HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-03-02, Page 8.. - ',::: • ''' • rft* P. s...emovsN Ort,v,o114 aml ChOirMaste . . . ,a,ao itazu. il0L.V .. COM/UNION.' . ' - . ' •• 10.60 ames, TiOYSt DIDLIN MASS*2,__ . 1140, asiTt.. ,: JOON ' COMMUNION AND , SERMON.' . ."TL . , . -',Subjett74-----1-thretif4IC!segtt.." %36.P.M.''Clinreh SehooLand. Girls' Bible Class's' 7,30-.p.in:7,. EvA,N$97*ANA. SERMON.' .,--- -1, ',', .,_. • 'Subject, "The InViSible •Rarrier." .• 745., pow idaY.---rLITANY... AND 'SERMON.. SPEdin 11 NT} , S,ERVICES7-COMFA ., TO 011,Ukri.. , _ 1INISTER-REV:11.-II.1111.7RISTUU;ift-A., R.DT, 'S.T. I. 11 °a.nu „"TIIE FOOTPRINTS OEOP" 99' P.M. Sunday $CheoL, "WI V GO TO CHURCH?" , .OrganiSt and (.1heir1n4ster-=-311. RAY Mt:LI-1E40N. A SINC.ERE AVELC031E ANVAILTS YOU, oiTiesliSiterian Church: 'I p.m'. YOLJNG PEOPLE'S SERVICE.- Guest Speaker, Mr. JaMes, Jack, KM& Ceklege.• L,AtYoung,reoples, Choir, under the direction of Mrs:: P. Satniders will lead in the -service of -praise. Meinbers-Of the Society will participate in•the service. Ton are cordially invited to be preseilt. 2.80 -p.m.. SUNDAY SC1100I., Ail Departments. - - • ' .11 a.m.. The Minister. "REGENERATION." ' - .....110.41. Thursday, 7.30 P.m: ,Praise and Prayer Service. • , *IVIINISTER,--REVERE.ND.- RICIlAittl) • STEWART. . w ORGANAT---lylISS 'EILEEN BOGIE. • - „---, • DIRECTOR, OF PRAISE -MRS. FRANK SAUNDERS:: • Come and Worship the Lord ,in the"Bettuty, of Ileihtess. ,Tiff1-.GODERIOH-SIGNitrSTAR, I . WE GIOARSOS VIIII/tCla NotwitliStanding'ilie difliculty of the walking on Pane- _Of the fitreets , On Sunday `last,-, it was encouraging to ee °so Many people' at the services. lkoped that all will endea•voe to 0500," etichre and -dance will be held tteud' -6e.Ilvice° on$11.0aY next, , in Odde11oW& Hall, Vrderieli, on !IPwhen special 1.frayers will again be - :0,teerea,sot those _who:ate maithw., each day, March 3rd, =ler tile nnsViePs''ot fi•itlye9vrt Marell re/lsin.gt 441,0issionnaue, ite-e--/OsiERICTiard'Ste8Ort-1as kindly ,, ;„8 eonsent(da to give • Lentenaddress. after' the Litany in. the ,Ottild room of the parish' hall. This will be the first time that the people .of St. George's will have the privilege of 'hearing •Irhu. IlaVe a ;LuStren, cold, wave ,for ye= next permanent...211'er Information atnd )pointme,ut' ettu Vel'S Beauty Salen,„ 3.0 f,titirch,strtiet,20odericb., phone 346- • at one ot their own services and it is - •-$"4-1.'"hoped. that lie :may bee greeted, ,bY a • 4. " three-aCt pl.ny,"ReadYnitele, large, number of •members. , Kindly ranailY,' is te be Presented at Vieteria inember Abe' date, Friday' evenings° „street United thumb. on. Iffiday, Aitireb „ 24t11,'-ut 6-60 -pan, by 4-1101, ---Parentsrare- 'requested' ta-,0040.1rog- pleYer$, .!.A41.14.181°D.,; the children , Lenten :boxes thilitiren. «De.. '• _• for