HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-03-16, Page 3.NINETY41EVENT11--:YEA.O.
letter Feting in
e oun r tidy who haei vieited in eioderich,), the rea , a es Vessels,
" 44:gag wear,- ......... ,... _ _ _
- ar i ''
'7- 1
.• ,
-Barrie er,
Office--Ceurt ,1.1011See 4104er,igh.P .
W-31.--A`e SIJTX114414-NP--- ' • , .,
Barriiitei.and S011eitor_ •
Office4--I4orth', St, Xilederiell.- Phone'750 I
ANONTIDITFI••and •111.0i4TIala1ly
- Chartered Accountants
. 5/ Albert 'Street, Stratford '
Tormate Offiee :, 302 1.4,ay Street .
ow 4.0.0
...T.474,-..,......) ' .,-
, suRAINICE CO.---,Varm arid 'Aso-
Aateil town „preperty lesured.
'Oiticers--e.A.lex. McD;ying, Blyth; Ont,
President; " W... It. .Archibald; Vice -
•President, Seaforth, : M. A.. 'Reid,
-Manager end Secretary -Treasurer, Sea
.forth.--- • ' '
Direeters-Alex. MeEwingi• Blyth,
..R. r . •
. --
2foot, Sea:forth ; ' Chris. Leonhaidt,
Bornhonn'; E. .Trewartlet, Clinton;
Thomas ALoylari, ',8eifortli;.Frank Mc:
Gregor, Clinton; ,L14gh .A.lexander,
• , :Walton; George •Leitch,
Agents -John -B.- Pepper, 'Bruce -field;
‘R. MeKereher, Dublin; J. F. Prileter,
Brodhagen ;" George A._ Watt,. Blyth.
,POlieplioldere can „make all pay-
ments. and get their. cards. re.ceiPtoLat,
. the Royal' Bank,. Calvin - Cat's
Grecery,iiingston Street, Giaderichror
J. H. Reld'S General Store. 1304161d.
Da. nottzzroz *auT
- In the lateSt leiter reeeived rreiii this Appointinents
Sir, --A little More space, pleate, to .- I change from the aletioue first year or „
-fiSWei'.. Mr. -S. Bacon's letter, in yeur .-......4 two a' the war is to -be noted-. ,,
, But loiiilug do' uditiow oTiu - f ji f bi Master il ,, oci. . chief E, llginqers'
, •. • , "There is a . great ee ug •o . g''' -
ssue of February,24th. . , • . ' . , ,,, • liarcl, Write0, 00*.
Sle,, BaeOp `, disuilSeee- Most of 'mY , • , ,
--, ,
Preparations :ma of greet 'gathering -Named :for s Coining
etter 'on the ,pretext thatng Motive , •
of, the elelis',* ont. eant help notieing 00)3$0.t•
Paterson Steamships with
iteedtpiarters reit
eounce ,appantimiltS- to' the vessels Of,
their Great Lak•es fleet fee. the :coming
oyer: pur houses, •at ice are still kePt Season.', In Um, folloWing list Mune
it and 'X jest X eOeld. telt you
•-• • , • , •
probahlle-•Inlpuree. - Only - eeme ,trie:thilrgS 'ivi) see uml. hear; .:.
howS our Motives, and lie has ter, '6•511I1.47- ,
idden us., to ,be "judges • -or .ebh and, tow (If 'eopliietheen more .aud" more restrieted, others
heughts." Why didn't you us, clearly marked' than in, a Scottish 'west thel;,e are slight 'relaxations We etili
ir:' Bacon, that YOU ‘'Couldn't answer coast port which muSt'ineantime iv, have Sandbags and ails of i water all
Ay "many .Itssertions Against the wain nameless., .• The • dark • dayS' of
•" "
I didn't 'melee', Germeliefe niet,sui aud depression,' are, 'Peat,' dile
'State SoCiailsen." lloth.gerrnany and the ''apparentlY 'never-end_ing2ProcesSien
empty; but We don't now fill baths ‘t the vessel is givett followed by
with - I the name 'of the illaSter 7"and' then the
waterreVery,night stat wate
tanks are all over the towne; and, sitar, , ' . • . • •
Reading Should De "for ,Lite • RatheV
' . than for linOwiage't
Mr. Arthur Smith; Goderiell addressed
Flarenee Smith, dinrliter of 1
gl.lthering; at 1Veotletoek. recentlyeand
wille-90..e_ei°tIO1;1:47,,:thiatienerl-Ilet;'iteewl‘4,rom 'The.
