HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1944-02-10, Page 641.0 - Y RON. INER Uere'reith, is the c4nelusion a the *en :given by Hon,' j. ,Garclieer, Allinister Agrieniture for „Caned** sit-ethe eloderieli El.evafor400. dineer.tn Goderiele on, jattliary 18th!, In the portiere ortlib.,addreSs publiSlied last, • Week- Oardiner toident.,the,Narint .ae;reenients reade or the supPlyieg of "•baeon, aed to tireat Britaiti, "Yeeling. at leeei. tWe*,thinge that were ua generally' ,kneyen,;... tha,t_ since. the begiening of the plied mre obacon, and hath to Britain ,than , the Britieli 'Onveruillelit -asked ter ,cnr conid pay Tfere- ( 2)_1'44 half tire"c est' of the ' pork preducts. being `SuPplied to:Great Britain IS helve; paid, Oet- of the Can anadiTreastiry: 'The object ',on ''ti)e, Part ^of the Can.ad.iail .Goverreeerit,• ether than to help feed _ 'the people of the United. lelegeoth,Is dentonstrate• to theie that Canade 1, is in a position •to ,send• them Adequate • eupplies of tie of becen they - want with a- view- to -preset-v.111w the; Pritieli -market fer Canadian hog-pro- dueers aft,er the war. Mr. Gterdiner dontinueci'', • (some elbminetions. being Made to. bring the mattero within the scppe , -these epiunins) : grOwn -the poPi:e"st crOpT 4 GAnDINER-- in 1943, that you have grown in fifty involvi;iI.- I startedMy Mall -Out this yeers. -Not only is it a poor crop but the oats you prodeced. hi 1943, unlegs ' -',1V-• w a s.. produeee on gravelly or sandy . lande; had net. any, .greater value than *..half the value ..it had in any preceding - 'Year of your .prednetion- :That...„bein ' -the ease, you knew that if it had not . been for theefforts put lath by peeple who are represented by those who are Our leiets tonight, the People who have -been meting tile grain from the Western i even if you get, a. crop,, we have, got - Part of Canada to the eastern Part, and. to say something to the. fernier on -reeking, it available, es'Nee Would not thkenlfleet..that gives hip some-.4.9.Pe•;-: 1 • have been able to flidSh anything like something- must be done about the re- . the,inimber of hos that we are finish- turns which he .receives. With our • ing at 'the present time in this pare Price- control policy it is impossible mereing. fa unloa,d iny ear of ---gram uetti tr)*ing to'find. a truck. He worked all dite and- he 'hadn't found one, 'and Ole et• theereasolis be had,n't found °lee 'was_that -every. Second man said,,"I ten out of kasolihe end I can't rim rey 'truck." These are the .dif- Acuities of wartime. • These are difficul- ties that men run into. ,And we know, if- we are going. to get hogs produced; TRE GonsuoR y or a light bog, be yOu are Pithieliiug him Or Pieee a food, thial: Is good to leolnebody. 14e-ele,eeeet---k$etk-etleeeetetlte4t4teWin,nie bet reseete the- teeialcY On whet- be thinks ia a Vied hog. It lathe gather-. ir.tg up of the discounts that Made 1104W the */ eubsidy.- But you ain't, elplain that to people ell over the *. country, so what we did wee this: at that rate. We want ',real riibbee Out hy tliose earlyliettlers. . when We are driving our CAM There Cleo &nutmeg Needed Do -yea knQvi" why We 4.4ve", 444 syn.thls war-7beW41.41-1134""firlive tuo: it P81s, rat: we ha4 fa very duocuit time before ..itsvoge,aliather rea00,1itur, thetic rubber, why We have 'had syn.•• 'are to lay our foundatiteui In any kite& thetie, feed? We have bed the syn-, etter-the-War, recoestruetien la tO thetie er•ubber- beeeuSe the fiermane get our thinking straight and, to act made 'OP thelr-iniuds Toro- before thiS War :anted that MO' Were net going °pen it. DO you UMW Why WO .Juld asked the representatives of the to be ccrusit short of rubber in this nuen/PIOYInent in- this e0tentrY.10,eten, prochiters eind thi. rePresentativea Of war. WO 7115und, eurselveS unable to years before tb,e/rWarl' Do you knew why theY.iled it in the United States Do yen kilo* tlie,y • had in Britain?"