HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-02-17, Page 6SPOTLIGHT •, • OTTA.WATs Feb. 15,•..--*-Evett though air limes in, this WissrWould now feel thie Ton?' likelihood that there they had -More of a ohallee adVanee- will be an eleetion before "nexe yeas 'tient la' the atnlospheri) of debate I/ouse InereaSed Meat ShipMentS rrOM the rate at .whieli livestock being deli.Vered pack:infs. touses and stockyards, it IS evident that there will not -be 'Iattelt-difilenity. in. seeuring- the. amentlt ot' bacon leeded for, export to Btitahes,t year There is a real •clifilcuity in getting cargo space 'for the , bacon, anal relieving Watehouse ,conges- time. This prOblena. is 40051 s,°,011C'ern tOl.the autterities: On the- prOduction side the. clanger Ar, 'Capaida"s. down „on ifs stipMents 1Sritain to, maintaba. the; •British ;citizen -S. four- olinees-asweeli iation, has vanished. Sir. i'lSrdiner„ Minister' Of Agriellitur.e, has; keeps U11 t.ibo.ut 1.000,000,000 Ju I''' baCQI NI I shipped to Rritain.* , _ 11I.eat Rationing ' • .1,.(ot -inuell Hope ImS been isiveit. that meat laiurfing-i$-tio- in tile „ getting' more ,teated .and electric.. Yone listening -these* dayS'..trOM: -the -,galterieVP•of '1.4arlittillent, cannot-- help. feeling. that MeMbers 'Olsen Makin,g - their speeehes have their eans-•"e0cked. for the eehdes whieh iheir words will raise in their. cOnstittieracies; There is' a sharp political tang to debate. °' New Labor ende The new labor relations eodes which Will seek to remove sled guard egaidst. .ipafair tusinesSspractiees, will be ,an- •noUriered very shortly. Its Objective 'IS •,te; ensure. for Japer, lis rig ' -a, Ce • agi a. partner' in ilicilistrY.• tiirOugh tilt? gentral. ,adoption (if Compulsory 't 11* that it tile- IneSlit Nato* of de- leCti,ve Isrargainhig,aad other. principles' z'velles' runuing az,), c't""c'crage (4'4'20 to hei,11(liniaisteie .sboard.. 1)0 the same time also some Medification, is ti be intidein tteternis.of the wartime • 'Wage. eontrer Order.' The Government, -71§----ineeting' 'With OffielaISL,Of • thS-cnns" with represespetives of the other large' near future. Tlie eongestion "tidier( Congress of Labor ail 111 P11C :labor Unions one after -die other Within in,g plants and warehouses is admitted- ly tempOrary iucretised the next few days 'te lliScuss tlie-cono trot order and. other labor matters.; flow of meat from the farntst•will on; ▪ Members have 01.4e4ted to "Some f,ea. kloabtedly mean- name metft, available tures of the order, partiettlarlY that !for •thanestie ,eoustinters, raising of the' relating to , penalties for those, taking ;, rationing restrictions must always be part iii strikes or 'inciting others to considered in relation to the,needs 'of strike, with **the -burden of ,proof rest.: tbe -British civilians and of the Allied lug' on the acensid." ASiotlier eons- arniefd forces aeross. the Atlantic. It plaint is in the repre,sentation of labor 1.woUld „seem-. likely -that au increase in 7701-47-4.1.0ygr iip,k(4;• ssainesamsthe / the amount of meat in Canadian shopS iieW board' of -Six ineinliets as it evIdentss:LAit,ntitY • oil the previoes board ---of three mem-• that meatless TuestlalVs , later on _bers.__Other Members llaNe elltiViSed (1,1Stn)lletir, but the easinv; of the control •• the Government- in",bribg,ing in this Sthrough rationing can come only Wiwi). legislation by order-iiisequacil instead', the...primary- obleetiVe of Meat ration - of by legislation. •.The answer given i tag:, to get the required amount Tor- . the Prime Minister to thislast, criticism, el -port itt wartime, is ensured berlmd - that Inettsures•-ofilitis,kfud are tem, ; the shadow of a doubt, • • porrtry war mealStiressand• the ,Ilouses Illustrative of tile inCreased handling of Parliardenf have plenty': of , contr./1%4-(d cattle in pro's...essingpiants in the versial questiens before it. To - -bring past few weeks it was Announced that in additiolnil ofte• !*would. net help- to i in' January eightY. Per eout- hogs keep our ininds on the war 1,1se1S.