HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-03-23, Page 1-
ydro ,,Surt)lus,
Again to Atte. Foro.
Mayor Be
Done about tt-Pi"OpaSall •
tor Beer lAraireh011so
COuncillor Illickins had .anotfier
"go" at tlae 1(ic41."1:1ydra surplus at the
•-• Meeting 'Of the' TO,wr( Council on Mon-
Mr. -0, L. Parsons has, Made a splett"
did 'reeovetY from the "•• -Which
• .
Sent him to the' hospital a few weeks
aga_tind wafi at WS' office at. tlie Golc
rich elevator ref w e „
Combining Yhe Godericb Signal aful The Gacierich Star
Lieut "Ken" Hunter'
oi*tes to Red Cross
I 1 /I'
" ,WhaAlted,'Or600Etno
to the 130/14.0ett
'sleeping and --carousing. --SandY :Onneth scnt 4,3013:$4
asked -that actima •bo taken •tn, clean np
the sitUation. r•-)"-„Uunter,'-' Victoria street, to*Wit,
ueuu. Brown mentioned .ttu 01(1•'pro,-; IS ft prisoner of war it Gerinany„.
night. „, .•said, Also should be Cleared un, and it ,n:M'Ifevt4tbele,s4.8,"1-,,,.iii.e' has artpangOd to
daY •1114htf „Postponed' r aY PertY- on LighthoUse, street- whi h
-At the preiOna .regtilar meeting of ivA,',•8 u•golded to, notify -the. ,owners ot ---e--a--4419-0..7 • --ortattylt froM
peiti s of he Council. s his pay to the Red cross, because he
• , .
't he:Connell .a letter train tita' Public •
LiJA Wis_hea. . • knows 3ust what theated -Crags means
Commissism Was raraeo• "
er ooster ' letter frOm NV. G. to Men in Gerroan priSOn'emuns.
Which it was politely intimated to the Coats of Big Stone (x'ap, Virginia, was, -
This splendid ,gestute On the part
Cowell that the. F.V.0.• was running
its own show and, though Willing to
cooperate, was not taking any advice
-from the Council.
• Coun: lituekins did -not -think, the
Council had in any way questioned
0 the authority of the P.U. Commission;
he had merely asked the Mayor -if -he
would bring back itaforMation' from
Commission if that 'body had.
„passed aim' breSented to Provincial
, Hydro ,any resolution "asking. to be al-
lowed, to 'rebate to Hydro. COnattnaerfi
a Considerable part. of the surplus•; e-.• •
• .M.aybr'' Turner Said be had attexidvu
' the meeting at$;Xeronto to deal with
the -Proposal to amalgamate the three
Rya° systems in this part of • Ontario
and spent some e With Dr. H.
-Taylor member fer Ituron, and whorl
sent to the special committee.• ,
ROSt‘War AViatien of one (4 the best-lt,noWnyotinger men
Two letters with regard to post-war of doderien has been qemmented on
*aviation were received.„ one from Ividely and favorably. The Red, Cross
Leavens Air 'Services Limited, conunittee in charge of the campaign
London, Ont., the • other. from the hope .that his. generous- action: 'WM
Aoronalitical Institute of -Canada. „The serve as an intpira,tion to those who
fernier Was laid oir:the table,for •fiature .have. not ;yet -contributed ,their quota
refaenee," and that of the Aeronautical to this year's total,'
Institute fefer?ed ;to the special , At .httest reports before going to
committee. `'• . • • Press, the _Weal total Of • contribtitions
A national air conference, wag had aniounted to about ..$8,100 wit. of
*stated in the latter comiauniCatien„ .the required 89,000. It is apparent
to be held at theRoyalYork ffotel, that there will be need foi many
Tor0nto, on. May. 2nd_ and grcf, and *ditiOnal; contributions 'and these, how-
-attendance from this town was invited:, sever small; will be weleonied. „ . •
The Secretary of. the fire brigade • 'Because tba owners of the Green
wrote asking that the -.Council's • fire Door, the CanadjaiL,Bartit of Commerce,.
cenamittee investigate a "noise which require • this Space. for their own par-
s'oneds tue, swon-caused. by a ,poses,it will he necessary to close the
:salt dryer at the Western Canada Molar Red" Cross headquarters on Saturday,
Mill salt plant and see if it could not March 25th. These desiring to assist
a talk with the Minister in charge 1i...remedied " • :affli that date are 'requested to tailie
Hydra -regarding -the preaPeRt Of re- • The:Connell was advised that -Bill their--..eentributions to 'any of the local.
• duction in rates. ire was not J in a .1.3)AnstOn, East street, had -been -elected banks or to any member ..of the. Red
- position to y •wh t would be done, a member of the brigade and: rubber Cross .executive. • • ,
but he hoped there "woule.' 1?e souie- gpods Were requeated •for him;--;.,- • Mrs. H. C. Dunlop plans to attend
, • -
'.:Regarding the .amalgamation.,sebeme, fire' eommittee. , .: • y onto ' towards the., end 'of the „raonth
the:, Mayor said there Was rather' a From Chief Architect's branch: of and hopes -to be able to take 'it satis-
.staaii atten,dailee' Ithe. meetl.ng.'• but 'the Federal, Public Works Bepartnient factory report from -Goderich, to that
up the 'three Systems.. _ ' •notiee of: _intention to carry out - - , •
"th1B • ,• , • .^ • , • These matters were referred to_ the the annual Red cross meeting in Tor.
- :At was voted te'-approvethe -linkh18 csantcknowledgment --et-- the--::diatin.-*-gathering.._ , -.._
• ilii -W.,,, orsitiP said the• Meeting. Was :requested'.'rePairS"-:TO-'-the armory - blind-VW:1AX PRAY-Elt.SERVICEiS .
