HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-02-24, Page 8.,, W. II? LKINBAR; Re4tor" - CAIRAIANJ Organist and VitalregiatiX ETIRST SPIIIRAY IN LENT. $.30'414..n. Holy Ciomnignion. . • 1440--844.' -MOrning ,Pra,Yer'and. Ser11190.#-St_JfiJgerp "TRE - .01MAT TEMPTATION." 2,30 p.m. Church School; and Bible Class. 1,00 pan. 'PV‘31$0ng and, Sermon., Subject, "T/1E STATURE • Or, A MAN." • ' riidaf evening, /,;„0 o'clock-Vitali:and Setipeli.. , "COME E YOURSELVES APART' AND REST AWHILE" • • • • -- COME TO C41.11:10a " • MINISTER= -REV. R. IL TUR,NBULL;13,2, B.D., S.T.M. 1.1, rn 461,VIFfit JOIN 'THE 3 p.ni. Sunday School. p.m. "ADVENTORES IN CONTENTMENT Organtst and tholritiastet-iillt. RAY MI/LPIERON, SINCEIrE, WEI;c0k* AWAIT.S. YOV. , 18/01RsiiiP.' - Sermon Subject; ,f•T Christian and Publiek, Opinien.'! • ,2.301),m. SUNI:)AV SCHOOL. All Departments. pin. PUBLIC- Nvoit§mr. Sermon Subject: "A New Day of Gramb" ' , Midweek Service for Praise itild Prayer, Thursday, 8 P.m MINISTER -REVEREND RICIIARD STEWART. ORG4NIST7MISS AILEEN BORE. • IDIRgeToR OF T.RAIE---MR"S. FRANK SAUNDERS. COme- and Worship the Lord in the Beauty of Holiness. Otociericisi, .Baptist - Church Rev. Joseph Janes, m.A., Pastor. • Miss Verna 1Vtiller, Organis' t 11 a.m. PUBbie WORSHIP. I -Subject, "A. Mind:•TO- ,Work." • Schoel., 7 ,p,m. SONG :SERVICE Subject, "The Ileavetgy Visien."' - Monday- 8 pan. , ',Meeting of BX.P...13; - • - --• Wednesday 8 p.m, • "Prayee- Meeting.' A special invitation ° is •extended to,......thoSe. who t do-. not attend the :Ser4Fice in*ny' ' ictpiSttit'- "THE CHURCH WITH A HEARTY WELCOME" , . ' ,111.NISTER-REV. .ARTIIUR j., McKAYE 10 SUNDAY • SCHOOL. 11 a.m. "Asking, Seeking, *necking." "The Worry Cure." - 1,..11anpa. tirt--101$01tOMFCHIATelt The aeiteert of Lent is with Ua again and With the world situation aa It * there ought to be very OW Christiana who will not make the most of this holy -season and embrace all optiortun- 'itlea fee woralliP and iaeri1i and prayer.,• We need this season of With - drama more than ever - this year, not 041Y or ouiselvea but -for the great A, three-acome4, "CeVeraller North street United, 'church hall, under auspieee, oW,A., Monday and Tuesday, February"28th, and 20til, at p.m. Opportunity :it 'ttlfords.Ms PraT for 8.15 Afludsoop 4R. those, Who -arO- making '-sel''' - great --1,rhe regular meeting of tlie VonaelVii sacriacea_in our behalf.. • - ,;,- Institute, Will be held Thurs,daY, Uarch , Vb.exp was n goodly aninner'',Vrelz1;* 2n-tr. - .„ An allciress will be given by ,Miss at .tito 8 a.m...1.1oly communion. biorvAciA: 6nutv,04. Tnoxo ,r., will oe7,0, ilemonl,,, On Ash - Wednesday n'otwithstaialing stratien Of .falacy quilts. Rolf call - •the allndition of the: streetS for Walk- uloh joke. • . , . . 4111'of$11C'Velleliseili.:chiv.erlOva: liPerti4dalyu, tiihb'erhll4allerZel" Guild,,„ il,„-iii . loot .. next wedosany, The St.' George's Church Wotaen'S , PraYer service .1u the ehureh,, there •;2:74,07tIloadw:e4sthael. w,..071:::17y -of p$1,0:re41:1 11, arket street. .. The social' wili be the evviee' of the Litany Wall committee 'will have - charge -- of the. -''''--411 - win:- -which' ' . • - • - . - , March lst, at .the home of .Xiss M. E. -' ill' be followell' by es 1164' Practice at . , ,. att7.4:ra° ..