HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-03-23, Page 36, V4111-11-: _ usiness Directory ji-ViDLIOX arrister, Pte.. _ 0.0fdee--Court GOderieh, Telephone 55. • rS•UTHVILLAVD ° -Barriater and -Solleitor 0=4,7 -North •Goderiela.' PhOne ,750 AgARTEAtOR ACCOUNTANT' • • . •••••••--," 19.0.1sUliiIWO and ilONTITH,„ Chartered Accountanta ' .Albert. Street, ,Strattord. Tironto Office: 202BayStreet other Irish volumes.- For- 411OW 'INSURANCE 171•01114L(JP" 'NCO- TIJAL' FIRE IN- --SURANORN.00.7-Ftirm and lated town property insured. _ Officers --President, 7W, li R. Arch- , when the boy 'diseussed his future obligatory duty to the state. Mils §eaforth-; Vice-PI:esidentt Pilt..P."' career with his parents 40to1d." them more handsome doing: and co-operatin lieGregor, Managerand. that- the Job .he was besa-4ualified to there wpuld be if the Governmen Secretary7Treastirer,..M. A. -Reid, Pica- fl11 was that of a chaplain on board would give us seine- simplified ixtetho forth.• `••• a' pirate*, ship, When Sir Robert was of taxation which „ people vvahont Directors -$V., Archibald, ,Sea- 'asked. as tothe relative ages of the law -yea education could ifollow. f�rtli; ]rft'flkMcGreg0j', Clintoni Alex. 11ets -he talked so much about- jn Ids pnblic addresses, he ansvvered,• "I 33roadfoet, Settforth.,; Chris. • • Leon- hardt , Bornholm ; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton-; 'John L.- Malone, Seaforth; Alex. McEwing, Blyth,; thigh Alex - .ander, Walton; Geo, Leitch,Clinton; Agents -John :Pepper, Bruce- • . tt, 0 This, is 'St, Patrick's ,• have as if read_the story of St. Patrick' with Profen ,• law gpOidAleal. of latex -est" and, Admired. the eliaracter •of • the: great, spiritually 'gresalve Saint -.in his. paerifielal .labors, o a neighbor On the. benches, of the But reall 1 got more "Iciekr out of noatie' better than the way he did, This plea 1tora. Bradford, 'Yorks, had some • .4 klUntirsi FPIRElif T WERnfl"' DEM PNTARIO,t. t.14 D 1PRZSENtAtiOttBIt UI GROWXXIIKQ 4. 0.. suatmzR, 4. U had. it fright 'and Making ,a• change the impressibn mY inkiirensiVe aspet ,gneraIly is Irk:ill metal) of the se (4'.•°°'thincins inight PPQken 111- 1 very towsled hair ,and a brawn.* ' man- , StauCe, "Letter,a, and, Lealleta of • UYI"ner., Tne-Jrish. critre used to 'aitY of by Tim .110o.ly; 4The houxs ,-11,11u1 that .44haif a -pound" of ‘PcOatum apesit with thee, dear pa.rOdy1 would make'an entire change lit hi. a, -line-let "Tlio-ItosaLsin song. And I can say the same. of that learned and, happy astronomer, Sir Ito_bert, whose beet' -on Reminiscences ' w01414 net let me go to Sleep irk the middle ,worried and perplexed look that come ,of the night, . , There.areSomeegood,,,, er strenuous cage, 'Mingled .with Irish .novels, toe, -that gave ifie' goo reading,' far removed from. the line of 'St. Patrick, -Which Ifound highly inter- esting. • Sir Robert Batt is always7tickii4g one's risibilities by. one" SOry Or„ an- other_ erby aeme nunioronavireniark. One Occurs to me when he 'spoke ofone -of his conshia who Wits fond of pranks mi. -adventures, but wits- iieVirtlieleSs of a religious -turn of mind. He. said Character." , These • are days for 'filling out fornas. The tax Sheets the Government pro vides tend to keep on. our faces that hothersoraeness that is hard to put ni witli.