-- passed throngh the ptiCking -plants ----Conference on Air' Training Flaw 1 than in the" sante `period a. year sign. ' I s'imilArlv there we're increases of sixty - • ----se ...Captain Balfour, i?erinanent in e Secretary of Stat• e or who is well known Ottawa, #0IX1 previous- visits; is here with ,otherJ3rtti. • h fficials to talk over the 50in-t air. training plan with triewAir"Mmister biee p -mad' other air authorities in this maintained' in spite of this ,-great flow conistrY. ---,The great air 'training from. the farmsst trough • the channels schente which 1ms-secured for Canada of trade-Ss.s. 's air, watfiffe•ftas eached• the point • • ' Britqui ,sheep and lambs .and ty per cent. arf meeting of t ins calves, It was , explained thilt church was lield o home of Mrs.%Gord ram,, for the future were • THE GODERICli Letters Tell of Goaerich and District In the Early 30's of Last Centur GOliERICVL 'TOWNSHIP GOREEICII TOWNSHIP, Feb. 14.- CongratillatioalS' are extended to M. el---Mrass-Beneen--Sewerby--00---thesstr rival of a yetulg 'San, on February 10. Airs. Gordon Orr has been aPPOinted to representVMIOII church, an Robt. Sowerby. to represent the Red Cross SoeietY to meet with the members -of the Council and representatiVes of tile* ens Club Holmestille on Friday (0 . IN.': BYerlY, 0.9., in LOMIOn. peeted o get-goltirin-nboutsusment rreq0) _ - .il'When. I came there .W0.8 Slo tnialater One, of tlie rare iteias pertaining to Settled here; ,the nearest 'cliurell was othtelo-t(sitetriyhofinth:Arlitticturtionr diiSstraie.tieatnedr, •Iti°,:tr:,., inwiliteisi:e40 b:lita'pne7btihi:reinis,t:e . ikiettOdiSt , minister .tere.„ sand eXpect dated, •GOderich, Lake 'Zur011, UPPor spring. •Visine Service 's la at: present Caimans ..21.st anrees• 1S32," wTittell ePladaetedi• ns the -school•room ....There LL ernoett contifttion- with 1.110 Sunday school: -A. ROltlars men . bilitatiOnSprilFet fOr, our boYS, 'Wins). , . .nriest, oomes here eVery quarter Of a w returnsfrons Overseas. 4 : The 'Ireeiltiari tatailK r ere early set. ,s, Miss Ethel Turton of lieMniller tiers. of Godkeich andsnifileent dist'elef. 3raeeftsts‘;'slIpesesisg; g. 8liorlhe tp°O'sbtu, iledom'aesebturret sit the, week -end" with: her' friend, They- (sum from Vrandillghaln 14 '1,14:4` Vaielpti IQ' tIllii place, every. fertnight. SS Mildred Westiate. •, ,. s -s • TP114.- Rugs ;-Tte first ' to COM0,-.wey,ie An. thti-.: has recently happened..., i ir- Oliver - FAINVa:rd: 'entertained a two brOthers," John lInd Thomas* aaa leave it to you 1.0 judge whether the ge inimber of Ills 'neighbors and lettere from both!! written to relatives t°..wThliisillePtrtr VirS'ar stallAt'infred Freeman, at Frani ingh ; ends at a dance, on Widnesday in England, are very interesting. Jelin niag... . . s Freeman. states ill tis letter that they a, holder , i ato Suffolk, Red Cross, (plating **bees*" wete held had. had- a leng,.wtitteert3s,lei'seotig..e$whOalilstat.wne7(10,,... visrhinortee-t: tits, rreemse, tapsiis. were wen is week at the • banes of AltS. Ernest tont-Months, and For the 1{,0 ross,.:44tr, and Ur*. Canadian 'WinterSHwitle.Sliow ironi Soar' TknC48. „111614"117sQtd11.:1')Iii4e:kfire'idtil4,fni).1.041:hdiaiE;Plielhiva.eg:efl' ;4: Allston: tied Mrs; Harwood.' - s feet dee*: (Having M..; Westlake - eutertained. ti, laMe to SIX feet deep, the winter ef,..1$31-3,4,..1 .., .....; in th r letter' f weer osselobors for the Red Cross was- a Mild One.) •4°.an• Irreelmul' 4" e es Friday evening, at UM tome of s, Freeman writes:. 'Mien I 'arrived Oetaler, 1831, Sttites thP-t 49: have'''a ....• alat'Mr*. Geo. Greenslade: Fifteen, tete this conntry,lnid not -the Same f(eletr /A° e 1111(1 belne, . Ii4'114(1 -.this t3'' co ntry Was, tte• first ry aors •soings to Sirs. Forest.Mee,lAe, noW live it was all 'wood•and there sas !la ).1-1,,,L .wee )4°1; 'ItP1)ealuice :14 it 'be'lksz* 11°W; N4.1/ere .13vs% married iii t;l;e•Iewn of Gode- d Mr. Austin. • 'COnsotation ',was no road; now' ttere is beautiful . r4e4, tinu ,asss La.e.