- reSentect With a lot of figures that it bag on' Newgate street, with. the state- . , IN BoLir wEEk.
kl),..§. oluitil. to understand," .,. • - • --. * ,raent that the lease Would be renewe,d ' 0.-....,•:4,1„,„ ,t,..„.,, ' • ,.. • ,
1:4.-,git,s•-1-9,174-44 idee;tbag.:••,0t;,,,tbe-altulAVI4
• . L ounT,Bneking--,..phrstied-theottar_fae.„.onemnar_fron5_,DA1147-4 A,
* '‘''''•ot .the surplus,.- saying there. WaS no When the, repaire„hava been completed. -
,,,,,,,,:old.3,_ se,pensionti ,,. -.. „ ,_. AssociationIield en, Wednesday inorn•
issiie '' Of 'more importance to 'the Town . .,, lug at the C011egiate Institute it was
- •of ,doderich thaW-tlie•faet that the ,sum The. _City ()pencil of: Stratford, •stattr
hil), tiik.decided to hold' the prayer seTvices
-.-.,-;•,of $66.70.--ctirer:waud9.4above,,,,Mata,"F.W Adtted24',F,g.r-OPPA..4-4-41Pg ,-.1-2-31:7-7- '' - tignalry held in* the first 'week of the
GIFT itp Tfultpt;
The tollowingletter, (Toted Fehrtiory
19 4
Getting Ready for
Sixth Victory Loan
20th, in.' acknowledginent° of a Vote .itev,
Bee0tOft Again, .t0
made-by"the-Ilur4f.lonlityXOnn- 1.1eat-thOinntit 00t1
ell, at its November session to 11.514.S.
' % Organization
m4n (Nyttoen) ofthe'OetpitY• Coll -Ilea, : b, - 11 "
Iictialt,e1*.b.,*.e: en' rere:Wea _T.i,,.Y „ Countys,-'el, .7k: co* Unty-- Victory' loan- headcgtarters • that
- t jir4 ' 0.1).1101411.,e,e, r .. y. • t e , _uron
:m.1,?he,..enal-Btly,„..,t--.,w4.?0Y0,uccu.;,,,,P.1.0e;a:nis-qiic'ilega04Pdt 'Ra.,-;.vin....71;etn;' IlheanteeZf.t.c1°!airWnalaring)34exaf.,th.h,lis'
county. for the sixth NAVtOrZ 10ant the
eitinnS ,of the COuitty of Huron e
.grateful tha-13he of the , emeere •ata carap-aign for whie,h.ttarts on April
"Iiaron," Ana addressed to the chair-
24th.• The initialipeetieg was held at
'ehlys -company or - Ohnten on Monday lastrandolnos were
— -44, Piarf .
and In.YSea the :ehequ4e for .o.00 laid, for the "fortheoraing eaMpaign.
Which i7ou •so kindly sent to provide Huron, connty headquarters.,,will, be
Christmas, cheer for the crew. located Goderich and the organizers
Some icliffienIty has been, experienced will again be Mr. II. Vandewater,
iu cashing a dollar cheque in the Ur. J. A. Lumsden, and Mr, B. K. Mar -
United Kingdom. , • I have sent the shall. Vreliminary, organizational Work
cheque to the -Canadian Naval, -Author- Is now proceeiling.aud the names of the.
ity in London, 'requesting tb.at the general committee will be aamouneed
necessafy arrangements. be made and a later date. . -
the sterling 'equivalent -forwarded-- to: - .-Anumg--those attending the first meet
inc. When- received, ,the money will ing Were Rev. W. A. _13eecroft, :Wing -
hefted to purchase biscuits, chocolate ham ; W. 0. Attridge,. Goderieh; rjh
ars' and -Other -Sweets for .thewholeExeter, •it-,---N•FOreeeh•r-.,Exeter;
ship's 'corapway. , Robert Bowman,- Brussels"; K.
Your thoughtfolii-ess in remembering - Saunders., Goderie-h; James Kinkead,
the "Ituron"•at Christians is very miieh Goderieli; Miss Scott, Brticefield ;.-11. C.
apPreelated, •and I hope it will be -the MeLeiov Winipum-,.a094corge4effer,
beginning.,:ef-a ieng- and. .elese associa-,, son; Clinten,' . •
'don.. with tb.e County of 'Huron. An OrganiZational meeting for Water-
., .
ship's :pad& is still in the process loo ,North, Waterloo South, Wellington
of being designed, and 'any 'bints as.,to North,. Wellington South, Perth and
a -design-4n Some way oluiroeteristiel.of, Huron -is being held in the offices, of . the.
the ant011 Indian 'tribe would be very Mutual 'Life Assurance Conipaey • at
helpful. , ' • Waterloo. today (Thursiday,) at which
I ain also anXioris to know of any representatiVes. of Huron .county will
Hilion 'phrases, war cries, or proverbs attend. The purpose. of the 'Meeting
Whieh Might'be-sititable-tts-a motto -for is plans for the sixth campaign
the ship. , and to consider ways mad means of hp -
With best wishes 2 to yourself, the proving the Victory loan organization,
County _Council, and the citizens of the in order te raise the. largest possible
County, of Huron. • • amount of money..
Yours very, sinceteli,`;
S . RAYNER, HoTrits' 1)*13Ar.t.PD
Lieutenant Comnattotier-..RAN-.„ "AT TEDIRItATI011 IVIEET1NG'
(ianniand, _ •
. • .
1011X-IfOLIVrES•SEE'S.."-.• • The- Qolbotne ' i'ederation of Agri-
r.the_2,Yeeas pareelS committee has
ref4naied the regillar ,deSpateli. of gift
parcels' to the ,,Goderieh •1).oyf abroad.
e reels' .'iVere-7,-Pa-Vked-,-
night •ond twentttwo the ,week,
f,•Tailzrevor teLa7yserttelia,:se,intlYen.atirtbe
seryites be, bonded to Ur. -H. Jane or
Mrs p Lane so• that patois Will
not be seet to: the wrOUg addresSes.'
Any donatiOng ''.„6f. Money ,:or. ,suitable
rtieleg •ftfr the boxes will. be "grL4e-
fully received bye' the conunittee., •
Aniong, the letters •- of • appreelation
recently ' reeeiVed are the follewing:
From ' Sgt. Gordon • Monteith.