•I have hot seen, not can I con ceiVe of, anybody filling ,incoin tait Ptifirs whistling a merry' tune ndr--anybody- patiently- working awa At such figuring humining,the doxology There may be saintly souls who ca do thiS:But the- harassed look, th dishevelled hair, the puzzled anee-,- the •-appearance-- Unit- speaks • o headache .and bother, belong , to tlif lia how---tati.eh-better it is to -fill in- forms ,with a smile! For example;.I was fill- ing in a marriage register page re- eentrY. I got to the .line of the bride's occupation. *.The answer -she gave mei to write down Was, rein dr kiss depart- ment raterson's." The answer made 234 -1 „ . • . • 'SteWart -Middleton Eleeted rrealdeatt ▪ of .cQuiity Assolatiorl 4:',Ifax,,roN,mayeb.24,0,,tlieb annual. meeting Of, the-III:1On 'Fruit OrowP.0,' AsSocia.tion; • held' : hare Frhlay; Stewart MiddletenY Ooderich ioyaishin # was: elected:president for 1.04; • gOnor- :ary,.Presidents aye George ',LaithWeite, Godefich; James „Bayfieltl, It, Ji-IV41..atighlirt, irussel-S; gad 4.41W.. SOYnt, Lueknow, , ,. .„, ' Other-7Ofilcers are.: ..Vice-preSidenr, Olayton-.-.`Leithivalte, Oaderich; seere- taryAreasurer, to he. aPPointed ; -01""Cc. tors, D. a., Lassaline„ Goderich EX. 2;' Benson Sowerby, Godefich,, R.R. 2; Thomas Salkeld, Lucknow; Fred' 44 - (Beton, Clinton; 'George Johnston; -McGuire,. D. A; gMitli",- Fraser Bayfield /t.11. 2. ' The resignation of .T. 0; Shearer as secretary -treasurer was received and was accepted with regret. . . • „: It:Was-decided to have the seer-et-LIU write the "PrieeiS :and-Tradr"Beard- urging the advisability of haying Mask -Os -sand hampers delivered 'direct to orchards this year; It was..alsO _decided to vegetable_growe,ts. to affiliate with the.: -fruit. growers! organization. • T4 retiring president, 3, W. 'aroynt,• spoke. of the great loss the fruit- grovvsera,had suffered in the death last year of Mrs., Sloan Smith, a former president of the AssoCiation. • • Mk. joynt preSided for after-dinner iffoCeddings at- the Mackerizie-Aouse. Mrs. 'McGuire was pianist, Gordon Blair and J. C. Shearer song leaders. A -pleasing feature was the presenta- tion to Mr. and Mrs, Shearer of. a hand- sonie silver tea service by Mr.- Joynt 'and Mr:: Middleton on .behalf of the Q. II r romottoit 1-(Alt.Sv,"„vP.s.1.00,71011010,-- for,Ilarry 1.'Boy16.. Roys iron; S‘renie-eii;10tiOlieeli, Vesirs, Nite:114.1toWn ,4nronite Appointed. SupcirOsor 0.1140: .,. -FM= BrOac109-at$ • field; R. F. YfeK'ereber,'. Dublin Prueter; Brodliagen,; George A. Blyth. . - Policy -holders _call -make all pay- men.ts and get their. cards receipted at the Royal Bank, Clintati;, Calvia-Outt's 'Grocery, 'W-ngston'$tr.eet,-Gadefieh, or Store. Baylield.- know . ' , — ***DR -.—E,. 3. R. BAR, Late house . Surgeon New T Xori Ophthalmic and Aural hospital, assist - „ant at Moorefield Bye HesPital • and Golden' Square Throat Hospital, London, .England, EYES, TESTED, GLASSES SuPPLIBD _ 53 Waterloo. -Street -S:, Stratford Next 'Visit 'Rediold---33titelr:Ginietieh, Ificiednesday;_,Marelk-421,„1 '40.Osissamoo,o'immosaaas° oSmaseseasiesioo-o.0. know. nothing. I can only sayto the other .planets ,What an Irish carman said to the old lady passenger, "What- ever your -age is; you don't look One Irish 'piece of wit from Tiro Ilealy's 1)oolli that recur t to me wien- I see my hair 'through the mirror, looking 4-1?AlltaPItieViEl: AND: 'tigtiormis, 113litRiit4IT ” .Phone Ofilee hours -1-10 to 12 A.m., 2 to 5 kind r to 8 pm!" Ttiesday, Friday and Saturdtki. 10 to 12 ',a.m. only on. 