---There;'40--enlY 'reason, and filet is becauSe those eountries 111 VorOPes'.' three 0f. them. Particularo set up totalitarian Ovine of govern - Went; and under those terms theY de. eided there was only otte 'way to wifl their way in this world, and that Vv4s by force4; And so they started tekt)re- are • their foods' Within -their own onuderies. • They didn1-4 ,step by, iiree Paring" 'their 'feeds's, they "started to build the war- maehiue that' Mr, ehurehill.,wentefi to Warn •the.-tionse Of" 'Commons about, and 'wanted- to. were the Goverment of Britain about, back in 1936, And.people wouldn't listen to him,./ Whole did'• we We -.listened to those ,ecadenile people, who had eameOne-,finanee a trip -for- them over to Russia ,Or over to Oernien.Y. or ItalY. They:went because there was 110 um in these countries,' and they went there to find out .the „reason why. And whee they came back they !Ala', "The• governthents of these countries are headed by organ- fzetions that contra every -activity within the country, amr-fifr that reason. there was' no unemployment." ,There 'was no unemployment in those 'coon, tries„ . w --hat de we know today? -e_ that every bee. of those countries was Wilding the biggest war Machine tb.at tee plants and the Government officiels. 'Market 'env- food Preduetioes On the to sit 'down in ,Ottawa; tied; they. met Centinent.-of Europe..1*, Why? ' Because -yesterday, to draw up- --0. oureeerrean' friends- put-oVery-- %tient/St' grading hogs, tceseut manyeof those thatewae available to .the leek -ot pro - trivial differences that.- are made in (leant; .sYntiletie food. was invited order to indicate the quality, and to to -dinner in",(1ttawa, 'and inY, 1\est get down tie some four Or iive grades Warned inc: before went.that I waS 55 egairist liftethi that we, had before, and /hits* tnemilte the•grading ,syStene We Said to teem;Witnt yet, ter arrange a° system that, does:met on have tiealar section of. the, Dominion of _ Canada: " ' ' • The farmers In the ea -Stern 'part of Canada pertientarly ,,Ontario ark to raise the_price, unless we breakthe ceiling, .eall. for an increase in wages, and so start the cycle :..ef Inflation that 6 have beard suciffi' graft, -dor abliiir --queliee, know that there ie going to be :Se we must find some other way, and re -a, decreese., in production in *1944- in we have. worked out a plan. . ...„. . spite . of anything , the :Government can - - Grading to Re 'Simplified do about it, or ,1n spite of anything. - " • ' ...---Z,e, I get one oritieLlin everywhere. - s, ' Y.01/;_,AS.,f,itaalra„,:eau. do abentit .'We . . know 'that ponietnnei lightning ettikee,--n-zeritleism against -what Dry call these ' otwice, in the -same place, in spite of, alsee--(Mts ef won ..hea.vies just because whet ibthe people Say, and -tkat'thefe is. they lei a log get-one-pOund too heavy ' the1943; but the chanes are = a possibility of there being a repeat -of - .r. • - -, - srA du men know, that rsn't;eTettetty a , . ' . year ' : --,s considerably-tothe effect that •ygli w-nl, fact. What we ' want is hogs __that . ...:ript„haye.:_as_peer gLprO.P.,_as you h:ad .Weigh w1en.4..they re dressed dressed 156 "in '19.13,. and, therefore' 44te 46-Thowfiir.-PbtindS,-and---we.•letehogsege-up.-te....186. - , - you will ,have the grain of ' your 0W11 Pn4sbefore we DIA the '$3 on. ' In .tarid4: to 0 on.in.oducing, next fai, . other words, the Increase -is an increase If we aregoingto be able- tosupply' of 30 PeundS, not oee, befpre* the V.3 s hogs in oloast half of this year:, from, is [fat on. • But, in oreer to get greater quantities: of bacen;and ham ite" ge. ee, July down tithe.end of :the Year; unless ••Yeu get. a good crop' in Eastern Britain during the war, 'we have al - Canada, we must give You some,-.00er lowed hogs to go- up to 240_ beayi weight or 185 pounds dressed. I I might - encouragement: I know and YOu know that you are getting your grain at the tell: , you it was not the Governmeet vitae:, twie.6 this year as. you gee i.e.-' that Put in these' regulations. The . r 'elast-y-eartheeause there Is a ceiling .on Pteaucers, end. Peekers ' sat down In it ,.