HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-03-16, Page 2••••••-.2,
Current flews on the
004,00N1N4 lizty4 flomwou 44z111.4.t, TWO G01)00.'1014 STAR.
Publighed* ba 'Preea,. Um, lted,,,
1 Pt,Iiii Ositeret Lazy Meadows
" 'll 4140 00Tite.
Cenadian'infeetry divisien 'whieh
• .104 iitreet. Goderleh, Ontario in. the 'leaf month has --liaseiti" Ihrough
*. °OS. were tattered and We'rn trnd after. Italian. campaign, culreinatizig in -the
went intolthe village the other t- fighting bf the
iPabeerintion, Ita,tess-Ganada and. Oreat --P-s,04T-,1•,---rearr t4-4511 -- day to buy a
• tt -Statea' 42-
• dvertienig Rates ,tai• requeat. ° TelePholle 71. 0 IC 4 ha? Seine
trying to, 'Dike ;there laCt Out for the week-loag fur3r Of r„ n
' a pair of lilted. A • t. co -
,Wiater aliacovered, that it- WaS au- claim to' be steirtt4eti," ;the. Eighth
MAR01116t1i, 1011
' ' • Itarbo* air training „station may be Tim •Slurphy has them Piled •uP e 4 the beaches north of. Reggtio °a ,Septear•
J111P°5$1t)144t Buying,•.sctsnAriori. .•witis Ionges,
• • f° teanliAig" Ny4S ‘"t. a r".4.11e. theinte,..sLantling on`
matter for regret; but as it
in of ceutiter lila' Store and they all, ber 3. thetV*Ottaailians s or ed With a
-USed to hear abOltt Canada's the progress of Ow Wa•r;to YitorlOnti Cit d t 1e1 I d then,
BritiSti. division the hailer Of being, the
leok pretty mach, alike, They must:
• , • e a e, on on a nn ne., an , 'hrst, to land on: the Eerojaean Maiuland.
"tin t no lOnger. tne tonelti,4#11, It $110144 be wele()nedi• seal'ed together sWith- produCtion-line 'Rhere ivaS little-eneMy, ',opposition to
„ t areek,„„ssaArsa. do- snot ,.., „wan.r.r, the war to eentlnue speed. • - _ he,randingor„.•.to tiles v., atarelreyna
rus ••t) , • - • ••- abalt aettrea- 'en • a Pal,r " '• altheugle light eon ac ,wa!
•Miaiste'r tele. a• • graPhle, forever, . • • ,
fighting for life. and natiOnal lithiteneert
there will be in her a Strellgth. boria-Of
de$Pair, The taalt ahead 'is Orbs.
'Yet ineretieingly GerMany is a nation
.his suhordinates and the lower. Unite under strain. •Shartages of every kind
and f4riaations; Stich a sYsteM de- -tile .greatest of' them the shortage .0f
perals entirely op perainiality, on an Man ileum the next the inauftleient
adequate -supplY-of ..eslininistrative.•of- numberrts:„01 her_ itir fieetS-s-threateal
gcera .r.rit ability, and iinailnation, and Germany's war potential as the- Allie$
on bard ric 414 load-stril-19.1 rent& -close- in .for What we plea ,aa-the-,e0'11A-
'While. the is Mach. to he aid for, de grace. , -4' •
keeping, to the letter •Of„ tile law and --The- New York Tiniest_
puttliig everything dowit7on• paper tae,
cordials to Ilisr,"'bOOka the .Canaditins'
Make tlieir nvrn systemi. work. yery Welt; ' "(Barrie 1`.1xaminer).
-The .,Mancliester Onard kn. t
. ante the Fxaminer °flee, evers week
EsvitsioN. Tim limy of, sTRArrEor eOnle -4(lailys and .weekty ,newsaaisers;
.:---A11.- -Gennep, , strategy-s-ludeed,: all large and sinall, fronl British Columbia
Allied„ 'strategy-4has' long been keyed ' - - : ,,;'• 4 -
to Nova- 'Scotia; : Last sr,ek, with One,
-te-the-dayc--Of ina'aston.,--- Vor---tne-Allies' -
Maintained ri,"lth- the tetreatiag. Ger- final victors' over Germany is now -(-,t'iti.:0111,1i1Tal,,•,A0/r1-...cilkys"4ea.'hi:.;luiTti:gnY' 8,Pt1)01).0i'vtaitsoe
A . t ,_ . .
manS all 'the, wur to Vatanzaro in the•-,:delientleX4 On 'ES' succesaful invasion.
