HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-02-24, Page 7wiltiretN sPIECIALA,Y,../!PftTHL NtwaPAPKna Vir -CANADA JIM GREESMAI.Ottrit 'tilts° SUN. „ sworr Connxicr saena-ronawsks, • - _ OTTAWA.,'Feb. 21. ---Centre or inter - 4t1 ires got,froni the consumer branch 1,es t in the .iine new, post „oilice here is :the fiec!;y4angled matl-o-Mat, it.":machine ..which Saves. ydu from ; hea.dacteS ;at ;the vitieltet trying' figure' Out how many two ,and threes you want". you a. is stick the required, ount of • the • Wartime " Prices • and • Trade, Board In connection with parcels ,Sent to . our; prisoners -of -war in enemy Countries. : The Bed; Cross western' 4nteking, °entre 'IMO, . ter instance, al - you despatched its millionth parcel for tamps in'a.,sletin something: which, , tO_Opatlian boys . in gerreartY alia ,htts all the ear marks of a gurn-ven.opg14,rapan. Do you ever wonder what goes machine, turn a gaOget, and away -goes into One Of these. parcels? , ` Well, •' Your letter relined and everything. it's they've already sent out as minion the iirStbf its kind in Canada; although Pounds of butter, a. million !pciunds' of •._•Mannfacture4 •-:in. StIonford,Cionneett. jam, half -a' millien. canVor,sainicat and •. eat. 'The Post Office' 'Department .1s• half,zik minion pounds " of. ,sugstc, - trying It out O*„the public here, and ,,sides this;:theasanda;.ot pounds Ottett ....it raity,..be some day weal -have' one in', and cOffoo';-bisbuite, and ether rationed 'every -postoftice. se the postmaster will goods; All parcels, they tell me,., have '• be Ole to- go, hunting and Curling' -when included chocolate harprralains, tinned " le want,S to.. AIter ,I tried it once I Alleats, soap, This all tells Canadian' • wanted to .'write everyone in the at -homes . that there is a- reason for eOuntry- a letter just se 1 could mail some shortages :anti rationOlistribu- ' it in the mail -o -mat ' • tioni ., ,a ..,,, * .*4 *4 * • " „ , _ . :, -.*-- b , ,.•!!e, -?!..4--....." - --.= r ., - • . , -Aural* Who feels inclined to do a With OM accent liqw On pulveriOng little haimenAed grousing -en reaspla,.i. Germany's industrial centres by powering air raids,lt is. we to Iteep-in Air Tin' 'Ong Ann is grutly 'noon* ibie for putting the punch into the big eV**. i.And it w s put over in Canada, of. You ithoW, the first -class had pupils in it, an4 toclaY w have about 151 schools atone, twive as many as • originally, planned.Ten thousand training planes new an average of two million Miles •dally, got an- expanded force Of 50,000 air. crew graduates, enough to -man- 15,000 combat..-Plaues, AO well a$ training 80,000 in' ground Crew. tradeH Wctve trained CanUcks„ Ausslea, New Zealanders, British, • Czeeks; Netherlanders, but more than sixty per Ont. were our own Tads: The first plan had. its finishing point' • .March, 31, 1043, and in, the agree- ment Canada was t� pay .000 Million dollo.rp of the. 900, million total cost. But 'a new agreement , hadto extend theplan to gareh, 11)45, With:Canada. paying half the estimated cost.a. .billicin".-arid a half.: and, the United Kingdon r Standifirithe other half- " * .