HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-03-02, Page 3A)DERICHt_ONT u. URSDAY, AixitcH 21214 1944
A ZET,TEit FROM 7,,,Xeir:, -1 Goderfolit ,Peop e:
e Reading
toirgie-,;(:/ourt" Oeuse,IGoclerich.,
Weleplio-Ve- 58: • •„*- •
• _ , .
Barrister and Solicitor
f3t4 GoderiCh. .knactue,.7.40,
AtIONT1411T11 and
• • Otkartered'Accountanta
51 Albert Street, . Stratford. •
• 'Toronto Oftlee; .34.4Bay Street-
- JRANCIa_119,-.7-Farna 'And iso -
lilted -town' ,property insured.
Oiticers=*ex, Maswingi BlythrOnt.,
President, R. Archibald,
Presidelit, $7eaforth, -AL' A. .Reid,
:.AftartiaLger At.ncdSeetarY-TICaSUIeI, -•,
1Pirectori,L,Alex• *1:0Wwg.
NV.- Axchibald, §eatorth; :Ater: Bread -
toot, *Pafort,h; Leonhar4. irw:6 OENTRALI,A; FLI
Aornholin ; J. Tre:wartha,. Clinton ;.
Thomas .1.yloyfan,. SeatOrth; Frank 14c-. Two airmen, Bruce- M. Gordon, a tive support. Ile is a member . of
tegor,.. Ciinto4; thigh Alexander, -et
.L-4.agersville,. and Ponahl J. Byrne., of Canton Lodge, 4‘..X. ancl 4.4., and tin,
WaItou; George Leitch, ntoa, • Toronto, were ° inSt,antly4,- on official Member of St. Taul"S' Anglican
Agents_join.1 E. ke,pper,.;Bruceileld; Ttruisdo.7
y last ;When .!Alieir 'Anson church.. ' • 1
R. AloxerWier.,•Dublin,; J. F. Prueter.. bombers,collidediii Mid-air and eraShed 1)1r. Shearer received his U.S.A.
Brodhagen; George A. Watt, Blyth. on the farm of nurtzet, Just south' degree at. Ontario Agricultural .College
034.44, QQ1,11141ITION 7 ames:,,,:
P.U.CoMpaiSS100 Relines 'to .104016Sts'.. • • 1 . . flUrOn.
. ' ' ' . ' ' 1 1,464*i
. from To.u.,conilda ,
The regulat.• Meeting of the Public papilla' 'Azdailltaaa ,,'Raprefien.,
Utilities Commission ou Thursday nig t.. fair) 00 -Ino.. into , iliii:tm
laSt NVI,V0 llgIated 'by a coutpreliensive.' . • , , P -,tar. ,. Ai,p
"tuldress by the chairman, Dr. W. Xild4, for Nii . GA*
Pal19W1.,'011, -t40'.!Prgne9,41,11.1g0 a 'OM i:' ' ' ,_.* ____"'-"'
reeellt itA111141` (IOUVOltiOW Of ' the- -4)Ik• i' ‘4., OLINTativ ._.70....‘49 ....,,,,. 4010.- 0„
'AeSO'clation,' Shearer, agricultural" re fr,c8entatiVe for
tario' Munieipal Faeetrie . .., ...
held at Toronto.. .`. , . ' • ' i • ,; , 1. ' • -
At ,the'eouplusibii of the intereSting-i,„Litli°2 '',,..Quilt.6,Y.) is glying %Oils Work
41141*.ilttuninitting* 'address, , a vote' of •,'L" l'" "°11'170tent, in 'Which he has
thanks was tendered to D.r. Galiow by !beeii:Ongaged.for the, last fifteen, years*
„ :
his .fellow-coniniissioners.• , • .... ..a,n'd is going ieo farming on his ,own.
In reply, to; a rekrtiest,from the''Town, ' lie has tenderVetiiii resia,natioir '161
000)101 that the . Commissidn prekOit I ,,,,,,,. i.„ 1... Tr. .,,...,- '' - 4,- .A. i_.
a resolution to the 11.E:PX. asking that 144'19;: A . ' L.
