The Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-03-23, Page 5•
A ,
ccura,te Way
When your eyes receive
exaeting• scientifictests are
14:01.(16 to flee hoyit the eyes re.; -
act to a 711.13ilber of known
Oonditions. Profeasfanal.:,ex.,
perienee and skill, aided by
Precn, optical instruments
exp., the only 'accurate means
of gelling erattly how efil..=
eiently IOW% eyes perform.
e, •
Plumb 13
�u men
We invite'you to infiPect onr
stoCii Of
entsairies will „be' PromPtli
*ended to.,
Pryde -
87ilETEW PHONE 41-
, ti -T4'1°)1
(in charge Of2Mr., J. J. Zapfe)
AUB.1,911•1*,:'.1(1areil- 22.-1110' and 'Mrs,
W. 3. ThemPSon are visaing Mr. and
Mrs. Mark Armstrong at St. Helens,
Viso Marjorie Arthur of Teeswater
is viMiting Mra. John Arthur.:
eft for Calgary, wherehe will resume
his. traMing.'
cll1r....,,andr7A1Ire.:**111him T. ,B4)13dsen
have 'returned froul"0,5tratford." . • `
AUKS Betty Sturdy visited with Mr;
and Mrs. Lobb of _Clinton.,
Mrs.. Fred Koss .1s at Galt with her
son ,Donald, who Is stiffing. With
.Mr. . and Mrs. ''Oordon, R. 'Taylor
Visited Mrith, friends:BraMpten, L.e.n7
slenq.and. ',IrProntrr•-- .
Mrs. . Clifford Brown and fainiir
Walton •ivere •visitors,'with
Mrs: George, ,Beadle;
-DistiibUtion or Ragan ..Rooka.
Distribution of the new ration books
at Auburn will .be In charge_of
-Arnelia"McIIWain. Tlie Orange- 'Hall
Wilt.: be the -distributing centre, on
March go and 31, -friM00 ;to 12 o'clock
,tli&-morging and . from to. 5.:0"clOck.
in the- afternoon:
W's , Wemen's
Lulu% was served and waa in keeping
with: St. Patrick's Day: The hostesses'
were Mrs. It. J. 'Phillip% MO. Harry.
ArmStrong, Mrs. 0, M. Straughan and
Mrs. John Armstrong.
Victory Club 11leetIng.-7„The VietnrY
Cillh met in ,the Orange Hall on TueS-
ay-evening,. with, the president -414r%
Earl McKnight, in charge. Thrtheme
song,' "Carry On," was sang; The roll
WAS*. iusswered by twenty-itree
members'With a "tirst,aid hint." ,The
treasurer, Mrs, Nelly. Ladd, .reed the
linanctal report,,,Which sbowed 4-bal-
epee of $79;62; It Was• decided to give
$00 of this money to the Red, -Cross
drive,, Out the Auburn and Ms,
triet viota Over the ;top, The . next
Mb iueeting will be on - Apr11 18t11,,
whenlhe memberS 'bre' asked, to bring
articles •for An., audio's. sale; . The fol.-,
lew,ing. wives,`'of boys in the arnied
serves were made lionorurY rOefesi.,'
bets of the. Club; Mrs. Ifareld Nich-,
olson, Mrs. Stewart Fergeson,, Mrs.
Willia.m Reid, Mrs,* 11. Wright, Mrs.*
Gordon. -Dobie, .1Virs; Bilgene" Dobie,
Mrs., Wilbert -'Lawler,
Wens, The president , was instructed
to Interview "Rev; H. I;' Om'
Mrs, Herbert Mogrldge and Mrs; Ed-
stitute'biet on uesday in the For, -gar Lawson,with regard to furuing
esters' -Hall, with Mrs.. V: ,Lawson in
;the ..:chair.. Letters of thanks were
read from Mrs. Charles Scott, Mrs.