the Indianmissionary work among ' Godeliell: Music (.)tub will hula' the children by keeping the boxes in its monthly 7ateetiTig,011 WeilnesdaYs promineut place' and helping them 181areli 8t14, in the auditorium of:tbe to Dot at least.:eno cent away' fer every- ToWn 'Hall; at 8.15. Visitors -weleOme.' "500;". euchre and dance will holield in the, Otidfellowe Hall, Godericles on Friday, Alarch 19th, under the attsplees of' -the"Taylor's Corner Red. Cress- So. eiety.'-'-gusic by the Baylield Valley NAT. Luncli will be. screed.- Adinis-• sloe. .35e. • • „„ The regular,. meeting of the Maple Leaf Chaptei. Of the I.0113,41. held on Friday, March lOLh, at: 3.36, at MacKay -.Hall, A full 'attendance and immediate -payment et ,tees• 'are -9 reqtn;sted. The ,regular monthly Meeting of the . 10th, at- 8.15 *pm.; iii' Miss Cleaver's sofile.e. J. M. ' .Grahain, us :guest speaker will speak on the subject "Health 'Education." .A, full attendance Is sequested. ' -9 il'he regular ineetino..of the -Evening • Gooterich Baptist Church ,,,,Itev7. Joseph. Jane, „ M.A., Pastor. Miss Verna Miler, Organist 111 a.m. PUBLIC' VVORSTITPIL- Siii;jeet -"The „flag- of. Satan."' COMMUNION. -SERVICE 3 pan,,L Bible Sell:901; • - p.m. „SONG SERViug. - • • . • "A" Father's .Grief Sim:! onday 8- p.m,. Meeting-df-lk-Y-X-X. -- Wednesday 8 P.m. Prayer Meeting. ---Strtingers-Always • , Victiotia d C •int, C1lIJR.M.0. MEI A HEARTY WELCOME" 4vt1NISTER,---REv..AItirgpr J. MeKAYE. SUNDAY. SCHOOL: 3liUR011.".' 9/TIFI RTON1UND OF 'FRIENDS." _...._OrganiStrrhtrs. L. -Hanna. • 5, LOST., BETWEEN' HAMILTON 4treet and SkY Harbor, articles of elething--and-a...pair of draPep. Finder' please, notify 11.0. BOX 250.. ex TO. OEN% TO RENT.---11JUNISHEIr A:PART- lan. • Apply AA •Anglesea 'street.; ".FOIt. ,If'QUEST-CIOS. 7LEY eleetrie .radio,"r.iabinet. Style, in.geod. condition. ' Apply 4i St. D4tvas street. *Mil preferably -after 6 VP- 4) Nico3"_. . 'Notice hereby givena to all per4040 having any claim againstthe eetate, of Eligabeth ,Iary Armstrong, late of the 111 the Count' „eV. 'Utirono widoW, who died On the 4tIt 'day ef,;February, 194 to. Send Pame7to the nnderSigned on or before .Mareb. 3rdo 1044, Its on -end atter _that04te.,,, Bog11,01, tweed, 36.',.ehestt ;he%ill assolse-eth%goiti 4.111r;indgileig1411"*"(*iY'' Jidininistratrik, Of the said estate • ractidally new,' .$1.0. Call at to•-•,, elaim0-4then file& SIGNAL -STAR OVr.145‘ ° *6X Dated ' at. ..0.6COri011, FOrtfarY 12th, 1914..,„ .0. HAYS, • 'Oodericht,Oxit., -Solicitor for the Estate'. RAVI) TIME AND MONEY. BOOK. 'your Kacheuer Chieks here without correspondence. Ma delivery .,WANTg1.)' •• or later.. -Bookings areheavy, se order , summer', eldeks /IOW, .Coolterels _ :mediate delivery. Agent, RYAN,1'40. VVIANTEP.-TO. BUY. -411,4 dead cattio_F-niust be suitable for feed; removed. ProinPtlY.