HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-02-17, Page 713ritish Wives of Canadian Service.
Men Prepare for New:Life in Canada
Britain, end flatit, in me4f eaSeS they
heu. thislver, la Wen, many Can. -
441an families -weleinne 4713fitiali
aiiiter daughter-ill-laW into the font -
Uy cirele, thie Mind 4 prOlit-
inent British woman reeentlY-144 the
brighstit t idea of forming "Canadian
SVtv-1 Sweethearts Club"- in her
owfl eOinuro( BeforCr had-, -her-
iroject helf Started, =she discovered that
VoUof illouoand' girls from , her
county harl married Canadian. Servie„e;
Men, It Was then , She realized that
'her IMuse, or .evep, the Vivra' halls Would'
he hardly large enough or sueh „a
Canadien ttuthorities in England
realized seMe%time ago that there vere
.10;000 'Or So ,,Wat. brides in Great
N. \
D 0 D S
• \ • • •--
wa'ke 4:Ac
R Tftoo
' -41ttle-of„the-Sert-af,-;1442,-thil,
w1L have to lead when the time came
to follow their soldier htisbands hack
to. tile Vietminh*, Ws true that Can-
adian families wilt,try to help settle,
their new English, in-laws into ...Con.
:Julian ways of living Ms quickly as
pessible. liewever, - to give , the girbi
holuee and eoulinunitlea, They re
given demonetrations of Canadian
coeking. Sometime* members of Om'
Wilti'ilave- lived in each :of
the nine Provincea of the Dominion:
help' out. Aie-one- ()NAM, corporal
put it up ,to,the elass some time ge#
for you ' when you emne to Canada,
awl fetich tougher than you've been
used to here in Dritniii, especially_ if
you're golf* to live with your husband
mit on it,farre," • ••
At the saran time British wivets
ave found other. ways of learning to
By, OW.- IOW'
'deb trim) visited New York during :
the Willter.„1:41."0_.4u'leavirgii0:4..dheetibtlilialreeeastki:Ityttwliy.
e had approaeltell the- nietrepol
with a 'feeling Of uneasiness in reepect,- , Sheppard
to eontaet with. New Yorkers. Three Itaiwond Iteduton former Reeve fthe late ate
visitors from up J.;oelialoil Way re- of Eat Wawanosia, ha been eppointed from bulge:eon'
marked to we that,' they fou4(.1110 City, eierk and treasurer at the tOwnship to wife pretieeeaseir-blin
.eliekers in their " raf?iblings atoned succeed the late Alex:, .Vortertield,., Surviving are - two ifoomo, Writeestat
New York. • - Fred jetinston, fiettfortia, businekit SheItPard# fa Vain_ ton, Ind
* - an, broke }tis wrist in -three Armee- kheiVardi -01 VOW* 449 44"111.74141
°have a silver penny leent that at -a enrling-inateli-ittst-' week. Ile ,Ship's officer. DoeearIed was prorainsest
irtoks„ like a *dime' The ° ether- night lost his balance After., throwing „ the' in the Orange Orders, '
we iiiStiOd- into 4:‘ ,crowded 1)40 '4041 stone and fel/ on the itv. • SaWdust -13arners
foued a place, to Stand in the rear. Reporta •of fOxee, conte from (lve Heat Cheaply
'IIev, you V' shouted kozninetor ninny parts of the (Patriot, •I)nring Sawditat burners are (Vining into
• s,0 manY tithes that X looked around . the iiresent, 'Winter Heiren hunters from uae at _Wiughaw, The Advanee-Timea
pointed, at 'Me.. X worked mi way Drysdale have,:itilled thirtY-six. Verdnn teporta, Where aawduet ean. beob,
back to the Oontitietor4river. who ° in. Itati3Of Drysdale reports having killed tallied. =cheaply it IS said this method
forteed.me I lied put a, eeitt.tor bus two fOxes With, one shot at the . lake of heating ik verY inexpensive, One
Winghant 'num states that be wee -
fare,' PYou owe me,- four cents," he
id. "A. dime " I eftid • "there nre two , Clinton, TOwn Council -bas Made about fifteen table, feet of sawdust a
an- arrangement ,with the °.militarY day. at il* eoet, of about arcents. At
atithorities,,,, Whereby a portiOn of the Iitielolow a amber of the IteaterS
Towiv *willhe 'USW for storage Of have been in use for.sorcie time.
