HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-02-24, Page 6• MB GODERiOB SIGNALSTAR TR IR roam* 24 1 SMUG in 11, Oil '''''''' itiabOr . union.* and empleyere or, ti'Ons anti: the VtOvineee. were all, - t ete dvised pt. its- terms and 'their Stilt- eeza i --,. ,__ gestlinit4oked. • _ ' - '" ' - gOde for thisennnttl". It mns‘ * "" No prOvision is niatie or the im. 1 rentenibered 114t-thia-Viikie,'NVitieb:•-"will. position • of -a-compulsory- contraet by he idulliiitered•hY the Wartiine 'Labor the 'board 111 'the; eventno agreeMent '— - - ' - • ' is reached' by einployer and ,employee. Relations Board, has notlung to (10 with the. :wage disputes - This coraes 'Under the National War • Lnber Board. Thelabor relations POO seeks to l'eln0Ye nnfait husineSS.• prac:- *es and provides for Cempalgety col. lective •bargaining arol for sthePeom. Responsibility for coining, to an; agree- ment on disputes is placed on both the employer and iabor. • • • The -totle is (if special-interest atthis time as it f.`$ complementary .to the national. -war labor order :which pro- vide for the continuance of •.the, ' pulsory us of maebinery set tip for Azation,- of wages as. an -anti-indation • the settling ,of disputes. Its obJectis measure. The wage stabilization order ` to lteelt.,War industries.working tt 1811 1 has -otie,• or tvsio: eittu,f,:es-,wifich- :have . Capacity; -Witbout in.tetraption: 'anti' at ttrQttAed• sharp , "eppositioii, , Seine ote same 'time to give labor' its inn -changes will be made • hi the order rights, The 'Ode' apiffies to an' war when thellovertiment has ezinsulted the industries 1111(1 tilgo to other indilistr,ii,e,s heads of, the major labor unions,. There which miller ,Powl,ninn Juristuv`' seetns little 'likelihood that there will . tiOn$ iSneh As 't'n'ilwaYst • telegralan't be serious' oppOsition to the labor WO, ,steatushiplilieM, ete;- 'Where rf°Yinees" although one or two ProVinces may not .Want 'to, liave...ticlastrIeS., Under their that its tel -Ins altogether to theirliking,, ' jurisdiction doine under -tile (rode; this The code wake •Coutiof Order, can be clone throUgh.agrequent. • may iii conjunction find mote -favo Provisions of lf4abor.Code than the Stabilization order alone. Some - of the Main- features' of the Reinforehig Overseas.- Artny ,t ._ code are that ' (1) employers must 'With ,those days drawing nearet— teCogn.ize conipulsory bargaining and• they May cOnic---When the in case of disputes "trust sit-down and whene.vet try to work out an agree . ment with the I c'anadian forces, in Britain will. take Tpart r,epresetifitiv,es . of '''. the bargoiningin the assault„.„$in the cOast of agency which has been certiPariiitment has given rapt at - agency by the t-thiroPe, Board as : the right agency lepresenting tention to' the description given by a taltioxity of employees; VI) in Ofie„. Col. RAf iston,;... Minister of National I.)e• . no agreement IS teached a report iS fence. othe' readiness of the army --- 'Made to the Minister -Of- Lak.ker,.....wh for its • .9.120"meLtet3„...of.:,;the sUpplying •of reinforcement's by thoge in training will apPoint a conciliation Officerot. .hoard; (34 strikes are forbidden during 1)11(1 by enlistrnetit, and the replacing of category "A" men in the,"servicing" ' this entire process of negotiation, in, Units in Canada, with men of lower eluding the • conciliation, proceedings.; categories and by women, so that every (4) if,...theSe _conciliation proceedings available physically lit man Nvill be jii. come ;to nothing,. a.. repO-rOilv"ill130 made readihesg for overseas' ,,,Servict.:•"-.The" to the Wartime Labor Relations .Board; proportion of these inea•ln .03e “serric,„„ . which-lvill„pnbiisb therreoort -.of 'the ing"•anits potentially capable,of joining -conelliatfole:Mard showing ,which side the combatant fortes overseas is now to the dispute isznpreaSonable in its tedticed to three- out of every ten. A attitude; (5)-• collective -agreements, salient point brought out is 'that, in which mast ruti: for at least - a year • -and which will. be Actually in operation -the opinion. of those who have 'given the most careful stridy of -the prosPec- _far_ at'least fourteen months, must be tive needs of the army in emnbaty ade- kept by both sides; (6) xi -4i strike s or .; lockouts will be permitted during the , term of an"agree.naent; (7) --there must be -no -interference with the right a.man. to jOin a union and iiIi discrina- 'ina,tion .against - bun 'because: he' is A -.." :union • member: - (8) severe penalties -, are ,provided for."anyone violating the - 'tett& ot. the -cede. The-laborplatiolts4Code-.-was frained s• roan By A.W.B. ,, :--- — - . A Man with some euption Wats telling But Where it is POSSible, Why' Should Me 4 sod storythe othet; iiilY Ot h.15. we not honor Ineb. nn nee4sion,ivitii' ti:- wife leaving him and tho''Clithiten.i few' li"g4 ot ouv °wilt eXin'eaang What VAS' wati vid.entlY" Ore outoome 011.lifirtmitpett-rg;v7g. 1.M.s'au'inialititrortrr. a long petted., of friction and,naisuralet. floss partiettlarly wo-tilliould Ot C a:a:A.4110g, lir a' .liem, .,.e fife nol-lw,e1,1!fingelutourLISQtvoi:httlifiluctesayeanr,:wi 04.v*ite9.:tot-, t9unded on tilr°se 4101, Wi'riP,1! .tit.,'". the :suffering one. liVe feel sorry fOr, should gov‘etn. Marital relationszops, some, wou'id.4e correspoo46AK %%or Tstheety '1,7 a"wi(itrI int‘ilvt'3tivtii:rettlietkieia' wth°oR• " liWell4rittell letters are 'so apparent a mitntionin $'sending expressive'nud. husband is in the. Air. Voree and Serv. to thowsolves. • They aro wo: rovrei Mg in EnfOrtml. Xtwwill-gghinx Pe1s0'1- •setited: in the' soldier who, talking' to a naY as ,n line .'.ehali' and a., great b•Ome,, lover, almost ,i %model 'husband, , I WAS, pal, declared, "When I have said *Give InY love.tO Sarah' and llope:that`Aunt not shrPrised. when 'she Venti7e.,(1 ._.,:tte„),, ete,tiiszjwy,ki istu. thug,ett:1‘ta,xtino $b4iyovv,,,..7L4itos,r,t: .;)evilettl.aew4d4ye0.-°,0)11Teviii44'gialsilti°Ore4tOibtrriaio' inncel boo -A Ppving"' this finds you Meill- as, that able, 1. 4 ) to this second 'Week in .hi, wife .4t.ts ,y000ved from, it leaves me at" Present.' .' Then 'I sit Foroary, . and •scratch 11»'bead ever tifeblessed 111111ninetY-Stx'-written letters amt. four; paper, but nothing'il, come., Seems as. 'cablegrams. Site writes Otte as Ire- though my head was a drum-" que_ . 'ntly • to . himT ; he h ey, are thappie"Li st 1 coulale, 811(1 there lulls' •407.e,r beeP-, 4 U'alindweheo.";etigiQvieedQn'ac'eleIt°tielli'dffroain,11;,huis" S' I rift 1n. the lute' of -their nZattlnioiPnl wife' whichbegan and 'ended thus '.'• life. And I:Understand -that- ,the - note- -iI write IO'ypu beeattse" I have nothing' Aiper is net crowded with cross e4 for to ua0 r ... T Il41laiS#A t,' '-beallS4 i have nothing kisses, though they don't lack it atasOn- to able ininzber,.. if we ..can`pnt it that way', ' . • to fill up:space that would .go begging Talking of letters again, we got one for somewhat to say or tell,. ' SOIlle,;or e134 a soldier boy in North tAfrica; a of us would be hewing our pen about 1)03' boy who spent the first nineteen years the middle of the week when At canze, te. tlfe,thltd or fourth letter,.even tO.,our dearest,to -.know what-fatther to say. 1 ean see the PostmasterrGeneral smil- ing at such stamp expenditure, and I eau see the postman frowning that he htts..L.te oscend these.steps tolier_front_ deor so often in the:Week. Shoes. do wear out and, knees get rhounatisni, do what - yot* AVM.. ...Mit- . MlIggie ' Is happy about' all this correSpendence— yes.