-F°11"-11.4---140WN It'GQ•KW°Q1' 2,aliatiliriTtat.• Insulation apPlied.. to the Nv.aliS anti Phone 908 r meal: 'If this Is done it will help con- - c„ Ideralily With; the , Ifeavy" InISSionary , , nalget this year, while encouragingxr,,.,,,,,,,rEax.._40u4 u26. ift he sacrificial spiVtaniong the children. VV *"' permanent resident-;' finfurnislied, —••-: With -three • or -tour -bedroom's- and ' AUCTION SALE modern eonveniences..Call IMPERIALOIL LTD: • Ox WANTED. ---4;- BOAUDItIRS; GOOD. • location, in home with itil..cdn- veniences. • Apply SIGNAL -STAR.- -8' . „ • WANTED----VUILNISIIED AR‘RT.,) " MINT or furnished house, by couple With no children; inuffediate Issession:. 14.'.A.ItM STOCK AND., IMPLEMENTS Mr.'. Harold Jitekson. ints been in- strueted to sell by auction; on lot .42,-eo1Icess1on 4.,. East Wawanoshi « miles north of Blyth 'on No 4 High - o11 THAI DAVT2- at 1 pan, sharp., the following: HORSL.PS Black Percheron mare,* 8 years old; grey Percheron 4mare, . 9 years- old; Clyde gelding, -4 years old. CATTLE :.2 Durham cows, with calf at foot., 4 cows, due to. frteslaen Ankiliary of North street Unite elfurch.will be held •-at • 1)11.4lijpi cows, due to litim'S; Trafalgar Streat,----eu---Monday freshen ist 'June;2 tWo-year-old- evening, Mardi Oth. MiSTRita Dalton, heifers,,in calf; 3 Hereford steers 1000 R.,N., „reeentlY• reteirn'ed from. Africa, to ,1100, pounds; 8 steers, 1 year old; 'will be the special speaker. L9 5'.heifersi 1 year old; 1. Heeeford bull, .Dance at Clinton TONV11 . Han 011 5 years old. - Friday, March 3rd, to Bert Worth and PIGS : York sow, bred pile month; his -Orchestr .-(formerly Willis Tipping York Sow, bred 'El weeks; 14 'chunks. Orcliestrs":-- -Dance to the .sweet 1.ad •',..1,W_NS.; 120 Barred Roek pullets, swmg.r iythres of this fine hand; fea- (Sena's Special A. . tired, vocalists. Dancing 9 to IIARNESS •.• _Set ,of breeching her-. miF Wfl.5.0e. • , 9x nes; set of-Lplow harness.:, -set of light Slender Tablets are effective. • Two harness. - .• • 'w. eeks' serfply, $14. twelve weeks' $5,. tit" IMPLEMENTS: .M. -H: binder, 6 font Campbell's Drug Store, ,.• ' . 9-18j 4:!Oeking mower, 6 foot cat; .4.-H: Angel:lotto Grey -Hair Restorer gives Sidrake; 1V1,41. hayloader McCor- Instroes color. to .„ grey, hfigilps' hair: manure spreader; nearly new; $•1 at 0.empboirs---1Etrifg-Store.•.*•: 9 1-3.•„1,14.isefertilier disc her- Painfulearns quickly reiieVe:d with row; 5:section Illaniiond harsow;' walk" Lloyd's Corn ..Salve: ,50e at cm:obeys in 12010*1; snuffler; . P'eLaval ..ereant antr-Einerson's--Drug Stores- -- 9-13. separator, No. 12; 3 ' H.P. gasoline, '• r rollef -New-Ideal -steel N•10.10.0050.5.5•14.505 'BETILEVP,ENTECOSTAL MILIIERNAOLE . . . RV. or EVANGELISM 'JIM. A. G. 3°11ARRIS).1.-PastOr....?' 16 WATERLOO. ST. •• SUNDAY -l°700 a.m. Sunday School., • 11.00- WORSHIP.