitiOu9 .1).nd. , uPPIY- to the Clinton's annual. spring , Snow* r344 Mille,v4tle. eorteessiorvor G *
Vrtena )3040; • #., , be held on ' ,Thursdat. API112 eth, and ship, end the :late Um- _
-- . - -,-; - -,--„Atc_.,_*i_ . „,,__ _ .„ *111 be,* ,oineially opeeed by .7.410te. unitedIn Marritige with LOUIS
. lAii;•' itir -1110 tarbier : 'About ninety GOVerrior 'Matthew*. ' ,-,. Tberntore-son Of Mrs, 'Therntakt:
Hen -
Per Cent.. et Canada's' 730,0(4 farmers =116m IfsAjkfo' Pg41 ills lara (S1 10u, and the late Martin ,,,Thoraton.
*keep- poultry and la.St year's egg ' pro- tThiletihroomettEi!xt1 mi:optirte5cejtvsiftourno". wmof ' tr: manitett, .11, rs, Re;auvtaivlieeMrow.701;‘90e,tesOrti:eltivt43 AOttletwi4907, . ' The,
4it 'le°07aini:ii 'di:e111.9349:CO:::: ' John Oumell SAI•tVi v41°,1}Ved rtmst 'Mods a 1101341, „ ,,
the obj gave Vile year is 36A, milliou
Sent lust 09et a: million dozen eggs .to f his life on a farm two Imo 4,.balf At the annual Meeting 0 016 Huron,
Brgou; in, 1042 these exports Juruped Mlles south of Vingharo, passed aWay 1 ratliieve, co„operatbre,„Doi at How
'While the baY8 'overseas have a con-
stant (date with the enemy, ,their
sPEtre moments it's reading that cOunts
most With them. So now we learnlbat
unwrapped magazines -cart ..be. -handed
in to anY Postoilice'in canada for for-
warding' to troopvoverse4; 'Zone col:
lection and 'Terwardinedepots have
been set -up. Present piens call for
atipMent Of 80,000 current issue
magazines each .month.,,*: If 'you're
through with your .fayorite, detective:
A look at the O.B.C..annual' report:
The national .radio system in the last
fiscal Year., had an ,operating surplus
bf $"230,2GO, Which most people will
be interested .to know eatae :from a
total revenue of $4,070,990. Licensee
train -receiving seta.bionght in -$3$791y-
090 and the commercial broadcasting
'take_ was $1,243,053. -In six -and a half
years. the C.13.0,' handled ,Oyer twenty-
five dealers and the ,f41104 with
sets contributed $18,500,000 for the
jazz, opera, newscasts and, othersthingS
which- we ,,get , over the. air... •
rtTlfenlisdOzep.. atn;tae410eorrecitu44%tt;th.rrijdotrBortloop
and tOWTIS ;Camiaa disclosed the uf Petr Dei
echert, Bay Tewneldp; nj
lit distribution of fiuld millt was about his eighty-first year. Surviving;*-- be,
tweaty per ,cent. greater* thau. a year. sides' the widow, are six sons and four
%triter/ , . .• About fridt: probalft Qan- flaugbters. '
• lo C Todd ".of St.-, Helens *as
adieu • productien, in 1944, based on
. „
esthnatee,of tree mortality, new plant-
ings ^coining into bearing; and ether
factors, Indicates a somewhat *larger
supply of domestic fruit than in 1943,
whieh4s, welcome because ,O a greatly
*. * * "
Regulations in connection with re-
'strictions on construction are 'being
* ; -
, Maple syrup t has occupied the Cen-
sumer 'Branch Apotlight• here ,for: the
past few -weeks.- Virtually everybody
concerned has written_ to enquire for
this Year's ceiling prices. Since, nearIY
-elected vicerpresident of the Canadian
Aberdeen Angus„ Association at • the
annual meeting held. at .• Brandon,
Man., last week. • '.
Horatio . Nelson Kestie, a lifelong
resident of the Exeter* district, 'died
uddlinly on Marelk 10th in his eighty-
eighth year. wife-predecelir$ed'Idra,
b7 r.
Zurich; viee-president; A,. IL , o
Miillen; 'Seeretary-treaatirer. DirecOre
.aanaed are !Make Horner,, Zarich; Sam
Ilendrick, Dasl/wOod; Wi'F, Alexander,
Ilensall„ -andEdisoa Verrest, liensall.
R. J. Scott,‘ president of the. rated'
raimere” Co-operative of Ontario, ad.
dressed the meeting, and 'urged that '
farmers press -for long.term-coatraet
Prices for .raeler „products. *
!tome from Overseas - - ,
Shoat Before *Other's teak'
'Atter Seriiiii-OfetWini-for-neartr
and five daughters
two and a half years, Trooper Everett
PreparationS re being made
:on :, * .
Pollen arrived . at his home ti't iteter .
_beays jemdoutoi,.itisoonraseAn'ecixtegp, predevittarbaieleeanste4CalbileiSch & Son, Zurich, .for the Sunday evening,March' 12th;inet
efeatoli of a new planing mill. :to re- Ir.,,,,,few hours before, his mother, 'Mts.
