HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-02-17, Page 8• Yo 1117'1 unday 11 • ervice ST. GEORGE'S CHUKCH; REV. W. 4. rkENRAR,..-iktor O. P. S.,„CAIVMAN, Organist fid CyClirmailter 8.40.4,116t; JiOflt CON1VXVNION. 11.00 am. IIOLX COMMUNION ANDMilMON. — :Subject:. Move Will Always Find a.WaY.'! 2730•Pan: CIIVIt011, ACIPOOL*AND BIBLE CLASSES.• • 7.010 p.ni. 10.,ENSON6 AND SERMON; , • , 8.00 ani. ASIV-*:WEIONES#A,V. 11.01y.COmMnifion in; 4klltIDAY. ,..)Voreates lDay of„ Prayer :Service, • • 1.4$ 'ERMAY. Litany and '$ertueii. •• COME' TO CIII,T.011 ••• fort urch B, 11 TURNBtLL, J A, B.D., 5,TA1 1•1 an "THE IN'PAGRATrVE FORCE ov RBLIGION:' 3 pan. Sunday Schoel. • 7 p.m: THE RIIRMLA nom), Illustrated with Colored viewS: Organist and Cheirmaster--MRRAY MULIIERON. A SINCERE ;WELCOME AWAITS YOU. D/PLOROA TO VIOTORIA. 8011001a YU iPresIyterian,hurch fl iran.. PUBLIC .tvons • Sermon Subject: 1. "(Jut of Plumb:' 2.g0 pm,. SUNDAY " All Departments. '7 p.m. PUBLIC !WORSHIP. .Sermon Subject:. ta-KnOW ChiS ' Thursday; 7.30 p.m. •;.1Nlidweek Service for Praise and l'iayer. ' MINISTER,, --REVEREND RICHARD STEWART. ORGANIST -MISS EILEEN. BOGIE. ), 10/RECTOR OF PRAISE -MRS. FRANK SAUNDERS.. Come and Worship the Lord in the Laity of IlolinesS. Goderich Baptist Church, „ „Organist Publie•Wership. Subject: 4Does. It Pa,y ti-Keirie-GOd?' 3 pate. 'Bible School. . •'• • • • • 7 piny, Song: Service. Subject: 'God's Meeting of •*. • • Wednesday 8 Pin, Prayer "Meeting.— X'-,litydeiliritilkitittititilr'extvntle-ter---tIvie, who ,..410.„,n at.attottl-tti --servicesi9n-any- Church.. Free Methodist Church Corner Victoria and Pa* St. - •AV. FREMIANT-11!a.stor • 10' a.m.' SUNDAY SCHOOL. ' •11 MOON "a.m. • ING SE! • . T p n "The•Seeking Saviour.” • Prayer Meeting Wednesday. at 8 'p.m CORDIAL WELCOME TO EVERYBODY .. THE POD •.1 Iteatling • diplOint43, ..liai'e Weil * re ' AtIth_. •• AlliSen; ', ,Gertrtide ---• J3esittie - - AL1140' Leaf- Chapter, -1'0 I.) E -nro as •lictro BeAttiej„joyee Bat...041,er, 1 Jorotfiy , collecting metal bottle caps for Salvage.' A-441,*494.n•t-e.050t •-• --, -,-, , -, .,, . ......6 ''''g(r7T4': .-4" B" °Xi) 117:38E -t: iistehnattertputvORP:114.:1,4 Of 1,1iltoria*,,SellO°1: . , the • --nitniber -et •-diploMalr presented • bra,el‘ets after SoMet triamea indicatett.ltit,(1,:13,1t.itTy,4),f2/8Vtit a"n1S14("12d240,437,43:t4L8T,115e8pda.mY: 4.113.one` 008 I: 22,' ClintOrt. Calls Paid diploma rePreSents the reading • tweitty beeksr and the number in, follews, for` the year 1942-43; Egtou (4, _Nortu.street Vatted ehUreli 'hall, inider• nog) .Q..tra3p.4,v, ../tat, 2, Bayfteid,.. A three-aet comedY, .."Cove•rallo;" ill 'to; amiiitililitl?feed4 taitstirelnitkOviledSt 1)*'Pri40443'ItAbilY! , 10:,44,10...: 1414,4ki .131.4diey., ?atix.ipa yveetit, .Tho,§Q iiiv he left ' at the Leafer4 .Wilfred Castle, Marie C'n.107..Margaret:•-•110tel, . • . - •,. • , , 4 • Bowra, -Eleanor --Boyee;•-• _Katheriiie__, .Dance to_AVillis Tipping_ and ,,his 'Icneeshaw .