- - 1.30 p.m....-EVANGELISTIP• SERVICE'. . TUESDAY-8.00,p.m.. Young' Peoples_ Service. • WFPNESPAII; Women's Missionary Servied. , You -are always welcome to worship thelaordil this spiritual • •• workshop. " • • • Tee --Methodist 4,19nier :Victoria and ',ark ;17,e, FREE1IAN, Pa8t4r . • 1041,A,' SI-TWAY-S-C1100i•- *7- * • 11 sin: ,-IVICIANINflr SIMI/1CM_ , p.M, 'OBTAINING AND REGAINING: SALVATION." Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. . . CORDIAL virELCono, TO EVERYBODY. 555—, 5,54 555-55. ,,Teralx.--x-5:-... 04510 ,3005,15.11 CARD OF THANKS MISS GLAYS AtLIN Wisgt S -TO — thank...those who were so kind . -to her. in -her • ber.eavement. She %would, alsolike to thank :those - who sent ,fiowers! or loaned CaiS forthe funeral.. ' 9x' eeg , g , -truck wagon; farm wagon-; 'Set -'of bench sleighs; fiat rack foot,ray- rack; cutter; fanning mill"; stonetroat; set •of settles-, 600.• pounds; -2-Wheel trailer; with stock' rack; 10-20 McCer- mick-Deering tractor; McCormick- Deering.- 2 -furrow plow; 7 foot' spring: tooth cultivator ;- hay fork and sling • ropes; 130 feet snow fence.; 2 oil drums; Cyclo:ite grass seeder; leg vise; forks.; ' shovels; 'whiffietrees; neck- yhkes bags.'and_saCks-• HAY :„.10 tens' timothy hay.' GRAIN.: 200 bush -ON -of 1942 Alaska oats . for seed.; 200 bushels *.of .1943 Alaska oats; 3.00...bushe1entike-d grain; 40 bushels wheat 160, beshel&leanges 7-bus1ie1e• thnothy: seed, cleaned; 80 pounds of WOW:: *. ' - No reierve,__as farin -Jo-E-N-R---JOIINSVON, Proprietor. • HAROLD JACKSON, Auetioneer. 8-9 , STSWEIIOUSWAND DONALD - wish to - express their * sincere -thanks and artpreciation. to -their many friends who were so kind to them. in their recent sad bereavement; also for the _ beautiful floral.. tributes, and to tlioSe who so kindly loaned their`cars.' WAN'RED.---0411L FOR GENERAL. hotiseWorko 11/11S.-06...A.T,TIODOP2, St, 'Vincent street -Godericli, , WANTED -GIRL -OR WOMAN FOR .4 • ,_ 2 • _general neuseyeere..._z4e.ep in -Or- ceilings of you 'home will save fuel-- • saawnnpdai,Villy.itioit:sa::Isliniaitonirtoelcs,o:Tufrao4ruilta:bitaltee;itziess ,liainallYx,.,.:11ittle,dik.g....,At,liliete,h114.1t7stigneeo,tabie - , Dermalient,,verathilsroa awl lirevoct will be distributed, baying reKtml.-PulLY - 'Barn 50 x 66;;65 acres ploughed mid write Ito•wLANi) t'3,' 916,claiins then filed., . ._ C. .DAY; -5 'Thornton, 'bye; London, or; - ' - FRANK TioNNEXiix, ' • :." For free estimate rich, Work done „anytyhere. - Our .. , 8-10. . .Solleitor for ,tlid ExecutorS. . Goderich, Ontario; • ;rite .BOX 18,• SIGNAL:STAR„ (lode- • of March 20t11 -25th. , -- ;,,. 942 iVroffeu TO CREDITORS. .4.4-:„.....q.-.. eqnipment will be in Goderich . week .A... --; - . ' Blue Water-iligiriVay Lin ToWnshiP ,..: • .the estate' of Luther 1)..:Allin, *late All persons having claims. againSt ... -FARM POR SA:U.