- I, know and you know that there conference in., 1942 'tine. arranged the 46 -lunch more than. tile pride -of grain Present. price strticture ' Which et -tab - ,going to be fed a 'meal in whieh there' were no niiiial producte whatever. I like animal eeoducte. I like cheese; I like butter ;' I like bacon, and so on. require'paymeut ef eubsidY or Preinuun 1:so before X weet":1 fortified .myself by • OU grade.,A *me.. We went ,.-yott. to haviog a, meals and then when -1 got ' take that dollar; .dfetribete it over all.theres• de you know, I'wes disapPointed the difterentgrades, „and ''th110 raise, I hadleken, that 'earlier meal. I font:4 the peice• senieOlat01i every one of they Could, take out of cans 'a:Produce. the graft; and. if '..,e,ep*, do that nee that I, couldn't have told wasn't veal, Governmeet will pet a,;premitin et:$3 if rinidil"t° knOwn .what it Vette. TheY a bead on grade ,e. bogs,: pay it: otit.4.0t4 eeeked it and put it on the table aP the. and'11 prendiun of .$2 a. course. We -liaci*soya bean soup ; then heed On:grade Ie hogs, and pay that out We hail veaientlete•Made Out ef soya of the TreaSerYs and We are.' saying beans; ,peenut butter; some glutin Otit ,We will de -teat, notonlyfor this year, Of ' wheat;-• and . then we : hael,anetter, but .until six**mouths, after: the_war is conceetion, these hamburgers or hot ever 111 EurOPO, beeause it is .front degSicital .1 cetddet Iia e tad it from Europe- Sepplies of bacee will go to the ordinary " hamburger If 1 hadn't Britain if tlieY settle affairs in Europe read the inscriptions on the eaessag441- before they Settle them ,in ether,;parts made out of somethhig. of the, same Of the ,world. There will be, paid, a Med of products. , nee I was served prepieni out of' the Treasury of Canestee, cretin), Made froth .seye bean acm...ok -$3 -for heavy -grade A's, 15 poends dressed', and '2.fer grade -13's. We add that to tee,Price inthe ferin .R premium. • - Payment of Preintinns'. • . Ton -Will be interested in' icnowino- , Then I Wag given a glass of mile.made from soya beans. -.ellen' I was given, toffee, part of rvvhfali was eeffee beans cilia part soya beans. had a. very nice meal, •but, I was a, little inquis.itive aeont it all, and I -askedif could see the:thin-S. I wait the' lusoriptious,ou how that.paynient is ,going to be made. the outside, and rread the price, ,and „Today, 3Tou have•a premium .paid by the •evlien I read the price I said, "The old G. 0Yernment of. the Province of Ontario. cow can still do ii„better job of it. Viet premium is .81 for Xs, 3,0c for She can eat oess, eat .grain, eat the Bs In order to get. that payment feed you give her, tied. she can put yen have to make aPPlication to the thOse•productS through the ,same.chem- ,PrOvincial Gervernmeet after- you ob. ical processes Aactlie Germans who put tain payment fer..tbe _Yenr .thenit11E0,0 in 'The laboraterieeeeand hog -s, and this is the reason 'why we he can produve better veal than the are not able to put .it into effect im- veaf,lhat comes out of the cans, and mediately. .'We set up a system, at the. I am. still for the old cow." -itre. given 3four- cheque. You will be Cause of tnempleyment- • . , , • • " - Iishes -few 'haeori a $1.60 ,subeidy,,en 7 --*niemeeeeeessee••••••••'- - and- the' raarket'aeriee; Witevel alicitislisitioifttritlataleczemOtes ttietheittterialt/ciltsiOhlamildet, it _is for the 40,- on„ Ws, depe ding StaPPED- •QUICALY • t. time your „lregs -are-gracle-d, and -yo '• -delivered ',a warrant_ alopg ,with, it, I tell you this, because, one 01 15? which you can. take- to tile bank .and . cash ,at the same time you caeli the things that were done , y ,., „e p p b the ee le' cheque ,• for the amount of money who were: preparing for this „war tee ,coming to - you, on your premium. I. years before It started tsaused unena- -wanted to tell you •these things Au tee ployment-in this' country, caused low county wiliete produces- more' hogs __. „,..- ., . . - ._ .• __..._-. - ,-. than any ethe-r. eounty -an -Ontarief 1.1L-.....ste- for the rarni _...proeuets. alley . . _ , with the previncial goVereinents -look- and I think that means any other were•eirepering fOod 'for -their. war iTe... ,of aereplanes-tbat---are ciossing th_ e THU A.X )1. 