HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-03-02, Page 5TEWW4DAZ MUO cep Your Eyes !I the Job ii thereaolardeS and 'ex., peelenee 'cinadieq.'00tiOaf • • MantfactUres,are deisieted..to keeping Caliadii!a; eyeson. the jObi IsTeve) llas the need f�r eeu e1ro;t1OSS vion , becu so, Xteeeefilery. 10. poommot NTAKi) 1111.11111600.00.011.00.A.MigiriPia. •i••,,••• ING$13RIDGE > KINGSBRIDGP,. Feb.. P. ,--- Miss ' Elva Moraui?. vvho,is workin in London, .44.41/4 wasvieiting art her horn over the week -end. Mr. Jack Charlie Dalton has left for Detroit ta visit his • daughter, - Mrs, * ' Lilian ,Webster,:: who is ill there., .. ' M. and Mrs. Seery Dalton 'have re4 r,r1‘,110. MJIUJR Feb. 29.,„ r•e- „1,11se Zeta 1),funro Of.•Serniits4perit, a eW, days at the home of heil permits, Mr, and Aire. R. 1).Attmro„ * Airs,' rred ROSS is visiting frieodts Norent0.1, ' fiss AimaMtcb has returned from 'visit -Witieliiendaftr-Toronto:- eel‘,1r. on Johnston spent the Week- e1inTorento, Mr. GeorgeAndrew' let Sernia is, visM iting with Mrs. as utell" !led Aiise Nieholson. • • , Mr. and. Ms, Wra. Mead of liode.;.. 'rich Visited. with Mrt. -and Mrs,: ',AlfjoUiirsoi. ' Wedding AnniVerSary..„.-,Mr. and Mrs. J...Phillipe 'and Airs, C. A. Howson' ,enterfaieett:atqlieir--hour -OW "StIndaY .ev,eeing ittlionor')fr.autl igrEe Phillips,. Who were' 'celebratingtheir, forty-ninth wedding- anniversery.,Those presen, t were Sae: Meddi-brether_of Airs. *U. •Phillips, Mrs: T. S. johnsten • and. 1.4anra- .During the- day the eciuplel-ieeelVed., ed`e,gretuItitions. frem, -Gederielt, •Plenbehn, $t.Helinis and- * • " - • Meeiing.---The regular Meet- ing• of the ,B.T.P.IT. was • held in the Baptist church on Sutit1ay4n1ght. Doris AleXnight °was in charge -and Marie- Raithby presided at the piano. •The "limning prayerwas 'given bY.Mrs,''Eari, Itaithby; a reading by jpne Beadle: .the Scripture reading by4D-bilY" Beadle; a voCal° solo by Sea Ladd Mid a piano solo by Marie Itaithby. • The tqie,•`‘A• Lost Radfance,-Joy," was ably taken. by the guest speaker, Rev. Herold Snell. of Knox United churchlwho also pronounced the benediction. -Honoring an Air. "Force' Man. -A turned .to lingsbridge frpm*Brantford, .dence was',Iielci,,tri4the,..Foreeters! Hall ,4011116, '''''ORSOSAL:mAlt5TOON-- JBJ ,4•1 • en WedoesdeY night in honor --of PO.. •LeOlie Bedew:, of "Westheld. Music was eupplied bY Tifilo's oreheitre of Pressed, the goed wishee of the gather- pr,esentation. -Pilot 0 cer Redger4 Goderleb Rellegiete Iestitntet, .7iie ;wag_ Langeide. `During' the evening PO. •Rodger wee preeented lath a. puree of money. Mr, A. J. "'Ferguson ex - lug, and LAP.. Ray Vincent .made theWorking . at,. St. CatliariOes. :when was tole of the graduates at removing on- February 11t1; „He'lett on TOtire- The, 'Day- of PraYer.--The,Wornen's tended Westfield °Publie School- and enlisted en Februerp Sth, MI. ..I.Ie . . . ..,_ day for .South Maitland. near • Ilelifax. Werld Day „of P.raYer, Wei' ObSereed ineKnobyterian Church-oteRridaY. afternoon and.' the 'meeting was well attelided. Miss Josephine Weir was in eller& of elle serviee and •Mies Norma Piler . presided .at* the .