114C.A.F. in England: . - • • -
Early in January' I 'received a .very
lovely 041 from the Gaderich par-
cel Complittee. Do , give the members
of this committee my ,thittak8 and aPT•
preeiation for-thls ,.kludness DI re-
mbering me' . at Christnaas. The
parcel arrived very good, order _and,
its eentents Were very welcome, .
am sorry that you 'did not have a. note
filen): me •SeenerjbWrintd- mislaid the
box with Your name on it; atd-Frank
Heard bas just been lix on leave ahd
he has glvT, ine 1 the ,.,,,Informattim,
for your •efforts,*
Arnold Doak Visits
,Qot sut3rt sztLoan-gDaxterot 241 It Was
Mount Vesuvius
A . letter froin Sio: Arnold Doak
to 140 -1=010*,
liam Peak of town, terealsli that •,Ant-'''
„took part in the latalleg of -0044
at Anzio, Italy, and, - „Ju his sub-"
sequent .sight-seeing Made a 5144t. to
gount vesuyins, which even then (his
letter was ;written, 'FebruarY ' 2001)
was giving, advance • rimahlingS. Of
the violent , eruption whieh is now
devaStating the ceuntry,' abOut..
• Arnold 'writes
• "just a few "lines to' let you lime*
that well, hoping everyone at
home 11; fOct the ,hest of health. I' am
still without The reason is our
mail WAS kept back fort. us In. an-
other' port, and should eatch. up with
U5 soon; so it is not a'pyone's fault,
just a -mistake. • • • ••
-"I .expeet ,hy .,now_you hove ,heard
offthe landing we made place,
coned:Anzio. It ,is between .1tomeand
Naples, It went over • with:great suc-
cess' a.nd we met 'very little. ow, •
Which al‘e greatly *Precut/tell • bY US Pos on- *;111eY ' -used t°±Ped° "d
'prom pie. • cyrit• Robinson, Perth we were on our way again' atl we had
all. --0 • . , . . gild r IMMISerg and X was 'glad when
baiiiciiteet; ,f,
Regiinent, writing from Italy:
-Receive&Your -very--elcome-pareel "We -- always- - - - -- - -
fao,r1olwowee.iiinkoixiaerag7rdo;:afruitoy,m3160E6kanpgplcitauortesildtea, appreciated
bw7hOs•I•idrijOrlsaeirUltbana rge faat/111114-e.';'fbeirg -4Lth'e°01.
a Couple of near MisSes.''',
• 'seem to take old Jerry
down here.: Thc fact that it is. from all
operations, and our Air. Force deservea.
all the credit that ,anyone. can ,pos-, .
-Gno"1-theirnigehjlikse:thse'eeli41.11Stilli:go.thIPer-h.ePtearit: .'silblwYjungivitgill'therals' :43ta'tx"Ii-e'' 4°' g'71't w6r1C'
onfieet17yowuorrldhot.mo emapkreovyine%reattlzd e thoow "same -ffiile—titrf X-13444' the"--Igeed'--*
otiocutimileityi. . yaorue: „N•outIt stuhpopoosaexitithdeiti- •xi'pt.b,poeyrss wn flic°Prtalulleellil- '13VeineStigTiallbSi'7WthCsiernhakel8"'Ita 1114 ''''
VOlCaA0.• 'When we '. got to the tap, it '
are doing; our main object is .to get was 'still making herilble• noises and '
ava-was pouring Out, so' X *didn't stay
the War- over and...get- back hem .
yoh :again. for the -swell-. 'there velzr long, as it was t°o:11-4)t-:6:11--T.'
!,. • . • . • , dangerous ,. for me., , • .„, —
- — ' - -"Als '1 '11 e -11PA th NAllie'S but
. • Friiiii Trooper Stanley J. J. MeGratten, ' 0. •:-. --av ---31'"'" **----.-- ' t.-.---
.1.7.0.Cz2nr.14amiletuu thought it weuld lae 'more than -Jr* .,•' .
ehiture held Match -meeting on
:110003(arrA134 LEAF' GAME Tuesdai-, March 14, in the TottashiP•
john „Heinle's, stellar defence,mitn of as chairman .and Miss Betty Asquith
theGoderich, juvenile hockey team was provided a ri„e • and• xcellent pro -
*a. d
g&ar,o,f- songs, choruses and dafieing.,
Mr.: Harry 1VIcCreath conducted a 'quiz
•chosen by "his teattmates to" go' to Tor -
.been taketi from•the Uydre "coesumerts. fideraI , and:- rovincial - year in Hbly--Weeie,-begrneitig=o eest:-.Ayntu_10,seeltheBostonrIgaple„,Leafgata. '4,40,-.„Mr,,,,_Wrilmer Hardy gave a r,eport
,of:,itivie. town; -,,..liniese he -get some so Increase the. oldi t,o, '$80 •
Month for 'man an YY1 e an
.4'T iTs- ("1'd' t
9 $4t5::A ..day;,evening April 4th . The order • of , . .. • „
a ,• ' . • , AprIl on Saturday last. e-tr p wag .ar- on e rog , .
' fietion -he was to keep hare- the ser ices Veill be as fellows,: , , . .
Th I ' '• * th •-p- - 'iweefthe'llti'ff ltiftinia4
leering at. this stirplus fer . n „ . . _,, - ..i.,..i. , - • . Ttiesday--.-North street United e , , . , hi t' ' 'Two' Meetings have been
s sec ion. . , , ...„..,, , , . : : , : fi _
lf-I I. ° ' the next ten mouth for 'a single Person; that, .the . rang 'd by the' juven .