Rachel--Therapson, Mrs. Harry Wagner
and*Mrs. Earl Raithby. A letter was
read froni Gertrude. Gray. ...informing
the ,Institut e „that she would lie in
Auburn on, Aprit--20 to 'give a talk.,on
‘Tood Nutrition." The .lucky- draw
on the, quilt will be Inade; at this fuller.
tion. was decided AO . send. $1 to
Canadian' 'Composers • The
president -requested that 'gifts,.. being
Sent. to •the 'Sunshine ',Sisters. should
net exeeed 50c. „Readings were given
1);ir Mrs. Thomas McNall;* the • topic,
"Social Wellarei" -by Miss -Josephine
Weir, and a solo by Mrs. Wesley
Brndnoek., ftiirrent. • EventS” • were
given by Mrs.' Gordon R. 'Taylor, - The
Program coinmittee are ',requested to
present •a- slate of neW. officers at- the
"welcome home" committee to meet
-ortr lads when they return. A don-
ation was 'received from Mrs. David
McMillan of Stratford. The program
proved Very 'entertainnig., Each' mem-
ber. had to "sing, •say or, pay."' Mrs.
Wllhinrn Haggitt• danced the Highland -
fling, Madeline Yeungblut gave *reek.:
-nig, "Sally's* Bicycle," MrS. Dorothy
Daer a reading, "Canadian',Iled Crosa
'Parcels,"Mrs„Marion, 'Haggitt a rhyme,
Mrs. L. Irwin A storv, Jean- Mrkeon-
nell -,riddle, Mrs:. Beryle, Nieholson
gave P.P.' instructions, ree'
readings wer
given by Eleanor Bradnock, Elva Arm-
strong- and' Anfelia., IVIcIlwain, and -a
soloEarl McKnight._ The
fines amounted *te 71c. Lunch was
then served by.1VIrs. Nelly Ladd, Mrs,
Muriel -Andrew, .Mrs. Dorothy Deer,
Mrs. Jean Patterson.; Mrs Irene
Wright. Lunch fees amounted to
.next meeting. A prize 'donated ,bY P-20, A contest was , held and was
Margaret King was won 4bY Mrs. C. won bY MrEl• W. Bradnock,- the i3rize
being donated by Mrs. T. S. Johnston.
AHewson. •Th e lucky 'tieket,..was
drawn by Lila Doer, Mrs, Herbert
Mogridge then • taok• elia".rge for the
Red Crass meeting. Miss *Josephine
Weir reported that_twenty.ifive; boxes
had be sent to the boys o'Veriests"
for the month:of 1VIareh. AT -letter was
read, from Corporal Jean Rousten: A
quilt made arid donatedto the "-Red
Cross - -b Mrs. Geerge F. -Yotingblut
ssp1iled*-.1t-was-1ecided --t,Fsend-
Graeine Chamney p6x.., The. meet,
ine -- was closed by- Mrs. .Woods, Beatty, C.
Aointinents to'41le--Algomft
Co.'s steamers for th-if---season of 1944
;have, been-, anneund,ed. The masters
and.enghleirs, in that ',order,, are-:
„AlgoCen,'M., A. Livingstone, A. M. Mac-.
Innis; Algostee1,111. -A. Lougheed, Sam
Wheeler; Algoway, James Sykes, eDon-
-aliff.,MCConne114,- AlgoSoO,, 2Bldek-
well, Vern,- Chas',
1. Tymon. .
. .
0„ ATeTa-ii—V-its prirrilaili:Iryou 71WWOrin-
..sured, repayment.M0' cost you your, honie, your
sawn* gs or months -of income; Letusexplain Pilot
----Autoinobile insurance to yon. It costs so little.
"OO" and Dance
under auspices of Go4444
North Znd Red Oros Society
Friday, March
AtioneX SMJ
' • .
Eineritorts, ° : S4.4„E :or tArith,
„-., " ' FARM. •STOCK, ''‘'` IMPLEMENTS
on Bayfield Road, , one mile from the
Square, Goderleh, on '
SATURDAY, ' MA,RCH 2503, 1944
' * at 1 o'clock P.m:
Mare 10 years old; mare, aged;
milking cow, due to freshen in July;
heifer, to calf in May ;. yearling heifer;
four pigs, fthqat 100 lbs.. and up.; ‘28
hens, one • year , old;'Mhssay-Harris
mridery-4.ft.--,-cut;-seed. drill,. -rnowr,
riding plow, walking plow, cultivatOr,
dim' harrow, -horse rake,. Belittler, two
seta harrows, bobstelghs,„•, Wagon, hay
rack, ;Wagonbox, democrat, teiggy,
eutter,•stoneboat farm scales, 1200, lbs.;
--grain Cradle, cutting .box, harness
sewing horse, double . harness, single
harness, Cyclone 'seeder; , corn planter,
filgl crate; grain bagger, shovels, picks,
forks, etc. work -bench blaCksniltlfs
vise;" Ford coach, 1929, under 20,000 Michigan for ,a number of years,, re- ilY have gone- to Laurier,. Where Mr. ,
turning to 13arfieid. in 1918. Mr. Me= Carter is employed by Mr. Wm. John-
mowwas of 11.eYgrass seedberry crate
, ' , ; ClineheY
200 new bricks. • • . church. Besides his sorrowing widow , Mrs. W111 Shields has- again . rented .