(•47',,,Baniona Williams, Joan. fine . oreliestra, at Olinton Town 11411 , Scat' (2), Mary Laithwatte; - Novell on Friday, s February 113th: Dancing A1NTED-•-4"Illils1I1311.1111) OR ',Amp' --Lee. •- • i ' • ' . . '4 to 1. Aftission'50e. ',L'his popular .furnished apartment,' :saY two 'Howard Aitken,. Ronald, Barker -(2) „ hand., played* three .^season s „at Lake- ,r0oins, and share bathroom, by • Air Joan Baechlor, Aiieen Caiitie (24, Jolip view Casino., Grand, Berate , ' ' • 0-7,' Vorce,,Oflicer and wife, Iks, ''. ' .` Apply BOX laseY (2)7 Doris QliVer,Laura 2if. Group . oi spe‘i iiy siart,batt GNLTAXV' - •' 7x .,t)ladds AdYne„ .itotTh:*-1 Pooald' $ager? clear .at:§1,50'at Miss PtIaeVicar's. inil. *111-1311 * .01114"sr; -Pawll $6114.4.11gal • inery,‘ Kingston Street, - '-' ' ' 4 'CARDS OF TIIANII§ . Al'ttit'• W4,11. (3)* . * • • -..... •' ' Euelire, • 500, and ",dance uuder ails, bilt°t-i,t1•4;31ePii4a, ‘14-isait' °Bi°0tultaa_pt'...."b711/41,1Y•1_1....1.; pices,Qf GOderlelt'Tevirnship North End• RS. aollx-xcEicroim AND PAU:- .1.0yee (2), 30,(.,,, earriek, (a), v4yilis, ite4 Cross, Society,,in OddfeilowSloAlall, ILI 'Wish to thank those '!*hO sent.. Goderlell, ' Friday,. February -18th. floral. .triblites Or loaned. ••ears for the . *4 rrivir, Gordon Crawford ,(3), li, S"-. , . , .Luneli proVidd. , Ilayttelel. Valley ,101.Ve funeral, also these who assisted , in orehestra. AtlIn1.P4104. 30e. •• . • •* 64 ani' wt1,Y, (,),rexijreg(1 their .671APPOY. ,.A.. II:unmake- safe -.under auspiceof, • „ , • . Victoria 'street church, April . 22nd,. ' in tile„.ticuppi 00111. -.7' ICH S/GNAL-STAR, or A classified Ad AVANTI120— ANTBD.-A.-uousn , To, IiNNT ,xtg perinapenCi:osideRtt 'Unfurnished, with threeor four bedrooms and modern conveniences,. „Call IMPERIAL OIL LTD. * . _ _ OM OVAL BTJADED EVENING bagv-vontaining• gold cigarette ease wit ,ReWard. Finder pie se eall at $IGNAL.STAB ornuo, Victoria . St. United Church- COURCH "WITII, A 'HEARTY WELCOME" itlINISTkl&-LREV ;ARTHUR J. iviersAYE 10 a.m.„ SUNDAY Se#OOL. r ' 1110RNIN4_8EAVICE. 7 Ips. EVENIls.iG 'SERyjCE: 0 anist-Mrs... L. Hanna. BETEEL-PkNTECOS'COMITARIMA.A.CLE .. - THE CENTRE , OF EVANGELISM • - BM A, 6-.. matiusfl'Astoi---„ - - , . ' 1.6, WATERLOO' ST. Serrkes-Laun. 1040 .a.m. - Sunday School. • '' ' - -• • .0.00. a.m. "Spiritual Strength?' ' n - 7.30_p.m.', "LeSt We Die."' , Tuesday . . . , 8 p.m. Young people's Meeting. ,.-7---. 8.00 p.m. Wednegday--.Woments.Missionary Society. A MUM WELCOylE A,WAMS. YOU AT EACH .SERVICE ... . . . „.., _ mond c'rawford, Cat.herhie 'Oat •„ (2).*, Lillian Gliders* *(2).;',7,18ebel GreenSitide, (3 ),:Rnth Hoy (3), IlitrOld Jeffery*, (3)7 Olive L.-neeshaw,', Norene Malleugh (2), Norris McCreight, Benson Moore, ,Marjorie Overholt (3), NVendell Plt- blado, Marion Powell,, Marion Reis (3)) aar4. Lou Sanderson (2),:Sally „gliarpe '(.2),;i1tutli Stokes (2), Peggy Stubbing - ton, Betty Taylor, Lorraine Thompson, Leonard Willis, Donald, Tom • Slieppard,•Ruby Oliver, 'Lillian Jessop, Audrey-. CraWf6ra (2),. Kathleen Li:nig- • Mire;' Billy Elliott," Joan ' Eitzpatric , Gordon Pinder (2), Allan MacDona (I) Ruth Harvey,i'aill Briekiiell (2), Jolui Gauley, Bruce'. Thurlow, Bobbie Quin, Eleanor -J -0017Y". (2); ledii '.13aechier, • GraCe Pinder, Mervyn Mcgulloagh, Jimmy Shirley Grummett .