HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-02-17, Page 5' 'Next:to:Life:Itself _Your eYee are Meat Preeieutrgift; ' detteyving,et the reakionablecar,* neeesSarY to 'enStire their con - tinned efficiency. Ottod eyee, are the right of every one,: but the heavy strain arid Modern living Often' cantle *the yes. te show signs of failing. . Headaches, 'ioYeStrain, or all.; gue ,are signals to give your eyes needed' attention. Hive your eye S exttmined NOW ,L. Cole 11..0. orTOMpig$T, OPTIOUN PHONE, 33 GODERiat ONMIO AUPT,T#N, Veb. V3. )tr. bag, of. London, la sPeilding a. few tbs Attyttrwithlihrvlifyirtidltimilt-. Jean Halogen, Iteg:N„. has „re- turned, to. Kitehener' after a- month'S holidayii with her Pareata, and Mre. john IlOtiaton. • 1.1tes ViyianSttatigliant of, Stratford Nornial School, spent the week -end itt Mrs. Warner Andrews; and baby girl ,came lienie„from Goderich hospital latit Thursday. - :41ft. and Nrs.,Russel1 *he: yea and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Parker ot Mitchell spent;Sunday with. Mr. Fred: Seers. Victory Club Dance0;.--4 large nal:Il- iad" attendedthe dance in the -Foresters', Hall On Monday 'night svansered by the Victory (Nub.," Music was provided by Tillites .orchestra, of •Whitechurch. 'ROA. Tamer, Andrew Kirkeortuell and, Mr. Bell •of Saltford. Were in Charge' Of .the square .danceS,' The. novelty ,dances were won by Gordon ,WatSon: and:Helen Grahain; the- .stattte dance by „Andrew Kirkcennell and. Mrs. Robtt Turner. " ' • , Meeting.—Mrs. Harry Govier gave her tonal for the Fehrnary meet- ing of the W.M.S. Of Ircnex.Presbyterian church. The firet, vice-president, Herb -Govier, presided and opened' the meeting with prayer. The 122nd /Mahn Was read' in .unison., 'A letter of ap- preciation was read. from Victor Yung, blut, who is a patient in Weston hos- pital, for a gift he had received from the- Seelety ; also •a 'letter from the welcome and welfare secretary. The introductory chapter01!the new Study, book, "British Guiana," was read, by •Miss Minnie Wagner and. he second . An inspiring program was given by chapter. "The Story of the People," - NILE 111/7.111.ki, JVIeeting.—The • sionary Sodety . held their ,mOntlaly meettn,g„,,at the -home -of Mrs. j*. Feakan on ,Febralary bth.„ . The laYmn, "Breathe on;Me,A3reatti- i)f- God," Nizas1 sang and -the president led in prayer. The Bible lesson was -read:by Mr% .D. McPhee, the members, fePowed -.by-a-LT.4ms :meeting,* A- special, donation of $.4 'wan giczen for the "Milk- for, Britain Fund." The Red Cross department reported the knitting 01! two helmets, three pairs of seamen's -long eoeks and three pairs. of service seeks. It was *decided to „h.old.the .Marek meeting in -wasgivenertha Wagner, ' A reading veasi,givenJI-Xra: J". G. Stoltz. The roll call WirS 'responded to. with a verse of Serlpture.Containing,the word " '" The offering was received and 'Mrs. Jae. Woods -Offered. Prayer. The hymn 'Prayer is ' the sours sincere :desire". Was read in unison,,as-a-prayer. .the ehlirch, Mrs, T. McPhee gave an, The meeting. closed with the .singing interesting 'reading' from the ,--study of: the 'National Anthem. A dainty book. The meeting closed with the lunch was; served by mtP• .ptoi4 and Mizpah benediction, after which the Mrs...116Di Govier. • • :members enjoyed a .social Red 'Cross luniors„Tiao,..Junictr_'Red, - Cross of. S.S. - No. 3, Colborne, •with President -Murray, IlepPrigall, ,Seete- tarr Bobbie- MeNall and--Treasin,* 11111k -raleepa/ze- eit09'e f/P WAR SAVINGS STAMPS: 444. Mre. Fred Ross, Chilrelt treate wet*. reverted, that $1,060.32 bad been reeeicied_for consreptional_ PlirWsea and, after all- obligatLputt had -been -met there was a ,litilkince in the 'bank of MrS.:-WesleY Bradnock re., petted .'for' the, 'W.U.S. that the al- location of $80 had been kmet , and $3 in Mir vitae- Sent for the bale,. and •two 'had 'n1sa• been contributed to the bale, The LOWS' Aid report that $41.3.0 hail, been raised. •'`' The Sunday 'School report, given by lir. Alfred Rellinson, 011eWeI1 tote,' receipts of $U0,40, with. ;fat sent to missions' and a, balance • on hand of .