Household •Furniture—Two parlor and -five 'children, he leaves *6fteen herfarin• to W. A. Culbert. ,. •
tables, four parlor chairs, wilting desk, ,
igchrtlfiddreehniicianed1170.-"bn-rdothrr,e Wgle-.4,.tiVircrlitici-- '
over the week:end, with his. wife and
Mr. Art -Brown of Dundas visited
piano -case iorgiiii• and stool, gramophone
and records, hall rack, sideboarg,ehey, ext . HolmesVille--- The 'funeral ,other. relatives. ' ' ,, •
will be °held on :`rida5e" afternoon from. MrS,.. Lorne Ivers , and. Mrs. S. M.
sewing machine (White), mirrors, dining chairs, kitchen stove (Quebec), his, late residence... The . service will Reid, will•: be -in charge' of the distri,
pictures,two bedsteads; three bedromn• •
be in, charge -of ,Rev. .T. Graham and button, of ration bOok Wiz 4 on Mareli
dressers, two Washstands, 01164- bed-
interment in Barfield 'cemetery. 30th and' 31st, at Dungannon, Public
spring,- dining_table, • kitchen table. - 2, '' 1.1..orrnel., ' R.eskient Dead.,:word. 'was Lib •
rarY. * ' • - '
cutiboardWv-Oal-bil stove,. 'el-dekTX-Tile-te's reeeiyeg here .recently'of.. the death . of ' mac '-Dungannon Agrienitural Society
linoleum,parlor lamp, sausage grinder,
William JohnPeck, whichd' Occurrein
. • — . •• .
Sponsored the pla',v '".CeirerallS" **1,sielis,
ilawn mower, crowbars, logging • chains. Medicine :Hat' General Hospital. -06 was presented in Dungannon last week.
1,,,,ineh,'ind 13(2 ineh_ilipi„g,,nev,441x4. •March 5, after an illness of two inenhs. 'The plaY was well received and j11(
sugar .,kettle,' barrel, ' neckyoke; enter; 'ITIfe-O•rae"ed• Who was n :.soit, of. --We was ea ize -_-roni"-tne-evnifiVW-ente,r;•'
BityrxgraI, Mania. 21.--U S. ()liver
Mynas returned ...home on -Tuesday
after spending the past six weeks In
Ur. Reheny, Larson and. son ,Clar«
enio,.. of London, spent the 'week end
at their home in the Village.
Pte. Ellen i-lklatKay of London was
the guest of ber parents, Mr,. and
MacKaY, over the weelP.
end, ,
• "Biddy Burt arid Ernest Miles, of
London, spout the week -end with 4,11,
former% grandparents, Mr. s.ond Mrs,
Mr; and. Ws. 11. Robinson of
London spent the week -end at their
summer home in the village,
Mr; Ernest Featherston of. ' London
spont the week -end' at Ala 'heine 111
the village. .* '
ACI Fred, Weston, R,O,A,.F., of St*
.'X'hOratui, spent the' week -end- with liis
wife and daughter.
Mr. Henry -Dtterowha's: "returned to
the village after having visited Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Xollock in:qoderich
for PM* One., :
Air:, and gra. Ernest': Vodden have
moved'. 'trim Madden, „ te 'the
iindare staying with thelatter's
mother, Urs, W. Talbot. They ar,
rived .on Saturday night and,. we bid
them welcome to out midst. '..
• .Death of Henry 1$1010linthei`;-.