(2), Gloria Bloomfield, Helen 43.ridle, Wilma MCKinnone Lueille Cuthbertson • , Marion Duckworth, Ruth . gager . (3), Archie Peattie. (2)...„ Barry Doak (2), Betty Fritzley • ()., Edwin ,(Monk, Patricia. Mohring (2)7-Joyee Breckow. .(2,), Joyce Dowler- (4), Margaret Henry (4), Ruth Irwin (4)•, Lililan • Sproule (2), Dorothy La.ngridge Norm.a Beattie'. (2)3', Betty Dickinson,, Mthi Straughan- (2), Kenneth Boyce, • ..phristine • Schutz, Jeanne Duckworth, -Jacolyn Vincent '(2)`;', aoyce manough ',..s,eten.' Foster (2), Neville 'Mon- . tieth (2),„„.Doulga_s :dock; Doreen Webster,- Viola Sehmidt,. .Gerald Wilson, Jack ..-Aleriapv,'. Paris • Cooke,.__Clarence-,,errick, .Jean,„.1-K,W14( Billy Me,rtata,„ Kenneth ;' Frances ,Brereton, Dori s Iloy (3); • Mavis .Trott Williana,, Larder, Douglag Pennington; 'Barbara, veer,: _Atrarey-CranSton,--Ilarold-Bell,--E iyn • aleC-ahe'l,F.ArthucibbS,-44.14.en-ategis.. Donna:Mitchell, Robert Gardner, Grace Doak, -.•-•Jean Laithwaite, Gary' Stant- forth,..Dick Clark, Joe McAdam, Keith Snell, jack Reis, Reginald. _Snaiel, Mary, Lou Illathiesen, Barbara Ann MeVittie; . Marjorie Johnson, • Marilyn' Allison, 'Betty Bowra (2), Donna Beyce,. Evelyn Glousher,-Cyrirltr, Gos- den, ' Lorene 'Henderson, J•lniniy Arthur, (2-) Gilder!, ,-13ruee. McCullough,: Clarence' Snaie14.- Donald ..Stokes Ruth :Willis; Doris ..,.:Yonng; Mildred •Vanderburgh, Violet McAdam, Daer (2)3 Mary. Joyce Eliwbod. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH. „ The 'first of the Lenten services this year will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock on. Ash Wed- nesday morning and will be held in the Chapel. On Friday the, -Wonian's Day of Praker will be ,lield„ -in the church at 3 p.M., and since the church • will be heated for this, ' event the first 'evening Lenten -service,: will be •libld On Friday 'evening at 7.45 o'clock and, :Will be followed byt choir Practice at 8 o'clock. , The offerings, ',Lenten mid,Weekzservices will, be in behalf of the budget; vvlille the budget efferingal next Sunday will be • designated ' for the Council of Soelal*Serlide, and it is hoped' , they will be much larger than StiaL" It is -expected there will be a •geod_ delegatiOil :Anglicans ecitige-ts; th'e-laomeTarialrof --the- biehop, at the installation SerViee .in. -St-Paul"s ,Cathedral,„_tendon,- en Mon- day evening next. TAY delegates are- expeeted to • forth ',Part of the pro.: cession; 'The -rector and wardens wifl be -glad to hear of Itny who are willing to use, their ears , for del(gates tro,ra this parish. - • ,•••••• .., Alb:3)037W of the _proper age- are re- quested to :remember that -them is a boys' Bible class eier,y *•Sunday,rmorn- big at 10 o'clock, 'with Mt, .j. Morris. in charge :An the Guild-rOein. of the, parish . " •-• •••During