-orgart,- Mrs. *Alvin Leetlierland of t. `, Mark's A.110.1ean church', .1)irS, 'Will TablrOf the Baptist CfitirOh, and Airs. Geo.- Bean ° pf the,. 'flatted elturch. assisted 'With the 'Prayers, ',,The ..offering - was .,,receiVe'd .by'Airs. IlerbertsGovier anti Airs. Fred Ross and ti. duet„,ln keeping with tire day was rendered by Aire. Cline, Ilo*- spn--anel•.:3Are. -WM._ Haggitt, !whom. panted, by. Igrs, IL -1 • Phillips, The devotiontil address on ""Interceesioo and Prayer" as inspiringly giveri bY Airs, Harold Snell, who in her toesSage stressed' the urgent need of prayer for laeting peabe*---and: that God's- InereY sweeps througe..:_all, creation. • Mks Weir expressed, her .thanits ' and those o,f, all ' Present to Mrs: Snell for • her address. The National Anthem and the henedietion„ Concluded tile eterviee.. .. • • aw- PfuI,MiLEiiidJdW. the Cauge of ich Miseyr If you euffer from Bog you know how sick and ▪ miserable _tliey ma.de_ymi,feel. are an outward indication of impUrities in. ' the sy$tetn, and itfst when you think you,are rid of one another.crops up to take its pace paid prolong yourraisery. All 'the lancing and pottIticing you can do _roey.noLstee more, •.. • 4,,onang,, • - -.„- ` TV help- overeeele- boils. you shouldr'ptirify the blood, SO why eot,,give tha t. •old, reliable blood' medicine, ' Burdock :131obd 'Bitters, a chance to show • hat it will ttio yeti got rid'of thera?,, Thousands have *usedtiVfor ti:kuipose'for-ilo past 607cars. Why' not you?- ' .„ • , It- - •••••••,••••••••••• • • ••••••••-• Mr. Walter L. Sa,unders, of Otte:five, spent, the week -end with his. relatives .hare-• ° • Visiters at •the home of Mrs. J.•A. Harrison lor the--weelc-end wer-e Mr - and Mrs. V, G. D.. '11111ifftX1 1VIr. and Mrs T. Whaley,. Hamilton, and Mr, and Evans and son George, of Toronto. •• . Harry and G,rant Snell, and Miss Ruth Snell. of Londesboro, 'and Miss Laura -Snell, --ppleic school tertcher--of Weiland, visited on ..Saturday with tbeir ,aunt. Miss A.dclie Jenkins, liioton street;;• _ „ There are, nearly 90,900 ,„Boy Scouts and Wolk Cubs in Canada, 'N*Lowera, , • S Tw'0:91.them pius income, mfaWilialceireary estate values where applied. A review of What you ,intericlto dor with your est4e may bring to lighi,a13 intention that can be bettered anc1.59.ben9,fit your, beneficiaries. If you ate interested ask us to apply our extensive knowledge. 'Call Waverley 3861 ' no obligation on your part will be implied: -,Z.0713.1cES.44 • TIM TRUSTS a.nd 'GUARANTEE • . tompAN-V•LIMITED • ttiecutpr 2)14 tiwitee- $,ince 11-197 • Brantford, 302° BarStregt; toronto , . • -.Calgary .1 Winnipeg' - '00101"••••••""111'1""n"poommeeme, _ A liosttoll Cold Wave E�i YOVE NEXT PERMANENT tour info on and ftfPointinont •MIAs gr* eatit vSalon • .16 = GOI)ERIVO- IjUNGANNON .•Vie- DUNdANION, Aiarch• 1.. --Aire.. ter, ,Prrington' sperit a, -few Aleyx-latelr with Me. .and Mrs.- Wes. Veddee, at LohdeSboro., • Dorien :-.1111*dge, einployed at Sky Harbor, is at home, a, Victim ;of Mumps, , *jPttribelle >Webster,' at' Bran.t:' ford hospitel, 'is ',eaving 0.:Nsteeles reSt at • the' home ,of,lier-parents, lVEv,. end Mrs, Tjios, Webster:.