„ settled upou ttesinarket. squares so the Canada' COMs zes were awarded to Lillian large opening: intended .for a market cot and Dailitld 117hrxter. Lunch house And publio buildings, and also S served by the ladies, after•'wlavli ;41 good road• York Town, six rodS ncing Was enjoyed bY all. 4.,draw wide. .There is an opening of eight s made on a. quilt, 'made and don- acres for a market place, it is la the 4.1 by Mrs. Alf. Warner, Mr. Forest shape of .an octagon. I have sold. my !flute helds the lucky ticket. house on the. Market square, by „which Valentine Party. ---A ;Valentine party I •-elearecl upwards of one hundred (s. held .ou Monda.y afternoon at dollars. I intend giving -Al any Cai: litin SC11001, with Charlie Orr in the pentering trade ill IsTaxember next,* and air. The pregram consisted •of the working wholly upon my farm, .fti4 Bowing, „Ilttlail Openings_ etorns, tayesaas.essselleat,farei lot of 163 aeres, lie Maple Lear! by the seheol; read- "I shall not build 6."--goVd-tblise "the g, "'rhe Valentine's ...Tourney," by first yeas, only. a giants abo•iti ut, nights Fuller; piano solo, by "Vera ilson; song, "Mairzy Mats," by the tool ; riddles, by- Doreen Orr; read- ",Mah. Sing'srValeutine," by :Mary nit' Fuller:. Song; -Hitlet, en the' in '' -by . Melville klarwood; piano pany haVe given nae. ten, acreg Of land bear the town. iThis land is of great, Value to us:' we can keep•.seVkal. head of cattle upon it, and save the produce for the winter." 'Dila letter wits to; his niother, Mrs. Sesanue Freeraati.. It would bp interesting to know if any pf the descendants of the Freemans the iii in tte Goderielisdistriet -after -,100 years have 1)8550(1 away. --• 1,thia--"tiR-O-rie-til.:staaterial., early Goderich •comes trout. ,the famonS feet by 20 feet, which is bans with logs library and collection of early, Cell - and. covered in With bark. • satin historY Wiled by Fred Ketche- son', of Toronto, lihrarY. :which, Is " • Lazy Mei" Not 'Wanted "My trade is -Very' good here. I t_ungzing _th,e 'finest on the North, Ameri and my brother; 'Thomas,. have earned LIC• ":"AIWu• 24 doliaiS in. one week. solo .LazY- men. can baYncij3-CeltiatYrlieS°0%rdbiSai:iimEteledanth°er vise no lazy num to cone, for ,I hate do ,,,theingelvea: no goad • ARE YOU HELPING. TO %KEEP DOWN THE on_Or, .-(0y Edna. Jaques) . • Put a food budget In front -sof •the average wonlair-and -she -can foROW. it like Montgoinery tracing the plan of many valentines froin - the mall -bo. to see a 1,4se.• The National Anthem was sung, ' • In this, letter he tells his -cousin, Rev. -A. J. McKage occupied stlie 'William, Ant it is more important to mini?. of. eat litili.iitng'atti.L:nniiieoiste4,..rhurehr on SundaY,' de-• get•a few ,acres7 cleared, than to., build fortvrseven Per cent. i &number of • Union `Church mon on -Power. a fine hoitse. RV writes: -"When your WA.S.-The F-ohial--* crop Is in, then'sittend to building as he W.M.S., of Union much as you pleases, I will take the n Wednesday at the job for you, hisild'yclu-utrit good hewed On•Orr with -fourteen log house. 20 feet by 30 feet, with a toh(ei bdye:.;91trlso.liGaleo,exAelre.." gooeoidelybrgt.,1coohianvnoeuyn;sadsn. ci finish if 6, oins. ss_flarypod ats the "ButsyMismuStfind bricks, There is e of the meeting was a gen email going • o ma to rig • an uudYing name in. the 'history SIIEVP ARD rr n ......./•.........." ' . • ' Where with the improveinent in thevvar. , . situation thete will tend to be some "SHE-P.-PART)TON, Feb. 7.--sThis Qom.- •esOntractionsrather thanc.AF ,expwrision, s..,s, . • . ,,, ,. , • C... oatity--was- Saddened -wnen, J),e_ came haligis in the iit- * The R.C.A,P. is making Sute'that it known that Mr. 'Thomas • Laurence. will not beconie top-heaVy.a.t Ottawa Bogie had passed awa.y. in Midland 'rheadrinaitersrs-s-as-sgeOassamtevssots-stkes hespitalsiate„.Saturslay, night, Janaar•y '0done'extellent work in the-organivation 30, after an ' illness of several month. Indies svesent. T cises wee condue pwain,. with Mr piano. ' The theta til fr se •-••ti• si 11 older oPe&s, .who it-:. is. Stated have and adininisttatiOn of. the force in : the Mi.. Bogie was born in„Qoiborne toWn- ... I.,,,, ' firSt three or four Years of the wars hi a sOn.of Robt. Bogie and the late , - chapter of the study book, "FOr-All of are:noW retiring. As the Air Minister Mrs. LaNtinia_. Manning Bogie, S ep The