* * • •I YOUever come' to Ottawa to see Parliament and all 'the 'big stuff in, ,actfon,.iraake a, point, to be ,in the ain _corridor the building .just a t this is primarily a young man". war Is Illustritpad by the fact that Mujur Power, Minister of National -Or -4414.7-ouwaved---ia Qui* that„ more and more of t Younger', fellows with battle experience in the It.0.4.P. are being brought hack to Canada' to -fill , higher posts; definite plan of retirement for,„ older men, who have' done a good 10, is alf4 being adopted. Out the inualler,'placeS everyOne seems to have *honer coffee to satisfY, but the other day in a, restaurant 111 Ottawa at 7.30 p'.m." I was told' - the waitress, "Si) More coffee, We've 1$04 'up our quota for. the 'day.' If fon, *COUld see- the crowds veining out of °faces lie Weal times' Yoixtd, wonder hOw they ever had enough coffee. till 40011. . • .‘ • While Finance,:, Minister 'Ilsley saki, the '0ov.ernment ihaY consider, 'taking off meat rationing AgrieultUre Minister Oardirter pointed 'out. stock' surpluses were" due ,to leek of. shipping space at this time,,ao it appears that ai3 'the opportunity , pr.esents itSelf Britain is 01 To get `Whiu0h of the extra meat, as , Ow minute's before 3 ,P.3n. to watch he it ,e1,1,brlsoseis,b10.9“40.,i'sdell:141,i%outulloeeniti- A.tvendi, Speaker's parade,. It's one of the few c nt. increase of tomato luice *ill be wartime. restricted Manifestations 0 Of on the shelves during February pnd traditional, ceremony sun to be Seen. On the AO, SIowlr the; corridor -come velairin'Phg•:--i.M.c.°;ae-itt-liteal;Plwinil4e* posslble that three uniformed .attendants, then- the in' the United States, will be on forty - big. glittering mace, behind that the nixte kin& of iihported, fruits , and dignified Sneaker- in hi•g• robes and. a 'vegetables', hieluding asparagus,„ lettuce, couple of the clerks trailing. The little tprocession-•-wends- lte-way-to-Ahe.Bolise °Ike"' 41Prie°tst" eantel°uPeli cherries and tangerines. • ' of * * gt v Commons ChaMber. You'll have to uncover, .to watch, or. else. ,Oft repeated by autherittes, again tin „rationing. and' contr011ed-Rdititribu,-- * * „ • „ urgent appea,1 Is sent out to the high- . 'ton will be surely :interested., in, the- Mind that:the 1314tish7ComMOnWealth • • . vv omen are keeping the liOnie Wee ways' and. bYWaYS of •Cafitulathat-Hali- ANIMALS . DEAD or DISABLED Quickly removed in Olean 'tall..#4y Tricks. .,Phon,o collect. •-.9-10r16,P181NTON-Lw, -.tr.,' 215 STRATrOt13 , Wilhiam Stone Sons Limited INGERSOLL,-'0NTARIO bUrning, suref„'hut: they're also. playing fax is terribly overerowdedl- that de - a big part in the industrial pieture, pendent, etc.,, of service personnel try I In° December, 1940, .one- woman ixi each to "stay put" where. they are.. Halifax 180 in *Canada was in industry.. Last population has skyrocketed from 05,000 December (1043), the ration had gone. to 135,000. , .....- to one ,131 24.- . . , * • .* . _ 4 With the.