-eune'tkY'''''Allu'it5ter °A' 'grt-
, , .
a considerable . rebate be .'alloWed to _culture for 9ntario, to, tale effect on
• ' • '''
Hydro cousinnera .11) this munieipitlity. Mardi 8.)..
the superintendent vas inatrUcted, to i' -.Sin-,•ce owing. to 'tile fraten• `office Six.
advise ,the (Milner that such aetiou.'"yeiVs -ago Xi!. Shearer has been un -
had been taken, ' , ` .• 1.tiring in his%efferts in prOmOting' the
" The kaperfiAteaucnt -v`vas jiatteted i interests of agriculture 'hi all of Its,
also to auPPrY the Town Clerk with branches "throughout ,the cot -fifty: 4 -le
stiect lighting. and. water for . fire $willei catti%':--
Organized Junior tanners' ' cfubs, in
hors, ' and, poultry man%
inforMation requested, with, regard to
hydrants supplied to the municipali,py. , agement. He has been -greatly inter-
' In response to a petition, paSsed. on ested in ,fruit eultUrp, and has en-
froni the Town COungil, for a ..Streei ri:9110ge4 annul fruit eX14)iti0ns, He
light ut ,the 'corner 1 Son'Ehand Blake
. lent his fine organizing ability- to the
establishment of Federations of Agri -
'Culture. In ',the, townships and as a
'Co -nay . -organization,- Auld ;-.:e5tabI11) ed
farm cost. aecountiug systems .ineach.
township. AS secretary' of the 'Clinton
Spring Stock Show- he Is entitiOd to
much Of the eredit ,for itS, continued
Success. - ' - .
• DoeTttly his interests have . been
...... Centred in the 1.41QTA. Club, and he is•
now the clith president. All commit*-
. ity welfare projects have had his tic-
streets, the' .superintendent was
sfrueted-, to -"notify the .-Coun.cil..,that;au
9r0ers from the. Power Controller no
new street lights May' be installed In
The power bill -from- -the -H.O.P,C.
:Or Janitary.,wais-$4..780:04-, .•
The following ,itre ' ex ctlifts , front,' a i
•letter received a XONV . days ' ago , by .
Ur*-•A-Xt INL. Ford Of.- town anti written I (... ' . '
PY Lieut. ,A. inwO0,-(1.--. of 1.1:(fron ter, 210W airetl:latiOn Of kn,b1/0 `LibrUfgy
. _ „ , ,„,„,
serving„ in Ithly",.* Again . We are 're- ' ./6.00.11110 11010'W.S Slibatailtal
minded of.Wliat the 1)0s: "over there" • Ill.ereaSe .
are going through ftir 118. "over.'here,!' ‘, '--:----1---• ,. --:-•
Lieut. -inWwal Aitas a -fr'equent;r440,Ai , -...That the p(Tple ;of. 4iollerIch ate
. .
(„iod,pki.eb/i‘ and' .,.liati, ,-.iiially , frielids •eatlingntore' is evidenced ni t a n-
3fy 15e4r narry,..-3111ily weocs, 116.-.ci,, Aitken, librarian, ,. to the- .(1.0clerich
passed' since I' lust'"hearti, from, „ Yon. Public .Library` Bottia ne ftfi ai1linal
h a
here,' • lanai report presented by Miss Aose
ta40' 1 PO7 ,of.Creditone .ffhe pilots_ were froin No. in. 1.929, 'and eanie to Clinfeit In, 1938
_ Inien.ts and get the_kr. cards rece__inted 9- Serviee plying,vram' ing 'School at from the IKemptlille Office, having pre-
and* nutch haS transpired in .111Y • " -
% 111111
tyibuiue, is:)4.0dweel7clettit.14;t..dal‘iyari4e stilollik',41e‘htse icootftsmytxettLr.i4i.04rfy`fIss:0e3j.,lit•ljanwbeoreolii,
Oat' 1
haw thingS. from." getting • MISS •Mtken reported,' ft eh
UulI t°1L- 4:r14Ntti;e1r1:849.1:1 tit °Qt 3.1)*1 ion ) V -81)Y11 Oe'llehtitStOi6"1.'.01jt%°r,187.$9463VCI.‘`VtItS‘11(12t.10'6T .(U!In1111(1 Pr.011117.;
(3441)1 these -1.411104 Th'Utintai4S-* 13/11.fiq available -4f Cole-,
jayno„, oteu.t ocott, out. it.wouir ,ttlheehaatid are held,here for three inbutbs,1111(1 „
110'W 111 the world are you and Mary
be. Wbuderful' to be able to .fOly to the „col?uLtilt$fyedbe°1nong°111g°tIlteor t341)rst.e.lse:elt
ruyself,, "Well, think Lwill drive to tion„ !nese 110,01,v,1 ace ..vg11,
Goderich and See,..1-IttiTy' this „i;veelf." .ond often t.he shelves trre einlitY!,11arr,ti;
AlaYWithese td -7107S 6-0C-irc 'far' ,tiwaS" tieularty at t bp v. eek-endS,-SO gfeZa is
1114 WO think. Just heard that We have
landed 'a strong force. near Rome, 'so
maybe drop' you a line.frOm there
befere. , . • 1.,y role 'boys, and gals. There w.;,s. a
Coining '.frolit 'England to Italy We lyilvtatiouir tp.,200 airing the A`tit.
.41.S.110,1,ELO, reb. 29. -,The .February
P/tIoiillg' Of the Ashlield• • Presbyterian
w4is lield„at the, home of Allis.
S'tanley• Drennan, with. :Mry.. D.'
Aluelaefut presiding.' The World 1.,.?aX
•ot .1.)raAr' 10.'og'ram Wat$ followed
tiirougliout. Wiii".cMcDonald. sank
/Tilt() '•artitind de. .1.
t-• inY • longing .eyes." -
2 tivelllinate (Aleut praj'er, was of-
fered for these in trouble -01,fr‘midst.
Mrs. - Simpson. gave J.MP6i -the
World Pay of lirit4.,eri whielt was first
observed, seventeen years Ago, on the
Triday in Lent. PreVioln,04),. that
ubte Day of Prayei*:. was observed
in Canada Apse unite4 States, but
sinee 1927- women of the whole world
liave joineq. 'tOgether- in prayer,
these days of -grief and. trouble," said
the speaker,'„ ?we sholild'spend inure
tiriie in prayer, In much prayer Is
,ffelt' power. In "'this we share thg,
work of 'the gingdom :of God. '`,* It Is
wonderful' t� • ',consider the number of
tlie demand tor them. , tongues s into which this program is,
A.,, -substantial increase':, was? Loted ' trahkgated; all spealin
al's° itt the. 'limber of books taken ottt 2,10„ws,,, rear need, is 11
ledge Trow to open: .heart
God in Prayer,' Small wonder if men
and women are .ill at ease they. have
tost-itr,-,their-:gieat-ueed-Abovower..; to
pray. The condition of* world
had a bads stroke of. 1 'lave" p lett at rovided .11.0 . Most. poi•Illak
ho.iv-gritill.uttetrztrie- lraTa:
school of' marine War risk insuranee. close ,,ecoladkl, .
Believe tile, ships eilitC, anti after the Tly: iloard spent $955 on. iieW books, today kumm,ons us to prayer with 11
war when 1_400, selling marine ,insfir; iiel,nding 11 liandsOnte _ set of the great compelling volke. --success in
ance Aniitte nth ..editiou, of,the-lancYlointedia prayer is not 'determined by intellectual
about,. we aerial t01( d0 I3ritann11a; This OPIOUIrt PUrelinsed comprebensicinbut by 41. childlike Slip: -
in the,Iklediterp.thean. and had a Kather 1 333, addit:ional books. ' .plicity 'of trbst
pleasant swim. in the moonlight ; inadei ,The ii.h.tar has. a memberSliip Of .to take Cod -at His word." - •
up a threesome 'for the swim ands -Mai 2,11 (f, of -vitoni 479 ;Willed' in 194a. Mrs.. Dan McDonald was . presented
seine laughs ou the way. NatknAlly The 4#11Cerlir .f,4 the Board wete re- with a. life -membership certifiCate for
loa all my icit, but the losS L. felt elected, tts follows: Pres1dei5t,- 'R, service in the work. •
the Most MIS 200 'cigars that I had 1, i,ong ; seeretaiY, A. Retigvie ;,,treasurer, The • meeting closed with prayer:
:14ilved for 11-13,.. eanilatige• -1)e-,Csiclney. 'The other members -The attendanee <was thirty -nye.. The
finitely can't . get thein here; in fact, rare R. O. StupleA,,, D.,- M.` 4:Ohnston, hostess, assisted by friends served a
yesterday I was offering .tive-,d(illars Thelon , M. IL Martin' and 1Nla,or dair'ty
414 Ens snopw'lw,
o authority cloys that
ere serviee Will cause ALL 'Op*
tO , see '',1ut they ail
recognize that b;g, no other `mettnit
dim the deSired realdtkl ' be .ae-,
enrol. And ,they'.' assert that
the,Ideld plan' woult/be to have
every pair of . eyesThndergo an
exaraintitim ,X011 .would 'be
Wise to agree -With theta.