Ile hockey' 'coni -
•years. ---, , ''.-- - 'ears' li ' 11.' ' h r" R v mittee Of the -Lious:• Club Mr '•Ea4 , - ' , - - - • - • • - • - , .-
hoth ,c urc , . preec e , ..e. . Richard, , . . ' held, 'by AIDA_ group and in niite of-, ected. EverYthing .1S goang ne over •
. :The Mayor again Said lie •was look man •man•and wife upon 1 e me_L-reak-1:74.- W,edneSday--.13aPtist Church; preach- whe is eoada of sticce4siVe bantam
- '. - . poor weather there was an average at- here. 0 Italy and -we a I =hop • ,
tendanee• Of tveenty:fite.: ,The , niain -heme real soon. A Million thanks to ,
... ' tr'n. -,home, which' X am boP111g ItY(1•111.***
would b ble to see this part ,of the ,
•---- ,• -4--- • • • ---- :pension .age --be l•awereu-,,uo Y *.%
' . miler. Looking, for .h ., . • 0.7.4- - .Stewart.-•• • ,, --•••••••• .: • glliott, welk.knoWn, Gelder:4th 'old bey," i - ` * - I ' e to, be - - - -
int for soraething to 11;dOne, and the the age, OT 13)=ST ' Years; 1.! -,o. ge
, -•eri••Rei,., V. H.-• Dunbar. , ; hockey, teams hi Toronto, •WaS•loat to ,,R 0, ed
dVent of the evening Was • a debate : you .411.:' , --,-"(,•--. •,%'• -• , 0 , • . , werld';' but now I have seen .enetigh,.
*tag' and the ' '
owe _,..,. e ..
'pension be. payable. to .
etter •wait .dropPed. .:, .
pUty,iteeteNaotoneY •Ine ,ne .•,-•••••-•-,- - - e- r,431P0,9,----„,,---------'L liilteilf,;iattgaeher....-Ret...0.R.,' -. rift. ZilloWs,,,,,teamiL7•-•-zotr,lost-,a„
„ . .. . pe.nsiens he'pOyablefto all; irrespective .. , • , - ....,. .-- , • . • -- ' • . •• _. es 'Y , ' . ••,• • . • - • .
424 the'''OL ALL i '' "3"
ti=••that 1,:he ,t04.toil , VirtirSday - Ksa.o lc trresbYtezian John in ,the city. Intidentally • mr-
- better • off :In 00y .vvity by working . Please convey , my, than s an . op-
': that 'fanners :would be SOL: Olen ' Lodge ' rites • • , 1-..; • • - . •,. ....:..1,!. - , : .... • -
to suit irtevall I *want now IS a,^goo(1-""
...,. Ar. -1- At- the nronose --e daing, "-bel're•garana.-4tekaitiorFand.) en, -• ,,,,_-_ _ .,,-- - ..,_. ... - . _ _ , , _ , , , , i . d • . be too long in tomlue.
Y,41.arher .airport_.-'lle‘ws4"Ilisfe.441;41.vill'. e ‘°r"*.latIMI-I°J-be:'Psaiteri4C,4;0.644,h-P""t•-° 9-/-47 quiries4abOut hisz,..boine__:-/olks,;,.04
Arnold.: conchide,s. -with •-•-soine:
"-'12in,--,- -------- '-' - ' . - - • • -- -: - ' -ran' • -- -, 7- :.- --- - • . 'ircrfre----e-70- ifffiriffitttre--'&bAterik"Wttilit.:4,-Hgt nitttee-ter4*-irr4J*11 - .',-,:' te,,,A. 101410
and suggested in all courts. i, - • , . , ' sitty.:10:*--tiaii----sr, .64 .g. 1 .. ....... . . ................... - .1 -, - . . . - . .._, , . ,.,.., _ ,_„ • • . . ., , W ft , 0
also Italy : . there isn't much to see there. ;
condition. I End. it 'difficelt to ex- -a' 11-41)9t1t*rre1"1--4--;
*prein- this letter all .the thanks., yen a•P' old'saying ist. 'See IsTllies "d die.'
ss .
You can
convey' to one and.a.11' in3r- ,sincere ', geta good iievii• Of "CaPri frore.-;
kindness .very uch and I '10
, sh to ; ''
people deserve. MI .appreciate your
thebay, Bay of Naples, which, is 4 and the people With moneY--camlovely e
hanks:- •-••-ltsure-rembed-'400-at--a,ve to this. part _ef, Italy for a' visit in
appropriate time' and was well
%sel- Peue-e?lle• '7"7.---'7r.'"--7r:;'--";:'
, "A year 'ago -1'n-ever :dreamt•that I
• I
ti 10
4 :
r e game.Ar•g). orl'h ud--Mirta--.12kter":;•the'llaegairste: •Akey-"teara-thig--2-Year---In tthe•-•0",43--,-r
Ihe-eouticil • devise .This , .-^.GPod .
rthc• place occupied. committee. •-• , • -..'41ttg4e" ""..-Iireatqlelle • 'baattilota-la'mage4-1*avtlardePL'ael'`IfifSgeli-Keflfiglintr-irad-'4..-Helens,'Mon -fou-probably-probabbi.te On a very .cold - . - -
pre. joseph jams. met Foster Hewitt, who ,broa.deasts the- geatery.. Rev; U. ,p,• currie acted as night on duty in the middle of no-:
-Brown said two. airline Har- A..1 tt f o W. A.. Sutherland,
miles were proposingf $20 on b half of J. *The 'services, With' the emeePtiOu
the Good Friday service Will be held that •he,•memerizes the names 0 'all- judge and Critic. an siimining up the whefe- With a win& ePanking our! eaTS•
games:. Mi. Hewi.tt airplained- , him
t°' lise..81cY Hays *bill% ° &litre f th% Gaderich
- r RFS •i• station on -their lines. . Y6 ,n(? the n.0
each evening at 8 Otclii&, • • -; v•-•:
,a.a.yerri,. Jan either team. takes ebate he 'complimented the debaters with; the aid Of a small- fire ;your
It Was also arranged. to...have- an Abu eight inn:lutes _to do this for. each on their etfortand_ give valuable in-:„ "elaitken and n0041e soup just hits .the
:The Matter was referted to commit DiVif3i011, COart WAS se t to
tee, of 'the„-,-whOle.* • :. Committee. ong :w th' letter WAS .•
itf3-. -the' -evening of aub. , formation and -advice in a 'charming; spot.- • I 'can hardly, say just' lieW
- At the snggeslion• Of the. Mayor • a cop of an official notitee from, the Mildly_ Manner.- He -awarded the neg- much help", both 'physically and and mor-
4gSeundda'tiP,11,1PApril• 211d, P.TePar•• Elliatt• introduced John
TO •••••-e. ative side the dedision. The, Carlow, ally, your -parcels , give
P Y t. build` 'Toronto' of the Palm
,c6Inneb...passed a motion. eXPreas g .. en . balm talon. for th week "of praier, as fol- players of both teams in. their respect- equanimity Club served a lunch after •
- 1 tm nt of lux ass as ,
•:,;appreeiation of the Serviee8 of appo n e
orthstreet United church, ive .clzessing 'TOOtiS 'before the game th
low34:01H, ,and Miss Cleaver, .pubirc sucteeding .8, Ir• • 310.enath-i 'who re- 113w8-4*
•Rev. W..11, Dunbar; 'KlioX Presbyter - 'Inee
and John met other ' notables. M 'The,•next meeting -of the, Federation -- ' • - •-•-•••
health nurse, In - loeking after the signed: the Office sonie time ago.. ,,
Ian, ehurc'h Rev. Joseph Janes' Angli-
, • • r . Hewitt 'and lir-. Elliott hope to visit • 4., very quiet but pretty .wedding
,-.. ' rtieularly- • G' E Holmes wrote asking that a - • Will be at the'Te-W. nship Hall. Carlow, ,---- '
••• tree on Church street alongside tbe • , Gedefieh after the play offs between on A.pril llth, •anqi it is' hoped to have took Place at n0033.•mi .Saturday, March
'health of the town and pa i . . . can St George church, BeRev. R. II.