° her name is ;Maggie. When, her httAtand • 1S--hy ..-he..r.....side_again,,,_whicia, ilease God will happen, and the years go by ,whitening their hair, they,, if, and consigned ' to the cellar for the '-inybody, will ,be able to due:t,. for they galvage ' truck' when tt comes along, I earl both, sing .well, w1,-Sh. hue -feeling had forty --or more 'uSeftil. volumes, alui applimtion the old , love song' some ,xnodern novels sone old favor -- When you,and i were young, Maggie. its, reprints, and some handsoinely t- vOtillis life on the.Mountam tt Hanna - ton? a 'jolly lad we miss seeing, He finished. a rather ',interesting letter Witli this cptinient, "After seeing tlAe girls here, one, is -wistful for the sight of a Canadian girkno minter bow homely. A. fondness for attending anction -.sales is, mine. -I-can always get a lot' of fuli,..aut or the proceedings. ;Some- times I get a bargain, For four dollars I -got aver -seventy books in One 'bind cl- ings. After culls ha, been'. taken °Zit bound books, whieli were all the' I:age A would-be husband. showing affee- ill an` ,earlier ,day, and wItlelf still. re - tion and enthusiasm was a study fpy ,tain th iir .ugefulness and"-Ira.grance. (plate pnwiSion has already been fumy me last. Satufday,. as he stood before for this -year for reinforcing the troops. the marriage altar. I was , officiating, With one Capadiati, ,corps in ..IrtalY at 'the. ceremony.Ile .waS short in -there • remains.a. corps' ii Britain with height and,.slie :Was tall. „ The service. 'Complete, , Well-trained, 'OrtnY". troPPs_.• was„ proceeding _nicety,. the yOVNS had. -These army troops, will: serve for:head. been md ae, and the-Tiqfh•••Vedged 'quarters ecuuninuications,. etc., for -the suituble -words and -liandchisii, the ring. army .formed br, the- collodion .corl),S.. liad beith placed on the 41iird finger Of and an'„ailied corps w ile wi j0111 t le lat-han lcd-Ccitli-ThTrgledOig -.),v.ords„ in itfinal form after consultation It has'been state t at t armY . "With this ring I do-t-lite..iwed;u-nte.. , • . ,• be. ledinto,. battle by, .14. Canadian. There were only the prayer of •dedica- • .• the; doolaration �f the, fact that . ...• . ,,.. - -Changes in .Joint ''.:10r Traning'Plan ,----the. Dartieswere Man.. :18(1 wife, and Th• olighitS strength cannot be acenr.,The beautiful benedietion tacrown all. . •.:But...,he.,;t1to6glithea,11*.Y.DIE, was put , ef7.41e't"rn'a: 'ill"--617/i74117avt" in . its. place it was, ail over. • l'eflinr , • • • . .' is still- going strong, and it WiA be most it was :my. fault he had lacit •been 18 - important for the 41lies to maintain. •structed before. 118 .to the length Ofthe superiority' in, all 'theatres of the war, ceremony. 'Tor ilist at that point when. This is. the 'word - of Capt.-. Balfour, , I was. going to -Say "Let :us pray," he British air official .who, has been ' in ailing. jumped . up to . put_ his ,arras Ottawa discussing with 'Air ,Minister .yound- her neck and pull ' down 'her Powern,,some changes:An the Joint :air face to his level to give her the matri- traini• g plan. The dermans have, not mouial ,.salute, When, simultaneously,' . • had behind their broad frent of attack both the . hest' man iind. 1937self - said any deep ttaining plan*like the British Something to this effect, father abrupt- Cordteonivealth,_.Air , Training,: Plan ly,- "Mild -on,. we ate_net-through_yet," Which,has made Such a 'great contribul It Was 'rather enitartasang fdy him tion. to the Allied . air -strength.