. . f the Italian For Geribany the aroldarire Of defeat 1 $10,000,000; ,.., The (*option waiS-the
.• NeW • ComniOnWealth, party OlFgari' of
• . ,
• 'story of the grorsth Of the Canadiail . when I saw a pair of haud-knitted
* * rvOollen Ones there also. These handl
navy from six combat "ship$ at 'the ",„
11vid,attlY the °Takla Gevernment knitted, ones slipped on perfectly and,
'hegieaning of the Wilr •al)Pro.41.3,1atelY ,t(1•' take:, its time ja siva% I noted, with surprise that they wereirt`
ing ' • • • t tlearer thau the others,* except
• 250' fighting 'ships at the PreBent t1me• effects to its- election, Pronnae
„„, 'that., l• would -have, to have a pair. of
.AnxiliarY veeseli an„d. , Patrol. - eriii, duee the MuniCipal Achool tax, hy nItY phlterera. Tim •tolil. ifie that4 •MrOt
Which:- thilahered .,Sereiv-An" SePteniber,' p"tar- cent,- --It is' tutnouneed the t -legislas...jelreson who Jives jritb.e, 'village. knits
1939, are nOrt mere •tha 400- Vers Ord in the matter will . not be intro. quite a few pairs of mitts each year:
* told Pie. ,- also that 'she never
' n.
' • 'Soune1. has inCrensed from. less than diteed at -the -preseut sesSioa. TeX; 'lle
charges too Mitch for there,'becauSe she
1,800. to approximately •-.„9.3-000.- In- payers should net ceuut too Innen unen
, likes to feel that people will- get sintie
this conuection it ratty -We' noted that, the Promised retluctiomsfor if they do good out of her products., .
de of the fact 1 0 m - iu one wa they Will have to, I •bought the ' .inat.%, put them on and
._,...Irhat,,,seyerar thousands of 'young fel/Ows. pay in some otherY; governments have alipped the pulloVerS iii my poeket, be-
cause it wasnA too cold -a day, In
rrhile much has been ma 1 t i 3
froin the prairieS, who, before. the war' nO-,argy of getting money eicent from front of the postoffice I niet Mrs'. Jelm-,
had..never seen a large boas of water, the people, 'and there Is no intention g sweet old lady with gray . hair,
are -doing flrstsclass work in, the_riavY, of 'reducing the general costs of educe -
She. smiled , at Inc and Said, "1 'see you
lirvetitlt itialrig Tyiraitts, Phil.a 1 told
the enlistMents from the Province of toe, Of course', there will he the t iera very much. ant
' Ontario. greatly, exceed. these from any ,
lacreased revenue from beverage robink, 1:rpleaLd her e
other Province and are.roughly 30,B00, We may be presented with the argur , Mrs. Manson told ,ine iberrwhY she
As Goderich people knows a large meat that the drinking of beer ' helps
didn't begin to pak her, for all the
knitted the mitts. Actually the money
numiser of, young men from 'the Great to educate the boys and ,girls. work involved, but she wasn't worried,
Lakes ports are -.iin the Atlantic and 1 * ; * ,
about- that: She -.actually -knits, the
wherever else on, the 'high seas Soldiers' • letters give a different im. mitts beeauSe she likes to feel that men
from that are comfortable. When they're working,
Canada's ships are 'doing duty. • pression of "sunny' Italy', Her own husband used to do a lot of
• Mr. 'Macdonald told of .the iarious which -,has :been generally held., •This work in the lauSh and he used, always
'rata% filk which ships of Canada's navY may be explained partly by the: fact to tell her that his. hands .would freeze
are • active -in convoying mere a
h *t that our ;soldiers have 'been in ItalY if it weren't f011\-11pr mitts.
toe-: "Catanzaro Was reached in 4 'week is.• dependent, upon the, tepultse of thflt
narrew moniataineu$ p ,
-a week of cola and met weather that .1nYttaion; ' -,• • . .1_ . . -..:
-came ;as, genaiderable diScoratort tO, GeimanY is fighting a hard defensiare
, .
trOppa sttll•,dreSaed. for . the:: Sleilian Wnr, OreParing and,s-sraftingl' for ,, a
summer, but 'Only a 'mild 'foretaste of chance, to Strike'. her, rearialke .couatef.
whatWiC:16--e(i.iii-e-.-. '' '' ----- --,- --•• --- -,,,,,," latoW..... Wo. are now, Seeing in 'Italy a
At Catanzare there was a five-day probable preview '3/46t4things 10---C-Ome
„halt and thea the brilliant dash -to The Germans are trying hard , there
Petenza-round the coast, because. of to Win a prelirainarY inst, highly import-
demolitioos oit the mountain „road, to, apt ,victory -essentially a. defensive
Itotondella 'in . the lesteri; and : then- 'actors* militarily, bat an offensive one
-inland: ' The distance, because Of di- PsYphologleallY. and. politically. - ' •
versions.; must have been about .400 ,, The weakness a the Germans' post.