"There are:bOoke to be:tasted,. WOO.
to be swallowed enfl_boOlgete he chewed'
fled- digested," 1)r. • rioree0e Singh.
of Toronto' PniVerfsity told, a 'large
audience in ..the -puhtie library last
evening( _". • •
Sinith gave '
,044 t3710,'S.1.1004),iI
No authority that an
eye eervice Payee ALL,' eye,'
7 to See ,•normally. Out they all
reeognie that by, nit) ether Meanii
'tan the desired reeulte be
:-And they asselt that
the Ideal plan Wald he to: Imo
every pair tvt,, eyes Undergo an
examination. Xon.- would ,be '
wise to ..agree , with, them;
t 113 claim to have State --Socialism- '-of-4,orpedoed-_-sur'el-YorS. trolly istriclien
. , ...... .. . .. . formal talk on beeks. She referred
nd Russia Claims to have COmmunisin merchant ships is but le bitter memory. to Ga. literature of Shakespeare- as -
the left-wing of the stone thing; At thia'port. they knew „that the Battle -'opening up a whole new world,'' and
one of these .claims being strictly true. ' added that te "wicked joy could be had
Musselini,.. Hitler and 'Stalin were
. -0! 134tain Was not Merely for the air- In .reading Jane' Austen to find con,"
equally dictators. Germany is not run temporary counterparts to, match her. fields of England; , it was "fought- as
by "the scan from .all• classes," as Mr. counterparts.' , .1
I on' the high seas. . . , Official
' ememuniquee . were not 'needed to tell
fe'rinthee,.ipeuertelir:orpnrdeco°fInhnieslip(lolltry!"11 ^temiNeseemoommill.11"6"1"1"4"'"u'iu
Bacon says, but by the responsible •
the people of this port of the parlous
the • lead heti universities have given me..
state of the British merchliut fleet. Pr. Smith 'stated' that some know- .
people of the nation wilt, have followed
the German-- people. The German -...cY 1111d...eyes la see the victims of ledge of the classics waS necessary and DOB DATES' or
lira -baud -storks of tlae terrible menace RATION COUPONS .
scholars have worked out -a. Perfect she stressed the iMportanee of a knew -
Nazi Xj-boat treatherz and ears to hear
,syStem - of •conquest and government, ,
built on power witheut justice and of -subineripe warfare. Sinkings meant
(lilac a number of children have beee 'duel engineer.
drowned in them when &414 near), - Brieeldoe--Capt. IL• -Odesser Pelle
nek 'do we new open every window at ,tangoiehette; E. W. Sperling; Moutreal;
night in , case of blast, though we still Onnildoe=e•' Cltpt, J. N. Foote, Coiling -
have :old lace curtains ar net pasted woOdi' W.' Mooney, Orr Lake; Fort
on the glass Of our bedroom windOWS. W.illdOe-Capt."114"lil, Chapman,. Wier -
to *event the glass) Irani spraying Into ton; P. W. Pratt, Collingwood; Maw
the rooms. Quite a lot of people have doe- 'Capt, E. W. Baker, ,r,ort Del -
been hurt ,by .,flying glass sprintere. •hausee ; W. .(41, Lateede, Collingvvood,.;
We found the lace. very effective al* -Ontacloce-Capf: : IL` B. Hunt, Port
though_ hanging in shreds. it kept the .Arthur ; L. -BOttler, Fort .Wipaam;
glass nlixed.tip in it and net over..the Quedoe--Capt. R. J. Wilson, 'Wheltsor;
rooms: We are being warned that B. • C. Featheretoee, Owen Sotmil;
when the, Iluns get desperate we nay Saskadoc---Capt. R. A. Cameron, Fort
have -heavy raids and perhaPs 'suicide William; Joa. ' Icenile4Y,- lialpilton;
parachute troopS, and gas, but we aye , Soodoe----CaPt Wv:: J. Kirkwood., St.
not defenceless. Catharines ; T, 'a. .DrytYargli, •Mimico ;
`Mercy. -Nelther Itelv POT has not.oulY Were valuable lives ban, g
„ .