$15.70 alter Prirchasing all supplies for the school. Mr. J. 3*. Wilson, clerk of the session, reported two members reeeived,intei the 'church, six batitisms and four deaths. The following -Oilieera were elected:, Congregationat'Secretary, J. 0, Stoltz; einagreglitiOnal , treasurer, ' Mrs. ,Fred Ross; linr,04-'brganist,. Miss. ',0-00Plkine" Weir; assistant, „Miss Norma Dam; ; auditors, Mrs. Lawson and Mrs. W. T. Raison, The two retiring. managers,' Ernst Hiekinghettein- and _Alfred, Rol- linntni, were re-elected" for a ter43 of liree rears,: Other .,lininagera are W. T. Robison, Edgar Lawson, , O. Itung!' Wilt, J. nO. ,Stoltz and Wm, Wagner; trustees, john" Doerr,- Herman Deer, 3. 0 'St:att. e'Orara Mee; j. C. Steitz, „Herman Daer ; delegates .to Central tuner41. V. Yungbiut and j. C. StoltZ'; Herman ' Paer, G. F. xupgbitit.,; superintendent, 'insert. Mr; 3. Wilson closed the, meeting with prayer,: ; '• -Wornen's institute. • Edgar Lawson Presided for the his- torical research 'meeting of the Women's, *Institute, which was held In the Forestere'' Tuesday-afternoon:7 During' the-. business -period --tt. letter] was read from Miss Fiera , Durniu, home economies. coach, regarding girls' gardening. This wan left Over for an- other Meeting. The ramnbers brought. their "foot of pennies" in and $13 was ,real4ed..•••:The Cemmittee, .. in • charge. .hope to make $50, tilaich is to he given to , the Overseas box fund. It was decided to sell tickets „ en the quilt denoted ,to the Institute, by Mrs.. 11/1Og- XidA.:: Airs.- Thos. McNair" and :Mrs. clainaed ialf honored pioneer , early L. Irwin were aPPOinted: a committee Thnisda,y nierning when --Solm-TMc- te :sell these tickets. *tThe names of he ''Sunshine -Sisters" were Knight 'passed away. at his home in Oa."' -Auburn after an illness of two and • PIO •,• cry,. ro r:c Sy. FO, 014,111 DOING UNGANNON GIL_NNO/04.,Vciib. . lfitrola „ Spro- ul on :Wednesday of last week • started bia return trip to Pavidattip Sask.„" after .a 'Inonth's 'bait I/Atli Ida , ,inett▪ lert- Mrs. P. Sproul, 'and other relative4. Ile WO accomPfluted to Toronto by. two of his sisters, 141sil : Clara Sproul "And Nis. Arthur 1,111iott, • • who' visited in the 'city for few days. • The World' Day of Thlayer , will he, observed nrskitie ,rresbYterian alitroh: on Friday, February at The three churches of the , village • will =unite ,and all 'are invited • to att6114, , The speaker, will' be Mrs. (Reit.) Donaldson of Lucknow.' • Mr: uo.o. of Toronto and daughter, `Miss Doris Reid, of Glode," A.611, Were homo over the week -end. ..•. Mr.'D Old -• Sproul,- Son gr. and Um. atm SPrOul,. had his , feet, badly Crushed ;when a log rolled on it ;while BaSuto Pioneers did great service in the illerce lighting north of Salerno, . Xtaly 71'hey Carried ammturitimeantt.supplies.:up-. threugh- difficult mbantain eotantry to British troops; in, the front lines,- helping the Fifth Army towards ,Its 'Successful break through into the Plain Of- ",,,Naliles, • • , .,111* ' eceupants Of ramie in the Salertb area watch ." - some 141800 pioneers on their way Op to forward positions.' • .., rahnication was read ` from .head- quarters regarding ..the Convention to • 134MPIELD t wow_ =watt that ow president, Mrs. = reh.„ 15. ---Pte.