HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-03-02, Page 7IOW TI/XIIISPAX, MAW= 2ad, 3.94 07a ii,o.srreA ttt- or Gorion.Liudaw Is. officially estimated that tite're were cies() to three-quarters of ,a miiliofl.neW gardensoatir gardeners in Canada raft year. Instead of gout *Ong and .baseball scotes being dis- ;c0sed, over luncheon and. 'dinner tablea • thouSands of men and. women ,whe never before Planted a single vegetable •.seed' waxed, 00400 'Over ,the,progress -. of their, carrots,' cucumbers and earn. DIg.ItWeU 4"great deal- a useful *eX,perienee • Was gained froin Victory gardens *and ;some lessons karneth. Most important of the, lager *ils the need for thorough preliminary. cultivation. In, a -great • naanyifieases this was not done, last Yea.r and as a result the gardener was' ' on Dili knees half the supplier fighting "twitch and ether weeds t that 'Should have been thoroughly eradicated in the 'first place. .2.. Where at all possible the experts, advise fall 'plowing or digging of the: land to be gardened. Then- leshould, be .cidtivated ,thoroUghly again in the spring. The objective -'1S . to have the ' soil WorkedettP..tine and free of weeds,` especially twitch, before the seeds are planted. 'Rather thanss.sh in the -14741SE"Tefirrifts nid peasatthe Ost . a " oppertunity, ohl:Itimers advise Vvaiting, for Another wee if neCeSSarY. and in the meantimeenitivating thoroughly and deeply. This .extra work befere the rows, Are planted.'will repay itself, many. times over in the hoeing...AO weeding it saves later, after th$ garden is, platted. IVen „ ItaVea 'Plan the finiest and simPlest Vietor,y , garden .will benefit from A Plan. tact, ,When, space is. 'extremely limited a plan is even 'More Vital; because It says. rooit. . In plotting, ininlinuin widths between rows range front:tweive.-inehes for such narrow things as lettuee„,earrots, beets, to 'fifteen inches rfor beans and ` spinach, MaVing devlw Is to plant440011,41111Up- curundaers. along the edge of the garden or the edge ot the COM TOWS. Seed **MY * Seed supplies ap• not going to he exactly plentiful, Ibis spring, -hitt in general the situation. is Improved slightly froin a year age. 'Dealers Are eoniklent that they enn meet all de- to, eighteen inches for corn; tomatoes, and -potatoes. These distances -it should ,be remembered, are mirtiinum. If more can, be -afforded, cultivation, weeding,. thinning and, other care will be easier. , • Space can be saved by alternating quielt-maturing things like radish, let- tuce and spinach, withlonger-maturing vegetables. such as swiss chard, beets, carrots ausLbearts. The ;first flatted will be up and used before the latter re- quire :all the -;M:Tothereldttlifie. ILE B14,1IiMILL,t1t, VA). 20. Mr. ICen Vishay and Mrand gys. n, 4- M04-0. and ',faintly spent the week -end at Straffortiville. Bev. It. and' IVIrs. Ttfirie and, son mands if Orders are placed early" itntt Wayne vislted-with Carla Par- k4onie leeway IS' allowed varreties. ents,, at Lanlit.ik',A-114 a CQuOie titq° the -eXaet- -variety of -earrot,i„beanAir.