'Wednesday, Jilonday .and ThureflaY__at .Mitcheir. , Mineral fume baths by .appointnient A. N. ATKINSON 'South -SC . -a-broad smile come ever -ray face.. I , • , A think she must have seen it too. Don't, 08§`LoCiatipp.. Mr. Shearer made a .httign 1 ackriowledgment in ‘which, he spoke of ,L3exng ,likerittted Pepot :One handred Canadian b4s. „of agea SeVittitkeit #nd eighteen, 100 have their pibUeSehool, eiticatfon or better- aad A , • have proof,of age, are noW heliig°sOuglit' • ••- fratiry .-distriet-Ne, tO, lOrti, a 'Toronto, March,-217,tqw ShngF., , trade" n.t. the 'Canadian Armh, e.B.p.. stiPervi.,sni nts P'vra ntqadealts' aecording to • Lieut. II, .0. Fetteriy,' c'er conaman ing„ 0. craitiag Unit, • lias resigned 4roin that:119Si' to return d. Mobile lt4 to privatefarming; aecoralag to an anneuncement.by -the 'CanadianBroad,4 'ca .Corporatien, Meath •, Mr, '1400'.t9 Wattordi' Ont., w ere he Will take. dvet-Operation of. the family :farm- which lie- left., to -join' tite C.B.C, five yearS ago,. , Harr y J. assistitut supervisor of-ferM ,-broadcasts, has been appointed head. Of the .aepatt- In organizing and sqlervising the till brides come from the 'Kiss depart- m:ent of Somewhere'? On. enother verY -pleasant associations with the - • lit 's • Mr Laithwp.ite tied Mr. IllAlt.OLD..JACRSON , Specialist:4a ,,Elirm-__Iine,.'HoaschiOrlfL ales. • I 'Oensed-..in Illation and. Perth 00finties, *. nie6si reaSonabileir.-Saitisk-: faction •,guarantiteed. -For information; eta., write or phone HAROLD, • JACK- 1.13t.f. WIN •Sofortih. Donald R. Bine' EXPERIENCED AUCTiONEER • Licensed for Counties' Of Huron.. • and Bruce •. ADDRESS: Kincardine, R.R. • Phone ItiPley'30r24 , Division Curt 'CwodericirrOnt: G. IVIacENVatt- Fire, Accient- and "Motor Car Iniurance. OFFWE--MASONIO TEMPLE W]ST STREET PHONE 230 GODERICH 41,egla‘red gader-Druglems,Practithitiern „ Act tor, the tArovince pi:Ontario. rusuo. .NOT.10E•. • P.'S 10.16.013., P.A.4440., Association, Pupils prepared, tfor • atomic exam. ReSideneel',Mr, 0ralea, Stratforildi;deri0 :toad' 41,1i6 —.BUS TABLE .1.*teo,ying •Goderich • 8:10 -1245:71kim,414,,X.mss.,;N,A1' orect connettiosail.' to :a *4114 rilfr fat ti r Illtornif410i1-.Pho.ne • Ifritisk,,or Bedford. -liato40 ' • mute- r•••-. • • InsuitANOE -and REAL ESTATE inctNp 24 ,r66` Reitt-Eititte Add frosFri,a00., Ogie'p *id - • • 11. -Trafalgar) Street' FOR, SALE:7--Housea of all kinds,- .cliorce bnilding lots, business pro- perty and several good farms , Let ..xne show you , some teal Casion when*.I.Was filling out a sira.ilar -gro veis. -telephone operator. I seonid tot -hplo Idaing-troiii the- OetratY. ene--Who- ; The boys will bie' taught BagliSh, current. .aftairth. woOdlarnriOngt Pncltile* 1:14111t:icO, 04)41101)4, electrieitY, :general Selence, ' metal work,' clerical, ,ixtetor •meenarties. During the Caliree tliey. will be allocated into the -different-general trades groups which will fit them best. These- ere: -41eCtricel; cleetrielati or wireless .mechanies; -'inachinist; maciaine turners or nttersi survey Or draaightmansnip-surveyors, toPograpli, development :-..;;;of the ',.