13 It 1,00* 1$444, , Was ever successffinly .geverned under There uSed, to- seveu natioeie in Eng-, one . central,. „dethocratie :goverment. County -councils have been set up,. end. YOU, have Men. that ere responsible directly to the people hi your •eaunties. With regard to matters that . coneern, only the people -,in-tlie" area 'they are administering. But we look down' to the, United 'Settee tcethe eolith to get the remaining part of our eenStitutioes and f4eicl,' here 'is a -greet country started. In 177-O.:from. thirteen British colonies.. Th0 put thirteen stripes 011 their :flag and put tWtheri Stars up in the coreer_In blue. They .said, these Stripes represent the thirteen "British colonies. that .were [here before, aml country in an Address that was Jaere those thirteen stars represent the , enlightening with regard to our in - thirteen states- 'mite were being formed stitutions than. any other .aciciteeS I from those eolonie8. And they said, have heard, and I have heard menlike Every. time 'a state is .forree,d. front Mr. Itoosevelt ..iincl Mr. Churchill and here toward toward . the Pacific, wee will put .others but this . woman leader of her ,Another star up in that -corner. And people came be the 'eel:114d of, :Canada, -, today You And there forty-eight stars stood up on the ,iloor. of the Home et representing. forty-eiget -states,- atICI CoralllOill and reminded us Of things -each one - operating within it8 °wit in our history that 'most • of. us, had the.world bA$ *ever qtnoWni 41144 is Math to .40- things' for the, -people In forgotten*: , Why? - Because -- she hits- luekk-thing for ..as that. oup, a them, that-area-,--butnli of those.stateS being studied -thew and,she learned from it:Lisia„, • Chose to fight .with tts rather represented' ce -central Goverumeht„ 'them the:elements and principles of a• than against us. And Bessie; by 'bell' that ,ecirries on* certain 'activities that- ,s'Yeteni. e•f government which, if refit effort has given us four years-- are .for the welfare of the whole . plied to her country, Will give a greater " degree of freedeniatluin that which.has ever been enjoyed" by them' *And so. she says, "We are taking yontiinStits- tions and Your , and . your prin- ciplei_.endeimPlunting „them into the, Minds of our peopte, and after this war • is over we lippe that the world will • treat us, as equals."' We wilt find that the Chinaraan has .existecf;ten an aver - ago : of one-third 'of the ,tead we have -existed on in 'this, continent, 0 We will. , • find -n ---similar- thing -;),vitlt--regard to cepthig under the federal forme- pf, some Of the peoples who live in India • and 'Russia and other countries on the purepetui. continent— .They can take' our.. food, and all" that we are-re- 4uired_to.„.do. in order to •establish a • basis of Peacetin..the"Wer14 15 to earrY. _ land itself who. used to fight .tigainet... each ,Other„ It W118 11)t very long ago - that there"watt civil war ire the United :itt,ttes; yet todaY..tbeir flag stands few a -nether' Theee-tWO',unione are demenstratiug to; the world today thet. there is sometbing cto that system of •gOyernment that is worth fighting. for. *Went- Chiang -1 •I wieh you -could have heard the best .al)lanation of the idea I have heard,. given by Madam Chiang when she stood in the 1:10use of Coin- - mons last and spoke to the -people of other nations ancl the people of this, .wahoiNcvh.htcebuild a greater ottuerur,prwo.:ineeeepaieditetrhaosts, act wadeae,xtellilddedi have we done Art . laYNVeVn°at leu; pil:fatVat thelebh1 fli ei id- eb°1 1 : it . :9 d: ki e 1 1:1 #. men tbpYintn6:7CiiiniQkellat.4071°Itr:T78,yvegligtxusrelf(thw6 -baYltjilittlis :sTethisupecnolanterYcwet;:di not have held together twenty-five putting there zint o §hipbililding Yates, governMent in Ottawa, an,d said we putting them into. the tinned forces.. were goilig to have one government' iliApnodu we have st_akofeny6thdent 111011 nusfarnodms Irmo any, area -anywhere 'hi the'. World that here to the Pacific. There .istet- thveerhYigNiviwaalkYs,oftaitleffn ‘'e----thtealnknOff tthlieein rat- sisystem Of government that is so' large being !Ila 1.1nder"tbe democratic way -and- we have..put..them-to work. - Canada or the- United States ex - building, a war -machine greater than , 'any wa.r.thacbine that wile -ever kneyvn before. In order to believe that; -al you. heed' dirls;Prek up' the:papers and rend o1: the, thousands upon theasande ,Government, and:We have that4ederal form of goVernment here. In Other words, we have• one central govern- thent-looking*after our national affairs,_ ineafter -affairs of contninnities that on the 01(1 task that has been Catried. county or- municipality in Canada. I chines, and were preparing „it. -in la or- English channel. every -night and every 'wanted-eta:tell: yen l the",position- ateries or anyWhere.;.