- The and•hisbride, and something -that Made . .f-plan,,Jia8 now reached its object, Major it '•d.;.'.that ' is; an o ' rg,tm- ' difficult for the rest, of ns to keep Power has stateour faces solemn during, the rest of the, lzation on which could be built fighting [Ceremony. . "You're...; too Pager,' said air, force S Kind in..size-and- of superior quality to t,hose Of the enemy.:. A few re. best ManAli WU,. ftftewardS with.._:___ Much laughter. Need I addthat when of : the schoolg Wili-in't-ime be: eloSett the salute was permissible:and in °Hey but the needs' of the Air Force Will lit was a- long:drawn-out, lovely thing; continue to be supplied, while there 1 • .. (, - • ,• will be ft greater concentration of alx-- -A_..few-_ hours .••.after that Wedding' 1, , at . this •linie. The personnel of . - the was scheduled for two fhitetals in .one 'fewer across the Atlantic; of necessary ifternbon. These ''. important events' •.A.-4.4:';.,,:"-Nin441%,- int"Gtula.da'-- *111, ----be :ioine-thiek and fast at-tirciesi-and we moved to the: fittlig. llne,„..*Ong .of the:•, .nd it bardt�adapt O'dfSel'O'eetw-V'''-'--r- ,decisions reac'hed at the,aw discussions ,.'aiths, My neighboring minxstey on .. , in Ottawa_ is. that A -joint ni ,comitte of e . .,-ati:_:;i60.00.0Attees.,_0:.:_r =watt:, ,..04:::ff. cnay :tlhaieste: -sutetadmineur;hiatid:,tdr:dtrythree 1 f7uoilnet,Lcrarl.t.. Britain will be- set op in London „to. iese.weddings was in the • church, . witl , ensure that inemberS of the R,C.A.F-. i a' theiip.wets• :and - trimmings.. -tweet,' - *.attached -'-to the /LAX. and Who On; •try, and one of the.funetals_Was-thert serving in Many, widely separated parts.] Jo, the deceased ,being respected and important official of the church. There iad to be a.Allick ch*ange, of settiiiiiiii ''• he •elftirch. I 'was. told -the -wedding. kme ig.Statmosphere wasomewhat difft- ,„;ssartg to get.. e proper.,,.gun in their. own Canadian squadrens.i : There are now forty-one and shortly jilt. To other funerals were In re:, •• . ereal. *111;t"e 'f6tfr-fOur• Re -X -P: Aix squhd", spective 1 homes. : The 'second wedding . , 1"OnS overseas, '-. . - • Was in the home of the bride and the. crate' tl.,,, . 11,11064A , dear wife and daughter, who were' .ftelfilt st..... Wrought. alli.4rAtty-wellObaiik". to kis, . i. - - ... • ,,_...A.i...iiiiii. fhireviredding...„was at the parsonage. ,........... . -7-.77 .- '-, •• .1,9ne . felt sorry.: for the rainiSter, who, mei, though At was ,obut 08 in the 'shade, got awn'ting him, at every interval with -., For quick roliettrPrOtetang Of c'Mcms, pimpled, rah. — 71dean, collar to replace , ' 7 bria's foot; scale*, scabies, easbei and otherp,,,,,,,illy; towels and a •itee . milled Aim.. trouor bfuserfait.actint, cooling, sniff. his 'wi- wilted one 'after .0aCh' event.' . • septic, liqiiiI1D: D. D: . Prescription: .Gresselims, - .,, ,! , , :' ...:.--...4::::-. ,, ; ' ' • . ...Wails: Soothes irrititionanclquickly stone intense *, . . ' A. ....-. : . i c i - roar druggist:mak!' fnir D.:D.1X PRSCRIPT,10.q. 1 IIIIISt be .-past. toe va en int. s age. Nobody sent ine• one this, Year., One • *Wilt. 35e trinlbetileprovailte.Or nitmey back. Asit * '• •'''• ' of Awl daughters' -got twenty-six. There -Alley -are Btaring: at nle on the mantel Over the fireplace-' in- colorful display Even the big .