Mlles.; it was Covered in five days, froM •tion hi this defenatre-offensive strategy,
epteinher 10 ta 20, with. 'only about 1$ -theft -hey have been-leveed-to...adopt
halt the ' division's transport alienable i„it by prior defeats, They ' conld not
(some was still :lading' landed), That, continue to carry. the,,war to the'Allies.
move .was ordered • sO IIS to loOsen',', Their industrial produetion; Partieu.
Poastlile..Gernaan. resistance to the larly I -W. -planes.. Was not adequate to
Taranto and ea-et:roast' lendinga and--, :esatinue. to support an unliniited offen-
what was more iMpartant--te draw sive war Stich as they hadiseen-ff.ghting
in Ruscda and their manpower., raw
ships -carrying food, munitions anAfter her hiaSband died tred she
the worst season of the year; they moved into the Village ,she used to
• Other -goods- to Britain and other.Parts might' write rtaite differently in mid- watch, the men driving' into " town in
of the World; in coMbatting the II -boat summer. Another explanation may be frostY weather and she was al‘Vays
menaCe,. in Inineaweeping,•in protecting that the poets and- other writers who ii.fraid that their hands weren't' com-
fortable., She knew (that it took good
cominunicationS, and in ether. services 'have. given ns our ideas of ,-Italy did- -
woollen Yarn next tO the hand to keep-
, "Which only the navy can give , -
' their . writthg at :the seaeOaCts, while. the -warmth in and the geod horsehide
' -.- Thotl-ghTcomparatixely illtile is heard most of the fighting that la.ggoing on pullovers on the outside to keep the
q it, the Uayy'S .; Centribution • to. is m. the, inatitairi regi. ons. • It 4s Said Wind' and - fr'*t
knyting ,agaiu and ,Tire Murphy was
ont. .'She -started
..Danaties- war. -effort is, -,:of iirst-rate
. — _ . that while intense cold: may Prevail
. , glad tr-c -011---them. It always-:matie,..
importance. , • c, ' among the meuntains a.- seacoast dis- her heart glad tp meet the team ' -
in.ore,than forty . Miles aurai .on, .the• streets wearing her Mitts . '. ,
anY • ra e, . , . Tr!" "1 irrYsolr'S'6"—T-1,1-ffilritit'd" A
. n n was 1 i 'Dr rr
Complaining of lack of roLoperatien-. . ..,..„
en the part of the. Provincial. Govern-
ments Pt: OntArio' and Alberta, I'rime
- a/blister Iting on aioaday;announced
' the removal of the ten per. ceat. re-
• strletion' in the supply of beer t� the
ilrovinces, and placed the responsibility
•• for cetitrol of consamptien squarely on
• the shoulders. of. the, Prcsincia-l'Govern-
mienta, Mr„ King ;coinplained..-in pa.r.
: tieniar-,.Of the 'bailee recently posted in.
Qatario 'bererage rooms gt thOnstance
of -the Ontario. ooverament as an at
Off german attehtion and German ,,,
forces from the Salerno r dg h d. niaterial and other .shortages, put them
This rapid thrust -by the Canadien. under:great strain', — • : provides., . ,,,
element of the Eighth Army . was one 0' tr.rtl:ettyt .shtarNit'einubnydonisdistuemdiny,gletshseensetdra- veinal:,
of the factera that decided the Salerno
defensive. But, their .strength.. is still
battle: and 1TeaSelring has been quoted
on the .German.radie: as paying tribate .011 . the downgrade: ngrade : Allied strength is
to General Montgomerr's generalshin in still'increasing, blit just what the ratio
being. fible-to move his troops so (rack; is'', is notx,acenrately knowii. .A.' very
:ly. ' The'litfraitrymen were lorry -borne, real rneasnre of the Germaa strength
the lorries being driven 'irony dawn to avill-iie-ProYided by the Anzio ;beach -
dark with no halt, for meals: 'rho 'head battle.."•.t# tbe'Perinans feel- they
the- C.C.Fa Carefra,serutiny of sts con-
tents fails to reveal a •aingle inentiOn
of„ the Red ProsasSoelety. • -
."Viefiiry, Fund"' is featured 111 large
letters and readers are urged to. help
raise $3Q0,00i) to_forau rt.eampa,lgn fund,
the objective of which is to attain
victory, not over our natioa's foes bat
Mr the . -the next Federal
Forembst,in the mindS of mot loyal
Canadians there is these days only
one victory--s.-the victory over the .evil
forces of the world as represented by
tlie-Akia powers, a victory that will
ensure Peace to the world and a re-
storation of the freedom of Which Buf-
feting. millions have been robbed. •
'--Not one thought had the C.C.P.
