HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-03-16, Page 7T110$4'untardlifkr with aetu*gardewerepare 'the ground therm-whir/A , - uil- -ingare always -amazed atVthe amount .Vanee, to dig it well and get out all • • 'of vegetables a plot a fely,yards. Square on produce. handled . properly; • vicce• at ground 12"feet wide and 25 /wet long 'should Yield, praetically all the • vegetables,-- exeept Potatoes; , a solidi famil3r.:*111. require freni early .July • until frost.• 1. • 1 For ease:in eultivetiOn,,,reWs Should •,run-aerOSS the width, not the length of the plot and they can be as •elese togethey as twelve inches, for little, •.,narrow and ' earlY• 'stuff like, lettuce, 'radish and ,carretS,,about tiftemr•inehes- for beets and beans and eighteen.ineheS for • earn and tomatoes, To save° real' and indUce.early, and 'Clean fruits, the •" letter Should be staked- -With all side • branches, pleched off. , • ' Space ca,n be saved' by alternating early vegetables, like......ra.dish; °•spineeh and lettuce; with later -maturing sorts like beets, carrots and onions. BY the time the second group rea1ly require room the first will have been •re- • moved and eaten, 7.,Prepare ThoroUghlY Itt tiese!. small, intensive yegitable found laat season it is essential to potatoes bete seera te. do betthr under twitch grass • and other .weeds before the vegetables aie planted. It „la, far more di ii Cult to get out. big weeds and grass roota after the vegetables are planted then before,: , ;Another important point is thinning. Beets, earrots, lettuce, radish .and ,all small _seed Vegetables should be thinned once' Se that these plants left,:call de4 v01011 . quickly alid4,wIthout Crowding A1. `Cheeking. An inch apart will-dO for .beets and carrotfi, and: Seed Onion *and then • When More mon Is neeessa Y ejle .6in:take:A-int every .other 'Plant and use for the table., : Carrots' and beets in diameter *pike ,elreellent eating. Plot. Planting Adyantages, - Even where.' one has, 41. whole . tarm at one's dispOSal it is a good plan to grow certain vegetables, in small Plots where they can be cultivated Often Mid. watered it necessary, .This advice especially applies to carrots, beets, let- tuce, radish,' seed onions,"parsnips and telt things.. Vegetables of . this type $ era to thrive better in small. compact plots than'in long rows out in the field. • reftil, for in/dance, donot .fit in, it tiny epace, becenee et least thirty feet ot TOW will be neceasary to pro4Uce- • decentytaM4i.y meal, ambern is al..; Olobilt in :tile eame 'category, something like a deFen hills being .neeeasary for Inininninv results. Poe, gen:, 'hatvest -beans from ja. row ten feet long every :Other day for. 4 Couple of Nveek$ or :mere. As, however,' they are ; eueceP- te espeelally-when-damP, they are best grown in.tows where they will net be .4istnroed :whew Wet with • in ,or dew, cf," * - 1,41tWo Work' As soon as tne frost POS out it is ,,'•thile to put up' preteeting.'stakekr and Wire and as ' soon us One can' walk On the grass Without miring it is time to plant ,,Seed; • One cnn hardly sow ,the seed too early. .1,awns.'sintuld be rolled INvhen' *Puna% is soft, DENMILLER • gardens, as so many Victory gardener$ the other •'hand, beans;- as corn, Mereh 14. -:Mr. and Mrs,• Russell hill rand, nary , were. at VVISIOlite COUNCILS, WEST, VirAWANOSII ''.The West Wawanoott-- TownehiP Council -held. • it* regular Meeting, on February 8th, with All the .MeMbers preSent,; The iniiintea Of the January,. meettn Were read and. etseepted Ou. motion of Cenneillere MilIer and metion Of COutieillors• Me - Allister and J'iniiigan a resolution for the Reeve' and--1Prettanter-tu natke-,,ap-= Plication for the subsidy on 1043 road exPendituree was passed. ' • Py -law No, 2, eStimatitw eX'Oendititre on reads fer1Q44, wes passed on*roetien of Couecillor$ Milier andMerhereon. Grantof $10 to St: ilelenslibrary, and $O each to Manchester and Phugennon. libraries ,Were ordered paid, on* treatien :of Conneillors Milier and': Merherson, On motleC,)f Councillors .MeAllister` and MilIer Mr. ItObert ObainneY 'WAS appointed:Weed inspeetor,' • ' ,4 The.. C'euneil adjourned to ...meet on March, 1,4th nt 1.30 P.m; • ' raYr:LNIN JThIILLIPS, Clerk. StratfOrd 0» *Saturday attending tile,• „ Emir. Aiirmvotia creniony: at tratford 1iosp1ttt1 at Connell 'met •on, March 7 Reexe Bee* which. their daughter, *las Jean, re-•; eiefe*.presiding, AtinuteS 'of Previous, eeived Iterifurstes tap.. • , • ; rtWO-' meetings were read And. approved. A, "hard times soe141" will be held In Littera from Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, and the secretary of the Navy League were . read. and ordered tiled. Considering the surplus on hand, a- Mo- tion by N. -MODowell, seconded by 11. Black, that :the Bank leen' -61 $2,000, Used to purchase a Victory ,.bond, be paid, ...Was carried. The iteeyg and Road- 8uPeiintendent„gave comprehen- sive reports-of:the Municipal Maeda - tion .and Good Roads eenventiOna re- ently held. Ur, Cyrus Scott waited on COuncii renuesting a. grant to Belgrave School Fair. Fifteen dollars was granted, as in former years. As con- siderable, 1943 taxes remain ,nrifiald,. the time for ealtecting..was extended to April' , • -1 - .Tienmiller United ehuret, on, Friday, March 17: _ Mr, Gordon Fisher, of the lt.,C.A,F., son' of Mt. and Mrs,. Jonathan -Fisher, has • been transterreirOora Mossbank, -Sask.; to St. TholMrs, Ontario. . -Miss jean Mlle, nurse -in -training at Stratford hOspital, spent the week-eed at her home here. ' Mr. and Mrs. Les. ,Jervis and 'Mr. -Floyd* 'Walters, .of • Helmesville spent. Sunday in •Benmiller. 'Mr. Ken Fisher, who has been at his- home here all 'winter, leaves this week to Joie his boat. Quickly_rothavo,iainean )4.841W:ivy Trucks. 'Phone oolloot. 910r16 CLINTON " 215 sniAtiroRD William Stoile. Sons Limited felP: crate ntsi ittligneyoitk For quickrellef from ltchisg ofecsekaa, pimples, eel, 'kites foot, scales, senbiee, rube. and other ester:telly. • pawed skirt troubles,_use pooling; hti septic p„. D. D. Prescrip.tioa. Greaseletis, stainleme, Soetbeeirritetioo and oitacklyittopelatettos itching. 35e trial bottle ptoves it, or money back. Ask your druggist today for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTIWT.,- - • itotid accomitS. of $31.76 and generai accounts; totalling- $135.00 -were ordered' paid. •• • ' * • 0Oune1l adjoigned., to • tneet„.again - on . . R. R.REDMONI), Clerk. .With' a• three-day eallvasa, Clinten• 1403 raised $4,500 fer tile" Bed CMOs. The quota was 43,000; 'George Westlake ha* again been Are pointed chief conotable ter Abe pence village of Grand Bend, ' • Mr. and ''Airs: • William Baker of Exeter Observed the 'fiftycsixth an- niversary Of their Wedding on March 7th,, • ,,, , ' flarvey,'Colexuan; Stanley, tewnship, armor, received 'severe burns to„face and hands trent tut 'eXploslen in h stove 111 h Colony, house 'on 'bids' farin, • Mr. and Mrs. ,Peter Kreft, of Dasik. wood,' on- Saturday' observed the siXtY- fifth, anniversary of, their „ Wedding, Ar. Kraft is In hireightyleighth , year ,and Mrs.