- • ;• ; Aquiftin "bee" was held at the 13340:01:8:y. Mrs, Vi.ctor ,7,7ington, ,,Oth concession of -- West -l'Arawanosh, last; The Dengennoo",scheoi re-openot, on Teeeday .after •beingclosecl for t week owing tothe case of epinal. meningitis. We are glad. to know that Paul Caesar; who was affected by the Malady, is 'getting. aleug • We% He IS, 014JeCting to leave tile Winghani•toriPital in a fe‘er days to retnrn • • Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred. Elliott •and family,„ of Goderich, were week -end, visitors 'w„ith' Mise Betty •Elliott, Ohas.- -Durnio- arel-son,-- S.C. are Ivisiting Air. and Airs. Bill McClure, Ooderich. " ' Mr.-•"--1Vilson4,4Me.Leee, • of 'Winnipeg, visited his :platers at.LucknoW and. his brather;-.Air:Thoe.r-Meteac, and -ether - relatives here at the week -end.' Mrs.. Will Shields, etir. coneeselen of Ashfield, has rented her .farm te:Jvir: •W. A. Culbert for another year.' • Miss Clara Sproul of Stratford spent the week -end with her mother, Mrs. Dc Sproul. • c• - • The • March • meeting of the 'United 'church- W.M.S.' Will -be, held at tile horme', of M. J':;4'. Ryan on Prida.$7; March' 3rd, at .2.30 W. 1V1cOlttre is 'spending title' week visiting his daughter, Mrs. Alfred Ilefford, 'Boronto.' • ' :..y.Voeld Day of PrayerT=Tbe. World Day of. Prayer -was observed St' Anglitan, • chinch, oh rritlaSe, efter the • funeral, •of the--_lete Miss Ivers., The preparekprogram fol- lowed-lind.leaders from the th&e lopal churches took part -Mrs; J. Reid, •Al.r.s.,....R474,...Davieson---and....-41-rs....-11.--S.. • Durnine: A: splendid aedress-oe prayer was .given, by Mrs. (Rev.) J. W. Don' aldson., Mrs., Rich. • McWhinney. in- vitation also spoke a few Words. _Airs. Ralph rosler rendered a vocal' number, "Air Task!' Tee. ettenclanee was very good., compared with that of Other years, . • BAXIPIEL.1), Feb. 21). -The Women'e Day of Preyer was .observed in B*y. tiold at Knex rmhyterian eitareb. Owing to the absence of lira. D. J. Lane and MINN Jennie' Mauston, who were •unavoidably absent, M. Volume, 1)/1100 M. Stirling and Mrs,f. Oraham led theIgro. 4. 0. Alitei J. Stirling, Ms. D. Dewar, • Airs. IA, Mak Inek, and: -Heard led lu praYer. Mrs: Rohert i•leatelierefliresided- at- -the..-orgem,„.„, • Mul.. W.,fl1 Telbet ,,,retilnle4403.11e tedaY after • 'spending the past , week with 110 •aaeghter,- Aire, 4. •Camerote Seaforth.' •••, • Sgt, Arther liopSon and Airs, soe. end two children ruOveckto the viUage last-Frieay ifom Orill'ia. They are living in Mrs. Weode," •house on BWr 1e se,, , ., • • potoore Birmingeam, Micb., is . the guest' of her ,14rents, FOR 41,1 si • 4 ,• •• , A:0 -1106.9441'1,' . AK!" •io• rsl lj IlOLIVIESVILLE _znotatvwfrxtra, 2ift. ,reec - and :baby daugliteri Parbare 1.111zAbetli, have returned beme ;front Clinton hospital, •• • Charlie Cedmete, from Prinee Bdward-island,'NliSited: trIP3(1* in Iloireeeville recently.' • , th.,,Aei.ieweeelTrilrde.c1.,cvlitteurd„t oefr• Ce.1,01unrinn--6, miieinsfit Mary_ •• • Miee tleta. Potter of Olinton cox).