... "'The •IEtoSTEr''Band: ' rear'orkts hoilse be:removed.- :Referred` ,6 !_ anadie s ant1.1Vlare Leafs, which he- .the-• new Agricultural Representative 1 , at the home. of Mr. and lVfrs. Gor-
• their vvutk with the child'ren, . t . . phu , ...Turnbuil..'Paptist c'hureh Rev. RIO= C ' ri ' ' - ' ' • ' - ' 8
younger -daughter, Gloria Mary, was,
D. 5. pate -riot' vvas.,heard: With -ref- CO the, cemetery:And. parks committee. -2 ewa ' - •- gu"' est speaker.' A varied program ,don .congram" , Asheeld, when their
All interested are request d to -kee - •
band He thought ' Committee Repeat; •.h f P • . is in. tile interested are
, . . fitable -and° 'enioYable,:Vening April
. • beiug Made in the boys: Water Highway Association; that no • RIRACH.E.CEN CRY 74.A.miii- PtiPi1s, .11iivbc.....PUrchised triter 410,000. ' ' - • •
,430-an.'liuckins said the,situation had actiou takeu on the r'eqiiest Of' tile- Ur. Peter Cantelon", was- much inter-.
'been'. ender' the cetisideration• of' the Siek Children's HosPitalToronto, for ested, in newspaper despitchironi 111,111'm $a.v1°P StamPs.
. -
.erenee fto •the boys. _
fire- and„ that net, rauph.progr,ess, w,as' the ,anzilial grant-ot $2op to the-Blne.
'hand t oremittee---, -believed*. grant,;•Per, on the request for a•grant Man.; announciag -that Mrs. . That the sehool children ha:Ve. 'NAVIGATION SEASON
services. : /2.0. 110A11,33 IVIZETING' invited -,to be_present and. enjoy a pro-
-the -leader:114d .too •Many. itons' the , The finance coinraittee' recemniended: t -.Order P
11 nd he ita ivoidd be 'taken care -Of in the .neat ;te' COnvert,, B. Afri-417that 3.04n: Colvin,' had eel prated tb.e Purehased.n'oVer' $10,006 In tear Savings • " ' AtItbST ./N :SIGHT
Lwaltt future. " 'the mamb.erah1P bf .15 be paid' to hundredth anni,versary of her birth en. stampErwas shown In the reports Of the,
. •
anj'Mr. principals' • of Victoria and Central
WantS 'Beer' Waiehouso ' the- 'Outurio moyo.• Assoeiation. March- 100.. Mrs. •,'Coppin
aged sehoolS-Jaresented 'at the March meet -
Allaire was resent to asii en,- with referenceto eight lots,,purchased Canteron. •are 'first tenpins° the
Control Board for the establishing of sale, it .waS reeminwulded. that Mr. -Cantetin, -Pe`ter!ca
fif4,9; MO being the daughter of ;Rev. Dai d big. of, the public Beard.
, a beer war,eliOnse in Goderieh. -No -Hays. be requested to deed the lots to...elon% Wag the fath.er of Peter Captelon
as 300;4 average attendlinee,• 321; per,
February showed the 1 total enrelinent
' names*. were att-tt011ed: t� the Copy of the Town. . . of Goderieb. ' David Cantelow a native
eentage,.•87.97, War Savings f'Or rebru-
petition that was presented,' , It ' The' public works: committee reconk. of,Ireland, was one of the "fia:St•tefteliers
ary, $253.75; •total to date; , $6401.45.
. was sent ' to "eonansittee ' of the *hide. Mended that the Matter of ! obtaining in the HOlmesville„ • school and later
total , ,enrolment, for the month
Mayor • Turner, •ssid 'he had • beard a • deed to the Naclinal *Shipbuildieg became a minister Ofthe Methodist , The
Q:S.9-31at Central' School w,as, 211; erage
...•_,F...,.„..:"..„0.60.e.,„eximitries_as46:-.;:wjw.,:the,,contr„aet property be teferred to the cilieiter,,, Church and had a • Most, stlec f 1
for the stem sewer.On Waterloo' stree .„,4,igiff"trie-,_-0-itteir of,!•,tbe,'"N‘.*,_:-i•pr-oiT „11-40•01,Y.n.,4-E§R.-4S, „ P., .......,;._,...11t!.33-, ., attendapeet.188;,perneentitm 87.9 Sale
• ,had . 'veil given to a 'company- after petty now odeupieo,- by Gem Iklathiesen, Cantelon) bete march- lbtli,...11644;. Mar= of ,*-iii. - savhigs .,cei-frimes fe-..i...,i,o_fe
$4,717.40. ''
• -part of the ymeicliad' been: done by and B. IL Goldthorpe be sold to Mt. Tied *Rev, Robert .Brilter, . -Wha served ,itryy $169:4891 to date,
..The:Imard haa authorized' repairs to
,toWn lahOr. .. '• - ' ':, ...• _ '...• ' : Mathieson for $2,000,' subleef to_the on '...1.nan eircuitS ..of the . Methedist
Church nil. Ontario, After 'Ma death Seats, and the rePhleing er double seats
---.ReeVe -taker, _clittirniatriof tb,e Plib--T.5;lina's being:able to give proper title.
hatived-in Mitchelfrand--marriedlaohli- with singre Ones ill 'ff0410',Tif pie...dais
j'ile-WOrke-tOrtirlitte& said the Connell.