-eise as lohg, as ',pn 133r_teaehers..ef our faith who---tetick it •---doesn'te*:recogniee --.netional boned- - -lair --,e7 -e-liate-lie-ge;tir-are :going to mod thiligef-thenste„-eontinee' Vilat We . ries, Wad that our brOther lean Should raise hOgs- during the latter-, part 'of nano.'.4-,10 noW, These PeoPle, tht Ay.c.$214tht„,_sime standards as We* , . this year.' . . . " . . , . • -,-- ,Japs apd Germans 'fietween theta coil - day, to 'dembestrate to the powers that, build-tlielie-strength on -the. idea; th ineit-eati_rute )yforce----to demonstrate to them that peeple--1;eho believe -in the . •• •. . . free restitutions of -deinecratic gevern. mon'effort to'sffset any such attackqf given . tinie to 4o ,We. Wive' been Is; iii--orikei-tliat you wi lseunderstand. %they didn!t. have togo outside' that area- heve things in conemoe*; and -then we West, taking care of Affctiee, that-lia-Ve-AP.,-clee'.with :the local People: And yee men* who are" gathered-here-tonight-eglebrating_th fact Yen. hate, been' elected. te_earry- in this coinmunity for a: period of time ereeisea-Pro, rt aud know -what, is,, and • be able to get it. Nile find ourselves, trying to that it ,,doesn'e,..-recogerie color, that .to cireVate It . aroued ameeg the per- convince ourselvesethat it, would he live. And, ifwe -are iilflforieToTertY-.` We have heard $01:4e discussion about trol the rubber iields. . 'They control the .pOint, where that -condition' eau - fat and lean begs. I Saw -a. statement the vegetable oil fields, and they con- exist, we MY be hopeful that we'"? the. ether day ..weieh said. semething tee sortie of the other fields, and we A shall not be called Upon again to send like this, that Dr. T.isda4g, who has And ourselves short o thoseethings and the. brightest and fineet Of &at .mens just 'come back from Britain. and who, we are 'forced "-to produce 'synthetic generation- after *generation, to 'fight -has..heen ever, there studying the value of foOds being fed 'toour armed forces .and. the British people, - says --mr- :Gardiner is wrong in believing :that Britain doesn't Avant heavy hegs.. Ansi ;when- I saw Dr. TiSdale the ether, day lie_said__Wiad.madeno such statement. . . . . What .1.4...Qiet to say -to:you- to- oe Whatever --amount is 'decided upon night.is this:-, Thatkibd Of propaganda for`hea,vies end a deduction for.lights. in thireeuetry, no intette.e: who 'raises , All -these errangethents .Were made .as- it, is doing harm to the' fanners. in between. the purchasers" and the pro- this country, -and- ilehigharm to tile . ducers of. the hogs, find they are, the effort that .is being made to feed the -produce kse things:we-are -most; great cooperatiye farms on whieh they people as they want to. be fed.. capable- of' piiiducing, Mid we'. ean pro-, have tput theiripeeple-•-to iwork. ' That is' Aide -get tiP-te Goderich, Toni could not be enforced:, by,. the GoVern- A statement to tbe effect -that Britain duce., at the lowest, cost and highest not the systeni we 44want to go back to, came up to; Gederich in ,a car; and we arrangements rap& and enforced that Britibb. anent in_pacetime. And this las been needs mere- fats and more oils . has a quality, and Make it as ca as Possible because in order 10 adopt it see Should didn't think anything e of the ., time. going., on ;laQW from 1942 dewn: to • the bedring uPOn a further 'fact. The-,rea, _for otherlSeople .tO get And -elf' we have to, go.back to the time when a' .But when We think orthiS World, afeer given an'opportdeity to de eo, and we the interests. of the people in the have'Veduced the rartchine.