- Ellen - Herb Mogridge, be a. delegate,- with IgnOlcaY; C.W.A4,.. was home over the Mrs. James 'WoodS as an alternate, • 'A week -end." Pte. MaoKay •is „tondeb. nuniber ef . pilloweues and girls' 'for a short tirole I:lending her transfer dre6seS i'vn,veTe hTOught ht. • Afil.*.. Woods - AO -the' Postal Corps. '1 ' 04ered - prayer,. , The Meeting closed, Miss Je' sephine Stirling has returned with ,n -the singing ,,,,,_of the National' i*lorvise._;„ irgteht,i‘:Illeta.yingren,,;:voir7.di;...ihg4it ,43.47te_k..,, Anthem.. A dainty -lunch 'was 'seried by Mrs. 11. Snell" 31rs' Wm': .C.+111.1g The Junior Red Cross is-holdiu and Mise Sadie Carter. , " -, .0pen„,lneeeng'in-Enygerd pal-- ne senghin on Friday afternecia froba" '3 to lo'Clock. Veath 9f 49/01"411reirnight...-,11eath MaSon ,MeAllister -recently', Pour Ired The PIttillS have Planned a prograni oss quilts were . Completed: 'Plans and there will be arr. exhibition a were. made for 4 a' euchre 'and dance their ' work. A. 'iF:45iftilal- invitation. is ',0 be held in. the parish' hall on Thurs. extended' to all . parent -a , and thOs day ' evening, February .1.101. The interested in 'Red CroSsmaint „had been active,„carrying on his trade as ,a, carpenter,- He rocowed. P. s-eveie. teachers hope there Will be a selahro,goel, :March meeting will • be lield at the activities to attend this meeting. The home of the president, Mrs. Jas. Craig. shock and, injuries•when he fell' from number of ratepayers Present. ,, . LeTdhdye,Nalifs,swesiaIgrhenaeraR4ohigirihtesnehaanact Clrerrits- a school 'reef whi0,. he wasT-shirigling' For the Ited Cross.—The Red Cross herne over the week -end. ' ' .. • eatisillg' an „illneSs which 'resulted ta... benefit held in the Town 1-kil On Fri- mrs. mitik -• Armstrong vitas a Week- . James Brown 1S' leading 'all' hunters, Seott Of - SeafOrtli-Showed Moving pie- end visitor with her ' daughter, • Mrs. haxviny!;!rshcoottrhpiz.,tarmelixtie4itelit--tcl.eare,stol:v` ek." his death. Born ' Se-ptember Ottii,. 1860, . day la.t.was, a de040 sticcesa;„ sames tureS -taken '• at his hiekliatelietg,, a -'?le:viivrein'arCerapigle'it' asetd:LtmOvir°enp.ort.th,%;;;I'e. daughter' Gwen, of TeeS7w4te., r, visited--:' . nets, 'view§ reel of the fiosfsBeiamyfienemin;ABlialsffaeialds, lifting Melvin Craig, Who ho; been 111 :with. one dayThist -Week With the 'forin'e:k*S• , reeoverY, althouW-grtilit.liren-l?Nivilt,°1e•rehtsrUlli:Pinatae:141.1: -13N1.-AM%"13.-;.'7:ErOunlit'cl:.1iN!7(Cx,":1.1:,RIN:uitleAlr.478t7. -: ,,.--,k0eridv...W.rites,of-a--elergyman.:.-w. on a triP through Muskoka; and North- ipsnemunattkiminigall4invo' •Oritz: Ontirrid.- particularly.. beautiful • ' ,iathilgaylhcil,s;;ird.enthteciTiMnirs.e8.744)!'PliabirkVivvaenrde Mrs. H.....ThOnies ISlayed for a °dal .. .. spending ft couple of days this week known in 'God4eriSch17:. '''' ,-:', '•''''. - , . ,-- was a reel of nowers in color. Folliity- -pairelit,S;-Mr.'`untl-MrST-Jas'.-'Gralgi'-'are' to hosPital for *seine...time yet. His ,,. • , hop. The affair netted'over $33. The in London With Mervin. and Mrs. 'Craig., , The Presbytery of .gamilton at;its....- finance-comnittee is 'grat.ef*iil to James _ meeting on February I, 10.4, ,nomite, - 1 AFEKING .----- -Edith--.14e :has declined to be „a .candidate fel!' . ' .1 ,F,EliFeb.I.-71-115.. - ated Rev: William Barclay, :M.A.',„ D'.1).; . , 4 ' . • • .•"'". ' ' 1 [ as principal of Knox College, .Torento. -. *oPfiliCloiPsIberont 'eLvgiesirte°d w at and h Mary0,iri.epHortonectaicae callthirr istiti':ania' 0-, as a duty laid uPetirhinll : • *lane would . consider the: . homes .this...week-entle . •.. '. by, the church; Ile has been *ininIster''. .