-seryices: A new -regulaz tion from the heads of the, armed"' ser- vices 'allows nursing sisters to .4.001.,07- ledge 'a salute; by a nod of the Peaa„. or, shduld we say a little bow. .That will suit most everyhoclx, because it will, surely' be aceonipanied by a smile such 'as -suits 'a unplug sliter's 'uniform..:.. The housewife may now buy -canned -blneberries without the surrender.. of p coupons. SuspensionofIthe tation ing ' of these blueberries is teraporary albid-irAine, it is announced, to the large erop of last season. After July lst, coupons.will be again required for 1 the purchase' Of this fruit. • • • _ OBTAIN THEM AT YOUR HYDRO SHOP The home of Mr. and Um. Jubn • Varna, was deetroyed by tire .on February 15th., The Ilrucefleld'fire brigade responded ta a call, but little could be saved. , The :firemen, how- ever, se.ve otber • hulislinwi • nearby- - Miss 'Annie ;1,41(ilaw, Aterris ;town. - hip, died suddenly, at her home while preparing ' breakfast. She, Wate),:in_lie,re- seventY.firSt year and died'on the,Sarm tkkt 'Mitch she' Was born.- ner,,parentSi„ Mr. ansi'l'ars. Robert B. Laidlaw, were pioneer settlers Of Morris. Two bro. tilers survive, John and 'Finlay,' living on the .1tomeste*, Poultry' Man, Dies Seized witlz a leart attack .at his ,home in, Brussels oh Saturday, Walter Bose 7passed awaY in bis , fAxtraiutit year. He was the proprietor an extensive chicken hatchery bushiest -3. -had. been a Alydro e,cmuOsioner for twenty Years. His wife •and a daughter, gro. William. Porter, survive. Mother of Late • Premier Aberhart Dies The death' of .Louisa Pepper, widow at- the'le,te Wiliiam Aherfactrt of Sett. „forth and motherot the late' Premier _QOPFlittaki TOWNSHIP', Feb: 2• 2.-1 Ainbetih'Ie_larSteQiipt Airtblierhtlepcsitrrl ire. h.°elir Sullinnedtaf- -Red Cross quilting v "bees" were e fifth' year. WM.-VT*111g are-t-litee.--*mi,r .this week at the iloffleg *or .U.M."GOrdOU Charles arid Leas," of -$e4fortir,, laid- oir and. ,mrs,,,, Wm. Fuller. .* . John, Of Woodstock, and one .daughter, "-,-- It -was with greatregretthat -the Mrs. Geerge Mersaaci of Detroit. ,Luther Alibi... , Our., sympathy is ex- The marriage: Of :Mildred soiles.: where in Italy: He Is a -nephew . of cammUnity heard Of the death of Mr. crefleh....„flicks „ 'tended -AA ..PlinlYS 111 her. bereavement,- Hicks; 'daughter' of Mrs. Hicks anti , ' Mrs. ,Geo. Barris bt'Dungannou is the late :%Byron * B. 'Hicks, Centralia, to yihiting with her ' brother , and. sister, Cipl. Joseph Bruce, Creech; soli of • Mrs. Robert and .Miss .410 AndreV -' ceiesth and the late Thoma.s' G. Creech, • . . „ , p,„ ' Miss -Esther -M011vvain of, ROM, Exeter, tOok piped in the United 'church; , . . stock spent the weekend :at the liOlue Merriani officiating. A.fterwatils 3.1'.'111.1s. is' where- 44' the ''.1.13in" irliPrieS- and Corp. Stanley Mcilwain Of Wood- _Centralia; 00 SatUrdan Rev, .u... of, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. receptiOn. Ives held at the home of the''. a.:iselle bs:Pi:agilh:ypth: ".:(:iinte ::::::* gb,e:111•4: - McIlwain. .,' „ ' • ' -- , bride's Mother. The yOUng„couple:711,1 ;taken' dire'et t° b°801tal` 'rte'dilk`*: . The '500," euchre and dance held 'reside' at St, Thotaas: Friday evening, .sponsoked by the- GOde- At theliome :of ;Mir and Mrs. George ' . harrittatea Noe& poi...Soiling an s Irt,, . InjUred. . .' ,.. . . • . in the OddfellOws' ,Hall,---Goderieh, On-seett....:ogvis r, ' :,;,... ,,..,' ' „• , rich Township North End branch of Orvis, Whigham, On Tuesday, Febru.