R. F FOAl$T.Eit, iiik4 EAU,
.Late 1:lonse ',Surgeon New York
Ophthalmic and Aural iloppitaleassist-
„ant at 'Moorefield iklye Heepital /and
.6 -olden Square : Throat .11eSpital,
-louden, ,Fiegland; .
' . ' EYES X131s..TDD, GLASSES
153 'Waterloo . Street S., • •Straqord.t
Telephone - 267: • -1' • ,
, Veit -fiat- IledfOrd .4aderich,
\Wednesday, .Mareb,•.$}41,., ,,at 2 ,p in
4111430 p.m. • •-•2
, •
boolcs find. books pertaining to i 'the C°•11P°11S....,,Ilow• d'.._°,!,./.ft're 81144a!1" to
had any such teaching, and their future. - ..- • . -- r - meserves „U;1,.'„.tO -PAP; bUtter 'DO to OS;
lost •efnd_ precious •eargoes of 'war mato -
c.pgiti.Ist4maatpteoiriltnigesowf Assciettnise:.saun:;epsstieedhoat teao-cilOffe .,Opprelstrt;es'29;auni:10.4)1111.sgotold:,. for brutalities to their' own peopliwhich terial, sent to the liottoni; they repre-
in R,usSia, at least, continted 'right stilted emPtY ii 015 t ,the homes of A MArlrellous Peliveranice I Vandoc-eCtipt. T. jewitt, Hamilton; J.
j4ein order, for ' a person '
consequences of systenis built on force. knelv. 1%*•hy ce,rtaln foodStuES-Were.,.di - '19etely itimrmed ' etate of our forces K. C. Clark., Alidhlnd; • S. Pittield, to euu0371-Lis eadillg. the more. ., • ' - • ,b; '
c - , . "Read for life rather, -thee ' know- twelve Itaid ounces.'jam, jelly, marina,
up to leee„,havp been the 44,t.nro, :the people. Ileaseiviv_ s„, in this are.ii , "When we think Of the ' almost earn- Nieoii, Port Cd1b_orne; -Windoe---- Ca,pt. all __ ,,,
to ,theln AS to •Mr•• qaure.bil4: 414 -Gen- after Dunkirk, and their ma .es 1 Killarne5.. lade, maple butter; oney' butter, -4,rah,-, '
;Nrenopolle's itlWaYS tend: that -Warr the ticu1t to .obtain: . .., , It was as realistiC
moi embracing the -iainippoly- the weii3en's -("Dtkes and shotguns"), .while CartierdocL-Capt. 'L. Legmndre, -Man- ledge,"\ -suggested 'Dr. Smith; ' ,,,,,, herry sa.uce or fountain •fruits ; or two -
Mir der the pressure on the-individuels '
eral Smuts tiMt our inerclaantlieetvvas 7 . ' -. , . I - ' ' ' K' y'd . - Aill°Ig Tokumes%0Pening. 41P- worlds pounds _maple- sugar" or tWeety fluid
it'ffecte4, by it. *tate inettopoly, em- receivi.ng .e. death blow. Sinl.ring were
II di
bracing as j,.. does every movement of
enable one to understand -present -44Y
the citizen,- both civil and mehgloos, IOS
the. most oppressive _of all inonopolieS.-
Mr. Bacon -Says Russia is run by "the:
class ,o±_all people who labor, ,ete.;"
Which is, net true. The only
way you 'can .run. enY .government by
all the is bye narliamentieleeted
emisemeie wee..
•-,.. :.• 0000 JACY/SON,;"-._
„,•__SpeciailiSt li*rm and HOoseilold
•'Sales I 'ecneed• ateeon„, and • Ptealtb"
Counties; pekes reasemille sada-,
ftWtion guaranteeed. For -infornieition„
etc.;•:wiiite or phone ILA,ROLD :TACK-
N.,,,,,asact- 6,91 .Scial'orith. R._
t tri in new tonnage ar y
da assed 'Without a fresh batch of
exhausted. shipwrecked mariner§ arriving -
f •
' -The resource o the Dort were
often take(' to feed and. clothe and
teinPakrily house stricken sailors.