(„).13,.C.s 4 farni teal, -architectural , mechanical broadcast department, °rvine Sn'17gg drauglitsnten;•,' clerical; clerks 'for one pieueered in agricultural, broadcasting Or all of ',the technical arins. Basic •on,A_:-nattanaL,seale.,„Mitensti rakle,:training-is.1 completed while at School Canadian farmers are in touch .daily and on graduation the Young,. SQ1Wer.s With every, aspect _of* their industrY, are, tradesmen eligible for .thc „extra from tharkek quotations to the latest politieal; aocial-anal econonlic tren,ds affecting . agrieultiire: -; , The C.B.O. regional farm broadeasts provide service at noon each day, while National ,Farm •dio 'Forum brings information .ideas .eaP. certificate blide7said she was a Stirling expressed sincere regret °in -butaxiarannr---asblushing-_ataLlikiiti -fa creit-tbre was admiring that. gold bana which7riewly adorned her finger, ifilg on the hand is, -worth two on. the telephone:1 , Truly I can say' this week .I have warqd—itieling7-the "ralFe,y Jt the Shadow,,having conducted' no less than live 'furteralS, and I have another. at the -very ,,beginning of the nekt week. Watching- two . people *die also made the week' dark and depressing. 'These six f deathsr-represented-:' the eload • of years that .add coneetiyely.) to 470., Only one, uncl,h9 was a returned soldier' iskLa .A,o-,t :readied_ the threesetWe.-YeetS'efid ten., Babies seete. 49-,bex-ombag.-f-astpring, according to newspaper annonncementa , about these' cherubic extra tax -.deductions. "tilt the old men and women are passing out so fast this Spring. The„tniierals are- many. An undertaker -driving Inc to, a late afternoon- funeral remarked, "Thi a is ray 'fourth funeral; today." Three more dead Lie his parlors . . A . two of -the firocrals it 'poured rain, adding disecanfort to -discomfort :for the mournful crowd. Oh, hew it rained r. Goitig:aq, often to. the grave- side of Lite. allowed me to Aiectird, and save the book, and reite the committal service which had heconie tbo familiar -shall I 40..y?----these-Itunereal days: The practice of a, 'funeral ser- mon -vvhich still persists as. one 0,1 our customs . keeps a- minister busk When, five, Or six, have to be given inside one week., He cen hardly repeat himself that many ' So. often thereare people et two or , more of. these- pc - allowance, known as "trades pay. Also, the officer said, they may not be sent overseas until their .nineteenth birtday h, Thirteen- MonthS' Course the age of sevent,eexrand Is Tittained. the pay is onlY 70Q weeh bb, broad problems and- questions -day, but full army PaY. is then alloWed, in the agricultural world: ,P,ecause The courSe takes tbirteen months,' it has developed new, ways of proinot- three bely.g. devoted to orientation at lug groun___discusSipa_ ' and community • tont° and the remainder at technical activity .among farm people, Nati-Qua training at Hamilton. Erni OrMS, - et(.; are supplied, -,a145-7-iaairacks with CFlirmadartaanaT. tiPie"Uumniteisd States as thine orMitories, dining -room, lounge, reap - most . successful . listening , group prof.' ation'c room, library, and dry canteen. ect .organized to date, , ' • Dental and medical care also -is pro- - HarrY 3. Boyle bringS.- to his new vided., •Ftirther information and 'all - of farm plication forms may be „obtained. from pest as p.B.o. . supervisor broadeasts Ocneiderahle experience in the: inobile unit Which TW-in'toWn-everY ;agricultural ,radio and : 'newspaper _ pork. Born and- raised bri a -T--...w.'"Kan" or from ' the • armory, or Lieut. R. C. Thursday' Morning; until further 'notice, count'SF"'-‘ Atria -T -11e was-,edtteated- at -ex ; ts. ., Wiligliall. IA).' pi School, __and St. alev Collage' at • Hiteliener;-. Ontdrie..• milt other branclies-of.the areAY that the -.