* Rev; anti, unt. colso:eu. „ finee' to her home here with; ulnrepa,, 14„strs;:elic 'coil, ?Le. liwoein§.4st TowOreOnusiOmftoriviVipt Nfr. MacDonald ,of Teeewatee Mrs. N; W. Woods, • • Clarmice Ioareort of London spent ° the weekzend" with :his mother, Mrs. 11, Larson. ' , *, 7° ••• *, The Bayfilekt.and, Conni,innity Active bielt. e.t Fruitland,. on Setur,day eveniog. t8heorsveicewhBooxmCaQemb14piotiebreistilhet!pataltkainuse, Death r.cor Mrs., cteerge molt. on of the candy and cake for the 'Paster Teesdlry, Februaky 2end there passed, is visiting thie week fa thebolno.,40, 18IrKeed Mrs. 'Ebner Potter. • Airs McPhail has recelvee word a the cleath of her ,brother, Mr. II. Holdseveith.; Valifornie.., • • -Aiise, 'Acheson reeeiVOa 7wortt the,, death 'ot her'nephew, Cal.° !away finaturth hospital, a of this eernmenity for, Mrs. _Oeorge Mair, bar Yeer, tizimetly *Loy Osbalcleatoo, *petit bar girlleood rears on the farm where Mr. H. Oahaldestos ,After her marriage •she lived on the farm. now. 01%0 by Muir, until four .Y4*rs ago, Trawl alw .moved Clintoe. ,She ;is survived by one ileughter. Mrs, I. t;ilkert from ,,,,viume ,holue the iloneral vas touilucted Feiday afterimon by Rev, • A. P. Silver ,o the Clinton Bant4st church. LIJCENOWS NARROW MARGIN 1.ateltn'ow Jost oesed out their oppon- ,ente in- the.;Iineknoiv-ilanover. play In*. juvenile •Teekey. They were fated oo their own ice at Iatekno* last night-6-4.01mi; virtne of a three:. goal lead ,in tile Hanover 'game• eo '.,'Slandev night they woe, ..thp„.,ronnd• „ boxes" bi donating eugarl° -th -- • 4u12ierRed....-c4ss and :teachers of the Iieyfield Puliffie School for their don- ation of 'auger and half -pound ,•tin. . containers, . also , th.e • artistic' Paster greeting cards thetme.cle.for the boxes.. Junior Red Cross. -The pupila of :13u/10A Pubilc School -held- an__ open meeting ef the 'Senior Red Cross So- elety 'on -Friday, February 18th, when.; the 'parents and friends were invited, After a brief introdnction by the prin.- sintL Mr. -Sobn -Bates, thanking the -gneset- for -theft- intereet .-io--the work- of:the girls and boys, Sequeline Parker, president ottrie Society, presided., The .peereter.v,...- Glenn 'Brandon3 report, followed by the „treasurer's re - ort given by Audrey' Sturgeon,- •Den.. aid McLeod. then.:gave report of the besineee, committee, ne4 five dollars • each- were donated to. the -Red • Cross Society and the -Bayfield and COMmun- ity ACtive Service rend. At the clese • of ttee business meeting anenjoyable nrogram wee given by the. peons -svhien leeleded, recitations, •plays and *songs, for which they were, accompented by Mop ca Grahani • and Mr; Bates.; After, the efogram lunch was 'serVed.'•. • . • , • of the Ausiriess. It was decided to have a quilting at the Mareli meeting. It Was _decided fo „send boxes to„ the Six boys frota this cOnirhunity -who, are_overseas_and:_aleo tO two bays on the west -Coast.. The -Lange' AM den - ated- $10. Oh the Ree Cross at Auburn for the boys', over -sees eons. :, 'The, meeting plosee, with 'Prayer by: the,' • . Death of Miss Elizabeth 'Ellen 'vers. -On • Thursday morning, February 24th, there passed away Miss Elizpheth ••- Ellen 'vers.. at Clinton, in her. seventy- .SeCond year. „Miss IverS had sufrei paralytic' 'stroke the week previous: - -She:wee leirn..in..Weet_,Wewenosh, her • parents- being Anthony* and Margaret „..1 Ivers. The only remaining meMber of a family of, twelve, children Isa. brother, _Mr. Wilson leer*, of Milo, Alberta., • The funeral tolik place on Friday afternoon Wit11_a service, in Anglicanchurch, ' of whiCh: the. deceased .was ' a member. Rev. S. W. Dopahlson, the -rector,' was in, charge of, the service. The. remains .were laid tb rest in Dungaimon-emetery with four:nephews is pallbearers, Will Chas..Fowler; Gordon. Oallgram aierLorne-legrs. • „ • 64. . •• 4 • . 