What was never wanting, however, was
a willing hand of voluntary werkers to
,cope With every emergency, even when
survivors came -in :batelies of 600- and
800 at a tina-e. . . Losses at that time
'Were so heavy that it looked- as if
we would reach the stage sooner or
latter ,wiren the raercaritile fleet would
,be so depletettes to.Ahreateethe :very
existence of the p9o* Of these Islands.
. Life in the merebant navy. in
those grim. da,y,e -Was front-line Warfare
eiyeieeeemeeireesee. ash port were among ,the few, British'
War earrespopdent§ who -then had a
story to tell. 4,,to Its sheltered anchor-
age tame ships, great and small, that
had --battled their way. though the
Norwegian' campaign and 1.n the great
Murmansk eontoys, -amps that kept
open the lifeline to Malta -and the
Mediterranean, and, • of Course, ',those
engaged -la the bitter mid relentless
struggle on the _North Atlantic routes':
- Diffeient -Today -
"the arrival -tit surVivors, is -a Tare
pecurreuce today. - There is a different
itniospfee-re about -ore land-it-g--t-s ithings-Ahat Ahe-old days one _con.
AlOderieh, Phone a4t
Office te• -12 12 .
band 1.to apza.,• Tuesday, Zriday;and.
10 to '12 asa. only .on Wednesdayi_
Adenday and Th.ursdaY. at
•latineral • bunt), baths 45'_.411P0114ment
.51 SOuth
Iftegiatered Under Drugless Bractitionard.
Act ,ior tle ,.Proviinee of 4.1intariO,
Licensed. for Counties of.
" and Bruce • '
ADDICESSIHineardinei-R.R.- 1
110ife-RiP10. 3ert4
'For-information'anply•to 411:
Iternighan,lbWision' Court Cie*,
we • Women r •
wondered'what we could. do With
garden. 'tools (),r kitchen knives (it
seems, ludicrous now,, hut we were in
earnest), we Can , never forget,. the
marvel of our. deliverance." •
, In spite of the lifting- of the -load
of anxiety, living conditions are still
hard. Clothing coepon,s, for tinstance,
are greatly hnideqeate. A man, cannot
have a new suit. .If he must have a
jacket he •may not buy , shee-S or
trousers, ,altlimigh he could • just Man-
age n shirt _with , two collarS. If- 41
raincoat has ,to bought then he -is
at an end of his buying -when he 'adds, a
.undergarment of,,any kind be-
yond his feireh.• The woman is, no
fe,a,na_nAops_eliollLstuff can
lowance of clothes Coupons must last
for an indefinite period, perhaps eight -
months.) IA- the, fifth year of war-
time economy the, people are very near
the end of their available clothes, and
mothers of families do not know which
way- to turn. "However," the letter
rear;• . 1 _ , 6 of the past+ "Pepy!s Diary,!' f'Lexn,b's,
Capt. A. J; :Veins, Montreal; J. R. A.0, and Johnson's, "Life of-i-I3ose
Aurora ; Lavald0C-Capt, W: A. Sabine, EssiaYs,"
Cornwall ; H. Harthean, Mar ; Lawien- wen" pointed to as shining
doce'eClipt.'A. IL Simpell, Midland ; H, examPles- . ' •
Fitzpatrick, Goderich ; ".Newbrundoe-er Dolothy. Sayers was recomineneled
Qum, for those" who enjoy • mystery stories.
Capt. M. Mongean, Montreal; A.,
Montreal. - • • /" Speeking_ of -booklovers 'Dr. Smith
told her • lecture audience, "they , are
Mcgoll:FrOntenife . Oil . Company
reincta.nt . to lend' but they; like to
Limited announce tile personnel Of the borrow ; they. don't care to be read
three tankers they will operate on the
ta, but .they like to read aloud
Great Lakes durineflie' coming season
of navigation us foffq5i-vs : 'CyClo-Chief--- The lecturer described, reading by
A. 11::: Foote, Captain ; 441. S. Sinith,.- some ks a-,"selitarY Vice" and lieuSse-
gested 'groups to discuss and share
mate; C. G: Wyatt, Chief gngineer ; V.;
reading with others to overcome tins
Cordea'O,-Second Engineer ; Cyclo-liabit
• . -
pair of socke and a cellar so. An Warrior -I. Mateer, ;, - - -
Jones, mate ; G. 'Carr, Chief In intodUeing -the speaker, t James
Engineer; K. A. ' Praser,. .Second.