-,. . . area , on represent, May; I say this` to • " Forms o,f GoVernnient you: When this war is over, we shall D au. "Lai/14'4w 35e S'attiri,' at imagist! t prfaiiiii It or monar boob • • AR HEY'S uneral hon 13 MONTREAL ST. Our Funeral'.Chapel CoMbine; , 'the' dignity a plate of worship and. the reildement of - (Wet reAdencec.:„,, • PHONE 120 , , -FLOVW-11. LODGE, Director -There iS a difference between the haye, learned from our experience that has been made smaller by Nye start .to `talk about congaming 6 an -,,_even t a :sys e , i -El h t t m Wh'eh has been gavernment in which we live,. the World boys in this War can be in Canada to - produce when the prodttettf ef. that kind' in Spite-egablished-**.-Bussia,7 The Russian night. and -over - in., the :centre of the oft their cost and in spite ''of the fact ,system of governinent today is the bet Asiatic continent, tomorrow ; when boys itentreal tonight ;and ,ill 03 are net quite se good, after way 1s ever, we are niakittg all: the ,, tile I systene that Ibissia has ever. hail, but can '. be i.n. reparatioxfs that are'- nece§krry----in, on m ,. e , _ ,_ , . u 1". aic . , the Mistake of.--cemparini eleYell 119-ul' 0**1 fifte°11 .'tkirlut'e. they can 'be, in the eeifq.e , of the British. ..order to have 'an:oilier war inaicterl..0A on; it with the system We have here. 'The •Isles Thie:Worl-Chal:beconie similar - Ile within twenty-five yeare.-1.In ether 'land- was taken over by. the Soviets es I remethber 'Where, I . lived doWn in words, we must follow the prinelplesu'it is today, and it is government-oWned the*Leenth'•end. Of . Huron, We ; didn't 4aid down in the Atlantic Charter -and controlled.-- They heve ,organiz.ed go anywhere ,except with a horse, and ' ' during that period of; time .I.•*ever 'Nvars.. preSent time. In eyerY community I' d that over the whole World, we shall sieeilar .system prevailed ,in• 'Britain, the'vear •i8 'oVer, with :the aeroplane to- % have gone into in thelaSt. eight years, ' the extent it has been developed, in it didn'.,tmatter Whether 1 was talking this war; the. 'world la a_smtill ,place Can- to a. Liberal, a C.C,..F.,, oe.e Conserve- aeii , fifty years ago. •'Or compare it compared , With 'Ilie. 'Dominion- of , . , hie-±.tlieeetint. -1-1cricive why that Is, with the 'Wilted ',States ,of ,lifty Years tive,- they- were all, bitterly opposed to and you know Why' it is. • My friend agoe- A man living: in- New Yor-k-agty- , here 'who keeps the jail.' knows perliaid yetteS":-Cigo Was, farther away ppm. sau better than any a us, no that is %at 'Francisco than a .man living there to- . people dont like, to e punished for. day, ',is- from. New Zealand or. 'ChM,. , . doing 'things they dent Wane to do. Per , that Veasen, if' 'for , no - oeher, we -,--If you putea disqount-AkebeeatiSe he 'peaee, we have to have eonie kind of must realize,- if we are going. to . have son she is not able to get vegetable , tonight is because the Japariese have East India and some of the other places where -vegetable oils are , - produced. Britain in thees of peace and right eowil-- to thee -time • Japan struck supplied laWilts from vegetable oils- and materials. -NBacon iS -the dear est kind. of fat you can buy in the worldi The idea of putting up baconis robably' be able to**Wfird off another and which they havse_been trying toeget catastrophe such: as hes" overtaken us away from- for nine liundred y twice in this generation. -- _i The systene set pp in thistaantry • was that .seyentee,n years' ago l; set npliy Your graildfathers., who came and what: is lel *Freedom. , as I was invited-•to*iattend.‘a eeiebrationi -they understand it on the ether eide of that Was being held, in, this town:. .• I -° the ocean, exists in in the ownership of- didn't:get here.. -.That celebration .WaS land, and., when,- your grandfathers the oele6ration of the opening of a• • came here- they came' here under a 'policy that, was extended over * th t wag coraln there' that ifee7iereememesteer FUNERAL SXRITICE, No ,extra 'eh :rge for the use of _oxly Funeral Home, Ton • to Street et.t- Se'ryiree;„. "••,_ - kheiie._ 336 Res, P.Oro;',.. :eiiiemiriiiiemeeeesseeerae .