0* es: InfIatjon Mean to • ••••14, A • t4r,. Why, we: couldn't buy, enough food • A 6 •••••,.....,•••..... N,••••••••••••, ;never catch up to pricesw , nen the . start ; ....._,_,......,,„.,...= ......... . . , , to stied • • • , "` ...•• • . Bow would we like' to- pay $1.10 a dozen' for eggs? • You sax it can't • • -happen? Don't forget Ws: already . -happened tight here _in this Do)nip- ion,, during the last.wart And it Will.happen aptoz . . ,, „unless, Nye re on oer toes t� keep ' the cost (Ali:ging flo;Arn. Every Canadian must. face.this challenge! It's our responsibility. 4.0 tar/ vt, , But be of good heart. Lig. costs have risen LIS in Canada than •Fly:where else. Canada ,leetis the world i» the`fight against inflation, • • HERE'3 HOW 'IT'S DONE- In 1941, iCanadadetern1hted to contra the cot of li4ng Price ceilings, Were esieblished oh wages* rentals. and commodities; subsidies Were paid on essential foods; goods in short supply were rationed so t at everyone • conid get their fair shareat a price they could aftri)rd to pay! 'Dui control of. prices Is a two-wxy •spoivibility.. It needs.pur support if it is to cdnitride working egectively. 4." %crass „ . • • R,•••• , o make this IPledge Today.] I PROMISE to give iny support to, keeping' thre''cost of livikke • 'down. 1 Will:buy ;wily what 1 'need -1 will observe the cell. Ing whether buying or.selling ..• goods or setviees:. 1'11 pay off • old debts', save for the future, invest iii Victory Bonds and „ War Savings Certificates -and •will support taxes which help lower the cost of living. Polished TI•111 i311,11WIENG ITJST1tS (6111".411.X,O)* to tiveld the datnteri wh;chwation esti ole;a• to ell the, eeogito(Ciiiirtia, , 'Canadian Scouts in Britain on active serVice havetornied a Canadign Scout Olub hi London* Which Meets •at perial eeadquarters: • • • • MotiOh,Victittes. "41.4 OUT TO 'WIN'''. Wartime Activity in Field- and 'Faetdiy, SEAVICE-ogli+Alix 3,11-teTrixEs., Showing valuablehintS ,for the 'care of your equipment At. Oddfelliiws''Itall;-Gbdetth Saturday,litarch 2.16 pm.. and: sProxm, FDATTIBE , • "THE • BATTLE, FOP, ,A. thrilling Picture of how the' people of'Britain metand mastered, the German plan for the conquest of the British. Isies- Just released, this •neTir aim js-one- that , everybody, 'should See 7-71 ' • ATh other comedy and ecluca,tional featureS . r -HARM .„-Childrenare eecia -0:wing 2.15. FenderL. Masse3i-iiiirkaocal.:Dealers:: ' $19 invitedcto.attend-at-the'altOrnzon. • ... _ r , - wWESTPIELD, Feb. 20. -L --Master John. -Wileome-ofeeBrussels,---- s'pent.-,thei. week: end with hls'friend, LA.C.-Ttay-yincent, who -J4 -home 'on furlough. 