the season Of Lent the mid - Week services will be held, on Friday evenings at 1.45 .o'cleck and will be followed by,theT-choir. practice fti 8.30 o'cleek..! The nieniliers,_,ofthe cher .are 'requested 'to be present a, • all services: A panealte social under lie 'auspices of group 3 of the of xnox chureiv will be held on Tuesday, Feign- ary'22xid,-,in the basement of the church •from 5 to. 7 pan. „ -6 The regular, meeting. of the Evening .Anxilia.ry, 'oft • North' street U.nitest church wilt pc held at the •hoine of J. Pridhani, 9 Trafalgar street, Godericli, on .Monday evening, Febru- ary 21st, at: 8 o'clock sharp. The guest. speaker- Will lie Miss Itet-W 'tonr,i.c,au,st-r,.e,cently, • returned from Af Motion- pictures, some sof local inter- est', Will be shown 'U. Robert Henry ,at. Victoria' street United church on Thursday, February 24th, at 8 p.m., under auspices of the choir. Admissian 25e and 15e. -7 T BORN. BOWLER. -At Alexandra Hospital,. Goderich, on -February 1,4th, 1944, • to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Bowler, R.R. 3, Goderich,• a son. • HIRONS.-At Alexandra Hospital, .Goderich, ()V February i5li, 1944, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hirons, Goderich, a daughter. , • t• „ 'SHIIR;R-ATTAt Alexandra Hoipital, on- February .13th, 1944, to Mr. and, aanxes Sterratt, Goderich, babY'kfil.•" WILSON. -At „ :Alexandra' Hospital, Goderich,,9n.:Vebruary.12t43;1941, te- an& -Mrs: ROY Wilson, R.R. 1,' • Godericlil•-•-ii-daughter, . , sp101.7L.-LIn loving uieniors.20t P:PS , 'dear, , husband, Win. Sproul, - who passed away February 18th; 1927: I have only your meniory• dear ,husband, To remember my whole lite through; But the 'sweetness _Will linger forever As I treasure the image Of you. ; MRS. WM. .SPROUL, 7x • • •Dungarinon, " Mr . -and Mrs. I.° Willis :FraSer are spending two weeks 4 Toronto. Who Will Pay ..the utliq • ?. uio' 'anti- be ,'Assured -Against.. • - the Unexpected, .•• • • -Get ' Insured 4.• Stay ,insnred,-,' Rest ,a4sured. • ..**S4iih St, • • 'Jt'J 268w 4.44.441 Gordon M., Grant. xim1t0NR0AD',GODERICH • Licensed Auctioneer • for. •-•,T. IltirOn* County - 1:Furniture and rani Clearance Chatteland, Real -Estate Prompt. atten'tiOu given -.0 -WankWrite .: BOX 333 GODERICII 1p52x. • PHONE 959: . HE FAMILY OF TaB LATE. WM,. ]RED J Cox -would like to thank the neighbors and friends 'for the many acts of kindness and sympathy, ex- tended- to them •in their Sudden bereave, inent ; also for cars loaned and for the beautiful floral' tributes.. /. BEBB•.-in loving memory of Mrs: 'Robert 13ere, whopassed away. • February -21st, 1943.. t Time •speeds on ; one year has passed Since dept li its gloom, its shadow, 'ciest Within our, home; whore all seemed bright, • • • And toOk from. us Our Shining light' We miss that light and ever will; Her vacant place none can ever fill; Down. here we mourn, but net in vain, For up in 'Heaven we'll meet again. .