:Fuller • c6nstruetion ico. -to take "the roelns-,,-; - • •
3/60 fOrt1111.00" 111'...'gittiiig the
ommittee recommend _
that the commun cation-fionr•the City- S. a": -widow, -she -r
of ' Kitehener 'requesting • zeidorsition sided • for inaP3t years with her only
' contract. 4 The Work would be. done
of- a. resolution. petitioning, .the Fed-
eral government to. make a larger
amoent.,of. beer available for lieme
consemp,tion be received and . filed;
and iithat a letter. be written to the
Lions .Club. askiog ifs'. st)PPOrt,the
nenuigement the.--kband,..the mtipici-
'polity to 'continue: its finanelel .sup-
asked •„•tlfat Atte matter of repairs to•
tee cement .pork hentheS and, of ob-
taining gome new beneheS•he left With
the committee: . • '
' The ledtistrial- committee •' reeom-
son, Roberr r..Bakor, Toronto, before
going to-Hainiota to be With her dough:
ter, Mrs. Frederick Houck.' '
The Cantelmis are a long-lived_ race,
our tow•nsnatin Peter Cantelon befog
'hale and hearty'. in hia eighty-seventh
year. • • ,
With the apse approach of, spring,.
activities at.the waterfront are being
stepped up ,and the harbor presents a,
discharging her cargo of wheat at the
Western *Canada" "elevator and is the
last of the winter 'fleet to unload., A
good deal of, repairing: and refitting -
still renigns to be done.on some of the
vessels of the fleet., ' All tbrofigh-the
winter A large number--of,--men have
been-engaged,..iii-sue&morko; -indeed, it
has been a' record season in this re-_
sPeet. •
-Crews of C.S.L. "ships ,are under
_not-expeethd-that the v.eS.Sel.3NVill_.
get, away before the middle of April,
though ships are already. moving • I.
the lower lakes, ' '
-There is still a field of sat. ice along
the shore, and as soon as this disap-
pears the ebmmercial fishermen will
get. their nets out.'
, ,sEvENTY ItzmIs Aqo
- Elliottofwrites,:
A sketch- in a termer. numbee of
The Signal -Star has • led up,.to old
memories for me. •
Richard Morrish 02 Chicago eon-tdbnte • •
*Beninille . Miss. 1,0111Se, 3/11Etedel,„,e.
d reminiecent article on-eld
pOderieh• an •Benmiller, sent,. a copy
of it to'her brother; Mr. A.rthnx•Illaedel,
a retired railwa.yman of 4239' Tyler
ave.,• • Detroit. Mr. Maedel ' seit lin
united , in Marriage, to Nelson. Gilbert appreciative letter to -Mr. Morrie .and n„
oj Mr ceiVed-interegted for -I remember -1
pearson, yollniest .„son_ weilatm 'Richard's report on it 1,vhich, i- re-
PearsOn and the late -Mrs.. Pearson; be Maedels of long 'eke.
Danneerreiesthalvall_..isellevelintY."-r:reltedra s
'Given' in marriage .by her father; the Mr., Ma.edel; sr., WAS proprietor of'one
bride 'was Prettily attired ill st two- aoft .13thoen•mtitige'rta„2
-piece ensemble -of -aqua 'Crepe Avitli- a
corsage of tea -roses. •'Her sister, ,Miss ago. I think orldna now in connectitat
with a good turn- he rendered in the ..
Audrey'''. Congram 'Of :',Olititen,Was
AStrom, of • St. Tbomas. Ite'V. li• J. was 111 and had taken a' turn ferithe
old days...-. , . ' • • • ••
bridesmaid, in a dress of beige figured
`-trotim,...0:-,•...vae,..,asii..isted:„.....by.,,Mi",.....Parit -st•E.,,war.tF,,g.ttrd.e,iw.;94t-*nd,:,....-,nnraery,nlktXii,,,.7:•.:.,::,v..
silk and a corsage of red roses. The P4'
4. . Charlie ,Stewart second son of John '
.. .
•Vickersoo_ performed the ' ceremony; worse.: MrS. Stewart 2ittante d e,•the
Mrs. Gordon Pearson of Clinton. The with a- load of ViecTuee; and. there ;watt,'
and the wedding mu_sic Was played by doctor, ..but heilluebaed was In town .
bride's mother .woro a two -Piece dress no telephone •nor telegraph. r. was • a '
of black crepe, with „gold trimming a- fourteen -year-old boy . working • •., iit.,., '
and a <>corsage of 'pink carnatioes;, Stewart's and Mr. 1+.1nedel, On her ap-
After- ',Congratulations,' i'the Wedding- *al; let me have -his -dapple grey Thocise-`t---
dinner • was .served• by Mfsit.• LueIlle ,anUaddle, and I rode off to town and
EedY Of. DungfinOn and Miss Dorothy limited Ur', 'Stewart who found' the
Pearson, of ,--,Torontot..o:elatives , e
ordej, ti repCrt en-,Mateh-'28thi but it bride. The cobra. selienie or-pifileand
-white - 7as-followed -the- dining
teem: The „table' was centred , with a
three-story wedding cake ,and pink
candles. -Later the bridal couple left
on a short honeymbon.
-36wn:--and Would be finished. grea.t. street tInited church met at the -home
The 'El,reninf "Mfitinary of North
%with. ,,,,considerably less. cost „to the
deal •sooner.. , • • ' .