- Kraft in het eightY-81M., The staff of the. Ban] *of, Conaneree, at Winillam held 4 -dinner party, 101 farewell lb G. E. :Northweod, late ' man- ager. ;of the Bank; Prior to hisdeparture- to take over •the managership of the Ptuinville fbraneh. •• , Mr. and, Mrs. Enoch' ROvveliffe.' of Exeter, celebrated their golden wedding' anniversary on March 7th with e familygatheringin 'which foUr gener- ations were represented, . 'They. are both enjoying good health.„; ' On -Monday, .;:,Marcir 13th, • Mr. and clam*, Morris townskto, a*cI ii Arnold nningtoo, Gra townibilk. Rural r manager - Morley Semen*, who 'hitt! boost ap- pointed superintendent „of Me -Fatal Hydro the Winghata distriat, .150 taken 'up residersee in "Oringharn, ****- hie -wife and daughter- ` Mr. 'Wiloorti lia charge of the rural area cow ,• ,T,„..nrilberrY, Morris", llowiek. Ouireek Asinioss, Nan eat, d "Cited, WawamNske, 'Carrick and Kin,A, cardine townshipa and ,inelnding, the.. . Villages Of Wroxeter,,Xorliwieh, 0=10; Whitechurch, Lueknow, HOLY* roods'yina ' NVE,T1E1 STREET WM , The March Meeting Of the W.11.8,0 of ',North., street United Ohurcb, WAS h ‘: eld' it, the church - ball with , the- presioent. 'Mr's.-- C. • --Robertsen, ; - in the chair. After the sin Of , a . hyran Mrs.' • '' Gra Jed. in • prayer. • *: president' read 4 letter *from Mrs. 'lletherington, who is spending tile winter in Ottawa. Mrs. J. B. Graham reported On Christ. -Ian stewardship and gave an interesti, log -'reading;.--- As community -friendship • secretary, —MTS. " Buchanan announced -Mrs. Wililain Pal,tYroPle.. 3rd cmces7 that twenty -time calls- had been made, sion of East Wawanosh, observed the, 'fifty-fifth anniversary of their wedding. Of .their -family of nine, 'seven" are living, three sons and. four daughters. • John Silas liitorgan died in the Wing - ham hospital -on Atarch 3r1 in. his. *8,000 from the Royal Bank for cur- rent expenditure, *as read and Passed. The. -.Reeve'' and Treasurer were in- structed to deposit the $2,000 .Victory loan with the, bank iu order to get' cheaper interest. The,porchatio of. 4 snowplow that Was. disepaedat last meeting was left, over until sueh.,tirae Milli. plow .6i:I be made. The County 'wrote) re discount on the prepayment Of taxes ; 110 'action'. ECOS- p4til for Sick,,Children asked the usual grant of $10; Which was given. Tor - Onto -deneral , Hospital- re -patient -which really belongsio another mtmicipality ; read and returned' to thern. Nitvy TOWNSHIP or. GODERICH 1 League -et - Canada for information re*: The Township .Council met. on Mon- Societies in the township;: the Cie,* day; IVIarelt.e. -.By-law No. .3, to borrow to reply 4 Department of Highways - • ' - *statement of subsidy on : 1043 'road* ae- •'Count was read AO -the treasurer re- ° ported ' 'having received the ,,,amount, • vix., $5;14/,78.- ,=.2!* • • • :. The' Connell accepted • the Offer .pf 'rciarence,,Sturdy to sell :the: hind en = the Old road'allowance. for $5o.