-Sadly . missed ,by , •Husband Onti Fa.raily.' , 7x CHURCH NOTES • AUCTION:„ SALE FOR SALE TRDAZ FERMI Itb, 19441 NOTICH TO mamma tS1,04(4,11,..2Tia VRIMITORa. Notice la hereby given1Q all per0On* having any • claim agaiatit the estato• of Frederick Henry latti ot the Town of Ooderleh, who Medi On or about the 3.0th day of January; 1044, to send Saine to the 'andel:Signed. on Or before 18th of February,- 1944, as on. and after that_ date thu tutniblistrator ARM -FOR SAUL-PART L T A am° -te'w Teti, lot; 9,. :ger h?g4b and house; 'tour never -failing Springs :Col'. Water 'sappy. Offered for, sale to closw, estate, . HUGH WM. W, hIhIT ••-• ,Goderich. A VCTION SALE ON — SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26th, • . at Of household furnishings and the fol- lowing property: LOU' 1314,-1377, and a seven -room frame house (one and a - half story) and frame barn on Hinks• street, • • • Small ' range (cream enamel), like nevy-; kitchen cabinet; drop-leaf table, 6 -chairs ' (kitchen) ; Washing machine, Connor Electric; 4 rockers; small cup- board ;4 washstand ; lee box; clipboard f• • • 1 sideboard; ,clay h,g4_11i he _ new). , dining table, 6 chairs; 1 -electric Forrest CrOsley radio; 1 40.116 oval . • REGIMENTAL- NOTICE walnut table; ferzb stand; nuraber *, 0-8 FOR' SA.L0;•, $COTCH'„ COLLIE *MP% Write 'fatNoLI) BATH - WELL, A.R. 3, Clinton, phone 90 r 32, Clinton. WcolAN)8 13Liox 'Velevet goloshes, with zipper..and fur tops, size 614, new. , Call SIGNAL - STAR..• ° 4 EGA- SALII-SEWING 1k1A.OHINES for sale, 414.00 and- ,up. I bilY nittehines, ,any condition; I repair all makes. Complete 'cleaning, overhaul and a.djustment $3.95 ;, work' guar- anteed. • Belts, needles, oil, lamps, etc. for sale. -noun, 2 p.m. rto. 0 p•m• 0: W'OODS, 2 East. .street„ or pkone SIGNAL -STAR. - SPDOIAL,---A Singer portable electrie 'with -attaclunents, •good'as new, $6,5 eash, FOR SALE.-REI,IABLE '38 FORD . coach, equippea with heater, .radia and 1944 license. Phone 493. )•At r. TA.KING 9RDERS FOR MAY DE- LIVbRY ,Kitehener Big-4 -Chicks ; Cockerels, immediate or later delivery. Hatehes get booked up quickly, $o we „advise' .ordering •now, 'Agent • RYAN PRODUCp •00., ,Goderich, • ' • -7 , -;.••••••••••••••••••••, of the said estate shall proceed to dis, tribute the asSets, thereof, having -10., gard only to the claims then filed. • Dated ht Goderieh this wows,- seventli-day 4)f. jantlary,'Aip-;*1944. R. C. HAYS, ,Geplaiceirtiocucont Solicitor for A...thilinistrator, sNiotio TO. OREljyrORS: h,tiNviontgiceainsyhedrutebimy giavgeantritsot ath110:peezoantse of . Elizabeth Buchanan, • late of, thel • roWnship of Ashfield, who ' died at= Tadmor,e, • Bar*, on the 27th • • day of Deceniber, 19434 to send same to the. undersigned- on or before the -18th' of February, 1944, as. -on' and after that date the exectiter,,,ot*.tlie.„estate Mau assets the t Ireceeeaditnihtietoulnfe,":ehailindi,8:1,11,411.