--awkward;- misbehaving beyIn her public .school -Clogs ' sent -a very pretty valentine,„.and•deciared not long after he had felt the length of her tongue for hiS talkative ways! and cateiess work in Class that-she•was_his valentine. ' She waif' as -pleased " over that as over . the i: one. ffora . the '%sinal ' niOdeit boy who deee his Work -Capital; Jy.and canses no trouble in theclask , ..„.....i--imi.. Isn't it getting the common thing. to .........., use pretty I:zit-Aga- cards, all . got -,*nri fer"tlfroteasion, le; Send to peeple. Oh special days? There is an avalanche everywhere at • - Oltristnias,-Ad„_.birtht daYs and Wedding ' Celebrations are re.' nietnbered in this mannet: Of 'greeting. by many people. 11 is Tather 8112eaSY way to , discharge' ones felt obligati* ,ftn`d, happily, the greeting in its ,piettY setting and often humorous and peetic language goes further than sonte!'could. express thetaselVes With, a ,Saratehy pen. But I on't. go to get bargains,,though I am intrigued at times. I go for the fun .Of it, a sort -of hobby. The last one I attended the auctioneer put up 500 _ clothespegs and a rat trap:7a 'strange assortment, I thought-Tand We are=making the laigest4 quantity. possible ,under inrar-thne restrictions. ' • • soonr-we. hope, ,we willagain Take all you want f01.111d,t0 USe' on -Leap -Year 1)ay by any , • young female who 'Weald take'advant- aga-nt-the-leallesfr-,priVAleger_it. may, Serve,.the. purpose as well as .a letter, which, kind is.„ rather.•hard.:- to frame Whore modesty.reigris. LEEBURN .'.LBERURN,: '41Feb. 2.:• -.Mr. ...James Chisholm and Chief • Torn- .Qiiigley. motored to Atwood to, see the latter's Sister there.: „Mr: and grs. Hamilton" Glutton and. their family went to Loudon on.Satuf- day, retpriiinehome on :Sunday. MiSs•Aan -Long,- teacher At Para- mount 'school, spent the week -end with lgrs. James -Chisholm. • Mr. -Wilfred Smith, and 'Mr. Ben .1.0hisholta went to Lucknow to see the' hockey game on MondaYtt. night, 117.1g.S.. Meethig.--A meeting.l,of:the, got only ten cents for a bid,For; that Leeburn V.M.4„, was held on February small sum -those Aegs' will: peg out and i6th at the ficane of .Mrs F. Risigg; that tat trap will likely rini away with With eight 'ladies and three visitors a ,rat with its front feet dragging_ it. prksent. Whetheme dr the .theeting • ' was '"The Bible the CO.MMOI1Ppwssiork There are two. things that inAll of the world. Church," 'and - several of fairness mut add to what.' have those present too14part in ifs,presentr. written in .this :eohunn. One is that ation. ,After this the World Day of ..a.,,,heiateALNAWingarttg ttia.R.Filiii1A,p, et service Was observed. -instead of, for me. My, how pleased I was itii trifIliirWellrEff`thrgpeeitir- was. troin My -dear little Aye -Year-old 1 'at -iicfinspiring!'servjge.allfl-'•ii-Nvaa granddaughter *hose birthday *Was last Wonderful to tfiluk. it will! be used by, Saturday, "Granddad,. ,3701i. are MY• wOm..en all Over the world. The Meet - valentine." The other thing is -that in .closed with singing- and Prayer: itis not out of place to suggest, re- A c1ainty7 lunch was • served, • • peeting those printed, colorful, love - carrying cards, that • if one can be under the. direction' of the teiteher, Clutton, and the trustees, the aim, beingto raise funds for the Red -Cross.", Several' tables ef ,progreasive euchre Were played' While the, younger folk -Went -for a skate. Prizes 'were wen by. Mrs. L. ChliStila.W* 'arid- Win: McCann. Allan-Schrani with'his.violin :and Mrs. Schram at the piano turn- Ished. music -iwhile . was being Prepared.,,' '42 ter. lunch the floor :was cleared for dancing. The, quilt which was donated-bY'Ars. Ab. Morris was nvon4bpAlvinKorr,..CILPtttin,„Aod„gogle; drawing the lucky -ticket:- -A-good 'col- lection was .taken for the' Red, .Cross. 