• apston uner Horne ° Nagging, sagging - Pains In the Back Many women have to db their (Are. housework; and the, co,tant bend-. ifig lifting, making' beds, - 'iweeieng, ironing, ,seviing; so neees. sexy to perform their. ladusehold•• diiticsrplits a -heavy Arab. on: the - -.-baeleand.kidneya, and 11: 'there were ,tio, kidney weakness the back -would. :• be ',strong and well. ' DOLUt'Ei Kidney Pill3 13•Clp to give relief to weak, butte -the,. Mdney sat- feting:women. , - Dean's Xidnei Pins '..are` Put uP- in im,obleng grey:hot-With our trade , Mark ',a; Leaf „on, the , • " Don't raeeept Substitute. BO' sure end - get "411)oanYs,2), • - ThoT. AfiiiParn: Co., Ltd.,, Toronto, Ont. • ,Completif Serilee, Reasonable • Prices _ 111,91MPTe :INVALID CAB ' SERVICE.' , Pto:,...atPkk-tbar-\1f0.,thA1,sf , of out ern t • neral Mon al' StS\A I s. Phone .p4J, erg. ' 601,5ERI01:( IVIA*04IAlt Nem. -,Eilerei.- L. . peeeSle4.7s:;;', * C* r ' .BEST ()F 'MATICR/A.14.,. .bilit`tit:*antood Ny<yrkomusho,.aft prfrea that will p--Iiite- -Yon-.-_, • : SAVV Altar, 1013NT'S mos " Call at our office; Phone 242J or drop' us a line to Box 161., Gc4e. rich, Wet!v411 be ,P !"' t6.. 'Ili lel) dliSit !ieesii, a s bli3/4,,wp " 1 for your 'fanill ''' 100' \ 16-A.,\ SPIXO,ON ' \ . ' St. Andrew's Si.' ....;..........-.........,-...............e..:esesese..........s.e.e.,... lp to Those Who Are Pist Middle Age , When Men and women get pot middle age their energy and activity, in many instances, begin to die. cline and, their general vitality' is on the wane. 4,iirtients and sielmeeses seem harder tO off than formerly, and, here azd there, evideneee , of breakdown begin appear,. New is the time these whahrnt_to help maintain their health and vigour tlikol 0010.0 of Milburn/. math and Xetett _ • They help tons up atittii1Vionite the patient by their tonie action on ide * Wry 85 pill A *Nut** - 144 for our * 020 eat' ori the Peelinkt*. 1.10litodf Torontyo, ran get it as fnueh of the food value commemorated the One. hundredth an- whole continent, .that nien were. to to store' in as.. small quantitie,s is you tg --.• Of *ite hog as you. caii get:. . . There- iiverearY of -the-opening- 'Of this aiieseed to tae ujl land, and build • tion of comitry.welire;-noWIneetingin homes 0» and, methis .country or. , tonight, knoWn as the ' •Iluren' Tract. the United States :freedom is based, Over. the 117. years sine 1827 thie ea* upon:* the 'ideathat land is • owned by of,: country bee been.,ceilyeeted from a ifidiyiduals;, So . we.. in ,this country wilderness into the ,epreethat -aro find ourselves. on :family -sized farms found bete today: I wish every one of all over Abe area. .b We organized ewe you had the opperttruity to geehackeeelVeS- into counties, basing that organ - and visit the midlands' of 'England* pr liation on the experience. of ,onr British the highlands ,of Scotland; or the -10W- lorefatherd, We',organiz,ed“,•polonies in- larids Of .Scotland. Xou wonld, findthe first institeee;One, of them being that the stole houses all through this_ Upper, Canadha , which this was part,,, area, and MOO thei , Other things and,we established. a eystere..of govern - Yon. see here,i are petterned 'after 'rcient elerrsimilar to what they.lid 111 what tikpae 014 'pioneers left in. the Britain-regionsible goverriment-Then. old land: And you stand and, gaze-We";sale",•Thel,"hitiVeefititent ili ou• be steuek-by--thee:-we---live .1s truth large - :*" is stored. up:_in these long strips of . , &COD. £ood in a's compressed a form as yorectin get -if" and in a form 'they want it . over and• a form, tbet, takes*.up 'as' little, 'of the shipping space that can be utilizedin Shipping that kind of food.. Whenyou speak: of shipping fats and ',oils, in peacetime, then certainly the strongest kind of exception will be taken to it. Likes C#nadian. Bacon --I waSin.GiAgow InOctoberof -1140. The,rmin who: is. iv charge of the 'food supplies Lor Glesgoer cathe• around to the table where't was--eating-and-Said; , . "I want 10 1011 you.somethmg. leetexe fact -that most a „the things we find elveat• Britain.