- "0Q143, to Dated at .Goderich this. 28th day or 4•AtnnarY,.A.D.al9A443t,,.. R.o,..k.o.p . Goderich, the6erlh1alne.44"' S°1ithi:Wr 5-6-7. • 4 410-(i.RE),DITO.AP: • Notice is hereby given -to -ail persons having"iiiiY"Oall against George•Cant. wellelate of the Township -of „Colborne, in the County of Huron, farnier,-who, died at • the' Town of gotlerich• on „ or about the 7th day of February, 1944, to file same with the • undersigned on ° or before „the 4th day ot March,..1943, as after hat' date tile execntor herein will proceedto, distribute the assets *of the estate, having regard only to the 'elates them filed(' FeDbxagteadr,a, tA• G.r)02.d_vie eirt)ilc411.:. Square, th day. ,,.ot" • F. It. DAltROW7 . y 3 . • Goclerich;.. Ontario, 6-7-8 Solicitor for the Estate. Small tabl:es ; White sewing maohine ; •The menibers of- "C! Company,- IViid- electric iron; what -not; hall mirror; dlese'x and Hurn Regimen, are :here - iron bed, springs and (new) ; dresser and-waShstand; toilet set ;.1._ iron bed, and Springs; washstand; 'ih; 2. dressers and washStands carpet sweeper; -2_ rugs,'7-0tritgcdeum -(0"x 10%) x ; number smaller rugs; alarm:, clock; ' number hooked matsi•-qpit-s-und-bedthng; curtain rods and curtains; quantity dishes; lawn .1310.17fe.r ; washtubs; ...0,11ATTAT4. ,S•77QAtgl. ' down; Offeredeito,sru:bje.ct:to: sou a reserve ' • , F,I,LIZA,BEATdHrajD,IttiatOiOtrREt,ix., Estate .Mrs; 'MUT' Armstrong. HAROLD JACKSON, •• • 7-8 f. • • ' Auctioneer. by notified to attend parade OA Mon- day, February 21, 1944, at -8 o'clock; for kit 41,...P.gatog., and to bring with -1116M i'llitila-Sipiede,'Kiitasited. (summer' and winter). .Failure to attend this parade may result in the individual being charged with the equipment ;issued, Yon are further-notified-tha.Vaitencln anees at parades in the future vy.111 be itrictly`Z, insisted 'upon, • and unless 11 medical Certificate or a certificate from "Dr room before parade theirabsenceWill. be reported to beadquaiters. - "Rifle practice on the ranges . at the dollegiate Institute will be carried on • each Monday until further notice, ‘. R. C. HAYS, O.C.*0" Coy; Middle -gel and 'Rural Regiment; Goderich, . Ontario. - NPTI0E TO 1EDITORS.- -• • Notice is hereDY giNen. to all persons having any,elaim egainet•the 'estate Elizabeth, Mary. A.rfastrong, late 'of the ' Town ol Goderich; in the County of • . Huron,• widow, who. (tied oif-„the ••4th*. dal, of February, 1944, to send-tianni-t0---- -the _undersigned On or before March 3rd, 1944; as 011 and afte that date..* ithe,adininistratrix....of„;the' said estate ' .4411 proceedTo Mike' diStrilifiden.-61-:', the assets thereof,.•having.regard :only •to the claims tlien .filed. . ' • Dated. at Goderich, February '12th, A.D. 1944. , •R. -HAYS;(loderieli, Ont., ! , Solicitor for the Wale. - you m(11:fire Co'ato ALL asi s, Coal and ilardWt‘re at th(;'Hal'bo.,ur Ithomiet—Officisin llouse119 ave your money earn 5%. Prepay Prepay your Town of Goderich r1944 Taxes now. For particulars apply to: 0. W Tax Collector.' . *NOTICg.. Would, a.ny Person 'Where4POttth of,. any heir, or descendant of 'the 'Hugh' -Crawford --who (lied. in 19133 and .who Wits..0...TOtrae).