„andArs. A. Grange spent s - It may not alWays be possible to, getOA we0k, . --` tomatowanted, but at least soinething •41 146141,6111'. • 'Very:shinier will be - Congratulations to . Mr. . and Mrs. Sixtieth wedding tprtniyer,sarY ,011 ,CRENVE. • • .Joslna tl1in, Who,. celebrated their getonarY 2tth.• •• •, loather ,and Son. banquet was held CREWB, Feb. 28. ---Mr, Ivan ItiVett jfl Betuniller, Vulted4)3.orth on, Friday of Hamilton spent the Weelg-erid, under ; night, and was weir attended. • the parentai - *4: in '11Irs. Orezi,er, of Lond,on anti r 0;• COltu Ct-Ozier .0 arunalri .SPeAt Ole on flitinday and the theme of his 'Week -end with .and Mre. Clifford message -,was "Stepping the Dr,ift." or 1)1.54,B.L.ED Q16.0143' Temovedirt'Plegn Saiital7 Track% PliouP collect 910r16 'CLINTON' , 215 SFRA.TFORD ' illianiStone Song Limited xiTGERsoTaL; ONTARIO Crozier. •Mi. and Aim. Frank AIim and grst Mr; Mathew Shackleton is in Victoria MontgemerY Motored to London on Hospital, tendon, after hasvi.ttg alninor operation' there., 'We 'hope lie trlitY soon The ;euchreand dance held, iii tile be, bonie agaia.;, ' hall lot Wednesday was enjoyed by are glad to. -report tha.t Pani alt present, and at the same time' 400d.. Ceasar, who *Wets se allay, ill, in ?Wing - ham hospital, is. „plaking, a splendid recoyery. • Day of i'raYer, Observed. The ladies ,O `Crewe 'W..U.R.-ifeld," their meeting at the home' of Mfg; Cecil: op, Friday, VebrParY 25t1i.. The World bay of Prayer ;program, in the Missionary Monthly *as followed. letter of- than4' for. a gift that had been 'sent to . a sikik-child and two -lete-teraitren?-.boys.oversea for their. Christina's boxes were *read: • Rev. He ,Vicierson gave the address on the "Book of. P$ahfls ;" Mrs. S. and -Mr% 4.`.111,vett ',sang a duet, "Lord, "I'n.), Coming, -Home,'!The Chapter In the StddY, bookwas' taken 'ITha and a temperance- reading, was given by - Mrs'. Benson Slifckleton., Tite-sinffing of witytati. and -thelienedic- don pronounced' by The president, brought a :very profitable meeting., to a close.., , ' The 33oy Scents Were founded in, loop by Lord, Baden:PoNtell; f the, hero of .the siege of Mafelging- — .144 it 4..7. 445. ,S FLIS ailious Attacks Liver Complaint Biliousiees is lust another nsm _for a clogged or sluggish liven 11 is:a:very co .;-9n,corcrplOnt, hat eat . be taieldy'r ediod"-by od..bainif tbe flow of bile. This softens the exetumgeted =us, As voisces gill . carried out of the aystein, autd. zne .liver and bowebi aro relieved ail , ton -ed. up. - .- ifilburriteLaxsolAvix40112 (gall' ` and waives the a1nggIi1liver, ap in uP• event �hannel1 by 1 ,free flow �f bile o,nd thas_,. • 1 .the liver of tho ologidng bawl, They. are ,A1Maii,.indillift, to tak* ' Do not grips, weaken, .,o1-cm.p.. "; Thor T. MTh= CiAN. 1/4., Terantlr 0101 • -. t i loraliamiaimanammaar' itis in, an advertisement belo* receiiTe two War Savings Stamps free I „ DAIRIES , .11i.twenty-sii issues Of The Goderich. Signal -Star, advertisements 'Under this DRUGS 4e a din g will contain several names of persons living in Goderich and district: 4-The--nam6s will?, be selected„ froii the subscription list of. The Signal -Star.