- , 0-ae forefathers real - this war -Started rite one' could eV/ . worth while out here were. braeght feed that no area so large as Canada sell me ar& kind. o,f4!.bacon • except . 4 • . . Danish bacon. 'Ithe reasdn. or that : , Wag L had hen eating 440,11 -my-, life, imd we,„ don't ,change •very,..teasily *over here;' but," he said; 'Tor the last three inontlfte' have had to -eat Canadian bacon ,afill-you know like it better kAliair ;the' Danish. bacon; 11.rict if, • when: this war, te. over, you Will keep a sending !that quality, cif bacen over; I am going to keep -right, on • eating und. • SO are the 'ether pee/AO' eVer. :here_ That., the reason why We are paying prOlitlIifliS en- AS We have no ether worry bat" con- vincing thei , or Oofera- inent that we 00.11 produce. aSAtigU QUotA; A.S. -880 -million •penlids,..eWeehkve utilized this war for the pnrpOse, of - ,demonitrating:„..to_Zritaln we can be the chief. eepplieree Of ba.eini di -eat Britain. 'We :ere piittieg eighty per *cent .baceri that-,,iscrigte„er:e ofe. to the British ma ar et, nd we tan. O�fltilLile to sup 1 ei11t it ,if WO g4.0 te to \ pro pc6° wet 'Don t let .111.e\ la. X '011111c -V are eTWeye go ng to he abloto' suPPL eighty, per cent. We are, believers 111 the:. Atlantic Charter,, afid it states when this war is over (yerp•emietry in this World' PIMA 1)e permitted to prodeee as much as possible of the thinge they are capable of prodecingi and. then we ninst elieveour surplus out, . After th18* war 18 liver, we. niust produce' things in the form of food; we .must keep on produchig tied exeliangiug them for other etiminodities We require he order to have the stanth 111(1 of livitig te which, we haw been aeciedeirted. ' Sjinthetie VOWS Inferior There isn't any sense in this argil,. Meilt that you ean eiake ribber out of Wheat and rUn your earac on it. It you, put synthetic rubber tires eti Yetir ear you cannot' go over thirty-five mile* per itour. mei there Are not numtmen In this room who. tirr to drOe 111101111111111111, authority that 'brings us together in unity. Do you Ilne*, what: that Old ,Ileg That meglis that one time there was an Englandone tithe -there was.a Scotland, athi.ene•thne there:was: dIL Irelendvan..teeh' had its ewe flag. And iliey trealie'Crese of St. Andre', the Cross of _St, George -and the 'Cross' of .St. 'Patrick, .end put 'Mein- all to- gether, commemorating the fact today that 'we: are a unity of people. YOU. kJ:taw there--;eveas ;nething' that 'made a PgOtsman nfore. proud'"twa Or .three hundred years' ago than to. be. able:Ai:I' lick 0.11 •Englishman; and, there wae thing that made an IriShnian more ljroud than. ;to be able to -lick. bOils. of Pley were battlingallthe Faith Misplaced' • . The line -nil ran for a fell. eity block and, ende&near a street window bear-. hag , sign, in ,bleckeeletters' of red ; The old. , gOtlethan on.: :the train:- "Blotid 'Donor ,Clinie." • *turned to ,eis wife., "There, my dear,; Is an illustration ofcwhat•I was saying at . breakfast It's a hitter_Morning,. but the need is great and these people 'are quick to respond. 4he're lies our; natiorial strength -in -the -spirit' of our people." • - At tithes even age and ailing eye- sight ' Cart bo. a blessing. The line-ups was for the Liquor Canuniesion.. shop. next door.24The Printed WordV ,varemomoroammimulaisonalm 11111111111111.11110.01. romakm!orr A** , . • VAI41-01:),444' , xe4N, 81, we 1/0t4 103>reall-8arrati ‘raN/4/6.44/), ,talgsiii/P*R01;44,/08511',474/yrRiff6Iiiz, • 4r.ror, 4,1.9 I • iroasixie vrk Ptroea Avokita /4/ 70 Mhivs twie ci,ei scoot Mr./Pt/fro oxeyoloo sagaie, 8454404:5":., 1.• -rife no/ e , "pat Ayr 7 2 Pkiel Oro RAO "itiore k Noe .ed/y4P4 4/apa9.6e/R ego ir Iva ow Nay? prree 7?-1/10,11WR rie WO. r, irdOR MONEYS WORTH .When e'ciOds are ,Plentiftd,::, *IOW get better value for your money. After the war, when 'our factories are turning out the very latest radios, wash. ing machines, and atitomo. biles,,is the time to buy. In toilioenmeyeaotihwehiti,lber,itiesndIhaytoduayr nearer.. By doing this. you 'help the government keep * prices down, tool JOHN LIMATT LIMITED r r,7