supplie4 'end a weekly meeting of the '‘.floWleU 'Farm'
The eitirena of Weatiteld.- a New
Xersey town a NW pallaii out, are, PrOV4
_ _
of-,. their reepid: in-10-71-fagthg--virab
PaPer; 'Xhey tolleete# SeveatY4lve tons
'in one day. This is excellent: work.
These go04. lersey lniallera challenge
this city to ohow all equal per capita
an -initial "trash"- into the Canadian- A' • an401104t. TheY would beat us' ,there,
way of Itylug, special. conrses. designed PloVir and.-, make - friendS;;AVitli--1.101; 1431/1414Y;.'' 141 °*-1-1-0"manY intells750
dr Yea jo
to acquaint • there, with the country "WO -use Many the'n ha've J°1u4a the`
ot of their adoption are no b * einen's Division of tit BeY 1
w e ng soon- e an.
sered by various individuals and •er„,, mlian 'Air Force are heiug-trained
Legal notee: triin rey meat,"
ganizatibus. The cauflaisu Legion to help tii stations in
1.(1.1).141. tuelt,other erganizati 11
ons eve • h "
Britain - said .141a,rio leeopoili to a magistrate
whe Vvas. aled to the bar of. jestice
been holding lectures for. these o rig,' It is horied that many More, w4ves
7 p ot.onnimnau fierviceraen in Britain win on charges of, exceediuwceiltn.0 prices.
wee brides. • • - 'Ni Yew , your. customers,'" the
cireups `vares; fro ,14. an olio the 'have' the opportuulty ovatt0rolinv:the court contere,t, iniag Iijin 424,
014 Count01 ry, .are put -up at one ef the lectures: • The ,success of these courses `Aileen Qualitk Previsions,,. Inc. was
Cautulien •Legion clubs and are, Pro" 'b4° lieett 1?‘106 611t by the wife of
°11(1 * ,, you it sal4
vided„ with free accoreMedation a, YQ/Atig 'earittaltin •ervieeninn, inlet .$750,. with thirty' et:014E40 to
meals during a week-long course on the 'ttiking one of -the eourSes' she said; '"16
POniblion, cauaaa, its baelctround yins`looking.forvvard to going to Cat.
tint its pustoms. 'with my husband, btlt, tile lectures'
During the, course, the, young War have made. inc even mere ;impati,ent
ides "learn everything ranging. from' 'and anXious to he on anY
tienadian. geography. to. how to' eook
their Inislitui.des favorite. Canedian NO INNORVASE W.'S:VGA-It RATION
, „.
dishes: . ' The whele, object ' of -these There is ale hope , for , any ,InereeSe
courses is to help in ' a Knell 'way to in thereginar ration of sugar :or in the
-dye-the girlsaballinced -view of their canning. anger allocation for this Oar,'
new homes' in Canada, It is one thing according -"to W. 'Harold ,-.SiePttillips,,
to listen to a husband. who •yearns for price S and stiPpiy ,representative'. ter
home and 'remembers only -the ' very 0 t lo
e ern ,
best thiegs, abut his eountrY,.. and= Mr. Phillips' explains °that, when
another to learn of Canada frora. an sugar was first rationed it was because;
i. t finsportation- ditliculties, but
unbiased yolunther. teacher. •
„ In plain, everyday Tranguarge the' girls'
° help accounts __of urban and rural.
QuAolay_ removed in ,olean,Sanitary-,i`rucks.