- •IVIIPs ‘13°ttY Newton of SkY' 1:1"ri the'. Red . Cross Society was well. at; arY) 15th their. 'daughter, Velma MAY '' is -sPe44ilig* this '* '1°14' 41r4r.6"lit°' .. tended. A .quilt- made' by . the ladies was united in ''.iiiarriage fo, •L...,,, Cpl. .....:.... $0.74.. nitsic .'for dancing- , was sup- Mrs,• Scott. and;,„ the late Alex,' Scott FlOWSRMEN.VOUI.,P.---: ..*,its .auctioned, going to Mr. Kaitting at ‘.Andrew Stephen,' Scotto,,, P.C., -son. of w-.-suAly.rgu,s70,11 S plied by ,- the Bayfield Valley Five -Illyth - The ceremony - was _pot, . whestra.; poor -reee4ita amounted to _formedily Rev.,._W,:.:A...,Be.ectoft.....: , After .,.,Accoiailig-mo*:,a-liewft despatchfrom -ROO,- , t-. _, _ _, ' 7 Ij!,_. • ' the 'honeymoon \the groom will -return Sarnia, -flsberreen ', there fi.e, 'Irk . F'. , Rev.: A. - J. McKaye .occupied the to his' .statiort' at. Dehery N.S.:, and Abe; •delivering a -splendid Sernion on `,1:low .N..M: ,Trewartha.,. : :le:, .' :• representation's to the .Ontario DePart- „ -Pulpit ` 62 . Union. 'church eti . Sunday, .bride to her home • at ly'ingikam. • and Wlien Jesus .,Offended." ' ' • Sells: Produce 'RuSinegS .., ,. , .. : raenc of Gainer' and !7litheries toy per -ROLM VILLE ,‘ The.: poultry and egg business con, Lake;Fluron,„ it is pointed outialaver eted-.-at Clinton felt the last : tWenty of-the.-SubmerSi3re...nets .that they are ' ' niiis' ion... 1..0, . nise-.4isnilroo:roiye iiet§',10. -**_ • , Arkits.4m1,-.Ne1610,11--N;,,TrmagtV9,.,;,1144,41),Ottorerl.,,,64: the,lake_bottOM,pyl_:_,.elta,'. been . sold l'tO Clarence. ,Liverraore, • al be '`ipitieecr And lifted,.'With''' less nal; former employee of Mr. Trewartha, than is required in handling the pound° ' wife, Japes Jackson on Tuesday, Vebruery Mania. 1-1,tit• was in bin "JAW year. A.: zAtivo inund, to Canada in infancy. . 'timed Grey and Cairo*** townshipa *ad *ally in Stanley until retiring six year* alo to -live 'in Ciinton. Five sons and three deughters survive:.. john L. 'Jackson, Ylinctitiver; ,rsr. hiladelphia; iitauleY luva-110Y towns -141 Dr. W; Spenee ,Jackson, Tomatto: Dr. Clarence 0.• 'R. ;Jackson, Cleveland; Alm. James Warren, Rapid filtY; Manal_Mis$ Hazel Oackson,. Wash- ington 14, d Miss, Zetta Zsickson PORTtill'S HILL, Fel,. , large' niunher 'attended the funeral of Wilfred Veit on Tuesday of Unit week, showing the -high esteem in which he was • Oh Friday evening h Mr, and Igim Arlie 'Lockhart entertained at A.-ae4 Cress party. About eighty, guests were present.. Sixteen tables of 'euehre ',NOM played; prizes for high score.,going to Mm-Bert-Barrie.0114-Jack,StIndy, a - for low to Margaret Torrance and 3 -int, Cox. 'Lunch was served; *17.80..-1001 „realized.* 1)3' the „Bettle)3, that Geo. •jOrdan, son of Mrs. Rhoda. Jordan, Lethbridge,. -Alta., was missing' in "netioU,. sOMA--" Allen Betties and Mrs. peter Young of this place; . • , a A, letter watt -received lastweek by Mr. and Mrs;" Lockhart from their • son We; I: B. • Lockhart;,..-saYing• that he was in Charge of the mediear inspection -rooms somewhere- „ Italy.