--4-.Ye. .....inilton street. ' -- • . C' ontributor - to ._Signal -Star. . , _Iistment. -(a_eaver. :Army ' only L' ages is interested in are general • ea - has taken such an- active interest in mne's —wan= 'glts NcVtAs-rn---all-brtttit*Ms-- ------ - - ' - - ' - - 'Boyle's--writing career -started atthe eighteen to tint rleven,.. an -- e an of farm industry,: . ..._ . Returning to the agricillturai room, . .. -adian Women'a Arinit CorPi .liges - age -of* fourteen,- with an. -InereaSing SHOULD BV# XklifiNt 110Vauthority, that an eye SerVie4 vansit AT.4 ,eyea to ape nonaally. But 't,14 all .• recOgatzte that by no other mean • ,the desired results Aie- • citretl,: • And '4103ert that the Ideal plan wenld be to have o'erY* Pair of ,eYe4 Undergo An You would be 'NO* .,agree with 0104 - stroll orrommirn qomitull N number of contributions ,to the .weeklY eighteen to fortY-five, lug-histvg. rna -a-filin-411-nstaative.-of ztile 'yfileTiers tfTer tit prst1144- nea4ws- s-reri"41ret'--- Supplied to depot, Londdn, fel' medical. On was given by Mr. Blair. After-- wards_4. johnsfo`n, -Deininiiin fruit exPerienee- was Obtained on ' RATIPN--0011PONS: H "AreadowW,L column,- which- is till Ca # • tions -with a 'funning commentarythere- n1:1(1.- - /- — • „ ' . Transp6rt-ation4a Lon Qn, gave -Goderieh-----S al Star,--w119„te„,,,_ .„ and vegelafire inspecfbr, started' ,his "Phil ,Dsifer Lazy ari address on the "Ree,ortiniend- :Mons for fhe Fruit Ind stry o uron LasSaline;- voreed the': thanks' Of the weeklies. In' 1.936 be Joined :the staff ii several': .Western Ontario County.," G. Laitliwaite - and D. J. rle4 of station CKNX - at .Wtngliam -08 group for the'lliddresses given. _ faint ,a,n0 news _ editor. In j.941, becanie • agricultaral editor The ,DISX.RIBVTION OF BATION , _ • Stratford Beacon -herald, ' and a. year • • .1300LNO.,-4.....NEXT.WEEX later joined _the '•-0.B,C, as -Ontario • 'region' farm._ coMmentator. :to , Twelve and a halp ,million Copies ot the daily noon farm .broadcasts ever ration book' No. 4. are new ready for network stations in • Ontailb'auid•-Vng,,' -distribution across Canada; ,according to an announcement made by theiratian administration. ' During the week of March 26th On his ,radio plait are to be beard in the Gederich March 30 and 31ana-April 1) current dramatic. -series; "Stage xa,tion books will be distributed locally-. 44," heard each. Sunday night. - Zraet dates and places of distribution ° lishameeking Qtiebee. For the,. past year be has been; assistant supervisor of farm broadcasts -at C.3,3C. national' program- office in • Toronto. Two of, will .appear in‘the local papers.' -A- 1-A• 'classification bey married t a . Ration book No. 4 is the same 'size widow - with our children and a as ration beok Isle3Theolor of the for a reelassiaation,-• "Nothing•doing," coupons in the new be* will be the - '. . -C the local draft, board told him. Any amas in the old hookThere are - t • body brave enotiglito marrylike that ie se s. ' 'eleven sheets of coupons in th.e. new looking iitglieli!!„11. d of. man the* army :-Is books. . . " - Consnmers are urged to remember " that' they Must present ration book 3 Teacher: "What tad thhas twenty.; before ration book '4. can • be. obtained: The kard RB 99 printedrin -red, and iA the baelt Of pea should he filled out at home .but left in the ration book. All those 'over -siXteen-,eigh. the ,cards' with fhelr: nsual.. 'signature; •All. those .• easiona, _who „Age -listeners mnst, have their ,ear s dress, or Oration in tihrO:-.Baiiii-edramtin- algae(' 0 -'bir''-.