-- Mrs. Geo. Pl.0111ns,, ....Albert, Veletta• ef, -,cent-i;4_,:einireil., Jithniate,n,.101,„,,oyer - , • and Ur: • and . Mrs, Either: Foran ' • of Fordyce visited .. at Hernaan Phillips" ential congregation, ;and. in the -"City ,- seventeen pars,„, as.. strong anfl •-iniiii- ,- during the week: ...._:- ' served for 'three. years as :-president Margaret PhilliPs is assiating c4rS;, E. Ackert et •Helyrood-thie• 'week. • -. , - The -Red Cross..14vorkers' lield"A eadial evening • and. pot supPer; in, the Kier part Of the evati Odrinera were sivi.,;rstok CWao Mr. Herb, Stetitere.' Conso went to gm (.1Seo. godOea Gordon, Scholtz. Wheat .plied nundelor dancing, and at inseh lovely trandowerked table runner. ". uthnutt.se utt,tbei lau3741-xliact:t swaincidome draw: *forbottat tide affair. WA* that,•when, gra. Wilbur Brown;. with the container of *4 tickets, invited the oreb,es.tr*. lady to draw the...Jacky ticket she,got ourprime wwbaseudrItaewrtlt!)'1Wite..nrgerPt's°1o'fnwth,,nnamee ing amoun,ted $411,. The.prodts will he nse4 in,remembering the boys over- seas. it was announced .that another ' flan e would be held later.• Wins • lot RielrAiInnigan 4.413 rewired word from the West that his great-nephew, F1t Lt. D.,Jt Megnoid, of Suirunar*:- .110..:W4S working' in the bush jwit :Week; berry, Sask., WaS awarded , the , was taken to Gotlerich hespital for 'thignished Ming UrOSS January. X-ray examination and returned home, The. Yong airman's, gritUflPareute are It was discovered that some bones the late- McQuaid' and Sarah . Were breken, and his foot will be a -Finnigan, and his parents are Mr, and Cast, for 'several weeks. „ ' Mrs. Bert U-cQuolci of -Sinittnerberry, frs.'Kenneth Hedge of Burtch Is Sir*. He As a bendier pilot, 04..icoastal visiting=her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Rich. operations,. On three different', 0 - Park. __Her husband, - LAO. - casions his Plane Vyaki- 'damaged,- and, ROdge, has ,been moved lately to St: once le wae, wounded; but, he has al-, Catharines. • - , ways been able to bring the plane ehre-and--Dancer--The -Wornen's also'-erediterl-n-vrttly-4', Institute sponsered `a euchre and dance , sinking a TS -beat.' His likether; Sgt. - in the -Parish on Friday •night.' ,A. McQnoid, IS an -instriletor *at No, Progrtssive-euchre-,-svas-en3oyed-ii-thel Wireless-liebool, -Guelph. , 9 " :PONTIV34 1101%\t-TBROOK, -1.0„--rhe ' "St: -PORT ALBERT, -Feb.' 1,6-„., Pilot Augustine War Workers met at the Offider 'Ernest, Crawford and Mrs.- hoins -of'mrs. 0C-0...Robinson an.441rs..- -Crawford, (it visited "- Weekt-end the4iome of the -vernier's mother; 11,1.1'S:--, Prawford. /*a.— Cravvfett. 'returned =to* -- act an we tthe niclIser:d svonisi:t iytehy tahae4m f, a as ywell Toronto. „, • - ,Roderick -McKenzie visited4-Ittst • week -end at Kitchener and Other parts. A great' n.umber of foxes have been - shot in.the district this winter., Mr. ' RT. ALBEIt halt years.. Previously Mr, McKnight Roberteon, held a era-blow...awl; A Very. interesting' program .i.was ;en- euehre,party in the school on „Monday evening,,. agthkas • master of ceremonice.-;:, The. mils put on „ short program chnsisting of -choruses-ana- recitations, • Afterwards the guests playecteuelare and.'crolcinole, -Mrs. Thos. MeNall'whining ladies -first prise 'for -euchre,_"Anms' --Andrew4he. Andrew -the - gents Virst,aral.,__Wiliftink Cantwell the consolation. For Crokiiiartraf Went,' to...Miss Donna'. McPhee and Gordon Watson, . and the consolation •,te,,,,A1Ma,,„Megliee, Little Miss Mary" Andrew; drew the .1.1iCtiY7tidieri6 Att- afghan knit by the girls. of *the school. Mr. Harold Montgonfery BeninMer wee the holder of the lucky ticket. prize or, two war saving i stamps Went to the pupil selling the west tickets and was won by Murray McDougall, who 'sold $12 werth.: proceeds of . the . and the evening amounted- to $30. Lunch .wris served ..the ladies. Miss Caraeran-le- the• teacher. • :* ' from YOUR -OROrCERY, rxRpG' AN Annual IVIeeting.