'910rIer CLINTON. - •*. 1_77-215-spnA)010-RD±-
Stolie. Sons .Limited. -
answer, netwithstanding the high,. fmelot. was. itly face reir ,41,n owe
that now it is because- of the -world
shortage • of "sugar. • Canada iniPorts
four-fiftlag of -her sugar. This -she oh:
tains from a world pool under 'an
Agreement with the United States and
eat-Brittiln,..„The world pool • has
been greatly reduced 'because -only' the
' -
. Before this preeent gauv'4.°6i'd Ow intutorOlie bit in an everting
that is now bloning struek us we had
1. balmy weather, so,bality that no fewer Paper the Other „ day' with a Picture local platoon; The yearly .rental was Home Burned
than fortY`-ehe JAW", earriageS were of, twe famous generals' 'wives eating 'fixed at 050. _ , • The Winghana tire brigade reaPencled
lined -up In the,,eun, some two deep, hi' doughrolts at a. sohlier's -OVA eeni. TiVse • W. GOOlding, fOr. Over twenift° 4 gall to the borae, of; Frank Gras;
front ef Storefi On NetrOPOritttn.'aVelrue, ladies had to keep OR biting denihn_nts Years' organist Land choir- ieader ,hain, 3.2th concession of 'Ilbwiele town,
tee other 'w#lain space ot Or different PhotograPhers at sum fi Jaines 'Etreet. tfigtOci eburcI4,-, Exeter, ship. on Wednesday of last we-ek, only
about 120' -feet. JThe statistics are ° not rate that they hadn't a chancel° tiWal. has resigned to take a similar position to find the Veda' a 7 masa of ilarnee.
important. It was the continental ,low. Our New yors: ehotogra,pliers with Talbot street Baptist church, The house, a two-story brie building,:.
touch, the gadding, chatting; the confid- axaXettai,fil,Y,,a9niethingo At a wedding Lent104. Ile Will oiontieue to mako his was• .conipletelY 7-destroyedi hut most
owes. of befurred visitora frOm Europe, at Sherry's tr:=Yew nights ago one Of hoMe in, Exeter, ,,_ ' ' -. . of • thei,eonte.nts were removed. , Two
these fast-vvorking Photographers took jjannah May Walker, wife of 'Wil-. helpers were injured when a ladder
have 'a lack of self-conecionsuesa that flashlight pictures of groups, arranged' linui, it. Riirehill,..of the "Mrlaitechurch' collapsed under tlieir.oweight, It. rooter
that catight nty , eye. :These people
is :astonishing, I •wolildn3 , make a trains, gave orders' and ' did- his work road -near Whightilit, died on Febinerg, Suffering a: broken ,-leg':,,and Robert
mean -comment on the ways of this with anlazh!!' speed. .0, . • .: . 3rd in St. Joseph's nospital, London, Gibson cuts and. bruises.
A 4 - • .
Cluttering crowd'on..a two-bloek•Streteb, .. _ • •.•,„,i, ,, * • ' _ where she had. been: taken '==.to midergre Twes:;(7entrana.-Illen
She passed' avetty before Ilenoretiloi"-Erate Actiori
-of busy shops. They were eertainlY ..-Some business firms- in New York an operation.
giving their cherubs and theroselVeS Iiir Seem, to 'haN.e, a likieg for eertain the operation Nvas pefforined. 'A.''. na- , TWo 0,entralia farmers ' have:: 'been- -
and sun in. a naturai-Way,0-41,,.eynieal. ationalities.. _The: Fifth ave. beses, tit og ,Winglianti• She was in her •,AftY- 'Presented with -British Epapire,tmedals
yeti sou -will it was often said, were in b,,. third.sar al-ia spent 1_,,,r entilv life in le seeeeni.tion of th-eit prese00,pf mily1 ,
iifrw,bir,filend 7renindaZeud,„a-,, fthrea&t..atthea,sy.,groat Aaistralians. 'A linee, shop oe, Fifth that community. - SurriVillgr 1/eSIcles and courage in N6.geratiR a .37,),11,11g stud-, •
oinsug weli.dreSeed Anglo-BPConS. Per. tiVerifie-Seellit-to have none but Seatell.-the husbandr_tire_ three dttughters and_ ent pilot of the Centralia air stein:001
Y,zien behind tlie , connters.. They have three golati. , •Trunt,•• tile.; suiruing...- . wreckage of ,I,Lis,,..
almoSt •,stage Iburs. • Two grocery rThe death 40i .0,111,1-tena Inglis, Nvife -plane • in Senfember, .1042. The two-..
hall ',tore employ none but Irisli.raen. •e't - Arnet situ, occurred -4a her honie I recipients of. thae , bonorThre af.. S,„
--.Their b'regues are .ft-subject=of-tuntised le Toronto 'lifter a -lingering -illness, 1,Dixon and J, L. fidtsen. Thojresenta.-
large mrs, Shia, who, was -in her thirty-third tion. Was - made laSt Saturday, 4igut by ,
•ehe'anikemr;.ItecittnInee°rnng•Wsiht°hP.Pae-rer.s. ea°tn.eileet of year, WAS the daughter 'of Air. 'and G•roup, Captain E. cr. Fullertert, officer
khown t airs,:-Themas Inglis, West Wawanosli. 'Commanding the • Centralia air school.
ca.rs 'Use d- to 'make.. their- presence
besides ' ber hwiband,. .ttrThe ' plane; * whieh -as -- on, 4. ,regillar :---
--I 1 ek away Wit ' a peculiar four -note 1surviviug,
Vest Tnallee remain as eubstant a ,
porting countries. .• haps these- boulevardiers have sorae-
The most optimistic' authorities, -IAD: thing we are missing.
The New York latchstring is out for
visiting men in uniform. They have
guide- -bOOICR, ,eanteens,.. clubs, and. a
worth response from tfie busy man In
the street who ;answers, their incitiiriee.
McPhillipsare. hoping only that
re shall "get by" in 9,14,
Proud Patent: "Why, Jirnior is en1
three and, he can spell.hinain.F,
Thau interesting, What's his nainelt! The New- YOrker resPeclful to them
"049.'1, , , • , and quick to guide andli.elp, A ,.Gode-
htnande* d' oc.iii•ci.et(iheic4rermearnns
'accents, One, of . reinains were 'brought •te the' h01.4e, of farm near ',Ivir. Dixon's house ahent two -
Their %I -Vero i Ave brothers and' two sisters. The night training flight, crashed on -a
. .4.
their men, a good-lookieg lad'from
Berlin, used to sound inc 014 on inter-
her parentS for the funeral -service, and miles from the airport. The men -were
the interment was in Greenhill in
hill cee- in bed when the aceident oecoccurred.natiOnai affairs just before wewent tory, ,
Lticknow.: • ' ., ' . , They hard the crash, eresSe.d, hurried.
to War. 1 redall the pride •hei took ill .
;OM '111... Sheppard, in old and well- 13' and rtished to the scene, and after
to -Mug -pie howstrictly his latherrul(Id kneWii_eitizen. of Clinton, died on Fri-.. immersing theinselyes ' in; an ' adjacent
- _
lils home. I Made little progress
day 'last 'fit his eighty:fard-si'ehr,,. -Ha -stream-entered-the ,burning plane and:
. An
otPlaining to hill :„what liherty meant.
was horn in. G.Oclerieh township, bet, extrieated 11.te„.Pilot. Both _melt. stifT
It never registered. Whispers went
spent moSt of 'his lifeiiCrinteir, . for fered-berns.--In?spite of -the rescue by
about the neighborhood .that hiCOW: 'any years. conducting'a grocery bilSi- the • two men,. the pilot subsequently
cernwie. known • for ..sympathy b 'for
4n partnership with his sitter, succunibe&to Itis burns '
-Naziism. ,-„Ii_may--be so. • At. anY rates„. • . __.: , .. - . . , ,,:..„,„._ .
the hatels0me.trucks--4w*I-anf longer
. ..