Death came suddenly to Henry
Clinchey On Monday,, March 20, at his
home in village. The deceased
Man, who was. the son' of the late
Bridget ''Gallaghert Robert MC-
Oilichey, was born in Stanley town-
ihtP_Tin --rre,4Tirir,raitrtre-a.
in., April, 1887, to Miss .Rebecca A.
Snider, daughter of Samuel, and Mary
Snook °Snider. To this happy ' union
. -
were born ' liVe• children: _Roy
ClincheY,:- Gregory, Mich.; Wm. H.
MoCiinehey, Decatur„ *Ill. ; Mrs: C.
Clare; "Mich;; Mrs. A. Holm,
Preston; Ont., and Mrs. W. H. Speed,
.Inkster, Mich. The' family - lived in
IN At MI hours
lavIOAlYNON.: MO.tch- 22:—.144.0
;rack Caesar, of Calgary, Alta, lo
.joying • '-furlough with his parents,
'Junes Parrish on Sunday.
" AALOW, March Pgi.
oi GOderich'and Mrs, Grace Seri* of
London visited with Ur. end Mrs.
likit„ and Virs...Wm.,04e0
miss Christine McMillan of "Gode-
rich was. a' .1;veelt-end guest with her
friend, Miss: Ellen • lAtalae.
Mrs. Harvey -Aryans returned to her
home this Week froin the Goderich
lctrif.';lOttrIto„ 'entertntneft the lad-
ies .41, the neighborhood at a Red Cross
,q I g . '
Mrs. Harvey Maize 'spent 'the .vireek- had never seen before., Lunch was
Served at midnight. . .
Junior. Ited-°Croes.--The'/nnior Red.
Croke. Of S.H. NO. 3 held a Atr',000stal.
euchre :end Crokinele party 011'Oridar
evening. The prizes were donated' by
tl* teachei:, -Miss E. Cameron.. The
winners for erokinole vivre, Donna Ve.
rhea and -'Elmer Robertson, and cop
soiation . awards ',went to ,Billy Joe
Andrew' and, Joyce Ciumingbara; POOO
winnera at euchre, Mrs. Thema?) Me,'
Nall and Amos, AndreW;' consolation,
awards went to Mrs.2.4oncis „Andrew
and Gordon McPhee. Several du*"
• .Were, sung by the ohildren.
Zunelx-"WaS servedr -Proceeasi****e-ter---.*
the Red' Cross. .
Mr. and Urs. john. Orser, *irk r100M.
ing and Madeline, of, Toronto, visited
With Mrs, M. SMYthe.
The'C'.0. Club held, quilting in the
half Aast Wednesday and anished two
quilts. On Friday evenil:10.theY 1104
PartY- Ot, the, hull at,Dnultah 5.
good crowd enjoyed au evening of daub* •
ing.„ mr. and Airs. Dan Willie danced
the Iersey (lance, vvisich a good number
end with her sister, Mrs. Boland GrahN,
Mrs. W.-. R. Andre* and grand-
daughter* spent ft' few 'daYs 163
London recentfy, .
, Valli Caesar, who was stricken
With spinal, meningitis several vveekS
ako,. 'is recovering and has returned
home from the Wilighara hespttai, and
is able to be up "a short 'While each
14A.C. Ross Vedy of Three Rivers,
Quebec, is spending' three weeks' 'vac-
ation - with. hiS parents, Mr; and° Mrs,
H. J, L. Hedy. • - '
word that their' daughter, 'APO.. Eva°
Killough, Reg. had, undergone
,oritical,- operation in, Wellesley
pital;-Toronto, Thursday last. Mrs,
Wm. Kelly of Seeforth and Pte. Mabel
Killough of 'London are in .the city
with • their sister ,while. she is .eon-
Mr. and Mrs: G6Idie Carter and fare,
_ ,
BufanitY Is to make a right estimate
of one's self. It is nO humility for a
man to think less of larnselrthan he
ought though it Might rather -puzzle
him de: that;•70, H. Spurgeon.