- This -the,. most suitable site for a toWn7 Ship hall -when" one ean be Coun- cil will furnish the ntoneycto purchase , a snitabletoken•fer,each feterned -manAoWnship: ..Me., and 'Mrs. Fraser retired , to,-llie1k-4.hgr...,,eaFtielpatien-lc-tite-4-0,a-le-rhemw•Otr-the-33tcyfle 413,1,11C we.Grole..71,G ART Miss G. Worthy,"leperting for stiPplY•,, work, stated' that one, qtdit had been made, and she also spoke of the alloca- tion set for the, bale to he,sent in - June. Arrangements - .were - made „to irisit. all shut -In Members. eighty-third year. Ere ,lived 111 Tiuron The service of worship with the township near Ripley until he, retired theme, "The Dibler,11 Guide for DA117' from farming in -1913 and went to Living," was ,doilducted•by Miss Addle Wilightun- to live".. He is survived by Jenkins. Mrs.," }lodge gave the his: wife and two sons: • Scriptitre _reading'. 'A, „quart*, --1V/las, Mr. and Mrs., 11. 0, -Dayraanr Addle Jenkins, Miss Gertrude Worthy, known •residents' -of flensall, have -:Mm. Mrs. C. masTavials::. .-chaSed 4' grocery business at London sang "My :Mother's' Bible." Mrs. C.: end intend •moving; there' 'In theaekear Barker conducted_ a discussion on Bev-, fUture- •They conducted 11 grocery era,' passagei front the Bible. Miss 'Madness fit. Heitari for several .Years Jenkins pronounced the benediction. man -ow • store W4S burned- out tWo The Easter 'meeting will be in charge years ,ago.- of Mrs, -11:. 'Robertson'sgroup; and a ,.The death of ,Ishbeila, McFarlane, guest speaker .is expected. ' widow- of the late Thomas Fraser of •• ' •• - Stanley township, • o-ccurred 0»: Satur;-, day at Termite, wherek she was spend:4'4 ing socie- of the -winter: months. --Mrs. *Fraser Was htlier.,-.SktentY-Seeond,'YealS She was :born. in 'Stanley taught school for a number of years beforelter -Marriage. After farming. in' • Stanley: • W-dfrd--Sfritggwr,-.--"—=—''•f'"-'—'7-<rttgTiItFif. 73177riirs'er Wir ii927. .,'Menteith & •MOnteithr sent their,' 'port of , the township audit. , They 1, sSigsVeivr,ingovaertesptaws,o, ,, 8Q118, Dr. ippor.. A,,,:iTasdiprewes ,, 'fOund . everything, in good .order . and ' Fraser, ' .R.C..A.F., ' overseas, and two • drew attention to What. they coosidered4daughtere, Miss: Isabelle Fraser, MA., 4 very low' assessment on our ,bnilditigs. eq the fact-aty. of the University of .as.'cOnipared with other . municipalities i Toronto, 'in& miss jean Fraser, teacher where • they had ',audited.: " ' I in Northern. Ontario:: , The remains • By-law 'No. ,,5, to make adjustments Were ' brought to,_ClintOn- for , a,- sery-ace in the salary of, thel:Road. "Superintend-.. in the Presbyterian . church,: 7a33# inte'r. ent, was read and passed. *: ' Ment ..tdOk. place in Baird's- ceineteiy A .,.. IIII.i,s,_1:,4.... .._ - . 4 . .Accounts paid:. TeWo Of : Gederielt, I Stanley. townillii.- ' ' • ..._ ,, .Iii tre,:a IMAsiokelinxt.expense17Pennington..-41eLean_t., hospital for 'Sie k Children.. $144 ...13e- I - At the Presbyterian Manse, .Brussels, partmeet of Health. insulin; $8415;,' oil Thursday last, Rev, '.57Icerr.united , ,igis-,-A-oh,6•011,,,,..,,,v,st...„ of -house. 45, and -11•• - marriage -illary-TEllialk4h-4•44oterinr, correction in tis§eggirient; *2.05.; ' -Mon., seCond . daughter of 4r', '.iind ' :Mrs: R. teith 4k ,41oriteithoiitiuditing,-,4100.* and --,- • . ...., . • • postage;7.$3.29; W. n. liellyar,: gifts, to Clinton!: :Stock Fair, $50; -Superin- - 1.1 tion, $'4; Win; ,J,....Svestlake, balatice $so t ...W;:- l‘f.