organ for those- who sorely ateed the
qervices Avhieb that great humauita dun
organization, th-e Cross• Society,
irtithead the,,e0ininn was composed are able te continue-rughing
of Pansclian sappers. who lifted mines,. ;bhlytasilteheet., nwr ee jag li
and made river crossings, and Canadian:
P...A..S.0, who faced ,ahead to establish :reserve strength is probably great. But
supply dumps of feed and petrol., Can-
adian 'military police, Controlled- the nn•ssesing
if they-trY to win with a skeletal:force,
only alight Suneriority, there
utnottil: ntlhiirie4,6 0,orvse;
to go
,tra,ffie hy- radio. What transport was. :14'!..inree.kaa?a,.11 f0;ffiitc-4ititicitil,risisoeng5Son
available was ',left free for. the infantry -
by the rile of landing-cratt..for earris- re.114d. -- ..,--:-. .7 : " • -
Gernhany. is in • sotnet Ways we/I
Ina .surveliea b'y Sell, .1-rr--commandeeringrs
,enaipped to, carry .otit her , defensive -
mules and Italian lorries. and -by much
-----hirrasswettissserr:-.ther,...partlr,„,„-alearroveri -ciffenktive strategy. .1Ier troops are still
-,11,231nAminttyA. : ,-exeellents,-s‘_---as-swewlaare„,:jearrned 'again
aticissaatians, Thee -are Welt eall:P.Pe
_the first; to enter Potenza; 'and - the :
s, -- •-, * -.. , - 1.
. The ;West Novri.7.4M-Vilreliiiitig4t1(i-
rnant:-of 'their 'weapons are better than
. -
toNtrisfolk, as NVO:S tbe enstorn in -those ^11" OW41. '
(lavs, enve them a tremendous ovation: Pea: finis' in the air is there a serious
shortage. Theyi'ares2inore experieured.
, They are, plentifully ertulw
rctili fighting in Italy.. hut there ivos ,,:' than onr merrahd handle their weapons
The Canadians , i ha (1 still seen . lit tl e
town. and their 17-nortiiifeks Went into better.. , .. ._.„ • 4 -
sharp, encomiter r ONV ifist,beYond the Psychologically Clermany honeR to
find our troops --and also, pprtienb'fliitv,
action.. fey the first time in-Ttiily-,-- The
caili, at owe henie fronts --overconfident; Mrs'
tlrat- realty ,serion • 'Dating ' • yes, •inalmilitedly
Tvfntin in the' vigil for _ many, ilk° • oursei
Therebad -been-the.fast oft'SV I Olirtfe*
pv6i 1-1111e new •wea DO11:4.- Thn. roeket! glider
counts upon producing at •the fir(1'ner
throneh ..,Poggia: -land- rail*e-ii,..
may -be enjo71717-inlid-TetiteWrire 4-Avnes-rwit"-11:-0--tinisretsband
• around the top. • .
ell many lessons in- gerpgraphy and tice what -she believed. •She &la that
.tempt to 'hare, the Federal Gevernmeat
held .0spons1ble 25.. per eentlef aitaiverCaries yet before he: lays
the pen which. he ha,s wielded
istrionr-andto--usefully: ' Perhaps -one -
of the greatest services 'performed by
Sir" •ri7alliain itillock. is •in providing a
. •
mark for ethers to aim at, and ten
'Years -hence the. Mount, Forest editor
may he the."grand old Man of Ontario:"
Anyway, we wish him "maoy happi
clinuttp1.0g,'Yt • . ''•'
* . is, .4.