#1'iarflt' - or sponsor. 'i• fty. . .This year the name Of the county is to' fdi fins d -- held may apply for ration' books 411 behalf of of the house,: hold, 'or Air neighbors unable to apply Xargaittsr:- ammuma.mmaimiamamdr..4.....;.0a.60.01.011 .1.14SDRAN'OE , , STATE FAI1 MUTUAL .AliJ9a0111.0111LE., •DISITAANCE-.. • ,Cifeap Fates, .Winter Storage, Also Agent for Manufacturers'° Ittfe ji.nsUrance,-. , • Pettiri- ail. its. 6, .Ooderleit. Phone or% . ' ,Dungannop.._ 22-34 '46 BlioNE 4(7 Now-ItoberebOnat,'as "1110, 1011.JNOl -Art' inf. TtiesdaY and Wednesday-,-, Cary Grant, John Garfield, Alan Hale and' Dane Clark withit capable stag -cast telling a briny tale o tbe riestering crew'. • libbard it Jap,hunting battle -wagon 0 . "DESTINATION tilturiday, Pridai and SatuidaY— Paul Ltikas; Luise )(trainer, William Bendix and Arturo do ,Cettleva A,. sensational best-seller conie;) to. the screen with sttperb fidelity Of 'cast and iltoduction - "110STAG 99 • .1‘14;'1fteefi Wednesday, Saturday andlioliditY0,4t 3 pan. ..14 Cronin's, "TIM $TAItS LOOli, DOWN." „. tliou Ivitn11-rtteLoiare';ingtiVeIra'fireliti-Te'l Auther moll village -WA from the main high- ficivii some young lads, living in a on which the coach ' rolledto 1ondonin the old ..days, used to N„Vaikinperson, providing ratron'book No. 3, the' three miles from their uneventful with correctly filled out ,applibatien henget to the road, where the 'highwaY- Of 'their Mier1tilie;--Ifigt;7teSet-if-tO by.s. After the 'long walk they would stand' expectantly' at the ' country road Interaection to _watch the fa,st-pinning hors -a -ant sea Lhe travelling',--eha-riot rll by.' on its 'dusty_ way With- Its passengers, and bear the' erii4t- of the fat coachman' s whip, las-with a flourish he hailed them, and passed them Imp: riedly by. .It Wag it'great. moment to them. •As the rumbling Coach passed out of ,sight -they. Weald bum to the signpost and look, meditatively at the finger.that pointed fit the direction the eotielfhad gone, with 'its one Magic Word. ',written thereon -- LONDON. What must be the .thrill of going .to that':utignoivri, city-! -They had Via it thrill to see the coach go by, ,But, 'to see the city, to tit -it, that, must be th'e greatest expeii'ea-4,7of 'all. • , -This we'ek with nianY 'other!; IVO have' been the young -boys of the ijuiet village at the crossroid tosee,theAreat, coach TOW on to the City out of' sight trwird-to-gaze-.af, the signpost pointing thereto, and, wonder with a great won , - tiering. ' ,;There is a little negro liOy in our neighborlikod -. "Who bears'• Llie rat*, 1 striking- Ohristian nantd of joe Lotils•. It makes one wonder soinetimes if he . 'will rejoice as, he :Acts older. in tbi'S pugilistic' -reminder-. as .he • gives his Mane. now peculiarly *some parents' ,owssirsfreilarialisoillieremetlyserleeyygOil • • I Drive out ACHES "'Atli* sift>. 11. ,ectrd," is. -Presented. Books , mist be edliee'tea'by:som-elietsoh'dveeNrdeeur- Anyone who' does not obtain ration. hook No. 4, during the days on which thedistribution centre is 'open. Will ave to- wait ufltil Apriillth„,accordin to: official announcement. • • • A eight days imit?" .joh ny4: "Why. they. Ration. Coupons now due Ire sugar 14ti 28,; preserves DI to Did; butter 50 to 54,-; tea -coffee 14 to 29 And pt to ' • • . • One preservea coupon is good for twelve fluid ounces lara,.Jelly,inarma , berry sauce or TO-airtirfriiiieriiir Panrolnle..Suga .ounces