* ' '1?'.;;; eQt1 1- t' c'k' ; 7111elAllf.hr is °before.1 rePi:l.Lg. . .:6-' Li- , ... Y.. 41: .t hii.8141,"1,14n;r: 1 4at e.tattlt1 101:aehen'cIl' e3r1 I 1:1 sd;1111: iaa:$ii ee1:s3.30vt et.P.)3(3:1;'. 4::: : 14141 IFriday, at .. -8! ,. week Orvices will be for the mission.; Aillneek-Ohapter, X.0.1.),E,, Witr be held BoYS are"reauestecL to ,X0Inetuot7,,;:, I- si• + io ‘4000i." euehre and...dance will, be held boys" Bible class every SiniclaY ,the • wod.-dfoi 011,0,,, Him, Qoaerion.,,, on r rt- tian.; while 411, are asked to rOmett. la the Bibles'elaSs at 2.30 in the afternoon.* 1.• 401.tN BAECIP4I-t.'--;-At Alexandra ilespital,' Goderich, on February 21st, 1944,...to •• Mr. andsi‘lis. Harold Baechleri, richox daughter..._ ' , . CLAItliE.---,-At. Ottawa, on February 21St, 1,1144, to De. Q.- H. I), Clarke . and Airs,,Clarke o1 Oitawa, b. son DOCItSVADEII.--74t • Alexandra Hos- pital,' Godericli, on February 1,7th, ,1944 to Mr._and :Mrs. Wilfred-Dock. stider, Goderich,a datiglfter. }IO -At - Alexandra Hospital, Gode. ileli OfiTTebruary 17th., 1944,:lbff-Ilr- • and, Mra, Wiu. Hoy; Goderich, • daughter. • • LASSAI,INE.-At 'Alexandra Hospital, .Goderreli, an February 24t, 1944, to - Mr. and Mr's'. Norman ,Lassaline, Goderich,- a son, . AlccOiWIOK.---At Alexandra Hospital, • Goilerich, on. February, 3.8th, 1944, to. Mr. and Mrs. B. 37-McCorinick, Go ' rich, a son. ' , Goderich, on, rebru- ary 18th, 1944, to 1N1r: and Mrs., Dian yaliernick, Goderieh a -daughter, Fiances Jean., POPOWIC11.-At--.AleXandra Hospital, 3oderieb, 011 rebruary 21st; 1944, to - • Mr. and Mrs.. Michael Popowich, Goderich,.• aSbn. .and Mr. Albeit W. Rundle (nee Verna; BarboUr), of 116 Summer street, Oshawa(' are happy • t� • announce the *arriyai of their_ daughter; Linda "Jean„ • on Friday, ,February lltli, 1944, at gshawa Gen- • Graee, Hospital, Ottawal on ----1.Pebruary.,.:19t1r; 1944,. to LAC, Ottawa, a son, Terienee Allan. BEL PENTECOSTAL TABraltA.CLE • Tlit CENTRE OF ,EVANGELISM . G: HARRIS, Pastor. 16 WATERLOO ST. • NDA:Y=10:(16.i.ria,. Stmday-ScliooL a,in. "Spiritual .Unity." 7.30 p.m, "Is Christ Coming Again ?" TUESDAY -8.00 p.m. Young People's -Service. WEDNESDAY, 8.00 p.m. Women's Missionary Servi , 'Yon are always vieledine to worship theLord at -thifir spin al DIED goderich, Caturday, , February19th„ 1944,Luther D. ABM, husband of the- late Sarah Ann Butt, in his 78th year. - -BRANS.-At Alexandra Hospital,, on - Friday, February 18th, 1944, Sona Oorabelle, infant' 'daughter of orpi- - oral: and Mrs. Elagye'y BryaifSDun- - ganhon, Ont.- •••-2 - "' CALLAHAN:L-In "Gederich, on SIM - day, February' 20th, -1944, Mary- . Josephine' wife- Of J. H. Callahan; in her 64th, year: • -- • • Goderich,„ On February, • 23rd,-- 1944,:. Norma47-McIver, in: his .65th Year. • - - • The-- -funeral will be-- -held from- Brophey% funeral chapel, 13 A14-intreal street; Gbderich, on Friday, February 25th, at 2 pan: Interment in Maitland Cemetery • STONEHOUSE-In'Goderichhon Mon. -----dayL,-Febrbary-:21st,-4914, Itoy-Stone Campbell, in his 50th year. WALBANK-At Detroit, .41‘lich.; • on --Feb:ruary15thi Charlea--R4----Walbank, Hobart, ,beloved husband of, day, Marc 3rd, -under the auspiceS of the Saltfora Red Cross. Music be supplied by 'the Baylield Lunch "%Via „be,„,.