- Simply findyour nanie . of', the .-adverkis_einents, clip tine advertiseilient, L e .pre§eitt'lfto the store- in Attitelt your name appears, and receive " ' s Complete' lbw of: D /MK:BAR and LUN011 - Neaf,Theatre West St. a/anus & 0 "4 2 War Sayings Stamps Free URNlitURE - FLORISTS - Several Used Dressers • and -Used Steel g9fis' pRiaq) • quality Dairy ,Products. , • Milk, Cream, Devon Ice, Cr -11ffs-11.10tirtfAire2Lit' Stanlek St. . thong) • ;Ssasso'ssissossisiagewoopmationsgiasiaw ; HOME-MADE -CANDY ' Phone'170'” THIS 11S-STAOON. Mrs Robt -Marshall, '14o1erIch -rsiesiseusissisissimommillissomor I &nits 'Coal Co. D1AEERS IN, 'COAL"— . virobb 'Phone .75 Nielson St. • , tinder trying, Circumstances we are -,,trying to do ta 'good Joh1 waricvili tuid t1it1, good.ilrin to businesS , T11E-DEAN COAL 'CO.' idOAL, a0.0010E We :are tiling our hest to lien% !Oki with our available supply of Fuel. -titone .95w 'Smelt st. JEWELLERS ',APE Diamonds.. LtIABION16 RINGS. BULOVA, LOAM -LONG -INES • and ROLEX WATeHES'° saiirEnwiTE and CUT GLASS E. 4' 4 Ctoherfson , 1h,10,36 Goderieh - AUTOMOBILE • PARTS. • O ,Nosimomitiminwas m 0000000 imum Co oraticin ASSOCIATE STORE L. 0, WHETSTONE,. Prop. TI'RES. and ,BATTER,0-, Phone 69,w puy'anhI hold your'vvar 'savings. r 11W iiiiimma.mussawavoiliariosailimmommour Gordon Bannister OUR folliE.NIF;124 /CI uttvibu Dumbuo 4 • 71.7 West St. Adalossiommossionaopmeroommoosommionsmie, EJEurmbflody 1 Fender Shp '04 L'ast ,riiimo 206w. pue to priority:$4 seine essentlarszarta we find it impessible to, iv e. pro .N•vite avrvice. 11. C. AteP1Ill1.1 1,4 I). WAT8ON 000 Not( %A A \; C 4). ,Emgrso ry a better cocoa todo chbose Neilson' pmous Chocolate Cocog. ino; bye was said to Mrs. Rex 'Duckworth, ,whe left. the ,folloWing day _ in her :husband at the boast. Prizes; for euchre.; Ladies' first went to ',Mrs.. J'4' R.Loiig,gents' tirst Nve4t19 Mr. Long, censolations to Noreen. Willis and Donald Kernighan. , Mrs. Leslie .Tervis'of -Goderich, toWn-. ship' spent 'the week -end in 110D' .SURFACING. THI 'YEAR ON BM, BIGHWAY • RINCARD , Xeb. 28.---VireSpeett4 that unpavei -•-portions, a. the Blue ah„ Yeas JCPSFY kl 0 Isaitc. S. .Wade, •lifelong resident of alive from each Red Cross . unit in the ..,„2„..w.,,_nt_i_,,,,,,,,, age of fi,,f• nicriii,,,,,,,ev,ht ,.earo., _the - townsiiipif ono; Menibers- of , the Hf, 0 7. ,, .e. it . i„,„township,.,,,„‘ ,d,i,,..,,,*:-..