• and someone •• thinking of helping` a
we should help each other in this
world. It waS sort of .refreshing to
A,real veteran Of the editorial chair neighbor M place of making .money. out
it Mr,' A'. W.• Wright , of, The , „Mount of him. There are 'a lot of reasons
. . the mitts. ,In the' first-placeher tirae
entered Upon Ms ninetieth year. Not is 'worth more Money ,than• she gets
'0,At'of it in this reature. In the second
ha' known of the birthday annivers- , .
arit...tuitit....referalges_,to...itared. P.
the few pairs of mitts •She'll knit
several. 'of '''Oiii,",:fi.eell-iiiitefr .;t4k- i•are-ir 4.1knet-Inalcte_TA•gren:aelliof•difterence-
the- other hand lioweVei .She
little late iii: ',offering our felicitations ;.- - ° s
why Mrs. Johnson s'fiquldn't be knitting'
Forest Confederate, who recently
s_ attitude; however. is not - sur-
prising's_ At 'gate' in. 'keeping -With,
the record of the. C.C.F,,for indifference
regarding the war effort 'and the
variou's 'activities carried on by Our
people' in connection therewith.
Narks getting a feeling
,„ . in le bolni. *). the Thumbing Anna ra tits •of
of . which has for :so long_heen the 'farge.ts-
A .
,annSt 'he...getting :sena cl t f th canntrv. already 'cleared by the P •
• Tt.t,:waS Careaditins' _inh to take - out --air--atacks- in northwestern . •
. .France,smay pew Weapon ,,of great:
Sack conceited?" : "Is he con-
ceited! Why, he joined the flits"! to
let the world see him!"
Cointry Boy: "Shall I, tell you 'how
we shock the wheat? Pity Girl: "Oh
dear, do you think I ought 6) listen?' •
viftitt rift .6eior'SY• Oak
dogs your firain' pipe nieetarrp,
wreir GilIett's Lye IV'S a gOnea.
rasa In no time water's runs
*dog freely again. And renienis
.bptterurdraynnGsisiteat,ytycZfaunr waltlerxrenartig
•once,g week.
Use Gillett's solution& to. get
floors.- spOtless without hard.
scrubtiing, to lighten. the ,load
4 •QGfrrianidle'Ystr wraYheYaevtr r oc ehltativti ga;
clean,. sweet-smelling house
without break- .
ing :your
Ask for Gillett's
today. ' •
The action of lye
iirtasteelryfrOrts the
47411111. •
rtis—Intense II* lug
Relieved ;ckIy by ihI'
- .
• There are two forms of itching..which are
e,speciall3r distressing. First prunns vulvae -
from which -only women suffer and second
pruritistinf---itching at the rectuni from piles,
pin worms or varicose
The causes of both thesirforms of intense
,itching are Often difficult to locate'but what
you do •at once, is relief fro.m the
severe and depressing itching. .. • ,
'Then let Dr. Chase's OINTMENT help
you for it brings ahnostatargelokly as
applied. Ontenaed it Will always belrept:at
•• hand for quick use when the need armee.
60 as. box. Economy size $240.
• ,
-we dO,so-now-; 'Witinhe-hope...#4
,our friend rvill have quite a• number
reductionlethe supply of beer, w ere
as the redustairIV1VarariEf-V
was only , ten- 01' cent, • In. the case
of ' Alberta, Mr. • Xing: mentioned A
chargeiade recently by. the Treasurer
of that Province that setae ' of the
Eastern provinces were .;‘tipped
, Ottawa's ten per cent: reduction
and that the reduction was made • in
such manner as to gfi'e an "advantageto "
theT-P6rinee-of Quebec. Both these judging from. the 'number -of r.efer-
statements were "explieitly • denied. • ences in the press, the curfew .is coining
We 'Shona._ tarie-: "%liked 'bi- see_ Mr. into fashion agaih. We used 76 'have
hylbu,,ginis.And.:41efy-th aseurferv.„..bYlaYr
18 GoIerfch__per1TLapS
eGnor for more beer ; 'kat, according it Was. never. repealed, but it his not
to atatensent to Parlittraen, b'e keit -been observed. for. aSgreat many years._
If enforced with tact and geed...1(1d-
that "maintenanCe •tie tederai
- aiithorities of the ten per coat. re-
T'sduetien upon. the. 1,.,a o
slxlgle CoMmodity"- is not gufficiently.