$4rvett. -Admission, 30e. • -8 Have a•jiLustron cold wave for your next -permanent, Per information and appointment I Versq Beauty' Sidon, 16- Church spreet, GoclOrich, phene 846, • ' • • - • 8-1/ . _ Dance to Willis' Tipping and his line orchestra at ',Clinton • Town Hall on Friday, February 25th. Dancing 9 to ple,ied three seasons at Lakeview casino, Grand Bend.-- 8X. • , AUCTION- SApE ON • SATURDAY, PEBRUARY 26th, . • at 1 Qf household furnishings and the fol- -lowing property: Lets 131(1,- 1377, ,and a seven-rooin frame- house (one and -a - half story) and frame 'barn on -11111416 street. ' Small- range • (cream enamel) like new; kitchen,. cabinet; dretizleaf table, 6 chairs (kitchen)';* washing Machine, Connor Electrie; rockers; small cup- board.; washstanditicejlox; ,eupboard; sideboard; . day bed (like hew). ; 1 'llining7table, 6 chairs • 1:electric De- orrest Creaky radio.; 1 .mall -oval. walaut table; fern stand;••,,nuniber Malt tables 'r -White --Sewing machine; electric :iron; what -not; hall:. mirror; iron bed, spring's and mattress (new) ; dressbr- nhd- Washitand ; toilet ".,set ' him bed and: • springs; • Washatand;', chair l , 2 -dressers '•and. Washstands; -carlaet sweeper'; 2 rugs, Cougoleam i(ai.,•x-V-)4:4number-c-smaler rugs; alarm- clock-;- number hooked. mats, quilts and bedding; ourtain reds and curtains; quantity dishes.; lawn m'ower • •wash ,tubs; pictures.,. - • CII.A'XTELS-CASH. . • . • Terms - on property -10% down; balance, 40 days. Offered subject to n reserve • -ELSIE ELIZABETH MOORE, Administratrix. R. Q, HAYS, Solicitor, . • Estate Mrs. Mary -Armstrong-, • 'HAROLD JACKSON,, . • " Auctioneer. - LtAli,ING: AUCTION SALE FARM SOGIC-- IMPLEMENTS Mr. Harold Jackson has been in- Structed• 'to sell._ by publik;'-auetion, on 'lot 42, concession -4, East Wawanosli, 2' miles north Blyth, on No. 4 High- way, on. • • . • ••••', .-TIIURSDAY, MARCH.' fith HORSES : Black'. PercherOn • mare, § Years old; 'grey-, Percheron: mare, 9 years..o141.,Clyae.gelding,„4 years old.• 5820 . • • CATTLE': 2'Durham cows, with calf: Etta; dear father of Hilda, Philip at foot; 46burhani cow' due to' freshen • and Daisy;- two --grandchildren ,and in .April; 2 •- Duilia.m -cows, du . to rtmertil' on "freshen fst June; -2 -two-year-Old , _interment. heifers, Be -00d' stors1 , in Acacia Park, Detroit. . . . _ . IN MEMOItIAM, ,IVIcIN, TyllE.---In,loving memory- of our ' • son, Worthy, who died three years ago, „February -24th, 1941- ' We,.4ave only your meraorY, dear Lien; ' renaember our.whole life through; But the sweetness wilI linger , forever • As we treasure the image of you. -Ever remembered by Father, ,Mother, LSisters and T Brother. '-ilaviimmoNsimarsoime INSURANCE . . , 1S'ini SEN- SIBLE virAy TO ,TAKE CARE • :OE WHAT yovitz `.NEED...— ., If -iitionithing happens ii• -•-•What". yoteie got.. " to 1100 pounds.; &steers, 1 year old; • 5 heifers,. 1„ yeltr. old; '1 Hereford bull, ,5 •:yectis old:- , .."PIGS: ,York SoWi. bred_ fine month,; IV& -bred '6 Weeks; .14 'chunks. .HENS,; 126, .Barred Reck pullet*, (Scott's SPecitil-A-Olass)-rt " • HARNESS:: Set. of breeching hat- , neSs4 set Of plow hatnep ; set, alight harness- • * IMPLEMENTS: MAL binder, 6 foot , • . eut;•,•Deering-mower, 6 -foot -cut ;:AteliL side rake; M.,--B.-ha,yleatier.; New:Ideal manure spreader, •nearly-: new; . BIC Pliekql.-4.if3g :fertilizer drill.:;„-:dise bar- row :1. 5-Seation .diainond. harrow.; *LW creamseparatori. 12; 3 H.P. gasoline engine r grain-roiler,; New -Ideal steel' truck ..wagon; 'farm wagon; .set bencit sleighs; nat.:ro:04; .foot hat rack; ender ; ,ftinbirig 'kill; stone boat; ,Set of Scale8; '600_ tiounda;._.:24471ieet. trailer, • with litoek-rack ; 10-20,,MeCor- mick-Deerini tractor; • McCormick - Deering' 2 -furrow plow; 7' ,f6ot Biking tooth eultiVator;. hay fork and • sling ropes; „*:130 feet, Snow fence; 2 drutha.; ,Cyclone grass 'seeder.; leg ; forks; shairels;,, Whiftletrees; neek. 'yokes; bags and sacks. ' • • -1121Y-; • GRAIN; '200 bushe1s-at-4.041 Alaska: -eats 200' bushels' of '3043 Alaska; ods; 300 .butihels mixed grain; 0 billbeliFWbelitil:50:busliOltrthangels; bushels • thnothY seed', . eleerted;, 80. • 'pounds ' biliaer twlne . ' • Ne• reserve, as fora -is eold, -„ . 011N. Ili-JOHNSTON, Proprietor. 4 . IIAROLD I.A.pgSot!i; Auctioneer. 8.04 ' tOn ON TUESDAV AFTER- -NOON, a' iltainond 408 er ring. sitTewAalitri.d On, leaving a..t Tilt] sx.q_zwr.,. • WANTED.' „ ANT1i1D.TO BUY -OW ITORSZ8, dead,c„attle.; he -,suitable •for •-mhik feed ; • removett-promPtly. FRED tiii413Blag .4-4. 2 IlaY9eld. illOtle 908' 22, Clinton. 'Calla paid for. ' • - 18-tt WANTED.-10USE TO RENT BY - permanent resident; unfurnished, With. three, or feur• -bedroOnis and mcgottrwco.rtveniences. Call IMIT, R1.41,5k TE1).--r-FIMNISIIED t'A.AT , furnisued apartment, •• say two rooms, and share bathroom, by, Air 12, SIGNAL-STAlt- 7x Force " ,7111c,er and wife; APPIY BOX A1NTED, l3OARDERS; • GOob • locatiOn',' home„ with all Con: sentences, Apply _SIGNAL -STAR., -8 NVANTED',f--To c0NTRA0T .ipoR use of a .01r0 or • three 'ton durap truck. A.Pply plJAN COAL CO., Goderieb,,' ' .8x ANTED ;FURNISHEL, APART MENT furnibhed house, by conple '.,-*aiith no children immediate p.-ossession, 'Phone 292. • • '‘ -8- , . ,,Asw7oNE-79R-- _• 'pl..111,>11§y,IDD.roonas, he.ated;, suit- a6le' for light housekeeping,' Phone 364, Gaderich, an raornieg. , •• • §.• -WANTED --FURNISHED APART- •- ]ENT, by'young married woman working. Phone 73. -Sx WANTEp.-GENTLEMAN WANTS • room 'and. board. Phone 960, or write P.O. BOX - 8r WANTED.-= A 'USED WRINGER, at enere, Write BOX "16, KOVAL- • -8 CARD. OFIIIANlik, • - R. J.11. CALLAHA.N TAKES THISPPPortunity- -to-thank those_whO were so land to him in his bereaVe- well, He - 'would .83.s0 like to thank those' who sent flowers or loaned •their oars for the funeral. -8 S. Elliott • VETERINARY, STIROEON OMA:11 AND LARGE` Aintuis At. ltder'falittliStflittlek *P.H.ON11203.CLINTON - • • VOR - 'FOB, SALE.---PAOKARD 1938' CON-. VkAR TIBLE coupe, with heater and radlo.81. DR, 0. WY$NN. • R.A.F;; Port lbeit.L'.Plaert6 Goderich 182. - $.4011. 4EATER SU:El:TON' Perinanent wave mitehine, Used., 24 aelton aecesserlest plod; and vett- ;meter. Innnediate 4$a1e; 'cheap' for cash. BOX 14, SIGNAL-8TA11. KITCHENER, 13104 CI:TICKS-FOB ' May or.., later delivery ,should. , be, ordered new, . Hatches soon I:let booked npof these fine .clifejtS. -Cocherels irk mediate or Iater--44/tve0. -- Agent RYAN .P11,0IYUCE 004,Goderich.' . *-8 .. 'FARM FOR • SALE.-4'AUT Lin.. g *-. and, lot 0, coneession',4, Colborne Owl:whirl', 1,00 acres. Goad barn and house; .four . never -failing- springs, . fel' water supply. Offered,for sale to close estate.; . -. - ;:. . litlOa 1-Il4L, ,. -1V1v1, W. ..1-1IT.41.4' 078 • .._ .._ , . . Gederieh;° - , ,---•-o-,-- , .,_ . :, 1L'OR .s•SAL131.---SEWING ;MACHINES ' ju for sale. $1000 and UP. I bilY machines, any condition. 1 repair an -makes. . •Cenaplete. "cleaning, • overhaul anct''IllicijustMerit 3.95;4. - work-- guar- anteed. Belts, ,needies„ oil,lamps,- etc., for sale. Hours, 2 p.m., to :0 :P.m. C.- WOODS, 2 East 'street., or phone cabinet- electric ' with 4, atthehments. gou4 g,s, no% . • , .,, .,, .. 41 that the , Connell of _the Town of • G °aorta. have Passed Bta.a.WIllo. 6 of 1944 'prohibit- ing the posting Of..PIlls;:-„adijertisements,:, or notices of any kind on: trfes.in parka' ,on, the .streets in the -CorporatioTh or *Or buildings „belonging o to „the Town; Any person... or persons convicted - ,shall be liable to a line not etceeclittg: ir.clitexn; -8, , • ." • Town Clerk, •. • NOTICE ,TO CREDITORS „ . NoTick) Tp .0,Xt.pPIToRg. IsToilee a hereby given to. all persoilii• 'having 9.nY °Jahn against George ,Cant., well; late of the Township of aoluer.pe:_ In, the: county of Huron, .farmer,. w)49* died- 'at the Town of Goderieh, on or about.the 7th day of February, 1944, toill awe- with the undersigned - Mt. or _be Ore the 4th' day Of March, 1943, as after that date the executor herein will proceed to distribute. the „asset*. ef the estate, having regard only to- the•elaims then Zed. • " Dated at -Goderich this 10th day -0 February, A.D. 1944. - •- • F. B. 15-inaow, --2T- 32- The- Square, • Goderich, Ontario, , Solicitor for the -Estate. FOR SA1411-1041 DODPE "RINGS - WAY!' business coupe, in excellent condition, 'Very' good tires, Jieater, defroster, seat •coVers, -etc„ Terms cash Apply 1iItSGLEN•DAY, earner EIghi and.Waterloo,. evenings, or Phone 877-J.• ) • • • 8 FOR SALE.-FIVE-TilBE SPARTOI4 • mantel radio. . Good condition. Apply 10 Waterloo street in evenings, • • ,.. - • FOR SALE.-GUI11AR AND CASE, practically new, $10.001 Apply, BOX 15; SIGNAL STAR •;,o VOR 'SALE. 4.TiTgBo stove,- twe-burner bot7plate, and eonsqle radio 4%11.4 75 Quebec street betWeen T.30 and _A OCENSER,AUCTIONEEit FOR -HURON- ,ANDA3RUCk..- • -Having returned from War -work now be at home' and open, for all kinds of -auction sales, -liaeludirtgAttre,:st§elfr farm implements, household furnish, inFs, ' - , OTON HENIIERSON p.o* IfITCHNOW Phone 108' lAieknow. • - • 8-14x • _4" NOTIO TO .CREDITORS. . Notice.is hereby given to all persons.