-, ' If it is in an advertisement below you will receivetwo War Savings Stamps free . -. . . - . . . , - . .. ., - . . — - - .-- ..,_. DAIRIES . _ In twenty-six issues The Gederich:Signal-Star, advertisements under this " . A ' .' DRUGS. _ . heading -will Contain several names of persons living in: Goderich. and district. :The names . Will be selected from the subscription list of The Signal -Star. Simply find your n'ame PA one of the adVertisements, clip' the advertisement present it bribe store in which your name- appears, and receive .. . -• ' xter's D;air: Complete linirof Dairy Products MILK RAM and LUNCH. COUNTER •:Several lisbd Dresseis, and `Uied •Stegl Bid PRICED RIGHT rug ore - I.D.A.. DRUG:STORE .- Prescriptions tiSpecialtY- '• Phone, 45 Goderich ' " • ELECTRIC': - '(Too late for last week) " " HOLMESVILLE; ,Feb. '• 17, -:-- Sgt. Pilot Lloyd Stock of . Deseronto spent arid for lite Inst 'years manager of ' nets which are ordinarily useclAu Viteae the week -end -with his parents, Mr. MrS. M. Stock. - -.. and the Ohesley branch -of. Canada- Packers. 'Waters.. .43w1Alg to 04.e'prevailin'g Short", .. Mr. and Mrs; Eimey,...p, ,oti,,e:11. .vii:6.d Aft.; Trewartha 'will eortiinne-to -operate age Of 10104 this ' is reported' to.,-beitan.,;:,-?: if 2504 -fere -farm at ' IlohneSville and- imPortant- esAlPideration. , • ., Another.- ' Donald at. Teeswater. * nother 250 notes which he leases and, . factor in favor of the subraersiVe .4eti.' ii said to .be the difficulty now Of 411.3., on ' Saturday With Mr, and Mrs." Mac- ?. We are pleasett-to, -report that Miss *.-DFilsioei.n-11::ftermgroinli-Pezeianinngdg°::::esn. ', ---- 't ' t.a51-13g takes Ic'r '11°.P°11-PICI '716t8' and. Ruth Harils, who htts been quite ill , the fact that they.„Can,he,ptit in only, with "fitt,'Y is.„.improving.. - •. • i . Thomas Marshall, a retired' citizen during .; favorable - 'weather. The sub.. Fruitland of, Clinton, died in the hoipital there teersivetet* cafi be *tea, much ;Mere ' quickly and are' not as , 'susceptible Ail Miss ,B.ed AtrigS1SW :A.FehluelsaIn' few flaYs. with her Parents, gr. and at midnight on Friday irk his seventieth - 13 1 h ilhajse '14)-Ygto.:1' 45: td.:' , FiCrhu: i spentt year. 04 the previous 'W,ednesday he' had- 'been. found,. unconscious, at. Iiii being uskci.largely by*!..Araerleatt *her.-- ' to. visit, lies...nephew, Mr; HI, PflAkkj :'441nage ..hY Storing .and 'ice. They are. „ who ls..1., ,.."._-_,'• .......! - ,a --t._ .,, . ' home, where" he lived alone. Ileniad men in/adjacent waters. leis , stated. 4I hadlived in Clinton ab i- ..="1"""P"'"""'t.... °.,,1 _.,.,....,......,,I7----.,-. , 7 . ., Group `.2 of the Holmesville unit of been In thara-mdition- for'two--da. , suffered a stroke; -and-;apparentily-tad .k. being 'a 0.N.R. Sectioninan for a timeeumatic: -..Pngr7.- hoine,.of MrS..:MeClinchey on TueSdaY.: - .laut forty years, more. He was born netir ' RiPley, lint • h the Red; Cross held, a -quilting at the he rink until his 'retirenient ten. 