sound ''out • -,their- feur,Lhotes, nofes that
: , _
bacl soUred.1-:-
In_Lap, evening', paper I;Planing Mffl U1111)1.0014 Fifty 'Men'
recently held 'forth ,on the subject-�f
n advertised names of Perfumes
The disastrous tire at Zurich on
ginquon.. I was utueli, amused; 'be-
e sitting comfortably in a Jamaica
• nue-car a 8slibrt time ago an .atral-,
anche of 7perfimied -,;dowage.ts rom a
bridge party b'oarded the car. They
heuimed me in and erenehed ine With
a variety. of powerful scent ,that sun.-
gested Bagdad, .the S=t4ork. Club. and
Coney :
- A :Weehawken ferry -beat that. car'
ries' passengers froni`ihe Jerse side
f the North River to .:Cortl\andt.,stret
...,,.. . , .
.it is hi an adiTertisemetti below You: will receive two War SavingsStamps:free
In twenty-six" issues of The Obderich-Signat'Stdr,, advertisements'•__umler this ' ' 'DRUGS '
heading .Wilccentaituseveral...namei of persons.liiing in--Gederith and.districT.--- '
' The names ' will :he selected froth the'.subscription listof • The Signal -Star. ,
-present it to -the store. in whigh.,youy_naine appeal's; and receive 'Erptersifs. . -
. ,.. .
- Siiiply find your name in one of the, advertiSetnents, , clip , the . advertisement,
Drug Store
CoMplete line of Dairy Products
LuNCil counpt
- Near Theatre
West St. - Phone.1.04
• °
MeManUS -ons
:Quality:Dairy :kr-oiluets
_ •
*ilti,Vreania Devon. lee Cepain
• •
- •
Seyerall Used Dressers
and Used . Steel Beds ,
'Out from our own beds'yilulo
you, whit..
none 105
- Prescriptions a, SpecTalty
-Phone 45 _ ,..Goderich
„mow .4miammammiallim'em..,
,.,.,:eortirgai,s • re,h-
Sunday morning .on,..leainiag, the,
CY' "Kalbfleisch & Son, threW fifty nasSed'aWay'early ;that Meriting; 'AVM
wiped\ out ;the planing mill plant of. l'affsdid.176-en-wa‘Tav:4fir'ata*:naitar'77Wirit.k:::::,e'vo;t44born,
persons out of work and 'threatened to, ,
• , • ,
. delay itnportant ,.con.tracts on, which alid• Spent his,' entire life ,iii.' this, eom-
the inn], had: been 'working. , niunity. _Much • smiriathy IS felt fer his „
. The origin .of the' fire is unknown. wife and' familki „also. Tor Ais: one ,. sur-. :
Flames were 'first . noticed' by- Xrs.vVIN#g 'brottreri-Ber.t, who lives on:the •
Gordon 13toek, Who lives neat. the Mill- adjoining farm:- -,. , . ' . '
She ' telephoned the fire-. department, ' 'The W.A. meeting -WarS held-. ht • the
but the lire had -already gained sueir.honle -Or %Airs- 45.,.. LoCkhart • en.ThurS,_.
headway. -in =t1i,e two-story frame ,builds:-..."dajity' 17:-iibilig-7(riy. ;10,:tlij: :-.:.:1,.-,•,cjilii--,-WEIS''' -..
illt`fhat ,. it c1:11,d. not. be. savee,
o . , The Uric 'fire brigade.' 'Was jOined MV; and: 'Arts:- Bert:-Corhett,':of :Min..
oh the New, York side lost its bearings -by brigades', fr in krensall.:.Dashwood dalk, are . 'Spending :their horieyntoith
in a fog last we bumped and Man- and _the Air..„ pree;stetion at Grand ;with Mr.'''and XI'S. Arlie Lockhart and
oetivred her w.tv. wn stream,. up into .11-6-iid, . and ' thOusands of galloils of i Mr: and -Mrs Jas. Lockhart. Bert,has .,
the past' lc,tiver,- then: WaS grounded,\.in. Water -were Piamped : from 4ells and. ;,Pel --it. the past Year giii.,,,Boruit,ts:fteC, oellin:itibiiiia.