2.. * , Miss Doreen Vincentof 131yth -spent' , the week -end underthe parental roof. ' . Mr. *and Mrs. Douglqs Campbell ancl •.1ohn ;Visited on Sunday with. Mn' and .41x31,44T-iNcIldp,,,,,Qt-ftler,ist„-:;.4,, e.,,,tif.-_ Mr.. and Mrs.. L: -Sallie of Torbilto •.were reeit-egcl gnests, et. tee, hone of ,Mr. and .Airs. °Thoi. Saielin. , • , . Mesirs.r. •S. L. IVIeDowell, Alva Me- • Dowell* erid Norman • MeDoivell were. ,In.,,Toreetb .overT.the. weelterie,,,havieg, ShipPeil -a- lead et 'eattle„.. ' • - P.reSentation.....-•Therewas e gather- iiig at the hitii du Auhiirp ,otovveddes- day night in Iiiiher -of Pilot 'Otheer -Leelle Rodger, who was leating •on •Thureday for Halifite..7.11iffin's orch-' . testra of Wbitecburch. Was' in attend- . 'anee..' 'Tile address Was giveri'bY Mr: , Art„Ferguson,, while -LAC. 17tay Vincent -„eireeented-IlesileWitli-4 Purse-Of.nrey.• Leslie very' ably tbanited those present for, their kindness. ' •.• . ' - Young People's'. Meeting. -The 'goring ., • • people held; their reeeting or Wednes- dux :everriew-Yeetth \,PhylitS,,tCook in ,Tcliarge. The •Sseeilletire.leason was read by -Eddie-Taylor- and,.. prayer was led ebyr PLO, Auebairan.. A Bible quiz ...Wes' -e.exeleeted- by RM..% 1-I. ,/,"411el1: • With PliylliS C,00k and Margaret Wightnuipi .71 -is • caPtaies of the t8Vo -teethe. •The Iffeeting closed with .- the -Atiznatokine- Aietion. ---- . . % -.-varnr.Fottait.---The. -members--..pf the' farm forum. filet on Niondey evening • . at • the' home' of "Ali.. 'and • Mrs. Strek • Diichenan. Willi tove'r fifty present, . After, the -btptitIcast, -over CBI. 'on 11,Oited., Niitionse• rood • Conferenee," groups were .formed •and the pubject, • .was. disiiiisseir at some .lerigtlf. •.Vred .I. "CloOk gave a ilveeninute folk ori. ‘trertilizer."' Tlie social- netivities , were conducted 'bY Sirs. 'Howard Cainp- bell tind-Airs;'Dorigift.e.Oarepliell,••Liincit , - wne eereee, .',The fortnn iiext -week will be held.,at the hope of Mr. and 'Airs. I .4..L.;.,, 'McDowell, . : .1 . ; , ' Women's Day Of Pra370K-?I'lle .1Yerld Day' ot ,Pruyer aud W.m.f.4; ,Keierice °Was ----held ell Friday, with. ten.present., Aire, AlVa 'AfeDo‘i".ell presided .at the plano'd .11frs..,,It.„Ylneent was in eliarge of. the •- program.' tied was one. of the leaders. Airs. iStaivin MePowell \Vila' the keeeed 4 !leader. The. Prepared prOgrein \VAS-, followed, Preyere Were offered by, Arre..,l • IV; V. CeruPbell hod Mrs, Solin Beelien- en; The devotional 'oddress on "Prayer", • was giVeti ,by .Mrs. floWard ,Compliell. ' The offerieg, $1..75.. is tobe Peet to tbe treqsurer •of Alio W.Nr.f4, of "ranada..', • 'rids .part of the meetieg eleped with prayer' W 1%trs. It. .'.t7ipceut, anti the • sin:glee' of .the National Anillein. The, president. Aire, ''.1.1eV1tt1e, Was ill charge.' wEsTNELD • • • -•••••••- -- orce o sell out on account of m socK S $j":$ o 0 ,men's -Rubber Jackets and Fants, cases, eri's Furnishing ,and all will be sold at GjEAT RED 11,;Yarry. • 4+. ri = ea t 'ell your friencTS, 4gout this Selling Qut i$410:1,, so .t e .have an opportunity to get a $hare of 'the Barsains, ti;cier our Tip Top quit for Easter before Marclus.th r • hqtie 384 gr. •44.4, Top Tailors •, Nrth'Side Square , r•sr4 44,4•••,,, ••66,•-: