HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-03-02, Page 1-
Combirting The Goderich Signal ari
'”IgiIsfpn..saVtiNTLI 'Zxf,a,;#,
()Ilona: flier
Repotted iss,irig
mudi .conc'ern. in, ,Ailitii014 over
11.ipts of Pit MLL 001104,4,
I •
ASllriELD, reh. $()On,aftor
:',•:.heatinli•of :the d iuisheUhroner-t0.
their son, rlight4:sielit Donald Kenzie
*aeKay, n the- IlWard of the
. .
for outstanding .serVicewhi oi oper-
ational daities; 'Unweleome neUrs
-Wae received from OttavV-4,bY Mr, and.
Xre„ John MacKay of his being Missing
after air operations 'OVerSeas. klopes.
are high that, this- local altinen with
snch a btilliautllying carer maY Still be
safe. •
Donald MacKay was born inis.ititail
ili 1915. --He attended • Kintail
•• School and- Kingsbraidge Coii tinuatiofl-
. soap': -tunl- later s.4..otleticli: Cellegiate
•Institute; lie. took up' commercial 113',.'
sing in London, and later was instructor
at Camp Borden, Saskatoon; Trenton
andBrantford. Ile went .overseas in
September, 1942, won.. the diefine.-
tion of being ineltided 111 the •1ing4s.
..New 'Year's honor list of 1943. In hie":
. letters home he saidlittle about his
:.experiences, thus obeyineinetructionfi;
.° at his senior officers but his -achieve-
ments have been followed, with
interest hi this community.
Living through ' anxioue "days;, yet
- hopeful that Donald is. sale, are 'his
-parents and tWo....brotheris ,.john„ at
' home, and Gnr, ,Danean MacKay,;-(ef
Barriefield Camp. at Kingston..
"Eilled in Aetinn:-. 7
Mrs.. Alfred Laiiehate 'received ,the
sad iiiessage from • the aThireetes .Aos
Records; Ottawa, that, her husband,
Tte; Alfred J. Lapointe, had been killed-
,' in -aetioii. in :Italy on " january 29th.
AlfredowaS,:. born.: at Thessaion, ;out:,
• twenty-twoL years 'Aga, Three years
Mi. and Mrs.- T. tannen, 9th eon -
Cession of Ashfield, ',Where* he Proved
• himself industrious arid trustworthy:- has been partictilarry:„actiy,e 111oitteren
He was ''active in ',legal "sperta,..
organizations' with the' oli,lective of , hockey- and baseball. -pitt er, promoting. the welfare of the go
He enlisted at • •London in '1941 ity. ; This included membership in -the
• boart17.0iBnancialsteWitrag'orTriaty,,
• had further training at lie elia,t on -
OF colt:tuns g'llf4NA;CtER,
. •
dellingwoOd -.Citizense generally%
learned with regret on Thnrsday;that
Mr. W. A.,: lIay, manager of the
wood branch of: the:Canadian Bank ot,,
COMmerce fOr the past years,. had
been notified' that he had bee4
• ferred; to the taanageVShiP 9f'' the "bank
in Goderich, be-sueeeeded here
by M: 'n14nager'-
-at ten:. 'The .ehange• Will; take,
Pl.aZe in the next few weeks. •
Since , coining, to Coilingwood, Mr.'
and Mrs. Hay and family, jack, Peggy
and Catharine, have made many warm,
frionds Collingwood; While efilelent
and successful as a 'banker .',f,)1r. Hay.
.11.s.. •
A. 11A.,.
About a year ago.he'weri °VW
seas and Spent :Smile .time -iii Africftr
• ' and later in Italy, where lie made the
suprenae sacrifice. A. brother,Vilfred,
is overseas. In December,Af$2,.•Alfred
married Bernice. -Murphy, • daughter' of
Mr. and. Mrs. Pit Murphy, at Kings:,
bridge, and for her is .felt the 'deepest,
pathy in her sad, bereavement in
loss of -the young linAbantd. whose
elhas been so -early .smiffe'd „
Receives Ins Wings
Vnited chureli, -trustee:' of the and
M. Hospital, and, the Progress Club.
He was also, interested „in .the Board
of Trade ; amt. -the .:treat Narthern,
the Ited .Cross and other
moveniente.. •
Mrs. `Hay has also been active in the
Daughters ,of, the Empire, tile Library
Chub and other, women's organizations,
including these of Trinity chnre.b..q -
'Mr. Hay ',Is, a , native. of Beverly
township, , near St. Geome, and has
been. asso'clated with, bab.k.„ inglor many
Among those • who7:.ecelved _their years. on leaving.,tiolingwpoit .an.ol
Wings. .-at 'Centralia Air •t`ZthoOl on his *firaily go -te GOdericit with the
last -was Robert -A. "MacGregor,
Sei1-'-eft.„11„.and-Mrs. Colin MacGregor,
Kintall. Robert is' twenty-two. years
of. age.and reeelvedlais ently, education
in Kintail Public' Sehool.-..aild-conipleted
beSt. wishes for their fnlare su,cces's-;-
, •
Expect Navigationto Open Early
Winter ratl,rgOell Thilbaaed,
-Ate' ,CreWs Beg:11111in,
't0 ArivC
With, prospecte. of 'an 'early opening
,Uf '!4.hvigation, the' harbor 4 Scene"
Of busy actiVity. This we,ek, Several
vessels of- the inter fleet have. been
reargoim. of grain. -
Gangi. 'of pen the plantsuf
George 'Mathiesen. and the ,Doininion
Road •Machinery CoinPanY= 'have been
suPgea in" Overhauling *and Makiug-
nacessary repairs, and W. MacDonald,
electrielanii 'also. is busily- engaged,
The tug John R.T" Stover N breaking
tip the ice and assisting MOV41% th, e
boats. over to,, the '_,'Olevators. Of Ane
Gotle4ich Elevator ComPany and- the
Western, Canada Vfour
This week the Soodoe• unloaded and
the Windoc is now unload/lig at the
W.C.V,M., and the A. A, :rinds= lthe
discharged ,her cargo hat the poderich
elevator. - '
Vessels, still to. De unloaded. are the
Fort. Wildoc,, Willhun P. Schupp ;. and
°the Slincoe. Engineers are alreadY
arriving to beg la -outfitting their boats,
' and. believed-lavigation 1l open
•betWeen„ April lst and 15th. Captain
Ed. • R,Obinson, is in charge of oper-
ations here, The 'ice in the harbor is
from to fourteen- inches in
thickness, :and has to be broken
by the tug before the vessels can be
-moved. •• -
i1r and„MTS.: -Grant, TlaWkins: IT110:ar._
,711,1,-. high sehoOl. courr:6 in ,Lueknow.. Llttle„ Current, Manitoulin Island,' an-.