11 The Sextorrof Malt1an4 cemetery daY evening, "the president, Mrs. E.
of Mrs. Cole, •Britannia road, on, Mon-
- potted- oft Interinents FebruarY.
ln C. Ifobertikip, had 'charge 'of the meet;
of Ing- and abontithirtYmemhers answered.
. • School .Board, Requisitions
• The seeretary of. the Public School to the' roll call., The secretary re:
Board • submitted a requisition of ported 524:80 424:86 -proiceifW-frone the -St.
Valentine tea; which was held in. the
• the current. year:... "The increase ,of
$2,400 over last 'year,"* it ,wati stated,
'IA :(11te to the Increase in • teachers'
salaries - of $800Ills* another room,
'has to be 'fitted up ant, maintaiiied.'*at,
central School to alleviate the over
crowding at present in. the:two schools.
There. are rather Oftensive repairs. to
• be "done , around Victoria.
;School.” •": • . „
Thr Vd(ll1Sltl0P.of the 'Separate
kelmoi Board for $1,560,,,requiring
levy. for 1944,, also was 'pre-
-. ST. (3,16HGE'S•VVAi'
'The • Wray' eeting-di George,S,
WOrn-airs7Xilk lart-WaS:--held---at--.411,e-eleirelt-',•hall-thel-Priday-preViells.. Mrs.
blame Of :Mrs. Monteith, : with 'eighteen •Walkont's resignation as •secretary•wair
members present .•MrS. Dolibar opened 'accepted 511(1 Mr. S. Snider 'wag' air
tho, meeting .With prayer, followed • by i.ppinted, in •her place, MS,' Pridluan
.the ScrlPfere reading*by•Mia. Trudell. gave the chapter .from. the. study hook
Mended that"thwelann of Douglas The...seeretary„..MrSiTiehborne, and the ,on "The:BleRaing of Irealth;" and Mrs.
Graham for $50 for Sand .left at the treasurer, Mrs.' Needhani„ read their G. BroWn 'gave af,paper 'on "How a.
Gloderieh' -FotinilrY "be paid tO . A. reporth. The remaining' part,. of the 'Christian Looks at 'the War," and cart,
Siitherland, to 1)0 'remitted: to Mr. Gra-' third chapter ;of the •sttidy-rbOok,'.'en- Chided with It pOeur.about Goclerieh of
ham after 'deduction ef any' tax ar-• titled "The Indelible ‘Mark "er'eWil 4-omposition. ',Mrs. Webb gave
rears. " • tOtY/,?* rend by AO,S. Alonteith and interesting article from the taste
Bylaws greatly enjoyed. After the meeting- a entitled- -"Easter Radiance • The
' 04'0 wOre read a Erst delielops'eup of tea Was Served. Easter thanie•offering meeting: will be
% s nted. • - ' '•-„ •
Iloth. of these -wire referred_to, the
'Enrolee eoinniittee. .
The request 'of the Women's Hospital
!nary, for permission. to hold a, tag
on ItifY 8th was referred to the
special committee,
Walter I. Dodge, Nybo proPoses' te.f hotel property mil l'Ongston street to
aduct a first -old clese in Conjunction "Sfurney Howe of 19(1.011. Ont., for 000.
th the St. Jan's Sinbulattee Bylaw lifo. 9, to authorize the sale"
asked• for the use of the of portion of the old National Ship-
Clountit i•001.11 :for 4116 weekly meetings building property, part lot 909, treek'
Miring the, course. It *as i)roposed to street, 'to X. S. llopkinson for $1,000,
meet on Thursday 'evenings, on which was referred to the solieltor. on ae-
night 'thiv Counell holds its comrpittee 1-enee-mtieliignitY In the word -
meetings twice* mouth. The use of lug.
.the room was granted,'Aubjeet, to some At 9.80 the dolmen. Nti;ent into com.
Arrangement Of the ineeting..nighta, so milted 'Of the whole, where the beer
as. not to reonflict with the Couneirs warehotise • bropoAttfon • and the Sky
use �f the room.., Itarbor`toafter were discussed. but, no
A letter from Thomas SLIMY- was deeision reaelied. It WAS dedlled to
...with reference to ,the former 'Huron giVe Western Canada, Flour Mill! Co.
• .0. V* 111,1g0, linesed, Water
Zaurairy .,bulltling on South street,
which has got into a. dilapidated eon- bine et one dollar a year.
dition and IS used at night, it WAS' All the metnbers were pregent ex-
itntoa, b:sr ,luebriates am. h. place for cept Sanderson.
No. 7, rescinding bylaw No. 6 .. " •
. held -on API.'11 17th, and -will take -the•
of 188g, ,tuid . thereby :changing 'from Milli of „an „open meeting for. all -wile
four 'to 'three yearg .the ;Period for wish to iittelid. ., The .ineetilig closed
witteli taxes, ihust'lie in' arrears before with, the°1‘117.reili benediction' end the,
O property' is offered. at a tax sate, group ' leaders served •• :refreshment's;
NY118. itdOpteft 'ha was ttlso NO, 8; eon- 1158181(51 bv - the' hos tesS.
firming the sale of the Xing Edward
There was .o. good„attendance at the
"silver tea" held in thechurch hall of
North street rinifed.churth oh St ,Pat-
riek's -Day, tinder the auspice of ,the
Vitomen's Association. . The.Jinhl; was
prettily deeerated for the oec ision with
ferns and white .carnations, and,' tea
was Servedat a table adorned *with a
tare cloth, candelabra ond green tap-,
eras. Mrs( Turnbull -and Mrs. Carr
Worsen. Poured tea nd" these .receiv-
big guests were Mrs. E. C. ;Robertson,
Mrs. I. E. .1111itch, MO. Tribbert, -Miss
McClinton and Mrs. Scott,
As, already annbunced, the distri-
bution of the new 'ration, book, No, 4,,
in.Goderich will take place at the Town
Ilall 011tTlitiradaY, awl Batt*.
day of 'next week and will be In
ot Mr. 1.1. D. Mooney". and assiStants.
Instruetions tta publielied on ,r,age 9 of
this issue should be folloWed:' , Ithis work. •
An unused vault at Gordon Won&
restaurant has for years titketi up a
space about ten 'feet square, nod no-
body was able to nulock, it. Deciding vice office. " • •
that he Tteediid . the, space.-Gordtm_ got • . Ronal consideratimkS.