• -
41�i fie cigars in our ineAs, but there It.' 11, ikurtier. • ' • •• .
were just none to be had, I.•`srcre The -hook committee is composed of
em and stiQunity_liow such a. the whore Board,
, ,tilirteloryY0:_titliinag144 IttgieL.°,6401.7`raine;feett'; 'Centralia, fs,t,-nd were -the 011'4' oaeopantS- vimsly been hi , cbargCht agricultural -.4' .
one-time unimporta it thing 'suddenlq ..The tolloWing' to- the
.of ,theirmneg, _ - . ; 'takes on much-- !Aportaiteir.-•• This iiroptIrty ,emutatteo: ito,ugvie;
,Re.filrs 'General tore. BnYdeidi . The collision; seen WY . MrS. Herb. . •
sounds like. I am hinting,. but, since (111)) 111 ; Martin and
•-,o1lices EsSex and Teel: counties.
,Mrs;,Sheakerlas been active in cluifeli,
Red Cross, and:* Social cir.cles: They
have.tWo_chitaroiALli initrand Sttiart.
The:family mo • to a reeently
otiose& f county,
wheke- ' ,Slibnitrer
carry. ow mix7rTiriratialtriVliTch-e'llfek,
Other rePresentatives in the Clinton
flico since its. eStaillishment here have -
been StotherS, now in Wellington
countY ; George R. • Paterson, now, in
London, England, in the Canadian office
of Trade ,and Comnierce 7, -and Tan.
IVIacLeod, 'now in in the :Brant county
O00- The EaTere '11r. -Sbearer'S
su'eceSsor here has not yet been.
not'ineed. •
roftsrlpg -E'Snuf,-'1411;"
Late:: • holise 'brew Ye*
Ophthalmic and ..Aurai. klospitai, asSist-,
-"Ant at. Aiooreileld Eye • Golden 'Square,- Throat _Hospital,
London, 'Haglund.. * •
53 Waterloo Street S., _Stratford.
TelephOrie .267a • -
Next visitBedford Hotel, Goderich,'
iir''ednesday, ...March 22nd,., at 2 p.m.
11 4.30 pan.
*mow= Mitchell, of Credithe•
authorities. Jaccurredbetween Lula 5
- ..,Goderich„,_Phone 341 .
OffieP 1iiirs-10 to 12 a, 2 to
and 7. to 8, p.m„ Tne.sday, Friday -and
SaturdaY. • • -
10 to 12 a.m.' only', on • Wednesday,
_Monday and Thiffsday -at-- Mitchell.. -
_Mineral .fiune- bails -by -lioin
• 51 ',South ;St,
4 •
Registered under Drngless•Practitiorters
-,A.ct for the Province of "Ontario.
sbnie of the cigai.s I lost, were watts • -
bessaid the pilots Tati•parently 0 fruit! 1 .Witnier' has 'sol -:1
were blAnded by,1,nys-from-,,t1T,1,7911t "1.--18fe4:71---dba ye iitinigtoelTisifed..ecc,,ived
iistr-ZoPti chief -H. O. Mills for Christ!, 40011tere farm. on the „Balvion- ;line to
Eeuiusc.butter,.:prodUction during
'iNevember, Deeenther W4111111.1'Y
(19We, the inttfer- ativi. to .Canddian.
VORSIINeel:S-.NA'111, teinvorarily reduced,
according to tumouncement 1)y the War-,
titne' :111iil trade -Board. T-11"
reduction will 1.)e-intide, by postponing
the , dates on Which butter ration
caul -id -1'1s 54 and 55 beeonieValid: Coupon
.ma1. tilirit„ raised daY ttli,"Yir _Anthony Holtman of tile Goslien
crashing.: • • ,
-lie remembered:- Tr tin anxratizr td-VeriTtilf,-.4frOrTrirtird--triStraturlfoffi-
, -Motrers--ef--.7-the-,twO: airmen",--- back' Int.) the harness for hirn a go in, 111 1)1 possegSfOri tWbe given. this spring!,
Yessie,,..Gordon,! of Ilagersville: and ''Mrs„ IN my heart is still o, the', insiiranee i Mr, inktj Airs.- Witarler iniye .spent the ,
Maber,-G., Byrne, of Toronto, lia-s;e been, Co. of ,North .Ana 11(1. , ' • - !wintef• with their daughter in Godeilich.
otified. -• .