-76teeby::::: i lt 0,(:vvli ;ill Pt; 90:::47.7,:a.011 church' in ' , G-eorge Alexander, of the . johosen..:..Daybian surface 'treatment this , year are con,: Sunday; re, tuary 20th, .,„ the Wing- sidered excellent'byl Bruce andlluron Welter Highway Will 'be given hard cession of ....West Wawaxiosh, (bed On i ham.iumpitit, 0 the, age et- ninetY'eue w1.9-toh,1::idten: 'i:1,ainear:lidagesilt, toda.,,tiegplit: lc); e: - manse Kappen, on Saturday, February At ,, St, , Andrew's United .chureh- ' 1 project with lion. George II. boucett, _county.; deputation:which diseu•ssed the, isoYheaeliTuri,,aer„4,.:117;tja.ait:na, e._,:clas ..:),:.0:rboetaret_,r-a,anti. . us:::::h:nt:eore. ,:ohenyr.twPaasYpeinarino. performed by .. MiniSter of HighWaYs. ' . - - ,4-ames' MeNicholl, of Mer..N.11,49 ,town- neth, Elgin Johnsen, son. of Mrs.. IOWA- Wuce,,and pi. Xtobb4 Ttiyioi.,. _ , _ -4, W. Hanna, M.P.P. for •Ilivr.rrojt. tack *Ili*. doing bit'. fal$ 1:-:::: or- or:. si:env,..134.771.11.,,oa:adutt.h, e,r.1,4areteyoartnin,geri.$.:0011:-.,, for ,I.Itiron, ace4mpanied. the delegation,. :breok, Grey .townShip. ;, 'which ineinfled WardelkWillitun Shelv- '4 -is 'wife, six sons and 'one dalfghteT% left, ter a trip to Detroit. 'They win, ..*. -ineahline, J. P, Johnstone of ' Brant, '•George E. Northwood, who has been reside in-. London. •., • Grey TOWnship. Eller - felt of Bruce, Reeve Wiliiam 'Walsh of• Wafter Brown. of liuron and Gilbert. 1311143.nk4g,eorf'°fct°131/"Ptrileqglift:31*1;'eraitplicPlb.teh: Buried in the Azores , . *Vrayne of Ashfield. '''''' . , . ' 1030, has received 'notice of bus transfer ,,,,,fr. and, urs., 8ttpiwr m.ach.au; Grey he plans hard Stirface ', treatment for to the Dininville ,branch.- . lie will. be 0 ' Ur. 061-teett 'tCti0:: th.6' deputation township, have received word that their unp# ved gravel roads before any per- to at ,Winghain. 1/Y R. R. Iileb.,, , 10nel:it hard surface p:aveinent will den, front ' Hamilton, ewlithdestbusi.eiena, 'NWviat.or,ratailiti Ourileitner;;X4.60b4nril4; ' - . lklisMary Halpin of Seaforth me S . 't be tredertaken. , In addition, no bridge, with -a painful' aecidento, at her home in the .British cemetery at' Attgra, in work -: will be dont except .where Ipaostt -oweeek•-.boili%h;.,wwaaterill..govilillgtbett,. 1:4gvee. ttbetenr4n1241:esiroxit°- 1-:t.-;11(), OtlIer'liaitis enittael.etYvorhtlir._.- It is' -thought thathard . surfacing when it .mPset. into the-Rrepot atqi.. -tbe He had seenservicein the .11i,editerran.-.- absolutely necessary. -. .. • . . • way south of C,4-oderich, leaving the - -ber ftle badly, . l.le is under 'treat: . the ifirgt.__Plalles . assigned- toduties 'amid of steam ithich rieStalted. dcalifed 'ettri.,flren and Went to the -Azores -with* may,be done on the-B,lue Wafer Fligh7 , Port Albert-Kineardine strip till later. -ment a.t,,,-,the'Seafraikt,b-JiraSpital:,..', :.. there -T after' Portugal had ,,g • - proof kr tl e tl, t t' — - e , _ 1 qui a ion was in orme . f d, Country. war bride, She ..is Mii. ' .T. O. - ' Clinton is .,:weicoming • its Brat, 'obi. Alli-e,S--114-riglittitt, . . lisir-lbases• ... . there. , Be ,:was lu , his. oyenIzt-sedoxid - .This. :11ouwer,-"wilir be at. leaSt :,elna.. ., „ .. . , (-Dick)--MaePonaldiL Who:.