'years' ac e ,.,--- - - and later operating the Clinton Skating i ago. Ile was 40t raarifiest''' L. .1)1e4-,T.Three----.!,_-- - : . , at erekIsVjafeft.e..r, th-e' death of... his Weeks Three -.1ja1rY TrodnetS • • Milk; Crenin, Devon- Ice Cream VISITOUR D.A42,17: plIAR, Phoii 35 1101VIE-1VIADE CANDY' rbone 170 . BlueBird and Lore * • .D1AMOND JUNO LONGINES :and ROLEX WATCHES.. • SILVERWARE and CUT .GLASS ,E.C:Robertisoii •I'bone 136 Goderieli 'AVT01110BILE ' PARTS • 'Canadian Tire Corporation Ass-ociAsgi STORE L.O. .WHETSTQNE, 'FIRES' and un Buy,:and bold your war sivings.` - A iplipligiropea.10-01.1.....ir- ELECTRICAL WORK .64 Britannia Rd. Goderich' 'GENERAL LovvE 'inioS.:PAINT$' • SPO#1114.k000pS-- PROMPT .SERVICE "When we're , through It looks like new" rhoa 229 , Under trying, eir eurestances We ..hre trying to 40 * -a geed" .jely.. You will'find thIS:a good firm to. do iiitShicis with. . W.L Black, R.R. 1, Goderieh' *0, trgFRIENDLt SURV.ICE ° ° DEAiE1i Pbolie ,717 . West St.. A good way to spend:your even- -. -uig or --leisure-hour- in -pleasant-- • congenial, surfoundings-. \ ,TARLOW. • '(AR OV Tb 22 Mrir Allah Dickson has returned to .her hinueat Port Carling, hayingrspent tthe ' past week With het...another, Mrs. A. Wilson, itird-o-ther--rehttites: - ,Mrs Wm Sallows viSited her mother at Kincardine -the past Week.; Mr. and I. McFS. Arthur Brown of Dungannon visited- -with Mr.band Mrs. Rob ta Bean; :sr., had as viSitors on .SundaY Mr.. and' Mrs, 1Sen..Bazlitt, and John, of Toronto, Its. puckWerth of Goderith SIia I-Lighr-11111,:of Ben; miller, aria. Mr. and .1‘frs: George )1eart o A.ttbOrn„ .- • '.. • 4rs. Keith Grey and-Ilittle Barbara, e1enr"brri,lbicinte, spent- last week with Mr. 'and..•Mrs., LlOyd •Young. • ,.. • , . . 'Guts for Army Mem-Private Hngh_ McCrostie, benne on ;leave, -trete St JOhn N 13- was- gueAt of, tom); at a ga hering-:ni thc Community 11.1.11 on Friday -evening. - Dancing Wa$ (IljOke.d to mw40 t3p Mr.; and.: Mrs..f OheAter, 'Taylor), Miss .DoriS Taylor. and Air.. .I.George §,nart.... -After lunch .01meo to the. platform,' Grant Ruther- ford read an address' Wad -Peter Camp - belt Made the Presentation of a hand - 'seine , Wrist -watch., .After_ilingb had -e-..-presSed his; appreilation all joined -iir,singieg_::JTor- he's -a •-•jollr good- ref' TOW." have also ..been Sent to Per<=y Ramage. of " the fl r and Wilfred ,..Rainage„ in the kin • etit\8\ . Comp" Li . ne,ot _ . , . IntEs1.1 ritITIT. 'VEGETAI312ES IN SEA ON , ' • SCIENTIFIC tC/11 PIVIENT . 'FRIENDLY SER, ' CE Mono 470 . ) 'East St. We are trying' etir best t� serve You with our available supply of rud; Moue 35w Albert' St. t'ast 'St; Phone tO6w Dne to priorities and .1a* ef Soine essential parts We ilud It impossible to give pre.war tiorVit,O, Its C ISterlIEV 1,. O. WATSON` USW Pastirtes.a TEiecialtY •Yy .4 We feature Highest Quality' CAKES — PIES WINS 27 'West St. Phone 205'. 4ememeimmismemeemiemeemionneeimmim. EINGSBIODGE KIN9S1114,11.)0E, ref). 