Engineer, Cycio-Braye-g. Pyette,.
Kettles, .Chief Eng' eer; J. McNichol,
Second Engineer.
Appointments to, seine pr:the vessels
of the Canada SteanIship Lines are as
follows (name of. 'vessel followed in
order .by names" of master and chief
proeeeds, "when We are all shabby engineer) • • . "
together no -one minds -and 1 do be- Upper 14alcoR bulk treighters-Ash-
lieve some men. are glad of -the excuse e ft M -O'Brien
lor_hanging on to their old worn-out
suits. . . .. What I, really eirlifirli the
time it takes darning and repairing
it thing sidered beyond repair. and • not worth'
One looks in vain 'for
t the time anent,. •
ambilioneeswai ing to convey wounded •
and'exhausted seamen to hospital. or "There was not Much private Christ-
-for •stacks of clothing to 'cover their mile celebrating anywhere this year,
only for Forces and So onT-pere-icaust
nakedness. Instead, • martial nineie
be very few families In -the whole
• hfaie-S-1'o-ith from the qUilysides, and
the new arrivalsstalwart-----;;You,the' country who were united •or even. had
bursting with life_ and energy -are maily_Lmembers. together then, an be-
the heralds of victory and peaee." • sides the COmplete break,np of femily
• This extract' from a recent article' life people were net, I think, - in a
on "The Battle of the•Atlentic.". quoted mood for festivities, even if there_ had
In been the meani. - We are confident, and
it letter received in Poderieh from ,ft
Scottish west oust town, may baye. determined have no slackening and
'been written apciut- this :very town, for no ' compromise, but we ;are' tired, and,
It describes conditions very inuch as we know this year is going to be 'very
in conditimis,here ,(and we are fearn'ed
reeeived- h4rd, not only In the fighting line Init
, Pictured in letterS previously
*RUA*, l4lis'414.4
Akimber Ontario- linaie "Matched:a':
-101.7. octatiom FtWila prepared or any;
Altaic extulA. Residence: Mr .1
.tat -0eorge's. Crescent, • -
• . • • ,
Stratfard-Goderieh Coach „'Llue -
leaving Oodetich/ at 8.10.
12.25',Nn. and 5.05
. Direct' connettlons to .all '109ints
r1k1sh orl'Orgurthirliiforniation.phd
'BudfOrd Hotels -0 Head
Web (305) ..
, .1
Collingwoed-E. •Griesbach, M. .Ded- ery will be master and nkorteY Kinnear
man ; D'agnaeornspi-:--Jas.'1el'• chief 0e/reel-leer .of the str.:-WaheOn4abe-
Leriche ; ginperor-j. A. Brown, J,
Carnwat stated that Was a
graduate of Yale University and was
foe "Toronto 'University. Dr.- Smith
was thanked by 'J. 1.1. Beatty,
ounce,$). en-uned fruit; or, twenty-four
fluid ounces .(two lbs, net) extreeted,
hone, or two standard Sections, or
two pounds .(net), of .'ent-Comb honey„;
or fifteen ilind ounces .corn • syrup, cane ,
Syrup or blended table syrup: or ferty',-
fluid ounces (one, quart) maple ,syruP
or ,Molasiela o' one-half Ponnci Ondat-
Massey,. operated by, the Foote Transit
Co with Ed. Carpeeter , as .chief
engineer,' •
The Abitibi- Navigation
nounces that 6.fpt.• -John. R. Montgo
-.Mcphristiel -Gleneagles--=-D, W. 'rice, •
Geo 'Gail
e -Price ; erich--,---J. I. Due, .J.,
Douglas; Hagarty-'---E. Walkinshaw,
w., H. TayloVi-c:TIA-neynte-eC. E.--R,obily;
son, P. Lumley; Prescott -Roy Burke,
D.. G. Pinder ; StadaconaT. S. Patter-
son, J., M. Kennedy l_ 'W-e-stinount-A.,
F. MacLeiman„ E. Henry.''-• -
Upper Lake package .,. freighters,-
'lliii•-ein"MtMo'-dj'..-:B.--POltlin ,
Ilenvoyle-W. J. Haller, 'IL Myler.