, Mrs. Harold .,,-Rivers spent the week-
end In Stratford, with MrS, , Clove
Mrs. Long, Of Red beer, Alta
.is a.' guest With Mr. and ,Mrs. 4. it.
'trigs 13elie Mae'ir,icar•IS the guest of -
Mr. aiiir mrs. H. Elson at Oakville.
MrS. A. -11. •IVIcLeari has"spent the
past two weeks . visiting friends at
zondon, .Brantford, Hamilton anit
'Toronto. • , • -
Mr.,-and-Afts. -OrVille (11.-ime ot.Lon:.
(ion sPeet 'the •week -end with and
Sirs.% Albert Oke. . , •
, :Tticlge and, Mrs: J... L. '<Moran of • ,
with an nodded "I," .and the slogan:
Stratford,. forraeily of Ooderich, 'have
'Nut VictotY.I.Pil.st" it Was an
rettireed from an extended•trin to the "
pounced-- at ProvinCial loan ..heait•
Pacific ,CoaSt.* , quarters yesterdaY. The Slogan "Put
Miss, Kathleen MatEwari Of Toronto
was a week -end guest with her mother,
W. G. Maellivati.
Miss Marjorie IlendersoeIlas re-!
turned -from Toronto and has taken a
positfon the Xational Seleetive
liem,Peratures...,of the pasi.'Week in
'00derieb, with those of the correspond-
ing. week a year ogoi as, ofilcially • re--
cerded, were as-.1elloWs:
Max Min.' Max. M" .
. 1944 , 1943
1011,; Mar. 17 .. ...g0 31 • 30 20
Sat., Mar. 18 ,22 25 • 20 • 24
Mar. 10 - 31 24
Men., Mar. 26 ..S‘.03.1 16 ' 41 24
Tues., lvtar. 21 " .' 20 28 24
Wed.," Mar. 22 ' 22 32 24'.
whil,,e cantered -along behind -1)V
e e pony. -
The - doctor arrived •,in" good i#11ei.
Charlie got better and.is.noW .an old
many like Myself, 'Wing' Torenta,
perhaps knowing nothing of the horse-
back ride..which I had on his„ account,
in the days Of our boyhood.
s i
oitiralo# noiATEIN:
0011/12,7...ETES FINE 41ZOORD7-.:
....Pee -of Huron 'totality's best-known
pwned by, W. Hunie Clutton, Colbo e '
township,. Champion* female , at
forth Voir iii -1.941: mind at Obtlerick•
Illack and White Day Iti-1942, she is., •
again ,lp .the news with " her recently.;
eompleted Ite.eord Perforraance test
of 031 lbs, butterfat "from 3.6,,pa
Vir--471 ORY
milk; average tent 3,85:per tent; butte/
mareh 17-Enibleill fat. Tills outstanding. reeorel'. Waif
fer tile sixth Victory' loan 'will be, the- roade as a /ear-oid 365 days
winged -V device ,of -the fifth eattpalguiditthircieUgavvily.1.11;ehijelisuTis StIluee",lyteas. tithinilkthat,.
toir,r‘ol4eogrm" nhotieSequeaoxlitliifiedoa'tfeo.r .11.i.shlteeenporwd
having total four litetation'' Prte• • .•
(Notion of 1,895 'ills. butterfat Irani
lbs.. She, has been ofil-b
eially classified AP gold medal for ettn-
formation by the -11olstelia-Vriesian
Assoeiotion Canada.- -"Meg" Is
leaking mark n,ot only -•tiS it Slier ,
•eow oral toro-netelt prialueer, but tie
rorodileer am Iler sot. ItteadoW
Sergeant Pabst, was first -prise
bull 'calf and reserve elelnipion male
tit the 1943 Sealortli Illnek otet•Wh te
Show. Ire Is oweed by Ikonard
Wo.ltoe. Another ftn, meadow
made Aloe A.prde row+, heath the.
herd (4: I). A. tirling, Clinton.
(Introit lio.a eettly sold her maternal
Aleadow Glade
who wt18 MCA prifir yearlfug ani
eliampion mole Pt flPacorth I'llaek 041
White Show rammer, Itsthesl
vrant, itomoka.
, Vieterv First," is suggested .bY :the
emblem. which , be otnes the , Roman
numeral "VI' witb the s• I added to.
the winged.V.! Thug the - *emblem
suggests that vietory----the winged•V
-should be plaeed 'before "t," *or per -
in. touch with john Locking. I-lek AT Tilt.latriiiIitt ('1 1I
export Of Owen, Sound, Wiltr eaind to Ae -iegular monthly rtieeting JoIIN , •
to -wit and after several hours' Work the Einnite *.`serviee (3111% on. mai,11 rOa„,d. ou•e,,, 4111(1 ,a,„,(11,',arter
— „
yesterday on' „the • riyty nieelianistn Friday last, It was, decidedi•te hold nines north some wititureP,
:opened the 'eault• Topers found in the an Meter dance for ell the. teevices„, ,lias been named John 'tieet, after the,
veldt infliented that it tad beetrused with' an ore,hestra in tittendence. On, reSidents from north, to conth.: John
by the peoule whe.bltilt the C.P.R. liui Vriday evening about eighty young Aitcheml, john`i(ellar, ,Tohn
to Goderich over thirty -fire years agty„ people' enjoyed titonselves, 'The senior* John ' 1,1lontgomery. ,Tobil Shannon,
find evidently it had never been openttd '1loStess for ,tlie evening 'WAS Mrs. Ow A. "Atm .1kletl1tire„. Jobe, teemiug; aohn
sinsie that thtte. Mr. toelcing inakes a Reid. The Junior hostesses will he tilethick, and the last feria South is
besiness of unlocking safes, and has, preaentat the -weekly dances held trues- ewtied by Zan. 'Webster. What other
soine,interesting exPerienees in days and Fridays- for' all the services, 't road can beat It -Winthrop eor.
to see that .tlie boyA enjoy tlietnn'elveg„ Setlfortb Evpopilot.