-lins---arr-ivett''Yar.' ,Preenium.,9UPs4,01PY----,-,-------7;',....77-•,,,,,,,, Iffitb-if---antlip.her,,-..NUShaiid;:-;Onnne SieN:Mairt elint4n''' ' '- --- - • - '-'.''- • .. - to make her 'home . With,. -relatives , in Death ' Of 'Mrs.., Th , ' 'e parsonage of Ontario sti . . - - ' eet macbonanl,.. 'returns to'. Canada. Xier 1 7Th0,1404fir Waffe":4'Wfb-r Sea.ortit'''''7%'''."'”' Ilititeg: chtirch',. Clinton, WAS the scene bome ' *its it 'Fernhurst, • Snirey, .rng„-- hospital' -on. February 22nd of ...Mary On Saturday,. Pebruhry 19th',- of the hind„ and she -was-taarried' in, August 'Mien Osbaldesten,- :widow, of George ., Imhaerrit:atgoe. s(143.1if .*:.e‘Iiire:74,11- 4 AL, ei 3,Gr.a, 0,see3c7,o,nodz daughter of Lady G. M. Mcgratney and " , ,Mair,.. in --her. , sixty-third year..4„,.Mrs.--- Treeman, Clinton. . ReV. G. officiated. . The young couple left on te14 'Brantford. ,- youngest.: son ,Of Mr.:.and Calgary., Alberta, to Clarence, Elmer, ii.'.hoileyinoori" "-trip t6 Western Points Ond on their return :v$4,ill , reside_2at •1 -h .- " ' ', ,ikir. a. Er. ,xfs life near -the home NVI*re he was rteRagai613:7io:Insoir.n°b:eorSob, dailh.d:efTts,,,t,„.liciitta.,to,117:d'Ita-14i..1-::::.:re:1:thei:,..: G. B.irtelx• _born. , Sdrmi'Ving*:arelais wife, a 4.10110,1 ..-- at his home in , Morris township/ in near Clinton daughter ' Of ...the late • iiene,. a Son, Water; on the homesteact... theY..faenied on the gluon road. West(); Ah -in Bettles secretary.. - The cora- grandfather,.„ Alexander . OsbaideSton,- Qta-loassetp Iyear.3-.Seller's • died ' on -.Monday Muir Wits -.holt. 'in. Goderieh. tOwnShip, liantdfcnennttagred s9,!1:',?Pl:,_,,„Ehrier,S_ e_ller_s„ Clinton until Mr. mair died.lour ,YearS, bis -seventY-third year. *,'Ile . sPent- all .Alexander„.•- -.0sbaideSten .- ' 'end: • MAria'„' . of service urn on theirretnin' honi.e..• a brether; Herbert. Osbrddeston, of the reittee .is eomposed : of one represent- wa.8-, Clinton's Brit -school. tedellei,-;,.. :'- Williani' Jervis 3.'s chairman . and ' Mrs. Huron read' -near" Bohnesvii4e, ..ger Goderich-. township for the . reeeption, Mrs., Gilbert, Goderich township, • and'- .4,--commi tee- as been formed in Clinton. Surviving '-'are-- A daughter, Mrs. Robert McLean of Wanbau,- In; 1915 she Married GeOrgeMair, and . ;n-41 2 .Drug 'Stpre 'YOUR, FR' I.D.A. DRUGS ORE Prescriptims a S ecialty - ,Phone 45 Goderio,, LEAF LETTIME cut from Mir own beds while yon wait tehcious Phone 105 ackons _Florist .EARD:WARE;, Packs : a Wal Wallop! :Against° inukular• .'Aches arid Rains . 