meetbig ,closed with the tOill the BOUSe_ of Commons, the R.C.A. pardton. He Srale-d--this Great Lakes Life!, being • oillef bymn...Thank Thee that Thy - F. did- not want young officers overseas for it 'number . of years. Churoh 1.insleeping",hnd the •benedic- . ..,,tito , .._,... . , _ , think 'fFert had become a "bottleneck ' engineer for the Algoma. Steainshiii Lion... Lurrch was served by the hostess. t the top of the ladder?! • These yr:lung- Lines for several yeiirs. Twenty years ..i ..011pers sista had: been in the fighting • - . • Midland, and for the pa.st. ten Year,s, ago he married Miss -Pearl WilSon of • •on ,p.cconnt- of ill -health, he and Mrs. 116%gte made-, their home at Sheppard - ton. Surviving, besides ails. sorrowing wife, and fatWass-ge two sisters,..klice, Mrs...11arveyPotter of•Langbink, Sask., and Jean, Mrs.. Donalci McKenzie, of Blytlt,,and o-iir brothers,. Bert, Andrew and Eait-Tif--Colh.ornes-andL-B0 Ashfield,,, Besides the =lazy. wreaths from. relatieg -and - 'friends were wreath,s froth the Foote Transit Co., the Masons. Leeburn church and Lee - burn W.M,S. The. funeral from. his late residence on Wednesday after-, itoon;-February '2,M1,--Wias' attended by many friends andf-neigthers. The 'interment •was .in , Colborne cemetery. Rev. Harold' 'Currie Of lienthiller of- - ....s -,Pia-tid-s,-,thesMasonsstaking.-part.of. the _unera bearerStwere Captaily-Rod.*BogiesAlex. service cif*,:e"-'d'elifeterys.ifsMse:'--P Bogie, Win. Sage, Edgar Dougherty, ratir.tlaWkins-ands-Ftank Risings,' il-Ower-hearers, :Walter Vigert, Bert Crawford, •CarMans_sHayden,. tinier Graham,- 'George , Dougherty,- Harold Johnston, Ralph Foster and Ernest Bogie. Friends attending from a 'dig- tance were Mrs., lienderson, of Mid- land, John Bogie of Strathrey and Thomas Bogie of Lambeth's' ---'---7-- -7777-7 CRDWE -e 110 BibieTthe-Commots-Psossessiensof bricks. on-mysland-this Summer. - I give O World\Clatireh." place of a 'text .him. leave ' to do. it, and. charge .hins ord. being used, passages of Scripture nothing for -- !messing' .0/17 Tay: Jand. ere read by all tile members:, A sole, -, -"Wheat not le,SS thais',,bni dollar Higher. Ground," was nieelYsaltna_b_Y shashoss,Thssorsse„._0..es stem is seven rs. Gordon Orr.. Letters were read dollars per barrel, of 496 pounds. • We mu Mrs. Colclough, with' regard .sow all the wheat tete, Indian. ',corn Cond-hand clothing -for tlie bale. aod hoed in. The land is not. filn•Wed:for tyinsats; ,,E.-"Zs--Tissysswitles.egard...tosf.t, es•drsssshree'ser-stssst:si-esrs-s-sAvesttse-, )ecial 'Offering for famine -stricken no horses 'the first three, or four years idia and China., ..Mrs. Everett ,Mc- excepting for pleasure-; oxen. answer 'wain gaVe a synopsis. of the fi.rst the purpose much the best. A yoke of CARLOW' OAIILOW, Vets • 14Maater ,and Lawrenee Snlyth, Spent the week- end With, their 11,14.101,Le Th9Wfl atm& op., a war map. ' :As time goes by I am convinced' that 4.the Canadian wonnin is -thinking' more foodsbudgests,price. ceiling§ and price eentrol than, eves:before, mid What. is more, she is, Woriting;-IihndAn-, glove -With her corner ,grOcer. They are iir-pshrtnership; sharing the respons-: ibility.,for to,Idingstlig.:nricesceiling„, , Armed- with her "little. bid .book" --s, glvensinit; by .the .Wartime Prices and Trade Board---ste knows the, ceiling • STOPPED Money:Back For quick relief frnOt itching afOsenssliimPles, a#1' ' ietes fc)ot, scales, fgbie;43. rashes Awl other auttualli 'mused sirin troubles, ,ie fast:acting, cooling. anti. eieRtie, most PreseriRtion. Oreaseb;441. ' • stainless. S'O4thes imitation and quickly stool intense itelnng.35e tria lo' tie provea or money hick. Ask gniir'ArnagiAt tpflaY for D.D.D. PRESCRIPTION. , • • BROPHEY '8 irST Our Ftworal .Chapel &Raines, the dignity of a place of worship and the refinement of a . quiet residence, •• „, PHONE 120. FLOYD M. LODGE, Director extra e 'rge foithe use of our- Thin ral: Torott4, 4 o Street.. Prompt Am:In:dance Service, Plxone 335 • -Beg:355. or *oxen costs 00 ,dollars,, a cow 10 dollaq. Tell pay brothet, Richards to send me some of all kinds of seeds. Send ,me one ounee qiiinine, it is the only. thing tha.t cure the ague and fever, • "Cattle are not much trouble; they keep quite, fat all Ate2..suininer tew' ds the end • of 1.941;. tte Cost of Mrs, Ai' Sfollt Bir43, 8inyth and VordYee Clark -Spent three day's oflast week in Toronto. ' Ur, Gordon MePhee baying hydro inStalled On his farm; .