the nuid off Governor's island. . The 1 flirOwri on the-'buildmgs and. jinn er, Forking 011. the new. Alaska IlighWay.
pilot -Fos informed by, , the bellovvi g i staas. ._ Their .efforts saved neilrhy A Social.. Evenin
skipper of a passing boat of ilia loc - i buildings and hou.sesf .Mcluding -, the Of February 9th;" ,over,,one - himdred 4
ferry slip ticcompanied by the beers of hY ivan• and F. 0. Kalbileiscla.. • '
tion, and finally nosed his' way into his1 Xalbtleisch-llax•raill. and houses Oned friends -gathered
a boatload. of happy. corarauters, ' The less- iS estimated at _between, 12.1!.gciahteiospnitawleitje.•
er.....euchre. : At
skipper did nOt have to pafter 'about. 5%000 'and $7.6,000. . .
I wished. to-_, ploy,•,..tosyt,
Ile abandoned-N.his little pilot house at • The Kalbileisch, Mill WitS StirlPbring
one end and tOOlt:the wheel at -the other Window. frames, kitchen cabinets,9-40; ,c1....,ii,ia „cing commeneed, .with Miisie
end. When She WitS .:seeured at the. for a large number -Of houses,being CQU: :by -Nii.:7:,Pert MaCtro-nald, - Tioiltr, and
Cortltindt street ' sliP,.. rows : of trpcks 'etructed at Sarnia for Wartime 'Hous- Mit. II.., PO:Well, guitar, -and .rifr. .14,
'and 'other vehicles aboard her* had to ing Limited -and for other tonstrnetion Cook as 'fioor tuttnager. " Dancing held
ack out: , A feify fide in crowded ..work at Sarnia: . - ,., until7-1420), when ..reneh.. was .
• • Ti is , miderstood' the.: mira ,. will- "be, :ved, anabeedance •of . sandwielteS
.SILVERWARE ascyt ott.As' ,
E.C. ltobertsoll--
Phone .136 Godericlt:,
OP ()VINO', OM " •
West 'St -phone 4$6
,"When wOre• through
It leeks like. new."
'• Hamilton Sti, Phone -229
-.igitilly...--ie -1S---the-•chief7lildustry-.: of being, provided_by..rdhevislting ladies,.
-waters- during -a-heavy-le& g .0_ ,,..,.. ... . _. • ....4
"Zi.ir, ia,1,1, .T.,,n!.,,,it„.s; lio,,,ss, _7_rorticl 1-:_7,,,,,,,,,.,,,i771,,,o,:er,fee:r.iriy...hooff,:g.:,,,:,..-kiriLisilTtruDIinv,r1.71',,,reathitenatsildoeneNtt,y.d...1....,..,
blowAto the _village. ' -`' • . , .. ,. -
. . MAPLE svitve ' : : . i)oulal:ifFia" tda.eniefie:tc4;:_r*o.:4cv110.1cickh:,wilitoolaig"the : .
,.... _
. .• _The, '4.,valu,-of- yieserveS-coupons for toolc cliarge,--and 'thk,,,..-houle---Vulti wig
. deal of wOrry 'and: eonstant, planning
inade• by W. Fiarold._„MePhillins, prices I
,,,3;eruePord-ig- lilQwfo - a'Tta*Mi°otillunecee4i41)"enttnut.iinre.7. Y.n.:'m-ngdrlit,..rhEoeciiirwdhslag'rileai:oali7,10.tIliwgi:f.:aorril:eze70:b.x,„6,;1`ittati,:_-_,
Newsprint restrictiOns 'cense a great 'iiicoatipploen
for publishers. The other
"4":" 'r'lle ,and supply representative for .Western
*disp.14y 'advertising bad been': (matted should be drawn. to the attention of 111--manY 11PM,es ,iting-„the fall_ and
"raodestly statedi, that' 2.03 colnmue Of: :Drita rio. . Mr. 'McPh,illipS_ felt this lnid the plettSure of being e,n,tertairtEd ...