'It is estimated tliAt 25,000,000 beYs have been goy Scouts since, the Rout Red Cross .Benefit.—A social evening 1 movement came into being thirty,six 'VMS 1141d at No. 5 'school On..Monday- years ago. • tr-; • :Funerai 0 MONTREAL ST. - • - ' - * -Ott. „runera..1, Chapel combines - the dignity of a Place of worship and the • refinement .-of a. quiet residence:- - • . PHONE- 1.20 . • riOLD At. LODGE, Direitor IMVE. • ;CREWE, ,Hillott , . • Rivett, of Gtielph, who is being moved to 'Quebec,' is spending a nfortnight's holiday with-h-ta-parehts,714r.,antilfrs;---- • Jack. Rivett." Mr.- and Mrs. T. M. Durnitt and Mrs. ".1. RI -vett were in London on Saturday. • '- • :The W.M.S.. plan to -.,observe the . World, Day of Prayer CM Friday at the liorae-"of Mrs: Cecil Blake. ' illness of Paul Caesar, -second youngest son of- Mr. and .Mrs. 'Will Caesar. Out Wigilf: is. that he may be restored to health again. • -LAC.. Elliott Rivett spent the week- - endtwith his brother Ivan at Hainfiton. the_werldLwIll. after the_war have the same priorities in -relation to ,de-". mobilizatimi.-repatriation and, rehabilit- ation as the members of the ft.CA.F. sge_forjhe yi4o, -of at. Home, Toro to, Street:- ,.P,rompt .k-M,hylairee SerViee Wait,'Nonrial, Pep' Vim' Vigor/ . I .4! . . . 317.r.'astron'TOnts tabiSts; Colinas* wilco, ion*. „ lantip. Iron. Vitmatulft,oradlinti;phoipb.ormigaido to tormani Pstx. vim. Vigor. ',Malty ewe 310. der Of SO. .. Introductory 'Igor only 366 If not tesuiur Of Sot .poolutice, tnakcjitt=t4t2 Aftlitglitf1/41stort faklbIK rAtigtOlizFuneral ilome corn** ser,i6 Kease,i4ible; 'PrIetar ritomPT. INVALIto 'CO Snitirica extra Charge for the use of ottr 'modern runtral ,Staine. -149ntreal ' Phone 394SW Or -pAroit -SHOP NENy.F.,ST toDSICOt • •' . )3V8T IStATIatIAT# CouaVanteed wo.rkmanship at Woes thatc..Wia pleaSe„ you. SA,V4 ,A0f4INTS PEIDS At our office; Phone 242J og 'drop usl,a line to Bot -,181, Goa. - rid): We will be Pleased to call." and help choose a suitable! tnem.•. (dial for your family .plot. R. A. sPorrolg st,,Andiew's Pimple Covered Face' Kills Many -a • Rimance - The livei of many young people are made Miser. able 1)y the breaking out of pimples, and you probably know of cases where •a, proniising rottuniee has been spoiled by those red, white, fostering and pus -11110d. sow on the fare. l'he,frouble is -not `so touch Tfilysical pan., blithe mental suffering einieed by the einbarregang disfigurement which very often es the stifferer ashamed to go out in company, ' 2T145quickest way, to get rid of pimples is to improve the genera health, borough clea.tirang Of the blood. But -tick* Blood Bitters, helps to cleatise the blood and with tho blood *loosed the complexion iihould clear up, . The T, Co., tilftitett TOrOtalio, Oat The Red Crots•-:efiitiWeilereiiiirEecOOde'tf6 other argericrcan- perform the humanitarian.iivoik it undertakes. Th -e. Red -Cross -,4 • Unique:;Cind indispeinsoble. ibecause it, is of .:tiitite . • . • • " * '• .,..` 'national colic', interino_ ti_onal.. • 0 • -- -ThE, EMU' Cli.088- is non,f9flitical, non-sectarian, ifc:41-.- 1.trZian-T expulsion or attack in the POrfOrmante ,of its .• — ' , belligerent. ' ' it represents .• ifeither''g.. Coiretiitne/i-ti.-.-notj, ..•;----4itiftiantta:rian task. -. *..,-. ,',,- -1,.., ', -i--,-,. ..-1---7" ', L„ „ •,. ' . cteeols, but Humanity itself. , •ThuS, ./nall belligerent That 'task .i.S• the :relief, OE human suflering,' 'WheEeier - countries- and in, all wkr . ar ea s ". it is ini•iiii.t. ---' suffeting isfourid, and'no 'natter b is the sufferer:, • ' . . . . . , ..•.;.