late Sohn and Mary'. Peek.; Was- in his tainment, •'•
stone. •
- — •
This ,propertyconsists of 20 acies selcenty sixth,' yH.1
year -Te was born, M 9:111-1.n west. •,,Wawanosh gwn-
, ,filb
(more- or less). There is said. to be ' in .a.nd. around
Stanley toWnsand the early paki. ship on Maras -19th; 1944." to; Mr: and
„eil_this_pr,enextv_a_c_emkatable .fraof his life was, spent
me Mrsi'. Harvey Alton, a: daughter: 4,
house, frame barn, • * henhouse, goOd 711...ald-'411-1894*"._
for a number nr years taught, sehool in--
water supply, good young orchard. North :Dakota. ,,,,,•11e was married in
CHATTELS --- PASH. Terms on
1907 to Miss Addle Wallis of Bayfields
property, 10% deft. at time . sale,
predeeeased him in ,November,
balance , in ;0 days. Sold. subject to i'v116
to take up ,farming and continued to •. , GLADYS' ALL:IN;
. Executors.
1.Souritotiqer-the,--E, Late:"
• . . •
We write Pilet.Insurance to cover selected OAS_
in Automobile, Fire, Personal Property Floater,
Burglary, Plate Miss, Public Liability' and other
general -insurance.
j-.1-„WritgYe*-1k *art431--4121cEsga-
Goderick ,
G. C.„ Treleaven Agency,
G °mon Jewett, RA. No. -6, Goderich
WJIien Won'fbuti (tdolkes worth .of goads! 'For 'instance, tom Paryd:to present-day
siondarktioOr dollar of lostvitir Was workik,,not a do117ar. uf, .gOtn dimes
• • . . .
. Housewives- who went marketing i n1917; had to part ifith
r a fourpound Jr ofia which' you buy to.diiifor
mos comp. area°-
You gera lot more for your money NOW
• 040‘-----,.t.46,-
• . Dad's winter underwear ,
; because price ceilings and
• 'otlie'runti4nNtiOntiry.:n10064res..11‘qi*-14fthe—Ale::tiftjoiir-tiotlar.11.
. .
• never un4e'rmin,e-S
'Thats:whOt v,i.114a
priie control in Canada, Remombei; you prated' tioUr,dotioesfs ,worth when you
use your money wisely
. •
whin yoU,00 y off debts
refuse .to buy
needless luxuries.,liye blaekmar!<ei: iii4eberth' • •Aolnd dor'flioard goo
• •
"7/ r:/ //
t, •
..,,, I promise to giye my supporrio keeping the cost
2, .,
of, living dowti. I will buy only .what 1 need. '''I
, Will Observe, the- ceiling Nvhetr buying or se1l1=-
ing goods 'iii servicesj will ay, off 614 debts, '
save, for the future, invest in Victory Bonds and .
:War Sa.vings Certifitates. ,Aid. k yviit support
' 'mei which help lower the cost ofiiVitig.
At", ///•• • •.• ••> • / • • •
AgY&A Uitikael*Z /OSA,
Ptibliib611 by Tilt IIIIINVINCs INDUSTRY. *(0i•ITAVO)
to.hple reveal thar siaagerg toor'esersts for tot thc p°04,010 of the rsi,,t1Ono
- •
942. They moved to, Alberta in 1.010
reserve bid. . •
CREWE, march D.—Mr. and, „MrS..
Vernon Ilunter,5. Joanne 'and Murray; -
resat e there. Su rviving! a re jsmas, witoh4M.erv.. tatnhde list
thRetiete:kreeolekasY707,OhligVidayham_31.1),,pit4- L.1,07145,7
and VImer,„;_w-h7):-A the Trrat.-wepr a,t
'Dawson -7 (Aitesagimyr,MtF"-;-t-titd-A.4..k. „blither; .-:,'TA-§-r-t-o-rrniyre--Drerririi-rPtet,urned to
able" to . return home on Tuesday. We
Ar..0.41$-A•9414,441.0siate4,4r,Ar.4,,,-,N,.44. ope-his;ContlitiotrOntinneS, to;:littpr
--Grec'rge F-PeOt. of Parscr6": _The ilet,position in.:LucknoW_Ittthe.Ori&-tit
ffitiVtiii'"Wfri*M7rOln t11-04-1),itfir' gf( the' :Week after beWitid4O-STeteWfeliiii
1. •
on 'lots 29,and .3Q, concession 1, Col-
borne, Township, tbree Miles -seutheast
of Benniiller, • on . ••• '
funeral' hoine-•on' hursdayi•Ilarch. p
and interMent'llVas., in: Medicine Hat ,
-X1r. and 'Mrs, Lorne, Emmons and
,Cemtery. 1,H - Muriel Spent the week end with. the
former's:Varenti.liear Arkona.,
•. Mrkk-L.-Crozier,-Frances ankLorena„
of ',London, spent the week-oa ;With
Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Crozier." Mts.