- Aft- Mld 11,fras Gorden Xoung had nahle.,12rsifss theirs finer,--Ilowarat•-•Vdttr jI in the navy,' saying he had arrived SafelY Ellgrand- s • Mr. and XI'S,' Win. NViltslont• lelavYn Pfrinather and Mr. (0(1,. Mrs, Perey` McBride motored to Aagersville" on rritlay/last 14/attend the graallatiori. of, Charlie Watson, 'Wlio was, presented, with ;las wings, Owing to:the heavy storm that night tliey- had to reniain Until Saturdayss,ss: " • Stanley: Todd. and ,little ',son 101in 'AndrevY';Came„rom- thelma- pital.On Thursally;.,stayea' With. her patents, Mr, :and ;Mrs,. Iotn, Young, until Sunday, wheinteY-Went to their home At •St. • Meeting. --Al meeting of the W.111,3. was held WI February .8,t1l, at the home of Mrts .Walters, with twelve' rsona Present And: Miss Clark in tIle chair, 'Scripture readings were taken by several of those 'present. Miss 'Clark gave- -11.- talk- 011 the . work of the Bible Soeietys ,All rePeated 'tte Lord's • s THWD4Y. Y RLaRY 11 11 , . MR, W., C. MILLER says every nta keep his liver active. .Ho *is ted, listless, ',nerves go • ,osige. awl At antigen to yolk or PIO% histhel like alter*Itersoe. hasps you'rstile sane„XV,.0Foit4e-tives":., , • - • " " •° gg,ERksTiNG Ficktrt,,!$: . • ' Some interesting -etatiatior appear' • in ,the" aunnal telio-frfor41.943.-Of the -• Belt Telephone CompanY, just released. , -, the ' past two years' MOO.' new L" -employees 4ave - been engaged., `to offset. - - 'losses to the war service, resignations, Pt Ayer' AtrS.• Marsli took ete. There were 11,915 Bell , workers, charges-pf the, blishiess. Plans were as of December 81, and ,2,19p have made. for .the World Das* of Prayer meeting., It', was decided to aSk ° 'Ott Members of tiles:congregations cif Ben - miller, Nile, Leeburn and also' the PkesbY terhirf-eotigregatiOf Wineet Vitt Ulla! Society in the „Townstip Hall. on, February- work*.:nibo tea been received mad is tor inens-and women's •clotting. . good condition: Many letters were received from. people Nvho had. received- fruit, ./flowers, ete.,- also . air, mall. • Mrs. sMarst is to be the Society's niethber on .tte fluance committee' of the "west' section of the, PreSbyterint _A...A.03mi: _of .-birth(111.Y. cards was given Mrs." Wilson, the' oecasion'..being herseightieth birttclay: 779,180.. • • . • Although the gross „retinues' of $60,222,814 were .6.5 per ',emit. more than• for 1042; the .net Ineome0oveing to increased wages- and taxe ; was: priVers;steild'br -StildiingnhcliewsPailirsz atal listening AO., radio comments keeps' up to date on food, vonserVation, and price control topics, ., • _..s. ; 1, -; She know that . in- •more than four" years, of thiswar the cost of living in Canada rose18.1,per cent. as compared With- a rise- of -nearly 60 per ceat. in. the ,last war, andsthat -since the im- . . . BENMILLER ,• poiitiolt_ of the over -alt price ceiling, •• running in the woods; during the living has advanced only 3.1 Per -cent. winter .they live,....upon wheat straw contrast to an increase of; 38 per BEN'IIILLER, Feb. 1a. ---Mr. and ' f '6 Irs. Wm. Watson, Elwyn P1: rim- Should a 'Persn,n *ho, -Ye no straw, they. cent. during tte„Same mOntli.S, o th . will liVe well linen the _tops of trees laSt war ' when 'chopped d ' " . ' . ' ' • er and Mr. and Mrs. Percy. McBride.•QW11. •. S She knows. which side her bread is siotored to Ragersville on Friday to ..."We live upon pork, beet, pigeons.' buttered011,and she also knows that, 00 Charles Watson receive his wings 'fish,. venison, plenty of eggs's-Mittel': were it riet for price control .and, ka- .rdss-pie§;--milks-tea and -coffees -We tio ecl butter, • at-. times-. she- likely -i.rd Ins commission as l'ilot •Officer Watson .is honae on a grow our own vegeta.bles: - • • wou n't .have 'Lon, either Side. wo weeks' furlough; then .will leave •• most .Respectable' Neighberhoo,d" • She knows, too, .that 'in over four or Trenton, his next station. -"Where I shall live is the Most re: years f ' 'war the cost of `liVing, iia,,, " Mi., Will Feagan of Sarnia spent spectable neighborhoed en the, Huron Creased farmore-in the United .States Sunday with his parents, Mr..and Mrs. tract, and is situated' about eleven Miles, and - Great %Britain. _1 know it isn't . Feagan, 'at Nile: . s . from the town „(Goderich). I have nice to crow ahout.ourselvs and what --Pte. Rey and Mrs. 