-,--The annual mbet- . TOBAC,C.O.STORES-!-*Atit415 RESTAURANTS .1 leg. of the congregation of Knox Pres- - .'*.tiTANKs MO' POST' OFFICES- Churela wits held with litr: . • ' Win ' Endearii *ng • _ • ,. Pied, including a sole by:Miss Amelia malwain, and -a reading bathe life of Sir Adam Beck .by Mrs. James Woods. The topic; "Historical Research" was ably given by -Miss Margaret King, who gave -at excellent -paper on tliklaistory- -Antrcirtr-librarY-.--:-A-duet-Was-renderetl- of- Auburn whietr7Provettl:very-inter tbe. cre-parted,---Man.--Was-the--soti-of---the ---thefa--e6Py- of this paper be Put itt-7-ihe. -Mfg. june- -esting. Mrs._ Gordon. Taylor moved *bitch. • Mrs. Wm.. Craig riVe a 7read- ,Nile, ihtn glass, china, silv,efi-a Ofe. King was . the holder of the luelry Thie a prize on whicla•tieltetS to the amount 14. Misses ' Sadie °atter al141-:.4,1m- and for ' four. /ear* they resided at ticket' -A pleasing -feature of the pro- gram was which was a .`dis- ing. . Current 'events „were, given by of. $1.20 were sold, Miss Margaret vived play- of antiques. These consistedt.of. --2 late Mr. and Mrs. Win, McKnYght-of by his. wife, -brie son,,, the Presbyterian ,church.. is stir - ;married 't,O Mary- 'Steele of' .4shileldr they had since resided. Mr. McKnight Auburn, and one daughter, Mrs. Lloyd brothers, James of Goderichmrasn,d,oWhat liam of Nile; two sisters, Ferguson- (Reatha,), of Clinton ;,tsyo moved to Auburn, whete *I3th:,-- 1900, he was, SeDeteta,ffipir acfon jtarhibautminagepthaenamavi_es: George itt ,from, 100 *vs', The exhibitor. gave a history e.f •her exhibit in which articles ranged in age Sask. Weeds, Yiee-presiderit otttne x41-,e;rarTls - s' i.on Saturday afternoon from , his late Chrystal (Sarah) of Regina, and Mrs. " ;.Ssi_ex,°.t.gtkAndelintirell` no:vii:e.sthrid.:hie,061.11itshcioa'ne:, 0 fJi)joahou irnin and two great -Wits. born. SinZBiy-tield july.,_1‘11.04rif°18na01,11,: his home on the Ilionson *line 'early MacDonald oceurred *then took charge. The, secretary,_ Mrs; 2, •.,grarldehildrOjk.7;htt:e, Fred Resa, rea.d. letters of thanks for residence,„ the service' being conducted by Rev. Silver of 'the Baptist MacDonald: He ,resided on the :home:- 'pareele from =-Flight Sergeant Harold church_ ;Zile -pallbearers, were, Harry stead .1111 his info, and lie .neker mar - Logan of Southampton? Medd, rieo. -Besides nhis .parentS-1 one sister, 11J.rs.4 MargareeMcKinler of Winnipeg, Asquith .Pte. Bob. Govier, Pte., .ttri. 4 reperts,,,were . given by all the kiecre-. Mtigford and Norman Rodger. A cora-, - -----, • - . • • • .• . - •f; _ orro It/is just as easy to do it to day • Each week yotUreceive your Signal.Star you receive a • statement of 3ro'ur acCounit iith us as to. whether you'are* in , arrear a or paid in'advaiTce. A If your label does not read 1944, please figuie ylpu, are „ arres,reand_cali !Ad pay pi. youi remittance td the bitike and have4t.read in advance: * - , ' •••• • P.Ar. 01. Ephraim Ball,- WilliaM Stewart, Wil- • ancl one_hrotherCharles' Stewar . Mae- of' the Council, of ,Seeial Agencies and . liamn Haggitt and---Bdgar---Lawson.,Donaid. of . Toronto, .prededeased him, „another three.years, as president of the Ainong the floral tributes ' were* those , He is survived. , by , four - , nephews, *Council of ChurClies. .s. As ct sl 3,- liar neil.jusecrvaineen,s4thiv:twhea•sPeire_ztbeyd-. frem "The Family," "The.. Brothers,,, George, -Stewart an,d Douglas. mae, hill at. Blake's on -Tuesday evenmg, his agnif - „ . . Donald a Dallas, Texas, and john Me. February 8th, whiely 'was :quite a •suc. 