-160 'ACRES (iN Of Colborne, 4 miles north of GOderiele, ,Of --....the„ ToienShip'lof G,oderich,..'in the- •Ceunty of Huron, 71)0. .died. on -or- flmoriteres fall wileat. $65, per acre. :...about the 19th dal'Of 10-ebruafY; A.D..- phone 20' r -9; Dengamion, - '----6 ; 19442 are hereby notified to send to the . send,ersigned. personal l'epreSentatives of .the said.,deceased-Ony.er befolie-the 23rd . .1v.-,,_ 4 J. ....11f-EYER --...711.11;:::-3 • ' Goderich % day of Mara,- 1944,'Iftili-partieillars ‘af • their elaims, _ImmediatelY. after , p,ersons having claims agliinst the estate of"- Norman atellitosh; ' late of the ,Towii. of • Goderiell; who died 011.1130 12tiftlay of Deceraber,"1943,* are re uired te..ferw,ard, par,ticulars„ :a, Phone- • A CANADIAN.- .oPrIppE,'S WIPE :working chiring the day wishes furnished apartment for herself for theilduration. • Phone 758. 9x .A.NTELPART-TimE stenographer': and records, Write BOX 17; SIGNAL -STAR., 9k ANTED.HHYDRO, POLES. M -40R • further „particulars .apply te HYDRO OPEIM.Goderich. -ANTED. -.--- OUTBOARD- MOTOR, single or twin, up to 5 h.p,-PGive make" and • ' 79 ill!li7.11.' ICLARAKE.7°--At BORNAlra riaiir,tti.6.,"t°t:!ifil;. ec 004er,ich,:. 11 ertiltioltS .'e . o -,. . od. Dirs,°_ M. F. parke, 3Ln' 5; , . . ... • Goderieh, -a daughter. . . .. ,, 6 ,inelineW •*.ConsuMers' Co- otNIBINII.A.R.DT.--7.4 Alexandraaos. .,ollein".t.i:, e ” Association , will `, be ' Pitali. Goderich, on .rebruarY ;29th, - . - ' 1944; • to Mr. and, Mrs.. Douglas: mixing', ferttilizer, materialS . :ter: , . L Gelii6inhaide;•Ba341eidf, a datighter; ° the...tat ‘` Ors'. nee1S.;03 usual. :. - - 1 guNTEE.-to Major 0Olin 77ilufit R.c.T.L, °versed% and Mrs,- Hunter i. - Nyii itaVe• as tisital materiata (nee Evelyn.- AleAdain)„ at Sarnia '''..tor •Miting all authorized brands -. General' Hospital, a: daughter. * _andittre pifepared to mix a : ., _,,,. _.._DiED - , Nitbeit-iiiler-i:.-TorT,,PalVilr .411.--: °$rA.3c.-.,-,-.....4n-,--Godericli, ',die Tuesday, the train and eowitkg.•ivith an.Febtuao--200;-,-,.044,,--wliwaix(Aiistasti, ordinary- seed drill. , , in his 74thyear,. --Our-,tei4gzers„Willhe delivered. ,,,,,,,•,,,.e.t.-.,,,..4ii loving , memory " of Mrs. , . . ' .• ' - ' - " IN MEMORIAM* . In Jute �r cotton bags. ' *Please '""1-44 '4 ' • 45 . order OarlY. PriceabeStpessible, ni°:ft:-IVInlii' . who P8688414 awaY. NtitrOl 1941' • . .` '°- 1----rsonil,-amitisox,,...-Nothing .ettn, ever take away ,. Thelove4-beart-1161ds-dear- Ifanager. ond ,Meniories linger every day,' . , • ,,9,41, ' Remembranew keeps her near, ; --,,Ever"remeMbered by bee goptx 'turd daughterS and grandchildien,'..';'• • . - INSURANCE , IS 'Am; SEN- SIBLE WAY, To `TAM CARE OF WHAT.: 3rou'Lp NEED If -. happens to what, yaleve. got., • M. FORD. Get' Insured Stay lagared'=-. : Rest ,assured. , North St. 