-51-14-1 wittre
• r'''t
Well; Harry, take care -of yOursof -." `•
and -good' luck to - you all, and say
_hello to all our., mritriaL friends 'for me.
„ Sineerely, Art.
,I:TAB*OLD JACKSON . .•,,Governo-r-U-eneral, the of
Speciallist tin Farm: and HottsehOld
Afilloho; IS the Oder Scout for Canada.
Salm. remised In and Perth
Counties. Prdiceo ' reasonable; .saitls-
tuition guarantteed. 'Por inormUon
etc., wAte or phone HAROLD JACKON,14 on 661Setatorth ; M R. 4,
Scafortili. 18t.f.
Dona1dB. Bine
Licensed., for Counties Of Iiurod
'• and Bruce ,
- Phone IRip1eSc-30r24 •
For information apply fo J.N.
Kernighan, Division court
tioderieh, Ont.
. P;S. CARMAINT;a1MB:,_7.44-19-%.
Member ,CintEiriO Music Teachers'
.Association...Pupils prepared....forjany.
inxisie exam. Residence: Mr: J. Craig's;
.„ .
fit -deorge's Cieseent.- -
Stratford:GroderIck, 'Coady
BUS TIME timuo
leaving Goilefiell at 8.10 4.ni.
12.25 p.m' and 5.05 p.m.
. .
iNiect connations to alt points
" For further information't phone.
British or, Bedford liotels or Head
"*.W1ST STREET • •
C Alet,
- :and
ii13421•11E* 24 GOBERICA
' Boat";')Estitte--and-irlusurtittee----
-Oiftee and Residence : •
11 Trafalgar Street
Phone, 663
P.olt SA14114---.Thouiff,of all kiids-•
bUilding 1°04; business jro
bertr-and several good iarins:•
ine,.35how you shine. real
bargaind. Buy inlyy.4.
iiss-Flora ilarnineader in 'Tann
Project -: ' • .
knx.m girls of *lInrOn eilid:adjoiniug
counties •tire,..inga.ging.,__ L -_worth,
to the war --"efforts
in the garden' brigade 1-1)10ject,
sored by the Women's Institute branch
of the Department 01: Agriculture under
the leadership. of Miss " Flora Durnip,
of Dungannon; horae:,edenfiruiles coach.'
Mis DUriiin :has already fifty J.wigades
ready for spring gardeiling. - • „
' The gir16, enrolled are farm girls
froin, twelve ttrtwentY-six .years of age.
They .are 'furnished paeltages %Of -..seeds
nt half-price 'and ,are „expected' to do 'a
real :gardening' job. The Coach • will
arrange', ed meet 'with-oach-cittlfh-aore
the Spring:planting, and hOs•a,ddressed
o let,ter_to_eaelt_ofAte_ghlis_'_enhelled
She -explains_111 her letter that' the
work comes .under •the Claskification of
'"educationaI," which.anakes it poisil)Ie
for- the seeds to be furnished- at the .•
ririCe stated: 4410 7 seedS'faildslied ar13.
varieties of Vegetable .seeds -.and
number of varietieS.Kkerde4`.4oede.;_,
• • •
Frank Little, Hullett Sownship,
is -proud of the fact that enws priAluced
ofi her farm have reached a hungry',
Sharpe,' Teronto„_"‘rehived a *leiter' f.rom-
her Soli, ,IAb„ Arnold Sharpe,' a kradtr,
ate, of Clinton: MC,..A.Ft AtVatU :51.61101)1,
on 4euve deivice 111 Areland, asking -her ,
to send ,hiin 'some '-cggs. Ilis Anotir I
lutcl just 'pur.chased several doyen groin.
lir& Little. Mrs. Sharpe 41urclufsed-
several boxes of cereal of 11..41ine,,textare
and'in.the cereal she packed the eggs,
then 'enclosed the boxessinspe a larger
of the
faint1y! of herexpekiment. rtungine
her„„tagamxto whOi., She received a letter
from her boy, telling lier Of their sttfe,
arrival, and only one, egg cracked, a
vee hit! Miss phrothy •iv-lao
iSleacilitiefin-Toronte,-.11,1klend Of Mrs.