21. COn- gratlila tions to and 73jrs., Mauriee Bowler, on the birth, of. a sbn on SitinitirY 14. "Sii$144 Eileen. and Whiffle 'Kelly, of London, were. viSiting fit their home lieteilastveek-exrd., A &ince 'sponsored by the Women's 'Institute. was 'held at ttingsbridge hall en 1114)ndity night. .Musie was prOyideil by • Carruthers"' orchestra. ••. ' you ,marryr." Inquired the young 1118.11, 02 the old .bactnilor. „ -"Wen, you See,'" replied the singlet 'o' ne, when waS quite yonitg,, solved that- I woiddillt% marry until found the' Mear iio111a4; Alter illarhY Yee is 1.:f(iiind ter." "Lucky beggar ! And thenr, :'stfqte was looking for the ideal Mau," ienlied -the, bachelor Western OntaiIo. Credit Bureait cow., 'torzorrs OF tv,Ery. DEs.dltirTioN MADE ANY -WHERE Areilit Reports .Enquiries Milted 111)11ARIO ST. STRATFonn 42-4-6-8 Innst keel) themselves-hrand readrfor - thNiflogir yaosuneel-er4 1..t)hetioLe....111,074_;7412thhing,,, Work. -So, When you've tried evetY. "- • ttY: ;SOrOneS:5i, don.1' give lie, hope 'Just .go, Cantpbelts tirrtg:Stbr,e .Or.• any go6d- druggist-end -bottle of-:,..kitenru, _Take ftS 'direkted and in about 44 hours.. you_should,_ see ...a_ -real improVement,;,;,..„ Ton' needn't be afraid of Allenrti con,- • dope ef;:afty. 'ddeSn't; „ Such things. ate ottlYmaliegitifts.'and" (1111 11 t best gtre-tonlY partial relief.'. -...Allenru • aCts 3 ways ,to the pain ;...2) to .coirekt. the .bowels; 3) as,a genfle diuretic ato•.the' kidaRYS, .ti.tinshIngve01:13.1‘t t'leirkesteSb§.0- tat.eirde 111 - -guaranteed to ShOIY:= VPStlith '-a114'`'ill'tify,...yoiir eon- Adea-e; if for any reason you are dis- Satisfied. Tike bad( the empty' ;bottle- mmumansenamismaesueenevaiienersosarai*.,-and „get your 'Money back.. 4 ' ' - ' bed by the never ending .---1-:?1:114melitap, ..'erk4-Sbe."1:::!-:dstIliruudet13.......1.,...'uint'il'.zNifir°1___,%allul:It'an.77'7t1:77t'dilldse:Cr`bag:linfce°age7°Cd1,7.1;17te:rt°:uPrdhaestisian,Nvate'ii. l'Ale went t o . b ' ..t. arc 0 ' .. --. woman Buffeting in this way way find in Milburn a' Hea tb. and Ne ' ^ Erieesooli ox, -4,1) i giReclIcreitrt" mall e. tins . remedy with which to help rev,et:ecro_a,tetitetrhse.ir 40:188t,,1:3.ags; buildti up, the run. K-..-I'lliit'.. hdb""'"'"`"d"wm, iv. wt:Asnugeyts, 11:-11:1Hiassf:tre:tmithi9estnrnula-tbattenkdruto-healt'h,‘,-ha' ppm. ' . 7,.....„,_ .,0131. • 1,0kag ::::1]..f..::,4A, ' I Look for our trade mar a . . b. . The T. .Milburn Co., latuntfd, 1',00!_o_n.t,13, ein,t, ...:: ModtlieO1310 fail to recognize the seiiousneor of • a bad back. The stitches, twiteheS, and twinges are bad enough, and Canso great suf- fering, but bac1 of, the .baeltaelie and the 'cause cif .it all Is, the dia- orderedttiditeys crying out a warn; ing • through the. lack. ,• , pain in the back is the iddneys cry for help. 0o .to their assistatiee. • Get a box Of Dean's .Kidney Pills. remedy for ,bantche and sick kidneys. ' 4(Doari!sf* aro put .1n oblong, grey box with tor trade iatittrpkv.. loVapie LcLeaf"vr Rehm-substitutes. Get 4 41)0411,104 I° P. lkiiibora co:, 'Oat, Magic's Orang Btscuifs ORP srlteriliour 4 *ppm dlortenhof' 4 teasboonillefogic 3 c4 re.10's Eakkg Pouder 0. 1. Aspsarano rind " 1 egg 2 Asko, migigr • hop tioitAt Sat dry ingredients together. Cut in shortening until well mixed. Add rai- sin d and orange rind. Beat egg slightly in measuring cup and add milk to make .,4.ecup. Add to first mixture. Roll out about 1.f-inalt thickrtut with floured biscuit cutter; Place. On greased pan. Dalwin hdt oven (4/5°P...) about 12 minutes. hisdres 1.4; Your guarantee of Successful PALICtr,c_g