'Tel. 218W. 01 , SOLD. REPAIRS'AND SUPPLIES. sentativeS will -distribute. the assets, ES.07:1:9c2 THOINGEE,SA„:01300; ,sadiaat7-aectheeasseaiddpbera sv.;_lireesparre-- r P 11 2 EAST sTARFT., . 9t2 • E-IPT.AT - fate, pan-Airen, -make. Pliorie FOR SEED OATS, . 1942 crop, $1.00 per bnehel.," DAN WILLIS,phone Carlow 1704; RM. 5; Goderich. -9-10x _ OR -SALI1-2-BEA.TTY ELECTRIC washer, 25- Cycle;, ' 'copper tub, electric wringer, $75.."Clare° .3wel electric stove, • ,fonr plate,.„ autorhatic oven eontroly.----Beth 'Al'eondition. Q. V. 'BENNETT, R.R. 1,,Belgraye, phone * -9 . , S. Elliott VETERINARY SURGEON,' . SMALL AND LARGE ANIMALS At Lander's Drug StoreiGederich, _ Thursday!, afternoon .. • PHOM..203.. • CLINTON- only Which they shull then have notice to the exclusion of 441.0:§;,.., 'anti - theY±Ivill- not he :liable -Ito any personif whose claim- they Shall not then'ha e notice for the assets so distributed, or any part thereof. flitted itt G,edericji t1kis.....28th day of ;February-. A.D,'1944. 777 . , • WILLIAM A: .Goderich; Ontario, ' Solicitor fotl, the Executers, LADYS MAY ALLIN and -.'- AL)1Evr.,p,. A.LLIN. . . ,..'mkEivsED ../iT.OrioNimp - volt" fiugoN AN!) Buten . - . : 3.4.ovi0g returned 'from - -War merkt..I will 'now -be at home and open for di kinds . of•auetion sales, including live 'stock, 1 farm implements, _household turnish-. ings, -etc. . •• ' „ 1 WELLINGTON HENDERSON • ROi 15 . LUCHNOW. •• Phone 108 , -Lucknow: . LuclutoW..1 34.4x,' ' : LE BEIP . • ___. ANTBD , Saleslady in local Drygoods 11WD INsERAOE OM lif8SION, *est ,Street4,--:,. "UCTION SALE.- - FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND • -:gou,p-i.PTAWITORE ' of John Fester, lot 6, Concession 1, E.D. Township: etAshfield (11/2 miles 'east of' Sheppardton),, on . • wpxprEliDix, _MARCH, lSth ;16442. at 1 o'clock sharp HORSES.: -.-1 -farm team. , years ue---toft4.-esheii.31arck:„11,.; 1., red ...cow, 3. Years -old, freshened rebrnatyv-15; 1 .rean cd*, . 8-.'yara old,.;,-tresliened; PebraarY 25; 1.:roan cow, 5 years,.old, due • Jun:. 30 ; :rue cow26 .y37;ars dott :due lay, 16; 1 Herefor .heiiref;-3 years, 1.31,6; -due April 21; 1 roan heifer; bred o weelig; 5 -heifer calves and 5 'steer calves. under 0 months old; 1 heifer, rising 2 'years. old; 2' steers, rising. 3 . ,years •Old-;--1.steer,, rising -2 years' old; 4,eteersoriSing 1 year, old; 4 heifer rising 1 yeet old-; 2 young .ettlees. ,,,PIGS-.3*pigs,..2 months" old. • . IMPLEMENTS -1' wagon; set 431eighs; 1 opett:-Ibugo:. 1 -Alemoerit. witgon;•'. Massey -Harris binder., 6 -ft..; '1 McCOrmick toower,, 5 -ft.; 1 Massey- riarrift „13=disc, 'drill; "1 spring -toot mlltiriator;. 1 set, -discs; 1 Massey - Harris .hay loader ;‘,1_10. -ft; haY. rake; 1,1VicCornifek:-Deering-plow,. 2 sets iron - barrows; 1 -fanning•.mill; hay fork, retie and 'pulleys ;!. 