- . Aitken, 'gift:: for returned ,soldier; $1E50; A. J. McMurray,:gitnt " tendeet, payroll No.. 3; $1,,000;i and of .sabiry for F - ebruary,: $78.80; ' ',-- ' • paytell No. 4, $880.05: ' • , , April 4th; at 2 p.m../ , .7 ... ' . • Council ;edjourned -to meet- Tuesday,, 4.WM. SAL1,OW'S,: Clerk. Council. then adjourned to meet on Monday; April 3, at) Pm. • • ' R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk. 'a. • ' ..A. - , t. CW.,B0g1NIE .' TOWNSHIP • ' The17111unieipal 'Council, of Colborne Mei Tuesday, March' 7th, ' with .. all the members present.-,• • :- Oti' motion' Of jas. Fagen inicidWro. Clark,. minuthns of last regular meeting were adopted -0' read- S':, . : .,,,....1..,„.„ • .' Mr. Frank •Therbpson,'• 'township•, auditor, gave a* full report Of township affairs. _ Total ireceints, ,_:$44.772.00 . , totalclisbnrseinentS; fi41,243;.79 ; balance, $,529.11. Mr. -Thomps'Orc 'considered the numiciPiility to' be ill a good An- • anCial Cond4tion.7 c ,,, ' , ',,A, letter was read frOin J. II.. gilikeak in$peeto'iof public seTiools. regarding 'llie'..iiiiite0fitliiiiIititerAelifidF-IfdiiSt" - Filed. . -. ' ' - • •, A •letter from county ,Clerk N. W. Miller was .with refrenee to. interest „ ,. rates applicable to advances made to thi:Corinty Of.1.10On by. the 3U,nk . As •these have •:been_ reduce(Ltilie7:#1 fiden's. coMmittee,.baYe deeMect Tr,. advisable to loNeer, the discount rate .payable to 10614 -immiOpaities. tor; Prepayment of.. • County' rates from 5 to 4 per cent. ' •-.,T.he . woOd,.:Whieh ' was. .ent ' in - the eenreter'y was given to Mr. Harf.Y.' Me- Cretitk in_apPreeiallon ()f piS 'wain ble :serviees) in regard to work done in the 'cemetery. •' • • . ,, • ..., MetionS :were atl_oPted as f ollows : • reitgati--=-Snyder : That Nve necont the auditOrisi report. - Fisherk-Seyder :' that we aiwOint Mr; X0r144.11 XFrnigh-art as-"-bailite. ^-i.sh r-Feagan :. , 'That , the " vOticl 5Ai ''...i, Dell •tendent • ad Vertise , in the -Cont- iberciti NewS .fOr4tvna,e1M for kertishing -and .lithililig gravel tor the, Township. . , Trrets, engaged- l'iv *i -the • 4rolvfi81111i will be .pnkt. $1,75 an hoUr., Snyder-Cierk,: That road VI ucherk and bins be zpaid f -flload vouchers. • $167.74 r :iNitinty of- IturenA Colbeirce's Afire re, Mergarett:' Aiglitoc; $34.101 .Frank :',1.11°Moson: . a mli tor, $0015 : 'IV- parfMeut• of "•ileeith, • insulin,'' 08e : , ,.• bailifts fees. $11.7i..W..Wii-lle-r: compon'.. ' if it is in -an Udverti§enietit below-- Ou. wiltreceive-two Stainps free . InAparenty";:six-Issuns-At oderieh 'iiffirertisemerits under Cgs' heading will contain several names of persons living in Goderich and district. - her-ntemes----will-pbe-selecteda-fromitho,subscriptilmtlistif-The--S1gna1 Star Simply ,find your name in one of the -adyertisements, clip the advertisement, ' present It to the store in'whickyour name appears, and reedie • • Savings4ampsh-Free, _2. Fioitins FligNrrintt • 41, • Complete line of Dairy Products MILK BAB and COUNTEI! Near Theatre We4 St. Phone 1,04 new low price on Continental Beds . P IC RIGHT - - Quality 'Dairy products 11filk, Cream, Devon" Ice Cream -VISIT OUR -TO' /T IS NOT TOO EARLY to, place your order for ,some of Jacksons-Siecial Tomato Plant's. They will be in bhibiria When, p antetrout; also order,'SpaniAli- „Ohio-Jr-Plants now. • Phone '105 , jaksOns Floristsl- - tmeison's Drug Stor_. . Yoult inTENims DRUGSTORE' Prescriptions a Specialty, Phone 45 Goderieh - . • .REsTAintAiTrs"..', EitBis Lorie Diamonds DiAivfoND,,.RINos . _ Itotpx.solocing. SILVERWARE and cui6x;i1§ ERoberts�n Phone 136, Goderich .domminimiimmatalt. ' AUTOMOBILL PAINS ..64 Britannia ltd. Goderieh GENERATe HARDWARE BROS. PAINTS • ,SPORTING GOODS West -)St. RETA.URANT, ,.:.HolvtotAni7icANtfr: Pbone 110. 