• having- any claim against the estate of •• Elizabeth‘ MaryfrArnistrong,' late of the Town ofq-Gederich, in-- the -,•Cetinty of Huron, widow, who. died On- the 401 , day of. February,' 1944; to send same to the. undersigned on or before. March 3rd, 1044, as On and after that -date the • administratrix of the Said estate ; shall ,proceed t� make distribution of ' the assets thereof, having regard. only to the claims then Ale& • •• - . • Dated at Goderi- k'-' February. 12th, A.D.1944; • - . . • . . ,. A, C. HAYS, ' - ' . ' - .. Goderich, • Ont.,- k . 7-8..9 Soliciter' forthe Estate. . ., •• . . NOTICE TOCREDITORS-..„ e persons having claims against the estate'. _ef tate the Town.' of Getlerich .1104; died on.,the.12tla day of.December,'1943, are required -JO forward.: particulars,'' lltdr•me-ritiedrto--the(-taitlerttigne-d-q-by-7 March 18tia: after Whieli date the estate • Will be dietributedrhaving regard Only.. to„the claims then filed. - FRANK DONNELLY, • " Goderich, Ontarlo,. •-• 8-10 SolicitorforIfIxecittors, N•eXt week, on Monday, -Febniar7•28th, to be-exiet,,,Our- CAMP aign to secure, Red CrOsS111033. will start. ' • Through the 'ir.indttes of _the_ Oanadirn Bik o Commerce we , - have secured the 'premises on the .$quare next to the bank laiimn as the . , GREEN DOOR: This *ill lye , our headquarters for the -Campaign. • liea"dqua,rters will be open every day froni'4,p.m.-,until 6 p.m. but.not in the evening. It was found, in- last' twcp CaMpaigns, " that practically Po one ,eime, in, in the. evgning;v-, The four afternoon hours give almost everyone,orhirsNwife 'a chance to getintAnd,'”leave his donation. t The same gentlemen ...who have acted as a volunteer staff at head- quarters for the previdis Campaigns -wit:Again be on hand to aecept'donations. • „ This year National Ileaaquaiters are asking the same amount from Goderich as last yev, namely 8,000, They .13. too,, for4,the ,samt splendid , responsd tromp= oup of. town affiliate4 eominitteea as tom? er„1.7. .., ,To raise this sum will require the wholehearted 'cooperation of , _.• • everiiittn, --v-iiiiiiiiiiitiidriihila.ixt town -and district.. In ,thith, it itit a well merite.d, • i,. acknowledgement 'of our publc spirit,twhich;in the past, has never failed. to -aehieve_whatever.Obfeetiv4.4. set for us,, •,• : , . ,. . ° * ' • _ t, .7., ,, . ,: . .. . - , . . . , .. •* ' • La us, -piemonstrate„ once more, *that we need no'glamorous ,,,,,,,,,_ "...,ballyhoo to show us;the 'Way of duty. Please -bring An' your contribution . e01.3•,% • . 460.11 • M-.; Grant Heti_ „ON ROAD' dcinzinoti ' ioteenseCAuctliiileer, tbr: Huron 'County VArnitqr6 , and „Farm Clearance Sales, Chattels and Real .Estate,. Protapt attention given to all calls Write • • ' 110X 663 GODERICII 1-52r „ PHONE 959 -Living aecommo'dation'pioviOed under .certain eireumstances 4&i»li tINEXPLOVItgre INStatANOZ 00300311102f, hones IL Edwrards 0 10111ED PlIBLIOAOCOUNTANT 309 ItIthiriond Street': • ft $4-11 •Velephone Metcalf 2880 • LONDON •