'Simpson spent .given up -the land' I firsttookan'd lave. we do, but it doesn't hurt once hi a he week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn. situated mYself 'maicla* better; a Stage :while to *remind ourselves' how lucky Irimmer.. _ . ./.. - ,. •' - • coach runs pusrmy.farm to York Town we are. , • s;1' . The 'euchre and dance sponsored by. once a week; four shboobers. sail regas In Russia a. roasting 'Chicken- costs I the..spareeis connnittee , for our-. boys Iarlys -G.oderict will he a...good .place 4150, „butter is $80.4 pound,.kiiint of overseas wa.-S a tear linieet-a".‘-'..-Mtsse ' -tor trading -ands farming, -much .better s milk -costs $7; in -ontsraoney;-_.: Russians, was supplied hy-Mr,-..15,---Fialear and than Guelph,'"On *Mint Of the water. 'ainit-oxpeat to live -Well -J.. . s they Test Mrs... Carr, with Mr. MeMictael " as - "A grist.raill would "aregWer and pay expect to live . : .. and to, figttl, and Or' manager. -The-high--seotes-i: well-t.believe. it, Would-be-the:'...,best,,,figlithard.... ...: . ,.......-0. ss • _ • euchre we-ke.held by Mr. Carr and NOS. thing a young . limn could speculate Under Canada's -- prise ceiling,- a Vslestone'; loW Scores by MrsL. Wallets upon, .and if I had capital ,Sufficient chicken lassa . happy ' reality.; we send and,. Mrs, ' D. Willis. ' The -proeeeds, -Gaderish Should -not.long-_te _without our children to schnelin strong leather door receipts ar,111 donations mnounted :a mating, honSe and -brewery." - shoes, and we have Sufficient fuel to to $1t. . • -• in -- an earlier letter written on keep ony houses-.60afortably warm.. October 16, 1831, Jelin. Freeman's bro- • The Wartime PAWS and Trade ' ' Bbard Wore a -big--joh'-oir their hands, keeping the -cost Of , living .clown • for „exery.,........lonle.,..:42..:40Anada.,_. Are you • . . doing your share? enliated for war service, of wilogi twellOstw.o have already givens, their _ • There are 24,491 shareholder, 4,684 being ..grupis*Yees "and. Pensioners.- Over-' 95 per cents of the shareholders live in .Cablidassand.sheist.„.7,4_,Rer c0nt.of outatanding 'Stock. , Last 'yeat 4891,622 wmi Paid out in Pciigions and disability benefits. . Bell's- • wage hill • la -St . year wifs. $21,340,257.. Taxes took $13;609,090. This figure includes the, refundable portion ot --the excess Preflts tax, $1,054.00. ,-DiSticlends„paid,tostial More than 24,000 Stakeholders were $6,.. Thes Meeting closed with the; "He Jataiietk Me and. the benediction hi unison, Mrs. Walter and Walter served;a delicious.lunch. •2 • _.°Varlow Community 010. -4 -The Car. $6.95 per share as compaTed vvi `$8.76. . Jew Community Club tour ss quilts' during January, two for the There were 134,059 telephones in - Greek relief hale and two for the Red stalled. in 1943 and 103,360 taken out, Shield. An airgraph dated January a net gain for the Year of 39;699.- 30-vvas received from P.O. Keith Young, f* ••Ttere were 056,113 -Bell and 169,01 thanking, the Club ;for the Christmas* connecting--teleptones',"in service on box gent toshlinsand-4eisting-the December and ,asserage daily ion every success for 1944. Following is distaneecalfs -Were'.98,000.' • - - a statement for January; • , Balance On hand, Januar3r 09' `,1t 'HATE "WASHISTGs'-HANKIV,S!" Collection annual meeting - . 26 Washing, the handkeretiefs ' Jan. 11. -reds Agr.,- lunch's.. 10 90Teiin be•-napleasant, but it doesn't • ' *to 'Th-CFS-Niglit. before -vniAlr- clay '130ak-1- $31" 25 -handkerchief§ in- cold -salt water in Greet tellef ..$10 00 their own separate pall :t In the morn , Exprssfors-Jans,...squiltss-sssssm-ss..,---,9-40n .g-sputstliemsinsaskettleslargesenougts.