important to the effort to justify
the ritik Of tontintions .misunderstand-
ing .and,_frietion, between. the ,Fedral
and Prov.ineial Governments and of
antagonisMS1setvireen Vrovnices." • "
sr., ---The. whole, ineldentsisa •Ino•re
'ilbstratioa. of tile „power of, the liquer
• - • ,traffi. inthiencing 'orernnients and
legislation.. •
The: arguraelit - Put forth that
leturian that. people. will
to defeat. prohibition% and testric-
:tions and'that the restriction upon the
auPply • a beer created • an increased
• deniand' for thejeverage. ,The
°rent° Star pointsYmit, this airgam. ent
:fails in face ' of the facts
• the "restrietioir was pat, in
wail a 'great and continuo
-eeusmnptitinrr-r -,"Witho t-- -any re
*trietions of time -RAJA ,.Ontiifo''s • een.',
..sumption , Of liatiors ingetisea 4, from
,•.i 84 -gallons in. the fiscal year
103$ to :36,fisirtillion gallons in 10.10,
Irly the „fisettl., year 4942, .if was up'. to
galloas. No reStrictioaS;
: yet there Vas a gain or .30. per:Cent
In two. years, super-linpoSed tipoir the
earlier gairs-: To blame the Increased;
deinand on the restrictions to dis
regard tlfe whore litattiry of increasied
hat before
„ffect there
a -.increase
ment,it might 'he useful- ie keeping
• ren-sofg,..st-hes:mt-reetessUss °
they should be at home -s -though Per-
hapa.there,should also be provision for
their elders to be at hoine to take care
of them, „The difference in Wile would
alSo have' to be' taken into -account;
it wotild be cruelty to aend.a youngster-
at7.30_ asummer. evening,
thopgh the toWn.616.6k.
I .
Able; Every yoUng boy or -girl stout
have. plenty. of Sleep .48 a foundation
for good 'health which will allow
to- stiii-Ont:x.,,ait_night. in.',1ater Years.
the. trod and naked our
Without doing --or her al,h9 ;at
this this was an unction sale. Me
Particular, beim. . said. "Oh, no: just' the farmers getting
faction that. can't be reckoned ur,dol,
iars and cents. . also , got a feeling.
when .I heard' her story. It made ;,inc
valuS the .mitts quite highly. and -I
of satisfaetiori in wearing- there. Re -
sides :that, they're really, comfortable.
Editor The gignal.:•tar.
ani• very rauch, interested in,
the letters appearing ,irr your paper'
with regard to Eydre matters. am
not much of a letter writer, so' you.
must excuse any style ;,but IwouldIike
to tell -of "a-little-ineident'i, I noticed in
'connection With, -waternewer, and, hew
it .cair. serve al cdnamunity. few
inentlis.:Age .-tt -iratich.-from-i'-town' got
a" car* ilia- -isT'' the'
country • We wdift prit the Huron road
to Pliny:tit; 'their away-adross Hallett
and around .by Auburn; then On the
Base line to :lattll'S ;bridge and -oi
agy 0 borne tO13entrallea. Now,
up to this point :We saW 11 e. or no
business .actiyity that was out. of the
brdin'ary : but, NV'hki we came to that
little store at the top of the hill at
,Benniilrer there were several teams,
'autos ands -trucks - .-the ,atore.
"eln inyjOln StS0 Wb.11P tb P 7Rtb NIS 01
th-Q1C, Terreoll., The, ,Iteral. Cantylirn
';'.uliese- are -.Germanyar assets. and she
1141°k.'/Vi6fill )11 .(Yetblvr '2 ail- 'ha s others. ..khP nie irid •
twell;e (-1Wys later' had captured Caul*,
-ObfrSSO'.-havingl-swung'.north What is pi•obab15.; the`, strotte:e4_ basa
V 1 11 Pilffrtilro The. Canadian Seaforths, Of. fortifications 'yet Will be
- . took' Vinclibstrira tbe next any. having
-filreadL sneeiallY :distinguished them-
. ,
selYes,' as had, the French-Canadian
"Irlal-pq.ossi and the Canadian 'Armored
Regiment, in ten days' fighting beyond
Motta. The Canadians reached the
headwaters of the Sangre on November
23. British tromiti on their "left ,had
tfiltea Iser,nia, and. the. whele line Wa8..
pivoting. op its neetintain flank., ..
:T.-Olice the Stingio line was4brelsen-the-
Eighth, Array's line was: reorganized
-and ' the ---Canadlitild 41i:toyed. from the
Moruitahrajto theseetistal plait to Con: -„
thine their advance. 'fife'70Ffinarc posi-, ,:.:-
Iions between theSangro ' and. the - .
Moro. held bv. whit the 781.1) Division
had left 'of the derman;05eir "Diviston,
rruaspled" fairly trate-kW. But on the,
' Canadians met strong-.
aseis Oin m
▪ AIIM1111111.1.11101.111111.1101,110.111111.1111MO111.11111101
• - —
• •
resigtencerfro remnan s •
Light Division and also mict-aioriii-the-
formidable First Parachute Diyision,,
against whom ttiev had folight hithe
Mountains nearreitrapobasse.
little, farther, The -first -phase of the umee NV .