'inOderator of, the General Assembly in_ , David Johnston and 'family, Nile; "The Kinley of Winnipeg. The funeral will cess, Proceeds, $12.50, .will he used to 1940. He Is a native of Glasgow, Seet- he • held. from St., Andreiv's b-priited Inv Material to 'continue the Work., '. 'land, and ;graduated -from its libivere-7:: church, --on Thursday -afternoon.: Inter: ;I's:The ,Y.p..u.. are holding, a • valentine ity at the., age of - twenty-two; with ment will be in Bayfield cemetery. social hi the hall ,on Thursday night horrors in natural scie,nce ' and phil-:' 60DERieFi : TOWNSIIrP .of this .Week. Proceeds for -India_ and - China, famine. fund: • ' ' • and other Pr/Zee. osophy, , winning . the -Lorimer ' bursary In. ' divinity; he wet( C4r‘ 07.)BRICki-50.Vit'NOEI:X, ,Ireh. .1,Q.--.— next Sunday. : • . ' ' Church service at 10:45,,at„ Blairens . ... ••' • 1.1B.D. In Hebrew. Among, the positions the MacFarlane bursary. kin& took ..hiS :. atulations-to:Mr:,-aild-Mays,.,:-B0 Mr_. and Mrs. °Mar brooks Cle Nile • - ' • .. . , . t#-4. on Sinithir witir-Mrr,-n-JUI-lirs.-4 - - - • • ...„. . • he filled .3.11_20_01md was as a member o _ the , ional-:-Cemmittee,;-7--for& the Pte. _Wm.,....Fergilison, and Peter ' Red Cross Branch. --The regular ,, Training of ,.Teaehere. In* thO. kirst Among those -present fr0111-a., tpAanee Wilson .on the,"arrivar of :a wee son. , 41ch. Kilpatrick:, . '',. Stet:eir.orTditift-o7Mr:-.1Jog-air-44-4South,- 4neeting_d.._ ASHFOLP-;,,,,. „._,, --1-Genewil.---Allonlry.2--when..---he„,,,,entg04.., --- Great War as a chaplain he was with arapton and friends froni Clinton, Gode- North, Etop...brarith", .of the 'Red GroSs ertell---TOWIIShip 4TOTOsaleln. rich,' Nile. and Dimgannon- • _ - Sciciety was 'held -,pn Tuesday. evening_ at.the;home "rif Uri, GE Ilitrwood.—The' . - ASIIP.IIIILli.;-. Telt.,--IG.—Mre.7.--Enril ,. - *k . S" IsTO 4,0RE',.. " -,:AVESTFIKii) , , Presided, and received the varieus. re-! parents, Mr. - and -Mts.,: Robert D. Mad.: -.Owing , to • the ',prominence ,of ',tile,: . president, gi: , Clayton • Laithw„aite, Nergard of Chicago is visiting with:her "Puttparipm4 .1131i ports, after the secretary, Mr: ,T. R. Donald. . vietlin,-widespread, priblieity, is given- • • . 'Aniline, had read the 'minutes .of : the . Mr. and Mrs.- Maurice Bowler were ,, to the fact that, Freddie Bartholomew, .. - WESTFIELD, Feb._ 15.2,Mr. Albert - Stein, _of Crailk; Sask., Vigtecl. Wi.01 Mr. last ,theeting ' The. treaSurer, Mr, E4. presented with a Iovely valehtine -in bne-time child motion picture star, has - and Mrs,' Maurice 'ItesMan-'-laSt Vi;eek. SOwerby, gave a financial:report of the: Goderich - hospital en, Fehruary 14--a '- - Weil diteharged from the United States — Mr. Wesley Stacithage„ and Miss- laSt dance; shoWing a -balance of - $66156. Son; -.CongratulatiOns1-6, , . Arm'y,becatise of I distibilities resulting Evit;4 of .,Brucefield,. Visited ' recently Mrs, Harwood L%1 '1 repert of the . Hon.& has come to an, Aslatield boY, „from a • "priletieal joke." '11.iiiii -Year-EA — With 'Mr . --and Mrs. Wra. McDowell.- Work done by the"ladies since *January pt. Lieutenant Donald' K.. Macithy,. , , - agesome "funny) person pulled -a, chair • , Mr. and Mr$,. J. L. McDowell indilet: 8 quilts, 2 scarves, 2 pair ordinary %%to has heen award'ed the To.F.C. for from _under iiiiin, Now' he is unfit for ' Gordon, Mr, and Nis. Charles Smith,lsoeks, ?Q. pair .gloves;4 girls'_ sweaters, his skill, fortitude and devotion to -- military service, and,, must wear ' a' - and children visited on *Saturdak with 3 girls' „jumpers, 1 womanrs, sweater, .1 duty in,,operational 'flights, . The news brace on -; his- baek; The tragic tot is - Mr; and.