'If you .want ._ beneficial strengthin.a linimpnt,-rub ; -if you're .fed -up -With weak products whose relief is half-wai or iningina.ry, tb..en try, M( )ONE' EMERALD OIL! • - It represents our . MAXIMUM In ninegh.ersu, 1.3iwitionsr,eitiheretitigortsn,esasnda .sawweannans- . DesPlte all„the mother ean 40 the kiiidies will run'. counter -irritant relief, for muscular - inuScular aehes : of hack, - limbs, Out of .doere not properly ;,,Vr6,ppricl u11.3 ha,ve on too" 'cise.,' overwork, , or -exposure to cold' ',much _glothin.g; cet overlacked and tool oiT too skid- ' :4 „fre• ... and 'da'mpziesS: . .' : -- " • - `denly-,.'gei, their feet 4e,trOz.VAL•mff, ..thobed violliesj_Oid - *.zo" . '•"Tio a.dolezyttainge the mother cannot help; shOulderf,f and Reek, due to over-exer-' _Once iirtz=1:-try-lleozzegs,-Enald---(3.11 -.. • TIelf•tho battle in treatuig, children's 'colds is to grim them. „something youre talkingw and that. von will we are confident you ..v,Kall SaY: - 'NOW 't.1.1.e.1V never . e withoutin ;Our 'hcnne„ • .• • — -,, , * ._ , . _,„„„ a mothers, tor the oast..48-_yea;s.• ' • - .. • — .• 1 ,, itiirEA Mill like ;,,so thing they iN id t'qke VCithqut any fuss, wad this *4 -mother • • , . .r...., Qo s. or way, Pilair,',,,yruii ' v. -remedy -11sed•-by-L.Canadia ..n,__.:.._: the 1 I 'I • k , , . - ' on. ilsaleat aitt g'ood: drug stores. - all dPruri:5:e°3'5_11etit;'..1)'°tT'tliele. :1::bil..- ilfbr-u.gien.C4.071,Yinsl litz:11., Ira oPrountto2, -otinin.t..e8138 Mil -- . . ELBOTR 1i4RWARE GttTERA,t,•, HARD'iSTAitt. 00:0 0 'LOWE BROS.,PAINTS SPORTING .GoODS Wet St. ",,Plione '406 . ., • BOVirLING MacDora1 Electric ELECTRIdiL WORK seimmk. other Not to Blmiselfo too' O'hildren's Colds .Cazzipbell's,Drug Store. , •'64 Britannia Rd: Goderich -LAUNDRY , uron .140/A11(11.y Dry 'Cleaning PROMPT SERVICE threugli. It looks like- neiv:" Hamilton 'St. • Pliofie "2Z9; --A good way to spend your even- ing or leisure tiour_in-P1e0ant congenial surroundings. oyal Bowling West St: Gederich •••, „ . - FRUITS &. VEGETABLES ..Aniong other things', Italints are 110W t confronted with the problem of master-,, .• • ing 1"nglit:41). as • shei., spoke.' r • •BAKERIB.S -Tasty" Pastrieg a Specialty - We feafture ' Highest Quality. °aAkEt•-:z, West St. • :Pholite 405 Goderich Print Market Complete Line of ItPUESTI FRUIT & VE,GRTABLEA, IN SEASON " 1 ' SCIENTIFIC AVUIPMENT . PRIE'NIKX SCRVICE ° , i• Phone, 470. , 1 - East $t.. , . • ' WherA'er the Allies have• landed the I inhabitants , are makingIhiote efforts' to master the 'language, putting iip signs alt over the .place, tvoateringto the troops. To date the Most ntnbitious effort , -WaS by a baker ,in Brindisi who ttd- ' Vertised the,,,genkons 'sNe of his wares • with this sign, "Luigi : Pertizzi, The Biggest 1'4oafer in Town."•=-,-,,,StarS . arid 1, Stripes." t.‘ i' , I SAVIN.04 r• ,t14t14.41., . 1 --Clui.naiti;?ii-:.R";:e.'pL;e. for 'that 'striven)* :., . , effort —and, if n'6ed 1).•,*.acrifie„,,In'that dm' Ciaiho'nr, everylhing, wit be4hrowninto,ttw,balance-- the .,,weat, the blood, fhfliveg,..tte pryers of, _.. • ,00r gallant men. Thoi., as never befo' re; will , be• needed- the mercy that I's Rde'ross to supportand 4cherish ttieni in their great crisis. It is 111.their ,naane • aad ,agams, f,4§, xreectlhat you ai'e akdto'.., ,4 • ondon Give qetterrou4yto lite: 2tr. ativerthtmenteothibuied 6g n Labatt Limited Canada t ,