That little store wasaloing business.' • A
the 'woollen mill, hnd several' auto
down and we 'canie ' to hampered bv the itWay- of the
a Sangre 1)ridges, which made,'"it Ina-
ranirtrnerfewere.• gesidble far conple 'Of days to bring*
-Passed h'7.7` we eould hear the hum. of,SUPPortitift fit,raf.t-'-'Ariti-tank;.-guratt-
'ha,7"-f-p--•b•ilistrtalitleth-IntO, loads -a
,maChinery, short 'distance onitgain. •
the tbad ,was 1)1oekeel..-with conld'icickt.v. On, the *day the
,and vire el -rine -to' the grist Mill, and
teams. "autoa•*.inal;,triteka. wareamrs wbeelf.; 8
. big bridge Was reopened everything -on
nresperl. Into' ---aerviee to
carrv,--• aminunition • forward:. ,Tif, the:,
not few' "Cantialan-artillery . was
to ,ffire , '25 -pounder shelIs as
the. infafitry Was te fire' bullets. Only
the nioat resolute fighting enabled' the,
panadian lufantry' to. cross the. Mere
near the roast and., With.Britistrtanks;
to gain the main. road and' hold” the,„
-liridgehead against - tietiyy ecinnter.at-,
'1( i t
tee s. we. rig ese first cross -
legs -that Pt, one rOint tanks 'Were got -
aeross lust tinie.fo i-eitar6 a -platoon.
of:Princess .Pittriefir'S Light Infantry,
,ryiiicih 4160- lieitterriiff: --.atteck-afterstits.
' an
-and : half ',toy' one- Brea,
,gror„ WOO -fikornirizig ,to :meet ,the next,*
"itttnek with the bareiset.." ..„
7 For their 'mein -attack the. Canadigin
cioilinersa"1111(1 to 1)1111(1,n divereion, -Under
lies.,v,y shellfire and lost twenty-three of,
Their humber. doing. .' The Whelk
Phase , from the.:Sangro ,to ..Ortourt, and
lieraied .Srair supported by 'i-strtietilarty
heavy liarrageia and ,chneetitrittiona 181(1
dovrai .C.aetidiair field end British
reedit -an artillerar. aglithig lieross
(1-nleht', for the . Ortona
etossroads, and bite the, town Itaelf
tort's recent, and our case toe reetnot-nblc. to ,,
need„ recalling In detail.' This
front: :find iieeri no kikinan
sistance and no seen eontiiiiious anelt
ityr fiestierlite
.Crertir." the new eoll'IS
voininander, 11AS SPAhell Ortota OR' /1
bane- honor. and' told the (la tmdlang
who fought there that 1I 1111(1 showa
themitolvecl "the beg+. :PO1(110114 hl
World."' They fought toe to l tee and
hlow for "vilore tire.proliahlY•
- best tromis'the (Urania, arMY has
in Italv. and beat. them.
The- Ca asollans' oWit AncOlat
Hon ta the art of War. Seen1S to 11#
AAT*111111tY aad freedoni, front routine in
their taliniiicstration, It '"aaid..ttatt
the divislon1/41 luta faatied
oeir. two --'estitterr administrative '<lidera'
•aisao itors asammaa..._.-saaa for the
• • *. • * * 1, • !lent* and' their grain, chopeed." • There•
.- — , . . . .
ums rar, more buainesa going on there
During the Provincial eleetion ' care -
than we ind seen. anywhere, cage in that
paigii last sunliner ., scorn waS' potired fo.rtr-n.iile‘.frits--ssatiat nil caused by the
from press skad platform. 'anon the Waterpowe'r orthat little spring ereek,
proxy .niethod . of taking :ihe,,OVerseds Sharpe's Creek it is called,: If yori,
' • • , .
soldier vote.' At the present time a are •••=06d • iimPer eellfd • 11MP
einiiiitIe of the' IloUse 1.4-'•-C91114"` teRFt Hain 11110)14 ylirds from the
nt Ottawa is studying plana fok grist . ttiver
the Soldier rote : at ',the next Federal With- Mot -meads borsepewer *ling. to
'eleetion: of Oa 'armed forceS. *ft 8.4' ,fUlCk
• acres It
• 'med. if this little' (Teel( 'eould.tbe Secli
converilenee to this locality, such it
source of. prOspe.rltr_and:_ryeall:11,-,what
could the Maitland ,Itiver, if 'properly`
,,pve,r the only way in controlled "and 'developed. do for the
tlie 'Intl, of Item • '
.which to giv`e many :of them the op- •
have eoine before' the voramattee and'
stated, that, In yiew .of 1.119 fact that
Limbers of the forces* are .seattered
portunitY exereisitig their. francliiiie•
will 'be by.' the use%iif proxies', Tills ,PRICIts p/xEp. FOR, *,
particuittris". to - Tho navy and
drinking whien, preceded the ,restric- she tar' force; inathe case of tile • , '
awls and' constituted one. reason for ibere,.4iii• be fess diftieuity provid.. Prilhar.Y PrOdueerS of maple i4yrtip.