.Sharpe and, a nieee'of, Mrs. Little., lost
TV) tiine, 'in ;writing her aunt of the
suecess,:of "Mrs,-..Sliaype's=extierinien
coupon MI will be tv'aid on March ;10'.
4,10 coupon Am good 'for one-half
poUnct'of butter.The W4rt1nie Prices
and Trade Beard ts makinweorrespond-
lug keductions ifl the butter quotas
of hotels, -restaurants; and other eating
"took .7 A 4190%:.i tracks 1"
. "Sure enough! You go and • See
Where he NVent'''ind 1,11 see. wherebe 2!
'Came Edinburgh 'tvenin*,
NeWs. "
Now: Pjaying4-,•:Claudetfe Colbert and tired MaiMurray in
° "No.iritiO for Love' s,;--
16frio:TtioS,, :and Veds,,,.•4 .; •
'aialetlie—ViantOO DtleMui. Rutherford aid 1110.0 t tiro
Prniide an evening Of are , Vitertainnient as they br Vitg 9 Uf
.the Waractert-Mtt
of eXinley Icantisei gre,a;
t Story"
' -9ehors., flit' and flq..
Abbott • all Castello svith.: Eugene Poliette and OraCe lypteDopald
If YOU need AU evening o rib rocking fun -See the Clown princes of fun,t,
horse their way through this Almon Ifanyon yarn
fli;41neei5 WetineSdaY; Saturday and holidays at 8.
Coming-Allee.iVe and Carmen Miranda iii "iiin 'Gang's All Here?'"
• Coupons now . valid . inettide. sugar
.couponi 14',to..`28;',ten-coffee..14 to,„;20
And.,,t.f o-t'21..Preseryelf-P1,*tO, 1/10 I
butter, 50 to .531; and meat , edupons
80 to 41; , .
.`Meat eoupong 42 become valla.lifarch
'One ineatcenPoti 18. good for ,one,
(Marker Pound e.i,tunedl14111111011.
, :one coupon -is good for twelve
fluid ,ounce s of jam 01 jelly ar Marin&
lade or maple Or honey. 'Atter ; or
twentY *fluid ounees of canned fruit ; 01)
twenty-fonr ounees of honeY; or forty
ounces of Maple syrup; or two ponnds
of comb lioney ; or fifteen Mild oiniceti
of 'cornor cane or tany' blended table
syrup; Or .forty fluid ounces of mob;
asses; or twelve fluid onnees of cran-
berry sauCe or . tine -half PoOnd of
sugar. Allowance of teat ounces of
maple, syrup per eotipoA. applies Until
144:tor3l'etli' a11120,000 former ney tleonts.
re flervinglia Canada's armed forces.
You, weren't btiefetl, When youtook
over the controls of this plane. -Dis-
patcher smiled, as he handed you your
orders., Contcottower let you take off in
.'gritri-lotrre over Toronto . dropping
' down on the .airport, welcomed into
Mate of light and colour .. no hostile
Ilak here • no searchlights night
.lighters !,'hOPtla doors 'open"
' "boinhs-itwayZ.
:For thisi my.snn, is ; Peace t4,2Peace in
'Canada Unlimited.
., •
, •
Canada can.botite-sre'ntesiair nation in
.tig) Vcrokidrlifitid rei4".51''PeaCeraee'
,fie....anaiaat Unlimited4--upchatted aerial
highways will. bodoMe as familiar as
iiinin e Street ' Sky COniMerCwilibe ono
- of theveat industries of a growing fa0.
;At the helm 'will be .the clear-eyed itien;
tWOusands and thousands Of them who,
took to the alt to- meet, thp challenge` of
tyranny and wli3O, fearlcss as ever, will
'otyritt ;to ,Conquer the vast distances of
Ilifintn,nntry..--yeSi and ofthe world.
,k is for*Otri, tot Ca:nada, for ourselves
tliat*etonsfbity and holtl-tniitoinattiore
more and more Victory Tionds:
° POO of 3h. *fur*of Voiotia Unlim1tor4