Coestruction, repair or alteration of
,,. place : the ,one that .was, destroyed by John . Eon/T. pollen, died liner art, in,
Plant% preVrOnsly.,:exempted01
*fr9_, 1.1,', .fire2a_few weeks ago, • ' ,. 'nessof_soMe xrientlis. 'Early' n 13
cense up to $2590„ are nouT eXempt. iiii _ Mrs'. Rogers, widow of Rev:, -DOW- 'hrir- .,the „family *oeelsooa .-Nvatiir that' :
,cont.rol lieertse' 'for • pne-ailea,half or ''.* 'Everett W4S--ratUrning;•10.-Can4da and -1-7,- .
to $5,000. ApPlicatiOns for conitruction niyrers', • W110 Wes' minister of .s,eVeral
ni,soiliorit'llar'liet°u.slit,:' the .mOther, was lOoking*fOrWard to, hie
square•feet in -area will now be con. "livetytdiriqt caogring, redgAtio
ThereitS'; in Which City' Ur. Rogers' also naps before he 'arrived,, •NtrA. *Oleo'.
corning; 'Imt lapsed into unconsciOu0-
two-story dwellings not eXeeeding.,14109
sidered; :Apartment or, Multipledwell- speet ius last years, ' Was in „her''.forty,eighth Year and be,
ing constructions 'will' no longer' he The death Of George Angus Taylor
, , .
restricted to speCific number of suites,
occurred, on March lith at the home of
but to ,-three--gtorY and basement -walk= his son-in-law, -Le,aSWItitcqee, 10th con-.
up type. • If you want" information, cessiOn of East Wawatosh, where he
write them. 'Local 'conditions and the had resided the last nine years. Be
need for bonging must at, all thnes:be wasin bis eighty-third year.
c'onsielered, and Of course. -there is al- jter. -Herbert. V. and " MM. : WOrk-`
ways, :these days,- the -matter of labor. -Man, ,Seaforth,-.. announce ' the engage,,
and' .lhaterihl-shortaPs-• . -, --; nient of theironly. daughter, i -Irene
".* * * . Vitoria. tojtikIand • 13illite64, Stewart
. .3'nf3t,-i.Ca:OnliUder ,for victory.If yen (li.C.A;F.). ivfonfilai,, son of lift. ;and
have ally_ half-torgotteh snapshots andmrs. natty' Stewart et'''. Seaforth.
postcards* front "-AT-holiday' ja.tuat in
-irrope; of -SOMo e_nr,-,titoi*,by-d-kiends,-
'get 'ern out, package, and send their to
"Photegraphie Libraryi_.-Ilaval. Service
Mg., Ottawa." One or More of them-
ern. . invasion. , Sounds silly?:. 1..,,iipell,*
it is an advertisemept below:you, reeehte two arSavings_Stampsfree
• •
In twenty-six issuesof• -advertisiiniente-under DRUGS '.
heading will contain several 'names of persoire' living in Gloderie,h and district.
The names,. will he selected from the subscription list, of -The Signal -Star.
find your natne in one of the advertisements, clip, the advertisement,
, present it to the store in.yvhich-YoM. name appears, and receive
axter.7s airy
sides her husba.nd leaVes the ono sen
and a daughter. ' Tor).
overseaS aUffereCan men ,fracture. and; - •
hall an. operation for .aPpendicitis. „*Ile
is now on a thirtY414Y, furlOtigh.
• Bei; "Say, 'dad;rginember the Story •
you', told. me about..the• time you were
expelled from .schoolr.t "Dad: "yes.",
BOV* ."Well it finny .11-Ovr history
•, ,
repeats itself?"
The mariliage will .take
foith- 'United- -church
The ' death cif, ,lkirs. Annie . Siemen
Desjar-dine' Zuriell,---uldoe tot- did -
In.te Eff.Desjardine,'occurred.on .1Viarob
J'acob' Meidinger, Hay township. 13
- •
listen -to this! Remember how-the-etty...c.pased.:..was.,m,herstxt-ylthard.,,Year,......B.e;
lore moving to zurichshe lived for
.• ,
empleteline of Dairy Products`
,MILIC BAR and . 4 ---' - . - --- ...* “: .mluragamm
, -
Special Paces on
Near Theatre- .
- West St. Phone '104- 'ilip 'ouiriliTs t -
, --Steel Bed, Spihig and "Mat-
tress; Felt or Spring -Filled.
to place your order for some of
' Jacksons Special Tomato Plants;
They 'Will be -hi bloom when
planted out; also order Spanish
• Onion Plants now.-
cPhoPnr.;15, 66.1eri.ch
criptio.ns. a S'Pe'clalty`
of Trieste, Italy was pounded before
cried -'."uncle."' A Canadian
helped to make those raids successful,
Ile spotted a bridge •on a „poetcard
which he recalled as being a vita
transportation: link. • That, intelligence
went to hi,superiors--,- the bridge
.spotted.,on !Air Force inabs and Allied
bembers did the •rest: " •
* *'
-len may not have thought folks out
your way were helping the war Much
..ttie, Way of salVage, but. Vaticaud•
Salvage Director Cha.rleS,Laferie tells
us 'that salvage rnateriaI totalling
456,204,506 .tounds wa.s eollecte,a, by
voliintary-committees In • this e‘olmtry.