--s-s---H------s.s- •Balance „en., hand, jan. 31 _es... 11 55 so that an ample anieunt =of...waters: . _ . cove '.hem. Add liquid, soap .(laundry , pi 25 soa issolved in water), and one to -The Club executive has decided to tarn , two tablespoons of ammonia... Bring - •sn.‘ membership fees over ; to tte local I water to the boiling point but do not Red Pros's. Anyone wisting-te become .just scald. Boiling yellows a. mernber,_ thus...ini.turE helping, thetAftet secilding, place* handkerchiefs'n Red Cross, IshouhF get in touch With the, laundry tray and rim lukewarm- - the secretary, • Mrs. Prank. Mellwairl," water' from .- the over ' or anY, of the Club. executive: the handkerchiefs MAY be washed along . . CRE.W1%. Tre- ven-and--Rontild spentsMondasts..with, Mr stisid-WST Nwart ntylor and 'Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hackett of Lucknows. Messrs.. Wilfred Drennan,•.:T...AL PArnin 4,nd Bili Reid spent Wednesday In Lendon andattendeda- ebnvent4.1M In tOttnedtion with fall.fairsS Miss Lorraine Drennan ,of LueknoW :visited at her home tete bn ThuisdaY afternoon. •••• . ' M1§S Shirley. ShervThod• is home from • Imeknew High S,Chool with an attack •Of measles.• • Mastet Grant Ctirrans the little foar- Year:old son of Mr . -and MrS. Jack Curran," is 111‘..with pnetimeniti. We wiSli 'for 'this, bright little chap Speedysrecovery. ^ —.4"smas -...isissississaasissase rt, •Rome - Complete Seritice• at Reasonable Prices 1:10,1y1rI INVALID CAR . SERVICE , "- No extra eharge;„ ler the ttso of our "'ittodern Funeral Rome. - Montr`eal 1St. Plione309W or a immanome GODERI0II MEMORIAL' . SHOP . ngiSIGI,N+§ . Guaranteed' workman§hip at ' pilees'thit Piease you. . SAVE Alit, 18A+0Nr.zs CAI at our office; Phone 242J or , drop' us. a 111116 to Box '161,„Goile; We will he„ pleased- to, call and help choose a suitable tnem-.1,. orial for your family plot; ' it..f A. SPO1VON: St, Andrew'S St. BELFAST • • • BELFAST, Feb. 14,i---e-Mrs. Dynes Campbell gave_ her heme :to the Red Cr og .„SobletY on. tTuesday 'afternoonH,`: ,Febrtiary 8th: One -quilts -WAS and Sewing and knitting were sent - out,' tO be---ratides iip. - Each member proinised to donate :a lining orstep for TARS. After the sewing Was finished the president, Mrs. Wilfred Hackett; cOnducted a -Short, devotional Service.. Singing•of hymns' was led by:Mrs, Will, Alton; and the .Scripture reading was' giten by Miss .Bernadhae Alton, fol- lowed hysprayer by 'Mts.. George Lane.. A 10c. tea was • served...V.: raise some Money for other material. The Na- tional Anthem closed the meeting. . Mrs. Bert Alton and baby daughter came.heitie from Whighttio'hoSpital 011 Sunday afteri100n. • ' ATr. •tiltd, Mrs. 'Roy Alton spent Wed- 'nesday With their daughter.,,Mss:slolin- 'son ISlacy69;.' ands -Mr. MtieLeeds'Aiear • We are sorry to -hear that ,Mrs, Robert Howard and Mr, Isaac -Nixon are ill of .pnetintonia. • 0 • Burning Slinging E0241110 or Salt Rheum • LERBUR LE44.11.3I;Rls7,-Peb. 15, ---The Red Cross ladies are meeting at Mrs. Bert Uogie's on•,...Titesday; afternooirsto quilts , TIie pupils of the schoolhad a social time 1(t the school...on .Friday; -They gave nne • another ,valentines, and eaDdies• and peamits were enjoyed by .7k1r. Pei. Cook- went ...to London last Week to report for the eivil.service, At the church service, on Sunday Itev. II: Currie spoke on the starvation -and other sad conditions' -among the people Of India, Sind China. This is simply heartrending when we in this cottntry.'have plenty to eat -sand wear, A .§Pecial Collection. 'fOr these peoples is asked -for next Sunday. Anyone who haS ftt'veritehymn or 8 special' verse in the Bible would please write It mispaper and give it to tlie 11111118ter. ,The W.M. Society expect to bold their Mouthly Meeting at, "the home Of Mrs, P. 