New York Times:- in tiboted 1 item
from its issiie- of that day --in 'order ..to- -the housewives, so ,that they could StiVe*. early winter lig-• tab qhis way of show-
present • eomplete: -teWt-s• and conform their I.)- conitis , in order to purcluts,eti,.1.1g, . hit'; al'ilr,et'ltioll•
to restrictioeg..*,:',, -,,, * , . - • , ,sepplies. of., maple :syrup when 'the
time. arrives. „._ .. - •
Four coupon's . will obtain one gallon
. 1,il, will not pray for victcirry.111.,..Pi4
for righteousnessii!...said the"nliniSter.at of,,maple syrup. The.. three._ coupons
a Chureh,Aervice...tWweeks ago: - ' , which fall 41110' in 'March A4till 41''be.
Op ie valid fox the purehase of Maple
be -
Kew Oardens, N.Y.. Feb. 4. ,I.9,44:
sy UP'On the secortd of• March. These
to,g"ther with one coupon saVed from
February will enable • the deoseitter..to
bu Oe gallon, of the syriiii.,,...:_e : ; •
Althougb syrup is usually ready here
, in -re.h. ther neW-,value.Will' Coiftiene.,
in pet unfif-ther'elid of. '•:,,,iny. On
.1St the Capon value ,will revert.
.. . , .
tutees per" coupon. •.-,
oupim vahle of maple sugar has
r,eased from the original half.'
er. coupon to, two pounds. per
This,new Value 'will remain in
inighout the year.
In actioli: :,.., „, . . • , ' • - = , ,..• _...........
At first it 400111S' Incredible that :a. ;.C.,(0,,N,,' . VATION OF VC* CASES,
country-- musg:iiinpOrt-,1,-,rags;L:,1-ct" the ,„,,-.:1‘,,"-„ 41." ' objeetive of egg .production
iomialtin ,lief.ore the---Nar, 1.64eir to lie- "'-'-- 1111111011 (1050115 :ahoy? - last
Ir°considerable importer, l'hi's •was on year. the ' \, 'artinie Priees-liifit "rtade-
t9p of 'the, 50,000,00o --(.fr sO pounds col- 1,481.31 11110.4Pe(1:`11 Ple4 t° all detli°rg
to'enttger0,.egg-,set: A definite short- .
ieeted 'each. yeaisin-Captelkitself-..lint,
:age of-rtkte Le `Istrtit „the present Once
while the linports of rags\ required t.c.
and itwillbe, ditlivelt to obtain •pew
;swell. the total have 'been drastically re- .f., , \ _ , ....- .. ..
-unkioaif_thowielitot-IhAu 114;Lg..ipsitostd
1 iiiinutbdtotd:- , .. , .. . \ '..• -e'gw-4-4'‘11°4741;1:1)-6f---1-''44" "se's r°')
dresses,.eettcei filieets• and. it g
44)6::::ntis,i(:,...,:;111:4_,.:1111:1:illifis:siei, WhOlesalers. seine careless ' liamilha
4 That 1A. otie "cation, Why t."teiti I. i and a. shortage' ()Kummer Are efted,its',
11 10 being urgentl as e
the chief reasons 607 tluk-sitc,rtfige. Ae-
to look through . their dresser , drat, hire of the r408 tOd. ;the packing 'ma -
a ml •ouphourds to .:.:,,lett telt ou t ' ills team,. iii for importa ': eousf*yation ,Of
a rtieles, eSpecially Ohl , cot t 81 essential" mote:tints. •,„ ,,, • t., '
and, 'Underwear, eot(oit, at ri -
titY other. cottilti - nrtieles' -reasonably
largo In. 1,41ze.' : . , • n, . , ;,. ..
Wigs stil6ged will; serve "fo -keep
.onimur hi tho nkinittions plants, and
other induStries of this coentry. .