Crozier is remaining a her home here;
We are sorry' to °report the serious
illness of Mrs. Will Reid's mother; Mrs.
Wilson of Wawanosh: • '
Mr: and Mrs: 3: I.); ilieson of . Strat-
ferd visfted' on 'S,undity with, Mr. and
Mrs. S, Kilpatrick and Mr, and Mrs.
Cecil Blake and family. •••._
(Intended fox last week)
. . • •
- !CREWE, • Marclr.13..—, AC2 Lloyd
Finnigan, 1 of Centralia., Mrs.- Flimigan‘
Bertha n,nd Bobby visited:With Mr. and
ATIrs•--RaYinoxid_Finnigan and faintly. on
Sathrda-y. •-•. ' • . • • -
R.,11hinigan,`Chester and Louise
spent , Sunday, visiting„friends 'near
ASIMELD, March. 22.—Mrs. D. A.
,at 12 o'clock sharp. ' MacD,onald spent last' week in London
HORSES -1 bay hoise,.middie-aged; her daughter, Mrs.
1.bay horse, 9, years; 1 bay mare, gen-
visiting with•
mt. purpose; rising 6 years; 1 bay RalphCOWle,rid Mr. Cowie:
Miss Mabel acDOnald of Wiedser mare, purebred,. rising 5 years; -
I. matched' team • black. Percheren colts, Alex. Maepenald. ' . • ' - '
visited with he'r parents, Mr. and Mrs.
rising.1 and42; 1 brown mare-, 7 years,
in foal: 1 horse, 10 years old, .. • Mr. -Ewen Mactean,"who h,as been
COWS -4. Guernsey, cow, fresh
Working at the rubber plant at Sarnia,
' 3
months'; 1 --red • Durham cow, ' fresh has returned home. i' °
Robert ,Simp on, of theI: R.C,Arp.- a
1. nninth ; I Holstein cow, - fiesh time of,
sale; 1 riurhani cow, fresh 1, thonikv Toronto, spent .the week -end at his
I red 'Durham Cow, fresh 4. Months; home in °Kinta I. - -
1 roan Durham, heifer,- fresh $ months;•
ko, .: 1' SO,h;• 1.n Nvawa''-
Mr§, N'Vni4! Berry viSited with her
bred;: -,1 red Durharn heifer, to freshenlami§. 11.thOfttli
in May; 1 roan Durhain heifer, fresh 3 1105 », On §,aPirdaY: . -. '
Months, bred; 1 red Durham cow, fresh i. - ...,j,,,, .%,„‘ ...„
• --'Month-417., . red lonrliam• . Ow, .. to IliVIN IN ROOK .
fmhen in pril ri 'fan 'fficiliiiiii -CIiiii -,1,04t,....._ , -,,,,:„...---,..,......,-,..
to freshen time of sale; 1 grade Hol- DONNYBROOK, „ March %..21,1-71411r,
stein heifer 2 ' years in November. • and ,, Mrs. , Arnold 'Craig 'entertained a
.YOUNCATVIr-L7, gO6d-Diiiiiam- nurdli'erThT Inen-d§7*froiiirWittghtfril7an'
heifers, ri-
sing 2 years; „a Witham vicinity oh Friday 'evening. - •,,-
steers, 2 years old; 9 last summer's
calves; 11 winter, calves 1 .registered
$00" afid Dane
March 9
Novelty bifaces
Old -Time Dames
Minch' served
Auspices°, of •Oodericb.
Rebekah:. Lodge
DIO cObscit
= ,
. • "
*The • St. Augustine Wat, Workers
met on Tuesday afternoon at the home -
Durham bulf; 3 years old in May; quiet. of Mrs. R. Chamney. A Red Cross.