„Mrs. Bert 'Vincent, 'Belgrave. ' hoy'S. suit, 1 pair child's stodkirkgs,-.3. of this distinguished honer confined- that he ' is 'only. one of.,.,,theirsands, ',.frif • 'Mr. and*Mrs.• Amos Ball and Aoki% baby"8" outfit.. Plans • NverO -made -for upon Donald ss'iswith • pride victims, We do not. hear much Of the * ' - thc? coming danee.„pa 'griclay. evening, and delight liy his IllattY:.:fri,ends here, , others : because. they Are- not in . the • also for a' dance in:1March 'and One In Mr. David 11.1acKenzie has ,beeri. cott.. public eye, but-theygoto make up *a ' April. Caltivaers were appointed for fkued to Gbslerich :hospital . and _we. , are .n,,ti 6- 1, to W'hen -Will people realize - the coxning Red Cross drive :I, For ' the,. . glad to,,Iniar..he is making a satisfactory ,"''' that ther6 is 'nothing fumly ur so-called • , I3ayfield .roicl, liobt:' 'Andrews`, it. ' o . rnepvery„ J._:, _ R. Sowerby, Wm, Stirling; ,for -t - ..... 1, : '•ioti6's-aat. depend for their burner on suffering awl humiliation? .. * -. ' '- -'1',„--.....•:_ .- * - . , . ' ' : - '-- A'..marring8s TOWN. , Kincardine's -vital statistics for 1043' Wowed . twenty:four . raarriages an.d Grandchildren"; Auburn,. Baptist' drara, Clinton. Baptist -church, Mr. and ,Mrse Scott v Rosetown ; Mr., and .Mrs. .Chrystal, Regina, the Ferguson family ; the Love tanally, the Logan fan:kily, rs. Gahdys--Rivett.- These were-ear- ried by the grandchildren, Pti, Wmf. Ferguson, M.rs. Cha,is. Love, Lois Fergik: :Doris:tankJack• McKnight. Inter-, ment-Lwas in Dunganiiiiii7C-eiheter of Aubtrrn,„ visited orp-Wednesday, with .Mr.1.tind. Mrs. Norinan• McDowell: '•Mr. and Mrs. Emerson' 'Rodger at-' teeded the graduation,: exercises itt Dunnville' on, Friday, when LAC. ,Leslie , .Rodger 'received his wings. • Mr. -and 'Mrs: M. Bosnian yisited-T4th 'doneessinn, vverett Mcilwain;..Vict recently with Mr, and Mrs. Meredith Falconer and D. Lassciline for the Young of *Lendestmio. • lipron Edwards and T. R.: The Mission. Band net on Sunday Rundle'. Couneillor Gordon--; Orr , was , afternoon. with fourteen pre.spresent.The,. present, a/la,. outlined the plahs of the ,Cozninonivealtli, enjoying absolute twenty-two -.deaths recorded with '41m to‘v, - ! meeting., was . led by.- Cecil ' CaniiibelL Council: 'to ..Preseat , gift to the men dependence,. should e hove- nn derk---but not one-birthEx-- tered with - The. Scripture le -S011 WO.- r(ad' I.)s, Avilo are 01(1 S( tipoir their Yeturfi. I out .delaY 01 hesitition into 1 qutgretapI instion the Kincodiut_1,10,pitai li"rtlnklin Campbell .tind•readings. Were Sowerby is the Red CrOSS repro- • *hien. Seine, unschooled in the jidett7.,4if oniside the -tovvrt •' sentative,on--tlils-project,—The•Nation.- interdependence,-nrigAthoe, al Anthem_ was sung. • - An Welling of Geed FellowshiP.—, A inilone event was staged, at -the -fine farm'. home of Mr: Frank Chisholm; concession 3..'fjofleyich. township, svhen. 4 - to. commernora.te the 'lisaving-of-the-011islielra-clan f the Ctit lino to theprbrtit end ofGoile- rieh-tqwnship, under the leadership of the* late Alexander • The family has .resided.-Itere over peripd of 'seventy years. The, occasion took the forla. Of a baiiquet, the suraptuous repast , crowned. with mince -pie and other deleetablos being greatly erdeYed by all. At the _conclusion, the ebmpany- in joyous mood turned to entertain:, nient. The toast to nis Majesty the King wire' leyalty. acclaimed. Speeches i'ilinlitit.,rjetaini;taigsacithrigrojavegsr alamalztiletigh•lailpepiycleti!wts_. gone days • fttrair-died much merriment,' rintil the *approach of Sunday orkiing renilialed the rovellers that the' best of friends xnust part. After ivishing tile jovial bachelor lioSt nianY more Years of prosperity in ..his honle. the gathering dikipersed, „ "See alsc psge 6) • . -FREEDOM AND, 'UNITY •"In:Yea.rs to iteine it will surely seem a Vital circuinsttiece of history7that four great dominions of the -British 'MeDowell. Mrs. Norman Alepnwell. remote from their shores, and alien to , ,•__ __.. ......