• from May 1, 1941, to Deeember 31,1943.
Th.at help i to put plenty of- armored
• muscle behind „ the United Nations
forces.. and partictdarly y.our own' 'by
over there.
„Sam. was the center of --a group of
several years at: VaYfleiwlere her
husband' died ,' -but most of -their mfir,,
ried life Was spent in, the West..
Pepper-MeCture. . . .
Th a quiet ceremony• at the Herisall
ed.' ehureh Toane -ory-Mareh7:10tti.
Mrs. Jessie McClure of Xincardine and
William Pepper. of * Hensafl *ere 'united
in marriage, • Rev. R: A. • Brook
officiating-, •
admirers . because be had crawled out
on thin' ice and saved a playmate who
had 'fallen in. Said a dear old lady :
"Tell me,. my bey, havi you were brave
enough' to' risk your life .to save our
friend." •8am replied had itol.„, he
`had My skates on." •
Credit • Reperts Enquiries linvi‘d
• /2 ONTARIO,' -ST,
• The tired, worn.Ont mother cannot make alia
-bome if she is.sick and,worried by the ,never en ,
hiousebb14 duties. ' • ,
• She 'gets run .down becomba nervous 1
irritable, ,do*Witheatted and discouraged, can't reet,at-
night; andicts upin the -,morning feeling astiredtseitlien the*e:nt-te- bed;
latomon stifferprig in this way may find in' Milburn's, Els*,ltii:and..Nerve
Pills it remedrivith which to help recuperate their health, build-up the 'run
down system, and assist -them back to healtli-lumpiness again.
' Price 50e a box, 65 at alldrug counters. • ..
Look fOr our tradii mark a !".ed Heart"Lon Oic package.
Tho -T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto. eel*,
110ME-IWADR cuiNtrri
Phone 170
• —
C ItobettgOnt'
Phone 136 oTi#1.01
ArrOmplim PARTS
11111.111111111111.111111.1111111"1111111r ,1111,1"-.111.11, 111,111.1r
• , • •
Canadian Tire'
L. . witrroon, ,Prop,
• •
' IIaIniltOflSt. 1• Phone 69w -
Amp Buy and hold yourwar savings.f
-West -St. Phone 4
• -
ity Means A'greaedeaLto theleirvot-anrestute '-
where SneCessfon."Dirtigsli-WQ o,f lawn*Take,ri make iryOads in -the
value. You should l'ok-into lts 1 e y e "arto7your-owtrestate-teleasimAn..,,:.'--
atialysis by us will co,styou ,nol,qore than someof your .,time, and you may learn
•tomethingthat will help you •improve yonr present estate ragas'.
• • •
,!When- We'te tlirought".;
It lookif-11 .—
1141111#011 St. 'PlIOnir229
.65y1PANy •EIMI;rEDWindif .
BianiteraL -502:-Bay:kreer, tiloronto •
A/good way to Spend our even.
'Ing or "leisure hOur in pleasant
• mums IN'
00104 CONE' - WOOD
Phone 15 * 'kqelson.
Under trying circumstances we
are trying to dq a good* . job,
You will find this a good drni to
do businets with. • • 1
00c)Alt and 00ItE
We' are best. to Ravel
,you With otir available supply of
Phone 95w. ' Albert St.
WS. Alice 'Hayfield
. ,
84 EaSt St. 4 Phone 206w.
tate topriorities and ink* of
some ,essenthil parts we find it
itapeaSible to give Pi4.;Wari
Id, MePH11i1 1. D WATSON
', CoMplete Line of
EllESII rittl"FP ii:00.EriitaiS,.
• ' • PRIEN61.3t SERV/CE - .
Phone 474 . , , Vast St.,, 0What• (100410 eVerage *email .waut
, . ....,, fromlife?" Slits a reader. Just, ittlitile
ameminanneilisiow.mmilli'. . Ismielviimem. more Mtn , he' Average* uteri .bas „got,.
. •
Testy Pastries a Spiwialty,,
NVe feature 4
21 ihiMe 465
*. Thror*L6At7iiiiii4p11. 'propssork wore •
chatting in the station, waiting far the
: train' to leave. Staldentpy it began to
.4.cilug opt of the st'ation:,0alid they hil
• rushed for it, " but • only- two- got On'
bOalSt, The, Other stood 'sheepishly.
"Too had , Yaw illiSsM it, professor.'
said _.the porter, "At least your two
friends inside "Yes," sighed the
professor. :"The trpuble is,they cam1.
down to see me off."
- We are OM making 'this'
iiisticius bort liot.nattirally in lesser,
quantities, Soon, we hopeiviar-tinie
restrictions Will be over.'