HARNESS—Two sets plow harness; -- quilt Was completed and a number of
seta.slugh,,drivinehArtiesar.L.-,1_,-- Set articles,,melubers.for..-,the-
light -donble driving. harness;' horse boys' boxes., .'A bazaar'. WaS,, held and
. a ten -cent tei0 served. '•
IMPLEMENTS--7-One Massey-Ilarris The 'W-11/2§,'1,niet on Thursday after,
horse cultivator; \I Deering, disc, 12 noon et,jthetilionie of Mrs. Norman'
plates; 2 wailcing plows; 1 two -furrow ThempsOte-, milt Was, coMpPted for
walking plow; 1 Quebec riding plow;the',Red Cross.
1 -set harrOwsr-iive-seetions; demre2
crat ; 1 set bobsleighs; I fru& wagon ;' 'Every tomorrois... has its, roofsih
van rack, hay rack,.. 1 grain yeSterday... Wemist Beare_di -
grinder, 11 Cyclone .grass seeder.,1 Set heritagetofind our destiny.
scales, 2,600 lb.; 1 torn Sheller, 1 ---
cutting box, 1.fanning mill and 'other
,:,Quantity ' of household
fUrnishingS.- " " ' '
• TERMS ---:CASH.,
soml Pram, Proprietor:
trAnora sAcKsolv.
11-12 'Auctioneer.
CTIO.N SALE OF rAitu stpert.
v •
the administratilk o1. the tstate of,
thelittl.,,Wilfred J. Cox has instructed
the undersigned- to heir by public -
unction at •lot ..Cut Line, Goderich
Township, 2V2 miles west ,of riolnies;
vine, ' ,• • • , • .
commencing at 1 o'clock' the following;.
.ROltSt.i4.—Matched. general purpose
team rising a and 4, well 'broken.
• CATTLE—Two 4Icreford -steers
'-weighing 1200 11),S.,; '8 Drirhanej4steer5
weighing 1100 lbS;:. 5 Durhairelheifers
lveighing 4)50 lbs..; 10 Hereford steors
weighing 050 lb's.; 4 steers
weighing 950 lbs 0 Durhain heifdrs
weighing 750. lbs.; •96-Dur1aiti Steers
'weighing 750, lbs. 14 Duillain steers
rising 1 ear old. '
SIIEEIL-0.Foutteen purebred Leicest-
er ewes,- some with lambs at foot, bal-‘
sinee due latter part of April ;41 pure-
bred -Leicester ram.
' 200 cedar postS and stakes,
TERMS ---Cash. •
urts. BLANC.IIV COX, •
h t Adm Mist r.altLirti
Tenches; "Ilow old Is your father?"
Tommy: ,,,,t*Thirty-eight."', Teacher;
1'U bne to give you home .work more
suited to his age." '
• .
, •
iiis . Naar a . Romapee
, The lives of .thany -young people are; Made Miser-
ableby the braking out of, pimples, and-.STPA prObably--, -
know Of cases where a promising romance has been
-ts"--spoiled-by--tixostedr,-W s
sores on the face: • •
* The trouble. is not so much phkstbai Pan but the
mental suffering caused by the ernbarraiising disfigu, renaent whieh.*very.
.0g -ten makes the sufferer ashamed to ,go' out company. . ,
trThe quickest vitay to get rid of pimples is to improve tile
:thorsaugn cleanting, of the blood. •' • ' • '
' ,urcloek Eloodiitittera_helpa to.-cleanBe-the,°blood-and--With the blood - •
• --eleanie&the complexion should Clear up. '' • . •
T. Milburn co., Litalt0a.'4,6;viito. tint.
; ;
The latest rePo $ on the waste pa er condition, indlcatethat,
while'in appreeiable .ainount is 'me,
'nation is stilt :
, ,
Canada 'mu
einergency ration,
Army and Air VO
towards the mills, th,e,
,1&e, '1;tiore -Paier4(41)ntai is for ineclical kits, ;
liells,"bloodplasma; an;id hundreds of other Naval,
uSes. '
" .
e ,6 ,erg' id newspaper ambnia.g
Anne. They are all needed
„and collepted'in; thenear future. Tf, you have about it hundred
- pounds or ort/ tie them up seeurely and phone the To.'cyt) C,Ierlt,
- or The Sigi;a:l.f4far, 71.