This'iii the kind of a coUgh it is hard 'Co get rid of,
- the kind that bethers you during the daY* Alla keeps
you awake:at uight. ', , • ','' ,',
, Why not get a bettle of Or. Wood's Norway Vine
Syrup and see bow quickly it will help to relieve- you,
• of thin .. eoUghing condition?
. It Acta poinpti7 and egootivoisrotOing io tho foundation of the trouble;
lonsening the-,ptilegnar Soothing the -Irritated air pamakees god altanAating
`' . the hronehial organs, , • ..
14Dr.. Wood's" hes.heen on the market for thc,past 4$ Yeas.
„. Vtice 38o &bottle; thelarge family size, about 3' tiosta.s.touchl 000t at,
14 arlig t4tintklit''' Th. '1'. 'Milburn C.o., titalt,44;?TotlAto,:ot,4.4.
•A;b.edlam • Of steamboat .,whistles an
many dark hung shoWing.through thenit
JuuterS acelistoni6d,to cloClcwork- sche-
DtA,Lugs IN
obAr --- COKE
Phone, 75 it' ...-,Nelson St,
'Tinder tr,yiqg cirennistances* we
are .trying to:do, a,, good job, .
You will eta thiS a Ped 'firm to •
do business with.
LO:WiSTOK,; prop.
Hamilofl SL 1.pono, sOur
nund,,,iintd_your War saVings
• .
'• A Vida way to spend yOUD evefl.
big or , leisure hour in pleasant
Gordon Bannister
IggiA,Ifts TO Ati4 MAKES OF:
' CITIES $ERYICE GAS and 011..;:;-
*PhOne 7i7 West St.
- „Tasty. Pastries, a, Kilechgty_
• We` feature' '
. • "--°.
-Highest quality-
. • . .
27:West St. P ione-465,
wAykyamm,:s ARE TURNING
"Any ratei today'(' No. it;isn't '3Ust:
the junkman. 'Ws your Country callr,
1),2 WV' are turning :* in the factories for 1
. Th
ing ! nags are. 11(0(10(1 where the w lee
wrapping -delicately milled parts .and heen.il
cleaning machinery, in the airdrome 1 pound.
for us0. as airplane wipers, in army .coupon
workshops,. and 'aboard •-CaliadiTileskliips ' effe•ct t
Complete tine of
i .9 .,.
ionualloar SERVICE
Phonv 470 ' , East St.
CD00.,5T141RFIlEi) S arid ellittO
RE nitgb and''
,A11. Coverfuff'SuppiielrPlioue 2�6-
* Stplare
Hitler visited the tenth of Napoleon
in Paris, and addressed the .illustrious .
dead: • -,-, •
:"I em Adolf ihitier, tlie, conqueror
of the world;_who ha's realized. all that;
yeti dreamed • r
From the tomb Caine An eerie voice -
the voice.of-avtltpeleon_ ,
'hlase 3011 'eoncitiereil- Russia?'
'"Not yet:" . • , ,•
cjiave ion; annihilated fife' British •
tleet?" -
"N".0t yet."
kdolf,, yeti'd,retter climbin-
here and lie doWn next to, flier!"
° COAL and 00U
We are trying our best to serve
, you With our available supply ot,
Fuel, .
'Photie 05w * Albert St,
--a East .St. Phone 206w
put; to priorities 014 leek of,
some es,sentialArarts we find 't
impossible to give pre -War serviee.
Melilla,' LID. WATSON
Bridget WAR 4,0gaged" as housemaid.
\tind Mut not been dn her new employ:
lettbor mow than an hour when he
<, me to her hew mistreSs.
_Snre, " she said.' "would- Yez
Moind reeonnhendatiour
recommendation; Itridgetr-
Oriinva the Mistress, with look of
"alarm., "rhy,k. you ,; have only just
"Yes, th'ul.". adMitted Bridget. . "hut
you might not he Wont a' TO give ,,ine