_,...........: ,,..___ and, Mrs, Howard Camphor. each told thefr intereats.'-'-it' is ,an''Oeht of -1114-----.4--- - aystory,_:10-the children. ' , ' tory that itf 'these -dark days, .* When Mr, and Mrs: Howard. CamPbell and Europe-- nabook,„. with., tlie, nimble of, , Mr. Douglas Campbell. . were ',recent alder's tanks and the -trainp. of ' (let-, n lea& or n 1‘,4%.-•tind Mrs. It: •Stonehouse Joan feet, from th,ese fair free corners. . . of Ooderich.' , • of the world there Should lia.d iiiRtaink...-•' - Congratulations are extended to taneously conie-that great and liesatelt., - , LAC. Leslie Rodger, who. has teceived ing reinferceinerit, ef fighting ihen in his commission as Pilot ' ollicor, .T all their 'Vigor aod valor. of food, of "'..' Ex -Reeve RaymOnd iteddiond ' re-; 'Supplies; br help of every.kilid. 4 . . .. ' tamed' home. from Toronto' on MondaY •Dernopratie gOvertiment, whieh 'Or- , to till the vacancy as clerk and Areas- *Wally. seemed only workable, Within .„-orer dt - tilast Whwatesh, eared hs'. the Bruit's," of a ' single . laity, became ' 1 the death- of the late Mr, Alex: Porter- Passible 'firSt. in. the . small ' and cbra-. I1eld. 4.,..= __L, ' posif4 natien-state,. an& then in , far _. Alt; and *Mrs. ' Norman McDowell larger. or more Ireteregenons .grolllis. -.8..isited on Saturday,: with , Mr,. and like theMnited' States or • Canada, or, : , Mrs. Carl T>eans ,pf. Winghtun. 'Mrs. As We hope. in India. it may, there- , Oshaldesten returned home With Amu.' lore; be that this later method of as, 1 'We are pleased to hear that .Ars, sedation, Whieh we eall the TtrifiS11:! Elwin Taylor is sloWly improving after Empire' • and Cconiroonweititir, this' lker'' sndden motions illness last,' Thura- Method 'of cembining 010000 freedoMi day,* Miss Garniss of Morris tOwnship with the requisite unity 'of aetion; la, Is in attptidance. ' ' the ;beginning of yet another grafting i t, MO Ira., Ni,.' flostuan were guests' on the democratic piant."—"-From hi reeentlY ,a't the :Wail& ,of "Air. anti MVS:. speeeo mime kW naufftx in, New ., „ Lord ... .,, Ouneati MeNiehel of Walton. ' . York 't=c,cently. - - :Barbara, of Godorich, ViSited on Sun- ----7-•"' • , . Oustonaer (pointing to laundry par - Mr. and Mrs'. Gordon *Sinith and daY. witlit Urs'tilidMrs„.. /. L. McDowell. . trriti1/2.,, chttrlutttebinTaint,He „,,,w.,. hy, dons't cel) :„ "is that mY name in ,Chitiese?" The Young poorites meeting on 'Wed- Laundryman - (lieSitatingl.y) :' • "N -no." ,riesday night took, the form of a- social you nriest that ..rindist, colony that is Customer (gettitiCeirri)ns) I '''it Must,- es.t,teftnoilitilgit.,41,tni,a,mileolnibt3toyotneNgve,roopollcIVeoft... disgracing* this nefghborhoOde?". be seine kind-iff-iiit Identification mark. . Sheriff, (somewhat - of it wag) ,t, ."I What is it?" tarindryteant, "It's dis- IT tattled. Q /Much Waist served tit -the closewV ould hut it's awful hard to get nit-- v CliPtion--it say MI, fat man- who never , Of W the serial Itcrities. • ' - , thing on , thm. e" . SITIlle%4, r ...,4 • 4 (/11. ; For All Branches of the Service Tailored. to riur measure and specifications. AVIIRACTIVELT'rerozn • _ .441 - , 11/111811 Clothes Better it Xtettetigoollets Aiterrng'itostyling. Prii40.tig 11. ART IN TAILOR i 001 317W Wst St