onned fruit; or twenty-four ftuicl minces, '(twe pounds net) ex- tracted honey; or two standard' sec- tions ortwo pounds (net a of cut. comb limey; or fifteen fluid- ounces' corn sSTruP, cane syrup or blended' table syriip; or forty fluid onneee- tone quart).. maple .syrup or molasses, 'tor one-half Poinid sugar. s ed .11ALF--LOADS FOR TRUCKS The half -load season ,for trucks -Is now in effect according to -Proviielat Officer 'James Culp and 'will remain so until the end •of April.' This la* affects,. bighWay -No. 21 from 'Forest toOwen Sound,' , also the highways om., St. "Joseph f� Ilensalr and from all have! . Aniberley to Winghain. ••••••41.111Mvis. • -...-,,•••••,.•-••• ,•:•Y• are prone tii--Ttitune' their children. -A passlort for Bible names persisted lii some pioneer 'families. The Old Teatainent 'Mist have been ransacked when a new baby- cable, boy or. girl.. I think of:.„one man 'bearing the Old Testament double name of ...Allem ,Aziother family 'welt known and respected; not far from Gatlerich, had nearly all ,the major and -minor prophets On their Toll, one wintaa judge, in the Way, the big 'family' of boYs-wete named, Ittith,,litiriam,' Rebetear:-tabi- gait, Bathsheba 'Imre once favourite a-sf•gno1-a„;poor:Iiible 'reading irge-that we liftVe gone to the other extreme of giving bablea 'out- landish, ,unt,neaning Christian • (we might put -a queStlibil Mark after Christ- ian) 'naines: that do4't Mean ra.• thing to---tiparents except that they have .ae'en them in Sonia nook or novel witil A IrollY* 00(146116 to niece Ot 'mine wrote to Us about her babY'S name and said; "lain ealling': tilc"! WWI •Arlausc.1. not sure it that „b: file way t'`.o spell it" - That unsnreneSs made me, feel that, the elfoice,„ of ,name liad been it passing #64 forglz pOP INSIDE OR OUTSIDE . , CHEESE ,BISCUIT 1,1k cope flour 1 tbion. shorten - cup ' ing 4-tspn. salt 6 them's. grated. , 2 taPtia. Magic Baking Powder ; Onkel% baithaked., place *Mare of -oboes.* on of biscuit* -for Sift dry ingredients toother;•ciat, in. shortening. Mix in cheese lightfyi add 'milk slotv130.R011 out : on floured board.toM.Inch thick; - cut 'with 'biscuit curter. _Bake in hot oven -(475°F.) • 12, to 15 : Aninutes. Makes 12. ,- • • MAGIC INSURES BAKING SticCESS • lung - IN CANADA 4AGIC 84/1:11\1( POWDE =t.ik h.sOtistying_o_cto ..of NOilsores.riclynaUjishin. Chocolate Cococcwotild 29c i/A:16:11c she .wanted something. diff,erent from , what was - lieard aroLuul ber. _Iteiient infant baptism roll entrieS eon'. thin. I -Indite,. the folio -wing. names in - my writing.;‘, (41ris-joalme Leona ; Janice Noronc ; ,Sandra Soy ;' Carolyn' "Alother$1. and would-be .thothers, don't think , I tun invitik ;von ' to pick flowers out of 'this exoticgarden,, for 'our- infant 'daughter's: The boys' 1101(108 .itre not .86 strange -Witt 'Ara . My; Mimes rranklin; ;Termite, 13ruce; • gertild ;Nines; Wilbur Praficis. They. itt leatat relic:eel/VS cof historical fragrance and gre personality.* • 6 4 13110 alad WOO abOnt another fun. .eral; that wftl make seven 411 eightor nine ,,days, • ig.».••••- •••,. 1, 4 MP" - Yre i griPio JERSEY BRA C0c0A C 4 - It grand how Vicks Va-tio.ftol clears corigestiOn. from114i...91 passa,g--give,s-sint,tss chven to.. drain. Results are ao good because: VaAro-riot is speciajized medication that ivorlth right whe&troubkiis--76 relieve paillfal cimige,4tiolitaidictake tbbfeathfilg easier. fevidrOpS up , eadb. airection8 ,in, lolder.; . A ,