1 'wheelbarrow; 1 root, puiper ; 1„sen,ffler,; 1 McCormick- Cering eream'Separater;1 incubator+. 1 pet Beales;...240-lbts 1 gratt,e1 ,.1303c4 1 set heavy , 1 set; 'single liarness;, oantity of hay. '711.110TITURO-.14-•bedrOOm.,. sultel,1 'brass -bed, with sprlags and mattress; 1 vitstif3tandl:.1 coal:-and.owood, heater; 1 1ox stove; -1 -borper, rerreet,0°. coal ialRt11:-sIvAe with 'oven 1 four-alIon tbutter disk, and ladle t° 10841066' pitteldne;.1; bottle'. capPer ; 3 lamps ; banging.: lamp drop -lea, tame; 1, , davenporv*Ith . mattress. _ No resetve,„„o0,. the''fatuLhas:been 801(1. • tONA1DBTTTE, -, 9-10 ' • Auctioneer, Clitas;Vo: Coat wad .1ilardware at ihe sliatbour Phones :7—Office ' Itause 312 „ Puring the ftrst two -dayir151- our .:Oanniaign.- mote- than 4i1A00,, was - • brought m to our Ileadquarters*. -at th:e Green. Door., on th,e•Square,a sub- * gan:tial• start towards our objective of c$8,000 fointhe•tow.n. • , . Most of .the eb:airmen of the' odcrich an. o orne owns', ' at the Greenjloorlast•Sai:Lirday-f:afternocin-and: eipieSibersober "7. COlifidellee that they would speuie at least os'..nme* as last'. year. 7- This -iirOmiseS, Well for te.Q aigli,j4:1,14--does not. Mean that we can . sit, baelt,ind.' aSsinne, that it will -come (easily. It merely indicates that every- . one is -alive` fothe iagai of the Red' Cross, that everyone has read the touching stiiisiefi told, by' our teturnin* g • Pr1§1 toners; released some , weeks 'ago_trom.,German priiiire camps, • Without etooptiortheysaid4-that;t1ley-lbita„, by and for Red.'0113-1S-bartels. ,Without theta life yirduld' indeed be ,grim. e jiistCAN'T let thpit'd boys' daNjn. • - Also we just ,can't letothers make our:icontribntions for us, The dem- Mittee hopes for an eirer larger nUnibet, of individual contributions... This 'is • - • , . MOst of the Town's,,latger industries, have undertaken to arrange .001,, ' ----• -- leetiona-IA their plants. ' t is expected . that this will inerease the 'number of . . . , 0 , eontrib*Qrs. • . .,,, ' It is desired to'ioint out to '.contributors tat they:will receive only -one: '-':`-feeiiiitilAis• yeaft-The-reieiptr;-..,whioli----is, handed- outHit;-,' Headquarters is ornarAL both for`menibership in th.e 11;ed Cross and for ineome-taz purposes. ,: N4 • It is siiggested, therefore,, that every care' be -taken of it. . • ave your money earn 5%. Prepay our Towtrof GoderlA 1944 Taxes For particulars apply to:. x4Colleetori, HURON It0AD GODERICH Licensed Atietioneer for , -,,Huron ConntY: rurn1to1,0' and Farm Otearatie Sales, Chattels and Real Tistate Pronipt attention' given to ttli. calls Write • e IfOX1603 (K)DERICIFI 1-52x ' PHONE 959 elaines.11.„ watds- 0,114111ED P1tlitiMA000t(tiVANT itiehnionki Soot Te1ephor1141etealit ZOO D. E. oAmpuptx, , Chairman) Irinagoj3 Canmittee. P T •15.5 • .5 . .15