•,..rOgident. of Gederich and was ,blifieti-in Mait- l1ifl( cemetery, Jatedsei Write BO,N.- 13, -$161N,AL-STAII. _ , „• .-7 The Woman's Dai of prayer will be observed in • St: George's -Anglican etiiikeh• on ,Friday, • February ,:25th, at p;ini :Wcimen-of all denominations are eafnestii requested to. attend. 7x Last 'Sunday afternoon the super=. intendeiit-of the Gffdrich Baptist sun day- school, , Mr. Sydney. ,Greenslade, presented prizes to the piipils-who cently wrote the-7temperance,:examin, ationsc •-• Isobel • Greenslade, Richard dfark, MalcOhn Camp,bell ,and Fred Squire. ,The prizes were • given by :tlie Woroen's ,Christian TeniPerancellnion of 'Goderich,• . , • An,;.entliusfaitielteis' bhilk has' been organized in Knox PresbYterian.chureh With the object of promoting, Christian fellow4*N -liast Friday, the second meeting was held, with. „ thirty boys. present, and the following.•Offiers were 7eteetetil.' -President, - • Bruce Erskine; vice-president, • Barry. Doak secretary, Brownie Milne; .treasurer; -lack MeriaM. It Was dectded to adept ,the na*. "The Boys' Christiab.7.Commanclo Club." Miss Esther„lViacMath was in charge,' aSsiSted by Miss E. Somerville. •. A • conteraporary carries this news • lovalbdirty brangifh_to6:thteb:!tutiV..DYJD1a.ESt. istbeimpp•te,4(4,T:oe Week. N6 • wonder editors . get gray. hairs.i-POrt Elgin Times. 0.1111011100111111111110.111.01111•01111111•111m Dr G. &ElIiott _ --.VEliERINARIt SURGEON- - MALL AND LARGE' ANIMALS uder'S-Drug Storei-GOderieby • every 'Thursday afternOon.. PHONE 203 ()LINTON .44 •;t, • ; 0RP= ZA1t1;r:',. Venoti4ii Blinds AND Congoleum Rugs • A. gull line of 2A.By snorixivRs and PRAMS , ,110W in dock, AT A Cranston s Furniture English DinieI. Sets - •. MrIONISP- JUST IN AUT AND -MET STORE . °Fhone 1,98, • "The Mune of.. Englisti Chbui,1 Amoraimanotl I v • Auto LicensesFROM _ , W. MacVICAIC BON 41.4 • Givgjacat Application forme for 1044 iidentleil and drivers' permits are on the back el your 1948 - cards. •Theili-Applications -mast be completed by YOU before presentation, , Issued at 01.10.!ItteitICAIVII SUOZ. 0011k ' 4• , ' 4•4. •••,(4, Onckmore the Goderich Red Cross makes its appeal to you for funds. • _ - This will be theflifth time since the war started that\we have come to you for help andeachtime you have responded magnificently. The money you have c,(Intributed has been pixtlo- splendia. Our boys in German priS011, camps, our grand Russian Allies; the children of Great Britain, all have reasonlo bless you for the belP you have given. MOM from•Goderich ram and-women-is'giving life to our:boys,fighting jit the bitter ' cold of Italian mountainsr---- In a him:a-red i)ther. ways your 'bontributiots are helping to *in the. wax. EVER.• „ , *e shall use' the "same volnirki'xy' plan of.making,:colieetions that. has provepl.tio st.iccessfulin the past' tOirolears. If it is to succeed again* ; we must have the support ofall the people:. . We know you won'tfail us. • 44,44 SS I). is: CA3YIPBELL,, dhairMan rinance CoMmittee. ocie "(VIRE)' It O. ZilItilietP, President.