1011S 15 'STATION , -P-78011111CSRAVICE- ' When we'le through. It looks like tiew.'t Hamilton $t . Phone: 229 Schlegel). Oli3rich . -ASS6CIATE nom T., 0, '1/THE'rplIONB;. -Prop. I • TIRES and 'BATTERIES , HamlltimeSt, rinniO 691v Otty•atnd hold your ,war savings, , A good way to spend"your, 'even. ing or leislire hour In pleasant ° inienia1.spirroundings.. • Sattits-, oa , DEALEItS, IN ,0„0/1t COO :WOOD Phone 75 • Under tryintreiretunstances we ere trying to do a. 'good job, Yon will 'find this a geod 4Irm•te do business with. Yoir..3:t FRIENDLY CITr'SERVICE DEALEB COAL And COKE - 10 are trying our best to serve you with our available .supplr of Ph�fl Putl. 9.5Ve Albrt St: 84 East St. - ,Plione 206w, Dtte to priorities.- stut Ink of f some easential-parts 0 pd It InIVOSISible to give j)1 war service., C. liferfla434.1 L 1):1*ATS014 Complete Line Of, • FRESII. FRUIT 3; VEGETAliLES IN SEASON , ,SCIONTIFIC .16QUIPMENT 11 , PRIENDILY SERVICE r, : .1Pherte 4170 ., 7:. ' ' Vast St,: _., Tasty. Pastries a Specialty . Wefeatuv i - , ,CIIig1ust Quality AXEE,J PIS BUNTS 27 West *St.' ,P1i0fl 466, • macifous WITHOUT BUTTER MAGIC'S CINNAMON ROLL UPS • 2• 4.cutspiinss8:1441-diglitur P•ogtdrin11 Powder: sait • 3IAA4 Bt.teb4r:a pnwi mllk 11 3 2). n sugar •'Cinnamon • 14Mix,aiffira Pl.at lain'*:threa Ingredlente Cut in Shoetening, until Add milk to make • innooth. • dough: ” Knead- .1/2 minute On ' I ightly floured hoardt roll dougit into, . thick Sprinkle with brown sugar, eln.. • natdon lengthwise; !•,:tutedownintol.lnit gairivactant!mkevit0.!xkt a , • • i31"3:VeaAi:.Iooven 05044,ntt lMkti0; MADE IN . CANADA,' „Nlit&-k-S.-CUSSON is ocni-hrperlecthealtk. She hi&sfohhern,i4igestion, Conitiiiiiieliiii&- c,*bilbusnees with bid ,.breath. Fruit-a-tivea stimulated her liver -made her feet year. youngerpSock up youellier withfrnit-a-tives, Canada's *Largest Selling Liver Tablets.' •_ To. those who toos,..night after night, On oleeitees bedi-:!.. To those" whp sleep in' of a way, blab whose rest is broken by bad dreams and mghtmare., 'To those-whotwotco up in the as tired as when: -•• they *pat to bed,Nit,t3 offer in bililhurnk's Health and Nerve Pills a tomo remedy to help soothe and strengthen tbe nerves. 'When this *done -Owe eltoOld be no MOM-ttetlept Idea ft. a* bid dreams and nightmares, • - • • 4, , Price ,s(ks box, 65 pills, at 'alkdrutoouriteni. ' .Look foeour registered trademark a ‘PRed, Heart" oaths rob" The Z Metiers Co.,. Limitid, TOrtaixtoo 04111i • flelIe 'Do -yoa realWbelieve that soiree people ean tell the .teture 'with eards1". Nell; "Yes, nW mother een. She took *elle look at MY report card; and told ine Just what would happen '001 Vetd`got home.", -• ° • 'st hear you had a wrestling utateh with the top sergeant. .What..hap- pened?"' deeided .to surprise 111111. so r Jump's at Min an(1 grabs his Wilk, • and Jerks hif,4 neek, like t1iii, and before 7 he knew what hit him-Vci,liat Ort.'My :beek." is c4tlresorne ore. When,you ,Come home, ielax and !Noy 'el cup. of Nillsore's delicious ChopOote pi BUY VtAit'SAV/NOS STAMPS 11.ZOTAA