'Itising on*WedneSdetY after- noon, The Day..er -Prarer prograrn Non be,used. She: 'You ,sure .got fooledon this Monad ring, He: 1 should say nott X know my miens.: She: Maybe but not yottr &rats,' et, Thomas, writes to hisbrother in England that heliad plenty of car- penter Work. Ile states ;,'"I like G9de7 rich- very much the longer- I ain . here the better'l like it:- The town stands in a most beautiful -situation, and is likely-tobe 8.9 fine -a p1800 as-sany in the province province of Upper, Canada..Around about the town the farmere are settling very fast, and new settlers are: con- stantly coining in. Two 'kew shops are just established. A tavern . 1f3 VOW butcher set mi.. The -grist mill is ex- ha8. been a :11, V aste.--4TototitO, Weekly. Eczema., or salt rheutri as it is cionntonly called - I* one of the boatpainful of all skin troubles. The intense burning, itehing and smarting, es e- at night, or when the affected 1)631'; is expose to WO, or the hands vlared in hot water are roost un. bearable,•and 'relief is gladly welcomed. The Midoffered by Burdoek Blood Bitters 19 based on the knowledge that suchAilments it etzema, and other Skill troubles, are causod by an impure blood condition.• , Brit* •about, inner cleanliness 'by titling ,t. 11.13 to help cleanse the of its impurities. asy drug &tatter for 13.1.1.B. „ Pries $1.00 a bottle. pacr. Ultima Ow., Toronto, 0014 Withrthesothdk fine linen. Action ha,sFEheReIt siittEnlYIV the *ar- tinie Prices and Trade Boardtoensure farmers •getting a---fair„,„§upply."of fer- tilizer. Under a new directive, all fertilizer distributors are re retail quired to see thirall-theit regular Customers, are supplied before accept- ing, new accounts. Distributors are not allowed. to supply their customers with-40rtillier9 containing-. paw% in a quantity exceeding .73 per edit. of the potash supplied in' 194& If the -dis- tributor is a, farmer te, must not re- tain for his 'own ,-uae any more than TB per -cent. of the p6tehh. lie -used' in 1943. -Fatiners are urged tOplace their orders for fertilizer arotsjater. :than Maret..-15ths - MaY",:".he fieult to obtain-- supPlies,..-- climatic ams ackache s. Don't feel dispirited--den't give 1,1 tope 01: getting 'real relieffromtho inaistent achesand pains. • ,ALLENRIL may bring you :just the welcome relief "yOu've hOped for. • ; ALLENRUs- ?acts fast—the aeute pains. -and acheS..Usually star . to go • in ° • 48 hours. Continue for 30 days longer and you too should • find t you've 'hinged'. for; Directions are simple, the Cost is but ..1eLLENRU Your., satiSfastienSons_ blipkS'Canipheirs- Store and alf..druggists.• ' . ,1;• esson aght -Ration coupons -flate -tahglat very-, effeetive tesson. They have-, shown that A iepoisible to .live on ,a great deal les§ 'than- sve• lave been use•d. to. ' They. have forced all to *Con, about;;beinr,firtished. s•There is a• serve carefully Where formerly there . • . • • yamiassmassaamisamartialaultasiiionat 4. ,ouldn'tifoutel Any Rest • Tti;those toss, , night after nigh _,f-on'sleepless . beds. ,To these 'Whei-sleopciewitiiid-Ofsa.-veay,but whose rest is broken by bad 'dreams and nightmare. -L To those who wake up in the *inning as tired as when • they went to to 'bed„, we offer Milburii's Health and• - - Nerve Pillfiii-tethe feinedz, to help soothe ancletrenitlike.the,neryes;_ - When this is done Jliere_should- hfiaio'more restless'niglits:.due to bad - ; dreamis.and nightmares. • Trice:Ole a box, 8. at. all drug counters. • Leeli for our registered tr_a,:tle; markla: Heart"onthe paoklige. '- Tao Milberg Co.,;1,4Pitecio *Toronto, Cht:: ssasszassaOssiasosaseserssossssmsass•SA.~. Orly / kvp Amy ..2?-"tgraoYaaezemoixo' o i!petesxowas747Afisgcr .SS/004-9,,,SSeSS , _ 11//e6f:&,4,11,1,' 4,411.4"r&V414- 0,00 rife *aifix „dor/ A -woo -meow Y4147f40 44,1 41110A" - reit. WEIR VIC401110_10 Hotvacc Waa sa ; 5 MO 4,5.44104 f SW= it 4), Sere1&eX7 .11.0- 77,/e4rAt4147± 77/8-- /MR, 10447/ 402,..,$) /tier • P1414714?/.4 — 7-#4r 41,5!4 1e444,Z /0 5 3 feeNir; bVir 8ijY14'44j'. / or A POOP ORSIAS! .4 1, '••• THESE AREN'T RATIONED We .41 get- a little tired of finding ,we can't buy this and .can't buy that. But we all know • that the 'only way to correct this situation Ts to win the wart. Atta'the bat way we can help is to buy "Vat'', Say-. ' ings regularly. Thar is Why-,,, • we should all be glad to -s4.. :Dort the PoodUkaustries' - driveand acccpt our choge in War Saving Slainps, • JOHN LABATT LIMITED Whiten •.;oo04