- HOW WORK CafOROINA:t.EI:71, — WHAT. THE RED CROSS DOES • This • international. 'C,omrnittee Red- Cross,- sits. Governments th'tireg.ciattrzeilsto ,__1.711.1,i,:tnteuroniztliyolnal:e9Intva4tha suxiter;Lis_cring:s1,4spdoceiverod_. inatip.g b tering to the destitute, and of cOlahorating with the It sends it's own, delegates regularly into priSod-earatis, fighting services to saVe. life and Alleviate pain. _ • and sets up inteinational 'agencies to aid prisoners of The task . includes supplying, (ood .and 'comforts to wai, refugees and othr war victims ; it keeps a card , war prisoners, looking after civilian war -victims, coh, indeX-'01: allprisbriers of 'war, and -arranges interc,opa. lecting bIbo,1 serum to restore die wounded; building," -numication between thein and their families._ It artanhes equipping and Staffing hospitals, suppIeinentmn stocks exdi nge of prisoners. Througb it are transinztteckhe.,, rctcoituttttrsiews:hi:7.1:1, „ of medical aria 'surgical supplies, and pp:Aiding auxiliary ..porairscoenise,rosfoidwar n food, clothinge. ia7 den6i -ngo to ursing.s WHERE ,THE MONEY' COMES - FROM -n UNIVERSAL3Since the Red Cidss deals with 'broad humati relation4; • . BROTHERHOOD i • ggverthrtents entrpst to it 111,0 raising of funds needed to National Reatross $ocietiesthroughout the -world ate_._zcarry on its ,manifold activities. This 11 does through. linked--'iOgether In -a Universal' brotherhood through the appeals to, industry and to the private citizen. , international -Red Crbss Committee in Perieva,• appeal of the Red Cross is to fundamental bodikes's' :Sifitzerland—a neutral, -epuutry:- •- , and „compassion—the desire, we all have to elp„ our . suffering fellowbeirigs, no matter -what their 'colour,. creed,,:dationality or •politics. The Red Cross' is the practical eXPression of that ideal'', . whielx,:was preached s� powerfully on the "shores, of a Galileartlake-rAlie Brotherhood of. Man. . Hi— THEN, YOUR J013.1 • So—the Canadian Red Cross is YOUR Ited Cross. YOU make .it possible. It is through YOU and in YOUR lviootivs vimigitut) vita .Whatil, Wallot) ? PACKS AGAINST ;IVICSCULAR , ACIIRS—PAINS—SORRNESS • If you.. Want beneficial 'strength in liniinent-rub;•• if you're fed -up With weak products whose- relief is holVvv4Y, or imaginary, then try gooNnis' lomionATA) OIL! It .representS • Our 'NIA-Xplrizt in cetniter-itritabto Wirer for._ inliScular ' aches, /mina, chest -colds, ,and sa warm- ing rub to telieVe. tightness OS well ag musenitb! aehes 'bfielt;•.-,,-, limbs; Shoulders and ne(.k, due to over-eXer-- eise, .overwork,. Or exposzitit to 'cOld mild dampness. • ()nee you trst Atone's Pmerald 011 s we are confident Yon. will 493,; **Now you're talking tft. and that you will tieVer be without It in your home. I On, stile at till good, drag Aterei; inpbelys Drug. Store. • - • fle're* in .1263, the Red Cross was founded thrOugh-the efforts of the. Snis, inthor • and ' Pftilis'opher, Dunatit, who had'been inafiresded by the pioneer.work Of the Xnglishwonlan, Florence Nightingale. • • • ere, in 1864, was drawn up Treaty-whicIr committed sixteen nations ' (since joined by others) to observe • . International conventions Which . make Ited Cross- • work possible. , , „Since then, the embletii:"ChoSeri—the Red Cross on name, that it carries on its Rinque and necessary work. .white ground (the flag of Switzerland ". It is, YOUR dollars . . . contributed as generously as has ,become the worldwide symbol of mateshumanity your means will permit . that must moet- the present expandfpg, need: , ' Man. , )4.40 Contributed to Ibo 6itiodiott Red Cioss Society 13y, CY1(tieft'S trewind CtioPolOt kinittad. •