•Self-Anloaders ---e•Coalhaven - L. G.
Bird,- A. V. Smith; C011ier-J. A. Glenn,
P. IL Gilbert; Glenelg-T.. W. .Adam,, ., .
K. Buchanan t Midland ,- Prince -P.
Beatty ; W. -I. Nicholls; Osier *--- ,R. ?
lielehef; R'. M. Bonneil.
' LoWer-Lake.bulk freighters -Acadian ,
e: ---H. . 3. Clarke,. W. J... McWillimil;
Barride-.-1-1. Lallberte,,P. 13, -Botmell;
Fairmount- -,-7- W., J. ',/-lere,. W-. • P, ,
'efrady.4.--.1-Grainniotor-:-.T: Vg'etirrovv,- --
I. Ferrier Rinnionnt-Jt- IL LaMarrei
G. . W. Clark, Mapieheath-g: A, , •
leaney; II. 'R,' 5; -Coiling; Meaforcl-G.
Lefebvre,' *M. 3:„41)ner; Penetang--.A. ,
BMW, Ti. 40. Leawood; Siniede--G, :a
Stephens, L. Rousseau; .StarMount----J.
. rTo'fiffifrilleefl, •-•
'Elgi •e .•
Mealsnaes, A, W.. Shaeklefo ; Hastings
-r-E. A,, George. I. j., Smith. - -1
Cape -Archibald N. 'llegtie, of Owen
Mound, is nained es master of thestr.
George Hindman -for 1944. with 1.4?-' f3s.
Lainourettx -as thief engineer; Capt,
George G.', 'Henderson and Walter,,
respectively -master and •chief engineer .
of the: Howard sHindinail. . --• -., '• • •-
('apt. Frank P. illicatrtliy-pf-Goderich: .,
will again' be masteP df the' P. N't- -
these Will be worse after the Contineet-
, is liberated), and the feeling is, 'Let's
, by. all the people and Russia has no
iget on with it, and finish.'-- I•thilik this,
7 7pairin:-
eleeted,parliaraent for husinesS-inan: gi7eift-thaillrfaliteest for -past de.
• •
- Beal Estate and, Insurance
• liveranee 'and for the turn Of the -tide
, even debate. e Dou't fool yourself; Mr waS the mood of this Christmag, 'rather
.. • agement you cut put all Opposition, and
. mine and Residencets,„• , Bacon, into thinking -Itniala ,•Is run by
than- the old 'festive season', spirit. Ex -
1.1. Trafalgar Street the -people who labor. When -polides • cent of churn for childree-and Peer
Santa Clans- had a , terribly difficult
'Tans •basiness it IS bad -enough but
-when-butlnese,runs,poi-it4Ce.4tAs-ei-av *Pkte,..11,10..*.,&-ilstren 6 to thin there
are children trhe .have never known
for all., Siissia 'not Only forbid" he':
IVOR A..1:34:---Houlies n time,„without a paSisport, but they are. .•
oice building lots, bilsiiMes Pro- 'also forbidden to go from town to. town :C,vere- very ,quiet„,;_ ma one on leave
citizens to leave „the country, Peace the pre -War IAA Claus With his welll
of all'ki ds • filled- sack nor seen' a lighted street.
• , withotit,a'pasSport., ' • __ _ And even on duty wit A.A.
plain how .."deniocratie ,progress" can flocks', that night but our brothers
;Iperty.,ans1;_several gobd farms.
Will -Mr.,Bacon be scr-good to'ex-• duns. Not shepherds 'watching -their
DeilioeracY•and--COmmlinfein-iire-alter,-: -skies the. -guns -2 -,after 2000 years!
gains. ..-Buy now.