• • •
may sell direct to the *Foriliumers 'at
imposing there." the* -With hallote,, though, there retail prices, according to iiniaiiiiolince2-
1Ye tliinOilt3t getting to them'. inent by -JW, NIT.P.
tiny adequate information on partlea '1%11,,:prices and supply representatiye'
and candidates. Great Britain has fer:.....Westeril (Warta.
1,Ve have yet to see imy explanation When the producer sells direct:to'
0.yr bolding that a.-imiform itydro .rate 'provision for uroxy voting liy laienniers tile colon/vier, the =minium prices nre
of the forcea outplde the kingdom. 42.40 per imperial gallon for uhgraded*
is impossible' for. urban nuinienialltiea
Theirroblem 'is tiot tin easy' one, and sralits. '$2.65 for rairiada dark grade,
r N(ting‘41°11d/4'be'11led otit f)P0tfi14t1igitgr10.Tliayrupa It can be ent Ineffect in rend
munelpalitieSwtimat any trirtcills(Mea omebetter system:mu be
troubile. i •
to be $014, in screw-tOP metal •con-
' devised Of . assUring to every member 'la -tillers when sold at* this priee,
:-poataps tin; liext &ward the. ()ntario.' of the:.forces the.optiortiiiiity of having - the prodiicer delivers the syrup
• iiroilticelo.g plae , Of 'ISualriesa and no
41. :
next eleetion, whether. no charge ig to belivide for this,if the.
Government Will have posted the 1 ht;4` 841:e t11°
• , eluirge is -to made for delivery to
teek'and. redtrOet to five rounds. re
111 111) in 'fifteen miles w the
beverage loran's Wiii someWhat like.' be' be'Iti rig or 111/ In "I° firr4i(lr'4:11r°1e•
1)0 thim.
dn'ys, ex," ,.„WO think the Other. fellownum, . more inarket. tlowever, if a, eom.
lot than Wa (to, it nifty be that carrier used the price of..de
he on
1il1PP ‚„ "Aimee: lot beer he milverv may lie added to the price of the
with the
• 'lie luta ore Pluck, * • • . •
." , syrup.
• •••• • ••••, •,•••••:•,
'IMalltig in Sicily And the ether 'for the
* * . ' (4()Ilt14e1lee_ must ,P64'llaill ",111` 1.14,8?' Itinsialedge Withent courage -might 1 cia
iliilfe in tialv. All Oat, ilea de.
prom a " laisiness standpoint I've eiairalance, lilw easS .1)101)er, Ps ensug ;1,4 well 0r001) back betWOOn the eoeera -petaled 'oil word, tif ssotoli"")44 lrnssnyll
aralert of ths. closing of the .Slky lost, lof Its book, ' confaet betivten the A.A.:Q.:VAT,. and
4. '
...Vhere—ate over 36,000 „
per5on$ *0 'Ontatio vbuse
lfienses to drive are under,
suspension, because ot their'
• in*bi1it to secute itiorauee
,or file other proof of. an.
aticiat.respensibiliti? The,
were convicted of otences
aggitist the motor.vehiete.
laws, follong accidents.
• As is better to drive.,sofely
sod avoid iteeiderirs rhinio
iinci yourselt tuutble to
drivri at ill:
.1944 motor vehitle. Permits art :inbw
,on sale. - •
NOW is the time to purcliase yours.
;Vou may recall the long line ups of
Aicher years. Do -not wait unul the
'last minute get your 1944 permit:
no not muti1att4t destroy your 1943 'prate.
'Wartime restri0ohs -equire that 4. be hied.
another,. year.
Your itzOtof ;,relide permit fee remains the
same. A windshield'sairip tie issued:with
your 1944 igotor vehicle pert* validating
the use of yout 1943 plat?. ,
The application. for 1044 provided on the
back of the, 1943 permit. This is the only
form that may be used.
Renew;yout:driver*$ license thct some time.)
tiolvt .