After spendiag :seine time the fal''Yti':1101.1koe.theengagement,of their ,daugh-
'he etilisted-in'the R.C-.4-11Vin'Deee1nbets ter, DbrOthy. Grenside; to .rlyiug 011ieer
.1942, and • took, bis basic training :at. John East. Ouninglia.nie.,„ son
'Lachine, ''Quebec,.' and late. 'a. ,cepr.se 'orMi% and Mrs. Gorden White Cuiling-
„ .
in McG.ill University,. Montreal. ,harde, of Clinton, Ontario. The mar-
'-----4ad,:faiths-e-r:tr-Oliftr..,,atOtin/Wa that -at lage---witt.t.ta1ce.:-.01ace.
in, oi•ton
*. (Centralia, .Where he gradnatell as Dila arch 2ot11;71it 77.30 ‘'es'elies'e,Z"-ili.-:*:
-with creditable -Standing:, „Aniong, those :Thomas' church. ' •
Who attended I -the, • ceremoni- .of .2the -1,,Mr....•and. Mrs. Gordon COngrain
Ung4innon:',WISh to antourico' the
-,-Annas,froni-Totento, `gagement of their younger .dartgiter,
lOrezman„, of Gloria Mary', tO.Nelion 011bert.PeaTson,.
- Death of Alex. 13.- IVIniDon4111 --youngest Efoia of Mr. Nelsen Pearson
---,‘"Word has 'beenredel, ocrliere -of ithe and the =late Mrs. Pearson of Port
Albert:1 _wedding .t1-ir.:4-pluejtli-e-
middle of :March. • ;
Mr. . and Mrs.. Donald Alaep, Ilersen,
.171. •Billantyrie, ave,, - Stratford, - an-
nounce tke, engagement of their second
,daughter,, ANinalda:2Clemen, to LAOE
!Douglas yerd.ti.ii Ridgway, Port Albert,
son :.:of . Mr. and „Mrs. "W.,--DoWn,
'Exeter," Devon, England, the , Marriage.
'to lake place the- Middle` of this InOntb.-
Vancouver': Mr. MacDonald was '.born
, • . •
seventy -years ago en, the 12th conces-
sion of Ashfield, San •Chtiatina land
theilath Jelin 'MacDonald: After tenets: -
:1 -ng school he studied litivaraisPritetised
ifOrsvzimq„years Brussels efore g�ing
to. British Coliniabiat ',Ile is survived
.'by his:owife, formerly Miss tilablie‘of
'Brussels, her, aged Mother',Ira. 'Toronto,
who celebrated her. ifundredthAbirthday
• lest October, four sisters,. Ms.
•IlaCCharles, Vancouver,
Dunctin77 Miss , Catharine, / 11.W.,,,„ and
.11/Ise Madge,• of -Toronto,- and vie %sof
Iracterin. --Street-,,:,1,tinited.-chnich "was
,the „scene of pretty wedding ,at-' 117
,olelock on Saturday Morning, , when
*- ither, 'Murdoch) • of Alberta; *wither the , -raa.rtiage , Atomenna. Real.
',brother, . A„,,,:forantir_L(PllieX datighter of l'ar....'„Vollk-.MrS. W. „
.3.11sti'ee Brit18.11 Columbia, 001411- je'rar lake,Saltford --to Roy Reginald' ire -wick,
two years .ago. • • saCond. son of Mr. Mid Mrs:'„, William
. . Fowler, Newgate street, Godetich, was
-!.$T„i0EORGE'S GOLD, , ‘saeitaizod:by Rev.. 4.. meKaye.
...The •Chtireh Voithen's *guild of- St Thekehursh was decoratedattractively
° church met. at Miss --M..-1144 With fungi:141d -daffodils; :and the.-med-,'
Salkeld's home on Wednesday- with. tang Aus.ie was -payed. by mrs., Lesut
• akg,e ado:twice' 'Al"' 13 YEA "Iv" In Hanna. During -the Signing tof the
,thechitir 'arid the meeting as opened
„with hYmir;and prayers,,,` Mrs. W11-
._ met read",the *ripture lesson, •Cau-
-ineaers for the, , Church-, Messenger
- brOtis,ht in ',some subscription mtineY;
fuller --report •• -Will be given next
month, when the citnyass.,18 completeiL
1-eadere of ,the fear group all reperted
,y Were.: *organised •Iftia(Lworking..
•.•varietis Ways; *The roll' cali.,..ishowecs,
twenty-four inembei* and one, , visitor
,presents, • •
tbos.',01rozier tool( over •'the
i3Obial,ptirt, of ,the afternoon' and con-,
dneted. a ',quiz „Centest, Which 'proved
very artinsft :and edusational as well.
She also read"some interesting articles,
on .uSerViCe" And ..:,."Priendithip," and.
:good indrice On various onlbjeets. The
.r4eter, 11e'. W. U. Dunbar „Closed 'the
meeting with the' benedietlion„ and the
hostess, assisted by lier niece and Mrs.,
linden • served, luneh. the *liSett
ting, •Apill, Will be held- at
Chas. Videan's home; '
Rt.• Ileti;" Monsignor john •Prirsieis
register, Mrs. Allan Wilson, of S,altford,
,ciiiistivot the grOoM".. sang ° "Bocimge.".
__The bride,' given lir marriage by her'
father, Wore- ,a Tight blue silir jersey
gown what brown accessories, and .car-
ried a .,:lienquet of ro rbses and. Snap'.
dragOika. ". gisS Girvin, of Dun-
gannon,' as bre:leen:laid, was gowned 111
XeSe_ORPeWith, ,1)10,r,,AceePsqle_00.,:40r,
flowers were bronze rstseS. and snap,
dragosse. ;The'groom !was attended by
' After"the textiSiony,-a reception was
-held .at tile hoine,.of bride% parents
at Saltford,'-where Mrs.. Westlake res
eeired the _ guests' wearing „green crepe
witistbrowilliat and•hrown aceessories.
,$11:6 -*As d$Oistea ,bY Mrs. Fowler, the
.grOones mother, gowned in Jene crepe
wlth hiask hat Both wore corsages
of roses :and' violets. .The bride's two.
geandinothers,* Mrs, F. E. Wade and
Mrs. William Miteliell,d,botiess'
eter„., were preseiff ; the -bridels,
brotikilabk Westlake, of the R.C,A.11.,
state:Med . iiLAArnprior. Thirty.,:twe
gtiests attended the wedding, coming
from Stratford, Xinea.rdtert, 1Yroxeter
anley, Who died at London .on Fri- and other points.
y *last after a lengthy 'illnese, , After a honey,moon, spent in Toronto,
-charge of $t. Peter's parlsh,'Ootlertell, Mr. and Mrs. V,owler will reside oit
for a. filioit time' after. the *reirto,Val Anglesea Street, tovvis. . Dor. going
of the late Rev, Vather Virest to St, away, the bride wore 11. tweed coat and
silver fox fur, the gut of the groom.
• Prior tit iter marriage the bride was
,entertaixied*at the, Victoria street par-
sonage, ,when, :the Choir and You4
People's Society., preaeated her with
an end table and ornament; and again
Mrs. A. S. MeltilYe gave her home to
the Pollyanna elasslor misteellaneous
shower..*. '
, miseellaneous shoWer wits given
also in hattor,of the .bride -to -lie by Weis
Thomas.. Ile Was a„ yew,* pan. then,
and be ..rose to a high: position hi the
Roman' Catholic Dioeese of London.
-11e was 'appointed Dean Of. London in
1024 and held the °Mee until hig death.
Mra! tinier SheardoWn. fell on
piece Of ,lee on :the shiewelk, at *her
1101110, and•slistailled n double fracture
of her right wrists., „She Is etitvalescing
at her ,
„ annt, Mrs. George Bean, ot Saltford.
ailli§44.4114401011'0, COURT ,
liarne4$ Brooks Committed Xor
TriaHni. Then CitargeS
--After • preluninary- hearing- this
itT-OursUaY).' afternoon kliiner
,find Carl Brooks,
London, were coMmitted by.-Magtsfrate
J. A. Makins for trial...by judge and
Jury the next'!court. on a SeCond
eharge et 'ent'ering..and theft;
and of being in pasSession (itolen.
Pods. They have ' been: in, "etistodY
since February Oth,., when they were
arrested in eolinection With' , robbely
Lt the ., \Vinchelsen ereamery: Last.
'week' they were „ceratoittect-ofer, trial;
at the next court On another charge of
_brealcing, : Qntering 4ind theft,. at the
creamery .011 Jannark 220.-
• It IS all,eged 'the aceused entered
the creamery and stole money and
cheques to theivalue of Aapp,.o7 and a
quantity of butter. T.here are other
charges- against the' Pair.
7 • • ,Jail Sentence
After pleading guilty. to 'two charges'
of being in liessesSioli.). of „goods stolen.
from Earl. Raithby, 4.uhnrp, , and
Clarenee Daer, East Wawariosh, :Nor-
man Wilson wus senteneed to three
months in- jail, mid had his.- motor
license suspended.
The Monthly meeting of the Women's
Hospital Auxiliary was held on iVionday
afternOon, with. an excellent attend-
ance. ._„ ,
Tire Ineeting---ut.ianimeuely- agreed.
that :an -Incubator .was_ very necegsarY_
in :the Dhospital and it was decided, to
telifiee-Teng at once. „ •
. Mfs.: Acheson- reported for the sewing
teoramittee-- and all were amazed to
hear the 'number Iieveartioles whiCh”,
had-, been ;Made, and the amount.: ofmg,
• Representatives to the Canadian'
Legioii bingo were named for the month'
of March ae follows: Miss E. Saults,
Mrs. D. B,,,INTairri;1VIrs; H. AI:Monteith,
Mrs. McLaughlin:* -
It ,was .,,decided to, ask the Town
Coil:ilea to allot Saturday, JAI:1Y Stil,
for hospital 'tag • day, ;and,Priday, 1\lay
12th, will:De set asida,„for the annual
hospital birthdaY party. ,
The retati,---nlerchants will meet in
the' auditorium o1: the Town hall, on
Tuesday evening, March 7th, at 8 p.m,
to hear an -address •,Walter F.
Mantle, of° the , manageMent ' service-
=divisign of the.. Wartime Prices and
Trade...1304rd,, on "The..32yhys of Wartime,
Regulations." Information ,-• will be.
given- on national and international'
conditimis- affecting itepte,
sentatives will be present* from the,
Stratford ;office of the 1V.F.T.15. and
there will :be a question merit*
. • 1'ARAVVEtri".P.AXT3‘ " 7
The .8611 .9'4i1ephone office. was .the
:Setting. for 'a' lovely dinner party on
Friday last, When Mrs. V. EU.iot .enter-;
tabled -the .staff:. IVES. -.11111 -Cit has been
chief ‘operator ' here for ,over three
years and .will he greatly irdseed,.by-
this weekend ler-a well:ea:riled vaca-
tion ;liefsfire • Seining :the *toff at St.
s . •
After' thirty-three, years in business
in GOd.erieli Mt, M. 'Robins "finds
self Opmpelied,-bY-enntlitued .1.11-healta
to • retire definitely from business, .and
he Will 4011 off, hiA entire Steck,„.:be,,
ginning Priday of ,this week.
Robins opened' up_hls businessin
1911 and has been in :the •saiiie
block•-througiput the ithirty•tliree zyccrs.,
Ills departure Will leave a definite „gap
lii the town's lyttsiness circle. .
ell ',by: Re*. rather
"Messed Sasiament
Ma1e, Ont.,.at
o'clock inikss,--Mo ay anerning, rebru-
Ary.- 21, Oen.' },111.41a Duguay,
only ditaigh.ter •• of , , iand Mrs. .041s
Duguay,..Ainit Ste. 1V1arle, beeame.the'
bilde of Vi.ralter Joseph ChisfhoillaieldeSt
sons tit Mr. stud Mrs. Th.oxna.s Cialeholm,
Colborne .township. The wedding mule
was beatitifully played .1)Y, ,IvIsS. E.
Malone. the bride, .given IA Marriage
• big In a 'pale
frock;. twb-,
le' bine% iteCts-1
sage ,Cif white
rthe.bride's'znodish 01(l.
k. accessories
least Beauty
A qiiiet but pre
miftn'yr:-Was perfor
M. Gorman int
by laer lather, was.e.)A,a
blue orepe, Stseet-len,
pleee.,style,A,Astatchilg p
soriee and alovelyy4e°
gardenias; Mre..._,Iltien_
only attendant,.
Streetsfength ,dress, bla
and a eorsitge Of red
roses. The . best •man
1Vieranger; „a, friend' of
1 ;
.OF musro, MAY 2nd, 3rd.
The Goderich iNfueic- Club has issued •
the syllnhlN, for the third • annual.
Goderich. Festival of 'Unite, to be. held
Tuesday and Wednesday, May-2.nd and
3.1x1: -
The adjudicator this year will be
director of the;
.ilronliton, .Couservatery of Alusie and'
president af the Ontario Music
Entries will be received from rest;
-dents of_Anron, county: only , and niust
be ,iii :the -hands of, the- seeretary, Mrs.
Jack., See,70t:Gdderia, not litter than.
April lst.,CIasses
and: 'intermediate vocal, adult vocal,.
choral, . gradell' public se -hoer rsection,
collegiate or .high-tehool .cherus, rural
school.section, brass and reed., .
T yere e tries f
e Goderich Star
li 2114: 1944
Good eginniug
for RM Cross
• •
1y/bit Fef..4i=iti(rinlielilyothe:Virr.
• ir
'MISS Vern' Craust'on,:- Bayfield
ioad, Went the:hillier of hong the iirs
contributOr .to this Year's Red Or s
drive. • 'See -.waS. followed. quick • by
the Canadian Legion and a gO0acY luuie
Of "baStneliWt Wa-r expertetee'd' h tlie
headquarters coinniittee -dering the
dist hours *of" the' canipaign which
opened- -on Monday' last. Dy the time
the "Green. DOor" 1,V4S elosed on, Toes -
day evening; more -than $12(X) had been
handed in. It was taken by the com-
mittee .as an indication that the col-,
leetion would be made satootilly and
etliekly thIS Year. ,
• Much Interest is being sigAtn-inAhe,.
Various windOws dressed by volunteer
workers showing various phases of.
Red Cross work, The blood donors'-
eliniC have a battle ,scene. brOrairston:s
window' showing, a wounded, ..soldielf.-
getting -a transfusion . right •on the
field, the , bottle of plasma, being at-
tached to a rifle stlicle-Wthe -greand,-
Two' windows, these in It. -3.A.chesott's
and Geo. Schaefe-r's...,,Store.,..Show. the
,wide variety og- clothing being ,inade
in the local warkehop. by volunteer Red
Cross workers for bembed,out--.victirast
abr-Oad:f. The clothing bears the. Stamp
of the professional and indicates the
of prpOieney attained by
our loyal .
• Another window, Hibliert's, shows
• the .medical .supplies made - hbre, of;
which more than 42,000 articles were
„ turned out • by the :local • cbmmittO
during the Past twelve months::: '
In Stewart's floaver shop is the
Prisoners -of -war window, slieWing the
parcels exactly as thef reach,' the men
in prism camps, and just, what' they.
•contain,- This Will be of especiid.inter.-
egt, as it is feared thatthis year more
of out Goderich 'lads'. are likely 'to
share the fate of.those.Who ,,were taken
e v,v• reor-
• ,..f.t40,,L411,11,44:tgilinbet,Arg.; at DiePP°' 'Citizens may see what
peeted this year,
Kniti.eu goous are slioWn in. Aire.
.The".GOderich Public School Board
olfra or avail
MrS. Margaret Bowman 'received
word on Monday_ that her • son, Sergt.,
Allan Bowinan, previously
reported missing,. is now a. prisoner
Of war:
Comedy "Coveralls" Presented...to 'Twe
•"''----Large Audiences
:North 'street 'United church hall liold
capacity aullience,s'.on ..:Monday and
Tuesday nights the three -net
comedy -"Coveralls", rut.. presented
under -the •auspices of the 1Votneif.s.
Association. •
' The play, which abounds...in whole -
Sortie lifiraori was 'directed by. Mr. --W.
J., Hodge, to whom inuell credit Is dile
for -Pie- whichTIVT was
received., Mrs. H, 'Turnbull. acted
as prompter. R. 1;1_ Tnrnbull.
trod:tided' the play; aud - on. rMondaY.
(JOupIe otior o
Mr. and 104- 404:tut.
Oentre" 0t: "it; Happy
friellda and
()n Saturday afternoon--i-and„ _evenlng
es called at the .41lin home,. *al ,
concession, Colborne township', 14 Offer
congratul.ations to: the' bride -and g4tortl,
of...sixtY , Year's,' Mr. '4107, Mrs-. .10shni,
lin.: A The 'guests- were'received by •
Mr., Norinam, Allin ands were 'greeted
by . the hexiored eoitple in their Court.
`eoup, ligfreslimen,te were
Served by their granddatighterS, Noradi
and Elaine (toderich.
Jit the eYeping cards and other gamea
warts enjoyed. .• Many messages were -
;received by and telepitene, and
aMong *them -was,-a- •Ceugrat,niatOri'-
message. from, the MPS, HonOrable.
Wic.I.41k/ackenzie King, .1-..)riras MiniSter
..twor_dofarnimiad4a.; .Ani:O7g„t._he gifts re:ceived
,wasra .Ruin of money frem the famity
On Sunday' afternoon the immediate..
faily, lifteen,„.in number, giitliered
.with Mr. and. Mrs..Allin and a
coUrse•dhwer was -Served. The henle
was bealitifully-fiecorated, '
"easion'. Roses and earnations,.the guts -
of the grandchildren: and friends,
*aced .thes 'MOW. , The.s, dinner !was.
-sersed froni table to,Verell with a -
beautiful lace clatit'and.- eentred
-wedding cake. A toast ,to the bride
of sixty- years Was given by her.. son
Secord 'Alibi. of GOderia ' and ;IVirs.
Allin replied, Diving,,,,,,5„uralv evening
the group enjoyed the singing of elit,
songs, „and the- evening - was-eoncludeilr., .-
witirs"Arad-Lang, Syne" .and "For they
are jollygood
Lifetime ,Residents. -of •Celbarne
It vas. 'On February !V, 1$34,
Bev, Mr. &Mae otterimiller 'Methodist •
eburcif.nnited., 34.4r04ge
night Mrs. J. A. Snider pilised-seNera.17 ir -Waiters daughter o
Plane select:19W 'before the, rising
tile curtain- aiad lietwe,en the acts. MIS.,
pteelaled-'vf.blUi solos, with apcom-
paniment by Miss JackPon.' -Tueb-,
clay night ,31.1r. George 'Bitchanan rend-
ered two soles; Leshe Ilanna
accompanying: . •
The plot of the play centres around
the roroanee of . "Susan
daughter of a -bank preeldente, 'and
"Walter :Brant' a inechattle Whe Works
•rreoVeralls." The parent.s Of- the
girl are disturbed, as the. Mother fie
sociallY • ambitioue,„ and. the father . is
en aspirant ,for .the mayoralty. _ Coni -
plications arise when the father
mistakes -the meclianie.-fbr an-elee-
trician and becdmes friendly with him.
The daughter. defies the fainily,
Mr. and
'William; A. Walters,. and Joshua
t - - •
Alibi- • Attendantssa•t the -marriage
1rs -Iticlutrd
--- • --- tilenroyg.‘er -
• A •
.cfoderi&nin'iritt -JaTe---Tiftw•r--4eetr.s-. • „
rielier 'the late ,Willians. Walters and
• . ' . . ,
Mis acting principal of. Victoria School to sock of all sorts, long and short, for
the late• Geerge Brooks. .
, • r
service men eve0where, and glove's to Tlie-eoupl&have spent their • entire
Principal Roy •Slonehoilse,
has been added •te the teathing staff.
Walkom, 'who has 'been substituting,
mrs. „The •whole make 'up- displaY
genuine interest. TheY are thegr::
duct of many scores, of ‘Goderich
.eal (rlithaey tie la, er remarkably apslyms7. her
friends, Mr.' is in his eighty-,
tbeY have Made. a large' .cirele .of
a a "
• .•
fhb death of .keeps. their hands -warm.- lifetime in Thorne toWnsinp, where
'has appointed Irlis E. McDonald as :window and display sweaterS4
the end of the term in June, to fill the
men, working as volunteers in a.• so-eafyLseventh
year and three wee -RS
ago she experienced a sad accident,
, .
vacancy occasioned by,
Cense. ' when she tripped, and fell down 'stairs,
Rtivri GROSS.'_NOTES ,•ileafitinagers-i.4--e0n1PuSed..s0f.-XesSrs*. reeeVer - -
through the ki.ndness'and generositY.tit
•The local -committee in charge at
injuring her.strni. She has Made ritpid.,
,Tere. Uhl Seen the -scene •
' W.hateleY, 11. ,...,Martin and , Donnelly of many4elly,..a,ffair,ss. suede possible, -
=-Bruce -Smith_ D. D. .11looney, R. C,.
, last siiiptient of jam for Britain Johnston, . with ,others .volunteering
. ,
,frora ' Ontario left the headquarters,' whose services•conilInot be.used at the ourmuch success until she secures the all the -family: •• •"..-- - "•'....' • , . -, . •," ,
assistance of her -granelfathera -Se-S(1n .chtile u
ildren ;blessed . nicni.,
' .; ,„:„„
*are use early in *January. A total Ewilient. They h4,ve. eTPressed . con- meddlesorae 'old husybodY,. and sO Con- 1.-ITY • ' are: ' *. Larne, %wit° j:aaae- .. the
.of . in -tons of -jam and honey- "Was fitienCs- UPI this _veal's_ campaign, ;dimes to -see---Walter-.untlI.--the-after- -siinreflie sacrifice' overseas In °rt.; ------
.-- Family' affairs a.re..further -comPlicated Ben, who died in 1914 Clifford, w-fte.'*
Unicple• among towns and cities in
donated. hi 1943 as conipared with 131 noon when r-eVerything goes wrong.
Canada, 'milt ..as. SucceSsf,u1 As in dialifelitttrsgigl6rie'ggele'ar111:11.
• ,,esatisfagtory. let ' use . by° blged donor NNMI:VS- DAY ' Qr..PRAYER.
tons in 1942. Only -two, per 'cent. Of
this ,total was not passed- foi-o-verseas- fOrPler ye4r0'" 2., - by the, determination-ef a Mrs. ,Morri- 13-.„ A i...
shiPirtents.and most of 'this . wile quite , - .', . , • , -son to: anneX , Alexi,nder, . the Stillmans' ex •attuuril; all' (IF 'the eg":"" .
7el1inieS , and charitable . '.organizations . . -, ' :. • .---7-- ' • . daughter 'Patricia: , ._,,,,,,,,,., , . stead. There are twelVe grande lidren
ja'SnioChme,s,:...,;or,,P,, haila:vge.„7,-6...).ad • .aged 'people's; Large CongregatiOn Takes, Part- .in. .
Asgenesons.donittein;:bf *10 from the , :The Women's World Day 'a Isf4Yer portrayal of the deaf, interfering old
. . ...- ., • „....,-.Worldwide.„Observance - •• IS the grandfather, ,Eave , it, splendid -
Carlton Worsell,..„always, a" faVorite, and
,_,..„:71_,:„......Pou:erea,n. ...issmon of strtullurgi
ha,S?"..,,tbcre:-SiSiers:',MrS: Beit-41a,sken,
one -grea.t.:grandch
lid ---,'IVIrs: Allin
„Saltford unit ,honght .aixtk,,. ease. , of ...isza . observed ,apt, Friday- afternoon, man4t.catising gales of laughter. • SidiaeY- SalL Mrs. E1.
as the Would-be moYok,
exeeneet_from_all the PrOtestant dendminhtions, - geilimsineanian or'epi,.. . liar; and Mrs. Allin. are, bethanenibers
was .a ,ewan, •• .. • . . . „, _:,.,•
StraWberry., jam ,ordered,froria Gla.ssco When a . large •cOngregatien Of women Brown,
_Limited ,,,A,Oakville.._ It •w.as;.L.s. . . .
iP•nt and Should carry cm." , was „present at an itaprea8lve service,- salting 'Mr,. Stillman'. Margaret' Saw of 'Benmiller 'United-- Cliiii
man 11 . c' 11 ."" bit -o s 1 w S ''' ' _*-7-"'„„ _.." .'' :•-''' " ` ' . "''''
RED*.CROSS ON THE AIR ... . •held, iii'„St..George's.-.Anglicart church,
- , is , so ia. y... am i u wi er a L_
NT "itlaVElt“
Be sure-tO-listen-on FritiaL_Marel_i 'The theme, of the service, was: "And well plived -.1h____Mrs_LStapilder4'VUNERist, 'Or,.. isstisma-s•-s-. .
grar at"1015.-...p..M.;-• tent 45•=ininnte-prdz.- the -Lord '"wentiered---thatnhere. w. --TT ' - , ;-: --i - ---7.a.' es -Ce ----."lex ' --rlic -.1tine-Far--6-t - --.C4-4rinalf: T73 -nal'Verr-
intercessor.", - The• order .61. service fel- .
-grain over the C.B.C..network.;present--: ander, was nhtural irt-his disgiist with whose" death • 000urked on W640eSd4tr' :.
in,, three fanions 'w4r essiespenaelirs 1,55,ea. Nva .tfirrt issned by •the..inter-,' •people. for thinking he liaq,:.iiething of-Tast'week„ was'held.from. Brophey'a
who' sv,111, give arst-hamitsteries on .bard".eolninittee Of the TWCIii-On's Mis7 .to „do except. -entertain silly. women.;. -7 funeral' chapel, on .Vriday.:', afternoon. ,:-:
Red •,CroSs Iteti-vities. --They "vire. Quest*, *sionary Speieties or, Canada.. , • :aviation and women don't --mix?' Theservice •Was in - charge of • Rev.
.tin Reynolds, . Rrederiek =Griffin and ...Representatlise0 ,of • the MiSsiouttry ps,atriela Church* ilS'`Patricia ' Morrison" Riehard Steviiirt,",of=Xnex Presbyterian .
Mathew Halton ',1011 Sunda VarCif •Societies of the various .therehes :were wak, eiluall elevel; 111 110] 'role:, of. a 0111011: .'.T)ie pallbearers, were-,WilAwals;,,
5th ,from .8.45 to 9 p.m.,' 0;13.C. win iii atirge of the. ptegram;-;Which Wag feuit mu -Year-old spoile*d_ girl, who has . Afar wick, -Bert . -Alaedontild,' Bentolir',.,.- .
present "Behind theWire,''' the. Ste7'-divided- into three. parts;s-"Itlyrrlis-sfer. defin'itet ei:eas of: romance.' and 'cries Larigridge, Arnold McCOnfiell; Norman '
of the prisoners of War. -.:„.„,„.„„... • sorrovv ; friinkineense---.-• for intereeSsibil: easily, Ed.
. . . .. . . ' . • • gold.---•fer.intereession for the refining the inechanii
e n..:,'coveralls," and Mrs, ment took place_in Maitland cemetery.
• jeSSCP as Walter .Brant, McPhail - at& 'Eby . Longrai.re:sIntOr-•
.. '
Since lvai.'s, beginning,- and up ,--to df -the spirit of„nladthid." The -leaders. E.. ;Van Linden, -11.`IiIrs.:' Elizabeth
(late, Canadian -Red-Cross bah shipped were: , Mrs. II, • M. Monteith, -of St. Mairison.".,.•an egdtistical, gossiping- :SETTLE orC
woollen ,conforts to sCrVi9e men' and ;sou, of„Aorth, )`6tidai,_,Ilnited'''.elriurel; these Characters, as. did 3-trs. 'Welling. D. ouT.',.. OURT
,nearly-..**thirtY:'' .14111lon .articleS• and zOeorge!S efiUreii.;11qrs.- 9, , A:L. Robert- woman,- gave, .-9ne interpretations. of , ,..
*omen. ' .$3,009,ecto ,IS' „required : to Ms: .'0'oril,on,...igisSet , of, ltneX Presby- ton 118 ."Misg, AraeArthnr;ss ,-/vii.. 64,till- National Rairway-*Cbr damages. on .
a.ction' of Pie: •Western-Poirtiatst.,
;cover tise cost of alt. materials nue- terlart thuseil; Ati ..:.labIrt,Go.bil, of man's businesS-like.,seeretary„and miss -4.ecouilt. ,ot, ,as fir,e;.....which allegedly,:
Cp., Wingham, ' against ihe.. -Canadian!
.chased dnrin,, .. the '64-±" ,19,44: froin-..Victoria. • Street -United -thareli,; and Catharine, MiirraY ..a.S , the outspoken , ..-
'Canada, TM§ , ltieltidea-vestt'of-t,gliti ..einr.rAdli.:-7'.',.--". ."-.". - •''''• ' :•-• - .•,..." " ..'• -_,".- ''''' --J" - - :,There -were -feW, if anY';'W-elk-sP,Ots' list for, the Aiding of tho• suprein6'
... fremtitilfepadx, aritts'osi:4148t.i,x1f-.*the
. ., .- , spreaa- ,
which-these are Made:by .the *women Of Mrs.-LWilliam Ribble,,, .of the Baptist Indict- 'airene.", • . . ..,. .
heusing, freight, and eartage in Canada .„ ' Lieut.. 'sieArthur, * of the salvation hi- ho performance and froth. beginning 1
Ceurt :here last3week- but was net.
11 1 1 • 1
anr,o,verseaS; as well • AS' -WOliiroom
suppllea'ancteXPenSe'sL". Thoti.-.0.AQtrip-09
-111 oanlyt-the,,eost; practically, ,of 'the ra„W
material,' ., When_ the full value of the
work. of .the ,women of teknada is taken
into inecotint it undoubtedly,. brings this
figure,,eloser to six...Million ,dollars.
. Oady the i4ct dioSs doe‘-the4 *thing's.
011114. Anir gifts „support the ited CASs.
Army, - .offered prayer, *and .
rislim-srlso. Of- the Array?----...gaie -a,
Very fine ,aildreis-Tini--""Yrie-VoMen.'
the -
inro, was sung beautifully by
Miss Anit Wurtele,s
f!rifilE YVEATHER - I--
Tempera:it-mos.*, of - the 'paNt week in
Frodeileis. with those of the correspond -
Only . Ile -. Red • Cross 'Collects iood mg. wee/K. a y.ear ago; as °friendly re -
saran', ; only the Red Crops sen ii -i•-• cordext 4'were as followsss.....-- .,-- -.. '
eels- -orlood to prisoneiager war: only , .,.....• 4944 1043
the Red-- Cross •5nds miesing personi- .- •, ' ' -,, --,- ma5;'. mip: .A.Td.x. min.
ID ebony, and occupied%conntries; ,s'ends".• -Thurs., rob.. 24•
.,',...37 .`27 ' 43.-
Messagessio.likinOies.there....- „... ;,"'. ' rri.,- 'Feb. 25 ....„38 '„ -21 .20,',* .
The htindredst of serviees.perforined Sat:Z-Feb;"26 42 --.VZ, I - 30'' 17
by Red .„Croes are essential ,and most -Suns., It'eb. g',Z.-:- :43- •0 gl 25- ' - 12-
go"on.. The ,Canadian Red 'Cross needs' Mon., peb, 2831 • 2M.--, 30- '' .:20
ten , million ,dollar' --qtc.sostiar.10' 'We Tues„ loeh. 29 25 .20, • 22,. 12
1 peed, to - ittise -.11Ve million.- On.' illus., Wtd, Mats: 1 .....„:22 -„: lg. ' 17 ' • 7
lowing . the .eeremottY,. a delightful a.dians rests the ivhole*'respenSibility. : .' "; ,- .,,, • •,..
,dinper with Herved at.th , home, of the Give! Oiv,e i Gival ' ' ' • ' KNOX PRXSIRYTER,IAN' -CHURCH .
'bride's grandParents, r.,•, ---and' Mrs.'
special Yonne; People'S service -6,7411.
Frank 'Dooley.' : Mrs. B rt •Jeillfo and ..the . toillowing shipment numbering l'1e*..held,111' MAP* :antral 011*S'UndaY
Mrs..*Irranit Dummy served . the dinner. 2,834 articles Was, sent ,f0;tvitrd last :evening:: next; .at Whieh .the . speaker
toast WAS: given the bride and( gr,oeni. week: , ,' , . . • Will be, .A.1r.7.Jarties •Jaek, student of
by the bride's father. In the .evening, . Por Army, Air ret0 ,an4 ;Navi.......;.. 'sknit*Xi' Col*e., ', Members 'Of the Young
a recePtie'it Wee•held at the bride'a 25.: pairs gloves, 25„ pairi Seaman'S'• reoP16's skietY will take Part .111 tile
parents'. honie; .The gusits were re-, stotkings, 5 lielinets.' 6 Scarves".. 0 serrice,:...;and a ehoir of. young' peOple
ceived by the bride's met els' Who' Wtta *" 17 Altilits, .10 women's .aweaters, 35' will lead in tile serviee of praise,
wearing a flowered Awp-pieee . crepe -women t4 toats. 10' wdinezes -skirts, 05 ' ..s• S'oeiat get-teget;10.1. of -1-he con-
afternoeirldress, blown aseessories awl lyceum's blouses, (3 41toye".• etveaters, 14 gregation. Will be.held on 11,1miday night
a eorsagi's. of, pink Talisman roses.; A boys* sults, 1 boy'g'knitted eap, 2 wind. /let, ,Xtt-.T.45, in."the lecture hall, 'to , 'Tint girls who enloyed the pleasant
.dainty lunch . was served by XIV, breakers, 1 beret. ,(3 pelt% mitts, ge.whieb every Member. and adherent is event at Audrey's home .on. Tuesday
Theodore Oulette and Inv& .13'ranl pairs •.boye'. and girlie soekis et, pairs 'invited. netreshhiehts and a MANI Mere all fellow -students at ,Goderieh
Molly. Out.of-to.wn 'guests attending Collegiate Instittite; ' They were Delco
the wedding were from Sault, 'Michigan, Wilson,. IlVelyir BreettoT, .Joyce I -Bidden,
Mrs„ 413111 (.4ithagen, a eolislit 0‘. the itud IlObeira•Grant.
bride, Mr. and Mrs. Carl AtnYotte. the It is. worthy of nete tliat Audrey
bride'issuncle and aunt, Mrs. A. Pro- is the only girl, ben) -le the Darker.
thenclienehel. aunt .of the bride. Mrs. _family for. at lesst -.rem: generations.
A'rn ,pryor, •Nrs, .xt :Rosen, Mr, Russel 130."*„ otal tits t tife., falaii:,. hove bps ;no,
McCabe.' Messages of •'congratulations reenril. ' ' . • °
were received 404. Goderieh and Mini- . _,,, Carol Ames ro:ty 4 '
tr'eat. The couple' were `the re.elpielits Carol Ann Zimmerman enfertaineii
of /navy gifts. Tb.ey' wiii make their several of. be. little friends on !NO -
home at 348 1).441141as Street,, Sault Ste, •daY afternoon from 4 to /.3011t if -birth-
Marie.• '
to end•it was. enjoyed heartily bk the tried, a settlement haying heOn teaehe'„.*.*
..Mt. and MrS, W. linage- and AtirS;
Leslie Calvert_ were in Stratford On
. . „
SatardaY as guests at the Stapleten, --,letter on "SelVexPression" hat
Presion 'wedding, which teak pates, in been received ,hut caolot .he published
St„ John's, nited church, ,„ until we; know the name of the writer.
wo in -Go erieh Celebrate Leap
Birthdays-Leap`Year Baby at Ilospi
-,Ainong the''people of;Godetich'iji-ez-at
least two Who made „their _advent in
inid. on the ,otid, (lay of the.,year,
Vehruary 29th of leap year. TheSe,
are. Audrey', sixteen -wear -Old thrOglitCr
of • Mr.. and- Mts. Harry Barker, and.
Carel ...Alin; daughter of axtd Mrs.
P. •.A., 'Ziminermitis"'whe thotigh 'four
Years old had her 'birthday an-
niversary Ttiesday of thie week; .
.Audrey Barker _entertained ; *fours
neighbor-frimiils '11 " SU/41er party at
ter Milne on iliticks street in honor Of
her :birthday anniversar'y on' Tuesdaz.
Audrey is sixteen but has had only
four •birtlidays, its she wits *born, on
rebruary 1928: ,
• .
children's pyjamas, 15girls" 1)lousq4.
37 girls' parities; .430 ' dresses, (3
Oats, .14 girls' sleeks, 15 girlie
sweaters, 23, giree pinafore dresses,
4 girle"nigittgowits, Wades' booteeS,'
2,400 compresses. "
• The tenth round of the ear(' tuara-
tit& is being played this Week.. Mrs.
D. P. Mooney urgently requests that
all score': be brought up to date 1)11
inediately sbefore the eleventh round
is played.
time are planned ;for all.
•'the relloir of Victoria. street. 'United
eirtireit, sPonsored An enjoyable evening
01) Friday last at the church. Tite
gatheritig joined lit community singing,
and :Misses Peetrl NVestlake and Pearl
Itoope sang t 41100 .MISH 'Verna Miller
6114 MN, L. Hainut rendered 11 ,plano-
datitand Mrs. M. Grey and Ansa
BreekoW played a vielitsduet. Molting
pietures of , loeal interest were also
Carol "celebrated her -first birthdai. •
Site- was bi'z'irn February--.29tis, 1040. .
The table ' WAS 'tastefully, .ileeoratel*,
With Pink and White :streamers ..eentreills,
with ii.birtlidaeitirei*:.'The littlegnette.
attending the, party were the 'folio:wing,
froin towns -.Lois Anne Itemp;
Blaelistone,' tipanor.tmergon, Linda
Blake, Prelham 'and Linda
B reckenridge, • An •out -Of -town gueat
wilts, Robbie Reitia,-aecempanied b), hi
parents, Mr. and Mrs - Clare Reltil
Seafort)4 ,
Some Of tile highligliff. the party -
were nioving..pletures takea of the
e,hildren, by Mr. Bob
by the Showing.of Pletureg afterAinner
of Carol Ann on skates. `
;Several ,inessages of eongratidation
were.rei.,eived Carol,Ann during the -
dal, One: being long-distanee„,
from her grandparents. A geneiVills
shower -of gifts end cards was received,
- A New, I.,eao 'Voir Baby,
. The only leap year baby reported 10
have *Arrived lit Gioderieh ,Tnesday,
February 2011h; this year, was born In
Alexandra IToepitill at 32;30 noon that
day. Site Is Atm Sharon, tiaughtev.0
Mr. and Mrs --Deatetaft (temoinhardt,
)layffeld, .weighm el* votatiltt„, *ire
()Imo% mid waft deoferibed at the. boo.
ttfy, party. Aithougb foiar pita 118 °A 'Very lorly bitbyr
' .1,
P • P