°Ira' e.„,sliPw You some real rest' on unit. between '• the Allies? (and wlth sisters), keeping guard over • the
you hiv$4 eee' Tlezie-SoTlitd-tliere:'Wereno'fraids•tthirit
have the other. Is Couaniunletie 'Russia 110t only nono, here but particul-
If you don't sleep; well
nights ire Inter-
rupted by restlessness
If your kidneys are out
• of order and failing to
_cleanse the blood' of
poisons, and waste
' natter -your rest ii
likely suffering, too. At the first sign lot
kidney trouble tura confidently to Dears
Kidney Pills -for over half a century the
favorite kidneireinedy;'-Eity. to take.. 114
Cheap Bates, :11/Ittler.. Storage'
Also Agent for Manufacturers'
. Life Insurattee •
Phone 6i3;"
' bangannon. 22-34
oW7,7,Deanna Durbin as ',The Aniaihig Airs: Halhday. .
., ▪ •
1$1440:Attiete' and Ygetinesday-Two reatureh
Clandpite Colbert, Kay Mlland and Brian Aherne
It's the story oiltyoung executive Who almost igerifleed his happiness
on -tile': altar of Material am4itious.
:Our raid§ Ote GermanY,
noW., going to help _•-the„..mitionti,she_harly
as -
, always ,oargo vote_ ,rebnpex,ialeauir which woUTd. have -seemed, Wort -
:of, will she renew, --her efforts . to con- you know *hat 1 meanl".
• vert them to her way Under her red
flag, ‚as she talked' of doing- after the,
first Great War?, : ,_•• - • :
Moreover, peace rests on justice and
righteousness, ,not. oh 'aux agreement
between three strong nations. We are
told in God'S Woid, "Justice.and-judg-
ment are the habitationLa Thy throne:"
That Is -why God's thrOneEigliMMutable.
Will' there..beipstipg peace in Europe
if the Russians ,.are alibWed to Steal
' large • parts ' of Vinland -mid, POland?
And why 'does IthSsia demand:a right
of way for a railroad through Finland
- to-Swedenl---1-t---:-Is---Ccraimmi.--for----(Jorii-,
•-• munists: and 4),C.r.'s to kuStify„Bessies's
, rape of Vinland on the ground of Self,
• Proteeti011 fr‘pix Germany. The ;United ,.
tes, has a far better excuse to take
from 'Canada all our Pacific- coast for
, her Protection from Japan. Lithe Phi -
band WAS 110 nominee to Leningrad, and-
posseselon nf ihe eaktere .end Of the:
BIlltle, Sea .1S 110 "fiefenee for ,RAISSia
Agitinat. Germany. , GermanY 'never at-•
`ticked Ansf-,41a: through' the Baltic Sea.
' Any ,country i' , is not ' by its
- .,_ . ,
, size, but by its, strength. ,; 'A * * ..
' Then, thre.: IS no ,,yelation between
the east of lying tt•nd, our present(ifrise:
ilom from neempIoYment., Cyclones,
' -deelestatinge.floods,! earthquakes, : 001, .
, usually get everybody employed for tho
time being.So doe§ ,ft Major • war.
With, far more ' than all of %Owe Thiene
.' ployed at the war, and tWiee that /allay'
Making Munitions of war,liow Oonid 55'41
have unemployment Whether Mir .stand-
arde of .living were ittor or low? The
tw() eiremnStanees are simply not re.
lated, and argue nothing : againet mg
" lag bring a 'high Post of living, and the,
edlftention that ,"high standards et liv- 1
‘ - high Cod of living irA a inejer faefor
. e
/in iiiiemploYinefit."
As it WOUld 'Make My Ietfer tkei long,
I will 1W -glad to deal with fins sult•ject
in another 'letteK ,
Williamilelden. and Susan IlayWard •
complete the program with a lively alid entertainingicoinedY' '
*Young and Willing"
Tinirso, Fri., 4;14 „
Cary Grant, John Garfield, Man :111.10 and William ."Itidgeley
Listed as the greatest melodrama te-,,.'emexIge from the. Pacific Is
, "
M1 Inees Wednesday, Saturday and.tiolidoS at 3 OM-
' Ceming-tailso ltaIner in "hostages
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shown above -to ease bronchitis FOR ADDEDRELIEF-Meka
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ky morning most of thegnsery is. nagging bronchial irritation! ,
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Without the timitigs that are
Made from waste paper our
Awl in the services literally.
„ could not carry on. That's why
it Woo urgent that we civilians
SaVe every scrap of waste paper ,
we can, WAtch announcemehts
in the dilly papers and o'vet. the
rsaio for *lion and how the
paper, you savewill he collected.
But stilt savin* paper mow!